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Exploring mammalian immunity against intracellular bacteria through planarian flatworms / Explorer l'immunité des mammifères contre les bactéries intracellulaires à partir des planairesAbnave, Prasad 25 November 2014 (has links)
Les interactions hôte-pathogène sont un jeu vaste et complexe entre agent pathogène et hôtepour la victoire de la bataille de la pathogenèse. Plusieurs organismes modèles sont étudiéspour illustrer les mécanismes impliqués dans ces interactions. Dans ma thèse, j'ai utilisé lesplanaires comme un organisme modèle pour explorer les interactions hôte-pathogène. Comme les différents organismes modèles peuvent mettre enévidence les différentes caractéristiques de l'immunité, j'ai décidé de tirer avantage del'absence de connaissances sur l'immunité des planaires en explorant l'inexplorée. Dans monprojet, j'ai infecté les planaires avec 16 bactéries pathogènes : les planaires y sont très résistantes. Pour en explorer lemécanisme j'ai effectué un profilage du transcriptome à partir deplanaires infectées, suivie par un criblage par ARN interférence des gènes up-régulés. J'aidécouvert les gènes qui régissent la résistance antibactérienne dans les planaires, et de façonintéressante, le criblage a permis de mettre en évidence un gène, MORN2, dont la fonctionimmunologique était complètement inconnue. L'induction et l'extinction de l'expression de MORN2dans les macrophages ont révélé que MORN2 contrôle l'internalisation, la réplication et letrafic des bactéries à l'intérieur de la cellule. Dans mon étude, j'ai démontré que MORN2 estun composant de la phagocytose associée à LC3 et qu'il peut surmonter le blocage de lafusion phagolysosomale imposée par les bactéries pathogènes. Ainsi ma thèse met en avantl'importance d'utiliser des organismes modèles inhabituels afin de dévoiler des mécanismesinexplorées et des molécules impliquées dans les interactions hôte-pathogène. / Host-pathogen interaction is a vast and complex interplay between pathogen and hostto conquer the battle of pathogenesis. Several model organisms are being studied to illustratethe mechanisms involved in these interactions. In my thesis I have used planarians as a modelorganism to explore host-pathogen interactions. As different model organismscan highlight different features of immunity I decided to take advantage of lack of knowledgeabout planarian immunity and get benefits from exploring unexplored. In my project I haveinfected planarians with 16 pathogenic bacteria and I found that in contrary to othercommonly used model organisms such as Drosophila, C. elegans and zebrafish the planariansare highly resistant to bacterial infections. To explore the mechanism behind this resistance Iperformed infection induced transcriptome profiling followed by RNA interference screeningof up-regulated gens. I discovered genes governing antibacterial resistance in planarians andinterestingly the screening highlighted a gene MORN2 of which the immunological functionwas completely unknown. The human ortholog of MORN2 is then further assessed for itsantimicrobial function. Induced expression and down regulation of MORN2 in macrophagesrevealed that MORN2 controls uptake, replication and trafficking of bacteria inside the cell.In my study I demonstrated that MORN2 is a component of LC3-associated phagocytosis andit can overcome phagosome maturation blockage imposed by pathogenic bacteria. Thus mythesis propounds the importance of using unusual model organisms to unveil unexploredmechanisms and molecules involved in host-pathogen interactions.
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Genomic Approaches to Dissect Innate Immune PathwaysLee, Mark N 06 August 2013 (has links)
The innate immune system is of central importance to the early containment of infection. When receptors of innate immunity recognize molecular patterns on pathogens, they initiate an immediate immune response by inducing the expression of cytokines and other host defense genes. Altered expression or function of the receptors, the molecules that mediate the signal transduction cascade, or the cytokines themselves can predispose individuals to infectious or autoimmune diseases. Here we used genomic approaches to uncover novel components underlying the innate immune response to cytosolic DNA and to characterize variation in the innate immune responses of human dendritic cells to bacterial and viral ligands. In order to identify novel genes involved in the cytosolic DNA sensing pathway, we first identified candidate proteins that interact with known signaling molecules or with dsDNA in the cytoplasm. We then knocked down 809 proteomic, genomic, or domain-based candidates in a high-throughput siRNA screen and measured cytokine production after DNA stimulation. We identified ABCF1 as a critical protein that associates with DNA and the known DNA-sensing components, HMGB2 and IFI16. We also found that CDC37 regulates stability of the signaling molecule, TBK1, and that chemical inhibition of CDC37 as well as of several other pathway regulators (HSP90, PPP6C, PTPN1, and TBK1) potently modulates the innate immune response to DNA and to retroviral infection. These proteins represent potential therapeutics targets for infectious and autoimmune diseases that are associated with the cytosolic DNA response. We also developed a high-throughput functional assay to assess variation in responses of human monocyte-derived dendritic cellsto LPS (receptor: TLR4) or influenza (receptors: RIG-I and TLR3), with the goal to ultimately map genetic variants that influence expression levels of pathogen-responsive genes. We compared the variation in expression between the dendritic cells of 30 different individuals, and within paired samples from 9 of these individuals collected several months later. We found genes that have significant inter- vs. intra-individual ariation in response to the stimuli, suggesting that there is a substantial genetic component underlying variation in these responses. Such variants may help to explain differences between individuals’ risk for infectious, autoimmune, or other inflammatory diseases.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease and the most common form of dementia associated with amyloid-beta peptide deposition and loss of mitochondrial function and regulation. Currently, there is no cure for AD, thus, there is a need to continuously develop therapeutic strategies that could address the complex multifactorial causes of AD development. Due to this necessity, this study has investigated the role of vitamin B2 as a disease modifying drug for AD by employingamyloid-beta and mitochondrial based AD therapeutic strategies. Using a transgenic C. elegans AD worm model expressing amyloid-beta (Aβ1-42) in muscle cells at temperature upshift to 25°C, we screened for protective effect of dose-dependent concentrations of active forms of vitamin B2, FMN (flavin mononucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), against amyloid-beta mediated paralysis. Protective concentrations were then assayed for improvement of mitochondrial metabolic functions by performing ATP, oxygen consumption and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production assays. Consequently, we investigated for drug protective mechanisms of FMN and FAD using RNAi genetic screening technique. FMN and FAD significantly delayed amyloid-beta mediated paralysis and improved mitochondrial metabolic functions at final concentrations of 0.74mM and 0.74µM respectively. More so, both compounds induced activation of stress response FOXO transcription factor, daf-16. Specifically, FMN treatment induced mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt) pathway through ubiquitin-like protein (ubl-5) activation as well as other stress response pathway signature such as Activating Transcription Factor Associated with Stress (atfs-1). This study will be useful in understanding the importance of micronutrients such as vitamin B2 in normal cellular function as related to neurodegenerativediseases and aging. Therefore, vitamin B2 supplementation could be an important source of Alzheimer’s disease therapeutic strategy.
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Identification de molécules neuroprotectrices, facteurs de transcription et voies de signalisation en jeu pour la maladie de Machado-Joseph par un modèle transgénique C. elegansFard Ghassemi, Yasmin 06 1900 (has links)
L’ataxie spinocérébelleuse de type 3, aussi connue en tant que la maladie de Machado-Joseph (MMJ), est une maladie qui se développe lorsqu’il y a une expansion des trinucléotides CAG dans la région codante du gène ATXN3. Ce dernier code pour la protéine ATXN3, une enzyme désubiquitinante avec des fonctions essentielles dans le maintien et la stabilisation de l’homéostasie protéique, la résistance au stress, la régulation de la transcription, la réparation de l’ADN, l’organisation du cytosquelette et la régulation de la myogenèse. Les principaux symptômes associés à cette maladie sont l’ataxie (le symptôme clé), une détérioration motrice progressive, la dystonie, la spasticité et la rigidité. Du fait de l’absence de thérapie spécifique et efficace pour traiter les individus atteints de la MMJ, l’approfondissement des connaissances liées à cette maladie est nécessaire.
Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre davantage les mécanismes et voies de signalisations impliqués dans la pathologie de la MMJ. Pour atteindre cet objectif, à partir de notre modèle transgénique C. elegans MMJ, deux différents criblages ont été effectués : un criblage non biaisé de 3942 composés, et un criblage de modificateurs génétiques à base d’ARN interférent (ARNi) de 387 clones de facteurs de transcription. Le premier criblage nous a permis d’identifier cinq molécules prometteuses : l’alfacalcidol, le chenodiol, le cyclophosphamide, le fenbufen et le sulfaphenazole. Elles ont permis la restauration du défaut de la motilité, la protection contre la neurodégénérescence, et une augmentation de la durée de vie réduite chez les vers mutants. Trois parmi ces molécules, le chenodiol, le fenbufen et le sulfaphenazole ont démontré une nécessité de la présence de HLH-30/TFEB, un régulateur clé de l’autophagie et de la biogenèse lysosomale, pour leurs propriétés neuroprotectrices. Concernant le deuxième criblage, il nous a permis d’identifier un nouveau gène candidat impliqué dans la MMJ, fkh-2/FOXG1. L’inactivation de ce gène a entraîné une aggravation du défaut de la motilité, de la neurodégénérescence, et de la longévité réduite. À l’inverse, sa surexpression a restauré tous ces phénotypes, suggérant ainsi un rôle neuroprotecteur pour FKH-2/FOXG1 dans la MMJ.
Le modèle C. elegans de MMJ et les criblages sont des outils puissants permettant un approfondissement des connaissances quant à la pathologie de la MMJ. Pour cette thèse, par l’identification des molécules neuroprotectrices et les facteurs de transcription HLH-30/TFEB et FKH-2/FOXG1, ayant des activités neuroprotectrices dans notre modèle lorsqu’ils sont surexprimés, il a été possible à mieux comprendre la pathologie de la MMJ, ainsi que les mécanismes et les voies de signalisation qui y sont impliqués. Ces découvertes sont prometteuses à investiguer dans des organismes modèles plus avancés, des applications précliniques et également, pour le développement de nouvelles interventions thérapeutiques pour la MMJ. / Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, also known as Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), is a polyglutamine expansion disease arising from a trinucleotide CAG repeat expansion in the coding region of ATXN3. This gene encodes ATXN3 protein, a deubiquitinating enzyme, which is involved in protein homeostasis maintenance and stabilization, stress resistance, transcription regulation, DNA repair, cytoskeleton organisation and myogenesis regulation. The main symptoms associated with this disease are ataxia (the key symptom), progressive motor deterioration, dystonia, spasticity and stiffness. Due to our incomplete understanding of mechanisms and molecular pathways related to this disease, there are no therapies that successfully treat core MJD patients. Therefore, the identification of new candidate targets related to this disease is needed.
The aim of this thesis is to gain insights into the pathways and mechanisms leading to MJD. In order to achieve this goal, we performed two different screens, a blind drug screen of 3942 compounds to identify protective small molecules, and a large-scale RNA interference (RNAi) screen of 387 transcription factor genes leading to identification of modifiers involved in our transgenic C. elegans MJD model. The first screen allowed us to identify five lead compounds restoring motility, protecting against neurodegeneration, and increasing the lifespan in mutant worms. These compounds were alfacalcidol, chenodiol, cyclophosphamide, fenbufen and sulfaphenazole. We then found that three of these compounds, chenodiol, fenbufen and sulfaphenazole required HLH-30/TFEB, a key transcriptional regulator of the autophagy and the lysosomal biogenesis, to complete their neuroprotective activities. The second screen brought us to identify a news hit gene candidate involved in MJD, fkh-2/FOXG1. We showed that inactivation of this gene enhanced the motility defect, neurodegeneration and reduced longevity in our MJD model. However, in opposite, its overexpression rescued all these phenotypes, suggesting a neuroprotective role for FKH-2/FOXG1 in MJD when overexpressed.
C. elegans models for MJD and the screenings are promising tools to understand the mechanisms and pathways causing neurodegeneration, leading to MJD. In this study, we identified positively acting compounds that may be promising candidates for investigation in mammalian models of MJD and preclinical applications in the treatment of this disease. Also, we gained insights into the pathways of MJD and found that HLH-30/TFEB and FKH-2/FOXG1 are both implicated in MJD and have neuroprotective activities when they are overexpressed. These promising findings may aid the development of novel therapeutic interventions for MJD.
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