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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clio dans les romans grecs : l’Histoire chez Chariton et Héliodore / Clio in Greek Romances : History in Chariton and Heliodorus’ novels

Romieux-Brun, Élodie 06 December 2014 (has links)
Les références à l’Histoire sont très présentes dans le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé de Chariton (Ier siècle ap. J.-C.) et dans les Éthiopiques d’Héliodore (IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Elles sont exprimées selon des modalités très variées. Les intrigues se déroulent à l’époque classique. Elles font allusion à un grand nombre d’épisodes et de personnages historiques. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec Hérodote et de Thucydide sont nombreux. Ces procédés font écho à des pratiques d’écriture courantes chez les orateurs. La souplesse de la forme romanesque, qui n’est pas encore codifiée, permet de mettre en scène une représentation du passé riche et innovante. Les démarches des deux romanciers sont différentes. Le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé met en scène une grande diversité de références au passé, donnant à lire un condensé de l’Histoire grecque de l'époque classique à Alexandre. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec l’œuvre de Thucydide suggèrent une réflexion sur la transformation de l’Athènes classique. Les échos à différents personnages historiques reflètent l’évolution des valeurs morales de l’époque classique à l’époque impériale. Se dessine ainsi, à travers les références historiques, une réflexion sur l’exercice du pouvoir, en lien avec les écrits des orateurs. Les Éthiopiques présentent des jeux d’intertextualité très élaborés avec les Histoires d’Hérodote. À travers ces échos, le romancier affirme la profonde innovation que constitue le genre romanesque. Les références à l’Histoire dessinent les contours d'un univers romanesque original, qui trouve sa place entre Histoire et légende. Elles expriment des enjeux politiques et moraux présents chez les orateurs. / References to history are frequent in the Greek novels Chaireas and Callirhoe, by Chariton (1th century AD), and Aithiopika, by Heliodorus (4th century AD.) These references take a variety of forms. The novels are set in the classical period, but they refer to a wide range of events and historical figures. They also feature rich intertextual engagement with the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, in a way that recalls the allusive practices of contemporary orators. Thanks to the flexibility of the novel framework, which had not yet been codified, the authors represent the past in innovative, complex, and divergent ways. The Romance of Chaireas and Callirhoe, I demonstrate, exhibits a large variety of references to the past, giving a condensed summary of Greek history from the classical era to Alexander the Great. Echoes to Thucydides suggest thoughts on the transformation of Athens, while references to different historical figures reflect the change of moral values from the classical era to imperial times. The references to the past are linked to political thoughts, in connection with orators' discourses. The Aithiopika, by contrast, presents elaborate allusions to Herodotus Histories. Through these echoes, the novelist affirms the profoundly innovative capacity of the Greek novel as a genre. References to history, I conclude, draw the outlines of an original fictional universe, which finds its place between history and legend, and serve as a counterpoint to the political and moral frameworks developed in oratorical contexts.

Tři vojenská tažení Karla IV. na území Svaté říše římské / Three Military Campaigns of Charles IV. within the Holy Roman Empire

Straka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe in detail three military campaigns of Emperor Charles IV. (1316 - 1378) within the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. It uses diplomatic and narrative historical sources to map the political circumstances, proces, and military aspects of the three given campaigns. The first campaign is Charles IV's struggle for power over the Holy Roman Empire in the years 1347 - 1349. The second is the military expedition against counts of Württemberg in 1360. The third conflict is Emperor's conquest of Mark Brandenburg, connected with the pursuit of a second electoral vote for the house of Luxembourgs, which took place in the years 1371 - 1373. The thesis tries to be beneficial to the question of the role, that the use of military power might have had in the politics of Charles IV. By comparing the process and circumstances of the three given conflicts, the thesis aims to confirm or deny the existence any kind of specific military-strategic doctrine of Charles IV. One of the discussed problems is also the structure of the armyies that Charles IV had at his disposal during the studied campaigns. It seeks to answer, whether the core of Emperor's forces was made rather by noblemen of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, or for example mercenaries hired in various locations of the...

La femme et le droit du Ve au VIIe siècle : le Code théodosien et ses suites / Women and law between the 5th and the 7th century : the Codex Theodosianus and its effects

Débourdeaux Salles, Frédérique 29 November 2014 (has links)
La femme des débuts de l'Empire romain jouit d'une autonomie certaine. Nous nous sommes demandé ce qu'il en advenait lorsque la civilisation romaine était confrontée à l'installation durable de populations germaniques sur son sol. Nous nous sommes donc penchée sur cette époque charnière des Ve - VIIe siècles. Comment les dispositions législatives afférentes aux femmes, héritées du Code Théodosien évoluent-elles lorsque les rois barbares promulguent à leur tour une législation écrite ? Pour peser l'impact d'une mesure législative sur la société, nous nous sommes appuyée sur les témoignages d'auteurs contemporains, et nous avons confronté la lettre des textes législatifs aux formulaires des praticiens. Pour mesurer l'influence chrétienne sur les constitutions impériales et sur les textes germaniques, nous nous sommes attachée à lire les pères de l'Eglise et les décisions conciliaires. Nous avons tenté de saisir les raisons qui avaient incité à l'adoption de telle mesure. Nous avons voulu établir s'il était possible de parler « des droits de la femme », de l'Empire romain aux royaumes burgonde, franc, wisigoth et ostrogothique. Il apparaît que le droit romain est le fil conducteur qui permet de passer de l'Empire aux royaumes barbares sans cassure définitive. Il modèle le nouveau visage de la femme dans ces sociétés désormais germano-romaines. La fusion des populations passe par le droit et par l'imprégnation de la société des moeurs romaines. Bien sûr, quelquefois, les coutumes germaniques persistent. Nos législations vont puiser parfois dans le terreau fécond de la pensée chrétienne. Nous nous sommes efforcée dans notre étude de cartographier ces courants. / At the beginning of the Roman Empire era Women enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy. We wondered how it evolved when Roman civilisation had to face the durable installation of Germanic populations on its lands. We undertook to study the turning-point during the 5th to the 7th century. How did legal provisions regarding women, which were derived from the Codex Theodosianus, evolve when Barbarian kings decided in turn to enact written laws? To evaluate the impact of legislative measures on society, we have drawn upon the comments of contemporary authors and compared the text of legal dispositions with practitioners' forms. In order to measure Christian influence on imperial constitutions and on Germanic texts, we read the Fathers of the Church and conciliar decisions. We tried to grasp the reasons for the adoption of particular measures. We have attempted to examine whether it is possible to refer to "women's rights", from the Roman Empire to the Burgundian, Frankish, Visigoth and Ostrogoth kingdoms. Roman law appears to be the common thread which links the Empire to the Barbarian kingdoms, without breaking. It shaped the way women were considered in societies which had become Romano-Germanic. Law and societies' permeation by Roman mores contributed to the merging of peoples. Some Germanic customs obviously survived. Legislation sometimes drew on the fertile ground of Christian thought. We have attempted, in our research, to map these currents.

La réception du théâtre d’Aristophane dans la littérature grecque de l’époque impériale / The reception of Aristophanes’s theatre work in Greek literature of the Roman period

Lebon-Samborski, Émilie 06 December 2019 (has links)
La comédie d’Aristophane est abondamment reçue et réécrite par la littérature grecque de l’époque impériale. À partir de l’histoire de la transmission des pièces, rarement rejouées entre leur création et les deux premiers siècles de notre ère, mais diffusées et réinterprétées par différents canaux, iconographiques ou textuels, la thèse étudie la place et le rôle de ce théâtre dans le paysage culturel du Haut-Empire, et plus spécifiquement chez les prosateurs grecs. Le statut de ce théâtre paraît de prime abord problématique : il est souvent entouré de silence, voire d’un blâme théorique, surtout quand on l’oppose à Ménandre ; mais les écrivains, dans des genres et des formes très variés, se le sont pleinement approprié. De nombreux enjeux caractérisent la réécriture des comédies : enjeux historiques et linguistiques, grâce à l’ancrage des textes dans un contexte et une langue attiques et à la réserve de realia que représentent les comédies et qui contribuent à instaurer et affermir l’hellénisme des pépaideumenoi de l’Empire ; enjeux moraux et comiques, notamment par la satire et la parodie ; plus largement, des enjeux poétiques et rhétoriques : ce théâtre est devenu un vecteur reconnu d’images et un garant de créativité et d’autorité. Deux études de cas portent sur des auteurs emblématiques de la période, Plutarque de Chéronée et Lucien de Samosate : les usages qu’ils font de la référence aristophanienne sont protéiformes et marqués par une grande ambiguïté, que cette thèse tente d’élucider. / The reception of Aristophanes’s comedy in the Greek literature of the Roman Empire is extensive. Based on the history of transmission of the comedies, which from their creation to the the first two centuries AD were rarely performed on stage but spread and re-interpreted by different means, whether iconographic or textual, this dissertation studies the place and role of this theatre in the cultural landscape of the Roman Empire, specifically in the work of Greek prose writers. The status of this theatre seems at first sight quite problematic: it is rarely mentioned and if mentioned it is spoken of with theoretical disapproval, yet the writers, in various literary genres and forms, fully appropriated it. The rewriting of the comedies is at stake on many levels: on the historic and linguistic levels, in the light of how these texts are anchored in the Attic context and language, and the stock of realia they contain, which contributes to demonstrating the "pepaideumenoi"‘s hellenism in the Empire; on the moral and comic levels, too, as well with satires and parodies; and to a larger extent on the poetic and rhetorical levels, this theatre becomes a conveyor of images and guaranteeing creativity and authority. Two case studies were presented here about emblematic writers of the imperial period, Plutarch of Chaeronea and Lucian of Samosata: they make protean and ambiguous use of the reference to Aristophanes, that this dissertation attempts to clarify.

Ephrem of Syria, power, truth, and construction of orthodoxy: modelling theory and method in critical historiography of the making of religious tradition

Van der Bank, Annelie 02 1900 (has links)
Hymns can and have functioned as powerful strategic tools to change social and religious landscapes, and to inform and transform people’s notions about ‘doing church’. A few words about Ephrem the Syrian, which emphasised liturgical singing and accentuated the force of truth, the power of persuasion and socio-religious transformation was the starting point and connecting thread, which formed the backbone of this dissertation throughout—a research project that was also guided by some principles of new historicism to view Ephrem as a textual construct, living in a particular context and dealing with specific religious issues in a particular way. His trump card was the female choirs he founded, which became a distinct feature of orthodox Syrian Christianity. Through their singing performances, he ‘silenced’ the unorthodox voices of—especially Bardaisan—and created a community of believers where each person had a part to fulfil, where women and men would become ‘two harps’, ‘singing one praise’. / M. Th. (New Testament)

L’économie viticole dans le Rhône ancien : un exercice de modélisation économique dans l’Antiquité romaine

Caron, Émile 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire espère expérimenter l’application de la Nouvelle Économie Institutionnelle (NEI) en questionnant les éléments ayant favorisé le développement de l’économie viticole à l’époque romaine dans la région du Rhône. Pour y parvenir, cette recherche s’attarde sur trois axes ayant joué un rôle important dans le développement du commerce du vin dans le Rhône, mais aussi dans d’autres régions du bassin méditerranéen. Premièrement, il sera question de montrer comment l’environnement et le climat du Rhône ont influencé le développement de différents types de cultures de la vigne pour ensuite évaluer la valeur économique de chacune d’elles. Les hypothèses et conclusions de cette première partie émanent principalement d’une lecture des agronomes anciens (Caton l’Ancien, Pline le Jeune, Varron, Columelle et Palladius) faite en parallèle des plus récents développements en histoire climatique. Deuxièmement, cette recherche s’attarde sur la question des opérations relatives à la fabrication et à la distribution du vin. Après avoir pris en considération les enjeux du déplacement et de mise en marché, nous nous risquons à proposer un cadre d’analyse issu de la recherche en entreprise faite dans les années 1960 : la matrice d’Ansoff. Troisièmement, la dernière section de ce mémoire s’oriente sur le rôle du développement de la science juridique à Rome en interrogeant les impacts des institutions légales sur le commerce du vin. Une étude de cas consacrée à la place de l’armée romaine reliant ces trois axes fait office de courte synthèse. Dans son ensemble, ce travail espère pouvoir montrer les bases d’une analyse de marché dans l’Antiquité, et ce, malgré les nombreux enjeux méthodologiques propres à l’économie ancienne. / This thesis hopes to experiment with the use of New Institutional Economy (NIE) by exploring the factors that contributed to the development of the wine economy in the Rhône region in Roman times. To achieve this goal, this research will focus on three axes that played an important role in the development of the wine trade in the Rhône, but also in other regions of the Mediterranean region. Firstly, it will show how the Rhône's environment and climate have influenced the development of different types of viticulture, and then examine the economic value of each. The hypotheses and conclusions of this first section are mainly based on a reading of ancient agronomists (Cato the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Varron, Columella and Palladius) alongside the most recent developments in climatic history. Secondly, this research focuses on the operations involved in making and selling wine. After considering the issues of displacement and commercialisation, we risk proposing an analytical framework derived from business research carried out in the 1960s: the Ansoff matrix. Thirdly, the final pages of this dissertation focus on the role of the development of legal science in Rome, questioning the impact of legal institutions on the wine industry. A case study devoted to the role of the Roman army connects these three axes and serves as a synthesis. Overall, this work hopes to demonstrate the foundations of market analysis in antiquity, despite the multiple methodological challenges specific to ancient economics.

Influence of the Catechetical School of Alexandria on the growth and development of Christianity in Africa

Oliver, Willem Hendrik 03 1900 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to determine the influence exerted by the heads of the Catechetical School (Didaskaleion) in Alexandria on the growth and development of Christianity in Africa prior to the Arab invasion in 642 CE in Egypt. The methodological tool used is the Historical Method. Chapter 1 contains a discussion of the founding and development of the city of Alexandria through its Golden Era and until the Arab invasion in 642 CE. This city played an important role in the development of Christianity as it is there that the early Christians (the "followers of Christ's teachings") settled and established their faith. Chapter 2 deals with the founding of the Didaskaleion as an addition to the other big schools/"universities" in the city, for example the Musaion (also called the Museion), the Serapium (also called the Serapeum) and the Sebastion. All the possible heads of the School are discussed in order to get a full picture of the School and her activities during the time. In Chapter 3 all the extant and lost documents written by the heads of the School are discussed to provide insight into the formation of the Theology of the School and the contributions of her various heads. Chapter 4 constitutes the pinnacle of the thesis and depicts the influence of the School on the known parts of Africa – to the west and the south of Alexandria – during the first seven centuries CE (until the Arab invasion in 642). The influence is described at two levels: Influence, where mentioned by a specific writer, is called factual influence and includes personal influence. • Influence that is not mentioned but observed, is called derived influence. As there is ample evidence that the (heads of the) School exerted both factual and derived influence on the people in Africa, the conclusion can be drawn that the School and her heads played a significant role in the growth and development of Christianity in Africa. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Church history)

České země a avignonské papežství v letech 1378-1419, diplomatické aspekty / The Czech lands and the avignon papacy in the period 1378-1419, diplomatic aspects

Vlková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
0 ABSTRACT In my thesis I focus on the political situation in the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of France during the Great Western Schism, particularly its first two thirds. I put emphasis on the personality of Honoré Bovet, who was a diplomat and a messenger of the French king and who visited the court of the Bohemian king, Wecleslas IV. in 1399 My work is based on primary and secondary sources and scientific and specialised literature concerning the subject mentioned above. In addition I made use of my one- semester study program in France where I attended the lectures of and consultations with French medieval historians. First I describe in the thesis the ecclesiastical and political situation in both kingdoms. The next chapters are dedicated to the personality of Honoré Bovet and his writings related to his opinion on the Great Western Schism and the church in general. As a result of the research I present a general attitude of the French Kingdom to the Bohemian Kingdom, particularly king Wenceslas IV, in the period of the Great Western Schism and the dual papacy. Moreover, based on his writings I express Bovet's view of the Schism and the personalities involved in the Schism.

Latinský západ v zrcadle byzantského dějepisectví (6.-8.stol.) / Latin West mirrored by the Byzantine historiography (6th-8th centuries)

Bakyta, Ján January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to investigate whether the Romans of the East (Byzantines) during the 6th to the 8th centuries were interested in the Latin west and the imperial rule over it. In the first part of the work, the various discourses concerning the origins of the Justinianic conquest or reconquest of Africa and Italy articulated in the contemporary sources are identified and evaluated; the only one which cannot be shown or supposed to have been officially articulated is the discourse of a source of Pseudo-Zachariah Scholasticus which makes African and maybe also Italian exulants complaining in the imperial court about the local rulers responsible for the Vandal and Gothic wars. After some other preliminary studies (e.g. concerning the so-called problem of Theodericʼs constitutional position), it is concluded that the emperor Justinian was not interested in an ideologically founded restoration of the empire, but made the western wars because of his contacts with western aristocrats. In the second part of the thesis, the presentation of the Justinianic western wars and western events or realities in the works of the Byzantine historians from Marcellinus Comes and Procopius to Theophylactus Simocatta (the 6th to the early 7th centuries) is investigated and an attempt is made to explore...

The industry of evangelism : printing for the Reformation in Martin Luther's Wittenberg

Thomas, Drew B. January 2018 (has links)
When Martin Luther supposedly nailed his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, the small town had only a single printing press. By the end of the century, Wittenberg had published more books than any other city in the Holy Roman Empire. Of the leading print centres in early modern Europe, Wittenberg was the only one that was not a major centre of trade, politics, or culture. This thesis examines the rise of the Wittenberg printing industry and analyses how it overtook the Empire's leading print centres. Luther's controversy—and the publications it produced—attracted printers to Wittenberg who would publish tract after tract. In only a few years, Luther became the most published author since the invention of the printing press. This thesis investigates the workshops of the four leading printers in Wittenberg during Luther's lifetime: Nickel Schirlentz, Josef Klug, Hans Lufft, and Georg Rhau. Together, these printers conquered the German print world. They were helped with the assistance of the famous Renaissance artist, Lucas Cranach the Elder, who lived in Wittenberg as court painter to the Elector of Saxony. His woodcut title page borders decorated the covers of Luther's books and were copied throughout the Empire. Capitalising off the demand for Wittenberg books, many printers falsely printed that their books were from Wittenberg. Such fraud played a major role in the Reformation book trade, as printers in every major print centre made counterfeits of Wittenberg books. However, Reformation pamphlets were not the sole reason for Wittenberg's success. Such items played only a marginal role in the local industry. It was the great Luther Bibles, spurred by Luther's emphasis on Bible reading, that allowed Wittenberg's printers to overcome the odds and become the largest print centre in early modern Germany.

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