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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterizing putative cellular mediators of West Nile virus infections in bird and mosquito tissues

Partridge, Alison 14 September 2015 (has links)
West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that infects many bird species. Examination of American crows and house sparrows from the Winnipeg region confirmed that WNV levels were at least 1000 times higher in crows than sparrows. No species differences were observed in the level of transcripts encoding a putative WNV receptor, β3 integrin. Differences in mosquito vector competence can be due to differences in the ability of WNV to enter mosquito cells. Using RNAi techniques, the role of two clathrin coat adaptor proteins in facilitating WNV infections in mosquito cells was examined, and the findings suggest that these proteins may act as resistance factors in Aedes aegypti, and as susceptibility factors in Culex quinquefasciatus. These findings will contribute to our understanding of the molecular basis of vector competence in different mosquitoes, and may help us determine whether other species could serve as potential vectors of this health-threatening virus. / October 2015

Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for beef products derived from RNA interference technology

Britton, Logan Levi January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Glynn Tonsor / Recent predictions estimate that the global population will reach more than 9 billion by the year 2050 (Kochhar, 2014). Coupled with this challenge, environmental issues and climate change influence agricultural production over the globe (Jacobsen et al., 2013). Changes in the food chain have been in response to consumers becoming interested in how their food is produced as it relates to food safety. Some of these changes have come in the form of labeling of production methods and the increasing volume of organic products in the marketplace. In the livestock sector, production methods include administration of antibiotics and hormones to prevent disease, increase gains and increase the health of animals (Allen et al., 2013; Thornton, 2010). A potential solution of decreasing the amount of antibiotics and hormones in the future is the use of ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi). RNA interference is a method of silencing a targeted gene and suppressing expression (Bradford et al., 2016). The focus of this research is to explore the determinants of acceptance and willingness to pay for beef products utilizing RNAi technology in the food system. Through the means of a national survey, consumers were asked their demographic, food purchasing habits, and food safety concerns to identify potential acceptors of the technology. Respondents received information treatments and external articles regarding RNAi technology as well as information about governmental labeling regulations of the beef steaks. Choice experiment questions, and a dichotomous choice sequence were utilized to determine willingness to pay estimates of beef steak attributes by consumers. Results showed that respondents likely require a discount for beef steaks produced with RNAi technology. In some instances, some consumers would be willing to pay a premium for beef steaks with RNAi in certain label settings. These results of this study could be used in the realm of animal science to help with the introduction of this technology in the food system. The survey results could assist with future promotion and framing of the technology to a wide variety of consumers.

Použití RNA interference pro ovlivnění hladin DNA topoisomerasy II v nádorových buňkách a její vliv na protinádorový účinek antracyklinových cytostatik. / The use of RNA interference for the modification of DNA topoisomerase II levels in cancer cells and its influence on the antineoplastic effect of anthracyclines.

Klieber, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department od Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Bc. Robin Klieber Supervisor: PharmDr. Anna Jirkovská, Ph.D. Title of thesis: The use of RNA interference for the modification of DNA topoisomerase II levels in cancer cells and its influence on the antineoplastic effect of anthracyclines. Topoisomerase II (TOP II) is an enzyme that alters the topological state of the DNA double helix during physiological processes through the formation of transient DNA double strand breaks. Two TOP II isoforms are known: TOP IIα is essential for proper separation of chromosomes in mitotic cells, whereas TOP IIβ is primarily associated with gene transcription. Anthracycline antibiotics (ANT) belong to the group of topoisomerase poisons that stabilize the covalent complex of TOP II and DNA. This prevents the religation of the DNA double strand breaks and thus causes irreversible DNA damage leading to programmed cell death. Although ANTs are frequently administered in various antineoplastic protocols (hematooncological malignancies, hormone-dependent tumors and others), the therapy still possess a high risk of irreversible cardiotoxicity. The mechanism of cardiotoxicity remains unraveled. However, it has been previously discussed that TOP IIβ inhibition could play a...

Nouvelles approches ciblées pour le traitement des tumeurs de la famille du sarcome d'Ewing / New targeted approaches for the treatment of Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors

Ramon, Anne-Laure 06 June 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a permis de réaliser une évaluation complète de différentes séquences de siRNA dirigées contre EWS/Fli-1 dans le cadre du traitement des tumeurs de la famille du sarcome d’Ewing Un siRNA a été vectorisé de manière efficace par des nanoparticules polymères ciblées contre un marqueur membranaire spécifique des ESFT. Ces nanoparticules ont été caractérisées et semblent bien tolérées à la fois in vitro et in vivo. Leur évaluation a été réalisée sur des cellules humaines et après prise des tumeurs ce qui représente une avancée intéressante dans la lutte contre les ESFT. La mise au point d’un modèle fluorescent de sarcome d‘Ewing permettra de mieux caractériser leur effet sur les métastases, facteur essentiel dans la survie des patients. Enfin, il a été montré que les techniques d’imagerie in vivo permettaient de suivre le devenir in vivo des nanoparticules ce qui permettra de comprendre leur biodistribution et leur mode d’action. / This work has enabled a comprehensive evaluation of different sequences of siRNAs directed against EWS/Fli-1 in the treatment of tumors of the Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT). A siRNA was efficiently vectorized by polymeric nanoparticles targeted against a specific membrane marker of ESFT. These nanoparticles were characterized and appear to be well tolerated both in vitro and in vivo. Their evaluation was conducted on human cells and tumors which represents an interesting step forward in the fight against ESFT. The development of a fluorescent model of Ewing's sarcoma will better characterize their effect on metastasis, a key factor in patient survival. Finally, it was shown that in vivo imaging techniques allow to follow the fate of nanoparticles in vivo. That will allow understanding their biodistribution and their mode of action.

Redução do crescimento e resistência celular de carcinoma mamário após silenciamento do gene PIF/DCD (Proteolysis-Inducing Factor) via shRNAi. / Reduction of growth and resistance cellular of mammary carcinoma after silencing of gene PIF/DCD (Proteolysis-inducing Factor) by shRNAi.

Moreira, Dayson Friaça 15 August 2007 (has links)
A expressão do PIF/DCD em tumores tem sido relacionada ao crescimento e resistência à morte celular e à indução de caquexia em camundongos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o papel do PIF/DCD nestes processos. Foram construídos três PIF/DCD-RNAi chamados de IBC-I, II, III e pKLO (controle), compreendendo diferentes áreas do mRNA, geramos clones celulares PIF/DCD-RNAi e comparamos a expressão do mRNA por RT-PCR em tempo real. Depois, foi avaliado o crescimento e formação de colônias dos clones RNAi in vitro e a progressão tumoral in vivo em camundongo Nude. Os RNAi IBC-I, II e III reduziram a expressão em 93,25% dos transcritos do PIF/DCD, alem de reduzir em 61,7% a capacidade de formação de colônias em comparação ao controle (p<0.001). Nos experimentos in vivo, os camundongos 2 meses do grupo pKLO tiveram um retardo no desenvolvimento muscular. O grupo pKLO de 8 meses apresentou uma redução de 35% do seu peso. Ambos mostraram diminuição da massa muscular (p<0,05). Estes resultados confirmam o papel do PIF/DCD na progressão tumoral. / The PIF/DCD expression in tumors has been related to the growth and resistance to cellular death and induction of cachexia in mice. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of PIF/DCD in these processes. It was designed three PIF/DCD-RNAi named IBC-I, II and III and one control pKLO, comprising different areas of the mRNA. Next, it was generated PIF/DCD-RNAi cell clones and compared mRNA expression by RT-PCR real time. After that, we evaluated the growth and colony formation ability of RNAi clones in vitro and in vivo tumorogenicity in Nude mice. The IBC-I, II and III RNAi reduced in 93,25% the expression of transcripts for PIF/DCD. There was also a significant reduction (61,7%) in the colony formation compared to the control (p<0.001). In the in vivo experiments, the 2-month-old mice in the pKLO group had muscular development retardation. The 8-month-old pKLO group presented a 35% reduction on its weight. Both groups had shown muscular mass reduction (p<0,05). These results confirm the role of PIF/DCD in the tumoral progression.

Adenylosuccinato lyase (ADSL) de leishmania major friedlin: sua relevância na via de recuperação de purino-nucleotídeos / Adenylosuccinate Lyase from Leishmania major Friedlin and its role in the purine nucleotides salvage pathway

Mantovani, Monique 28 November 2006 (has links)
Muitas espécies de Leishmania são responsáveis por sérias doenças cutâneas e viscerais, que exibem alta incidência em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Os medicamentos disponíveis são potencialmente carcinogênicos, requerem múltiplas administrações e a hospitalização do paciente. Um programa efetivo de desenvolvimento de novos fármacos requer a validação genética e bioquímica dos alvos. Neste contexto, uma das diferenças metabólicas mais marcantes entre os protozoários parasitas e o hospedeiro mamífero encontra-se na cadeia de síntese de purino-nucleotídeos. A enzima adenilosuccinato liase (ADSL), no hospedeiro mamífero, atua em duas etapas no metabolismo de purino-nucleotídeos: uma na via de síntese de novo e outra na via de recuperação. Esta característica particular da ADSL nos motivou a investigar como esta enzima poderia nos fornecer evidências sobre a evolução desta via metabólica em Kinetoplastida. Assim, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram validar a ADSL como potencial alvo terapêutico, através da técnica de RNA de interferência (RNAi), usando Trypanosoma brucei como modelo, bem como, caracterizar molecularmente o gene adsl-Lm e caracterizar bioquímica e estruturalmente a enzima recombinante de Leishmania major Friedlin (ADSL-Lm). Os resultados de RNAi demonstraram que a ADSL pode ser considerada um potencial alvo, uma vez que ela se apresentou essencial a viabilidade do parasita. Em relação à caracterização molecular do gene adsl-Lm suas regiões não traduzidas 5\'UTR e 3\'UTR foram definidas por RT-PCR, indicando que o RNA mensageiro maduro possui 2060 nucleotídeos. Análises com enzimas de restrição e eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), seguidas de \"Southern blot\" revelaram que adsl-Lm trata-se de um gene de cópia simples e está localizado no cromossomo 4 deste parasita. O gene adsl-Lm foi clonado em um vetor de expressão e um protocolo de purificação da enzima recombinante foi estabelecido. A forma tetramérica da ADSL-Lm foi confirmada por eletroforese em gel nativo e por espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS). ADSL-Lm apresentou um pI experimental de 6,07 e exibiu atividade máxima no pH 8,5. Os parâmetros cinéticos de Km, Vmax , Kcat e eficiência catalítica (Kcat/Vm) foram determinados para o substrato adenilosuccinato. Experimentos de complementação funcional evidenciaram que ADSL-Lm foi capaz de complementar de maneira eficiente o genoma deficiente em ADSL da linhagem de E. coli JK268 (mutação purB58). Entretanto, esta complementação deve ocorrer na via de recuperação, uma vez que ensaios enzimáticos com o SAICAR (substrato da via de novo) mostraram que a enzima não retém atividade sobre este composto. Estes resultados indicam que provavelmente os tripanosomatídeos não representam um caso de perda da via de síntese de novo. Adicionalmente, ADSL-Lm foi cristalizada no grupo espacial tetragonal I4122, com parâmetros de cela unitária a= b= 130,023 \'angstron\', c= 316,826 \'angstron\', = = =90°. A estrutura cristalográfica da ADSL-Lm foi resolvida por SIRAS (substituição isomórfica simples com dispersão anômala) usando um cristal nativo (2.2 \'angstron\') e um derivado de Gadolínio. O monômero é composto por três domínios em um enovelamento típico das enzimas da superfamília de -eliminação e é constituído quase exclusivamente por hélices- . Para o sitio ativo, três subunidades são requeridas e os resíduos envolvidos são His 153 (ácido geral), His 231 (base geral), Gln 308, Asn 364 and Glu 369. Entretanto, sem um ligante (substrato ou inibidor) no sítio ativo torna-se difícil estudar detalhadamente as interações entre a enzima e seus dois substratos. Desta forma, experimentos de co-cristalização e modelagem molecular podem auxiliar nesta questão. / Many species of Leishmania are responsible for serious visceral or skin diseases that exhibit high incidence in tropical and subtropical regions. The drugs currently employed in the treatment of parasitic diseases are potentially carcinogenic, often require prolonged treatment and patient hospitalization. An effective program of drug design requires the validation of the potential target. In this context, one of the most striking metabolic discrepancies between Trypanosomatidae and their human hosts is the purine nucleotide biosynthesis pathway. Adenylosuccinate lyase (ADSL) is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyses two non-sequential steps in this cycle (one in the de novo purine pathway and another in the salvage pathway). This particular ADSL feature motivated us to investigate if ADSL could give us information about purine biosynthesis evolution in Kinetoplastida. Hence, the present work is aimed to validate ADSL as a potential target using the RNAi (RNAi) technique, as well as to characterize the adsl gene and the recombinant enzyme from Leishmania major Friedlin (ADSL-Lm). The RNAi results proved that ADSL can be considered a potential target, because it is shown to be essential for parasite viability. Regarding the molecular characterization of the adsl-Lm gene, the mature mRNA transcript containing 2060 nucleotides was defined by 5\' and 3\'RT-PCR. Restriction analysis and Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) followed by Southern Blot hybridizations showed that adsl-Lm is a single copy gene and is located in chromosome 4 of this parasite. The adsl-Lm gene was cloned into an expression vector and a purification protocol of the recombinant enzyme was established. The tetrameric form of the recombinant ADSL-Lm enzyme was confirmed by native gel electrophoresis and Dynamic Light Scattering. ADSL-Lm has an experimental pI of 6.07 and exhibited maximum enzymatic activity at pH 8.5. The kinetic parameters of Km, Vmax , Kcat and kinetic efficiency (Kcat/Vm) were obtained for adenylosuccinate substrate. Functional complementation experiments showed that the adsl-Lm gene can effectively complement the E. coli JK268 purB58 mutation. However, this complementation must be in the salvage pathway, because enzymatic assays were performed using SAICAR (de novo pathway substrate) and ADSL-Lm did not convert this compound into product. This result indicates that probably Trypanosomatidae is not an example of de novo purine nucleotide cycle lost. In addition, ADSL-Lm was crystallized in the tetragonal I4122 space group, with unit cell parameters a= b= 130,023 \'angstron\', c= 316,826 \'angstron\', = = =90° and diffracted beyond 2.2\'angstron\'. ADSL-Lm crystal structure has been determined by SIRAS (Single Isomorphous Replacement with Anomalous Dispersion), using both native and Gadolinium derivative crystals. The ADSL-Lm monomer is composed of three domains arranged in the elongated manner typical of enzymes in the p-elimination superfamily, and is constituted almost exclusively by helices. Three subunits are necessary to form the active site cleft and the residues His 153, His 231 (general bases), Gln 308, Asn 364 and Glu 369 are involved. Without a bound inhibitor or substrate, the specific contacts made by the enzyme to its two substrates cannot be analyzed in detail. Hence, co-crystallization and docking can help in this question.

Construction of hpRNA expression vector for silencing a gene in Rhizopus oryzae

Penmatsa, Kiran Kumar, Balu, Bharat January 2012 (has links)
Depending on the previous research on LDHA gene silencing in Rhizopus oryzae CCUG 28959 through introduction of siRNA, a integral vector was constructed by inserting two copies of LDHA gene (by PCR cloning) in a fashion that it can express hpRNA in the transformed fungi, which will trigger the post transcriptional degradation of targeted mRNA through RNA degradation pathway which is known to be quelling in fungi.The vector was successfully designed with the LDHA gene, transformed in to the host organism, and also transferred to its progeny. This helps in maintaining stability of the transformed cell lines. This created vector will be advantageous at this point when compared to the use of siRNA for gene silencing, which is not a stable way. In the future, this vector can be used for down regulating other genes of interest in R. oryzae and can also be used for studying its effect on other metabolic pathways.In this study, Hygromycin resistance to the R. oryzae CCUG 28959 was shown at levels up to 1000 μg/ml, which has not been reported previously. / Program: MSc in Resource Recovery - Industrial Biotechnology

RNA Silencing of Lactate Dehydrogenase Gene in Rhizopus oryzae

Haghayegh Jahromi, Neda, Hashemi Gheinani, Ali January 2011 (has links)
RNA silencing with direct delivery of siRNA has been used to suppress ldhA gene expression in filamentous fungus Rhizopus oryzae. Here, for the first time we show that, introducing small interfering RNA which consequently forms silencing complexes can alter the gene expression and we report a significant reduction of lactic acid production for isolates containing short (25 nt) synthetic siRNA. In all samples lactic acid production was reduced comparing with wild types. The average concentration of lactic acid production by Rhizopus oryzae during batch fermentation process where glucose has been used as a sole carbon source, diminished from 2.06 g/l in wild types to 0.36 g/l in knockdown samples which signify 5.7 times decrease. Interestingly, the average concentration of ethanol production was increased from 0.38 g/l in wild types to 0.45 g/l in knockdown samples. In some samples we were able to report even a 10 fold decrease in lactic acid production. Since R.oryzae is capable to assimilate a wide range of carbohydrates hydrolysed from lignocellulosic material in order to produce many economically valuable bulk material such as ethanol, these results suggest that RNA silencing is a useful method for industrial biotechnology to be applied in fungus Rhizopus oryzae in order to trigger the metabolism and gene expression toward a desired product.

Transformação genética de laranja doce com uma construção gênica do tipo hairpin de um fragmento do gene da V-ATPase-A de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama / Sweet orange genetic transformation with a hairpin type construction gene fragment of V-ATPase-A of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama

Silva, Tatiane Loureiro da 12 December 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor de laranja doce no mundo. Entretanto, a cultura enfrenta grandes problemas, devido ao ataque de pragas e doenças, o que reduz a produtividade da cultura. Entre estas doenças, destaca-se o huanglongbing (HLB), doença associada a três espécies da bactéria Candidatus Liberibacter. No Brasil, o psilídeo Diaphorina citri é o inseto transmissor do HLB. A falta de cultivares de laranja doce resistentes ao HLB torna a transformação genética de plantas uma medida em potencial para o controle desta doença. Plantas transgênicas de laranja doce expressando um RNA de dupla fita (dsRNA) de um gene essencial à sobrevivência de D. citri podem resultar no controle do inseto por meio do mecanismo de RNA de interferência. Tal mecanismo resulta na degradação do RNAm homólogo ao dsRNA. Este trabalho teve por objetivo produzir plantas transgênicas de laranja doce, expressando um fragmento do gene DcV-ATPase-A de D. citri, em uma construção gênica tipo hairpin. Dessa forma, o silenciamento gênico por RNA de interferência seria ativado no psilídeo quando este for submetido à alimentação nas plantas transgênicas. O trabalho foi iniciado com a elaboração da construção gênica contendo uma sequência repetida e invertida do gene DcV-ATPase-A de D. citri, para formação de um hairpin. Segmentos de epicótilo, provenientes de sementes germinadas in vitro das laranjas \'Hamlin\', \'Pêra\' e \'Valência\' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) foram utilizados como fontes de explantes para a transformação genética via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Paralelamente aos experimentos de transformação genética, insetos adultos de D. citri foram submetidos a experimentos de alimentação artificial, contendo RNA de dupla fita (dsRNA) ou pequenos RNA interferentes (siRNA) da DcV-ATPase-A. Ao final do período de alimentação, foram avaliadas o número de insetos vivos e a expressão relativa do RNAm da DcV-ATPase-A. Através de PCR e Southern blot, a transgenia foi confirmada em 26 e 39 plantas de laranja \'Hamlin\' e \'Valência\', respectivamente. A transgenia não foi confirmada nas plantas regeneradas de laranja \'Pêra\'. O número de inserções no transgene variou de 1 a 4 cópias. A produção dos siRNAs foi confirmada em 10 plantas de laranja \'Valência\', através de siRNA blot. O uso de dietas artificiais contendo dsRNA ou siRNA do gene DcV-ATPase-A não resultou em diferenças significativas no número de insetos vivos, ou no nível de expressão relativa do RNAm do gene DcV-ATPase-A em insetos adultos de D. citri. / Brazil is the largest sweet orange producer in the world. However, this crop faces major problems due to the attack of pests and diseases that reduce its productivity. Among the diseases, stands out the huanglongbing (HLB), disease associated with three different species of the Candidatus Liberibacter bacteria. In Brazil, the psyllid Diaphorina citri is the insect vector of HLB. The absence of resistant sweet orange cultivars to HLB makes the genetic transformation of plants a potential methodology to control this disease. Sweet orange transgenic plants engineered to express double strand RNA (dsRNA) of an essential gene for D. citri survival could result in insect control by RNA interference. This mechanism results in degradation of homologous RNAm to dsRNA. The aim of this work was to produce transgenic sweet orange plants expressing a fragment of D. citri DcV-ATPase-A gene, in a hairpin construction aiming gene silencing by RNA interference in D. citri, when fed on sweet orange transgenic plants. The work started developing a gene construct containing an inverted and repeated sequence of DcV-ATPase-A gene, to form a hairpin. Epicotyl segments collected from in vitro germinated seedlings of \'Hamlin\', \'Pêra\' and \'Valência\' sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were used as explants for the genetic transformation experiments via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. At the same time, adults of D. citri underwent artificial diet experiments containing dsRNA or siRNA of DcV-ATPase-A. At the end of feeding time, the survival of insects and the relative expression of DcV-ATPase-A RNAm were evaluated. Through PCR and Southern blot analysis, 26 \'Hamlin\' and 39 \'Valência\' sweet orange transgenic lines were confirmed. None of the regenerated \'Pêra\' plants were transgenic. The transgenic plants had 1 to 4 T-DNA insertions. The siRNA products were observed in 10 \'Valência\' plants, through siRNA blot. The artificial diets containing dsRNA or siRNA of DcV-ATPase-A resulted in no differences in the number of live insects and in the relative expression of DcV-ATPase-A RNAm in adult insects.

Silenciamento gênico via RNAi visando o controle da broca da cana-de-açúcar (Diatraea saccharalis) / Silencing genes by RNAi for the control sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis)

Bardella, Daniela Zardini 13 November 2015 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma importante cultura na produção de alimentos e energia. Várias espécies de insetos podem causar sérios prejuízos econômicos à cultura da cana-de-açúcar. A broca da cana-de-açúcar (Diatraea saccharalis) é a praga de maior relevância por estar amplamente distribuída nas regiões canavieiras. O silenciamento gênico por RNA de interferência (RNAi) se tornou uma técnica amplamente estudada e utilizada nos mais diversos aspectos da biologia. Uma de suas aplicações é no controle de insetos-praga como uma alternativa de alta eficiência, especificidade e reduzido impacto ambiental. A ingestão de moléculas de RNA dupla fita (dsRNA) com identidade a regiões de genes essenciais de insetos-praga pode resultar no silenciamento destes genes, levando a fenótipos deficientes. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo buscar genes alvos para o silenciamento com potencial para impedir o desenvolvimento normal da D. saccharalis e estabelecer uma forma de entrega do dsRNA eficiente para o teste de genes, visando assim validar o uso da técnica para a espécie. Por meio da clonagem de regiões de genes ortólogos já utilizados como alvo de silencimento em outras espécies de insetos (V-ATPase A, Receptor de Ecdisona e Arginina Kinase), e de genes com função específica identificadas após a caracterização do transcritoma de D. saccharalis (Juvenile Hormone Epoxide Hydrolase, Neverland e Quitina Sintase) foram conduzidos ensaios de RNAi. Foram realizados ensaios de dose resposta para o gene V-ATPaseem lagartas neonatas, onde a concentração selecionada por causar melhor redução na expressão do gene alvo foi de 2,5 µg µL-1. Esta concentração foi então utilizada em ensaios de alimentação para os outros genes. Os genes V-ATPase A, receptor de Ecdisona, Arginina Kinase, Juvenile Hormone Epoxide Hydrolase e Quitina Sintase apresentaram redução significativa no número de transcritos em larvas, demonstrando a viabilidade do uso de RNAi em D. saccharalisneonatas. O gene Neverland não demonstrou redução no acúmulo de transcritos nas condições trabalhadas. O gene GFP inicialmente utilizado como controle negativo apresentou variação na expressão de genes alvo, sendo desconsiderado como bom controle para D. saccharalis. O silenciamento dos genes alvo requer quantidades elevadas de dsRNA, superiores aos obtidos por transcrição in vitro, o que limita a viabilidade de ensaios com maiores replicatas e para determinar efeitos biológico. Alternativas de produção de dsRNA devem ser avaliadas para viabilizar a seleção de genes alvo efetivos / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is an important crop for the production of food and bioenergy. Many insect species can cause economic losses in sugarcane. The sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) is the most important sugarcane pest, because it occurs in all production regions. Gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) rapidly became a widely investigated approach, adopted in various aspects of biology. One of the potential applications of RNAi is agricultural pest control, as an alternative with high efficiency, specificity and reduced environmental impact. The ingestion of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules with identity to regions of essential genes of the insect-pest can result in the target gene knock-down and, consequently, to deficient phenotypes. In the present work, target genes with the potential to affect the normal development of D. saccharaliswere searched, together with an efficient dsRNA delivery approach to test the target-genes to validate the use of the RNAi in D. saccharalis. Based on degenerated primers, expressed orthologous genes previously tested in other insect species (V-ATPase A, Ecdisone Receptor, and Arginine Kinase) were cloned,whilegenes with specific function (Juvenile Hormone Epoxide Hydrolase, Neverland, and Chitin Synthase) were identified from an in-house assembled transcriptome of D. saccharalis and cloned. A dose-response assay was conducted using the V-ATPase gene region delivered by droplets to neonate larvae, and the 2.5 µg µL-1dsRNA concentration was selected for further tests. This concentration was then used to deliver the other genes. The dsRNA version from the genes V-ATPase A, Ecdisone Receptor, Arginine Kinase, Juvenile Hormone Epoxide Hydrolase and Chitin Synthaseexhibited a significant reduction in the accumulation of transcripts, indicating the viability of RNAi to D. saccharalis in 1st instar larvae. The Neverland gene was not silenced by RNAi in the used conditions. The dsRNA of the Green Fluorescent Protein gene, used as negative control appeared to affectother gene targets. Target gene silencing require large amounts of dsRNA, more than what is achievable by in vitro transcription, which limits the viability to conduct large assays with more replicates and to determine biological effects. Alternatives to produce dsRNA need to be evaluated to enable the selection of effective target genes

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