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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz svobody ve světle dobových pramenů české společnosti nearistokratického původu na pozadí revolučního roku 1848 / The Image of Freedom in the Views of Historical Sources of Czech Society of Non-aristocratic Origin in the Revolutionary Year of 1848

Šiková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation "The Image of Freedom in the Views of Historical Sources of Czech Society of Non-aristocratic Origin in the Revolutionary Year of 1848" The political tensions of the first half of the 19th century, a very stormy period from the political and social points of view, culminated in a significant revolutionary movement in 1848. Although Europe of the early 19th century was strongly influenced by the Enlightenment and ideals of the French Revolution, the Czech Lands were also subjected to long-term Napoleonic wars, which were followed by the conservatively oriented regime of Emperor Franz I. and his chancellor Prince Metternich. These developments profoundly influenced the mental worlds of people of non-aristocratic origin, even though this same social group still remembered the image of the enlightened "Peasant Emperor", Josef I., as well as the mottos of French Jacobins. Finally, this society gradually became acquainted with the liberal ideas then spreading from Western Europe. These liberal ideas encouraged this social group to fight for a juster social order and greater recognition for itself. Their ideas about freedom supported the reestablishment of society on new political, social and economic bases. The Revolutionary Year of 1848 brought fundamental changes and new ideological...

Obraz svobody ve světle dobových pramenů české společnosti nearistokratického původu na pozadí revolučního roku 1848 / The Image of Freedom in the Views of Historical Sources of Czech Society of Non-aristocratic Origin in the Revolutionary Year of 1848

Šiková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation "The Image of Freedom in the Views of Historical Sources of Czech Society of Non-aristocratic Origin in the Revolutionary Year of 1848" The political tensions of the first half of the 19th century, a very stormy period from the political and social points of view, culminated in a significant revolutionary movement in 1848. Although Europe of the early 19th century was strongly influenced by the Enlightenment and ideals of the French Revolution, the Czech Lands were also subjected to long-term Napoleonic wars, which were followed by the conservatively oriented regime of Emperor Franz I. and his chancellor Prince Metternich. These developments profoundly influenced the mental worlds of people of non-aristocratic origin, even though this same social group still remembered the image of the enlightened "Peasant Emperor", Josef I., as well as the mottos of French Jacobins. Finally, this society gradually became acquainted with the liberal ideas then spreading from Western Europe. These liberal ideas encouraged this social group to fight for a juster social order and greater recognition for itself. Their ideas about freedom supported the reestablishment of society on new political, social and economic bases. The Revolutionary Year of 1848 brought fundamental changes and new ideological...

Závěr 2. světové války v Prachaticích a okolí (očima literatury, pramenů a pamětníků) / The End World war 2 in Prachatice and surrounding (on the basis of literature, repositories and eyewitness memories)

ŠTUDLAR, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The thesis targets at events which took place in the town of Prachatice and its surroundings at the end of the Second World War. It is based on written sources (filed in the State District Archives Prachatice), as well as on literature sources focusing on this topic and eyewitness memories. The first part presents a brief characterization of the town from geographical, social and economic point of view. The second chapter deals with events taking place in September 1938 when Prachatice was occupied by Nazi Germans. The third part shortly depicts the process of front war situations in Europe. The main part of the thesis consists of chapter 4 and 5 which present the way of living and events happening in the town from January 1945 to May 1945 when Prachatice was liberated by the US army. The thesis aims to connect general relations with events that happened in Prachatice and its surroundings not only to illustrate the topic from literature sources but also from people{\crq}s own memories. It tends to depict this period full of worries and hope. It is hoped to contribute to completion of the town history.

"The Year of the Hangman". Vliv americké války za nezávislost na politickou a hospodářskou situaci na Britských ostrovech v roce 1777 / "The Year of the Hangman". The Impact of the American War of Independence on Political and Economic Situation on the British Isles in 1777

Hoďák, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The author attempts to analyse how the impact of the American War of Independence influenced the political and economic situation on British Isles in 1777. The main aim is to record the changing atmosphere on British Isles throughout the year 1777 with an emphasis on the varying situations after the battle at Saratoga and understanding the whole conflict amongst the British politicians. One of the author's aims will be an analysis of the british international trade between the years 1773-1782. To achieve diploma's aim, the author will answer four basic research questions. The author will analyse primary sources and modern day scientific literature related to the given topic while not forgetting to place the whole given period into a complicated contemporary context. Keywords Great Britain, The American War of Independence, the Year of the Hangman, lord Frederick North, The British Isles, International Trade of Great Britain in 18th Century, 1777, Battle of Saratoga 1777

Rok 2010-Počítáme s dětmi v České televizi: Vysílání pro děti a mládež / 2010 - "Počítáme s dětmi v České televizi": Programmes for Children and Youth in the Czech Television

Vraspírová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The Year 2010 - Pocitame s detmi v Ceske televizi: Programmes for Children and Youth in the Czech Television" deals with broadcasting for children and youths on Czech Television and focuses on the production of cyclic programmes. It summarizes the production of these programmes since the beginning of Czech Television in 1992 until 2010. The author also describes the structure of production centers in Czech Television that used to produce and are still producing those programmes. Furthermore, the author analyzes the strategy Pocitame s detmi v Ceske televizi which followed the previous projects - "Osudove osmicky v nadich dejinach" (the Fateful Eights in our history) and "Rok svobody" (the Year of Freedom). The analysis consists of an overview of existing, new cyclic and also planned programmes which Czech Television started or planned to broadcast during this strategy. The thesis provides quantitative conclusions such as the amount of all the programmes for children and youths broadcast during the existence of Czech Television, average time spent by children, youths and adults watching TV and especially Czech Television and the share of audience that was watching Czech Television. The author uses the tool of semiotic analysis to examine what means of expression are used to display real...

Reflexe hlavních událostí roku 1989 v Plzni na stránkách krajského deníku Pravda / Main events happened in Plzeň in 1989 and their reflection in the local daily Pravda

Nová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis strives to find an answer to the question of how the regional daily paper Pravda published by the West-Bohemian Regional Committee of KSČ in Pilsen informed about the principal events of the year 1989, namely the series of January demonstrations in the centre of Prague later called "Palach Week", about the Several Sentences Petition published in the midyear by Charter 77, about the demonstrations organized on the occasions of the 21 August 1968 and 28 October 1918 anniversaries, and about the "Velvet Revolution" that put an end to the more than 40-year reign of the Communist Party (KSČ) in Czechoslovakia. The thesis also ascertains to what extent the information provided by Pravda was distorted by the regime propaganda, and compares the approach of this daily paper to informing about the principal 1989 events with that of the central KSČ daily Rudé právo. The diploma thesis also describes the way of how the West-Bohemian Regional Committee of KSČ in Pilsen assessed the development of the political situation in the country in the year 1989 and how it controlled the Pravda daily paper. The theoretical part of the thesis familiarizes with the political and economic situation in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s and describes the relevant milestones in 1989. The thesis core part is the...

陽光政策及其對日本與兩韓關係的影響 / Sunshine Policy and its Implications for Japan’s Relations with Two Koreans

洪瑩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
南韓金大中總統在1998年2月上台時,提出一套與北韓達成和平、和解與合作為基礎的對北韓新政策-陽光政策。陽光政策係以善意、真誠化解北韓的敵意與戒心,使北韓願意與南韓對話與交流,協助北韓走出經濟困境與國際孤立,降低朝鮮半島緊張情勢,進而開放門戶,進行經改。 因此,金大中政府的對日政策,作為陽光政策的一環,不但呼籲南韓與日本走出歷史仇恨,大力推動與日本合作援助北韓糧食物資,還積極幫助日本與北韓關係正常化。讓原本存於日本與北韓交涉障礙中的「南韓因素」轉為正面的推力。此外,金大中政府的對日政策,亦積極主動地改善南韓與日本兩國關係。為因應1997年的金融危機,金大中拋出與北韓和解的陽光政策,在朝鮮半島上製造和平穩定的投資環境,俾利南韓經濟復甦,並力圖引進日本的資金與經援,助南韓早日走出經濟困境。 雖然日本極為擔憂南北韓有可能隨著南韓政府北韓交往政策的持續推動下,在歷史問題、領土紛爭,以及日本軍事能力發展上,達成共同反日陣線。但是,在日本的朝鮮半島政策之中,被民族主義所蒙蔽的小泉政府無法看清局勢,未能好好把握南韓金大中政府,這個前所未見的親日政權,加深與南韓緊密合作的關係,消除或淡化兩國間的歷史議題。同時,在陽光政策下推行經改急需建設資金的北韓,小泉政府也未能把握金正日國防委員長在政治及安全議題上讓步的機會,解決兩國間的懸案,一舉達成兩國建交,再利用經濟合作的機會,降低北韓的反日情緒。小泉政府卻不斷的做出讓周邊國家反感的舉動,像是每年參拜象徵日本軍國主義的靖國神社,大力提升日本自衛隊軍事能力,試圖打破和平憲法的框架等,反而加深與鄰國之間的隔閡。

M. Vích jako kněz a kazatel / M.Vích as priest and preacher

KOVANDOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the written inheritance of the priest Martin Vích. It analyses and focuses on his written preparation for the preaching during liturgical year. The goal of this thesis is to bring a view about his preaching activity, and to get his characteristics, interesting images and ideas. The main section of this thesis is a practical part focused on an analysis of the preserved preaching in Christmas time, Easter time and in liturgical interim. The preserved preparation for the sacramental and funeral preaching is attached in conclusion. The thesis is also focused on a comparison with other preachers.

Recepce básnických poetik roku 1950 jako pokus o naplnění Štollovy ideologicko-estetické koncepce / The reception of poetry poetics of the year 1950 as an attempt of fulfilling Štoll`s ideological-aesthetical conception.

KÖNIGSMARKOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Thesis called "The reception of poetry poetics of the year 1950 as an attempt of fulfilling Štoll`s ideologically-aesthetical conception" aims, baring in mind a wider cultural-political context, to trace back the extent of indentification of stalin literal critique with Štoll`s ideologically-aesthetical conception soon after its presentation on the business conference of the Czechoslovak Writers` Union in January 1950. Working with selected poetry poetics of that year it is trying to render the specifics of their reception after this speech had been accepted as a final methodological and value indicator of all contemporary literal-crtitic cretive activity. As an initial document for this thesis is therefore Ladislav Štoll`s book {\clqq}Thirty Years of Fight for the Czech Socialist Poetry`` (1950), the extended printed version of Štoll`s report which even contains parts of Jiří Taufer`s speech from the same conference. In three autonomous parts, for all that linked in a way, the thesis tries concretely bring into effect these requested intentions by focusing on books of poetry {\clqq}Zpěv míru`` by Vítězslav Nezval, {\clqq}Píseň o Viktorce`` by Jaroslav Seifert and {\clqq}Máj země`` by Ivan Skála. Being aware of the necessity of taking into account even the non-literal influences it looks into not only their contemporary reception itself but also aboriginal cultural-political circumstances and the poets` status in the hierarchical mosaic of cultural politics of that time. In the overall framework effort of creating complex view of the questions introduced, the thesis` subchapters offer attempts of own literal analysis of discussed poetry works.

Liturgický rok a výuka křesťanské výchovy v mateřské škole. / Liturgical Year and Education of Christian Education at Kindergartens

ČAPKOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This work is focused on children at preschool age from these points of view: biology, psychology, sociology and pedagogy with the consideration to the evolution of child´s personality at kindergarten. The work results from the General Educational Program for Preschool Education at kindergartens which wants to extend and deepen single topics about the spiritual factors of the child. In practical part there are proposals of topics for the work with preschool children for three-year period. These topics relate to single periods of liturgical and calendar year. In the form of game the children are approaching to single periods during the school year by the help of symbols which are typical for each period.

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