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Determination of an ultimate pit limit utilising fractal modelling to optimise NPVYasrebi, Amir Bijan January 2014 (has links)
The speed and complexity of globalisation and reduction of natural resources on the one hand, and interests of large multinational corporations on the other, necessitates proper management of mineral resources and consumption. The need for scientific research and application of new methodologies and approaches to maximise Net Present Value (NPV) within mining operations is essential. In some cases, drill core logging in the field may result in an inadequate level of information and subsequent poor diagnosis of geological phenomenon which may undermine the delineation or separation of mineralised zones. This is because the interpretation of individual loggers is subjective. However, modelling based on logging data is absolutely essential to determine the architecture of an orebody including ore distribution and geomechanical features. For instance, ore grades, density and RQD values are not included in conventional geological models whilst variations in a mineral deposit are an obvious and salient feature. Given the problems mentioned above, a series of new mathematical methods have been developed, based on fractal modelling, which provide a more objective approach. These have been established and tested in a case study of the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, central Iran. Recognition of different types of mineralised zone in an ore deposit is important for mine planning. As a result, it is felt that the most important outcome of this thesis is the development of an innovative approach to the delineation of major mineralised (supergene and hypogene) zones from ‘barren’ host rock. This is based on subsurface data and the utilisation of the Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal model, proposed by Afzal et al. (2011), to optimise a Cu-Mo block model for better determination of an ultimate pit limit. Drawing on this, new approaches, referred to Density–Volume (D–V) and RQD-Volume (RQD-V) fractal modelling, have been developed and used to delineate rock characteristics in terms of density and RQD within the Kahang deposit (Yasrebi et al., 2013b; Yasrebi et al., 2014). From the results of this modelling, the density and RQD populations of rock types from the studied deposit showed a relationship between density and rock quality based on RQD values, which can be used to predict final pit slope. Finally, the study introduces a Present Value-Volume (PV-V) fractal model in order to identify an accurate excavation orientation with respect to economic principals and ore grades of all determined voxels within the obtained ultimate pit limit in order to achieve an earlier pay-back period.
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Fastställande av lineamentens karaktär med avseende på bergkvalitet enligt Qbas och RMRbas inför tunnel-konstruktion i Solna, Stockholm samt kvalitetsutvärdering av Astrock hyperdata report / Determining the Characteristics of the Lineaments in Terms of Rock Quality According to Qbase and RMRbase Prior to Tunnel Construction in Solna, Stockholm, and Quality Evaluation of Astrock Hyperdata ReportBurefalk Strauss, Martin, Rosko, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Sweden's population is increasing every year, which means that cities must adapt their infrastructure to be able to follow the demographic trend. In the current situation, Stockholm plans a major expansion of its metro network where evaluating the bedrock quality is of paramount importance. For the new SL metro connection project Gula linjen that stretches between Odenplan and Arenastaden in Solna, the company WSP has previously done quality surveys of the bedrock in the area and dimensioning of the reinforcements in the planned tunnels. Previous survey of the lineaments and weakness zones in the area has been done by means of core drilling and observations in the field. This study examines if the lineaments in the area are associated to any structures below ground surface in the bedrock by examining rock samples from drill cores. A digital presentation tool called Astrock hyperdata report is evaluated in this study by comparing manual measurements of the orientation of the joints in drill cores and the software´s measurements. The studied bedrock in the drill cores varies in quality from very poor to very good. Further examinations of zones of particularly poor rock quality done in this study suggest that the two identified lineaments have different characteristics. The north-west/south-east lineament which runs parallel to the planned metro route is indicated to represent the surface trace of a water-bearing fracture zone in the bedrock. The lineament with the E/W direction is dominated by structures and fault rocks, such as fault gouge and crushed rock in the drill cores, which indicates a brittle deformation zone. For the Gula linjen project, this information becomes useful as the underground reinforcements such as bolting and grouting have to / Sveriges befolkning ökar varje år, vilket gör att städer måste anpassas och expandera för att kunna följa den demografiska utvecklingen. I Stockholm planeras i dagsläget en stor utbyggnad av dess tunnelbanenätverk där det sker mycket arbete kring utvärdering av berggrunden för att göra detta möjligt. För Stockholms lokaltrafiks (SL) tunnelbaneprojektet Gula linjen som ska gå mellan Odenplan och Solna har företaget WSP tidigare gjort kvalitetsundersökningar av berggrunden i området samt dimensioneringar av förstärkningar i de planerade tunnlarna. Studier av svaghetzoner och lineamenten i området har gjorts med hjälp av kärnborrning och fältobservationer. Denna studie undersöker om lineamenten som finns i området är kopplade till strukturer längre ner i berggrunden genom att undersöka bergprov i form av borrkärnor. Som komplement har det digitala redovisningsverktyget Astrock hyperdata report använts för att kunna jämföra strukturer i berget med de egna mätningarna i studien. Programmet kommer även att utvärderas i studien. De erhållna värdena från undersökningen på borrkärnorna varierar i kvalitet från väldigt dålig till väldigt bra. Närmare studier på zoner av särskilt dålig kvalitet tyder på att de båda lineamenten karaktäriseras av olika typer av strukturer. Det nordväst-/sydöstliga lineamentet, som går parallellt med den planerade tunnelbanesträckan, domineras av strukturer som tyder på att lineamentet representerar en vattenförande sprickzon under markytan. I lineamentet med öst-västlig riktning dominerar strukturer som tyder på förekomsten av en förkastningszon. För projektet Gula linjen blir denna information användbar då den vattenförande sprickzonen kan innebära att tunnelförstärkning med injektering måste göras för ytterligare skydd mot vatteninträngning.
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Estudo baseado na interpolação 3D dos valores de RQD: barragem de Itaipu / Study based on 3D interpolation of the RQD values: Itaipu Dam (PR), BrazilCanello, Vivian Athaydes 13 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foi baseado na realização de simulações computacionais 3D de parâmetros de RQD obtidos de classificação geomecânica de sondagens rotativas realizadas nas fases de investigação geológico-geotécnica e construção da barragem de Itaipu (PR), Brasil. Tais simulações foram desenvolvidas em duas áreas dispostas no entorno da barragem principal da usina, utilizando como ferramenta o programa GRASS, que executa interpolações tridimensionais pelo método numérico Spline Regularizado com Tensão (RST). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados previamente interpretados e obtidos por outros métodos como os geoestatísticos e apresentaram resultados razoáveis devido as dimensões dos voxels adotados, diferenças dos métodos e distribuição espacial dos dados. / This work was based on three-dimensional computer simulations of the parameters RQD of the boreholes on geological and geotechnical research phases and construction of the Itaipu dam (PR), Brazil. These simulations were carried out in two areas arranged around the plant the main dam, using as tool the GRASS program, which performs three-dimensional interpolation by mathematical method Regularized Spline with Tension (RST) . The results were compared with data previously obtained and interpreted by other methods such as geostatistical and had reasonable results because the dimensions of the voxels adopted, differences in methods and spatial distribution of the data.
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Estudo baseado na interpolação 3D dos valores de RQD: barragem de Itaipu / Study based on 3D interpolation of the RQD values: Itaipu Dam (PR), BrazilVivian Athaydes Canello 13 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foi baseado na realização de simulações computacionais 3D de parâmetros de RQD obtidos de classificação geomecânica de sondagens rotativas realizadas nas fases de investigação geológico-geotécnica e construção da barragem de Itaipu (PR), Brasil. Tais simulações foram desenvolvidas em duas áreas dispostas no entorno da barragem principal da usina, utilizando como ferramenta o programa GRASS, que executa interpolações tridimensionais pelo método numérico Spline Regularizado com Tensão (RST). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados previamente interpretados e obtidos por outros métodos como os geoestatísticos e apresentaram resultados razoáveis devido as dimensões dos voxels adotados, diferenças dos métodos e distribuição espacial dos dados. / This work was based on three-dimensional computer simulations of the parameters RQD of the boreholes on geological and geotechnical research phases and construction of the Itaipu dam (PR), Brazil. These simulations were carried out in two areas arranged around the plant the main dam, using as tool the GRASS program, which performs three-dimensional interpolation by mathematical method Regularized Spline with Tension (RST) . The results were compared with data previously obtained and interpreted by other methods such as geostatistical and had reasonable results because the dimensions of the voxels adopted, differences in methods and spatial distribution of the data.
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Strukturgeologisk karaktärisering av Getåravinen : En visualisering av lineamentsstudie med prediktioner och modellering inför Ostlänken / Structural geological characterization of the Getå ravine : A visualisation of lineament studies with prediction and modelling prior the East link projectWikby, Pierre, Andersson, Ragnar January 2018 (has links)
Ostlänken är en planerad höghastighetsjärnväg mellan Järna och Linköping med stegvis byggstart från 2017, ett omfattande projekt som inkluderar totalt cirka 20 kilometer tunnel, varav en tunnel planeras att korsa Getåravinen. Undermarksbyggande är komplicerat och kontakt med svaghetszoner i berg innebär ökade risker för anläggning, miljö och omgivande fastigheter. För att åstadkomma en riskbedömning, dimensionering och ekonomisk kalkyl utförs undersökningar och ingenjörsgeologiska prognoser av bergkvalité och geologisk struktur. Studier har visat ett samband mellan naturliga lineament och svaghetszoner i berg. Därför var uppsatsens syfte att bedöma geologiska byggbarhetsfaktorer genom en strukturgeologisk karaktärisering av lineamentet Getåravinen. Arbetet fokuserade på ett avgränsat område inom Getåravinen där Sweco, på uppdrag av Trafikverket, har utfört ingenjörsgeologiska undersökningar inför den planerade anläggningen av Ostlänken.Arbetet utgick från en studie av lineament genom geologiska kartor, kärnborrprov och hällkarteringar kring Getåravinen, dessa analyserades sedan för att identifiera strukturgeologiska samband. Metoderna Inverse Distance Weighted och kriging användes för att prediktera berget i borrkärnornas omgivning utifrån kvalitéklassningarna Rock Mass Rating, Q-systemet och Rock Quality Designation. För att visa resultatet pedagogiskt och förbättra underlaget inför byggteknisk diskussion visualiserades resultatet i en Building Information Model i mjukvaruprogrammet AutoCAD Civil 3D. Resultatet visade cirka 20° avvikelse mellan lineamentet och huvudsprickriktningen i Getåravinen, det bekräftade ett sprickmönster som då generellt kan antas gälla för lineament vilket är användbar information vid undermarksbyggande. Prediktionerna visade en rumslig beskrivning av bergets klassificeringar och samband med lineamentet. Nyttan av prediktiva metoder var därmed god då även effektiv kvantifiering av bergklasserna möjliggjordes vilket kan implementeras vid undermarksbyggande. / The East Link is a planned high-speed rail link between Järna and Linköping with a gradual construction start in 2017, a comprehensive project covering a total of approximately 20 kilometers of tunnel, of which one tunnel is planned to cross the Getå ravine. Subsurface construction is complicated, and contact with weak zones in the rock implies increased risks for the tunnel construction, the environment and the surrounding real estates. In order to accomplish a risk assessment, dimensioning and economic calculation, geological engineering investigations of the rock’s quality and geological structure are carried out. Studies have shown a relationship between natural lineaments and weaknesses in the rock. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to assess geological constructability factors in the Getå ravine by using a characterization of structural geology. The focus was within a demarcated area where the consulting firm Sweco, on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration, had performed engineering geological surveys for the planned construction of the East link.The thesis was based on a study of lineament in geological maps, core drill samples and bedrock mapping in the surroundings of the Getå ravine, which were later analysed to identify structural geological relations. The methods Inverse Distance Weighted and Kriging were used to predict the rock ambient to the core kernels based on the quality ratings Rock Mass Rating, Q System and Rock Quality Designation. In order to visualize the results pedagogically and enhance the basis for technical discussion regarding civil engineering, the results were visualized in a Building Information Model in the software AutoCAD Civil 3D. The result showed approximately 20° deviation between the lineament and the primary joint strike in the Getå ravine, it confirmed a joint pattern that can be generally assumed for natural lineaments which is useful information in subsurface construction. The predictions showed a spatial distribution of the rock's different quality ratings and relationship with the lineament. The utility of the predictive methods was therefore certain because of efficient quantification of the rock quality was made possible, which can be implemented when characterizing the rock into quality domains prior subsurface construction.
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Determination and applications of rock quality designation (RQD)Zhang, Lianyang 06 1900 (has links)
Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the only rock mass classification index available, this paper outlines the key aspects on determination of RQD and evaluates the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses. First, various methods for determining RQD are presented and the effects of different factors on determination of RQD are highlighted. Then, the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses are briefly reviewed. Finally, the empirical methods based on RQD are used to determine the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses at five different sites including 13 cases, and the results are compared with those obtained by other empirical methods based on rock mass classification indices such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q) and geological strength index (GSI). It is shown that the empirical methods based on RQD tend to give deformation modulus values close to the lower bound (conservative) and unconfined compressive strength values in the middle of the corresponding values from different empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. The empirical methods based on RQD provide a convenient way for estimating the mechanical properties of rock masses but, whenever possible, they should be used together with other empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. (C) 2016 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
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Spatial variation in uplift pressure and correlation with rock mass conditions under two buttress dams : A case study of Ramsele and Storfinnforsen damsAlcalá Perales, Diego January 2016 (has links)
Uplift water pressure is one of the dominating forces with signicant impact acting on a dam. It is usually measured with piezometers installed along the dam. However, the value of the pressure along the dam is often hard to measure due to the limited number of piezometers available (Bernstone et al., 2009). Furthermore, uplift pressure can oscillate substantially in a single hole both with time and also spatially under the dam due to the combination of rock mass characteristics in the foundation, loads and temperature variations.There is still a lack of information regarding the magnitude and variation of the uplift pressure. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the spatial variation of the uplift pressure based on uplift pressure measurements taken from Storfinnforsen and Ramsele dams. The aim is also to investigate how the uplift pressure depends on the rock mass conditions. The two dams Storfinnforsen and Ramsele provides a unique opportunity due to the signicant amount of piezometers, 270 in total, installed along the rock foundation for the new monitoring programme at the monoliths of both dams.Based on the measured uplift pressure, a probabilistic distribution has been assigned to the uplift pressure. In addition, a possible correlation between the rock mass quality and the uplift pressure as well as the joint aperture and the uplift pressure was analysed.
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