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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ätzen von Titannitrid mit Halogenverbindungen: Kammerreinigung mit externer Plasmaquelle

Hellriegel, Ronald 19 May 2009 (has links)
Mit zunehmender Miniaturisierung mikroelektronischer Bauelemente steigen die Anforderungen an reproduzierbare qualitätskonforme Schichten. Um die zur Herstellung notwendigen ALD/PVD/CVD-Schichtabscheideanlagen in einen zuverlässigen Zustand zu versetzen, ist eine regelmäßige Kammerreinigung notwendig. Während des Abscheideprozesses werden nicht nur das Substrat, sondern auch die umliegenden Kammerteile beschichtet. Diese Schichten wachsen mit jedem Beschichtungszyklus weiter an. Der Stress zwischen Schicht und Kammerwand steigt beständig, und es besteht das Risiko das Teile abplatzen und auf die Waferoberfläche fallen und damit die Struktur unbrauchbar machen. Um das zu verhindern, muss die Kammerwand in einen regelmäßigen Zustand versetzt werden, in dem sichergestellt ist, daß keine Schichtreste abplatzen können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neues Verfahren zur Trockenreinigung von ALD-Titannitrid Kammern vorgestellt. Dazu wurden TiN-Stücke (hergestellt im ALD, CVD, PVD-Verfahren) auf einem temperaturgeregelten Probenhalter platziert. Eine Argon/NF3 Gasmischung wurde in einer externen Plasmaquelle (RPS) zerlegt und in die Reaktionskammer geschleust. Die Ätzung wurde mit in-situ Reflexionsmessung beobachtet. Experimente mit Chlorzugabe wurden unternommen und ein starker Einfluss auf den Ätzmechanismus beobachtet. Die Ätzraten des TiN sind exponentiell abhängig von der Temperatur und proportional abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit atomaren Fluors. Dieses wird bei der Zerlegung von NF3 frei gesetzt und steht der Reaktion zur Verfügung. Die NF3-Zerlegung in Fluor und Stickstoff wurde mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie (QMS) untersucht, Zerlegungsgrade größer 96% wurden erreicht. Mit Hilfe dieser Messung kann der Einfluss der Kammerreinigung auf den Treibhausgasausstoß (GWP) bestimmt werden. Mit dem Ar/NF3-Verfahren können die GWP-Emissionen um 90% im Vergleich zur RIE-Ätzung mit SF6 reduziert werden. Mit Argon/Chlor-Plasmen konnte kein Titannitrid geätzt werden, da die physikalische Sputterkomponente fehlte. Durch Hinzufügen von Chlor zu einer Ar/NF3-Gasmischung konnte die Ätzrate um bis zu 270% im Bereich niedrige Temperaturen/niedriger Druck gesteigert werden. Bei höheren Temperaturen/höherem Druck fielen die Ar/NF3/Chlor Ätzraten allerdings deutlich hinter die des Ar/NF3 zurück. Die dazu führenden Effekte werden untersucht und ausgeführt. Die Nutzung von externen Plasmaquellen bietet eine vielversprechende Alternative um Abscheideanlagen von TiN-Rückständen reinigen zu können. Bei hohen Temperaturen werden deutlich höhere Ätzraten als bei anderen Schichten (SiN, SiO2, W) erreicht. Für Anwendungen im niedrigen Temperaturbereich erlaubt die Zugabe von Chlor interessante Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. / Demands on state of the art deposition technologies for semiconductor production focus on uniformity, repeatability and low defectivity. The chamber condition is a key parameter to achieve these high demands in chemical vapour deposition (CVD) processes and are even more critical to the atomic layer deposition processes (ALD). During the deposition process not only the wafer surface but other chamber parts as well are covered with a thin film. This film accumulates during the deposition cycles and is prone to fall off the walls and pollute the wafer surface. The chamber parts that are exposed to the deposition must be set back to a steady state so that no deposits fall off the walls. The chamber condition also changes uncontrolled with varying film condition on the wall. A new approach for cleaning of ALD-titanium nitride (TiN) deposition chambers was investigated. To determine etch rates TiN-samples (created by ALD, CVD and PVD) were placed on a temperature controlled sample holder. An argon/NF3 mixture was excited in an upstream remote plasma source (RPS) and then routed through the reaction chamber. No further plasma activation inside the reaction chamber was done. The etching was monitored by in-situ reflectometry and etch rates were calculated. The effect of chlorine addition was also studied and strong influence on etch rates was found. The etch rate of TiN is dependent exponentially on temperature and very low etch rates were achieved below 70◦C at a chamber pressure ranging from 20-300 Pa. It was found that this correlates very well with the vapour pressure of the reaction product TiF4. At temperatures of 300◦C etch rates up to 800 nm/min were achieved. The optimum pressure for etching was found at 100 Pa while the pressure effect was small. The etch rate was mainly dependent on the availability of activated fluorine to create TiF4 by the reaction 2 NF3 → N2 + 6 F* 2 TiN + 8 F* → 2 TiF4 + N2 The NF3 decomposition to nitrogen and fluorine was monitored by quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) and was found to be greater than 96%. This figure allows an estimation of the amount of Global warm potential (GWP) gas emmited by the process for environmental considerations. Using argon/NF3 or argon/fluorine mixtures in RPS devices reduces the GWP emissions by more than 90% compared to RIE plasma cleaning with SF6. No etching occurred by using argon/chlorine only mixtures as no physical etch component was involved in RPS etch. However adding chlorine to the argon/NF3 mixture accelerated the etching process. Chlorine addition to the argon/NF3 mixture increased the etch rates up to 270% in the low pressure/low temperature regime. At higher temperatures or higher pressures the etch rates dropped below the etch rates achieved solely with fluorine chemistry. It must be emphasized that there is no physical acceleration of the ionized molecules toward the etched sample in this remote plasma setup. The usage of a remote plasma offers an alternative way to remove residues from chambers running TiN deposition processes. At high temperatures the Ar/NF3 offers remarkably high etching rates for TiN compared to other films (silicon nitride, -oxide, tungsten) usually cleaned by remote plasma. For low temperature applications the chlorine enhancement offers an interesting alternative to accelerate the etch process.

Estudo da concepção de um robô paralelo de três graus de liberdade

Almeida, Mateus Vagner Guedes de January 2018 (has links)
O mecanismo 3-RPS é um mecanismo paralelo que possui três graus de liberdade: rolagem, arfagem e elevação. Tem vantagem em relação ao custo em comparação com o manipulador Plataforma de Stewart em aplicações onde não são necessários seis graus de liberdade e, por ser um mecanismo paralelo, possui maior relação peso/capacidade de carga que robôs seriais. No presente trabalho, um estudo é realizado para a concepção de um robô do tipo 3-RPS. O estudo aborda a cinemática, a dinâmica e estratégia de controle para o robô. Um controle por torque computado é aplicado a um modelo virtual em ambiente CAD em escala 1:1 desenvolvido com o intuito de testar a estratégia de controle elaborada a partir da realização de simulações computacionais do sistema por completo. Ao todo foram realizadas sete simulações para diferentes condições de trajetórias desejadas. No Caso I executou-se primeiramente um sistema idealizado onde o erro de regime tendeu a zero para um comportamento subamortecido. Os ganhos calculados no Caso I idealizado foram aplicados então no Caso I com o modelo virtual onde verificou-se que os ganhos calculados não foram suficientes para garantir a trajetória desejada do robô. Com os ganhos aumentados em cem vezes, verificou-se que o erro de regime ficou na ordem de 0,22 mm, sendo o valor considerado aceitável. Nas simulações subsequentes, o erro de regime nos Casos II e III foram também de 0,22 mm e nos Casos IV, V, VI e VII o erro máximo de trajetória não ultrapassou os 0,22 mm estipulados. / The 3-RPS mechanism is a parallel mechanism that has three degrees of freedom: roll, pitch and heave. It has a cost advantage compared to the Stewart Platform manipulator in applications where six degrees of freedom are not required and, because it is a parallel mechanism, has a higher weight / load ratio than serial robots. In the present work, a study is carried out for the design of a 3-RPS robot. The study addresses the kinematics, dynamics and control strategy for the robot. A computed torque control is applied to a 1:1 scale virtual CAD model developed with the purpose of testing the control strategy elaborated from the computational simulations of the entire system. Seven simulations were performed for different conditions of desired trajectories. In Case I, an idealized system was first run where the regime error tended to zero for an underdamped behavior. The calculated gains in Case I idealized were then applied in Case I with the virtual model where it was verified that the calculated gains were not enough to guarantee the desired trajectory of the robot. With gains increased by one hundred times, it was found that the regime error was 0.22 mm, and the value was considered acceptable. In the subsequent simulations, the regime error in Cases II and III were also 0.22 mm and in Cases IV, V, VI and VII the maximum error of trajectory did not exceed the stipulated 0.22 mm.

Modeling and Evaluating Feedback-Based Error Control for Video Transfer

wang, yubing 24 October 2008 (has links)
"Packet loss can be detrimental to real-time interactive video over lossy networks because one lost video packet can propagate errors to many subsequent video frames due to the encoding dependency between frames. Feedback-based error control techniques use feedback information from the decoder to adjust coding parameters at the encoder or retransmit lost packets to reduce the error propagation due to data loss. Feedback-based error control techniques have been shown to be more effective than trying to conceal the error at the encoder or decoder alone since they allow the encoder and decoder to cooperate in the error control process. However, there has been no systematic exploration of the impact of video content and network conditions on the performance of feedback-based error control techniques. In particular, the impact of packet loss, round-trip delay, network capacity constraint, video motion and reference distance on the quality of videos using feedback-based error control techniques have not been systematically studied. This thesis presents analytical models for the major feedback-based error control techniques: Retransmission, Reference Picture Selection (both NACK and ACK modes) and Intra Update. These feedback-based error control techniques have been included in H.263/H.264 and MPEG4, the state of the art video in compression standards. Given a round-trip time, packet loss rate, network capacity constraint, our models can predict the quality for a streaming video with retransmission, Intra Update and RPS over a lossy network. In order to exploit our analytical models, a series of studies has been conducted to explore the effect of reference distance, capacity constraint and Intra coding on video quality. The accuracy of our analytical models in predicting the video quality under different network conditions is validated through simulations. These models are used to examine the behavior of feedback-based error control schemes under a variety of network conditions and video content through a series of analytic experiments. Analysis shows that the performance of feedback-based error control techniques is affected by a variety of factors including round-trip time, loss rate, video content and the Group of Pictures (GOP) length. In particular: 1) RPS NACK achieves the best performance when loss rate is low while RPS ACK outperforms other repair techniques when loss rate is high. However RPS ACK performs the worst when loss rate is low. Retransmission performs the worst when the loss rate is high; 2) for a given round-trip time, the loss rate where RPS NACK performs worse than RPS ACK is higher for low motion videos than it is for high motion videos; 3) Videos with RPS NACK always perform the same or better than videos without repair. However, when small GOP sizes are used, videos without repair perform better than videos with RPS ACK; 4) RPS NACK outperform Intra Update for low-motion videos. However, the performance gap between RPS NACK and Intra Update drops when the round-trip time or the intensity of video motion increases. 5) Although the above trends hold for both VQM and PSNR, when VQM is the video quality metric the performance results are much more sensitive to network loss. 6) Retransmission is effective only when the round-trip time is low. When the round-trip time is high, Partial Retransmission achieves almost the same performance as Full Retransmission. These insights derived from our models can help determine appropriate choices for feedback-based error control techniques under various network conditions and video content. "

Dynamisk simulering med hjälp av RPS-beräkningar för radiovågors utbredning i urban miljö

Fors, Karina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Militära insatser i urban miljö kommer troligen att öka alltmer. Detta kräver soldater till fots eftersom dessa lättare kan förflytta sig via och mellan byggnader. Varje deltagande soldat kommer att behöva egen radioutrustning. Då stadsmiljö är ett relativt outforskat område vad gäller militär radiokommunikation är det viktigt att öka förståelsen för radiovågors utbredning i stadsmiljö. Härtill har institutionen för Informationsöverföring på FOI köpt in programmet Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS). RPS används i det här examensarbetet för att genomföra en beräkning för ett statiskt scenario, och till beräkningen infoga påverkan från sändares och</p><p>mottagares mobilitet. Detta utförs genom att rumsligt extrapolera kanalens impulssvar till att gälla i andra positioner än de ursprungligen var beräknade för. Kanalens impulssvar blir då modifierat så att impulssvarets utbredningsvägar får nya fördröjningstider och dess komplexa signal får ny fas.</p><p>Metoden, som har tagits fram i det här arbetet, för den rumsliga extrapoleringen har implementerats och utvärderats för ett litet scenario. Det extrapolerade resultatet har sedan jämförts med beräknade resultat från RPS. Analysen visade att metoden ger ett tillförlitligt resultat. Ett annat syfte med examensarbetet har varit att visa hur forskningsresultat (från radiokanalen) kan användas effektivare för att ge högre kvalité på forskningsresultat, både på länk- och på nätnivå.</p>

Dynamisk simulering med hjälp av RPS-beräkningar för radiovågors utbredning i urban miljö

Fors, Karina January 2006 (has links)
Militära insatser i urban miljö kommer troligen att öka alltmer. Detta kräver soldater till fots eftersom dessa lättare kan förflytta sig via och mellan byggnader. Varje deltagande soldat kommer att behöva egen radioutrustning. Då stadsmiljö är ett relativt outforskat område vad gäller militär radiokommunikation är det viktigt att öka förståelsen för radiovågors utbredning i stadsmiljö. Härtill har institutionen för Informationsöverföring på FOI köpt in programmet Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS). RPS används i det här examensarbetet för att genomföra en beräkning för ett statiskt scenario, och till beräkningen infoga påverkan från sändares och mottagares mobilitet. Detta utförs genom att rumsligt extrapolera kanalens impulssvar till att gälla i andra positioner än de ursprungligen var beräknade för. Kanalens impulssvar blir då modifierat så att impulssvarets utbredningsvägar får nya fördröjningstider och dess komplexa signal får ny fas. Metoden, som har tagits fram i det här arbetet, för den rumsliga extrapoleringen har implementerats och utvärderats för ett litet scenario. Det extrapolerade resultatet har sedan jämförts med beräknade resultat från RPS. Analysen visade att metoden ger ett tillförlitligt resultat. Ett annat syfte med examensarbetet har varit att visa hur forskningsresultat (från radiokanalen) kan användas effektivare för att ge högre kvalité på forskningsresultat, både på länk- och på nätnivå.

Estudo da concepção de um robô paralelo de três graus de liberdade

Almeida, Mateus Vagner Guedes de January 2018 (has links)
O mecanismo 3-RPS é um mecanismo paralelo que possui três graus de liberdade: rolagem, arfagem e elevação. Tem vantagem em relação ao custo em comparação com o manipulador Plataforma de Stewart em aplicações onde não são necessários seis graus de liberdade e, por ser um mecanismo paralelo, possui maior relação peso/capacidade de carga que robôs seriais. No presente trabalho, um estudo é realizado para a concepção de um robô do tipo 3-RPS. O estudo aborda a cinemática, a dinâmica e estratégia de controle para o robô. Um controle por torque computado é aplicado a um modelo virtual em ambiente CAD em escala 1:1 desenvolvido com o intuito de testar a estratégia de controle elaborada a partir da realização de simulações computacionais do sistema por completo. Ao todo foram realizadas sete simulações para diferentes condições de trajetórias desejadas. No Caso I executou-se primeiramente um sistema idealizado onde o erro de regime tendeu a zero para um comportamento subamortecido. Os ganhos calculados no Caso I idealizado foram aplicados então no Caso I com o modelo virtual onde verificou-se que os ganhos calculados não foram suficientes para garantir a trajetória desejada do robô. Com os ganhos aumentados em cem vezes, verificou-se que o erro de regime ficou na ordem de 0,22 mm, sendo o valor considerado aceitável. Nas simulações subsequentes, o erro de regime nos Casos II e III foram também de 0,22 mm e nos Casos IV, V, VI e VII o erro máximo de trajetória não ultrapassou os 0,22 mm estipulados. / The 3-RPS mechanism is a parallel mechanism that has three degrees of freedom: roll, pitch and heave. It has a cost advantage compared to the Stewart Platform manipulator in applications where six degrees of freedom are not required and, because it is a parallel mechanism, has a higher weight / load ratio than serial robots. In the present work, a study is carried out for the design of a 3-RPS robot. The study addresses the kinematics, dynamics and control strategy for the robot. A computed torque control is applied to a 1:1 scale virtual CAD model developed with the purpose of testing the control strategy elaborated from the computational simulations of the entire system. Seven simulations were performed for different conditions of desired trajectories. In Case I, an idealized system was first run where the regime error tended to zero for an underdamped behavior. The calculated gains in Case I idealized were then applied in Case I with the virtual model where it was verified that the calculated gains were not enough to guarantee the desired trajectory of the robot. With gains increased by one hundred times, it was found that the regime error was 0.22 mm, and the value was considered acceptable. In the subsequent simulations, the regime error in Cases II and III were also 0.22 mm and in Cases IV, V, VI and VII the maximum error of trajectory did not exceed the stipulated 0.22 mm.

Estudo da concepção de um robô paralelo de três graus de liberdade

Almeida, Mateus Vagner Guedes de January 2018 (has links)
O mecanismo 3-RPS é um mecanismo paralelo que possui três graus de liberdade: rolagem, arfagem e elevação. Tem vantagem em relação ao custo em comparação com o manipulador Plataforma de Stewart em aplicações onde não são necessários seis graus de liberdade e, por ser um mecanismo paralelo, possui maior relação peso/capacidade de carga que robôs seriais. No presente trabalho, um estudo é realizado para a concepção de um robô do tipo 3-RPS. O estudo aborda a cinemática, a dinâmica e estratégia de controle para o robô. Um controle por torque computado é aplicado a um modelo virtual em ambiente CAD em escala 1:1 desenvolvido com o intuito de testar a estratégia de controle elaborada a partir da realização de simulações computacionais do sistema por completo. Ao todo foram realizadas sete simulações para diferentes condições de trajetórias desejadas. No Caso I executou-se primeiramente um sistema idealizado onde o erro de regime tendeu a zero para um comportamento subamortecido. Os ganhos calculados no Caso I idealizado foram aplicados então no Caso I com o modelo virtual onde verificou-se que os ganhos calculados não foram suficientes para garantir a trajetória desejada do robô. Com os ganhos aumentados em cem vezes, verificou-se que o erro de regime ficou na ordem de 0,22 mm, sendo o valor considerado aceitável. Nas simulações subsequentes, o erro de regime nos Casos II e III foram também de 0,22 mm e nos Casos IV, V, VI e VII o erro máximo de trajetória não ultrapassou os 0,22 mm estipulados. / The 3-RPS mechanism is a parallel mechanism that has three degrees of freedom: roll, pitch and heave. It has a cost advantage compared to the Stewart Platform manipulator in applications where six degrees of freedom are not required and, because it is a parallel mechanism, has a higher weight / load ratio than serial robots. In the present work, a study is carried out for the design of a 3-RPS robot. The study addresses the kinematics, dynamics and control strategy for the robot. A computed torque control is applied to a 1:1 scale virtual CAD model developed with the purpose of testing the control strategy elaborated from the computational simulations of the entire system. Seven simulations were performed for different conditions of desired trajectories. In Case I, an idealized system was first run where the regime error tended to zero for an underdamped behavior. The calculated gains in Case I idealized were then applied in Case I with the virtual model where it was verified that the calculated gains were not enough to guarantee the desired trajectory of the robot. With gains increased by one hundred times, it was found that the regime error was 0.22 mm, and the value was considered acceptable. In the subsequent simulations, the regime error in Cases II and III were also 0.22 mm and in Cases IV, V, VI and VII the maximum error of trajectory did not exceed the stipulated 0.22 mm.

Les risques psychosociaux au regard des relations individuelles et collectives du travail / PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS IN RESPECT OF INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE RELATIONS

Moyal, Noémie 19 April 2016 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, parler de « risques psychosociaux » est devenu monnaie courante. Grâce à la médiatisation fulgurante des suicides au travail, un tabou est enfin levé : le lieu de travail est un terrain hostile !Si le Code du travail n’en fait nullement référence, ces risques psychosociaux sont, semble-t-il, « des risques pour la santé crées par le travail à travers des mécanismes sociaux et psychiques », d’après la Circulaire ministérielle du 18 Avril 2002. Face à un tel vide juridique et parce que ces risques traduisent un malaise social tant sur le plan des relations individuelles que collectives de travail, est venu le temps de l’articulation de l’individuel et du collectif. C’est l’heure pour le législateur d’entrer en scène … / Today, talk about " psychosocial risks " has become commonplace. With the dramatic media coverage of suicides at work, a taboo is lifted: the workplace is an hostile place!If the Labour Code makes no reference about this phenomenon, these psychosocial risks are, as it appears, « the health risks created by working through social and psychological mechanisms », according to the Ministerial Circular of 18 April 2002. Faced with such a legal vacuum and because these risks reflect a social unrest both in individual and collective relationships of labor, it came time for the articulation of the individual and the collective. It's time for the legislature to step in …

Molecular identification of Phytophthora resistant genes in soybean

Liyang Chen (8744436) 29 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Phytophthora root and stem rot (PRSR), caused by oomycete <i>Phytophthora sojae</i>, is the most severe soil-borne disease of soybean (<i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merr.) worldwide. The disease can be effectively managed by introducing resistance to <i>P. sojae</i> (<i>Rps</i>) genes into soybean cultivars by breeding, which requires continuous efforts on identification of resistance resources from soybean germplasm. Previously, two resistance genes, <i>Rps2-cas</i> (former name <i>Rps2-das</i>) and <i>Rps14 </i>(former name<i> Rps1-f</i>), were mapped by linkage analysis from soybean landraces, PI 594549 C and PI 340029, respectively. The resistance underlying PI 594592 also need further characterization given its broad resistance spectrum. In this study, <i>Rps-2cas</i> and <i>Rps14</i> were further mapped, and <i>Rps2-b</i>, was identified and initial mapped from PI 594592. Thus, this thesis research was divided into three parts for three <i>Rps</i> genes.</p><p>The first part mainly focuses advances on <i>Rps2-cas</i>. Marker-assisted spectrum analysis was performed for <i>Rps-2cas</i> to confirm its potential in disease management. A high-quality genome assembly of PI 594549 C was generated, and KASP markers were developed based on comparison between new reference and Williams 82 reference genome. The gene was further mapped to a 32.67-kb region on PI 594549 C reference genome harboring three expressed NLRs by 24 recombinants screened from a large F<sub>4</sub> population. Comparative genomics analysis suggests the only intact NBS-LRR gene in the fine mapping region is the best candidate gene for <i>Rps2cas</i>, and its function was validated by stable transformation. Evidences from other high-quality assembly genomes suggest <i>Rps2-cas</i> originated from an ancient unequal crossing over event.</p> <p>In the second part, <i>Rps14</i> was further mapped using 21 recombinants identified from a F<sub>3 </sub>population consisting of 473 plants. In commonly used Williams 82 reference genome, the assembly of fine mapping region was incomplete, and <i>Rps14</i> region showed drastic variation in size and copy number of NLRs in 23 high-quality genome assemblies, suggesting the complexity of <i>Rps14</i> region and high-quality reference sequence of donor line is required for isolation of <i>Rps14</i> candidate genes. Marker assisted resistance test showed <i>Rps14</i> had wider resistance spectrum to different <i>P. sojae </i>isolates comparing to other <i>Rps</i> genes on chromosome 3, and phylogenic analysis further supported the potential of <i>Rps14</i> to be a novel resistance gene. </p> <p>For the third part, an F<sub>2 </sub>population derived from a cross between PI 594592 and Williams was tested by <i>P. sojae</i> race 1. The 3:1 and 1:2:1 Mendelian segregation ratios were observed in F<sub>2 </sub>individuals and F<sub>2:3 </sub>families, respectively, suggesting a single dominant <i>Rps</i> gene in PI 594592. The gene was initially mapped to the distal end chromosome 16 overlapped with <i>Rps2</i>, and the gene was tentatively named as <i>Rps2-b</i>. Polymorphic SSR markers and InDel markers designed based on re-sequencing data of PI 594592 and Williams was used to genotyping all the F<sub>2:3 </sub>families, and a linkage map was constructed for <i>Rps2-b</i>. <i>Rps2-b</i> was mapped to a 461.8-kb region flanked by SSR marker Satt431 and InDel marker InDel3668 according to the reference genome (Wm82. a2). Marker-assisted resistance test showed <i>Rps2-b</i> hold a wide resistance spectrum. </p>

Vývoj laserem svařeného Common-Railu s radiálně připojeným snímačem tlaku (RPS) / Development of Laser Welded Common Rail with Radial Connected Pressure Sensor (RPS)

Šantavý, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a development of a laser welded common rail with a radially attached RPS sensor of pressure. The new concept required by Bosch Diesel s.r.o. Jihlava should be more modifiable and it should be easily integrated with the engine compartment. In this dissertation I suggested a number of concepts that I further analysed, verified in appropriate software, developed, and finally narrowed the selection down to the most suitable solution, which is recommended and justified in the conclusion.

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