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Caracterização molecular da comunidade bacteriana em rebanhos leiteiros com mastite subclínica / Molecular characterization of bacterial communities in dairy herds with subclinical mastitisLilian Ribeiro Rezende 22 June 2016 (has links)
A mastite bovina é considerada a doença de maior impacto nos rebanhos leiteiros, exercendo efeito econômico negativo sobre a produtividade e perdas significativas à indústria de laticínios. Tendo em vista os impactos na sanidade animal e os prejuízos econômicos acarretados, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar de forma mais abrangente a comunidade microbiana presente em rebanhos leiteiros com mastite subclínica utilizado o sequenciamento parcial do gene 16S ribossomal RNA (rRNA). Especificamente, foram caracterizadas as comunidades bacterianas presentes em amostras de leite vindas de três fazendas comerciais, sendo que cada fazenda contribuiu com amostras com alta contagem de células somáticas (CCS > 200.000 cel./mL) e com baixa contagem (CCS < 200.000 cel./mL) perfazendo um total de 57 animais. O DNA total foi extraído e amplificado com os oligonucleotídeos iniciadores da região V3 e V4 do gene 16S rRNA. O sequenciamento foi realizado utilizando a tecnologia de sequenciamento de nova geração através do equipamento MiSeq (Illumina - San Diego, EUA). Para efeito de comparação, alíquotas de todas as amostras foram destinadas ao cultivo microbiológico para identificação de bactérias causadoras da mastite. Os fragmentos amplicons de todas as amostras foram submetidos a uma série de análises computacionais utilizando o programa QIIME. Após a avaliação adicional das sequências em nível de espécie, verificou-se que em geral as bactérias diagnosticadas por cultura geralmente não corresponderam com as sequências mais abundantes detectadas pelo sequenciamento. A análise da composição da microbiota de amostras de leite provenientes de animais saudáveis revelou a presença de uma grande diversidade de espécies bacterianas, mesmo que nenhuma bactéria tenha sido detectada por técnica de cultura. A espécie bacteriana mais abundante em todas as amostras foi Staphylococcus chromogenes. Staphylococcus aureus também foi detectada na grande maioria das amostras As diferenças na composição microbiana foram observadas entre as amostras quando a comparação foi feita de forma individual. Estas diferenças foram notórias em composição taxonômica e foram refletidas por intermédio das estimativas de alfa e beta diversidade. Quando a comparação foi realizada por separação de grupos com alta e baixa CCS, essa diferença não foi tão evidente. Com este estudo será possível compreender a diversidade dos microrganismos presentes na glândula mamária de animais saudáveis e com mastite subclínica. Essas informações podem ser úteis podendo contribuir no planejamento de medidas terapêuticas e preventivas mais eficazes da doença. / Bovine mastitis is considered the most impact disease in dairy herds, exerting negative economic effect on productivity and significant losses to the dairy industry. In view of the impact on animal health and carted economic losses, the objective of this study was to characterize more comprehensively the microbial community present in dairy herds with subclinical mastitis using the partial sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA gene (rRNA). Specifically, the bacterial communities present in samples of milk coming from three commercial farms were identified, and each farm contributed samples with high somatic cell count (SCC> 200,000 cel./mL) and low count (SCC <200,000 cel./ml) for a total of 57 animals. Total DNA was extracted and amplified with primers of the V3 and V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Sequencing was performed using the new generation of sequencing technology through MiSeq equipment (Illumina - San Diego, USA). For comparison, aliquots of all samples were intended for microbiological culture for identification of bacteria which cause mastitis. The amplicon fragments of all samples were subjected to a series of computer analyzes using the QIIME program. After further evaluation of the sequences at the species level, it was found that in general the bacteria do not generally diagnosed by culture corresponded to the most abundant sequences identified by sequencing. The analysis of milk samples from microbial composition from healthy animals revealed the presence of a diversity of bacterial species, even though no bacteria have been detected by culture technique. The most abundant bacterial species in all samples was Staphylococcus chromogenes. Staphylococcus aureus was also detected in most samples differences in microbial composition were found between the samples when a comparison was made individually. These differences were noticeable in taxonomic composition and were reflected by means of the estimates of alpha and beta diversity. When comparison was performed by separation of high and low groups with CCS, this difference was not so evident. This study will be possible to understand the diversity of microorganisms present in the mammary gland of healthy animals and with subclinical mastitis. This information can be useful and can contribute in the planning of more effective therapeutic and preventive measures of the disease.
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Symbioses bactériennes chez les protistes ciliés des sédiments réduits de mangroves de Guadeloupe. / Symbioses between ciliates and bacteria inhabiting reduced marine sediments in mangroves of Guadeloupe.Grimonprez, Adrien 10 December 2018 (has links)
Alors que la Guadeloupe possède la plus grande bordure littorale de mangroves des Petites Antilles, la microfaune et la microflore bactérienne marine associées à cet écosystème sont très mal connues. Pourtant, ces diverses communautés de micro-organismes sont à la base du réseau trophique des sédiments marins de mangrove. En effet, grâce à leurs activités basées sur des processus hétérotrophes, ces micro-organismes vont permettre de dégrader la litière constituée de feuilles et branches de palétuviers tombées à la surface du sédiment. En condition anoxique, la dégradation des substrats végétaux par des bactéries sulfato-réductrices entraine la production de sulfures qui vont soutenir l’activité de bactéries chimiosynthétiques. Les protistes ciliés sont des micro-organismes eucaryotes unicellulaires caractérisés par la présence de cils sur la surface cellulaire et appartenant au micro-zooplancton. Leur mode de nutrition basé sur la phagocytose permet non seulement de favoriser la reminéralisation de la biomasse microbienne, ce qui augmente le transfert de nutriments à d'autres organismes du réseau trophique, mais facilite surtout l’émergence de nombreuses associations symbiotiques. Les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse ont permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’associations symbiotiques entre des bactéries sulfo-oxydantes ou hétérotrophes et des espèces de protistes ciliés faisant parties du périphyton de mangrove. / While Guadeloupe has the largest coastal edge of mangroves in the Lesser Antilles, the microfauna and marine bacterial microflora associated with this ecosystem are very poorly understood. However, these diverse communities of microorganisms are at the base of the marine mangrove sediment food web. Indeed, thanks to their activities based on heterotrophic processes, these micro-organisms will make it possible to degrade the litter composed of mangrove leaves and branches that have fallen to the surface of the sediment. In anoxic conditions, the degradation of plant substrates by sulfate-reducing bacteria leads to the production of sulfides that will support the activity of chemosynthetic bacteria. Ciliates protists are unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms characterized by the presence of cilia on the cell surface and belonging to micro-zooplankton. Their phagocytosis-based nutrition not only promotes the remineralization of microbial biomass, which increases the transfer of nutrients to other organisms in the food web, but also facilitates the emergence of many symbiotic associations. The results obtained during this thesis allowed to highlight the presence of symbiotic associations between sulfur-oxidizing or heterotrophic bacteria and ciliates protist species that are part of the mangrove periphyton.
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Microbial Community Structure and Interactions in Leaf Litter in a StreamDas, Mitali 13 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Mikrobielle Diversität und Dynamik einer 1,2-Dichlorpropan dechlorierenden MischkulturSchlötelburg, Cord 14 January 2002 (has links)
Die toxische sowie kanzerogene Verbindung 1,2-Dichlorpropan (DCP) ist weit verbreitet in Industrie und Landwirtschaft. Die Verbindung zeigt eine geringe chemische Reaktivität, ist nur mäßig wasserlöslich und unter aeroben Bedingungen weitestgehend beständig gegenüber mikrobiellen Abbauprozessen in der Umwelt. Als Folge reichert sich DCP in Grundwässern, Sedimenten und Böden an und gefährdet über die Nahrungskette die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier. Um DCP effizient und ökonomisch zu unbedenklichen Verbindungen abzubauen, wurden mikrobielle Mischkulturen aus belasteten Sedimenten angereichert und in einen Wirbelschichtreaktor überführt. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte eine kontinuierliche anaerobe Dechlorierung von DCP zu Propen. Grundsätzlich stellen biologische Abbauverfahren, bei denen komplexe mikrobielle Mischpopulationen eingesetzt werden, einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Transformation chlororganischer Verbindungen dar. Jedoch liegen üblicherweise nur wenige Informationen über die Zusammensetzung der betreffenden Populationen vor, so daß eine Optimierung bzw. effiziente Steuerung des Prozesses erheblich erschwert wird. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Zusammensetzung der DCP-dechlorierenden Bioreaktorpopulation. Aufgrund der bekannten Limitierungen klassisch-mikrobiologischer Nachweisverfahren wurde eine Kombination mehrerer molekulargenetischer Methoden eingesetzt, die auf der vergleichenden Sequenzanalyse ribosomaler RNA beruhten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, daß die Bakterienpopulation des Reaktors außerordentlich divers zusammengesetzt war und im wesentlichen aus bislang nicht-kultivierten Arten bestand. Es dominierten "Grüne nicht-schwefelhaltige Bakterien" (green nonsulfur bacteria) sowie Grampositive Bakterien mit niedrigem GC-Gehalt. Die Archaea hingegen waren fast ausschließlich durch zwei bekannte methanogene Spezies vertreten, Methanosaeta concilii sowie Methanomethylovorans hollandica. Der Vergleich der gewonnenen rDNA-Daten mit denen anderer Lebensräume ergab, daß Süßwasserhabitate, in denen chlororganische Verbindungen reduktiv umgesetzt werden, offenbar eine spezifische Populationsstruktur aufweisen. Es konnten spezifische 16S rDNA-Gruppen definiert werden (SHA-Cluster), die auch nach längerem Reaktorbetrieb noch nachgewiesen werden konnten. Darüber hinaus wurden Dehalobacter restrictus- sowie Dehalococcoides ethenogenes-ähnliche Bakterien in der DCP-dechlorierenden Bioreaktorpopulation gefunden. Beide Spezies sind in der Lage, chlororganische Verbindungen unter Verwendung von Wasserstoff als alleinigem Elektronendonor reduktiv zu dechlorieren. Es ist davon auszugehen, daß Dehalobacter und Dehalococcoides spp. aufgrund ihrer Physiologie an der reduktiven Umsetzung des DCPs beteiligt sind. Die Untersuchung der Population über einen längeren Zeitraum zeigte überdies, daß Bakterien der Gattung Dehalobacter überproportional angereichert und daraufhin zur dominierenden Spezies im Reaktor wurden. Dieser Befund läßt auf eine zentrale Rolle von Dehalobacter spp. bei der Transformation von DCP zu Propen schließen. Konsequenterweise führte die Zugabe von Wasserstoff zum Reaktor zur einer deutlichen Steigerung des DCP-Umsatzes. Dehalobacter und Dehalococcoides spp. sowie die anderen durch SHA-Cluster repräsentierten Bakterien stellen potentielle Indikatororganismen für die DCP-Transformation im Reaktor dar. Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring dieser Bakterien würde zu einer effizienteren Steuerung des Dechlorierungsprozesses und damit zu einer Optimierung des Verfahrens führen. / The toxic and carcinogenic compound 1,2-dichloropropane (DCP) is widely used in industry and agriculture. DCP shows a low chemical reactivity. It is only moderately soluble in aqueous systems and almost recalcitrant to microbial degradation under aerobic conditions. As a consequence DCP accumulates in groundwater, sediments and soil, thus endangering humans and animals via the food chain. To efficiently transform DCP to harmless organic compounds microbial mixed cultures have been enriched from sediments and were subsequently transferred into a fluidized bed bioreactor. This process allowed a continuous anaerobic dechlorination of DCP to propene. Bioreactor processes using complex microbiota represent a promising technology for transformation of chlorinated compounds. However, the composition of the used population is usually unknown, hence hindering both optimization and control of the degradation process. Subject of this work was the analysis of the microbial diversity of the DCP-dechlorinating bioreactor population. Conventional culture-dependent microbiological methods are often limited if used for the analysis of complex communities. Therefore, a combination of different molecular methods based on comparative 16S rRNA analysis was applied. It was found that the bioreactor population was highly diverse and consisted mainly of as yet-uncultured bacteria. Members of the green nonsulfur bacteria and the gram-positive bacteria with low G+C content dominated the consortium. In contrast the archaea were represented by only two species, Methanosaeta concilii and Methanomethylovorans hollandica. The comparison of the rDNA data with those of other biotopes revealed that reductively dechlorinating freshwater habitats show a specific community structure. 16S rDNA-clusters were defined, which could still be detected after a longer operation time of the bioreactor. Furthermore, Dehalobacter restrictus- and Dehalococcoides ethenogenes-like bacteria were found in the DCP-dechlorinating bioreactor population. Both species are capable of reductive dechlorination using hydrogen as the sole electron source. Therefore, it could be assumed that these bacteria were also involved in the dechlorination of DCP. The investigation of the bioreactor population for a longer period of time revealed that Dehalobacter-like bacteria were significantly enriched and subsequently became the most frequently found bacterium within the bioreactor. This indicates a major role of Dehalobacter spp. within the transformation process of DCP to propene. Consequently, the addition of hydrogen to the bioreactor led to an increase of the DCP transformation rate. Dehalobacter und Dehalococcoides spp. as well as the bacteria represented by the specific SHA-clusters are possibly suitable as indicator organisms for the transformation of DCP within the bioreactor. A continuous monitoring of these bacteria would lead to a more efficient control and hence, to an optimization of the transformation process.
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Biodiversity of terrestrial algal communities from soil and air-exposed substrates using a molecular approachHallmann, Christine 24 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Source tracking of faecal indicator bacteria of human pathogens in bathing waters : an evaluation and developmentHussein, Khwam Reissan January 2014 (has links)
Bacterial water pollution is a significant problem because it is associated with reduction in the ‘quality’ of water systems with a potential impact on human health. Faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) are usually used to monitor the quality of water, and to indicate the presence of pathogens in water bodies. However, enumeration alone does not enable identification of the precise origin of these pathogens. This study aimed to monitor the quality of bathing water and associated fresh water in and out of the ‘bathing season’ in the UK, and to evaluate the use of microbial source tracking (MST) such as the host-specific based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) to recognize human and other animal sources of faecal pollution. The culture-dependent EU method of estimating FIB in water and sediment samples was performed on beach in the South Sands, Kingsbridge estuary, Devon, UK- a previously ‘problematic’ site. FIB were present at significant levels in the sediments, especially mud, as well as fresh water from the stream and pond flowing onto South Sands beach. However, the quality of bathing water was deemed to be ‘good’ and met with the EU bathing water directive 2006. Using MST it was possible to successfully classify the nature of the source from which the bacteria came. PCR was applied to detect the Bacteroides species 16S rRNA genetic markers from human sewage and animal faeces. All water and sediment samples displayed positive results with a general Bacteroides marker indicating the presence of Bacteroides species. Host-specific PCR showed the human Bacteroides genetic marker only in the sediment of the stream. However, limitations in the ‘types’ of probes available and in the persistence of these markers were identified. Thus, novel dog-specific Bacteroides conventional PCR and qPCR primer sets were developed to amplify a section of the 16S rRNA gene unique to the Bacteroides genetic marker from domestic dog faeces, and these were successfully used to quantify those markers in water samples at a ‘dog permitted’ and ‘dog banned’ beach (Bigbury-on-Sea, Devon, UK). Generic, human and dog Bacteroides PCR primer sets were also used to evaluate the persistence of Bacteroides genetic markers in controlled microcosms of water and sediment at differing salinities (< 0.5 and 34 psu) and temperature (10 and 17 ºC). The rates of decline were found did not differ significantly over 14 and 16 days for the water and sediment microcosms, respectively. Beach sediments which were studied in this project may act as a reservoir for adhesive FIB, and this was confirmed using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). The similarity in the persistence of these Bacteroides 16S rRNA genetic markers in environmental water and sediment suggests that viable but non-culturable (VBNC) Bacteroides spp. do not persist in the natural environment for long. Therefore, 16S rRNA genetic markers can be of value as additional faecal indicators of bathing water pollution and in source tracking. Thus, in this study MST methods were successfully used and in future applications, dog-specific primer sets can be added to the suite of host-specific Bacteroides genetic markers available to identify the source(s) of problem bacteria found on failing beaches.
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Influence of periparturient and postpartum diets on rumen methanogen communities in three breeds of primiparous dairy cowsCersosimo, Laura M., Bainbridge, Melissa L., Kraft, Jana, Wright, André-Denis G. 04 May 2016 (has links)
Background: Enteric methane from rumen methanogens is responsible for 25.9 % of total methane emissions in the United States. Rumen methanogens also contribute to decreased animal feed efficiency. For methane mitigation strategies to be successful, it is important to establish which factors influence the rumen methanogen community and rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA). In the present study, we used next-generation sequencing to determine if dairy breed and/or days in milk (DIM) (high-fiber periparturient versus high-starch postpartum diets) affect the rumen environment and methanogen community of primiparous Holstein, Jersey, and Holstein-Jersey crossbreeds. Results: When the 16S rRNA gene sequences were processed and assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTU), a core methanogen community was identified, consisting of Methanobrevibacter (Mbr.) smithii, Mbr. thaueri, Mbr. ruminantium, and Mbr. millerae. The 16S rRNA gene sequence reads clustered at 3 DIM, but not by breed. At 3 DIM, the mean % abundance of Mbr. thaueri was lower in Jerseys (26.9 %) and higher in Holsteins (30.7 %) and Holstein-Jersey crossbreeds (30.3 %) (P < 0.001). The molar concentrations of total VFA were higher at 3 DIM than at 93, 183, and 273 DIM, whereas the molar proportions of propionate were increased at 3 and 93 DIM, relative to 183 and 273 DIM. Rumen methanogen densities, distributions of the Mbr. species, and VFA molar proportions did not differ by breed. Conclusions: The data from the present study suggest that a core methanogen community is present among dairy breeds, through out a lactation. Furthermore, the methanogen communities were more influenced by DIM and the breed by DIM interactions than breed differences.
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Characterization of the larval habitat of Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) with emphasis on the significance of animal manure and the associated bacterial communityErram, Dinesh January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Entomology / Ludek Zurek / The larval stages of Culicoides sonorensis Wirth and Jones, a confirmed vector of bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses affecting ruminants in North America, have been observed to occur typically in animal waste enhanced muds. In this dissertation, I studied the larval development (first instar to adult stage) and oviposition (four-choice assays) of C. sonorensis on sterilized mud (autoclaved) enriched with manure of different farm animal species (dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, white-tailed deer, and chicken). In addition, to determine why only some manure-polluted sites are colonized by C. sonorensis even when they are in close proximity to each other, I examined the moisture levels and microbial concentrations (mud) and physicochemical characteristics (standing water) of a manure-overflow pond site producing C. sonorensis and compared them to nearby cattle stock pond site(s) that produced different Culicoides species. Finally, as the first step in examining the role of microbiome in various physiological functions of C. sonorensis and other suspected/potential vector Culicoides species, I assessed the bacterial communities in field-collected adult females of C. sonorensis, C. crepuscularis, C. haematopotus, and C. stellifer (Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene).
In larval development experiments, the proportion of adults emerged and development time to adult stage varied with manure type and its concentration present in the substrate. Mud supplemented with chicken manure did not support C. sonorensis development, mud enriched with white-tailed deer manure poorly supported midge development, while C. sonorensis development in mud enhanced with manure of sheep, goats, beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs, and horses varied. In oviposition experiments, colonized females preferred to deposit eggs on substrates without animal manure over substrates with animal manure. In subsequent studies, the manure-overflow pond site that produced mainly C. sonorensis contained significantly higher total aerobic culturable bacteria, pH, salinity, total dissolved solids, and conductivity levels than cattle stock pond sites that produced different Culicoides species. Finally, bacterial composition of field-collected C. sonorensis adult females comprised mainly of the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, while the majority of bacterial taxa identified from C. crepuscularis, C. haematopotus, and C. stellifer belonged to Proteobacteria. An unidentified bacterial genus (related to Tumebacillus), Propionibacterium, and Curvibacter were detected commonly across all four midge species.
These results suggest that manure of several farm animal species can contribute to C. sonorensis development in the field. However, oviposition preferences remain uncertain, as colonized females appeared to show aversion to animal manure, which is in contradiction to the typical presence of C. sonorensis larvae in animal waste enhanced muds. Nonetheless, variations in microbial and/or physicochemical conditions in the larval habitats likely play a role in the differential emergence of C. sonorensis from various manure-polluted sites. Moreover, some bacterial taxa are associated commonly with C. sonorensis and other suspected/potential vector Culicoides species. Future studies are needed to examine oviposition preferences of field-collected females, life history traits of adults emerging from various manure-enriched substrates, developmental requirements of larvae, and the role of microbiome in various physiological functions of the host including vector competence for orbiviruses.
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Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Factors Involved in Post-transcriptional Gene ExpressionJin, Shao-Bo January 2004 (has links)
<p>Gene expression in the eukaryotic cell is a fundamental cellular process, which consists of several distinct steps but extensively coupled to each other. From site of transcription in the nucleus to the cytoplasm, both mRNA and rRNA are associated with a proper set of proteins. These proteins influence RNA processing, transport as well as ribosome maturation. We have tried to take advantage of different model systems to understand the process of eukaryotic gene expression at the post-transcription level. To this end, we have focused on identification and characterization of several specific proteins in the context of mRNP and rRNP particles.</p><p>We have characterized a novel yeast gene MRD1, which encodes a protein with five RNA-binding domains (RBDs) and is essential for viability. Mrd1p is present in the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm. Depletion of Mrd1p leads to a decrease in the synthesis of 18S rRNA and 40S ribosomal subunits. Mrd1p associates with the 35S prerRNA and the U3 snoRNA and is required for the initial processing of pre-rRNA at the A<sub>0</sub>-A<sub>2</sub> sites. The presence of five RBDs in Mrd1p suggests that Mrd1p may function to correctly fold pre-rRNA, a requisite for proper cleavage.</p><p>Meanwhile, an MRD1 homologue, Ct-RBD-1 with six RBDs, has also been identified and shown to involve in ribosome biogenesis in Chironomus tentans. Ct-RBD-1 binds pre-rRNA in vitro and anti-Ct-RBD-1 antibodies repress pre-rRNA processing in vivo. Ct-RBD-1 is mainly located in the nucleolus in an RNA polymerase I transcription-dependent manner, but it is also present in discrete foci in the interchromatin and in the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, Ct-RBD-1 is associated with ribosomes and, preferentially, with the 40S ribosomal subunit. Our data suggest that Ct-RBD-1 plays a role in structurally coordinating pre-rRNA during ribosome biogenesis and that this function is conserved in all eukaryotes.</p><p>We have characterized a novel abundant nucleolar protein, p100 in C. tentans. The p100 protein is located in the fibrillar compartment of the nucleolus, and remains in the nucleolus after digestion with nucleases. This indicates that p100 might be a constituent of the nucleolar proteinaceous framework. Remarkably, p100 is also localized in the brush border in the apical part of the salivary gland cell. These results suggest that it could be involved in coordination of the level of protein production and export from the cell through regulation of the level of rRNA production in the nucleolus.</p><p>We have characterized a Dbp5 homologue in C. tentans, Ct-Dbp5. The protein becomes associated with nascent pre-mRNAs at a large number of active genes, including the Balbiani ring (BR) genes. Ct-Dbp5 is bound to nascent BR pre-mRNP particles and accompanies them through the nucleoplasm and the nuclear pore into the cytoplasm. Nuclear accumulation of Ct-Dbp5 takes place when synthesis and/or export of mRNA are inhibited. Our results indicate that most or all of the shuttling Ct-Dbp5 exiting from the nucleus associated with mRNP. Furthermore, Ct-Dbp5 is present along the mRNP fibril extending into the cytoplasm, supporting the view that Ct-Dbp5 is involved in restructuring the mRNP prior to translation.</p><p>We have shown that the export receptor CRM1 in C. tentans is associated with BR pre-mRNP while transcription takes place. We have also shown that the GTPase Ran binds to BR pre-mRNP, but its binding mainly in the interchromatin. Although both CRM1 and Ran accompany BR pre-mRNP through the nuclear pore, Leptomycin B treatment reveals that a NES-CRM1-RanGTP complex is not essential for export of the BR mRNP. Our results suggest that several export receptors associate with BR mRNP and that these receptors might have redundant functions in the nuclear export of BR mRNP.</p><p>We have analyzed four SR proteins, SC35, ASF/SF2, 9G8 and hrp45, in C. tentans. All four SR proteins genes are expressed in salivary gland cells and in several other tissues in a tissue specific pattern. We found that about 90% of all nascent pre-mRNAs bind all four SR proteins, and that approximately 10% of the pre-mRNAs associate with different subsets of the four SR proteins, suggesting that not all of four SR proteins are needed for processing of pre-mRNA. None of three examined SR proteins leave BR pre-mRNP as splicing is completed. Instead, 9G8 accompanies the mRNP to the cytoplasm, while SC35 and hrp45 leave the BR mRNP at the nuclear side of the nuclear pore complex.</p>
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Kartchner Caverns: Habitat Scale Community Diversity and Function in a Carbonate CaveOrtiz-Ortiz, Marianyoly January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the microbial and functional diversity in Kartchner Caverns, a limestone cave in Arizona, USA. Kartchner is highly oligotrophic due to the lack of photosynthesis and the limited inputs of organic material from the surface. This characteristic poses a challenge for microbial life in the cave. The first objective of this work was to evaluate the bacterial richness, diversity and taxonomic composition of speleothems surfaces within Kartchner Caverns in order to gain insight into the distribution patterns associated with these communities. Secondly, the metabolic strategies used by cave communities to survive harsh cave conditions were investigated based on phylogenetic associations and metagenomics. Both objectives were directed toward answering the questions "who are there?" and "what are they doing?". The 454-pyrotag analysis of the V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene revealed an unexpectedly high bacterial diversity with each speleothem supporting a unique bacterial community profile. A focused study on one room of the cave revealed three community types: Type 1 was dominated by the phylum Proteobacteria; Type 2 by Actinobacteria; and Type 3 by Acidobacteria. Phylogenetic associations of the sequences generated by the 454 sequencing and by a Sanger clone library suggested cave microbial communities are supported by chemoautotrophic activities such as nitrite and iron oxidation. Results from the phylogenetic associations guided the metagenomic analysis which supports the presence of chemoautotrophic activities in the cave. Genes for two complete CO2 fixation mechanisms, the Calvin-Benson-Bashan and the rTCA cycles were identified in the cave metagenome, as well as genes for ammonia and nitrite oxidation. These genes are associated with both Bacteria and Archaea suggesting members of both domains are acting as primary producers in the cave ecosystem. Comparative analysis of cave samples to other environments suggests an overabundance of DNA repair mechanisms which could be potentially used by cave communities to overcome the toxicity due to high concentrations of calcium on the speleothem surfaces. This work provides the first comprehensive analysis of the microbial diversity and potential strategies used by microbial communities to survive under the extreme conditions found in a semi-arid limestone cave environment.
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