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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Razvoj metodologije za procenu indikatora u cilju unapređenja klimatološke suše / Development of methodology for indicator assessment in aim to improveforecast of climatological drought

Frank Ana 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji dat je predlog dizajna algoritma i metodologije za procenu indikatora suše &ndash; MEPIS. Istraživanje metoda praćenja suše obuhvatilo je tri tradicionalna indikatora i jedan novo formirani. Sve ukupno analizirano je 16 varijacija četiri odabrana indeksa suše period istraživanja obuhvatio je 62 godine, 1951-2012. Analize indikatora ukazale su na opravdanost menjanja pristupa pristupa problematici suše i odstupanja od stohastičkog razmatranja njene pojave i pristupanja termodinamičkim osnovama suše. Modelovanje suše po analogiji sa procesom sušenja vazduhom pokazalo je zadovoljavajuće rezultate i kao agregat ovog pristupa dobijen je IDEA indeks za praćenje uslova koji pogoduju suši. Kao indeks suše koji se striktno bazira na simulaciji fizičkih procesa ukazuje na mogućnost definisanja fizičkog stanja atmosfere koji odgovara stanju suše i korak je ka uniformnoj fizičkoj definiciji suše na osnovu uslova koji je uzrokuju. MEPIS u svojoj punoj formi bi dao dovoljno argumenata da se određeni indeksi koriste operativno i mogao bi opravdati neophodne investicije u tehničke i ljudske resurse.</p> / <p>In this doctoral dissertation have been proposed the designs of the algorithm and<br />methodology for drought indicator assessment &ndash;MEPIS. Methods of drought<br />monitoring were assessed. Three traditional drought indicators and one newly<br />developed were investigated. In total 16 variations of four selected drought indicators<br />were analyzed. Research covered period of 62 years, from 1951-2012. Analyses have<br />resulted with justification that approach to the drought problem should be changed<br />from stochastic to the one based on thermodynamics of drought. Modelling of drought<br />in analogy with air drying has shown satisfactory results and as an aggregate of this<br />approach was obtained IDEA drought indicator. Developed indicator showed<br />significant progress in identifying meteorological conditions that favor the development<br />of drought. It proves it is possible to define physical conditions that correspond to the<br />state of drought. It is step forward to uniform definition of drought phenomena. MEPIS<br />in its full form would give enough arguments to make decision about usage of tested<br />drought indicators and could justify the necessary investments in the technical and<br />human resources.</p>

Modulation of thyroid hormone action by environmental temperature

Hammond, Stewart Austin 23 December 2015 (has links)
Thyroid hormone (TH) signaling is conserved across vertebrates, where it is important for normal growth and development, particularly in the perinatal period. TH has an additional critical role in amphibian metamorphosis as the sole signal that initiates the transition from a larval tadpole to juvenile frog. Premetamorphic tadpoles have a thyroid gland but are functionally athyroid, yet can be induced to undergo precocious metamorphosis by exogenous TH administration. This essential dependence upon TH makes amphibian metamorphosis an excellent model to study TH signaling. Metamorphosis is sensitive to environmental stimuli such as temperature. Low temperature delays or slows metamorphosis, whereas high temperature advances or accelerates it. Whether a temperature is considered low or high varies by species and is related to its natural habitat. In temperate climes the North American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, does not undergo natural or precocious metamorphosis at low winter temperatures of 4-5°C. Tadpoles injected with TH at low temperature essentially clear it from their bodies after 60-80 days, but some manner of TH signaling has occurred such that they rapidly execute metamorphosis if returned to 20-25°C. This apparent molecular memory is poorly understood, but there is evidence that components of gene expression programs may be involved. This thesis investigated the role of these factors in the molecular memory of TH formed at low temperature in the liver, brain, lung, back skin, and tail fin of Rana catesbeiana. The results suggested that TH receptor beta (thrb), CCAAT/enhancer binding protein 1 (cebp1), and Krüppel-like factor 9 (klf9) may contribute to the molecular memory to different extents in each tissue, and that TH-induced basic leucine zipper-containing protein (thibz) may have an important role in this process for every tissue examined. Assessment of additional genes was hampered by the limited genetic resources available for this species, so de novo high throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) techniques were explored to alleviate this limitation. Trans-ABySS sequence assembly software produced a high quality Rana catesbeiana liver transcriptome that was annotated by BLAST alignment to established sequence databases and resulted in a more than ten-fold increase in Rana catesbeiana sequence information. This approach was supplemented with a software pipeline that was used to refine replicate Rana catesbeiana back skin assemblies, and by construction of a Bullfrog Annotation Resource for the Transcriptome (BART) that was used to quickly annotate more than 97% of the assembled back skin sequences. In the future, the Rana catesbeiana transcriptome sequence resources can be leveraged to identify additional genes that may be involved in formation of the TH molecular memory, and chromatin immunoprecipitation could help characterize the factors and epigenetic marks in the promoter regions of these genes. Elucidation of the molecular memory mechanism provides a means to uncover key events in TH signaling. / Graduate

Using DNA Fingerprinting to Assess Genetic Structure of the Vernal Pool Amphibian Rana sylvatica

Beatini, Salvatore J. 28 April 2003 (has links)
In this study, I used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (DNA fingerprinting) to study the genetic population structure of wood frogs, Rana sylvatica, collected as egg masses from vernal pools within the Massachusetts Audubon Society Lincoln Woods Wildlife Sanctuary in Leominster, MA. The average genetic relatedness of sibling individuals, non-sibling individuals from within the same pool, and individuals from pools of close (5 m), far (200 m) and distant (40 km) spatial separations was calculated. The goal was to use genetic relatedness to estimate the breeding patterns of R. sylvatica and use that information to make general management recommendations that could be applied to other vernal pools breeders. I detected relative differences in genetic similarity between individuals from pools only 5 meters apart, however over a larger distance of 200 meters no significant genetic differences were present. This suggests that although wood frogs are known to be highly philopatric, they may use information other than simply proximity to their natal pool when choosing breeding sites. Factors such as species composition, water chemistry and heterogeneity of the landscape between pools may influence breeding site choice. Also, contrary to the findings of recent studies, the distance between vernal pools may not be the best indicator of the genetic similarity of the individuals they host. Pools in close proximity to one another may host genetically distinct populations, and therefore management decisions should be made on a pool-by-pool basis. Consequently, when managing populations of R. sylvatica, and possibly other vernal pool breeders, taking into account parameters other than simply the spatial separation of pools within an array may avoid decisions that could result in the loss of genetic diversity.

Teias do pensar democrático presentes nos discursos dos atores das redes de agências de acreditação e avaliação da qualidade da educação superior na américa latina : as vozes do lado de lá.

Santos, Margareth Guerra dos January 2016 (has links)
A temática das Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior surge no contexto da internacionalização, da cooperação e do movimento de integração entre os países. Como uma consequência da Sociedade do Conhecimento no mundo contemporâneo, este contexto tem fomentado o estabelecimento de relações de cooperação e troca de informações sobre avaliação das universidades na América Latina, através de Redes. Este cenário marcou a existência do objeto de estudo. Compreender perspectivas democráticas construídas no interior dos movimentos de Redes e como se tecem as relações de forças no seu interior, privilegiando possíveis tramas de resistência a modelos de avaliação da educação superior hegemônicos com foco nas Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior na América Latina,foi o objeto da tese.As opções metodológicas incluíram a seleção de duas redes, Riaces e Rana, a escolha intencional de sujeitos respondentes dentre seus gestores e especialistas, a técnica de coleta de dados através da produção de narrativas dos sujeitos e a construção de um mapa conceitual da categoria democracia dentro de uma concepção contra hegemônica (Sousa Santos,2003; 2008). A análise interpretativa dos dados permitiu identificar o exercício de uma forma de democracia que representa a tomada de decisões em alinhamento com grupos determinantes no poder,dentre os quais outras redes de avaliação internacionais,em que o processo de decisão e participação nas decisões resume-se a consolidar concepções hegemônicas que não reconhecem a perspectiva do local. Neste sentido, a questão democracia,pode entender-se como um pensar que parece ser ingênuo, não havendo sido encontrados traços de compatibilidade com uma democracia de forte intensidade (Barber, 2003). Parece ser uma forma de democracia que representaria o mascaramento do poder invisível (Bobbio, 1986), servindo ao fortalecimento do capital. As teias de um possível pensar democrático sustentando “rupturas”, presentes no discurso dos atores dos movimentos de Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade,mostram vozes que levam a repensar e rediscutir as dinâmicas de uma democracia. Uma democracia forte, com participação efetiva e igualitária, respeitando as diversidades culturais e a heterogeneidade dos povos que constituem a região, impondo a liberdade de expressão como condição para a autonomia, parece distante do contexto analisado. / The thematic of Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies arises in the context of internationalization, cooperation and integration movement between countries. As a Knowledge Society consequence in the contemporary world, this context has fostered the establishment of cooperative relations and information exchange over the universities evaluation in Latin America. This scene marked the thesis. The study aimed to understand the democratic perspectives built within networks movements as well as the woven relationships of forces conducting possible plots of resistance to hegemonic higher education evaluation models focusing on Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies. The methodological options included the selection of two networks, Riaces and Rana, the intentional selection of respondents among their managers and specialists, the technique of data collection through the production of subjects' narratives and the construction of a conceptual map of the category democracy in an antihegemonic conception (Sousa Santos, 2003; 2008). The interpretative analysis of the data allowed to identify the exercise of a form of democracy that represents decision-making in alignment with determining groups in power, including other international evaluation networks, where the decision-making process and participation in decisions sums up to consolidate hegemonic conceptions that do not recognize the local perspectives. In this sense, the issue of democracy can be understood as a kind of naïve thinking. No traces of compatibility with a strong democracy have been found (Barber, 2003). It seems to be a form of democracy that would represent the masking of an invisible power (Bobbio, 1986), serving to capital strengthening. The webs of a possible democratic thinking sustaining "ruptures"in the discourse of the networks of Accreditation and Quality Evaluation actors, are showing voices that lead to re-thinking and re-discussing the democracy dynamics. A strong democracy, with effective and equal participation, respecting the cultural diversities and heterogeneity of the peoples which constitute the region, imposing freedom of expression as a condition for autonomy, seems to be no existent.

Genetic diversity and genetic structuring at multiple spatial scales across the range of the Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens

O'Donnell, Ryan P. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Despite a thorough understanding of the proximate mechanisms that drive genetic diversity, we are still very poor at predicting the genetic diversity of natural populations. Understanding patterns of genetic diversity is important for many reasons, including predicting species' adaptation to climate change and predicting the spread of invasive species, but it is particularly important for species that are declining. This dissertation attempts to explain patterns in genetic diversity at multiple spatial scales across the range of the Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, which is declining across large portions of its range. Genetic diversity is often lower in edge populations than in central populations. Genetic diversity may be reduced in edge populations per se, or populations that occur at the edge of the species' range may have low diversity because they have recently expanded into new habitat and thus show signs of founder effects. In Chapter 2, we tested several alternative hypotheses to explain genetic diversity across the species' range, and to explain why some edge populations may not show reduced genetic diversity. We found that genetic diversity was reduced in edge populations relative to central populations, but was not reduced in populations in previously glaciated areas relative to previously unglaciated areas; therefore position at range edge had a stronger effect in reducing diversity than recent colonization of new habitat. We found that genetic diversity declined linearly towards the range edge in one of two transects from range center to range edge. We concluded that genetic diversity in this species is generally reduced by position at the range edge, but that this effect may differ among edges. In Chapter 3, we tested the hypothesis that eastern and western populations were genetically distinct. We found two distinct clades that introgress in some markers but are distinct and defined by narrow boundaries in the eastern Great Lakes region in others. We concluded that genetic diversity in the Mississippi River region was elevated by the introgression of descendants from two Pleistocene refugia. In Chapter 4, we analyzed genetic diversity within populations throughout Arizona to assess potential source populations for reintroductions. We also analyzed mitochondrial DNA to determine whether any populations contained genetic material not native to the region. Populations in one area had high genetic diversity and high gene flow among populations, but also contained evidence of introduction of eastern frogs. We conclude that supplementing genetic diversity in other populations with translocations from this area is not recommended.

Effects of Agriculture on Abundance, Genetic Diversity and Fitness in the Common Frog, Rana temporaria

Johansson, Markus January 2004 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to evaluate the effects of agriculture on amphibians in terms of (i) population genetic consequences of agriculture-induced spatial changes of the landscape and (ii) local adaptation and tolerance to frequently used agrochemicals. The study was performed using the common frog Rana temporaria as a model. Abundance, occurrence, genetic diversity and gene flow were negatively affected by agriculture in southern Sweden, but unaffected or even positively affected by agriculture in the central and northern regions, respectively. These test parameters correlated positively with landscape diversity both in the south and in the north. Moreover, the size and occurrence of R. temporaria populations decreased towards the north i.e. the margin of the species’ distribution range. In accordance with theoretical expectations, genetic variability decreased and population substructuring increased as a negative function of (effective) population size. Southern Swedish common frogs are naturally exposed to higher levels of nitrates, and thus have a higher tolerance to high nitrate levels than their northern conspecifics. This suggests local adaptation to naturally varying nitrate levels. Consequently, increased anthropogenic supplementation of nitrate could impact more the northern than the southern Swedish common frog populations. Exposure to the pesticides azoxystrobin, cyanazine and permethrin at ecologically relevant concentrations had small or no effects on R. temporaria tadpoles. The populations with lowest microsatellite variation (fragmented populations) in southern Sweden had considerably lower fitness in terms of survival and growth as compared to those with the highest genetic variability (non-fragmented populations). The results indicate that populations with low levels of neutral genetic variability were phenotypically less differentiated than populations with higher levels of variability. One possible explanation for this is that the degree of population differentiation in low variability populations has been constrained due to lack of suitable genetic variation or inefficiency of selection relative to genetic drift.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema terap?utico emulsionado para uso oral a base de ?leo de r?-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw)

Moro, Renata Rutckeviski 22 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-01-15T22:12:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataRutckeviskiMoro_DISSERT.pdf: 2237359 bytes, checksum: 38ee9b608bb33566f80348e060646864 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-18T14:11:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataRutckeviskiMoro_DISSERT.pdf: 2237359 bytes, checksum: 38ee9b608bb33566f80348e060646864 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-18T14:11:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataRutckeviskiMoro_DISSERT.pdf: 2237359 bytes, checksum: 38ee9b608bb33566f80348e060646864 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Fontes alternativas de ?leos naturais est?o sendo constantemente avaliadas para atender a demanda por mat?rias-primas naturais para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a estabilidade oxidativa e t?rmica do ?leo de r?-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw), assim como desenvolver uma emuls?o baseado em um planejamento experimental com aplica??o para via oral. O tecido adiposo da Rana catesbeiana Shaw foi utilizado como fonte para a produ??o de um ?leo natural a partir do m?todo de extra??o a quente, obtendo rendimento de 60 ? 0,9%. O ?leo de r?-touro foi fisicoquimicamente caracterizado e os ?ndices de per?xido, acidez, iodo e saponifica??o foram respectivamente 1,9 meq O2 / kg; 2,9 KOH / g de ?leo; 104,2 g de I / 100 g de ?leo e 171,2 mg de KOH / g de ?leo. A cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas foi usada para a determina??o dos compostos presentes no ?leo de r?-touro, apresentando como principais constituintes o ?cido ol?ico (30 %) e o ?cido eicosapentaen?ico (17,6%), que s?o ?cidos graxos insaturados e poliinsaturados, respectivamente. A estabilidade oxidativa foi determinada na presen?a e aus?ncia dos antioxidantes butilhidroxianisol (BHA) e butilhidroxitolueno (BHT), a 60 ? 2 ?C durante 15 dias e a temperatura ambiente durante 120 dias. Foram avaliados os ?ndices de acidez, per?xido, iodo e saponifica??o; dienos e trienos conjugados, tempo de indu??o a oxida??o (Rancimat?) e mudan?as nos espectros de infravermelho. A taxa de oxida??o do ?leo de r?-touro foi dependente da temperatura e o ?leo apresentou-se mais estavel na presen?a de BHT. Durante a oxida??o do ?leo, mudan?as significativas no espectro de absor??o do ultravioleta vis?vel e infravermelho foram observadas. O ?leo apresentou-se est?vel at? 200?C atrav?s da determina??o da estabilidade t?rmica utilizando a calorimetria explorat?ria diferencial e an?lise termogravim?trica. Um produto farmac?utico emulsionado para uso oral a base do ?leo de r?-touro utilizando o planejamento fatorial completo 23 foi desenvolvido, caracterizado e sua estabilidade contendo diferentes adjuvantes farmac?uticos foi avaliada. A emuls?o oral apresentou tamanho de got?cula de 410 ? 8,3 nm, potencial zeta - 38,2 mV, condutividade 1913.8 ?S/cma e pH 6.4. O uso de adjuvantes foi respons?vel por melhorar a estabilidade termooxidativa do ?leo disperso na emuls?o por um per?odo superior a tr?s meses. Portanto, a formula??o desenvolvida exibiu caracter?sticas tecnol?gicas promissoras para estabilidade termooxidativa da emuls?o contendo o ?leo de r?-touro para uso oral. / Alternative sources of natural oils are constantly being investigated to meet the demand for natural raw materials used for the development of new products. The aim of this work was to study the oxidative and thermal stability of the bullfrog oil (Rana catesbeiana Shaw), as well as to develop an emulsion based on an experimental design with application to the oral route. The adipose tissue of Rana catesbeiana Shaw was used as a source for producing natural oil by a hot extraction method, with yield of 60 ? 0.9%. The bullfrog oil was characterized and peroxide, acidity, iodine and saponification values were respectively 1.92 meq O2 / kg; 2.95 KOH / g oil; 104.2 g of I / 100 g oil and 171.2 mg KOH / g of oil. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC / MS) was used to determine the compounds present in the bullfrog oil. The main constituents are oleic acid (30%) and eicosapentaenoic acid (17.6%), which are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids respectively. Oxidative stability was determined in the presence or absence of the antioxidants BHA (butylhydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylhydroxytoluene) at 60 ? 2 ? C for 15 days and at room temperature for 120 days. Values of acidity, peroxide, iodine and saponification; conjugated dienes and trienes, oxidation induction time (Rancimat?) and changes in the infrared spectra were measured. The bullfrog oil oxidation rate was dependent on temperature, and the oil became more stable in the presence of BHT. During the oil oxidation, significant changes in the ultraviolet visible absorption spectrum and infrared were observed. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the oil was stable up to 200 ?C.

Teias do pensar democrático presentes nos discursos dos atores das redes de agências de acreditação e avaliação da qualidade da educação superior na américa latina : as vozes do lado de lá.

Santos, Margareth Guerra dos January 2016 (has links)
A temática das Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior surge no contexto da internacionalização, da cooperação e do movimento de integração entre os países. Como uma consequência da Sociedade do Conhecimento no mundo contemporâneo, este contexto tem fomentado o estabelecimento de relações de cooperação e troca de informações sobre avaliação das universidades na América Latina, através de Redes. Este cenário marcou a existência do objeto de estudo. Compreender perspectivas democráticas construídas no interior dos movimentos de Redes e como se tecem as relações de forças no seu interior, privilegiando possíveis tramas de resistência a modelos de avaliação da educação superior hegemônicos com foco nas Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior na América Latina,foi o objeto da tese.As opções metodológicas incluíram a seleção de duas redes, Riaces e Rana, a escolha intencional de sujeitos respondentes dentre seus gestores e especialistas, a técnica de coleta de dados através da produção de narrativas dos sujeitos e a construção de um mapa conceitual da categoria democracia dentro de uma concepção contra hegemônica (Sousa Santos,2003; 2008). A análise interpretativa dos dados permitiu identificar o exercício de uma forma de democracia que representa a tomada de decisões em alinhamento com grupos determinantes no poder,dentre os quais outras redes de avaliação internacionais,em que o processo de decisão e participação nas decisões resume-se a consolidar concepções hegemônicas que não reconhecem a perspectiva do local. Neste sentido, a questão democracia,pode entender-se como um pensar que parece ser ingênuo, não havendo sido encontrados traços de compatibilidade com uma democracia de forte intensidade (Barber, 2003). Parece ser uma forma de democracia que representaria o mascaramento do poder invisível (Bobbio, 1986), servindo ao fortalecimento do capital. As teias de um possível pensar democrático sustentando “rupturas”, presentes no discurso dos atores dos movimentos de Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade,mostram vozes que levam a repensar e rediscutir as dinâmicas de uma democracia. Uma democracia forte, com participação efetiva e igualitária, respeitando as diversidades culturais e a heterogeneidade dos povos que constituem a região, impondo a liberdade de expressão como condição para a autonomia, parece distante do contexto analisado. / The thematic of Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies arises in the context of internationalization, cooperation and integration movement between countries. As a Knowledge Society consequence in the contemporary world, this context has fostered the establishment of cooperative relations and information exchange over the universities evaluation in Latin America. This scene marked the thesis. The study aimed to understand the democratic perspectives built within networks movements as well as the woven relationships of forces conducting possible plots of resistance to hegemonic higher education evaluation models focusing on Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies. The methodological options included the selection of two networks, Riaces and Rana, the intentional selection of respondents among their managers and specialists, the technique of data collection through the production of subjects' narratives and the construction of a conceptual map of the category democracy in an antihegemonic conception (Sousa Santos, 2003; 2008). The interpretative analysis of the data allowed to identify the exercise of a form of democracy that represents decision-making in alignment with determining groups in power, including other international evaluation networks, where the decision-making process and participation in decisions sums up to consolidate hegemonic conceptions that do not recognize the local perspectives. In this sense, the issue of democracy can be understood as a kind of naïve thinking. No traces of compatibility with a strong democracy have been found (Barber, 2003). It seems to be a form of democracy that would represent the masking of an invisible power (Bobbio, 1986), serving to capital strengthening. The webs of a possible democratic thinking sustaining "ruptures"in the discourse of the networks of Accreditation and Quality Evaluation actors, are showing voices that lead to re-thinking and re-discussing the democracy dynamics. A strong democracy, with effective and equal participation, respecting the cultural diversities and heterogeneity of the peoples which constitute the region, imposing freedom of expression as a condition for autonomy, seems to be no existent.

Ovlivňuje přítomnost invazní želvy růst pulců skokana hnědého? / Is the growth of brown frog`s tadpoles influenced by the presence of red-eared slides?

VODRÁŽKOVÁ, Magda January 2018 (has links)
An increasing amount of attention is devoted to studying the impact of non-native animal species on native species. Among other causes of ecosystem degradation, such as climate change, polution and habitat conversion, biological invasion is considered as one of the main causes of the decrease in biological diversity all over the world. In order to detect possible predation event, tadpoles use not only visual and mechanical stimuli, but also chemical one. The tadpoles respond to the certain chemicals to be a part of predator's secretions. In aquatic systems, chemical cues are a major source of information through which animals are able to assess the current state of their environment to gain information about local predation risk. Prey use chemicals released by predators to mediate a range of behavioural, morphological and life-history antipredator defences. Tadpoles swim significatnly less and also on a less direct trajectory in the presence of chemical cues released by a turtle Trachemys scripta. This article is focused on the influence of mentioned constraints on the dynamics and the time dynamics of the larval growth of Rana temporaria. The influence was judged by the impact on the tadpole's development. We anticipated a behavioral response to the predator, which would lead to various growth reactions during larval growth, the resulting body size after metamorphosis, but also in the development time of larval stage. The results indicate that tadpoles of Rana temporaria changed behaviour in the presence of Trachemys scripta. Tadpoles in the permanent presence of the turtle grew faster, metamorphosed earlier and the resulting size after metamorphosis was smaller than of the tadpoles who developed without presence of the predator. Mentioned reactions may affect the survival and fitness of a metamorphosed individual.

Teias do pensar democrático presentes nos discursos dos atores das redes de agências de acreditação e avaliação da qualidade da educação superior na américa latina : as vozes do lado de lá.

Santos, Margareth Guerra dos January 2016 (has links)
A temática das Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior surge no contexto da internacionalização, da cooperação e do movimento de integração entre os países. Como uma consequência da Sociedade do Conhecimento no mundo contemporâneo, este contexto tem fomentado o estabelecimento de relações de cooperação e troca de informações sobre avaliação das universidades na América Latina, através de Redes. Este cenário marcou a existência do objeto de estudo. Compreender perspectivas democráticas construídas no interior dos movimentos de Redes e como se tecem as relações de forças no seu interior, privilegiando possíveis tramas de resistência a modelos de avaliação da educação superior hegemônicos com foco nas Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade da Educação Superior na América Latina,foi o objeto da tese.As opções metodológicas incluíram a seleção de duas redes, Riaces e Rana, a escolha intencional de sujeitos respondentes dentre seus gestores e especialistas, a técnica de coleta de dados através da produção de narrativas dos sujeitos e a construção de um mapa conceitual da categoria democracia dentro de uma concepção contra hegemônica (Sousa Santos,2003; 2008). A análise interpretativa dos dados permitiu identificar o exercício de uma forma de democracia que representa a tomada de decisões em alinhamento com grupos determinantes no poder,dentre os quais outras redes de avaliação internacionais,em que o processo de decisão e participação nas decisões resume-se a consolidar concepções hegemônicas que não reconhecem a perspectiva do local. Neste sentido, a questão democracia,pode entender-se como um pensar que parece ser ingênuo, não havendo sido encontrados traços de compatibilidade com uma democracia de forte intensidade (Barber, 2003). Parece ser uma forma de democracia que representaria o mascaramento do poder invisível (Bobbio, 1986), servindo ao fortalecimento do capital. As teias de um possível pensar democrático sustentando “rupturas”, presentes no discurso dos atores dos movimentos de Redes de Agências de Acreditação e Avaliação da Qualidade,mostram vozes que levam a repensar e rediscutir as dinâmicas de uma democracia. Uma democracia forte, com participação efetiva e igualitária, respeitando as diversidades culturais e a heterogeneidade dos povos que constituem a região, impondo a liberdade de expressão como condição para a autonomia, parece distante do contexto analisado. / The thematic of Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies arises in the context of internationalization, cooperation and integration movement between countries. As a Knowledge Society consequence in the contemporary world, this context has fostered the establishment of cooperative relations and information exchange over the universities evaluation in Latin America. This scene marked the thesis. The study aimed to understand the democratic perspectives built within networks movements as well as the woven relationships of forces conducting possible plots of resistance to hegemonic higher education evaluation models focusing on Networks of Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Agencies. The methodological options included the selection of two networks, Riaces and Rana, the intentional selection of respondents among their managers and specialists, the technique of data collection through the production of subjects' narratives and the construction of a conceptual map of the category democracy in an antihegemonic conception (Sousa Santos, 2003; 2008). The interpretative analysis of the data allowed to identify the exercise of a form of democracy that represents decision-making in alignment with determining groups in power, including other international evaluation networks, where the decision-making process and participation in decisions sums up to consolidate hegemonic conceptions that do not recognize the local perspectives. In this sense, the issue of democracy can be understood as a kind of naïve thinking. No traces of compatibility with a strong democracy have been found (Barber, 2003). It seems to be a form of democracy that would represent the masking of an invisible power (Bobbio, 1986), serving to capital strengthening. The webs of a possible democratic thinking sustaining "ruptures"in the discourse of the networks of Accreditation and Quality Evaluation actors, are showing voices that lead to re-thinking and re-discussing the democracy dynamics. A strong democracy, with effective and equal participation, respecting the cultural diversities and heterogeneity of the peoples which constitute the region, imposing freedom of expression as a condition for autonomy, seems to be no existent.

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