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一九八□年代美國對朝鮮半島政策之研究劉漢明, LIU, HAN MING Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣對外援助的展望:以南韓為基準分析 / The prospects of Taiwan's foreign aid: a comparison with South Korea程宇清, Cheng, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的在探討對外援助對台灣的重要性,並以南韓作為比較分析,因兩國有高度相似的援外發展歷史。台灣與南韓已成功由受援國躍升為援助國,此研究著重於其近十年來的援助情形,目的是了解台灣援外的優劣勢以提供未來發展的展望。作者採用質性研究方法,邀請台灣援外的從業人員以及外交學者進行半結構式訪談。結果顯示,外交是台灣的首要關注,然而南韓則是出自經濟利益考量,鎖定特定的開發中國家。台灣擁有成功的發展經驗和優秀的人力資源,但是也面臨難解的困境,像是對邦交國的過度在意、衰退的經濟、以及兩岸關係的起伏跌宕。藉由解析南韓的援外狀況與專家訪談的回饋,研究者提供以下建議,企盼為台灣援外帶來改變的契機:建立多面向的援外系統、尋求商業機會、促進公私部門合作、穩定台海關係、帶動經濟復甦、創造雙贏的援外模式。 / This study intended to identify the importance of foreign aid to Taiwan while South Korea served as a benchmark due to their high-level of similarity in developmental history. The focus was their donor behaviors in recent years and a literature review was conducted to understand related concepts and the two nations’ aid experiences. The goal of this project was to examine the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwanese aid so as to look into its future prospects. A qualitative method was adopted through semi-structured interviews with diplomacy professors and aid practitioners. South Korea pivots to certain developing countries for their economic value, while diplomacy has been Taiwan’s top priority. Developmental success and human resources are Taiwan's strengths but its overemphasis on diplomacy, deteriorating economy, and wavering ties with China cause obstacles. A review of South Korean aid along with the interviewee’s response suggest several ways to improve: building a multidimensional aid system, seeking economic opportunities, forming public-private partnerships, stabilizing cross-strait ties, boosting economic recovery, and pursuing a win-win. The research findings shed light on Taiwan’s aid conditions and offer valuable policy recommendations.
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臺灣外籍移工「直接聘僱制度」之研究 / A study of “Direct Hiring Service” in Taiwan蕭家雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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韓國自由貿易協定政策之研究:以韓國-歐盟自由貿易協定為例 / Korea's FTA Policy: The Korea-EU FTA as an example吳高睿, Wu, Gao Rui Unknown Date (has links)
受到1997年亞洲金融危機以及區域經濟整合的趨勢之影響,重視對外貿易的韓國在1990年代後期開始尋求透過自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)拓展海外市場,而隨著世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)回合談判的停滯,韓國更強調利用FTA增加韓國出口的競爭力。本文主旨在於探討韓國FTA策略的發展,本文首先將檢視韓國在金大中、盧武鉉、李明博三個總統在任期內的FTA政策,並剖析這些期間內影響韓國FTA政策的各種國內外因素。接著,本文將以韓國-歐盟FTA作為個案探討,分析韓國與歐盟簽訂此FTA的主要動機以目的,以及兩方在FTA中所各自重視的進出口部門。最後,透過韓國與歐盟在FTA生效前後的進出口貿易狀況,本文將分析韓國-歐盟FTA對於兩方所帶來的利弊得失,檢視其成效是否符合韓國在該FTA簽訂前之評估,並討論FTA為韓國所可以實際帶來的經濟效益。
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金大中的陽光政策及對南韓與美國關係的影響劉怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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小泉首相時代的日韓關係(2001~2006年)廖英君 Unknown Date (has links)
本文將於第一章首先簡單介紹過去歷史中日本與朝鮮半島關係發展的糾葛,而到了小泉上任之前兩國已漸能朝向伙伴關係的建立為發展目標,其次將說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法與途徑以及論文架構安排等。第二章則討論小泉政府的外交政策與對外特徵。首先探討日本傳統對外政策的特徵,其次再由小泉所發表的就職演說、國會施政演說,與小泉任內所任用之外務省大臣、外交青書、防衛白書等來分析小泉首相個人特質及其對國際情勢之看法,以及對外政策的主要重點,第三在朝鮮半島政策方面,則希望藉由小泉個人所發表談話與國際環境的變化來分析小泉政府的朝鮮半島政策,且與過去日本的朝鮮半島政策有何異同。第三章將分析小泉時期的日韓安全關係發展,首先在1998年日韓雙方的友好宣言中曾經協議日韓雙方將定期舉行海上搜救演習,與軍事方面的合作會議,因此將討論雙方在小泉時期是否繼續進行友好宣言中所承諾的軍事安全合作行動,而這些又會否受到其他因素影響而延後、暫停或是提高層級,其次將討論北韓屢次的挑釁行為,以及北韓與日本、南韓之間的互動,將對日韓安全合作帶來何種影響,另外本章也將研究美國與中國對日韓發展安全關係有何影響。第四章為介紹小泉時期之日韓政治關係發展,小泉時期主要引發日韓政治關係惡化的因素有歷史爭議、參拜靖國神社事件、北韓問題等,將逐一介紹這些因素以及產生何種影響。第五章分析小泉時期的日韓經濟關係發展。本章將首先探討日韓雙方的貿易往來與相互投資,藉由日本經濟產業省、外務省及南韓外交通商部等公布的官方統計數據來分析雙方的經濟互賴程度,對雙方關係有何影響,其次討論經濟專屬區(EEZ)的劃界爭議,最後分析日韓建立自由貿易區的可能性,且對日韓的經濟關係有何影響。最後第六章為結論,綜合歸納出小泉時期的日韓關係發展大致走向與特徵,並嘗試推論出日韓關係發展的正負面因素各為何,對往後的日韓關係發展可能又會產生何種程度的影響,與未來的日韓關係可能會呈現何種態勢。 / The relation between Japan and Korean Peninsula was affected by historical factor after the World War II. Though Japan and South Korea have built the official relationship since 1965, their relation was not quite very well. Japan and South Korea signed the joint declaration and vowed to creat the future-oriented relationship. Thus the relationship between Japan and South Korea reached the peek. The exchange of these two countries became vigorous at that time. However, the friendship between the two countries faced the crisis when Koizumi assumes office in 2001. Koizumi’s personal style has totally different from the prime minister in the past. His neo-conservative prospect and efforts to make Japan a “normal state” reminded South Korea people those painful memories about the invaded past. In addition, North Korea’s nuclear weapon plan and missile test also influenced the relation between the two countries. Koizumi’s tenure was the longest one in the post-cold war era, hence it may helpful to understand the essence of the Japan-South Korea relations and predict the future by studying the development and variables in Koizumi’s tenure.
The thesis mainly focuses on the development of Japan-South Korea relations during the Koizumi period and being divided into six chapters. Chapter one is consisted of research motive, purpose, scopes methods, limits and the background of the Japan-South Korea relations in the past. Chapter two is going to conclude the speeches, diplomacy white papers and other official papers delivered by Koizumi or his government in order to analyze Koizumi’s personality and his international prospective. Chapter three discuss the development of their security relation, including their actual military exchanges, and North Korea threat, U.S. factor and China factor would also be discussed in this chapter. Chapter four included the most controversial issue in the political dimension, including historical disputes, territorial conflict and North Korea factor. Chapter five is about the economic corporations, like deepening trade and investment interdependence, Japan-South Korea free trade agreement. But it is worthy to notice that if the unsettled Economic Exclusive Zone boundary dispute is going to be the obstacle in the bilateral partnership. In Chapter six, conclusion is made and figures out which factor is beneficial for Japan-South Korea relations and which is detrimental for the bilateral relations. Further, I would try to predict how those factors work in the future and the development of the Japan-South Korea relations in the post-Koizumi era.
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遲來正義不是正義?台韓轉型正義方法的比較 / Justice delayed or justice denied? a comparison of transitional justice approaches in Taiwan and South Korea歐嘉仁, Jeremy Olivier Unknown Date (has links)
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中韓自由貿易協定之研析 / Study of a free trade agreement between China and South Korea吳惠娟, Wu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中國、南韓、自由貿易協定、多國多部門之一般均衡分析 / China and South Korea are in the process of pursuing a free trade agreement. The purpose of this study is to assess its economic effects. The paper employs CGE models and the GTAP database to conduct a simulation with full elimination of tariffs in all sectors. Two CGE models are used. One is a static CGE model that captures the short-run effects, and the other captures the static effects as well as the capital accumulation effects arising from higher savings and investment induced by the static gains.
The study finds that both South Korea and China will enjoy the welfare gains from the deals. We suggest that China and Korea complete feasibility studies and start the negotiation process at the earliest possible time for the purposes that China can play a leading role in building an East Asian economic integration and that Korea can enjoy the effects of multiple FTAs due to the Korea-China FTA plus Korea-US FTA. In addition, none of the bilateral agreements in Asia includes Taiwan. Taiwan should aggressively engage in trade negotiations under a multilateral system to decrease the discrimination caused by the free trade agreements and adopt diversified forms of agreements instead of focusing on “FTAs” only. Besides, Taiwan should prioritize the issues that can avoid the political pressure from China and expand Taiwan’s economic benefit, such as Bilateral Investment Agreement and Double Taxation Agreement, in order to pave the way for a formal FTA.
Key words: China, South Korea, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP
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現階段中國對韓半島政策:以地緣經濟學觀點分析 / Contemporary Chian's Policy toward Korean Peninsula: A Geoeconomic Perspective河凡植, Ha, Bum Sig Unknown Date (has links)
在政治與安全領域,中國與南北韓透過領導人和高層人士進行頻繁互訪、建立相互對話機制或設立熱線管道,提高相互信任,加強雙方關係、謀求地區安全和發展。在經濟上,中國引進為自身經濟建設所需要的資金、高技術及礦物資源,而提供為南北韓經濟成長所需的巨大出口市場,尤其是中國也提供北韓經濟所需的原油和工業產品。由此,最近幾年來,中國成為南北韓對外貿易最大夥伴,與此同時,引起南北韓經濟對中國依存度的深化,因而,中國對韓半島的影響力正在擴大。 / Since the start of the 21st century, with constant intensification of the process of economic globalization and regional economic integration, China has pursued much-evolved Korean Peninsula policy for its own strategic goals as following: First, to strengthen its own economic interest; Second, to make the geoeconomic partnership with the two Koreas; Third, to make the partnership as the leverage for regional strategy.
For the sake of securing economic common interest and geoeconomic complementarities with the two Koreas, China seeks to develop the cooperative relationship with North and South Korea. At the same time, China seeks to ensure its influence on the Korean Peninsula by using its geoeconomic advantage on the Korean Peninsula. Based on the relations, China hopes to remove the destabilizing factors in the security on the Korean Peninsula, and seeks to restrain American influence and Japan’s power. From this viewpoint, China’s Korea Policy is the starting point of China's foreign policy.
From the perspective of geoeconomic strategy, the relationship between China and the two Koreas are much important with regard to building favorable environment for economic development. At the same time, the relations of China-South Korea and China-North Korea have economically and politically beneficial space.
Therefore, on the one hand, China has been strengthening political cooperation with South Korea, and China has been forcing the North Korea to abandon the brinkmanship diplomacy by using economic inducements through cooperation with South Korea. As a result, it was designed for maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, by utilizing the geoeconomic advantage with the two Koreas, China has strengthened the economic cooperation with the two Koreas; it has deepened the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China; As a result, it has been taking the lead in geoeconomic cooperation with the two Koreas; and it has been securing its strategic advantage and influence over the Peninsula.
The objective of China’s Korea policy is to make the Peninsula be the ditch of China’s economic development; to maximize its geoeconomic interest; besides, to make the Koreas become neutralizing by taking advantage of geoeconomic influence. Since the implementation of China’s geoeconomic policy on the Peninsula, its relations with the two Koreas have become much closer. In some realms, China surpassed neighboring big powers’ influence.
In the realm of politics and security, China has pursued the mutual confidence building by the means such as reciprocal visits, mutual dialogue mechanism and hot-line setting with the leadership of the two Koreas for the sake of strengthening of the bilateral relationship and securing of the regional security.
And, in the realm of economy, while China brought in investment and high technology from the South side and the mineral resources from the North side, it provided the huge export market for the Peninsula, especially the crude oil and industrial products for the North. Recently, China has become one of the two Korea’s biggest trade partner.
Consequently, the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China has been deepening and China’s influence on the Peninsula has been expanding.
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後冷戰時期中共對朝鮮半島政策:經濟與安全層面分析 / Mainland China's policy towards the Korean peninsula in the post cold war era: analysis of strategic and economic factor金承漢, Kim, Seung-Han Unknown Date (has links)
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