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Enabling scientific data on the WebMilowski, Raymond Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Scientific data does not exist on the Web in the same way as the written word; reviews, media, wikis, social networks, and blogs all contribute to the interconnected nature of ordinary language on the Web. Network effects create additional value from seemingly minor contributions to the Web. But nothing such as this exists for scientific data. Simply put, within the Open Web Platform, we cannot currently turn and apply similar mechanisms for scientific work without great effort. Thus, the Web has not so far enabled Science as well as it has enabled dissemination and interconnection for the written word: to truly enable Science on the Web, we must endeavor to make data and its semantics first-class Web constituents. This thesis focuses on solving this problem by enabling scientific data to exist on the Web in such a way that it can be processed both as viewable content and consumed data. Starting from the principles on which the Web has so far thrived, we propose solutions to enable complex data exchanges while preserving the Web as it stands. We introduce the Partition Annotate Name (PAN) methodology, which relies upon embracing the core architectural principles of the Web: name things with URIs; process common data formats; use common rules under a shared contract between publisher, developer, and consumer.
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Možnosti rozvoje sémantického webuMachala, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Um Modelo de Apresentação e Navegação de Linked Data para o Usuário FinalRocha, André Luiz Carlomagno 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Santos Davilene (davilenes@ufba.br) on 2016-05-25T12:45:32Z
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Andre_Carlomagno_Dissertacao.pdf: 1757427 bytes, checksum: 0e8705dc6cbd590104c52bd09603036a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-25T12:45:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Andre_Carlomagno_Dissertacao.pdf: 1757427 bytes, checksum: 0e8705dc6cbd590104c52bd09603036a (MD5) / Linked Data permite a ligação entre dados de diferentes fontes para criar um único espaço
global de dados. Dados publicados obedecendo aos princípios de Linked Data possuem significado
explicitamente definido e podem ser tratados e processados por máquinas. No entanto, pessoas
também podem se beneficiar diretamente da semântica explícita contida na estrutura dos dados. Este
trabalho trata a carência de métodos, processos e modelos preocupados com a apresentação e
navegação de dados estruturados obedecendo aos princípios de Linked Data. O foco da pesquisa é no
usuário comum, aquele sem experiência com as técnicas que giram em torno da Web Semântica. Para
tratar o problema em questão, o trabalho utiliza três linhas de investigação: as estratégias para
apresentação e navegação de dados estruturados na Web Semântica; a modelagem de sistemas de
hipertexto e a recuperação de dados estruturados embutidos em páginas Web. As contribuições desta
pesquisa incluem: (i) um modelo de apresentação e navegação para Linked Data, focado no usuário
comum, que pode ser implementado por sistemas interessados em prover tais recursos; (ii) um Serviço
Web e uma biblioteca Javascript implementando o modelo, que podem ser utilizados pelo lado cliente
de aplicações Web preocupadas em fornecer apresentação e navegação para Linked Data; e (iii) um
protótipo desenvolvido para demonstrar a utilização do serviço e da biblioteca e, consequentemente, a
viabilidade do modelo proposto, que fornece recursos de apresentação e navegação de dados
estruturados embutidos em páginas Web.
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Sökmotoroptimering med microdata : Hur påverkar användandet av microdata det organiska sökresultatet?Ottosson, Jacob January 2012 (has links)
Arbetet handlar om sökmotoroptimering med hjälp av microdata. Hamnar webbsidor som använder sig av det högre upp i det organiska sökresultatet? Eller kan det ge mindre önskvärda konsekvenser? Från början åtogs arbetet att skapa en sökmotoroptimerad sida åt företaget Hårmakarna i Motala och som en naturlig del i arbetet dök användandet av microdataupp. Det tycks vara allmänt vedertaget att tekniker som microdata är gynnsamma vid sökmotoroptimering och frågeställningen kring huruvida ett sådant användande kunde ge en bättre placering i det organiska sökresultatet eller ej tog form. Det var särskilt intressant eftersom det inte verkade finnas några studier som bekräftade frågeställningen. Arbetet blev därför sedan uteslutet inriktat på frågeställningen. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att två webbsidor publicerades. Förutom att den ena sidan innehöll microdata var webbsidorna identiska. Direkt efter publicering genomfördes frekventa undersökningar av Googles sökmotor tills webbsidorna indexerats. Efter det utfördes sökningar på utvalda sökord med målet att få en uppfattning om webbsidornas placering över tid. Resultatet blev oväntat då webbsidan utan microdata visade sig få en sämre placering. Antagligen berodde det på det som Google kallar ”duplicate content”. / This study is dealing with the subject of search engine optimization with the usage of microdata. Do websites that use it obtain a higher placement in the organic searchresult? Or can it bring less desirable consequences? From the beginning the work consisted of creating a search engine optimized website for the Motala-based company Hårmakarna and as a natural part in the work the topicof microdata surfaced. It seems like it is common knowledge that techniques like microdata are beneficial for search engine optimization and the question whether that kind of technique could wield a better placement in the organic searchresult or not took shape. It was particulary interesting since it did not seem to exist any studies that could confirm the question. The study was performed by publishing two websites. Except that one of the websites was using microdata the were identical. When the websites were published examinations of Google's searchengine were performed until both websites were indexed. After that searches were made with selected searchwords and the aim was to get a notion of the websites' placement over time. The result was unexpected as the website with no microdata got an inferior placement probably due to what Google calls ”duplicate content”.
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Podpora sémantiky v CMS Drupal / Support of Semantics in CMS DrupalKubaliak, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The work concern about the support of semantics in known content managing systems. It is describing the possibilities of use for these technologies and their public accessibility. We find out, that today's technologies and methods are in the state of public inducting. In the question of semantic support in CMS Drupal we developed a tool for extending its support of semantic formats. This tool allows CMS Drupal to export its information in a Topic Maps format. For this it uses the XTM file.
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RDFa as Semantic Markup and Web VisibilityDalal Bashi, Omar, Naeem, Muhammad January 2011 (has links)
Web visibility is the appearance of web sites in search engines. Web visibility in search engine is an important factor to improve the e-commerce on the web. If the web site gets high ranking in search engines it will attract more web traffic. Semantic markup is a technique to structure a web site, so it can be understandable by humans and computers. This allows the crawler or spider to understand the content of the web site during the search engine process. Semantically structured web sites increase the web visibility in search engines. RDFa is a semantic markup and supported by the W3C. In this thesis we have focused on the RDFa as a semantic markup technique. This study shows two aspects of RDFa i.e. what are the benefits and barriers of using RDFa in structuring and enhancing the web visibility of web sites in search engines, and how web developers implement RDFa. This study is based on the data that has been collected through literature review and interviewing different web developers from different companies. First result of this study shows the benefits and barriers of using RDFa according to the web developers. Second result is a guideline for helping the companies that are planning to implement the RDFa in structuring their web sites. The guideline is based on the technical steps and the requirements for implementing RDFa that web developers have described during the interviews.
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Συστήματα διαχείρισης περιεχομένου και σημαντικός ιστός / Content management systems and semantic webΝάκος, Κωνσταντίνος 24 January 2012 (has links)
Ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό ιστότοπων παράγεται και συντηρείται με χρήση Συστημάτων Διαχείρισης Περιεχομένου (Content Management Systems – CMS), τα οποία, εκτός από περιεχόμενο κειμένου, διαχειρίζονται και δομημένα δεδομένα. Από την άλλη, ο Σημαντικός Ιστός αν και έχει αρχίσει να γίνεται πραγματικότητα παραμένει σε εμβρυϊκό στάδιο σε σχέση με τον παραδοσιακό Ιστό. Η σύγκλιση των δύο κόσμων θα μπορούσε να αποφέρει τεράστια οφέλη και να πυροδοτήσει την ταχύτερη εξάπλωση του Σημαντικού Ιστού. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία καταγράφονται και μελετώνται τα πιο διαδεδομένα εργαλεία Σημαντικού εμπλουτισμού CMS, καθώς και μια σειρά από CMS που φέρουν εγγενή χαρακτηριστικά Σημαντικού Ιστού. Τέλος, υλοποιείται μια πρότυπη δικτυακή πύλη με τη χρήση της έκδοσης 7 του CMS Drupal, η οποία ενσωματώνει χαρακτηριστικά Σημαντικού Ιστού στον πυρήνα της (όπως αυτόματη ενσωμάτωση στις σελίδες που παράγονται του νεοσύστατου πρότυπου RDFa). / Currently a large number of Web sites are driven by Content Management Systems (CMS), which manage not only textual content but also structured data. On the other hand, even though Semantic Web is beginning to materialize, it is still dwarfed by the traditional Web. The convergence of the two worlds could produce significant benefits and trigger a faster spread of the Semantic Web. In the current diploma thesis, prevalent CMS semantic enrichment tools and a series of Semantic CMS are thoroughly examined. Finally, an experimental web portal is developed using CMS Drupal’s version 7, which integrates Semantic Web features in its core (such as the automatic embedding of the emergent RDFa standard in the pages created).
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Sémantický web v CMS systémech / Semantic Web in Content Management SystemsVrána, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with the Semantic Web, its link to existing Web and the technologies, that produce it. It also deals with its current use in practice, further examines the deployment in web content management systems and proposes semantic extensions for the Kentico CMS.
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SemProj: Ein Semantic Web – basiertes System zur Unterstützung von Workflow- und ProjektmanagementLanger, André 26 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Mit mehr als 120 Millionen registrierten Internetadressen (Stand: März 2007) symbolisiert das Internet heutzutage das größte Informationsmedium unserer Zeit. Täglich wächst das Internet um eine unüberschaubare Menge an Informationen. Diese Informationen sind häufig in Dokumenten hinterlegt, welche zur Auszeichnung die Hypertext Markup Language verwenden. Seit Beginn der Neunziger Jahre hat sich dieses System bewährt, da dadurch der einzelne Nutzer in die Lage versetzt wird, auf einfache und effiziente Weise Dokumentinhalte mit Darstellungsanweisungen zu versehen und diese eigenständig im Internet zu veröffentlichen. Diese Layoutinformationen können bei Abruf der entsprechenden Ressource durch ein Computerprogramm leicht ausgewertet und zur Darstellung der Inhalte genutzt werden. Obwohl sowohl die Layoutinformationen als auch die eigentlichen Dokumentinhalte in einem textuellen Format vorliegen, konnten die Nutzertextinhalte durch eine Maschine bisher nur sehr eingeschränkt verarbeitet werden. Während es menschlichen Nutzern keinerlei Probleme bereitet, die Bedeutung einzelner Texte auf einer Webseite zu identifizieren, stellen diese für einen Rechner prinzipiell nur eine Aneinanderreihung von ASCII-Zeichen dar.
Sobald es möglich werden würde, die Bedeutung von Informationen durch ein Computerprogramm effizient zu erfassen und weiterzuverarbeiten, wären völlig neue Anwendungen mit qualitativ hochwertigeren Ergebnissen im weltweiten Datennetz möglich. Nutzer könnten Anfragen an spezielle Agenten stellen, welche sich selbstständig auf die Suche nach passenden Resultaten begeben; Informationen verschiedener Informationsquellen könnten nicht nur auf semantischer Ebene verknüpft, sondern daraus sogar neue, nicht explizit enthaltene Informationen abgeleitet werden. Ansätze dazu, wie Dokumente mit semantischen Metadaten versehen werden können, gibt es bereits seit einiger Zeit. Lange umfasste dies jedoch die redundante Bereitstellung der Informationen in einem eigenen Dokumentenformat, weswegen sich keines der Konzepte bis in den Privatbereich durchsetzen konnte und als Endkonsequenz in den vergangenen Monaten besonderes Forschungsinteresse darin aufkam, Möglichkeiten zu finden, wie semantische Informationen ohne großen Zusatzaufwand direkt in bestehende HTML-Dokumente eingebettet werden können.
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit möchte diese neuen Möglichkeiten im Bereich des kollaborativen Arbeitens näher untersuchen. Ziel ist es dazu, eine Webapplikation zur Abwicklung typischer Projektmanagement-Aufgaben zu entwickeln, welche jegliche Informationen unter einem semantischen Gesichtspunkt analysieren, aufbereiten und weiterverarbeiten kann und unabhängig von der konkreten Anwendungsdomain und Plattform systemübergreifend eingesetzt werden kann. Die Konzepte Microformats und RDFa werden dabei besonders herausgestellt und nach Schwächen und zukünftigen Potentialen hin untersucht. / The World Wide Web supposably symbolizes with currently more than 120 million registered internet domains (March 2007) the most comprehensive information reference of all times. The amount of information available increases by a storming bulk of data ever day. Those information is often embedded in documents which utilize the Hypertext Markup Language. This enables the user to mark out certain layout properties of a text in an easy and efficient fashion and to publish the final document containing both layout and data information. A computer application is then able to extract style information from the document resource and to use it in order to render the resulting website. Although layout information and data are both equally represented in a textual manner, a machine was hardly capable of processing user content so far. Whereas human consumers have no problem to identify and understand the sense of several paragraphs on a website, they basically represent only a concatenation of ASCII characters for a machine.
If it were possible to efficiently disclose the sense of a word or phrase to a computer program in order to process it, new astounding applications with output results of high quality would be possible. Users could create queries for specialized agents which autonomously start to search the web for adequate result matches. Moreover, the data of multiple information sources could be linked and processed together on a semantic level so that above all new, not explicitly stated information could be inferred. Approaches already exist, how documents could be enhanced with semantic metadata, however, many of these involve the redundant provision of those information in a specialized document format. As a consequence none of these concepts succeeded in becoming a widely used method and research started again to find possibilities how to embed semantic annotations without huge additional efforts in an ordinary HTML document.
The present thesis focuses on an analysis of these new concepts and possibilities in the area of collaborative work. The objective is to develop the prototype of a web application with which it is possible to manage typical challenges in the realm of project and workflow management. Any information available should be processable under a semantic viewpoint which includes analysis, conditioning and reuse independently from a specific application domain and a certain system platform. Microformats and RDFa are two of those relatively new concepts which enable an application to extract semantic information from a document resource and are therefore particularly exposed and compared with respect to advantages and disadvantages in the context of a “Semantic Web”.
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Systém pro správu obsahu založený na ontologiích / Ontology-Based Content Management SystemČekan, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis, design and implementation of a system based on semantic technologies and ontology languages. There is described the semantic web and its concept, technology of semantic web especially RDF and OWL and the ability to view on the Web. Another part of this work treats with the specification, analysis, design actual implementation of the system, which processes the ontology and allows users to create individual depending on the definition of the ontology. The created content is presented on the Web annotated. The result of this work is the demonstration application.
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