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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os panteões Galo-Romanos nos pilares e \"Colunas de Júpiter\" / The Galo-Roman pantheons in the pilars and \"Jupiter Columns\"

Bina, Tatiana 10 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende levantar e discutir, a partir de questões sobre a religiosidade provincial no alto império romano, os pilares, \"colunas de Júpiter\" e outros tipos de vestígios correlacionados. O interesse e estudo desses monumentos pela historiografia do século XIX estabeleceram um topos, em uso até hoje, que direciona as interpretações arqueológicas e religiosas das Gálias Romanas. Tendo como pressupostos teóricos os debates pós-contemporâneos e pós-coloniais e com o intuito de compreender as devoções e os cultos, foi realizada uma série de análises, com destaque para as de natureza iconográfica. / Starting from issues about the provincial religiosity in the high Roman Empire, this work aims at raising and discussing the pillars, \"Jupiter columns\" and other types of correlated vestiges. The interest arisen by these monuments and their study by the bibliography of the XIX century established a \"topos\" still in use, which gives directions to the Gallic Roman archaeological and religious interpretations. With the theoretical assumptions of the post-contemporary debates and post-colonial theories and in order to understand the devotions and worship services, a series of analysis was made, with special emphasis on an iconographic approach.

A Basílica como elemento de urbanização na Gallia Comata no período de dominação romana / The Basilica as element of urbanization in the Gallia Comata in the Roman domination period

Santos, Irmina Doneux 09 March 2007 (has links)
A Basílica romana é, para Zanker (2000: 36-7), uma das estruturas mais caracteristicamente romanas de qualquer cidade romana. Símbolo concreto da estrutura política, jurídica e social romana, sofreu alterações morfológicas e funcionais ao longo do tempo e do espaço que ainda intrigam os pesquisadores. O presente estudo busca conhecer esta estrutura, suas origens, principais características físicas e funcionais, transformações em Roma e no Império, mas especialmente na Gallia Comata, entendendo-a como um elemento utilizado pelo Império no processo de urbanização das províncias gaulesas. Para tal, foi realizado o estudo das basílicas desde seu surgimento, em Roma, sua difusão pelo Império. Como forma de conhecer as basílicas das Três Gálias (Lugdunense, Aquitânia e Bélgica, esta se desdobrando também em Germânia Superior e Inferior), elaborou-se um catálogo buscando, apesar das diferenças tipológicas, a homogeneidade dentro da sua utilização como elemento de urbanização romana da antiga Gallia Comata. E, para melhor entender a urbanização, foram estudados os oppida gauleses, as proto-cidades celtas dos séculos II e I a.C., o período imediatamente anterior à conquista romana. / According to Zanker (2000:36-7), the Roman Basilica is one of the most characteristic Roman structures of any Roman city. A concrete symbol of the political, juridic and social Roman structure, it suffered morphologic and funcional alteractions both in time and space that still intrigate the scholars. The present work tries to reveal and understand this structure, its origins, its main physical and functional caracteristics, its transformations in Rome and the Empire, but most specially in the Gallia Comata, seeing it as an element of the process of urbanization of the Gallic privinciae. To do so, we performed a study of the basilicas since its begnning, in Rome, its difusion by the Empire and, like a means to know the basilicas of the Three Gauls (Lugdunensis, Aquitanica and Belgium, this one divided into Belgica, Germania Superior and Germania Inferior), a catalog was made, searching, besides the typological differences, the homogeneity in their utilization as elements of Roman urbanization of the former Gallia Comata. And, for better understanding the urbanization, it was studied the Gallic oppida (hillforts), the Celtic proto-cities of the II and I centuries BC, the period that immediately preceded the period of the Roman conquest.

Os fana no contexto galo-romano / The fana in the roman gaul context

Bina, Tatiana 25 March 2009 (has links)
Essa pesquisa ensejou ampliar a discussão sobre os templos de tradição gaulesa em espaços urbanos na Gália romana durante o Alto Império Romano e fornecer substratos para a compreensão deste fenômeno. Alguns debates perpassaram toda a concepção, estudo e interpretação dos dados: a \"romanização\", a relação entre política e religião, a questão da antecedência e continuidade de cultos religiosos gauleses e a organização de espaços na Gália romana. O levantamento de plantas onde os fana tinham uma relação com o espaço urbano construído segundo as tradições arquitetônicas romanas permitiu o estabelecimento de dados que, quando comparados, possibilitaram apresentar um quadro mais preciso sobre o papel da religiosidade galo-romana frente à instituição simbólica e material do espaço urbano. / This research envisaged to enlarge the discussion about the temples of Gaul tradition in urban spaces at the Roman Gaul during the High Roman Empire and to give bases for understanding these phenomena. Some debates perpassed all the conception, study and interpretation of data: the \"romanization\", the relationship between politics and religion, the continuation of Gaul religious cults and the space organization in Roman Gaul. The survey of plans where the fana had a relationship with the urban space built according with Roman architectural traditions, has allowed the establishment of data which, when compared to each other, allowed for the presentation of a more precise image of the role of Roman Gaul religiosity in face of the material and symbolic institution of the urban space.

A Basílica como elemento de urbanização na Gallia Comata no período de dominação romana / The Basilica as element of urbanization in the Gallia Comata in the Roman domination period

Irmina Doneux Santos 09 March 2007 (has links)
A Basílica romana é, para Zanker (2000: 36-7), uma das estruturas mais caracteristicamente romanas de qualquer cidade romana. Símbolo concreto da estrutura política, jurídica e social romana, sofreu alterações morfológicas e funcionais ao longo do tempo e do espaço que ainda intrigam os pesquisadores. O presente estudo busca conhecer esta estrutura, suas origens, principais características físicas e funcionais, transformações em Roma e no Império, mas especialmente na Gallia Comata, entendendo-a como um elemento utilizado pelo Império no processo de urbanização das províncias gaulesas. Para tal, foi realizado o estudo das basílicas desde seu surgimento, em Roma, sua difusão pelo Império. Como forma de conhecer as basílicas das Três Gálias (Lugdunense, Aquitânia e Bélgica, esta se desdobrando também em Germânia Superior e Inferior), elaborou-se um catálogo buscando, apesar das diferenças tipológicas, a homogeneidade dentro da sua utilização como elemento de urbanização romana da antiga Gallia Comata. E, para melhor entender a urbanização, foram estudados os oppida gauleses, as proto-cidades celtas dos séculos II e I a.C., o período imediatamente anterior à conquista romana. / According to Zanker (2000:36-7), the Roman Basilica is one of the most characteristic Roman structures of any Roman city. A concrete symbol of the political, juridic and social Roman structure, it suffered morphologic and funcional alteractions both in time and space that still intrigate the scholars. The present work tries to reveal and understand this structure, its origins, its main physical and functional caracteristics, its transformations in Rome and the Empire, but most specially in the Gallia Comata, seeing it as an element of the process of urbanization of the Gallic privinciae. To do so, we performed a study of the basilicas since its begnning, in Rome, its difusion by the Empire and, like a means to know the basilicas of the Three Gauls (Lugdunensis, Aquitanica and Belgium, this one divided into Belgica, Germania Superior and Germania Inferior), a catalog was made, searching, besides the typological differences, the homogeneity in their utilization as elements of Roman urbanization of the former Gallia Comata. And, for better understanding the urbanization, it was studied the Gallic oppida (hillforts), the Celtic proto-cities of the II and I centuries BC, the period that immediately preceded the period of the Roman conquest.

Os fana no contexto galo-romano / The fana in the roman gaul context

Tatiana Bina 25 March 2009 (has links)
Essa pesquisa ensejou ampliar a discussão sobre os templos de tradição gaulesa em espaços urbanos na Gália romana durante o Alto Império Romano e fornecer substratos para a compreensão deste fenômeno. Alguns debates perpassaram toda a concepção, estudo e interpretação dos dados: a \"romanização\", a relação entre política e religião, a questão da antecedência e continuidade de cultos religiosos gauleses e a organização de espaços na Gália romana. O levantamento de plantas onde os fana tinham uma relação com o espaço urbano construído segundo as tradições arquitetônicas romanas permitiu o estabelecimento de dados que, quando comparados, possibilitaram apresentar um quadro mais preciso sobre o papel da religiosidade galo-romana frente à instituição simbólica e material do espaço urbano. / This research envisaged to enlarge the discussion about the temples of Gaul tradition in urban spaces at the Roman Gaul during the High Roman Empire and to give bases for understanding these phenomena. Some debates perpassed all the conception, study and interpretation of data: the \"romanization\", the relationship between politics and religion, the continuation of Gaul religious cults and the space organization in Roman Gaul. The survey of plans where the fana had a relationship with the urban space built according with Roman architectural traditions, has allowed the establishment of data which, when compared to each other, allowed for the presentation of a more precise image of the role of Roman Gaul religiosity in face of the material and symbolic institution of the urban space.

Os panteões Galo-Romanos nos pilares e \"Colunas de Júpiter\" / The Galo-Roman pantheons in the pilars and \"Jupiter Columns\"

Tatiana Bina 10 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende levantar e discutir, a partir de questões sobre a religiosidade provincial no alto império romano, os pilares, \"colunas de Júpiter\" e outros tipos de vestígios correlacionados. O interesse e estudo desses monumentos pela historiografia do século XIX estabeleceram um topos, em uso até hoje, que direciona as interpretações arqueológicas e religiosas das Gálias Romanas. Tendo como pressupostos teóricos os debates pós-contemporâneos e pós-coloniais e com o intuito de compreender as devoções e os cultos, foi realizada uma série de análises, com destaque para as de natureza iconográfica. / Starting from issues about the provincial religiosity in the high Roman Empire, this work aims at raising and discussing the pillars, \"Jupiter columns\" and other types of correlated vestiges. The interest arisen by these monuments and their study by the bibliography of the XIX century established a \"topos\" still in use, which gives directions to the Gallic Roman archaeological and religious interpretations. With the theoretical assumptions of the post-contemporary debates and post-colonial theories and in order to understand the devotions and worship services, a series of analysis was made, with special emphasis on an iconographic approach.

Les édifices de spectacle dans le nord-ouest des Gaules du Ier au IVe s. ap.J.-C. / Roman theatres of north-western Gauls, Ist-IVth century

Ferreira, Filipe 09 December 2017 (has links)
Le « théâtre gallo-romain » a toujours été un sujet sensible parmi les archéologues. Depuis la théorie du « théâtre-amphithéâtre » jusqu’au renouveau de l’étude de ces édifices de spectacle par Françoise Dumasy, les théâtres de Gaule romaine ont toujours été étudiés en fonction du modèle « latin » proposé par Vitruve dans le de Architectura. Plusieurs raisons ont souvent été évoquées pour expliquer les formes particulières des théâtres dits « gallo-romains ». L’objectif de cette thèse n’est pas de proposer une définition définitive de ce qu’était le théâtre en Gaule romaine, de fait trop peu sont encore fouillés pour proposer une synthèse générale. Toutefois, à travers l’étude régionale des théâtres du nord-ouest des Gaules, il est possible d’entrevoir l’un des instants les plus intéressants de l’adaptation du théâtre romain dans ce qui a souvent été considéré comme une région éloignée de l’Empire. / The « Gallo-roman theatre » has always been a sensitive subject among french archaeologists. Since Albert Grenier’s theory on the « theatre-amphitheatre » to Françoise Dumasy and the renewal of studies about roman entertainement buildings, roman theatres in Gaul have always been considered as different buildings compared to the classical theater pattern suggested by Vitruvius in his de Architectura. Many different reasons were frequently mentioned to explain the particular forms of « Gallo-roman theatres ». The intended purpose of this PhD is not to give a definitive definition of what roman theatres in Gaul could be -in fact, too few of them were excavated. Nevertheless, it is possible trought a regional study of roman theatres in north-western Gaul to have a glimpse of one of the most interesting moments of the adaptation of a roman theater in what has been considered as a remote region of the roman empire.

L’instrumentum fundi : l’équipement des activités domaniales des établissements ruraux du nord de la Gaule (Ier-IVe ap. J.-C.) / The instrumentum fundi : the equipment of state-owned activities of rural settlements of Roman Gaul (Ie-IVth AD)

Huitorel, Guillaume 27 November 2017 (has links)
Le développement de l’archéologie agraire et de l’exploration des parties économiques des établissements ruraux de Gaule romaine permet aujourd’hui de proposer une synthèse sur l’instrumentum fundi ; l’équipement des domaines.À partir de 140 sites archéologiques fouillés dans le nord de la Gaule, 1600 équipements mobiliers (outils) et immobiliers (infrastructure et bâtiments) ont été inventoriés.L’identification récurrente de greniers, granges ou encore sonnailles, faucilles et faux offre l’image d’une économie d’abord tournée vers les activités agropastorales. Toutefois, les activités qualifiées généralement d’artisanales sont également bien présentes à travers des équipements comme les fours de tuiliers, les marteaux, les ciseaux, etc. Ces activités participent à l’entretien et au fonctionnement du domaine mais dépasse parfois ce cadre, pour envisager alors de véritables productions.L’étude de certains équipements tel que les fosses à fumier, les moulins hydrauliques ou encore le vallus permet de démontrer un investissement des domaines dans des installations et des outils performants que l’on peut dans certains cas qualifier d’innovations. Ces observations permettent de s’éloigner un peu plus de certains poncifs parfois encore en vigueur concernant une économie autarcique et stagnante, freinée par un certain retard technique et par l’esclavage.L’identification et la caractérisation des équipements renvoient à l’inverse l’image d’une économie plus ouverte, associant des acteurs différents mais qui emploient à leur échelle des infrastructures et outils efficaces. / The development of agrarian archaeology and the exploration of the economic parts of the rural settlements in Roman Gaul allows today to propose a synthesis on the instrumentum fundi ; the equipment of agricutltural field.From 140 archeological sites of Roman Gaul, 1600 tools and economic buildings were inventoried.The recurring identification of granaries, barns or cowbells, sickles and hammer offers the image of an economy at first turned to the agropastorales activities. However, the craft activities are also present through equipments as tile makers' ovens, hammers, scissors, etc. These activities participate in the maintenance and in the functioning of the domain but sometimes exceed this frame, to envisage a real economic productions.The study of equipments such as manure pits, water mills or the vallus allows to demonstrate an investment of domains in installations and successful tools which we can qualify in certain cases as innovations. These observations allow to go away a little more certain pouncing patterns still current concerning an autarkic and stagnant economy, slowed down by a certain technical delay and by a slavery.The identification and the characterization of equipments send back on the contrary the image of a more open economy, associating different actors who use on their scale of infrastructures and effective tools.

Les bois ouvragés en Gaule romaine : approches croisées archéologiques, anthraco-xylologiques et entomologiques / Timber in roman gaul : interdisciplinary project in archaeology, anthraco-xylology and entomology

Toriti, Magali 04 December 2018 (has links)
Le bois est l’une des matières premières les plus utilisées dans la construction romaine, ce qui en faitun élément clé de l’économie et de l’environnement. Mais contrairement à la pierre, ce matériau nelaisse que peu de traces sur le terrain, rendant ainsi son interprétation parfois complexe.Cette thèse tente d’aborder le bois de construction gallo-romain sous différents aspects (choix et transportdu bois, chaîne opératoire technique du travail et état sanitaire) à partir d’une approche interdisciplinairealliant Sciences de l’Homme et Sciences biologiques.Le point novateur de ce travail réside dans la réalisation d’une clé de détermination des traces (galerieset vermoulures) que les insectes xylophages laissent dans le bois archéologique. Savoir identifier ces traces conduit à de nouvelles pistes interprétatives : déterminer le moment où s’est produitl’infestation (bois sur pied, lors d’une phase de stockage, après sa mise en place dans l’architectureou après l’abandon du site et l’enfouissement des vestiges) ; estimer la durée et localiser la source del’infestation ; obtenir des indications sur les choix et les gestes des constructeurs et mieux appréhenderla conservation du patrimoine ligneux. / Wood is one of the most used raw materials in Roman construction. So timber is a key element of theeconomy and of the environment. If stone is easely discovered during excavations timber leaves a fewremains on archaeological excavations. So interpreting resultsis diffi cult.This PhD attempts to approach the Gallo-Roman timber in various aspects (choice and transport ofwood, technical chain of work and wood condition) from an interdisciplinary approach combininghuman and biological sciences.The innovative part of this work is the realization of an atlas to determine the xylophagous’s traces(galleries and frass) into the archaeological wood. Knowing how to identify these traces is importantto develop new archaeological interpretations: Is it an infestation of alive tree? Is it an infestation duringa storage phase, the use of the building or after the abandonment of the site and during the taphonomicalprocess ? To estimate the duration of the infestation and locate its origin; to document choicesand actions of the builders; and to have a better understanding of the conservation of wood heritage.

Sacred and civic stone monuments of the northwest Roman provinces

McGowen, Stacey Lynne January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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