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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saving political face : the structures of power in Hans von Aachen’s Allegories on the long Turkish war

Fetté, Mirka Campbell 12 July 2011 (has links)
Hans von Aachen, court artist to the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, created a series of small painting called the Allegories on the Long Turkish War. Von Aachen made the Allegories between 1604 and 1606 and Rudolf II kept them bound in a red book in his Kunstkammer. This series selects events and battles from the Long War against the Ottoman Empire, 1593-1606, to create a flattering propagandistic image of the emperor in order to strengthen his support. Rudolf’s brother, Archduke Matthias of Austria, began plotting against the emperor beginning in 1600. By 1606 he was actively usurping Rudolf’s political power. I examine von Aachen’s visual description of imperial power, the alternate history the Allegories present, and the ways they engage with Neo-Platonic theories to convey validity to viewers. In my thesis, I outline the events of the Long War in order to compare them to von Aachen’s portrayals and to understand how he restructures chronological history to convey his message about Rudolf’s rulership. I briefly analyze each painting but I focus primarily on the eighth scene, the Conquest of Székesfehérvár. Sultan Mehmed III sits opposite Rudolf II in dignified defeat in this painting. I investigate the visual treatment of the sultan through the historical interactions between the Ottoman and Holy Roman Empires and propose the political function served by depicting him as a noble enemy. I finally discuss the way von Aachen uses symbols and allegory to convey a potent message and convince the viewer of its validity. Ultimately, these works should be seen as political propaganda used to combat Rudolf’s brother Archduke Matthias’ political takeover and not as Rudolf’s fantastical escapism from his losing battle against his brother. / text

Die Türkenhilfe der Reichsstädte Nordhausen und Mühlhausen in der Zeit von Maximilian I. bis Rudolf II. (1493-1612) Ein Beitrag zur Steuer- und Finanzgeschichte im Spätmittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit / The tuerkenhilfe of the imperial cities Nordhausen and Muehlhausen in the time of Maximilian I. and Rudolf II. (1493-1612). A study to the tax and financial history of late medieval and early modern

Kruppe, Michael 12 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.

La romanisation de l'Afrique romaine à travers la diffusion et l'évolution de la citoyenneté romaine, de la République à Caracalla: les cas de Thugga et Lepcis Magna

Cossette, Gabriel 04 1900 (has links)
Le phénomène de la romanisation étant des plus complexe, il est donc nécessaire de se concentrer sur un seul de ses aspects, mais aussi sur un espace géographique restreint : la diffusion de la citoyenneté romaine en Afrique proconsulaire. Quels sont ses mécanismes et ses processus? Quels sont les motifs pour Rome ou pour les indigènes? Finalement, quels sont les impacts de cette diffusion sur les individus ainsi que sur leur cité? Ultimement, y a-t-il eu une romanisation de l’Afrique par la diffusion de la citoyenneté romaine? Voilà les questions qui ont été posées à travers l’étude des cas de Thugga et de Lepcis Magna. Finlement, il semble que l’empereur ainsi que les notables locaux furent des moteurs importants de cette diffusion, que les motifs pouvaient être stratégiques ou culturels pour l’empereur, mais surtout fiscaux pour les notables et que le principal impact, autant sur les individus que sur la cité, fut bel et bien la transformation, voire la romanisation juridique, de l’Afrique romaine. / Because of the Romanization phenomenon's complexity, it is necessary to focus on a single aspect, and a defined area : the spread of Roman citizenship in Africa proconsularis. What are its mechanisms and processes? What are the reasons for Rome or for the natives? Finally, what are the impacts of this diffusion on the individuals and communities? Ultimately, was there a Romanization of Africa through the spread of Roman citizenship? These are the questions that were asked through the study of Leptis Magna and Thugga cases. In the end, it seems that the emperor and community leaders were important drivers of this spread, while the emperor's motives were more strategic or cultural, they were for the community leaders, mostly economical, the main impact on both the individuals and the communities, was indeed the transformation or the jural romanization of Roman Africa.

Visualisierung von Herrschaftsanspruch die Habsburger und Habsburg-Lothringer in Bildern

Hauenfels, Theresia January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Wien, Univ., Diss.

Les mots du pouvoir : la communication politique de la France dans le Saint-Empire au début de la Guerre de Trente Ans (1617-1624) / The words of power : the french political communication in the Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the Thirty Years War (1617-1624)

Desenclos, Camille 06 December 2014 (has links)
La notion de communication politique reçoit des définitions diverses qui paraissent irréconciliables : définition de politologue fondée sur une organisation contemporaine de la politique poussant le concept dans le domaine de la propagande, définition de médiéviste mettant l'accent sur l'oralité et la symbolique des images. Amorcé en Allemagne dans les années 1990, un mouvement historiographique tend à se développer en France, mais sans pour autant offrir une définition applicable à l'ensemble de la modernité.En revenant au sens premier de la communication politique, soit à l’histoire politique et plus particulièrement diplomatique, il s'agit ici d’étudier la politique extérieure de la France et ses moyens (réseaux de communication et d'information, correspondances, production imprimée, etc.) et ainsi de retrouver le sens de l’action diplomatique française. Au-Delà de la simple étude fonctionnelle, seule une étude approfondie de la communication peut permettre de voir si et comment un État peut maîtriser un tel outil et dans quel(s) espace(s).Pour ce faire, le Saint-Empire au début de la guerre de Trente Ans fait office de terrain d'étude. La mise en place des différents acteurs et le déroulement des premiers affrontements en font un élément d'observation riche. L'étude se place également dans une période bien définie de l'histoire politique française : l'exercice personnel par Pierre Brulart, vicomte de Puisieux, de la charge de secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangères entre avril 1617 et février 1624. / The concept of political communication is confronted to various definitions which seem incompatible. The political one is based onto a contemporary management of the politics which pulls the concept to the field of propaganda. The medievalist one emphasizes the orality and the symbolic of images. Some studies have been led in Germany since the 1990's and intend to grow up in France but they do not offer a definition which could apply the modern era.We would come back to the initial meaning of the political communication, i.e. to the political and diplomatic history, in order to study the foreign politics of France and its means (communication and information networks, correspondences, printed documents, etc.) and find the direction of the diplomatic action of France. In addition to a classic functional study, a thorough study of communication should allow to observe if and how a State can control such tool and in which space(s).The Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the Thirty Years War has been chosen as object for this study. The establishment of the various protagonists and the first confrontations turn it to a rich observation field. The study focuses too on a well defined period of the french politic history: the personal practice by Pierre Brulart, viscount of Puisieux, of the office of secretary of State for Foreign Affairs between april 1617 and february 1624.

La colonisation militaire en Phrygie et son impact (IVe s. av. J.C.- IIIe s. après J.C.) : dynamiques spatiales, économiques et sociales / The military colonization in Phrygia and its impact (IVth c. BC.- IIIrd c. AD) : spatial, economic and social dynamics

Roux, Michel 16 June 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier sur le long terme, depuis la fin de l'époque achéménide jusqu'à celle du Haut-Empire (aux alentours de 235 après J.-C.) l'implantation de troupes et de vétérans perses, gréco-macédoniens, thraces, lyciens et romains, puis de leurs descendants, dans l'espace phrygien, région quelque peu marginale située dans le centre-ouest de l'Anatolie. Après avoir dans la première partie identifié et justifié stratégiquement les différents lieux d'installation, elle examine l'impact économique de celle-ci au travers de l'étude de la mainmise sur la terre et ses productions, du rôle des soldats en tant que producteurs et consommateurs et de leur implication dans la sécurisation du territoire. Sur un plan social, le quotidien des militaires, des vétérans et de leurs familles est ensuite examiné, de même que les formes prises par leur domination sur le reste de la population et leurs choix religieux. Le tout s'appuie sur un vaste corpus de plusieurs centaines d'inscriptions et de monnaies. / The objective of this thesis is to study on the long term, since the end of the achaemenid period until that of the roman Top-empire (near 235 AD) the setting-up of persian, greco-macedonian, thracian, lycian and roman troops and veterans, then of their descendants, in the Phrygian space, a little marginal region situated in west central Anatolia. Having in the first part identified and justified strategically the various places of installation, it examines the economic impact of this one through the study of the seizure by the earth and its productions, the role of the soldiers as producers and consumers and of their implication in the reassurance of the territory. On a social plan, the everyday life of the servicemen, the veterans and their families is then examined, as well as the forms taken by their domination on the rest of the population and their religious choices. The whole is based on a vast corpus of several hundred inscriptions and coins.

O império romano de Aurélio Vítor / The Roman Empire of Aurelius Victor

Moisés Antiqueira 27 November 2012 (has links)
Um estudo historiográfico das Historiae abbreuiatae de Aurélio Vítor. Nisto consiste o presente trabalho, que procura determinar de que modo o referido historiador, no ocaso do reinado de Constâncio II, compôs uma narrativa dedicada à história do Império romano em sua totalidade. Para tanto, em primeiro lugar buscamos definir a natureza da obra. Em que pese os nítidos elementos biográficos que a integram, assim como a brevidade do texto, a obra de Aurélio Vítor deve ser pensada enquanto uma história, na medida em que o objetivo do autor se voltava para a exposição das causas que teriam condicionado o curso dos acontecimentos, da batalha de Ácio até o penúltimo ano do governo de Constâncio II. Desta forma, em um segundo momento, analisamos as estratégias de periodização e as concepções que Aurélio Vítor adotou a fim de contemplar a história imperial. As ações e o caráter moral dos sucessivos imperadores emergem nas Historiae abbreuiatae como o motor a partir do qual se movimentava a história da era imperial romana. Isto implicava, pois, o reconhecimento das oscilações que o mundo romano teria vivenciado ao longo de quase quatro séculos e as contradições que animavam a conduta das personagens históricas. Do que resultava, igualmente, na impossibilidade de se identificar um modelo ideal de imperador, em razão dos fatores e das circunstâncias distintas que marcariam o desenrolar da história do Império romano, como narrada por Aurélio Vítor. / A historiographical study of Aurelius Victors Historiae abbreuiatae. That is what defines the present work, which tries to ascertain how the aforementioned historian settled up a narrative about the history of the Roman Empire in the twilight of the reign of Constantius II. Therefore, we discuss at first the nature of the work. Despite the clear biographical trend we can observe in the text, as well as the brevity that characterizes it, the work of Aurelius Victor should be seen as a historical narrative since the author aimed to expose both the causes and the course of Roman imperial history, from the Battle of Actium to the last but one year of Constantius IIs reign. Thereupon we examine the strategies of periodization and the perspectives defined by Aurelius Victor in order to compose his text. In the Historiae abbreuiatae, the conduct showed by the emperors and their moral character represented the driving force of the narrative. That led the author to emphasize the ups and downs of Roman past in almost four hundred years of history. In this sense, Aurelius Victor did not lose track of some contradictions that encourage historical figures into action. That resulted in Aurelius Victors failure to identify an idealized model of Roman emperor due to distinct elements and circunstances that he himself pointed out in the course of the history of the Roman Empire.

Ser cristão no século IV: identidade na história eclesiástica de Eusébio de Cesareia. / Ser cristão no século IV: identidade na história eclesiástica de Eusébio de Cesareia.

MEDEIROS, Edalaura Berny 14 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:23:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edalaura_Berny_Medeiros_Dissertacao.pdf: 628114 bytes, checksum: c19777106222ab459c83579c6e48d91a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-14 / Cause the lack of cultural ties observed in the other religions of his times, Eusebius engages in a pioneering work to give Christians a sense of belonging through the research on the history of Hebrew and Jewish dissidents who followed Jesus Christ, which, according to Eusebius, represent the continuation of the legitimate religion of the patriarchs. The work becomes more complex when the author begins the narrative of the events of his contemporary times, which make up the second part of his work Ecclesiastical History. Through this work, we intend to show that Eusebius used examples of Christians and pagans for the narrative of the events he witnessed and that this choice gave contradictions to the his presentation, which were remedied by the logic of his speech, which didactical proposal makes that the message of reinforcement ofChristian identity, through the logic of identity shaping by binary opposition, justifies inadequacies, contradictions and even omissions / Carente da ligação cultural observável nas demais religiões de seu tempo, Eusébio se empenha em um trabalho pioneiro para conferir aos cristãos um sentimento de pertença através da pesquisa sobre a história dos hebreus e dos judeus dissidentes que seguiram Jesus Cristo, os quais, segundo Eusébio, representam a continuidade legítima da religião dos patriarcas. O trabalho se torna mais complexo quando o autor chega à narrativa dos eventos de sua contemporaneidade, que compõem a segunda parte de sua obra História Eclesiástica. Através do presente trabalho, pretendemos mostrar que Eusébio utilizou exemplos de cristãos e pagãos para a narrativa dos eventos que presenciou e que essa escolha conferiu contradições à sua exposição, as quais foram sanadas pela lógica de seu discurso, cuja função didática faz com que a mensagem de fortalecimento da identidade cristã, pela lógica da formação de identidades por oposição binária, justifique impropriedades, contradições e até mesmo as omissões

Militaria à Lugdunum : étude de l'armement et de l'équipement militaire d'époque romaine à Lyon (1er s. av.-IVe s. apr. J.-C.) / Militaria in Lugdunum : a study of the roman weaponry and military equipment in Lyon (1st century BC- 4th century AD).

Guillaud, Lucas 12 April 2017 (has links)
En tant que colonie romaine, capitale administrative de la province de Lyonnaise, la ville de Lugdunum tisse depuis ses origines des liens étroits avec l’exercitus romanus. Impliquée directement, et à plusieurs reprises, dans des conflits militaires de grande ampleur, elle est la seule ville de Gaule à avoir accueilli une cohorte urbaine, dont l’existence est attestée par les sources écrites comme par les inscriptions funéraires. Face à ces témoignages, et à défaut de découvertes récentes, l’archéologie, jusqu’ici peu prise en compte, apparaît comme une source complémentaire de poids pour comprendre les modalités de la présence et de l’occupation militaire de Lugdunum. Le développement récent de l’archéologie programmée et préventive a favorisé la collecte d’un mobilier toujours plus abondant. Parmi les ensembles d’instrumentum recueillis, certains objets, appelés militaria, relèvent de la sphère militaire. Le travail exposé au sein de cette thèse se propose donc de traiter de la question de la présence militaire romaine à Lugdunum à travers le prisme de ces artefacts archéologiques. L’étude proposée s’appuie sur un corpus de de 496 fragments pour 337 objets, répartis sur quarante sites disséminés sur le territoire de la colonie romaine et ses abords proches. Chaque artefact fait l’objet d’une étude exhaustive selon les catégories fonctionnelles en usage (armement offensif et défensif, ceintures/baudrier, harnachement, autres). Une discussion d’ordre technologique, typologique et chronologique est proposée pour chacun d’eux, sur la base des comparaisons observées à l’échelle du monde romain. A l’appui des données collectées, une discussion d’ordre quantitative, spatiale et contextuelle est engagée ainsi qu’une réflexion sur une éventuelle production artisanale de certaines catégories d’armement et d’équipement militaire à Lugdunum. Les résultats de l’étude servent de point d’appui pour un discours élargi sur la présence militaire romaine à Lyon entre le Ier et le IVe s. apr. J.-C. La confrontation des données archéologiques, historiques et épigraphiques permet de proposer plusieurs hypothèses sur la nature de l’occupation militaire de Lugdunum, sur son évolution et sa densité mais aussi son intégration au tissu urbain de la colonie de droit romain. / As a roman colony and administrative capital of the Gaul Lyonnaise province, the city of Lugdunum entwines, since its origins, direct links with the exercitus romanus. This city was entangled directly and often in major military conflicts. Furthermore, it was the only settlement in Gaul to welcome a roman cohort, whose existence is confirmed by written sources such as funerary inscriptions. Taking into account these evidences, and lacking of recent findings, Archeology, lightly valued till now, appears as a great important source to understand the procedures of the military presence and occupation in Lugdunum. Recentdevelopments in both rescue and voluntary Archeology, favored the assemblage of a great number of collections. Among the gathered sets of instrumentum, certain objects arise mainly from the military sphere, the militaria.The work set out at the center of this thesis enables to approach the interpretation of the roman military presence in Lugdunum through the perspective of these archeological artifacts. The present study relies on a militaria corpus of 496 fragments to 337 objects, diffused over forty sites, scattered on the territory of the roman colony and its outskirts. Each artifact wassubjected to a thorough research, according to the classifications in use: defensive and offensive armament, belts, straps, harness and others. A technological, typological and chronological analysis is proposed for each one of them, based on the fieldwork observed at the scale of the roman world. After analyzing the data collected, conclusions about space, context and quantity can be established, as well as the notion of a possible craft-related production of certain types of military weaponry and equipment in Lugdunum.The results of this study provide a support for a broader discussion, as it concerns the roman military occupation in Lyon between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD. The combination of the archaeological, historical and epigraphical data allows several hypothesis on the nature of the military establishment in Lugdunum, but also on its evolution, density andits role on the urban network of the colony of roman law.

Le recrutement des auxiliaires de l’armée romaine sous le Haut-Empire dans l’Occident romain / The auxilia recruitment in the Roman army under the Early Roman Empire in the Western provinces of the Empire

Gallet, Sébastien 13 February 2012 (has links)
Les unités auxiliaires sont une société militaire singulière. Notre travail concerne les deux principaux types d’unités auxiliaires - ailes et cohortes - sous le Haut-Empire, c’est-à-dire du début du règne de l’empereur Auguste en 27 avant notre ère jusqu’au début du règne de l’empereur Dioclétien en 284 de notre ère. Sont prises en considération les recrues des unités auxiliaires se trouvant dans les provinces occidentales de l’Empire. Il s’agit avant tout d’une étude statistique du recrutement individuel appuyé sur un corpus épigraphique qui recense l’ensemble des combattants ayant laissé une trace documentaire. Elle cherche à préciser la composition juridique et ethnique des troupes et son évolution en fonction du temps, des unités et du rang. Elle doit aussi permettre de caractériser l’évolution des modalités du recrutement des auxiliaires. Il s’agit surtout de percevoir dans quelle mesure ces troupes se romanisent, voire sont un élément fort de la diffusion de mœurs romaines auprès des populations indigènes et barbares de l’Empire. Ces unités apparaissent comme un lieu d’intense brassage juridique, ethnique et culturel. Elles ne sont pas les responsables, comme cela a été souvent écrit, d’un processus de barbarisation des armées romaines mais ont au contraire diffusé des droits juridiques et une culture commune. / The auxiliary units are a specific military society. Our work deals with the two main types of auxiliary units – alae and cohorts - under the Early Roman Empire, from the beginning of the reign of Emperor Augustus in BC 27 till the beginning of the reign of Emperor Diocletian in AD 284. The recruits of the auxiliary units situated in the western provinces of the Empire are considered. It is above all about a statistical study of the individual recruitment based on an epigraphic catalogue recording all the soldiers and cavalrymen who have left writing evidence. It aims at specifying the legal and ethnic composition of the troops and its evolution depending on time units, and ranks. It has also to make possible the characterization of the evolution of auxiliaries recruitment modes. Our objective is to understand in which extent these troops become Romans and are an important factor of the Roman customs spreading among the native and barbarian populations of the Empire. These units seem to be a place of great legal, ethnic and cultural intermixing. As it was often stated, they are not responsible for a process of barbarization of Roman armies but they have spread legal rights as well as common culture.

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