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Optimalizace topné soustavy v bytovém domě / Optimization of the heating system in the flat houseAkrman, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis solves hydraulic regulation existing heating system apartment building. It is a building of eight floors with dimensions of 21.0 x 26.0 m. The system se-amlessly heats the entire building residential building. Heating is the most original apartment, dealt with cast iron radiators. The heat source is CZT. The theoretical part is focused on the revitalization of heating systems.
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Optimalizace způsobu přípravy teplé vody ve sportovních halách / Optimization of the ways of hot water preparation in sports hallsDvořáková, Simona Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to design the space and water heating system for a sport hall. The diploma thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter analyzes existing literature with a focus on heat transfer, pipe thermal insulation, hot water source, and existing normative and legislative requirements regarding hot water preparation. The second chapter consists of various calculations that regard the design of radiators, branch dimensioning, and design of water heating system for the target object. Additionally, this chapter contains an elaboration of a design documentation, which Detail Design Documentation. The third chapter focuses on an experimental water heating for the target object with a comparison of a centralized and decentralized water heating system.
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Исследование влияния отопительных систем и конструктивных особенностей на энергетическую и экономическую эффективность индивидуальных жилых зданий : магистерская диссертация / The research of the influence of heating systems and design features on the energy and economic efficiency of individual residential buildingsМухин, Н. Д., Mukhin, N. D. January 2022 (has links)
Исследование влияния отопительных систем и конструктивных особенностей на энергетическую и экономическую эффективность индивидуальных жилых зданий. / The most effective variant of a heating system and a constructive system for increasing the energy and economic efficiency of an individual residential building are proposed.
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Family AlbumBowen, Mary Elizabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
A collection of eight nonfiction stories by Missy Bowen about the Minnesota State Fair, owls, winter, summer, stairs, lumber, and the rock and roll life.
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An Evaluation of Shadow Shielding for Lunar System Waste Heat RejectionWorn, Cheyn 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Shadow shielding is a novel and practical concept for waste heat rejection from lunar surface spacecraft systems. A shadow shield is a light shield that shades the radiator from parasitic thermal radiation emanating from the sun or lunar surface. Radiator size and mass can reduce if the radiator is not required to account for parasitic heat loads in addition to system energy rejection requirements. The lunar thermal environment can be very harsh towards radiative heat rejection. Parasitic heat loads force the radiator to expand in size and mass to compensate. On the Moon, there are three types: surface infrared, solar insulation, and albedo. This thesis tests shadow shielding geometry and its effect on the radiator and nuclear reactor in a reactor-powered Carnot heat engine. Due to the nature of cooling by radiative heat transfer, the maximum shaft work a Carnot system can produce and the minimal required radiator area occurs when the Carnot efficiency is 25%.
First, a case for shadow shielding is made using an isothermal, control radiator model in Thermal Desktop. Six radiator temperatures and three latitudes are considered in the tests. Test variables in this section include radiator shapes and shade geometry. The simulations found that shadow shielding is best suited for a low-temperature radiator at the lunar equator. Optimized parabolic shade geometry includes a focus right above or at the top of the radiator and full to three-quarters shade height. The most useful rectangular radiator shape for shadow shielding is that which has a low height and long width.
All simulations were conducted using a shade with a 10 kg/m2 area mass. A sensitivity study was conducted for different shade area masses using high and low values found in the literature. The shade is the most useful when the shade's area mass is less than or equal to that of the radiator. If the shade mass is below this threshold, the shade would be applicable to all radiator temperatures tested.
Optimized shade and radiator geometry results were then factored into a second model where the radiator is comprised of heat pipes which is similar to radiators from actual system designs. Further simulations were conducted implementing the SAFE-4001 fast fission nuclear reactor design. The study found that shadow shielding allowed the system to use a low-temperature radiator where other configurations were not viable because shadow shielding drastically improves radiative heat transfer from the radiator, but at the consequence of raising radiator mass.
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Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Störstrahlungstests im Nahfeld großer PrüflingeSorge, Wolfram 09 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Verhalten der Störstrahlung großer Prüflinge untersucht mit dem
Ziel, vorhandene Standards für Störstrahlungstests wie CISPR 16 zu verbessern.
Diese Arbeit sieht als Standardtestumgebung einen reflektierenden, ausgedehnten Grund
vor, auf dem sich der Prüfling befindet. Die Strahlung, die dieser aussendet, wird durch
die Verteilung der elektrischen Feldstärke auf einer Testhalbkugel oberhalb des Grunds bewertet.
Ihr Zentrum befindet sich am Fußpunkt des Prüflings. Eine solche Halbkugel stellt
nahezu gleiche Abstände von etwa der Länge des Kugelradius' zwischen dem Prüfling und
den auf ihr definierten Meßpunkten her. Da die Halbkugel geschlossen ist, kann auf ihr das
gesamte vom Prüfling nach außen gestrahlte Feld nachgewiesen werden.
Meßabstände mit in Normen vorgegebenen Längen sind in der Praxis nicht immer einzuhalten,
vor allem dann, wenn sich Prüflinge in einer normalen Betriebsumgebung befinden.
In beengten Umgebungen ist es hilfreich, Meßabstände zu verkürzen. Hieraus ergibt sich
eine kleinere Testhalbkugel, die sich leichter abtasten läßt.
Bei kurzen Meßabständen jedoch können Meßsonden in das Nahfeld des Prüflings ragen.
Für diesen Fall werden in dieser Arbeit Feldeigenschaften in Prüflingsnähe untersucht. Aus
denen ergeben sich Mindestabstände zum Prüfling, jenseits derer sich gemessene Feldstärkewerte
zu größeren, in Normen vorgegebenen Abständen extrapolieren lassen.
Um die Verteilung der Feldstärke auf einer Testfläche zu beschreiben, wird der Begriff der
Halbwertsfläche eingeführt: Die Halbwertsfläche definiert jenen Teil der Testfläche, auf dem
die Dichte der abgestrahlten Leistung mindestens die Hälfte ihres Maximums beträgt. Die
Halbwertsfläche ergibt sich aus der Richtwirkung des Prüflings als Strahler. Sie ist somit
ein Maß für die Wahrscheinlichkeit, auf der Testfläche das Strahlungsmaximum zu finden.
Aus der Größe der Halbwertsfläche ergibt sich die nötige Anzahl an gleichmäßig auf der
Testfläche verteilten Meßpunkten, um das Strahlungsmaximum mit gegebener Wahrscheinlichkeit
zu finden. Wird an den Meßpunkten die Größe der Feldstärke berücksichtigt, läßt
sich die Anzahl der Meßpunkte optimieren und das Vertrauen in den Test erhöhen.
Als ein erster Schritt zur Entwicklung einer praktikablen Strahlungstestmethode wird die
Testdrahtmethode untersucht. Bei dieser Methode wird Strahlung mit einem langen, um
den Prüfling herum gespannten Draht erfaßt. Die Strahlung induziert in dem Draht einen
Strom, der an den Drahtabschlüssen gemessen werden kann. Weil der Draht i. allg. lang
ist, ist er sehr meßempfindlich. Ist er jedoch länger als eine Wellenlänge des abgestrahlten
Felds, sind sein Übertragungsfaktor und damit die Meßergebnisse schwer zu bestimmen.
Statistische Methoden der Auswertung werden hierzu untersucht.
Ein System aus kleinen Meßsonden kann denselben Teil des Prüflings abdecken wie ein
Testdraht. Weil als Übertragungsfaktor eines solchen Systems der einer Einzelsonde wirksam
ist, lassen sich Ergebnisse aus Messungen mit einem solchen System leichter auswerten.
Jedoch ist die Empfindlichkeit kleiner Sonden i. allg. gering. Der Weg zu einer praktischen
Anwendung führt somit vorerst in die Richtung herkömmlicher Meßantennen, die in einem
beweglichen System geeignete Testflächen abtasten. - (Die Dissertation ist veröffentlicht im Jörg Vogt Verlag, Dresden, Deutschland, http://www.vogtverlag.de, ISBN: 978-3-938860-25-0) / In this work the behavior of radiation emitted by large equipment is investigated. The aim
of investigation is to improve existing standardized radiation tests.
The radiation from an EUT (equipment under test) placed on reflecting ground is described
by the distribution of the electric field strength on a hemispheric test area, which encloses
the EUT placed in its center. This kind of area guarantees a nearly equal measurement
distance to the EUT from every point defined on it. This distance is
defined by the radius
of the hemisphere. However, measurement distances according to standards are difficult to
realize. Because of practical constraints shorter distances will become useful. This requires
a smaller test area, to be scanned more easily.
At shorter measurement distances field probes are possibly located in the near field of the
EUT. Therefore this work investigates the behavior of the field in the vicinity of the EUT to
find an adequate transition point, beyond which, field strength values can be extrapolated
to distances instructed by standards with confident results.
An important parameter of the field strength distribution is the half-power area. It defines
that part of the test area where the radiated power exceeds the half of its maximum. The
half-power area is related to the directivity of the EUT, which can be approximated by
antenna theory or statistics. If the directivity of the EUT is high, the half-power area is
small, and the probability to find the field maximum on the test area is low.
The size of the half-power area yields to a least number of observation points, equally
distributed on the test area, to find the field maximum with a high level of confidence. If
the field strength measured at any observation point is considered, the distance to other
observation points can be optimized, and the level of confidence in the test can be increased.
As a first step in developing a practicable field scanning method is highlighted: the test
wire method. This method establishes a measurement executed by a long wire which covers
the EUT. At its terminations current can be measured induced by the radiation. Because
the wire is long it is very sensitive. However, if it is longer than one wave length of the
radiation, the evaluation of results is difficult because of an uncertain transmission factor.
Therefore, some statistic methods are applied to describe the behavior of results and their
Also a system of small probes, e. g. short dipoles, can cover the same part of the EUT as
a test wire. The measurement with small probes can be evaluated more easily because of
a unique transmission factor. However, their sensitivity is lower.
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Thermo-fluid effects associated with modelling subscale automotive heat exchangersGerova, Klementina January 2015 (has links)
Automotive components are tested extensively in wind tunnels by automotive manufacturers and race teams. This is usually achieved using an accurate scale model representation of the component within the wind tunnel. Automotive heat exchangers, however, are comprised of numerous intricate geometries and are therefore impractical to produce at model scale. Instead they are simply modelled as pressure drops, achieved using a thin mesh or honeycomb of known porosity. Most commercial computational fluid dynamics solvers ignore the geometry of the heat exchanger and instead model it as a discontinuity with a known pressure drop and heat transfer. The pressure drop across an automotive heat exchanger, however, was found to vary with both the coolant temperature and the angle of inclination of the heat exchanger. This thesis initially presents a relationship between the pressure drop coefficient and the inclination angle for varying media porosities. Mathematical relationships for inclination angles of 0°, 15°, 30° and 45°. were derived relating this pressure drop coefficient to the porosity of the media. Weighted least squares is proposed over ordinary least squares when obtaining the Forchheimer equation coefficients from experimental measurements. Investigation extends into the thermo-fluid effects on a full scale automotive heat exchanger when inclined at 0 °, 15°, 30° and 45°. It was found, depending on the angle, that there was a difference in the pressure drop of up to 10% between the unheated and heated (100 C) heat exchanger. Based on the proposed mathematical relationship, this correlated to a 4% decrease in porosity in order to accurately model the automotive heat exchanger at subscale. The thesis concludes with experimental and numerical investigation into the heat transfer on a hydrodynamically and thermally developing ow within a radiator channel. Laser doppler anemometry measurements recorded a 1.5% increase in the centreline velocity compared to 0.8% obtained from numerical simulation.
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Vytápění objektu zdroji na různé druhy paliv / Heating of the Object with Different FuelsLadomérská, Jana January 2015 (has links)
In my final thesis I am processing a proposal for heating and preparing hot water for a restaurant with accommodation. This is a three-storey brick house. It is situated on the territory of the Ústí region. The aim of my work is to propose and to assess the appropriate heat source for this object. In the object I chose heating radiators. The proposal is processed in two variants. In the first variant, I suggest a cascade of condensing boilers using as a source of heat. In the second variant, I suggest a cascade of electrical boilers. Hot water will be prepared in reservoir of warm water. The source of hot water will be the same as the source for heating.
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Sálavé vytápění průmyslových hal / Radiant heating of industrial hallsRybář, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Indoor climate of industrial halls is now advantageously shaped radiant heating systems, which are more flexible and efficient than convection systems. The crucial component of indoor climate in these systems mean radiant temperature. The work focuses on theoretical and experimental research on the location and operation of radiant panels. For the theoretical part is used new computer software able to calculate the Institute TZB mean radiation temperature distribution in 2D space. The experimental part was carried out comprehensive measurements of indoor climate parameters specific industrial halls and subsequently compared. Work includes the design and comparison of three variants of heating in the indoor facility.
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Tilluftsradiatorers påverkan på inomhusklimatetAygün, Munzur, Henriques, Kristian January 2015 (has links)
I dagens Sverige spenderar människor allt mer tid inomhus. Stadsborna tillbringar den mesta av sin tid inomhus, dvs. ca 90 %. Med detta räknas all den tid personerna vistas i hemmet och arbetet. Att människor spenderar så mycket av sin tid inomhus gör att inomhusklimatet blir en påverkande samt viktig faktor i vardagen (Nationalencyklopedin A). Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevda problem med inomhusklimatet i två olika studentlägenheter som har tilluftsradiatorer. Med hjälp av frågeställningarna kommer problemen identifieras och slutligen som mål komma fram till olika förslag på lösningar. Metoden för att genomföra studien kommer att ske med hjälp av enkätundersökningar i två olika studentbostads fastigheter och där frågor besvaras gällande hur de boende upplever inomhusklimatet. Dessa svar jämförs sedan med varandra för att konstatera hur de skiljer sig åt och vad skillnaderna kan bero på. Resultatet visar att de boende i Rönnens studentbostäder upplever mest problem. Fastigheten består till största del av mindre lägenheter. Sommarstaden som är den andra fastigheten som har undersökts, domineras av större lägenheter. De boende på Sommarstaden upplever mindre besvär. Detta samband kan bero på lägenheternas storlek eller att tilluftsradiatorerna skiljer sig åt mellan de två fastigheterna. Av resultatet framkommer det att båda fastigheter har brister när det kommer till problem med kall inomhustemperatur. För att förbättra bristerna bör information ges till ny inflyttande hyresgäster angående hur möblering bör gå till med vistelsezon i åtanke. Resultatet har visat att det finns skillnader mellan fastigheternas tilluftsradiatorer. Även då Sommarstadens tilluftsradiator kan anses vara av den bättre modellen så är denna inte tillräckligt bra eftersom en stor del av de boende upplever en för kall inomhustemperatur. / In todays Sweden people spend a lot of time indoors. People living in cities spend about 90% of their time indoors; this includes all the time spent both at home and at work. That amount of time spent indoors means that the indoor climate becomes an important as well as an influential part of everyday life. (NE A). The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived problems with the indoor climate in student apartments that have ventilation radiators. With the help of the queries we identify these problems and ultimately aim to come up with proposals for different solutions. The method for implementing the study will be done with the help of questionnaires in two different student-housing properties, where questions are answered regarding how residents perceive the indoor climate. These responses are then compared with each other to ascertain how they differ and why. The results show that the residents of the Rönnen student housing experience the most problems. This property consists largely of small apartments. Larger apartments dominate Sommarstaden, which is the other surveyed property. The residents of Sommarstaden are experiencing minor inconvenience. These problems may depend on the size of the apartments and/or ventilation radiators that differ between the two properties. Through the results it is apparent that both properties have flaws regarding indoor temperature. In order to improve these flaws information regarding furnishing in an occupied zone should be given to the new occupants. Results show that the ventilation radiators differ between the two properties. Although the ventilation radiators in Sommarstaden could be seen as the better model of the two presented, occupants still feel that the indoor temperature is to cold.
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