Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quick"" "subject:"buick""
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Integration of Borehole, Ground, and Airborne Data to Improve Identification of Areas With Quick Clays in Sweden / Sammanställning av borrhål, mark-, och luftburna dataför att förbättra identifieringen av områdenmed kvickleror i SverigeRydman, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
The main focus of the project was the comparison of results from a new towed transientelectromagnetic (tTEM) data set with existing data including airborne transient EM(ATEM), radio magnetotellurics (RMT), cone penetration test with resistivity (CPT-R),geotechnical interpretations and geological observations in a quick clay landslide site atFråstad close to Lilla Edet in south-west Sweden. The tTEM data set was processedand inverted twice in the software Aarhus workbench using different inversion constraintsand settings. The resulting resistivity models where compared with previous geophysicalmodels based on both ATEM and RMT as well as geotechnical information in the form ofborehole logs and CPTR measurements. The results compared well with all other modelsand predicts resistivities in the range of 10−40Ωmin areas of interpreted to hold quickclay by geotechnical methods. As a ground geophysical method the tTEM method is fastand cost-effective, particularly in more open areas with little topographical variations. Inthe example presented in this study tTEM measurements are deemed an effective andaccurate tool to map areas of potential quick clay using the inverted resistivity models incombination with other geological and geotechnical data. / Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är en sammanställning och jämförelse mellan resistivitetsmod-eller från ett nytt markburet TEM data set (tTEM) och tidigare insamlade luftburnaTEM data (ATEM), RMT (radiomagnetotellurik) samt detaljerade resistivitetsmätningari borrhål (CPT-R). Mätområdet ligger i Fråstad vid Göta älv i Lilla Edets kommun isydvästra Sverige. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att området innehåller kvickleraoch där förekommer även skredärr från tidigare kvickleraskred. tTEM datan bearbe-tades,filtrerades och inverterades med hjälp av mjukvaran Aarhus workspace med tvåolika set av begränsningar och inställningar. De resulterande resistivitetsmodellerna jäm-fördes med tidigare geofysiska metoder i ATEM och RMT samt med geoteknisk infor-mation i formen av borrhålsloggar samt CPTR mätningar. Resultatet visar en mycketgod korrelation mellan resistivitetsmodellerna från de olika dataseten. De modelleraderesistiviteterna var 10−40Ωm för de områden som med geotekniska metoder identifieratssom kvickleraområden. Som en markbunden metod är tTEM snabb och kostnadseffektiv,särskilt vid användning i öppna ytor med liten topografisk variation. I exemplen somvisas i denna studie dras slutsatsen att tTEM är ett effektivt och noggrant verktyg föratt hitta områden som potentiellt kan hålla kvickleror. Där kan sedan de resulteranderesistivitetsmodellerna användas tillsammans med annan geoteknisk och geologisk dataför att effektivt kartlägga dessa kvicklersområden.
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Fault Tree Analysis of Quick Clay Slides / Felträdsanalys av kvicklereskredBäckström, Karl, Linder, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Quick clay slides are quite rare but often leads to major consequences for the society. These type of slides are complex and the true causes leading to a slide is difficult to map since the evidence is destroyed during the slide. Because of this, different theories develop of the causes of the slide based on the same information. It is also problematic to back-calculate the sliding event because the commonly applied concept of perfectly plastic limite quilibrium cannot be applied on many of the landslides in quick clay. The objectives of this thesis were to construct a fault tree that facilitate risk identification and risk analysis of quick clay slides and to evaluate the applicability of the constructed fault tree, especially in the feasibility study and design phase. Uncertainties within the subject require a careful approach when dealing with quick clay. An implementation of a fault tree for quick clay slides in a risk management could reduce the risk of a slide and better understand the phenomenon. Two case studies were approached with the created fault tree and two advanced calculation methods that account for the special behaviour of quickclay. The use of a qualitative fault tree analysis in combination with calculation methods enables an evaluation of isolated singular events that in the end can lead to a quick clay slide. With the possibility to study isolated events, the implementation of more advanced calculation methods may be facilitated in an early stage to predict and prevent quick clay slides. / Kvicklerskred är sällsynta men leder ofta till stor skada för samhället. Dessa skred är komplexa och orsaken till utlösandet av skredet är svårt att identifiera då bevisen förstörs under händelseförloppet. Detta leder till att olika teorier om orsaken av kvicklerskred kan variera från samma information. Det är också svårt att beräkna skredets omlopp i efterhand den vanliga beräkningsmetoden baseras på idealplastiska samband, något som inte går att applicera på kvicklera. Målet med denna studie var att konstruera ett felträd som underlättar riskidentifiering och riskanalyser av kvicklerskred. Målet var även att utvärdera användandet av felträdet i en byggnadsprocess, framförallt under förstudien och under projekteringsskedet. Osäkerheter inom området kräver en försiktig arbetsmetod när kvicklera finns i områden. Att använda sig av ett felträd för kvicklerskred i en riskhantering skulle kunna minska risken för ett skred och samtidigt öka systemförståelsen över fenomenet. Två fallstudier gjordes med det konstruerade felträdet, under dessa fältstudier gjordes även beräkningar med två avancerade beräkningsmetoder som tar hänsyn till det töjningsmjukande beteendet hos kvicklera. Användningav ett kvalitativt felträd i kombination med beräkningsmetoder möjligör en utvärdering av isolerade händelser som i slutändan kan leda till ett kvicklerskred. Möjligheten av att studera isolerade händelser kan underlätta en implementering av mer avancerade beräkningsmetoder i ett tidigt skede och på så vis förutse och förhindra kvicklerskred.
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Pthreads and OpenMP : A performance and productivity studySwahn, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
Today most computer have a multicore processor and are depending on parallel execution to be able to keep up with the demanding tasks that exist today, that forces developers to write software that can take advantage of multicore systems. There are multiple programming languages and frameworks that makes it possible to execute the code in parallel on different threads, this study looks at the performance and effort required to work with two of the frameworks that are available to the C programming language, POSIX Threads(Pthreads) and OpenMP. The performance is measured by paralleling three algorithms, Matrix multiplication, Quick Sort and calculation of the Mandelbrot set using both Pthreads and OpenMP, and comparing first against a sequential version and then the parallel version against each other. The effort required to modify the sequential program using OpenMP and Pthreads is measured in number of lines the final source code has. The results shows that OpenMP does perform better than Pthreads in Matrix Multiplication and Mandelbrot set calculation but not on Quick Sort because OpenMP has problem with recursion and Pthreads does not. OpenMP wins the effort required on all the tests but because there is a large performance difference between OpenMP and Pthreads on Quick Sort OpenMP cannot be recommended for paralleling Quick Sort or other recursive programs.
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Fast fashion i modeindustrin : En kamp mot klockanGöranson, Karin, Hansson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som inom fast fashion har påverkat företagen på den internationella modemarknaden. Världen har förändrats och konsumenter ställer högre krav på modeföretag. Tiden blir en allt mer drivande faktor i och med att leverantörskedjor utvecklar kortare ledtider. Produktionsstrategin inom fast fashion företaget är i leverantörskedjan av stort fokus. Vi vill med denna uppsats skapa uppmärksamhet till det omtalade fenomenet som har tillkommit, fast fashion. Därför har leveranskedjan samt andra utvecklade strategier idag utvecklats eftersom det har en stor betydelse för att överleva som ett fast fashion företag i modeindustrin.</p><p>Vi har under uppsatsens gång utgått ifrån de teorier som vi funnit vara relevanta inom ämnet för att kunna koppla den till empiri. Studien är därför utförd efter en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Till stor del är uppsatsen baserad på sekundärdata, vi har här utgått ifrån fallstudie av Zara och H & M. En anonym kvalitativ intervju med en anställd inom ett världskänt fast fashion företag är genomförd. Vi har sedan analyserat och framfört empirin emot den valda teorin för att finna samband och skillnader av de valda fast fashion företagen.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att fast fashion begreppet står för effektivitet, flexibilitet och vetskapen om de rätta trenderna. Tiden, kommunikation och korta ledtider är viktiga faktorer som spelar en huvudroll inom fast fashion. Det visar sig att konsumenternas preferenser idag ändras på ett ögonblick, vilket är skapat av att fast fashion företag visat att det är möjligt att leverera det senaste modet på några få dagar. Slutsatsen visar att den viktigaste strategin inom fast fashion är att kunna reagera snabbt på modemarknadens efterfrågan.</p>
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The impact of U.S. quick service on the health and patronage of Chinese urban consumers.Zhang, Jiaoyan 08 1900 (has links)
Over the last decade there has been a rapid development of United States quick service restaurant companies such as KFC and McDonalds in China. Increasingly urban Chinese consumers patronize these restaurants as a way to experience American culture. For some it is becoming a part of their eating pattern. Recent health studies have demonstrated that nutritional diseases are increasing in China. This study accessed urban Chinese consumers' perceptions about U.S. quick service restaurants and their knowledge about the nutritional value that U.S. quick service food can provide. This study revealed that Chinese consumers' perceptions and knowledge about U.S. quick service impacts their patronage. Additionally, the study determined correlation between consumer patronage and reported health status as well as consumers' length of patronage negative influence on their health status. The results of this study will help U.S. quick service restaurants in educating consumers on nutrition and improving the menus.
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Consumer Attitude Towards Branded Quick-Service Foods on Domestic Coach Class In-Flight MenusMills, Juline 08 1900 (has links)
This study examined consumer attitude towards adding branded quick-service items on domestic airline in-flight menus with the aim of assessing the variables of perceived customer value and customer satisfaction. A random sample of one hundred sixteen frequent flyers residing in the United States participated in the study. An examination of consumer attitude towards branded quick-service menu items if introduced on domestic in-flight menus was performed. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine which of the four relationships was the most significant. The results showed that frequent flyer satisfaction with branded quick-service food items had the most significant relationship with perceived satisfaction of adding branded quick-service foods to coach class in-flight meal service.
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Metodologia de padronização de uma célula de fabricação e de montagem, integrando ferramentas de produção enxuta / Standardization methodology of production and assembly cell, combining lean manufacturing toolsPerin, Pedro Claudinei 25 August 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe criar uma metodologia para a padronização de atividades de células de manufatura e de montagem. A metodologia compreende a seleção de algumas ferramentas de produção enxuta e de uma aplicação das mesmas. O desenvolvimento da metodologia ocorre em conjunto com a aplicação, caracterizando desta forma uma pesquisa-ação, uma vez que conceitos e ferramentas são revisados e adequados durante as aplicações. A metodologia é baseada no evento kaizen e sua aplicação tem duração de dois meses. O evento kaizen é utilizado na primeira semana e as demais semanas são dedicadas para acompanhamento das ações de melhorias. As duas últimas semanas são dedicadas à avaliação de resultados. Publicações na literatura científica relacionadas à padronização são poucas, por esta razão pode-se afirmar que este trabalho tem uma contribuição academicamente relevante com o tema e que empresas podem conhecer os requisitos básicos para aplicação da metodologia, podendo explorar seus benefícios. Um dos passos importante da metodologia é a definição das melhores práticas. A participação dos operadores na validação da distribuição das atividades para cada operador e na definição do ritmo de produção é um dos requisitos para o sucesso da implementação. Um processo padronizado permite distinguir uma situação normal de uma anormal. Desta forma ações corretivas podem ser definidas e implementadas. Esta metodologia apresenta um método simples para definição da capacidade instalada e de utilização de operador e máquina de uma célula de manufatura. A aplicação acontece em uma empresa de autopeça. Durante a aplicação, conceitos de manufatura enxuta são disseminados e as pessoas são instigadas a encontrar os desperdícios dentro do processo a ser padronizado. Esta metodologia é resultado de mais de quatorze aplicações e uma delas é utilizada neste trabalho para descrever a metodologia de padronização. / This research proposes to build a methodology for standardization activities of a manufacturing process. The methodology consists of a selection of tools from lean manufacturing systems and of application method. The development of this methodology occurred in parallel with his application, when conceptions and tools are revised and adapted. The standardization methodology is based on kaizen event and whole application takes two months. The kaizen event is used at the first week, when the bets practice are defined and implemented. The rest of the schedule is used for follow up and improvement action implementation. The two last week are dedicated for results analyzes. At science literature, publications about manufacturing activities standardization are not much available. Considered that, it might affirm this research has academic contributions for the theme and organization can find some basic requirement for standardization work application. One of the important phases of the methodology is to define the best practice. The labor participation is one of the requirements for implementation successes. Their participation at the validation of task operator distribution and cycle time definition, ensure the maintenance of standardized work. A standardize process enable distinguish one normal condition of abnormal one. Then corrective action can be defined and implemented. This methodology presents a simple method to define the real install capacity andthe labor and machine utilization of the manufacturing cells. The application occurs at assembly supplier company. During the application, lean manufacturing concepts are disseminated and the people are instigated to find the waste into the process. This methodology is result of more than fourteen applications and one of then is used in this dissertation to describe the methodology.
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En jämförelse mellan H&M & Zara´s förmåga att leverera ett snabbt mode : Gentemot kundens uppfattning / A comparison between H&M & Zara´s ability to deliver a fast fashion : Towards the customers comprehensionLarsson, Hedvig, Ogheden, Pauline January 2009 (has links)
During the last year there has been a globalization of trade. Because of the development ofmore sophisticated information's - and communication technology the boundaries and thephysical distance have been smeared out between company as well as countries. Furthermoreit generates that many companies have restructured to global value chains. Because of theincreased access the marketplace has become harder and more competitive than ever.Since the customers nowadays have more access to product information the consume patternsand behaviour has been changed. Through the increased knowledge the consumers requiresmore of the products. Today’s consumers values not only prise and quality but are alsodemanding quality products which are tailored to individual needs and tastes. Companiesfocus has changed from price to the ability to quickly respond on new trends and customerdemands. Fashion companies in the textile sector appear on a complex and unpredictablemarket where new trends and the demand shifts quickly. In order to be competitive on themarket the companies need to renew their range of fashion products several times in season.Fashion goods have a short life-cycle, measured in months or even weeks. Fashion productshave become a consumable and embarrassed in the concept fast fashion. Management of aneffective purchase process is therefore very important in order to meet the requirement onhaving the right product, in right quality, in right quantity at the right time.The purpose of the thesis are to investigate, describe and analyze the connection between thecase companies H&M and Zara´s different ways of deliver fast fashion in relation toward theconsumers understanding of them as a trend conductive on the market.In our paper we have been using a hermeneutist perspective. We have interpreted thecollected material, sow as responders attitudes about the case companies purchasingstrategies. The approach has been adductive and then we have been waged from bothcollected theory and empiric materials. The collected empiric material endure in a qualitativequestionnaire survey that lies to shallow for our analysis and conclusion. In the essay has boththe secondary and primary data compliments each other in order to achieve the study's aimand to answer to our problem wording.Through our analysis, we can come to the conclusion that the customers' view about Zara andH&M´s ability to deliver a fast fashion is very even in that sense that no company was beingidentified as better than the other. We can also make the conclusion that the customers'assumptions not only come from the products visible in store, but also from their own attitudetowards fashion and the company's accessibility and interaction with the customer. Anotherconclusion was that one of the most important attributes is a product fashion degree and that itis important that companies can apply a ”quick response” strategy in order to be successful onfashion the market. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen
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Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de vendas 1-click : implementação de códigos QR na AdclickCastro Samuel Fernando Veríssimo Leal de January 2012 (has links)
Trabalho realizado na Adclick, orientado pelo Engº Pedro Roque / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012
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The Stanford-Binet Scales : a comparison of Form L/M and the Fourth EditionHamer, Anne, n/a January 1990 (has links)
The Stanford-Binet: Fourth Edition represents a new dimension in intelligence testing
from the traditional Binet Scales. Based on a 3 level hierarchical model this represents a
significant departure from the age scale format of previous revisions. Several abbreviated
batteries are suggested. This study uses the "Quick Screening Battery" consisting of four
subtests (Vocabulary, Quantitative, Pattern Analysis, and Bead Memory). Results are
presented as Standard Age scores (SAS) for fifteen subtests in four Areas (Verbal Reasoning,
Quantitative Reasoning, Abstract/Visual Reasoning and Short-term Memory), and
the global 'g' Test Composite score. Thirty kindergarten children randomly assigned to
two groups took both the Stanford-Binet: Fourth Edition and the Stanford-Binet: Form
L/M in a counter balanced design. Nine hypotheses and one question are discussed. Statistical
calculations for data analysis were arrived at through SPSSX/PC V2.0 (Noursis
1988). Correlations between Form L/M IQ and the Test Composite (r = .72), Verbal
Reasoning (r = .71) and Abstract/Visual Reasoning (r = .41) reached significance at
0.05 or better. Other correlations showed similar trends as that found in the literature.
The study gives promise for the "Quick Screening Battery" as a tool for screening young
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