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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variation dialectale et orthographique en romani : étude à partir d'une page du réseaux social Facebook / Dialectal and orthographic variation in Romani language : study on a page from the Facebook social network site

Lecharpentier, Coralie 18 December 2018 (has links)
Le romani, ou romanes, est une langue parlée historiquement par des communautés qui s’autodénomment « Roms », « Sintos » et « Calos ». Dans cette thèse, on se propose d'analyser une page du réseau social Facebook, comportant de nombreux messages en langue romani. Dans un premier temps, nous identifierons les dialectes présents sur la page et étudierons la diversité des pratiques orthographiques. Puis, on analysera comment la variation est prise en compte par les locuteurs, en évoquant les problématiques d'intercompréhension, d'identité et de revitalisation. Le but de notre recherche est de faire un état des lieux des besoins, réussites et représentations des locuteurs du romani afin d’accompagner ce qui pourrait être un processus d’autogestion langagière. / Romani, also known as Romanes, is a language historically spoken by communities who call themselves “Roma”, “Sinti” and “Kalo”. The purpose of this thesis is to study a page of the social network Facebook which includes many messages written in Romani language. First of all, we will identify the dialects used on the page and we will describe the diversity of spelling practices. Then, we wil analyze the way variation is taken into account by the speakers, discussing the issues of mutual understanding, identity and revitalization. Our research focuses on determining the needs, successes and representations of the Romani speakers in order to support a possible linguistic self-management.

Smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema i primena vodonik-peroksida u regulaciji ubrzane eutrofizacije i cvetanja cijanobakterija / Decrease of the total capacity of aquatic ecosystems and the application of hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of accelerated eutrophication and blooming of cyanobacteria

Važić Tamara 16 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dugoročno re&scaron;enje problema povećanog ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema, posledičnog ubraznja eutrofizacije i cvetanja potencijalno toksičnih cijanobakterija podrazumeva smanjenje priliva nutrijenata, kao i eliminaciju vi&scaron;ka nutrijenata iz samog vodenog ekosistema, naročito azota i fosfora. Kao re&scaron;enje ovog&nbsp; problema&nbsp; se&nbsp; predlaže&nbsp; istovremena&nbsp; upotreba&nbsp; seta&nbsp; poznatih&nbsp; alternativnih&nbsp; metoda,&nbsp; označenih zajedničkim&nbsp; nazivom&nbsp; ekomanipulacija,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; uključuje:&nbsp; mehaničko&nbsp; uklanjanje&nbsp; makrofita&nbsp; i&nbsp; biomase cijanobakterija, upotreba plutajućih ostrva, masovno izlovljavanje ribe.<br />Izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena&nbsp; mehaničkog&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; trske&nbsp; (Phragmites&nbsp; australis)&nbsp; u&nbsp; kontekstu&nbsp; za&scaron;tite&nbsp; i preči&scaron;ćavanja vodenih ekosistema i kao energetskog resursa na teritoriji Vojvodine. Procenjeno je da je oko 0,98% povr&scaron;ine Vojvodine pokriveno trskom sa prosečnim prinosom od oko 2 kg/m 2 , odnosno oko 20 t/ha. Ko&scaron;enjem i uklanjanjem nadzemne biomase bi moglo da se ukloni do 333,20 kg/ha azota i 25,20<br />kg/ha&nbsp; fosfora.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; trske&nbsp; kao&nbsp; energetske&nbsp; sirovine,&nbsp; tro&scaron;kovi&nbsp; obrade&nbsp; biomase trenutno prevazilaze potencijalnu zaradu, zbog čega ova makrofita ima veći značaj na lokalnom nivou. Ispitivana&nbsp; je&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; usvajanja&nbsp; nutrijenata direktno&nbsp; iz&nbsp; vodenog&nbsp; stuba putem&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; nadzemne biomase trske iz PPES jedinica, kao i testiranje održivosti čitavog PPES sistema. Iako uklanjanje oko<br />800&nbsp; g&nbsp; nadzemne&nbsp; biomase&nbsp; trske&nbsp; može&nbsp; smanjiti&nbsp; ukupni&nbsp; kapacit&nbsp; do&nbsp; izvesne&nbsp; mere,&nbsp; dodatne&nbsp; vrednosti upotrebe&nbsp; PPES&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; poput usvajanja&nbsp; toksičnih&nbsp; materija,&nbsp; korisne&nbsp; upotrebe&nbsp; plastičnog&nbsp; otpadnog materijala, proizvodnje biljne biomase ovu metodu čini značajnim delom sistema ekomanipulacija. Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; puferskog&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; ekoremedijacije&nbsp; baziranog&nbsp; na&nbsp; izno&scaron;enju&nbsp; biomaske&nbsp; trske&nbsp; se&nbsp; takođe<br />obezbeđuje smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Na taj način se može postići kontrola ubrzane eutrofizacije na četiri funkcionalna nivoa u dinamici ekosistema, koji podrazumevaju: sprečavanje priliva materija u vodeni&nbsp; ekosistem&nbsp; iz&nbsp; spolja&scaron;nje&nbsp; sredine&nbsp; izgradnjom&nbsp; mokrih polja,&nbsp; povećanje&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; razgradnje uvođenjem aeracije, preči&scaron;ćavanje mulja ili efluenta i manipulacija trskom u priobalju. Procenjena&nbsp; je&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; mehaničkog&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; toksične&nbsp; biomase&nbsp; cijanobakterije&nbsp; vrste Planktothrix rubescens iz&nbsp; akumulacije&nbsp; Vrutci. Rezultati&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; ove&nbsp; metode&nbsp; u&nbsp; smanjenju&nbsp; ukupnog kapaciteta,&nbsp; međutim&nbsp; samo&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; cvetanja.&nbsp; Ispitivana&nbsp; je&nbsp; sposobnost&nbsp; 14&nbsp; sojeva&nbsp; bakterija, izolovanih iz sakupljenje povr&scaron;inske skrame P. rubescens, da degradiraju cijanotoksin mikrocistin-LR. Degradacija toksina posle devet dana nije detektovana, &scaron;to je moglo da bude posledica dužeg perioda<br />adaptacije (lag faze) koji je bio potreban da bi se aktivirali odgovarajući geni i enzimski putevi odgovorni za biodegradaciju.<br />Ispitivana je efikasnost metode masovnog izlovljavanja babu&scaron;ke (Carassius gibelio) iz sektora IV jezera Palić. Na osnovu količine iznete biomase tokom probnog izlova 2016. godine i poznatog hemijskog sastava, procenjeno je da je masovnim izlovom moguće ukloniti značajnu količinu nutrijenata na nivou čitavog jezera. Uprkos efikasnosti i pratećim povoljnim promenama u ekosistemu, zbog složenosti lanca ishrane&nbsp; i&nbsp; uop&scaron;te&nbsp; jezerskog&nbsp; ekosistema&nbsp; se&nbsp; preporučuje&nbsp; primena&nbsp; pridruženih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; biomanipulacije<br />ribljom fondom, kao i drugih metoda ekomanipulacije. Ispitivani su cijanocidni efekti vodonik-peroksida, kao dodatne metode u procesu revitalizacije jezera. Uzorci&nbsp; vode&nbsp; iz&nbsp; srpskih&nbsp; jezera Bečmenska&nbsp; bara (sektor&nbsp; Bečmen&nbsp; 3) i jezera&nbsp; Luda&scaron;&nbsp; i&nbsp; finskog&nbsp; jezera<br />K&ouml;yli&ouml;nj&auml;rvi su bili tretirani različiti koncentrcijama vodonik-peroksida. Analize sadržaja hlorofila a i intracelularnih&nbsp; mikrocistina,&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; vijabilnosti&nbsp; pokretnih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; necijanobakterijskog&nbsp; fitoplanktona, zooplanktona i osetljivosti makroinvertebrata, ukazale su na mogućnost efikasne selektivne supresije cijanobakterija ravnomernim apliciranjem 2-5 mg/L vodonik-peroksida. Uočena je različita osetljivost kod ispitivanih grupa organizama na dejstvo agensa, zbog čega je u primeni ove metode neophodan<br />dodatni oprez. Da bi se obezbedio uspe&scaron;an proces revitalizacije jezera, važno je da se metode ekomanipulacije prilagode stanju i karakteristikama jezera, a da se vodonik-peroksid koristi samo u slučaju potrebe. Na takav načinmože&nbsp; nesmetano&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; odvija&nbsp; dugotrajan&nbsp; proces&nbsp; revitalizacije.&nbsp; Zbog&nbsp; složenosti&nbsp; problema&nbsp; povećanja ukupnog&nbsp; kapaciteta,&nbsp; ubrzane&nbsp; eutrofizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; revitalizacije,&nbsp; neophodno&nbsp; je&nbsp; obezbediti multidisciplinarni&nbsp; pristup,&nbsp; pripremu&nbsp; akcionog&nbsp; plana&nbsp; i&nbsp; sprovođenje&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; pod&nbsp; strogo&nbsp; kontrolisanim uslovima.</p> / <p>A long-term solution for the problem of increased total capacity in water ecosystems, and consequently accelerated eutrophication and potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms, implies the restriction of nutrient inputs to the water bodies, as well as elimination of additional nutrients directly from water ecosystems,especially nitrogen and phosphorus. As a solution for this problem, it is proposed to simultaneously use a &nbsp; set&nbsp; of&nbsp; alternative&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; entitled&nbsp; as&nbsp; ecomanipulation,&nbsp; that&nbsp; include:&nbsp; mechanical &nbsp; removal&nbsp; of macrophytes and cyanobacterial biomass, floating islands, extensive fishing. Mechanical removal of Common reed (Phragmites australis) was estimated for the purpose of protection and&nbsp; purification&nbsp; of&nbsp; water&nbsp; ecosystems,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; an energy&nbsp; source&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Vojvodina&nbsp; region.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was estimated that about 0,98% of the Vojvodina region is covered with common reed, with an average yield of 2 kg/m2, eg about 20 t/ha. By harvesting and removing of above-ground biomass, it would be possible to&nbsp; remove&nbsp; up&nbsp; to&nbsp; 333.20&nbsp; kg/ha&nbsp; of&nbsp; nitrogen&nbsp; and&nbsp; 25.20&nbsp; kg/ha&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; phosphorus.&nbsp; Besides&nbsp; favorable characteristics as an energy source, the cost of biomass processing currently exceeds potential revenues, hence this macrophyte is more significant at the local level.&nbsp; The efficiency of nutrient absorption directly from the&nbsp; water column by removal of the reed biomass incorporated in the PPES unites was examined, as well as testing the&nbsp; sustainability of the whole PPES system. Although&nbsp; removal&nbsp; of&nbsp; about&nbsp; 800&nbsp; g&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; above-ground&nbsp; reed&nbsp; biomass&nbsp; can&nbsp; decrease&nbsp; the&nbsp; total capacity up to a certain extent, additional values of PPES usage like the uptake of toxic compounds,useful use of plastic waste material, production of plant biomass makes this method important part&nbsp; of ecomanipulation system. The use of a buffer system of ecoremediation based on the removal of reed biomass also provides a reduction in total capacity. In this way,&nbsp; control of accelerated eutrophication can be achieved at four functional levels in ecosystem dynamics, which include: preventing the&nbsp; inflow of matter into the aquatic ecosystem from the external environment by building artificial wetlands, increasing the decomposition process by introducing aeration, sludge or effluent treatment, and reed manipulation in the coastal area. The efficiency of mechanical removal of toxic biomass&nbsp; of cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens from the Vrutci reservoir was estimated. The results indicate the effectiveness of this method in reducing the total capacity, but only during the blooming period. The ability of 14 bacterial strains, isolated from collected&nbsp; P. &nbsp; rubescens&nbsp; surface&nbsp; scum,&nbsp; to&nbsp; degrade&nbsp; cyanotoxin&nbsp; microcystin-LR&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated. Degradation of toxin after nine days was not detected, which could be a consequence of a longer period of&nbsp; adaptation&nbsp; (lag&nbsp; phase)&nbsp; that&nbsp; was&nbsp; needed&nbsp; for&nbsp; activation&nbsp; of&nbsp; certain&nbsp; genes&nbsp; and&nbsp; enzyme&nbsp; pathways responsible for biodegradation. The efficiency of extensive fishing of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the sector IV of Lake Palić was investigated. Based on the amount of removed biomass during the trial catch in 2016, and the known chemical composition of fish, it was estimated that extensive fishing can remove a significant amount of nutrients at the level of the entire lake. Despite the efficiency and following favorable changes in the ecosystem,&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; complexity&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; food&nbsp; chain&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; lake&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; in&nbsp; general,&nbsp; the&nbsp; use&nbsp; of associated methods of biomanipulation with fish stock, as well as other methods of ecomanipulation, is recommended.<br />The potential of cyanocidal effects of hydrogen peroxide, as an auxiliary method in the&nbsp; process of lake revitalization, was investigated. Water samples from Serbian lakes Bečmenska bara (sector Bečmen 3) and Lake Luda&scaron;, as well as Finnish Lake K&ouml;yli&ouml;nj&auml;rvi, were treated with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Analysis of contents of chlorophyll a and intracellular microcystins, viability index of&nbsp; non-cyanobacterial&nbsp; moving&nbsp; phytoplankton,&nbsp; zooplankton,&nbsp; and&nbsp; sensitivity&nbsp; of&nbsp; macroinvertebrate indicated the possible efficiency of the selective suppression of cyanobacteria by uniform application of 2-5 mg/L of hydrogen peroxide in the water column. Examined groups of organisms expressed different sensitivity towards the applied concentrations of the agent, which is the reason for additional caution in the &nbsp; application of this method.In order to provide successful lake revitalization, it is important to adjust methods of ecomanipulation to the condition and characteristics of the lake, and also to use hydrogen peroxide only when it is necessary.In this way, the long recovery process can proceed smoothly. Due to the complexity of the problem of increased total capacity, accelerated eutrophication, and the process of revitalization, it is necessary to provide a multidisciplinary approach, preparation of an action plan and implementation of methods under strictly controlled conditions.</p>

The Forgotten Light / Det bortglömda Ljuset

Tomic, Sonja January 2015 (has links)
On river Danube in Belgrade, Serbia, abandoned coal power plant Power and Light and the surrounding historical industrial zone have been laying in shadows for decades, waiting to be reconnected to the city life.  This project deals with the revitalization of the old power plant giving it a new function – a school of architecture. As the use for which the building was build is so vastly different from the function of a school, one of the main points dealt with in the proposal is reconciling the existing structure and the new program. This challenge is addressed through working with the building, rather than against is - recognizing existing spatial qualities and seeing how they can be utilized in the new program.  Alongside developing the program for the building itself, the project gives a schematic proposal for future development of the industrial zone as a campus for the city’s growing university. / Vid floden Donau i Belgrad, Serbien, det övergivna kolkraftverk Kraft och Ljus och det omkringliggande historiska industriområdet had varit dolt i skuggor under årtionden, väntandes på att åter bli anslutet till staden.  Det här projektet behandlar förnyelsen av det gamla kolkraftverket genom att ge det en hel ny funktion i form av en skola för arkitektur. Eftersom ursprungliga användandet av byggnaden skiller sig så väsentligt mycket från en skola blir huvuduppgiften att anpassa programmet till byggnadens befintliga struktur. Utmaningen hanteras genom att jobba med byggnaden och se potentialen hos dess existerande utrymmen och hur dessa kan användas i det nya programmet.  Jämt med att utveckla programmet för byggnaden i sig ger projektet ett schematisk förslag för användandet av industri området som ett campus för stadens växande universitet.


Strnková, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The project deals with the revitalization and spatial cultivation of the Dominican monastery with adjacent parish in Znojmo. The monastery is located near the castle walls in the historic center of Znojmo, on the street Dolní Česká. Gradually, should be its conversion from the original method of use to a new use, in order not to delay construction and degradation due to an empty object. The complex, its location and the actual functionality offers precondition for the formation of a community center with associated social housing. The community center should use the premises of the monastery, along with commerce and parishes. Living on the contrary, the rectory and the newly created mass in the courtyard.


Gregorová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
Loss of the use of religious buildings reflects the current state of today's society. In regard to the secularization of the population in recent years, the number of religious buildings preserving the original use is still decreasing. The aim of this work is to create a new spatial terms for the use of the building with respect to historical values. The project includes a strategy for the use of church buildings, which is trying to solve the problem in a wider perspective. The result is a system design housing for children and young people from foster homes and the care facilities. In three progressive stages provide them secure preparation for an independent life. Rectories and monasteries follow each other to establish a operating net. This system is applicable to multiple locations of detected territory. 1 small rectory-surrogate family 2. Large rectory- community living for limited time serving as a step between institutional care and independent living 3. Monastery-city public housing for final integrated into the wider community and independent life In three progressive stages is demonstrated on selected examples of rectories and monasteries.


Filo, Karol January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose is to show the way, how gymnasium in Mikulov can overcome its difficult existence situation by the architectural and urban study. The solved territory is defined by the campus of the school, Piarist Street, Comenius Street And Under the platter street. In this triangle is also a memorial tree, church, fallen memorial, park, 3 bus stops, mixed civic amenities and family housing. The proposal respects or supports them. The most problematic attributes that the design reacts to are the declining interest in grammar schooling, the untapped potential of a more active relationship between region and city and also non-human environment surrounding the school grounds associated with an inconvenient traffic situation in the city. The result of the solution is to be a positive spatial-functional-operational transformation of the site at a strategic-urban-architectural level with a long-term effect.

Urbanistická studie obce Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem / Urban study village Kunčice under Ondřejník

Kasan, Michal January 2009 (has links)
I deal with the development of village Kunčice under Ondřejník in my master´s thesis. The task is a finding of an optimal positron of the center in the inhomogenous building structure. After many considerations I choose the villagecenter in the place of today´s office and the supermarket. The new center will be consist from the three parts. First is a part of the commerce, services, post office, and the doctor. In this part will be rebuilded old officebuilding and supermarket and will be builded new supermarketstore and new building of stores, and new apartment building. In the second part will be rebuilded schoolbuilding and the kindergarden. The old playground will be recultivated and also livingdistrict for seniors will be builded,for zouny merrids and families. In the third part of new center the apartaments building and wellness centre will be builded. I proposed a new function´s use of landscape of Kunčice under Ondřejník together with villagecenter.


Střeštíková, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the revitalization of the dilapidated area of the former textile factory in Brno, Obřany. Areal is located in the city's peripheral parts between Maloměřice and Obřany. The location of the areal creates a strategic potential for creating a closer relationship between the central part of the city and its peripheries which allows urban activities spread to the distant area. The main target of the paper was to promote the relationship between the island and the water element - the river which brings a unique composition for the creation of a new central point of the urban part, which in Obřany currently lacking. The main focus of the project was to support the local potential by expanding the range of urban activities and recreational opportunities with respect for industrial heritage of Brno. It was necessary to made a radical interventions for island revitalization. Cleaning the island from inappropriate, structural, statically or architecturally inadequate buildings and re-opening the space for public was needed. The former spinning factory was therefore a key element of the entire project. It is due to its monumental qualities predestined to place the main and dominant function which after a previous analysis and survey was allocated to the textile museum. As the opposite of this huge structure there were designed a free and grassy area of the park which has been cleaned from the old unsatisfactory objects. The preserved buildings of the former textile factories were individually revitalized and designed with new suitable functions.

Centra občanské vybavenosti panelových sídlišť / Public facility centers in panel housing estates

Zvolská, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Public facility centers were built at every housing estate as a background for a quality life, but they are not given much attention nowadays. At the same time, their central location, certain architectural qualities and load-bearing structure are good input attributes for the site's development. In my diploma thesis, I chose one such complex in Brno-Řečkovice to show on how to revitalize such objects. I make it a full-fledged part of the city district and at the same time a space that cerate its center.

Revitalizace zámku v Uherčicích / Revitalization of the castle Uherčice

Křídová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
This diploma project deals with architectural study and functional use of the Uherčice castle grounds with regard to its character, location in the countryside and in the village, preservation of monuments and requirements of the inserted functions, as well as the creation of new opportunities for visitors and the reconnection to life of the inhabitants of the Uherčice village. And as a place of rest, education, employment and as a re-center of the area. A proposal of modification of the selected part of the castle and the park with the restoration of the French garden in its original place is a part of the project. The reconstruction of the former orangery and the new greenhouse building are proposed. Re-build greenhouse is attached with an apartment for the gardener. The second greenhouse complements one of the castle's axes and is designed for the world's largest water lily, Victoria Amazonica. In the selected part of the chateau, I mainly dealt with its use for cultural and social events that could take place here and the facilities that would be needed, including an apartment for short-term accommodation of visitors to these events. In addition, the entrance area and the operational facilities of the castle with a castellan apartment and accommodation for tourist guides are also solved.

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