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Data-Enabled Approach to Characterize Dynamic Regulatory Pathways in Two KingdomsKruse, Colin Peter Singer January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetic Signatures of the Retina in Health and DiseaseMustafi, Debarshi 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A Parallel Computing Approach for Identifying Retinitis Pigmentosa Modifiers in Drosophila Using Eye Size and Gene Expression DataChawin Metah (15361576) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>For many years, researchers have developed ways to diagnose degenerative disease in the retina by utilizing multiple gene analysis techniques. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) disease can cause either partially or totally blindness in adults. For that reason, it is crucial to find a way to pinpoint the causes in order to develop a proper medication or treatment. One of the common methods is genome-wide analysis (GWA). However, it cannot fully identify the genes that are indirectly related to the changes in eye size. In this research, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis is used to link the phenotype to genotype, creating a pool of candidate genes that might associate with the RP. This will support future research in finding a therapy or treatment to cure such disease in human adults.</p>
<p>Using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) – a gene reference panel of fruit fly – two types of datasets are involved in this analysis: eye-size data and gene expression data with two replicates for each strain. This allows us to create a phenotype-genotype map. In other words, we are trying to trace the genes (genotype) that exhibit the RP disease guided by comparing their eye size (phenotype). The basic idea of the algorithm is to discover the best replicate combination that maximizes the correlation between gene expression and eye-size. Since there are 2N possible replicate combinations, where N is the number of selected strains, the original implementation of sequential algorithm was computationally intensive.</p>
<p>The original idea of finding the best replicate combination was proposed by Nguyen et al. (2022). In this research, however, we restructured the algorithms to distribute the tasks of finding the best replicate combination and run them in parallel. The implementation was done using the R programming language, utilizing doParallel and foreach packages, and able to execute on a multicore machine. The program was tested on both a laptop and a server, and the experimental results showed an outstanding improvement in terms of the execution time. For instance, while using 32 processes, the results reported up to 95% reduction in execution time when compared with the sequential version of the code. Furthermore, with the increment of computational capabilities, we were able to explore and analyze more extreme eye-size lines using three eye-size datasets representing different phenotype models. This further improved the accuracy of the results where the top candidate genes from all cases showed connection to RP.</p>
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La protéine Staufen1 contrôle la localisation des ARN spécifiques sur le fuseau mitotique dans les cellules de cancer colorectal humain HCT116Hassine, Sami 04 1900 (has links)
La protéine de liaison à l’ARN double-brin Staufen1 (STAU1) est exprimée dans les cellules de mammifères de manière ubiquitaire. STAU1 est impliqué dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l’expression génique grâce à sa capacité de lier les ARN et moduler leur épissage, leur transport et localisation, leur traduction ainsi que leur dégradation. Des études récentes de notre laboratoire indiquent que l’expression de STAU1 est régulée durant le cycle cellulaire, ayant une abondance maximale au début de la mitose. En prométaphase, STAU1 est lié à des ARNm codant pour des facteurs impliqués dans la régulation de la prolifération, la croissance et la différenciation cellulaires. De plus, des analyses protéomiques menées sur des cellules humaines ont permis d’identifier STAU1 comme un composant de l’appareil mitotique. Cependant, l’importance de cette association n’a pas été investiguée. Par ailleurs, il a été montré qu’une défaillance dans l’expression ou les fonctions de STAU1 pourrait contribuer au développement et l’accélération de plusieurs maladies débilitantes, dont le cancer. Dans cette thèse, nous avons montré la localisation de STAU155 sur le fuseau mitotique dans les cellules de cancer colorectal HCT116 et les cellules non transformées hTERT-RPE1. Nous avons également caractérisé le déterminant moléculaire impliqué dans l’interaction entre STAU155 et les microtubules mitotiques, soit la séquence située dans les 88 premiers acides aminés N-terminaux de RBD2, un domaine qui n’est pas requis pour l’activité de liaison à l’ARN de STAU1. Nous avons ainsi montré que la fraction de STAU1 enrichie sur le fuseau colocalise avec des ribosomes dans des sites actifs de traduction. De plus, notre analyse transcriptomique du fuseau mitotique montre que 1054 transcrits (ARNm, pré-ARNr, lncRNA et snoRNA) sont enrichis sur l’appareil mitotique. De façon intéressante, le knockout de STAU1 entraine la délocalisation des pré-ARNr et de 154 ARNm codants pour des protéines impliquées dans l’organisation du cytosquelette d'actine et la croissance
cellulaire. Bien que STAU1 n’est pas essentiel pour la survie et la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses HCT116, nos résultats mettent clairement en évidence l’implication de STAU1 dans la régulation des ARN spécifiques en mitose et suggèrent un nouveau rôle de cette protéine dans la progression mitotique et la cytokinèse par la régulation de la maintenance des pré-ARNr, la ribogenèse et/ou la reconstitution de l’enveloppe nucléaire. / Staufen1 (STAU1) is a double-stranded RNA-binding protein that is ubiquitously expressed in mammals and known for its involvement in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression such as splicing, transport and localization, translation, and decay. It has been demonstrated that STAU1 protein expression level is modulated through the cell cycle with peak abundance by the onset of the mitotic phase after which it is degraded. Genome-wide analysis revealed that in prometaphase, STAU1 bound with mRNAs code for factors implicated in cell differentiation, cell growth as well as for cell proliferation. Interestingly, previous large-scale proteomic studies identified STAU1 as a component of the human mitotic spindle apparatus. Altering STAU1 expression patterns or functions may lead to several debilitating human diseases including cancer. In this thesis, we further elucidated the localization of STAU1 at the mitotic spindle of the colorectal cancer HCT116 and the non-transformed hTERT-RPE1 cells. Next, we characterized the molecular determinant required for STAU1/spindle association within the first 88 N-terminal amino acids, a domain that is not required for the RNA binding activity. RNA-Seq analysis of purified mitotic spindles reveals that 1054 mRNAs as well as the precursor ribosomal RNA, lncRNAs and snoRNAs are enriched on spindles compared to cell extracts. Spindle-associated STAU1 partly co-localizes with ribosomes and active sites of translation. Interestingly, the knockout of STAU1 delocalizes pre-rRNA and 154 mRNAs coding for proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell growth. Our results highlighting a role for STAU1 in mRNA trafficking to the spindle. These data demonstrate that STAU1 controls the localization of sub-populations of RNA during cell division and suggests a novel role of STAU1 protein in mitotic progression and cytokinesis by regulating pre-rRNA maintenance, ribogenesis and/or nucleoli reassembly.
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Identification de gènes impliqués dans les ataxies épisodiques par combinaison de séquençages génomique et transcriptomiqueAudet, Sébastien 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude pilote vise à développer une méthode d'analyse intégrative qui permet d'augmenter le taux de réussite du diagnostic clinique des mutations génétiques rares. De plus, l'identification de nouveaux gènes associés à l'ataxie épisodique (EA) et l'évaluation de nouveaux algorithmes de prédiction, pour un examen de variants plus robuste, découleront de l'enquête.
Caractérisé par une perte sporadique de la coordination des mouvements volontaires, l'EA se manifeste généralement tardivement, avec une hétérogénéité clinique et génétique élevée, compliquant largement l’obtention d’un diagnostic précis. Alors que quatre gènes ont été liés aux huit sous-types d'EA, de nombreux patients demeurent sans diagnostic moléculaire dû aux limites des méthodes de séquençage d’ADN. Ces lacunes accentuent l’intérêt d’implanter le séquençage de l’ARN en milieu clinique, afin d’obtenir l’information fonctionnelle offerte par l’approche.
Des patients atteints d’EA, sans diagnostic moléculaire malgré un examen approfondi, ont été recrutés à Montréal. Le séquençage du génome entier (WGS) et de l'ARN a été effectué sur des échantillons de sang pour identifier les variants nucléotidiques, l'expression différentielle, les événements d'épissage ainsi que les expansions de microsatellites. Plusieurs algorithmes de prédiction de la pathogénicité récents ont été choisis pour être testés parallèlement aux algorithmes standard. Des données WGS provenant d’un trio familial atteint de pathologies neurologiques ont également été soumises au pipeline génomique développé pour la cohorte EA.
Des variants candidats ont été identifiés pour chaque patient en fonction des scores de pathogénicité, de la rareté des événements génétiques et des informations fonctionnelles et cliniques connues pour un gène altéré donné. Parmi les découvertes figurent des mutations non-sens, des faux-sens, de l'épissage alternatif ainsi que des expansions nucléotidiques dans des gènes associés aux ataxies spinocérébelleuses ou aux paraplégies spastiques. En plus d'être présents dans les ensembles de données de séquençage disponibles pour chaque patient, les événements génomiques ont été vérifiés par séquençage Sanger de l'ADN et de l'ARN lorsque possible. Les effets fonctionnels potentiels, prédits principalement à partir du RNA-seq et suggérant une expression anormale de l'ARNm, ont également été évalués par amplification PCR et qPCR traditionnelle. À ce jour, quatre des dix patients ont reçu ou sont en voie de recevoir un diagnostic clinique, et quatre autres présentent d’excellents candidats moléculaires pour expliquer une pathologie ataxique.
Ce projet devrait permettre un diagnostic mieux défini, conduisant à une meilleure qualité de vie, une meilleure évaluation du pronostic et une meilleure prise en charge des patients. L’identification de modulateurs génétiques chez certains d’entre eux devrait également permettre une meilleure caractérisation clinique des conditions rapportées, bénéficiant les évaluations symptomatiques futures. De plus, la méta-analyse des données RNA-seq offre le potentiel de découvrir des régulateurs de pathogenèse communs à l’EA. Il favorisera également l'approche intégrative pour un plus large éventail de troubles et pourrait éventuellement conduire à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. / This pilot study aims to develop an integrative analysis method that allows for an increased diagnosis success rate of rare genetic mutations. Moreover, identification of novel genes associated with Episodic Ataxia (EA) and evaluation of new AI-generated prediction algorithms, for a more robust variant examination, will ensue from the investigation.
Characterized by sporadic loss of voluntary movement coordination, EA typically manifest with a late onset as well as high-clinical and genetic heterogeneity, setting additional hurdles to diagnosis. While four genes have been linked to the eight subtypes of EA, many patients are left without molecular diagnosis due to the limitations of individual DNA-sequencing methods, which can be mitigated by the functional overview that RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) offers.
EA patients, lacking molecular diagnosis despite in-depth examination, were recruited in Montreal. Whole-Genome sequencing (WGS) and RNA-seq were performed on blood samples to identify single nucleotide variants, differential expression, splicing events, structural variants and repeat expansions. Multiple recent pathogenicity prediction algorithms were chosen for testing concurrently to standard ones, in order to evaluate their performance and potential for clinical pipelines integration. WGS data of a family trio from France, in which the father and the daughter present neurologic pathologies, were also processed through the genomic pipeline that was developed for the EA cohort in order to identify the cause of their disorder.
Candidate variants were identified for each patient according to pathogenicity scores, rarity of genetic events, and known functional as well as clinical information for a given altered gene. Among the findings are truncations, missenses, alternative splicing, and repeat expansions in genes already associated to either spinocerebellar ataxia or spastic paraplegia. In addition to being present in both datasets when available, validation of these interesting genomic events has been performed through Sanger Sequencing of both DNA and RNA when feasible. For strong candidates where the available functional information from RNA-seq suggests abnormal mRNA expression, validation includes PCR amplification as well as a traditional qPCR to support effects on transcripts. To this day, four out of ten patients have received or are on the verge of receiving a diagnosis, and four others are carrying excellent molecular candidates requiring further validation to explain their ataxic pathologies.
This project should provide more defined diagnosis, leading to better quality of life, better evaluation of prognosis and better management of care for patients. Identification of genetic modifier in some of them should also allow for a better clinical characterization of the reported conditions, benefiting future patient examinations. A meta-analysis of our patients’ transcriptomic profiles could also uncover commonly affected pathways in EA development. It will also promote the integrative approach for a larger spectrum of disorders and might eventually lead to new therapeutic strategies.
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Epigenetic Drifts during Long-Term Intestinal Organoid CultureThalheim, Torsten, Siebert, Susann, Quaas, Marianne, Herberg, Maria, Schweiger, Michal R., Aust, Gabriela, Galle, Joerg 03 May 2023 (has links)
Organoids retain the morphological and molecular patterns of their tissue of origin, are self-organizing, relatively simple to handle and accessible to genetic engineering. Thus, they represent an optimal tool for studying the mechanisms of tissue maintenance and aging. Long-term expansion under standard growth conditions, however, is accompanied by changes in the growth pattern and kinetics. As a potential explanation of these alterations, epigenetic drifts in organoid culture have been suggested. Here, we studied histone tri-methylation at lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and 27 (H3K27me3) and transcriptome profiles of intestinal organoids derived from mismatch repair (MMR)-deficient and control mice and cultured for 3 and 20 weeks and compared them with data on their tissue of origin. We found that, besides the expected changes in short-term culture, the organoids showed profound changes in their epigenomes also during the long-term culture. The most prominent were epigenetic gene activation by H3K4me3 recruitment to previously unmodified genes and by H3K27me3 loss from originally bivalent genes. We showed that a long-term culture is linked to broad transcriptional changes that indicate an ongoing maturation and metabolic adaptation process. This process was disturbed in MMR-deficient mice, resulting in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and Wnt activation. Our results can be explained in terms of a mathematical model assuming that epigenetic changes during a long-term culture involve DNA demethylation that ceases if the metabolic adaptation is disturbed.
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Dysregulation of Transcription Factor Networks Unveils Different Pathways in Human Papillomavirus 16-Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine CervixBispo, Saloe, Farias, Ticiana D., de Araujo-Souza, Patricia Savio, Cintra, Ricardo, dos Santos, Hellen Geremias, Jorge, Natasha Andressa Nogueira, Castro, Mauro Antônio Alves, Wajnberg, Gabriel, de Miranda Scherer, Nicole, Genta, Maria Luiza Nogueira Dias, Carvalho, Jesus Paula, Villa, Luisa Lina, Sichero, Laura, Passetti, Fabio 28 March 2023 (has links)
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC) are the most common
histological types of cervical cancer (CC). The worse prognosis of ADC cases highlights
the need for better molecular characterization regarding differences between these
CC types. RNA-Seq analysis of seven SCC and three ADC human papillomavirus
16-positive samples and the comparison with public data from non-tumoral human
papillomavirus-negative cervical tissue samples revealed pathways exclusive to each
histological type, such as the epithelial maintenance in SCC and the maturity-onset
diabetes of the young (MODY) pathway in ADC. The transcriptional regulatory network
analysis of cervical SCC samples unveiled a set of six transcription factor (TF) genes
with the potential to positively regulate long non-coding RNA genes DSG1-AS1,
CALML3-AS1, IGFL2-AS1, and TINCR. Additional analysis revealed a set of MODY TFs
regulated in the sequence predicted to be repressed bymiR-96-5p ormiR-28-3p in ADC.
These microRNAs were previously described to target LINC02381, which was predicted
to be positively regulated by two MODY TFs upregulated in cervical ADC. Therefore, we
hypothesize LINC02381might act by decreasing the levels ofmiR-96-5p andmiR-28-3p,
promoting the MODY activation in cervical ADC. The novel TF networks here described
should be explored for the development of more efficient diagnostic tools.
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Regulation of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein and Expression of Transporters in the Blood Brain BarrierSuhy, Adam 21 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Estimation of Neural Cell types in the Allen Human Brain Atlas using Murine-derived Expression ProfilesJohnson, Travis Steele 28 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Delineating ΔNp63α's function in epithelial cellsSakaram, Suraj January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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