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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La vie économique des communautés chrétiennes aux trois premiers siècles / The Economic Life of the Christian Communities during the First Three Centuries

Cornillon, Jonathan 01 December 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour objectif d’éclaircir les formes et l’esprit de la vie économique des communautés chrétiennes aux trois premiers siècles. Du ministère de Jésus à la fin du IIIe siècle, les chrétiens, dans leur diversité, ont développé des modes de vie particuliers dans lesquels les pratiques économiques, fortement influencées par leur morale, ont joué un rôle majeur. Nous chercherons à éclaircir les modalités de financement de la mission et de la vie communautaire des chrétiens, mais aussi les formes institutionnelles de la gestion de ces aspects économiques ainsi que les formes de solidarité matérielle qui ont été développées par les premiers chrétiens. Dès le ministère de Jésus, une réflexion pratique sur le maniement des richesses a été menée et a produit une organisation économique particulière fortement marquée par un modèle communautaire. La portée d’un tel modèle dans les trois premiers siècles chrétiens doit être évaluée. Nous nous attachons avant tout aux aspects concrets de cette vie économique, pour en comprendre le fonctionnement. Notre étude se fonde essentiellement sur des sources littéraires chrétiennes, néotestamentaires et patristiques, mais aussi sur des sources archéologiques, épigraphiques ou papyrologiques lorsqu’elles sont disponibles. / Our dissertation aims to enlighten different aspects of the economic life of the Christian communities during the first three centuries. From Jesus to the end of the third century, Christians, in different ways, developed specific ways of life in which the economic practices played a key role. We will try to explain how the mission and the communal life of Christians were funded, but also what role played the ecclesiastical institutions in the use of the common fund. A very important part of our work will also consist in explaining the concrete practices of the Christians concerning the care for the poor in the community. The first Christian communities developed a thought about the economic life of a religious community as early as the preaching of Jesus and we have to try to understand better the meaning and the concrete consequences of these thoughts on their communal life, and the posterity of these practices. To investigate about the economic life of the first Christian communities, we will use most of all the New Testament and patristic texts, even if at some points archaeological, epigraphical and papyrological sources can be used to strengthen our analysis.

Les prières de l'empereur romain : Pratiques religieuses du gouvernant, de la collectivité et de l'individu, d'Auguste à Théodose Ier / The Roman emperor’s prayers : religious practices of the ruler, the community and the individual, from Augustus to Theodosius I

Nicolas, Charles 07 December 2015 (has links)
La prière, parce qu’elle suppose une reconnaissance du pouvoir des mots et des gestes, est une pratique tangible et un fait historique. Étudier sa nature et ses évolutions fait progresser la connaissance des comportements et des dispositifs religieux. Ainsi, les prières formulées par les empereurs romains, qu’ils soient païens ou chrétiens, participent de la manifestation de leur pouvoir et de l’expression des rapports complexes entre l’individu, la communauté et le monde divin. Néanmoins la nature de la documentation et la spécificité des différents systèmes religieux conduisent à privilégier une relative synchronie. L’étude des prières récitées par l’empereur dans la célébration des cultes publics permet de préciser l’articulation entre la personne impériale et la communauté publique. Sur le temps long, il est alors possible de discuter les supposées évolutions ou mutations de ces responsabilités et de leurs représentations. Aussi la nature même des prières romaines peut-elle être éclairée au regard des interrogations modernes sur les religions antiques et des concepts de spiritualisation, d’individualisation ou de performance collective. La définition du paysage cultuel des empereurs romains permet de reconsidérer le sens même de la prière individuelle et de ses enjeux religieux et sociaux. L’ensemble de ces approches se prolonge harmonieusement avec le passage du paganisme au christianisme. La place des empereurs dans le culte communautaire, la possible élaboration de dispositifs cultuels spécifiques et la représentation de leurs prières individuelles ou personnelles participent de l’étude historique de la lente constitution d’un christianisme impérial romain divers. / The prayer is a tangible practice and a historical fact. It implies recognition of the power of words and gestures. The study of its nature and evolutions improves knowledge of religious behaviours and setups. Prayers made by pagan or Christian Roman emperors involve representation of their power and show the complex relationship between the person, the community and the divine world. However, the available documentation and the specificity of different religious systems lead to adopt a relative synchrony. The prayers said in public cults are used to study the relationship between the imperial person and public community. It is then possible to have a long-term discussion of the supposed changes or mutations of these responsibilities and their images. The nature of Roman prayers can be discussed by the modern interrogations about antique religions and concepts such as spiritualization, individualization and collective performance. The definition of the Roman emperors worship landscape allows reconsidering the very meaning of individual prayer together with its religious and social issues. All these approaches extend harmoniously from Paganism to early Christianity. The position of emperors in community worship, the development of specific worship setup and representation of individual or personal prayers are part of an historical study focused on the slow formation of a diverse Roman imperial Christianity.

Ecrire l'histoire au début du XIVème siècle : la chronique du frère dominicain Francesco Pipino de Bologne / Writing History at the Beginning of the 14th Century : the Chronicle of Dominican Friar Francesco Pipino from Bologna

Bruneau-Amphoux, Stephane 19 January 2019 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la chronique, très peu étudiée, du frère dominicain Francesco Pipino (années 1270-après 1328) consignée dans un manuscrit unique conservé à la Biblioteca Estense Universitaria de Modène (ms. lat. 465). Cette longue chronique (cent quatre-vingt-un folios auxquels s’ajoutent un sommaire en six folios) est structurée en trente-et-un livres qui, à trois exceptions près, sont intitulés d’après le nom d’un empereur, de Charlemagne à Albert de Habsbourg. Le premier volume fournit une analyse en trois parties des derniers livres de la chronique (XXVII à XXXI) qui concernent les années 1250-1320 environ. Le second volume de la thèse regroupe les sources, la bibliographie et les annexes (dont une édition et une traduction des derniers livres de la chronique).La première partie de la thèse fait le point sur la vie et l’œuvre de Francesco Pipino, dont la présence est particulièrement attestée à Bologne et Padoue, où il remplit notamment les fonctions d’archiviste, de vice-prieur et de prieur conventuels. L’itinérance de Francesco Pipino l’a également mené en Orient, une première fois pour un pèlerinage en Terre sainte (1320) et très probablement une seconde fois dans le cadre de la Société des frères pérégrinants.La deuxième partie de la thèse interroge les opérations intellectuelles propres à l’historien en portant le regard sur les sources utilisées et leur traitement. Francesco Pipino peut reprendre ses sources historiographiques verbatim, il peut aussi les résumer. Il recourt également à des sources diplomatiques : bulles et lettres peuvent constituer un chapitre entier ou être remployé sous forme d’extraits. D’autres types de sources sont mobilisées : sources épigraphiques, archéologiques et orales. Francesco Pipino est rarement servile face à ses sources, qu’il critique.La chronique porte également la marque de l’ordre des frères prêcheurs, dans ses choix hagiographiques, par l’exemplarité du récit ou encore par l’insertion de quelques figures dominicaines dans le temps de l’histoire.La troisième partie livre une triple lecture politique de la chronique, qui s’inscrit dans le contexte de la lutte entre le Sacerdoce et l’Empire. La structuration impériale de la chronique donne la précellence aux empereurs. En accordant la qualité d’empereur au roi des Romains, Francesco Pipino minore le rôle du couronnement impérial et, partant, des prétentions théocratiques. Ses positions politiques sont, de manière générale, pro-impériales. Au sein de chaque livre, après un premier ensemble narratif consacré à l’empereur, un deuxième ensemble traite des papes ayant officié sous l’empereur qui donne son nom au livre. Francesco Pipino reste mesuré dans son appréciation des différents pontificats, bien qu’il condamne ici encore les prétentions théocratiques de la papauté. Dans un troisième temps, chaque livre se clôt par les événements survenus dans les cités italiennes, dans les royaumes européens et en Orient. L’analyse prend ici appui sur le cas de la cité de Bologne à la fin du XIIIe siècle, dont les divisions sont dénoncées. / The focus of this doctoral dissertation is a chronicle by Dominican friar Francesco Pipino (1270 CE – after 1328 CE), which has been little studied to date and is recorded in a unique manuscript kept at the Biblioteca Estense Universitaria in Modena, Italy (ms. Lat. 465.) This long chronicle (one hundred eighty-one folios, with an added six-folio table of contents) is organized in thirty-one books, which, with three exceptions, are titled after the name of an Emperor, from Charles The Great to Albert I von Habsburg. The first volume of this dissertation offers an analysis in three parts of the last books in the chronicle (volumes XXVII to XXXI), which focus on the years around 1250-1320. The second volume gathers the sources, bibliography and appendices including an edition and translation of the last books of the chronicle. The first part of the dissertation reviews the life and work of Francesco Pipino, whose presence is most specifically attested in Bologna and Padova, where he notably performed the duties of a monastic archivist, vice-prior, and prior. The peripatetic wanderings of Francesco Pipino also led him to the Middle-East; a first time for a pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1320) and very likely a second time within the framework of the Societas Fratres Peregrinantes. The second part of the dissertation interrogates the intellectual operations specific to historians by looking at the sources used in the research and their handling. Francesco Pipino might reprise his historiographical sources verbatim, or he might sum them up. He might also use diplomatic sources: Papal bulls and letters can constitute a whole chapter or be reused as excerpts. Other types of sources are enlisted: epigraphic, archeological or rural sources. Francesco Pipino was rarely subservient to his sources, which he reviewed critically. The chronicle also bears the mark of the Order of Preaching Friars, with its hagiographical choices, with the exemplary nature of the narrative, or with the insertion of a few Dominican figures inside historical time. The third part delivers a three-pronged political reading of the chronicle, which is inscribed within the contexts of the struggle between the clergy and the Holy Roman Empire. The imperial structuring of the chronicle gives the emperors precellence. By lending the quality of Emperor on the king of Romans, Francesco Pipino downplays the role of the imperial coronation and from there, theocratic contentions as well. His political stance is generally supportive of the Empire. Within each book, after a first narrative part devoted to the emperor, a second one deals with the Popes who have officiated under the emperor whose name is given to the book. Francesco Pipino remains moderate in his appraisal of the various pontificates, even though he once again condemns the theocratic pretenses of the Papacy. In a third and final stage, each book closes with events that have happened in Italian cities, in European kingdoms, and in the Middle-East. Here, the analysis is based on a case study of the city of Bologna at the end of the 13th Century, and on the denunciation of its divisions.

Habiter dans les agglomérations du nord de la Gaule (I-IIIè siècle) : Analyse architecturale de la maison romaine / Living in the agglomerations of northern Gaul (I-IIIth century) : architechtural analayse of the Roman house

Auvertin, Remi 17 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude systématique des modes d’habitat dans les agglomérations du nord de la Gaule, aussi bien d’un point de vue architectural que culturel. La maison romaine septentrionale se démarque considérablement de son homologue méditerranéen : il s’agit d’insister sur les particularismes régionaux, notamment à propos de l’organisation de l’espace et de son usage, mais aussi de passer outre certains paradigmes, tel celui de la Streifenhaus/Strip house. Le cadre proposé est compris entre Seine et Rhin, du Ier au IIIe siècle. Ainsi cette thèse, bien que répondant aux problématiques de l’archéologie régionale repose sur un cadre euro-régional et intègre à l’aire d’étude l’Allemagne (Rhénanie), la Belgique, les Pays-Bas et le Luxembourg. La thèse rend ainsi accessible une documentation éparse et inédite : environ cinq-cents maisons sont analysées et redessinées ; soixante-dix d'entre elles, jugées représentatives, font l'objet d'un catalogue qualitatif.Le fil conducteur de cette étude est la diversité. L'archéologue fait face à une hétérogénéité marquée à tout niveau d'analyse, du statut hiérarchique et fonctionnel des agglomérations aux techniques et matériaux employés dans les maisons, jusqu'aux répertoires typologiques. Mettre en ordre cette diversité permet d'observer des phénomènes macro-régionaux, mais également de mettre en valeur le rôle de chaque communauté locale dans la définition de la forme de la maison. Le premier volume propose l'analyse architecturale, typologique et fonctionnelle de l'habitat. Il aborde également des points moins conventionnels, comme l'étude du confort ou de la durabilité des constructions, en s'appuyant sur la comparaison ethnographique et l'archéologie expérimentale. Le deuxième volume comprend l'inventaire des sites étudiés, le catalogue qualitatif, ainsi que l'ensemble des plans des maisons. / This thesis proposes a systematic study of the ways of housing in the urban areas of northern Gaul, from both an architectural and a cultural point of view. The northern Roman house stands out considerably from its Mediterranean counterpart: it emphasizes regional particularities, especially with regard to the organization of space and its use, but also to bypass certain paradigms, such as the Streifenhaus/strip house. The considered setting covers the area between the Seine and the Rhine, from the 1st to the 3rd century. Thus this dissertation, although responding to the problems of regional archaeology, is based on a Euro-regional framework and includes the Northern France, Germany (Rhineland), Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in the study area. The thesis therefore makes a sparse and unpublished documentation available: about five hundred houses are analysed and redrawn; seventy of them, considered to be representative, are the subject of a qualitative catalogue.The common thread of this study is diversity. Archaeologists face significant heterogeneity at all levels of analysis, from the hierarchical and functional status of urban areas to the techniques and materials used in houses, to typological repertoires. Bringing this diversity into order makes it possible to observe macro-regional phenomena, but also to highlight the role of each local community in defining the shape of the house. The first volume presents the architectural, typological and functional analysis of houses. It also addresses less conventional issues, such as the study of the comfort or durability of buildings, based on ethnographic comparison and experimental archaeology. The second volume includes the inventory of the sites studied, the qualitative catalogue, as well as all the plans of the houses. / Diese Arbeit bietet eine systematische Untersuchung der Wohnverhältnisse in den Städten von Nord-Gallien in römischer Zeit, sowohl aus architektonischer als auch aus kultureller Sicht. Die nördlichen Typen des Römerhauses heben sich deutlich von ihren mediterranen Pendants ab: Es geht in dieser Arbeit darum, diese regionalen Besonderheiten hervorzuheben, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Raumgestaltung und -nutzung, aber auch bestimmte Paradigmen wie das Streifenhaus zu überschreiten. Der untersuchte Raum liegt zwischen Seine und Rhein; die untersuchte Zeitspanne reicht vom 1. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert. Diese Arbeit basiert also, trotz ihrer Beschäftigung mit lokalen archäologischen Fragen, auf einem euro-regionalen Rahmen und umfasst Nordfrankreich, Deutschland (Rheinland), Belgien, die Niederlande und Luxemburg als Untersuchungsbereich. Die Arbeit macht damit eine verstreute beziehungsweise bislang unveröffentlichte Dokumentation zugänglich: Etwa fünfhundert Häuser werden analysiert und neu gezeichnet; siebzig von ihnen, die als repräsentativ gelten, sind in einem Katalog erfasst.Der rote Faden dieser Studie ist die Diversität. Archäologen sehen sich mit einer ausgeprägten Heterogenität auf allen Ebenen der Analyse konfrontiert, vom hierarchischen und funktionalen Zustand der städtischen Gebiete über die Techniken und Materialien, die in Häusern verwendet werden, bis zu typologischen Repertoires. Eine Systematisierung dieser Vielfalt erlaubt es, makroregionale Phänomene zu beobachten, aber auch die Rolle jeder lokalen Gemeinschaft bei der Definition der Hausform hervorzuheben. Der erste Band stellt die architektonische, typologische und funktionale Analyse des Wohnens vor. Es geht dabei auch um weniger konventionelle Themen wie die Untersuchung des Komforts oder der Langlebigkeit von Gebäuden, die auf ethnographischen Vergleichen und experimenteller basiert.Der zweite Band enthält eine Bestandsaufnahme der untersuchten Standorte, einen Katalog sowie alle Pläne der Häuser.

"...achieved nothing worthy of memory" : Coinage and authority in the Roman empire c. AD 260-295

Hedlund, Ragnar January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study examines how the Roman emperors <i>c</i>. AD. 260–295 attempt at maintaining their power-bases through legitimation of their claims to power, with reference to various potentially powerful groups of society, such as the military, the inhabitants of the provinces and the senate in Rome. The purpose has been to discern the development of ‘Roman imperial ideology’ in an age which has frequently been referred to as an ‘age of military anarchy.’ Focus is on how claims to power could be expressed through visual media. Of such media, mainly the coins struck for the emperors <i>c</i>. AD 260-295 have been studied. A close investigation has been made of the iconography of these coins. Furthermore, the ways in which coin-images are modified and combined with various legends are studied. An additional purpose of this investigation has been to provide a comment on the general potential of conveying visual imagery and messages on objects such as coins and medallions. </p><p>The study argues that novel, intricate and multi-layered images were created on the coins struck for the emperors <i>c</i>. AD 260-295. Furthermore, it is suggested that these coin-images were created to assume the function of larger-scale expressions of imperial authority, such as triumphal arches and imperial statues. This adaption of coinage was made because there was a need for intensified communication of imperial authority. This need arose due to the incessant warfare of the age, and a process of regionalization of the empire, which was connected to this warfare. The conclusion is that these coins provide an illustration of the development of the Roman empire in the second half of the third century. This was a development by which the city of Rome lost its importance in favour of regional capitals, and ultimately in favour of Constantinople.</p>

Guerra y Política en el Imperio Romano de Occidente (337-361)

Sancho Gómez, Miguel Pablo 30 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabajo está centrado en los logros militares del César Juliano en la Galia, la usurpación de Magnencio y las batallas más importantes del periodo, Estrasburgo y Mursa. Se ofrece un estudio del Ejército Romano de Occidente y una breve visión de los problemas defensivos contra los bárbaros. Se examina la estructura y disposición de la frontera romana en el Rin y de las razones por las que resultó ineficaz durante las Grandes Invasiones del siglo V. Se ofrece una traducción española del panegírico de Mamertino del año 362. / This work is focused in the military deeds of Julian Caesar in Gaul, the usurpation of Magnentius and the key battles of that time, Strasburg and Mursa. It offers a study of the Roman army in the West and a quick insight to the defensive problems against barbarians. A survey of the disposition and structure of the roman frontier in the Rhineland and the reasons why it failed to be successful during the Big Invasions of the Fifth Century. Also features a spanish version of the Mamertinus panegiric of 362.

"...achieved nothing worthy of memory" : Coinage and authority in the Roman empire c. AD 260-295

Hedlund, Ragnar January 2008 (has links)
This study examines how the Roman emperors c. AD. 260–295 attempt at maintaining their power-bases through legitimation of their claims to power, with reference to various potentially powerful groups of society, such as the military, the inhabitants of the provinces and the senate in Rome. The purpose has been to discern the development of ‘Roman imperial ideology’ in an age which has frequently been referred to as an ‘age of military anarchy.’ Focus is on how claims to power could be expressed through visual media. Of such media, mainly the coins struck for the emperors c. AD 260-295 have been studied. A close investigation has been made of the iconography of these coins. Furthermore, the ways in which coin-images are modified and combined with various legends are studied. An additional purpose of this investigation has been to provide a comment on the general potential of conveying visual imagery and messages on objects such as coins and medallions. The study argues that novel, intricate and multi-layered images were created on the coins struck for the emperors c. AD 260-295. Furthermore, it is suggested that these coin-images were created to assume the function of larger-scale expressions of imperial authority, such as triumphal arches and imperial statues. This adaption of coinage was made because there was a need for intensified communication of imperial authority. This need arose due to the incessant warfare of the age, and a process of regionalization of the empire, which was connected to this warfare. The conclusion is that these coins provide an illustration of the development of the Roman empire in the second half of the third century. This was a development by which the city of Rome lost its importance in favour of regional capitals, and ultimately in favour of Constantinople.

The emergence of regional polities in Burgundy and Alemannia, c.888-940 : a comparative assessment

Robbie, Steven January 2012 (has links)
This study uses the ‘duchies' of Burgundy and Alemannia as case studies for an examination of the nature and causes of political change in the five decades after the death in 888 of the Emperor Charles the Fat ended the Carolingian monopoly on kingship in the Frankish realms. Existing narratives of this period posit discontinuity between the pre- and post-888 political worlds and define the status of dukes in opposition to royal power as the manifestation of either regional communal identity or self-centred aristocratic greed. Close examination of Burgundy and Alemannia indicates that such approaches are invalid, and that the fundaments of the Carolingian system persisted in the ideology and practice of politics after 888: a desire for the control over land and religious establishments, juxtaposed with a deep-seated belief in the centrality of the kingship to the political order. Dukedoms emerged in both regions not as a result of deep-rooted social forces but as short-term responses by magnates to crises at the centre. The perception that the dukedom was an essential form of political organization failed to take root in either territory prior to 940. Although the status of the dukedoms ultimately developed in different ways in the two kingdoms, it is suggested that the root causes of this are best sought in high politics itself.

Les établissements littoraux de la province romaine de Lyonnaise : Contribution à l'étude de l'habitat dispersé et de l'exploitation des ressources maritimes sur les côtes de l'Atlantique et de la Manche dans l'Antiquité / Coastal settlements of the Roman province of Lugdunensis : occupation and economy of the Atlantic and English Channel coast

Driard, Cyril 12 December 2011 (has links)
La Lyonnaise est la province gauloise la plus maritime, avec un trait de côte s’étendant sur plus de 3000 km de long. Ce travail de recherche concerne l’habitat dispersé (villae, fermes, ateliers) sur son littoral, du Ier au Vème siècle. Son objectif est de comprendre comment cette forme d’occupation et de gestion de l’espace rural a été adaptée au milieu géographique particulier qu’est le littoral. La question de la diffusion sur la façade Atlantique du phénomène des villae maritimes se pose également. Tout d’abord, les questions de typologie, de configuration et d’architecture des ensembles bâtis sont abordées. Ensuite, l’économie de ces établissements et en particulier l’exploitation des ressources maritimes est analysée. Bien que la documentation disponible soit ancienne et peu détaillée, des opérations archéologiques récentes ont contribué à renouveler les connaissances scientifiques sur le sujet, notamment sur les ateliers de salaisons et de sauces de poissons en Gaule et leurs productions. / With a coastline of at least 3000 kilometers, the Roman province of Lugdunensis is the most maritime area of the Gallic territories. This thesis deals with the occupation of the coastal countryside, dotted with villae, farms and craft workshops, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD. The main objective is to understand how the rural areas were managed and how roman society adapted to and transformed this landscape. This study also addresses the question of the dissemination of “villae maritimae” along the Atlantic coast. Themes covered included the organisation of Roman coastal settlements and their architectural influences, the role of farms in the management and exploitation of marine resources, and lastly, the types of products produced. The archaeological information available for use is extensive although dated, difficult to exploit, and as a such the analysis suffers. However, several recent surveys and excavations have allowed for the collection of new data about Roman salting and fish sauce workshops in western Gaul. Atlantic Coast and English Channel

Commanding texts : knowledge-ordering, identity construction and ethics in 'military manuals' of the Roman Empire

Chiritoiu, Daniel Alexandru January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is about ‘military manuals’ produced in the first few centuries of the Roman imperial period. It argues that these texts merit far more attention and appreciation than they have received in the scholarship so far. I will explore areas such as the way in which their authors order and rank Greek and Roman knowledge, engage with ideas about knowledge and power, help construct identity and discuss ethics and behavior. In the first chapter I will determine whether the authors operate within a specific ‘genre’, or ‘genres’, of military writing. Then I will explore how the texts relate to other traditions of technical texts, questions of audience, and finally the issue of their practicality. The second chapter will examine how authors tackle the issue of ‘Greek’ and ‘Roman’ knowledge, categorize, rank and use it for self-promotion. We will see how Roman knowledge is both subverted but also praised, and how Greek knowledge is at the same time placed above Roman knowledge and integrated into a narrative of continuity with it. The third chapter will focus on the use of Greek knowledge in the construction of Roman identity. I will explore how ‘manuals’ play a part in the identity of the Roman Empire, fitting into a picture of unity in diversity, and show how they contribute to Hadrian’s self-presentation. The fourth chapter will examine the ethical component in manuals. I will determine whether there was an ethical code of conduct in battle in the Classical world and whether it was different from general ethical norms. Then, we will examine whether our texts engage in any way with this ‘code’ and whether their individual approaches have anything in common or are fundamentally different.

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