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Komparace systému získávání a výběru pracovníků ve dvou vybraných podnicích na Klatovsku / Comparison of the recruitment and staff selection in two selected companies in the region KlatovskoWEBEROVÁ, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on the description, analysis and comparison of the process of recruitment and selection of employees in companies Lesní stavby s.r.o., Nýrsko a Silnice Klatovy a.s., these companies are located in the region Klatovsko. Through the literature research is the theoretical part focused on recruitment and staff selection and on regional context of Pilsen region itself. In the practical part is described, analyzed and compared the system of staff recruitment and selection in selected companies. These data are based on information gathered from interviews with directors and human resources managers of companies stated above. After processing the practical part there were found some shortcomings in the area of human resource management and the suggestions for improvement were suggested. In this thesis we can also find an interpretation of the results of the external conditions of the human resource management
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Implicações ecológicas da dormência de sementes em Butia odorata (ARECACEAE)Schlindwein, Gilson January 2012 (has links)
Butia odorata (butiazeiro) é uma palmeira que ocorre em regiões subtropicais da América do Sul, onde constitui formações savânicas em áreas associadas com o manejo pecuário. Após a dispersão, suas sementes apresentam dormência, que pode ser superada por tratamentos de calor úmido. Esta tese visou avaliar como esta dormência responde a variáveis térmicas e de umidade do ambiente e de que forma ela influencia o sucesso de recrutamento de suas plântulas. Para isto foram feitos três estudos: no primeiro, os efeitos de diferentes tratamentos de temperatura, secagem e armazenamento dos diásporos sobre o sucesso germinativo da espécie foram avaliados em laboratório; no segundo, foram investigados os efeitos sazonais e de micro-hábitat (área aberta e mancha florestal) sobre a emergência de plântulas a partir de diásporos semeados no campo, relacionando as respostas às variáveis ambientais, à dormência e à viabilidade das sementes; no terceiro, foram igualmente avaliados os efeitos sazonal e de micro-hábitat, porém sobre o sobre o recrutamento de plântulas, através da semeadura em duas épocas distintas do ano (antes e após o verão), de diásporos previamente tratados para superação da dormência. Os resultados destes estudos mostraram que períodos de préaquecimento úmido (40ºC) após secagem dos diásporos atuam no alívio da dormência das sementes de B. odorata. Estes fatores também foram relacionados com a liberação da dormência das sementes em condições de campo, agindo de forma cíclica sobre este processo ao longo do ano. Esta estratégia concentrou a emergência de plântulas após o verão, quando as condições térmicas e hídricas foram mais favoráveis. Esta resposta foi potencializada pela presença de manchas florestais, que prolongaram a viabilidade das sementes e aumentaram o recrutamento de plântulas. / Butia odorata (pindo palm) is a palm tree that occurs in the subtropical regions of South America, where it composes a savanna-like vegetation in areas associated with livestock. After dispersal, seeds exhibit dormancy, which can be overcome by moist heat treatments. This thesis aimed to evaluate how such dormancy responds to thermal and moisture variables of the environment and how it influences the success of seedlings recruitment. To accomplish this, three studies were conducted: in the first, the effects of different temperature, drying and storage treatments imposed to the diaspores on the germination success of the species were evaluated in the laboratory; in the second, we investigated the effects the seasonal and microhabitat (open area vs. forest patch) on seedling emergence from diaspores sown in the field, and related the responses to environmental variables, dormancy and seed viability; in the third, the seasonal and microhabitat effects were also evaluated, but now on seedling recruitment, by doing the sowing at two different times of the year (before and after the summer) of seeds which had been previously treated for overcoming dormancy. The results of these studies showed that periods of wet preheating (40 °C) after seed drying act on relieving seed dormancy of B. odorata. These factors were also related to the release of seed dormancy under field conditions, acting in a cyclical way along the year. This strategy concentrated seedling emergence after the summer, when temperature and water conditions were more favorable. This response was enhanced by the presence of forest patches, which extended seed viability and increased seedling recruitment.
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Identifikace požadavků kladených na sportovní manažery v procesu náboru v České republice a Německu / Identification of sport manager's role and creation of the type position of a sport manager in the Czech Republic and GermanyVítek, Zbyněk January 2018 (has links)
Title: Identification of sport manager's role and creation of the type position of a sport manager in the Czech Republic and Germany Objectives: The main objective of the primary survey is to examine the job-side situation of "Sports Manager" on the labour market on the Czech Republic and Germany. Compare the differences between demands for sports managers and use the results of empirical research to introduce a sports manager. The partial goals, comments and recommendations were formulated as follows: 1) Determine which knowledge and skills are relevant to HR department (human recources department) and quantify them. 2) Verify that HR department requires education and practice, and specify the type of education, length and type of practice. Methods: The theoretical part is processed in the form of a research. From professional literature and publications. A comparison method was used to fulfill the scientific research objective. We have added the findings by formulating recommendations for the implementation of the recruitment and selection process in order to obtain the most suitable candidate for the position of "sports manager". Results: From the empirical knowledge and research of recruitment insertions are distinct the identification and difference of the requirements for the professional...
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Historically, nationalism has been most apparent during times of conflict and struggle. During the First World War, every nation involved attempted to mobilize both industry and manpower towards the war effort. Unlike the other Belligerent Powers, Britain was encumbered by a tradition of voluntary enlistment until the introduction of conscription in 1916. This meant that the government had to convince the men of their nation to join the military. Many scholars have studied the role of recruitment posters in this historical endeavor as well as the role played by society in persuading young men to join the military. This Thesis couples both lines of historiography in order to better understand how the British government targeted a man's masculinity in order to recruit him. Victorian middle-class gendered concepts of public service, private/public spheres, fraternal obligations and ethnicity were all depicted on the surfaces of British recruitment posters. Thus this Thesis argues that the presence of these masculine markers within British recruitment propaganda suggests the British government attempted to mobilize masculinity towards winning the First World War. It also presses for a gendered view of nationalism in the historiography concerned with understanding British nationalist sentiment during the early twentieth-century. By integrating gender and nationalism into a visual analysis of various British war posters, it offers a new perspective on the government's recruitment strategies employed during the first two years of the First World War.
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The Atchafalaya River Basin (ARB) in Louisiana is the principal distributary of the Mississippi River, and it contains the largest contiguous area of baldcypress-water tupelo swamp forests in North America. After designation of the ARB as a federal floodway following the destructive 1927 Mississippi River (MR) flood, it was extensively modified to accommodate a substantial portion of the MR flow (~30%) to mitigate flooding in southern Louisiana. The resulting reach to system scale modifications for regional flood mitigation, navigation, and hydrocarbon extraction have substantially altered the lateral connectivity between the AR and its floodplain wetlands, threatening the ecological integrity of this globally-important ecosystem. Multiple stakeholder groups agree that restoring flow connectivity is essential to maintaining the basin’s water quality and forest health, and several flow-connectivity enhancement projects (hereafter, project elements) have been proposed by the Atchafalaya Basin Program’s Technical Advisory Group within the Flat Lake Water Management Unit (FLWMU) study area to increase lateral hydrologic connectivity within the management unit and beyond. Additionally, a new flow prescription to improve floodplain habitat has recently been suggested for the ARB. Flow into the ARB is now regulated through the Old River Control Structure (ORCS; operational in 1963), and represents the opportunity for large-scale flow experiments to enhance a multitude of ecosystem services that have been degraded due to anthropogenic alteration. For this study, I compiled existing datasets and constructed a 1D2D hydraulic model to evaluate: 1) if the suggested flow prescription would have the desired inundation impacts; 2) whether the proposed project elements would improve lateral connectivity in the FLWMU; and 3) whether recommended project elements would increase the area suitable for baldcypress recruitment in the study area. To examine the first two research questions above, I examined two scenarios – a baseline scenario to examine current conditions (no restoration projects), and a full-implementation scenario, where all proposed project elements that could be examined at the model resolution were implemented. Comparison of the modeling results for the baseline scenario to the suggested flow prescription goals suggests the overbank discharge and the extreme low-flow targets would have the desired impacts of inundating and drying out of the majority of the FLWMU, respectively. Proxy indicators of enhanced flow connectivity suggest that proposed projects will improve water quality, especially at intermediate to high flow conditions, when ~90% of the FLWMU experiences improved drainage as indicated by higher rates of water surface elevation decrease and lower overall system water volume. The stated objectives of the project elements recommended by the Technical Advisory Group are to improve connectivity and water quality, but another important and related restoration goal for stakeholders includes baldcypress restoration. To examine the third objective, I used a model-derived proxy indicator of habitat improvement (depth reduction) at two key discharges, along with other ecological suitability factors, to determine areas most likely to support baldcypress recruitment. Here, I compared baseline conditions to two alternative restoration scenarios – 1) a targeted implementation scenario where 22 project elements were implemented, and 2) the full-implementation scenario, where all projects that could be examined at the model resolution were implemented. Suitable habitat area for both natural and artificial baldcypress recruitment increased under intermediate flow conditions but remained unchanged for higher discharge conditions. For the intermediate discharge scenario, the full-implementation scenario results in a 2 km2 increase in the class considered most suitable for natural baldcypress regeneration within the calculated recruitment band, and a decrease of ~16 km2 in the areas considered least suitable for the entire FLWMU study area. Coupled with the connectivity results, which indicate that nutrient-rich river water will be exchanged between main channels and the backswamp at a greater range of flows, it appears that project implementation alone will benefit baldcypress recruitment, especially artificial regeneration efforts. However, full project implementation coupled with large-scale flow modifications at ORCS would likely provide maximum benefit for baldcypress restoration efforts that seek to increase the area supportive of natural baldcypress regeneration.
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Neural Mechanisms of Mnemonic PrecisionEster, Edward F. 12 1900 (has links)
xii, 78 p. : ill. (some col.) / Working memory (WM) enables the storage of information in a state that can be rapidly accessed and updated. This system is a core component of higher cognitive function - individual differences in WM ability are strongly predictive of general intelligence (IQ) and scholastic achievement (e.g., SAT scores), and WM ability is compromised in many psychiatric (e.g., schizophrenia) and neurological (e.g., Parkinson's) disorders. Thus, there is a strong motivation to understand the basic properties of this system. Recent studies suggest that WM ability is determined by two independent factors: the number of items an individual can store and the precision with which representations can be maintained. Significant progress has been made in developing neural measures that are sensitive to the number of items stored in WM. For example, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that activity in posterior parietal cortex is directly modulated by the number of items stored in WM and reaches a plateau at the same set size where individual memory capacity is exceeded. However, comparably little is known regarding the neural mechanisms that enable the storage of high-fidelity information in WM. This dissertation describes two experiments that evaluate so-called sensory-recruitment models of WM, where the storage of highfidelity information in WM is mediated by sustained activity in sensory cortices that encode memoranda. In Chapter II, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and multivoxel pattern analysis were used to demonstrate that sustained patterns of activiation observed in striate cortex discriminate specific feature attribute(s) (e.g., orientation) that an observer is holding in WM. In Chapter III, I show that these patterns of activation can be observed in regions of visual cortex that are not retinotopically mapped to the spatial location of a remembered stimulus and suggest that this spatially global recruitment of visual cortex enhances memory precision by facilitating robust population coding of the stored information. Together, these results provide strong support for so-called sensory recruitment models of WM, where the storage of fine visual details is mediated by sustained activity in sensory cortices that encode information.
This dissertation includes previously published and co-authored material. / Committee in charge: Edward Awh, Chairperson and Advisor;
Edward Vogel, Member;
Nash Unsworth, Member;
Terry Takahashi, Outside Member
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Entre a politização e o autocentrismo : os efeitos do recrutamento judicial na Argentina e no ChileBandeira, Julia Veiga Vieira Mancio January 2017 (has links)
O presente artigo tem como objeto as dinâmicas geradas pelos modelos de recrutamento empregados nas Supremas Cortes da Argentina e do Chile. Sendo tais modelos antagônicos, visto que na Argentina o recrutamento se dá por indicação presidencial, enquanto no Chile se configura uma cooptação indireta, busca-se compreender qual é o papel que assumem na institucionalização, hierarquização e independência dos poderes judiciais em questão. Parte-se da hipótese que o recrutamento por indicação presidencial estabeleceu na Argentina uma elite judicial integrada ao desenvolvimento sociopolítico do país, apesar de ter facilitado o cerceamento à independência do Judiciário pelo Executivo. Já a cooptação chilena, ainda que tenha assegurado a independência judicial, incentivou a formação de uma elite com traços aristocráticos, autocentrada e que dificulta a renovação da interpretação judicial, deixando o Judiciário anacrônico. A hipótese do presente artigo será sustentada através da apresentação de um panorama histórico-estrutural da institucionalização dos judiciários em questão, observando o efeito dos modelos de recrutamento adotados, e das disputas para defini-los, em sua hierarquização e independência. Também se recorrerá ao método prosopográfico para aprofundar a apreensão da relação entre os padrões de recrutamento das Corte Suprema e a evolução do poder judicial. / This article has as object the dynamics generated by the models of recruitment employed by Supreme Courts in Argentina and Chile. Once these models are antagonistic, since in Argentina's recruitment happens through presidential appointment, while in Chile, it is a result from indirect cooptation, this paper is sought to understand the role they play in the institutionalization, hierarchization and independence of the referred judicial powers. The main hypothesis points out the recruitment by presidential appointment, established in Argentina, has generated an attentive and integrated judicial elite, concerned to the socio-political development of the country, despite having facilitated the retrenchment of the Judiciary independence by the Executive. On the other hand, Chilean cooptation, although it has ensured judicial independence, encouraged the formation of an elite with aristocratic traits, self-centered and reluctant in renewing judicial interpretation, leaving the Judiciary anachronistic. The hypothesis of this article will be sustained by the presentation of a historical-structural overview of the institutionalization of the both judiciaries, observing the effect of the recruitment models adopted, and the disputes to define them, in their hierarchization and independence. The prosopographic method will also be used to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the Supreme Court's recruitment patterns and the evolution of the judiciary. / El presente artículo tiene por objeto la dinámica generada por los modelos de reclutamiento empleados en las Cortes Supremas de Argentina y Chile. Una vez que estos modelos son antagónicos, ya que en Argentina el reclutamiento es por indicación presidencial, mientras que en Chile es por una cooptación indirecta, se busca comprender el rol que desempeñan en la institucionalización, la jerarquización y la independencia de los poderes judiciales en cuestión. La principal hipótesis es que el reclutamiento por indicación presidencial estableció en Argentina una élite judicial integrada al desarrollo sociopolítico del país, a pesar de haber facilitado la reducción a la independencia del Poder Judicial por parte del Poder Ejecutivo. Por otro lado, la cooptación de Chile, a pesar de que aseguro la independencia judicial, promovió la formación de una élite con rasgos aristocráticos, centrada en sí misma y que dificulta la renovación de la interpretación judicial, dejando el poder judicial anacrónico. La hipótesis de este artículo será sostenida mediante la presentación de un panorama histórico-estructural de la institucionalización del poder judicial de Argentina y Chile, observando el efecto de los modelos de reclutamiento adoptados, y las disputas para definirlos, en su jerarquización e independencia. También se utilizará el método prosopográfico para profundizar la comprensión de la relación entre los patrones de reclutamiento de la Corte Suprema y la evolución del poder judicial.
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Marinheiros para o Brasil: o recrutamento para a marinha de guerra imperial (1822-1870) / Sailors to Brazil: the recruitment for the Imperial Navy (1822-1870)Edna Fernandes Antunes 31 January 2011 (has links)
O recrutamento militar para a Marinha de Guerra brasileira, entre 1822 a 1870, foi marcado por importantes mudanças políticas no Império. Foi um fenômeno social, parte integrante, da constituição da classe dirigente do período, a classe senhorial, e do Estado Imperial. O recrutamento tinha por regulamento a lei de 10 de julho de 1822 que liberava do tributo, os trabalhadores empregados nas principais atividades econômicas, além daqueles que estava sob a proteção de algum poder local. Essas condições deixavam a prestação do serviço aos desempregados, vadios, desvalidos e criminosos, fazendo que a Marinha cumprisse um papel também prisional, em eu castigos físicos era a regra de punição. A Marinha de Guerra, após os primeiros anos da independência dependeu enormemente do engajamento de estrangeiros. Na Regência, surgiram as primeiras ações para a nacionalização da força armada, com o recrutamento de menores e indígenas. Em 1840, no início do Segundo Reinado, foi criado o Corpo de Imperiais Marinheiros, que expandiu-se pelo Brasil, a partir de 1855. Essas ações representaram iniciativas de instrução para a profissionalização dos marinheiros brasileiros no Império. / Military conscription for Brazilian Navy from 1822 to 1870 was marked by important political changes in the Empire. It was a social phenomenon, part of the constitution of the ruling class of the period, the master class, and the Imperial State. Recruitment was by regulation of the law July 10, 1822 that released the tribute, the employees in major economic activities, besides those who were under the protection of some local power. These conditions left the service to the unemployed, vagrants, criminals and the destitute, making the Navy prison also fulfilled a role in physical punishment I was the rule of punishment. The Navy, after the first years of independence depended greatly on the involvement of foreigners. At Regency, brought the first action for the nationalization of armed force, with the recruitment of children and indigenous people. In 1840, the beginning of the Second Empire, was created the Imperial Marines Corps, which has expanded in Brazil, from 1855. These actions represent education initiatives for the professionalization of Brazilian sailors in the Empire.
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Exercise-induced energy compensation in adolescent girls : the development, piloting and evaluation of a chronic exercise interventionMassie, Rachel January 2016 (has links)
Considering current levels of overweight and obesity in the population and the associated adverse health consequences, engaging people with chronic exercise programmes is of heightened importance. During chronic structured exercise programmes, some adults experience adaptive compensatory behavioural responses through increased dietary intake and/or decreased free-living physical activity. These responses can negate the benefits of an exercise-induced energy deficit. However, it is unclear whether young people experience similar responses during chronic structured exercise. Therefore, the experimental research presented in this thesis examined the existence and extent of exercise-induced energy compensation in adolescent girls. To achieve this, a total of 92, 12 to 15 year old girls and 26 adults were recruited into six experimental studies. The Medical Research Council guidance for designing complex interventions was used to structure the experimental chapters into development (Chapters 4 to 7), piloting (Chapter 8) and evaluation (Chapter 9). The first experimental study (Chapter 4) demonstrated that typical daily variation of total energy expenditure (TEE) in adolescent girls is ~3% when estimated by the Actiheart. Physical activity energy expenditure (AEE) variation was found to be ~10%. In the second experimental study (Chapter 5) the agreement and variability of laboratory buffet meals test days was investigated. The results demonstrated typical daily variation of 8.7% in laboratory-based energy intake (EI) in adolescent girls aged 12 to 15 years. Furthermore, a buffet meals familiarisation day is recommended to reduce the variability in EI. Estimation of EI was further explored in Chapter 6 using a digital photography method. This study demonstrated potential for EI assessment using digital photography, but highlighted that, at present, a supplementary written record of EI is required to overcome the limitations associated with missing photographs. Chapter 7 explored themes related to recruitment and retention of adolescent girls to chronic exercise intervention studies. The seven recommendations identified were used to recruit and retain participants in a twelve week pilot exercise intervention study with adolescent girls (Chapter 8). There was no evidence of energy compensation behaviours on a group level; however, high individual variability in both EI and EE behaviours was apparent. The final experimental chapter (Chapter 9) evaluated the fidelity of the exercise intervention and compliance with the measurement of primary outcome variables. Intervention fidelity was largely upheld. On average, participants attended 94% of exercise sessions and 73% of the participants met their individual target heart rate zone. Focus groups with the participants and parents highlighted preference for school-based exercise sessions due to increased variety and convenience, and recommendations for future estimation of free-living EI and EE. Collectively, these studies suggest there is value in pursuing the investigation of energy compensation behaviours in adolescent girls using a mixed methods approach. These studies demonstrate the factors requiring attention when designing and delivering complex interventions to investigate exercise-induced energy compensation in adolescent girls. In particular, methods for estimating free-living EI and EE require further attention before attempting to conduct such research in a larger sample.
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Mathematical and Statistical Insights in Evaluating State Dependent Effectiveness of HIV Prevention InterventionsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is any medical or public health procedure used before exposure to the disease causing agent, its purpose is to prevent, rather than treat or cure a disease. Most commonly, PrEP refers to an experimental HIV-prevention strategy that would use antiretrovirals to protect HIV-negative people from HIV infection. A deterministic mathematical model of HIV transmission is developed to evaluate the public-health impact of oral PrEP interventions, and to compare PrEP effectiveness with respect to different evaluation methods. The effects of demographic, behavioral, and epidemic parameters on the PrEP impact are studied in a multivariate sensitivity analysis. Most of the published models on HIV intervention impact assume that the number of individuals joining the sexually active population per year is constant or proportional to the total population. In the second part of this study, three models are presented and analyzed to study the PrEP intervention, with constant, linear, and logistic recruitment rates. How different demographic assumptions can affect the evaluation of PrEP is studied. When provided with data, often least square fitting or similar approaches can be used to determine a single set of approximated parameter values that make the model fit the data best. However, least square fitting only provides point estimates and does not provide information on how strongly the data supports these particular estimates. Therefore, in the third part of this study, Bayesian parameter estimation is applied on fitting ODE model to the related HIV data. Starting with a set of prior distributions for the parameters as initial guess, Bayes' formula can be applied to obtain a set of posterior distributions for the parameters which makes the model fit the observed data best. Evaluating the posterior distribution often requires the integration of high-dimensional functions, which is usually difficult to calculate numerically. Therefore, the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is used to approximate the posterior distribution. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Applied Mathematics 2014
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