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Bestimmung der Quantität der mRNA ausgewählter Proteine der extrazellulären Matrix des Alveolarknochens mithilfe der real-time RT-PCR / Determining the mRNA quantity of selected proteins of the extracellular matrix in the alveolar boneGroße Steffen, Christian 25 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Storytelling techniques in protest reporting : A comparative analysis of narratives on the Ferguson unrest by AJE, BBCW and RTCeder, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
In a global media environment characterized by change and conflict, narratives are especially useful to understand how the media form and distribute shared understanding of how the world works and who the important actors are. As the borders between local and global politics are blurred in the digital media landscape, protesters are in increased rate turning their placards to global broadcasters’ cameras, especially when political movements such as the U.S.-based Black Lives Matter movement get international counterparts. The scholarship concerned with the framework through which the media report protests argue the protest paradigm offers useful variables for the study of protests, while problematizing the lack of research on global broadcasting media. Global broadcasters, International Relations scholars argue, need to be understood as resources of soft power that distribute strategic narratives, but they have yet to develop a methodology for how broadcasts can be empirically studied. With this research gap as a point of departure, the chosen case study is the unrest in Ferguson in August 2014. A quantitative mapping and a comparative narrative analysis focusing on the narrative structure were conducted on 16 days of news bulletins from Al Jazeera English, BBC World News and RT. The results show several differences in the reports, the first concerns the amount of attention that was given to Ferguson by each broadcaster, where RT gave almost twice the amount of attention as the other two broadcasters. Further differences were found in the sources each broadcaster used and how they used violence as an entry-point to what their narratives where about, which in the case of AJE was the effects violence has on a society; BBCW’s narrative was of a political issue of high importance that concerns people of color; whereas RT’s narrative was about the militarization of the U.S. police force. The results imply the global broadcasters offer distinctive narratives, which through different storytelling techniques convey different attitudes and morals.
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Amélioration de la tolérance de la radiothérapie par une approche individuelle radiobiologique et une démarche conceptuelle unifiée en hadronthérapie / Improved tolerance of radiotherapy by an individual radiobiological approach and a unified conceptual approach in heavy ion radiotherapyVogin, Guillaume 10 October 2014 (has links)
5 à 15% des 175 000 patients traités par radiothérapie (RT) chaque année sont exposés à une toxicité considérée comme « inhabituelle » pouvant entraîner des séquelles parfois graves. Les techniques innovantes de photonthérapie apportent une solution balistique pertinente mais inappropriée pour certaines tumeurs ou certains patients. Deux approches permettent d'entrevoir des solutions à ces situations. 1- Contribution au développement de l'hadronthérapie par ions carbone : Ces particules possèdent une masse et une charge qui leur confèrent un avantage balistique et biologique particulièrement intéressant. Le caractère rare des tumeurs éligibles et le très faible nombre de centres n'ont pas permis, ou justifié, à ce jour la réalisation d'études comparatives randomisées afin d'en évaluer le service rendu. Via le projet FP7 ULICE, nous avons intégré et animé plusieurs groupes à l'échelle nationale et internationale. Nous avons directement produit des procédures unifiées en terme d'immobilisation, de recueil des données élémentaires, de structuration protocolaire et de transformation des données en métadonnées échangeables. Nous avons proposé des concepts originaux permettant de décrire la dose prescrite et les volumes d'intérêt, au-delà du concept réducteur d'EBR. 2- Un nouveau biomarqueur de radiosensibilité individuelle (RSI). L'identification des patients les plus à risque de développer les réactions les plus sévères reste un enjeu majeur. Aucun test de RSI ne s'impose comme gold standard. A partir de primocultures fibroblastiques issues de patients ayant présenté un profil de toxicité inhabituel à la RT, le taux de cassures double brins résiduelles à 24h estimé par immunofluorescence indirecte (marqueur γH2AX) a permis de définir 3 groupes de RSI. Toutefois ce seul marqueur n'est pas assez robuste. Le délai de transit cyto-nucléaire de la protéine ATM semble affiner notre classification. Un nouveau modèle mécanistique a ainsi pu être développé / 5 to 15% of the 175,000 patients treated with radiation therapy (RT) annually are exposed to toxicity considered "unusual" that can lead to serious sequelae. Innovative photon RT techniques provide relevant but inappropriate ballistic solution for certain tumors or certain patients. Two approaches guide solutions to these situations.1- Contribution to the development of carbon ion RT. These particles possess a mass and a charge that give them particularly interesting ballistics and biological properties. The rarity of eligible tumors and the low care offer have failed conducting randomized controlled trials to evaluate its cost-effectiveness. Throughout the FP7-ULICE project, we directly produced standard operating procedures in terms of basic data collection, protocol structuring and processing of metadata. We proposed original concepts to describe and report the dose and volume of interest, beyond the restricted concept of RBE. 2- A novel biomarker of individual radiosensitivity (IRS). The identification of the patients the most at risk of developing the most severe reactions remains a major challenge. There is no gold standard in the field of IRS assays.From fibroblasts primocultures sampled from patients with an unusual toxicity, the number of residual DNA double-stand breaks 24h after radiation and estimated by indirect immunofluorescence (marker γH2AX) allows to identify three groups of IRS. However this single marker is not robust enough. The delay of ATM nucleoshuttling appears to refine our classification. A new mechanistic model has been developed
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Analyse transcriptomique des cellules vasculaires isolées du tissu anévrysmal de l'aorte abdominale sous-rénale chez l'homme / Transcriptomic analysis of isolated vascular cells implicated in abdominal aortic aneuvrysm in humanSpear, Rafaëlle 10 December 2014 (has links)
L'anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale (AAA) est un problème de Santé Publique qui touche principalement les hommes de plus de 65 ans. L'AAA souvent asymptomatique évolue vers la rupture associée à un taux de mortalité élevé. Parmi les acides ribonucléiques (ARNs) non codants, les microARNs (miARNs), stables dans le tissu et les biofluides, sont des candidats intéressant dans la recherche de biomarqueurs. L'inflammation, la dégradation de la matrice extra-cellulaire (MEC) et la raréfaction de la média participent à l'AAA. De nombreuses cellules inflammatoires sont impliquées dans l'AAA. La raréfaction des cellules musculaires lisses (CML) est secondaire à l'anoïkis, apoptose par détachement cellulaire de la MEC. Une analyse protéomique différentielle de CML en culture, issues de patients porteurs d'AAA, réalisée au laboratoire a montré que la désintégrine et metalloprotéinase avec un motif de thrombospondine 5 (ADAMTS 5) est surexprimée dans les CML de patients présentant un AAA. L'isolement des cellules par la microdissection laser permet de conserver le phénotype des cellules isolées et de mettre en évidence des marqueurs potentiels de l'AAA masqués par l'analyse du tissu global. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à partir des cellules isolées de la paroi anévrysmale de l'aorte abdominale sous-rénale chez l'Homme: à effectuer une analyse globale des miARNS et une analyse ciblée de l'ADAMTS 5, métalloprotéase qui a une action enzymatique sur les protéines de la MEC. Les objectifs de ce travail sont une meilleure compréhension de l'AAA et l'identification de nouveaux biomarqueurs.La distribution des cellules dans la paroi anévrysmale est étudiée par immunohistochimie sur des biopsies anévrysmales et d'aortes saine obtenues chez l'Homme. Les cellules localisées sont isolées par microdissection laser. L'analyse par criblage de l'expression des miARNs des cellules isolées de l'AAA et des CML issues d'aorte saine est réalisée sur puce. L'expression différentielle de miARNs sélectionnés est analysée par PCR quantitative dans des cellules isolées de l'AAA et dans du tissu global. L'expression des miARNs sélectionnés est ensuite comparée dans le plasma des patients présentant un AAA et de patients athérosclérotiques sans AAA par PCR pour identifier de potentiels biomarqueurs. Dans l'AAA, les macrophages M1 proinflammatoires sont retrouvés dans l'adventice et les macrophages M2 anti inflammatoires dans le thrombus intraluminal, les lymphocytes de type B sont retrouvés organisé en organe lymphoïde tertiaire adventitielle ou ATLOs dans 11 échantillons sur 20 analysés. Les CML sont rares et strictement localises au niveau de la média. Sur 850 miARNs testés dans la puce, 205 miARNs sont exprimés dans les cellules isolées. Les miR-29b et let-7f sont augmentés dans le plasma de patients porteurs d'AAA et représentent de potentiel biomarqueurs.L'expression d'ADAMTS 5 dans les CML de la paroi anévrysmale est évaluée par immunohistochimie dans la paroi aortique saine et anévrysmale et quantifiée par Western-blot dans les CML isolées de la paroi aortique saine et anévrysmale.Deux morphotypes de CML anévrysmales ont été identifiés: un morphotype arrondi positif au marqueur de l'apoptose, caspase 3 et un morphotype allongé, similaire aux CML de l'aorte saine. Le profil d'expression des sous-unités d'ADAMTS 5 est diffèrent dans les CML arrondies et les CML allongées anévrysmales et saines. La mise en apoptose des CML a été mise au point in vitro pour étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans les modifications d’ expression d'ADAMTS 5 dans l'AAA et les conséquences sur son action enzymatique.L'approche systématique de l'expression transcriptomique des cellules anévrysmales isolées a identifié des marqueurs potentiels de l'AAA, les miR-29b et let-7f et l'analyse ciblée suggère l'implication d'ADAMTS 5 dans le profil évolutif des CML vers l'anoïkis dans l'AAA. Des études complémentaires permettront une meilleure compréhension de l'AAA. / Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a public health problem, which mainly affects men older than 65 year. AAA are usually asymptomatic with a natural evolution towards rupture associated with a high mortality rate. Among non coding ribonucleic acids (RNAs), microRNAs are stable in tissue and biofluids and are interesting candidates for the search of biomarkers. Inflammation, extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation and media rarefaction are involved in AAA. Many inflammatory cells are involved in AAA. Anoikis is an apoptosis secondary to a cell detachment from ECM and is responsible for rarefaction of smooth muscle cells (SMC). Differential proteomic analysis of cultured SMC from AAA patients was performed in the laboratory and highlighted the overexpression of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif of type 5 (ADAMTS 5) in SMC of AAA patients. Isolation of cells with laser microdissection allows to keep their phenotype and to find potential markers that may be masked by global tissue analysis.The aim of my PhD work was to perform a global miRNA screening of cells isolated from human aneurysmal wall and an analysis targeted on ADAMTS 5, a metalloprotease with an enzymatic activity on ECM proteins. The main objectives were a better understanding of AAA and the identification of new biomarkers.The distribution of cells in the aneurysmal wall was studied by immunohistochemistry in human aneurysmal and healthy aortic samples. Once located, the cells were isolated by laser microdissection and screened for miRNAs by microarrays. Differential expression of selected miRNAs was quantified by PCR in the cells isolated by laser microdissection and in whole aortas. They were then compared in plasma of AAA patients and atherosclerotic patients without AAA by quantitative PCR to identify potential biomarkers.In AAA, the M1 proinflammatory macrophages were located in the adventitia and the M2 antiinflammatory macrophages in the intraluminal thrombus; the type B lymphocytes were organized in tertiary lymphoid organs (ATLOs) in 11/20 of analysed samples. SMC were rare and restricted to the media. Among the 850 miRNAs tested on microarray, 205 miRNAs were detected in isolated cells. MiR-29b and let-7f were upregulated in plasma of AAA patients, and thus are potential biomarkers.The expression of ADAMTS 5 in aneurysmal SMC was evaluated by immunohistochemistry of healthy and aneurysmal aortic wall and quantified by Western blot in isolated SMC from healthy and aneurysmal wall.Two aneurysmal SMC morphotypes were identified: a rounded morphotype positive for caspase 3, an apoptotic marker, and a spindle-shaped morphotype similar to the healthy aortic SMC. The expression profile of ADAMTS 5 subunits was different in rounded SMC compared to aneurysmal and healthy spindle-shaped SMC. In vitro induction of apoptosis of SMC was established in order to study the mechanisms involved in ADAMTS 5 expression in AAA and their consequences on enzymatic actions.The global transcriptomic screening of aneurysmal cells isolated by laser microdissection has identified potential markers of AAA, miR-29b and let-7f. The targeted analysis suggested that ADAMTS 5 is involved in the evolution profile of SMC towards anoikis in AAA. Further investigations will allow a better understanding of AAA pathophysiology.
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Vias de sinalização por auxinas e sua interação com o relógio biológico de cana-de-açúcar / Auxin signaling pathways and their interactions with the sugarcane circadian clockGustavo Antonio Teixeira Chaves 24 April 2018 (has links)
O relógio biológico de plantas é uma rede regulatória de grande relevância para a adaptação dos organismos ao ambiente. Essa rede é composta por diversas vias de controle transcricional e pós-transcricional que se retroalimentam e geram ritmos biológicos. O controle exercido pelo relógio pode ser observado nos mais diversos aspectos da fisiologia e desenvolvimento de plantas. No presente projeto de pesquisa foi investigada a relação entre o relógio biológico e a sinalização por auxinas, uma classe de fitohormônios, em cana-de-açúcar. Foram utilizadas técnicas de expressão gênica, como RT-qPCR, para definição de um protocolo robusto de avaliação de respostas transcricionais a auxinas em plântulas de cana-de-açúcar geradas por organogênese direta. Após 1h da aplicação de 80 µM auxina sintética ácido 1-naftalenoacético, foi possível observar controle transcricional evidente exercido pela aplicação de auxina sobre alguns genes. Também foi observado variação na resposta obtida, dependendo do horário do ciclo circadiano em que o estímulo era oferecido. Esse fenômeno de controle temporal sobre a resposta a um estímulo é chamado gating, sendo de grande relevância para a atuação do relógio biológico de plantas. A partir dessas observações foram realizadas análises de expressão gênica em larga escala, usando oligoarranjos, para compreensão mais aprofundada da conexão entre o relógio biológico e a sinalização por auxinas em cana-de-açúcar. Entre os genes diferencialmente expressos após estímulo com auxina, foi verificado grande presença de genes relacionados a respostas contraestresse biótico. Além disso, as respostas observadas devem estar sobre o controle do relógio biológico de cana-de-açúcar. Diversos genes relacionados a combate a infecções, como quitinases e taumatinas, tiveram sua expressão alterada após aplicação de auxinas, sendo possível observar diferenças no padrão de expressão dos genes dependendo do horário em que auxina era aplicada. Dessa forma, o relógio biológico de cana-de-açúcar, a partir da sinalização por auxinas, deve exercer controle sobre as respostas a estresses bióticos nesse organismo. Os dados obtidos são inéditos e podem contribuir para o aumento da produtividade de cana-de-açúcar assim como para o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas biotecnológicas focadas nesse cultivar, o qual apresenta grande relevância econômica / The circadian clock is a regulatory network with great relevance to fitness of plants. This network creates biological rhythms, influencing plants metabolism and their interaction with the environment. The clock is composed of interlocking feedback transcriptional and post-transcriptional pathways. In the presente study, we investigated the interconnection between circadian clock and signaling through auxins, a group of phytohormones with great impact to plant biology. Using RT-qPCR, it was established a protocol to measure transcriptional responses after synthetic auxin 1-naphtalenacetic acid (NAA) treatment. The biological material used was leaves of sugarcane plantlets generated by direct organogenesis. After 1h treatment with 80 µM NAA, we observed obvious transcriptional responses in sugarcane plantlets. It was also possible to detect alterations of transcriptional responses according to the moment when the stimulus was offered. This temporal control is called gating and is of great relevance to plant circadian clocks. We then performed transcriptomic analysis, using oligoarrays, to get a deeper understanding of the results obtained. Indeed, it was verified that auxin stimulus is connected to biotic stress transcriptional responses and that these responses are clock-controlled. Transcripts coding for proteins like chitinases and thaumatins, which are related to biotic stress responses, were differentially expressed after auxin treatment. Also, the response of most genes was daytime-dependent. We conclude that sugarcane circadian clock, through auxin signaling, might exert control under biotic stressresponses in sugarcane. The data obtained are novelty and may contribute to increase sugarcane productivity and/or to development of new biotechnological tools dedicated to this cultivar.
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Implementation of Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and Applications From the Weak Field to the Strong Field RegimeZhu, Ying January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Molekulárně biologická charakterizace vybraných producentů PHA / Molecular characterization of selected PHA producersKubáčková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the molecular characterization of selected PHA producers. Within this work, the PHA producing thermophilic isolates originating from the samples of activated sludge and compost were identified and characterized using molecular biological methods. By sequencing the 16S rRNA gene, the thermophilic isolates were identified and taxonomically classified into the Firmicutes bacterial phylum. In these bacterial isolates, the ability to produce PHA at the genotype level was determined by conventional PCR detection of the phaC gene encoding PHA synthase, which is a key enzyme in PHA biosynthesis. Class I, II and IV PHA synthases were detected in most of the isolated bacteria, wherein class I and II PHA synthases are not characteristic for these bacterial genera. The largest proportion of isolates was identified for the species of thermophilic bacterium Aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus, in which class IV PHA synthase was detected. In the second part of the diploma thesis, the RT-qPCR method was implemented to study the expression of selected genes of the bacterium Cupriavidus necator H16 involved in PHA metabolism. As part of the implementation of this method, PCR-based detection of selected genes was optimized and quantification of genes using real-time PCR was performed. The tested method included steps of RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and quantification of gene segments for which the critical points of the method were determined based on the obtained data.
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Implementace RTOS do mikrokontrolérů STM32 s jádrem ARM Cortex-M4F / Implementation of RTOS into STM32 microcontrollers with ARM Cortex-M4F coreGothard, Adolf January 2014 (has links)
This masters's thesis deals with choice and implementation of two free real-time operating systems into powerful 32-bit microcontroller with ARM Cortex-M4F core. First, there is shortly described the ARM architecture in general, its programmer's model, instruction set and Cortex-M4F core in brief. Next is description of the architecture of used microcontroller STM32F407VGT6 from ST Microelectronics, description of its integrated memories and their organization and functions of its integrated A/D and D/A converters. Next part of this thesis deals with searching real-time operating systems with ARM Cortex-M4F core support and then choose two of these systems for the implementation. The chosen operating systems are more closely described in two following chapters. Next chapter analyses possible implementations of the digital PSD controller and more complex system of such controllers using real-time operating system. Following chapter describes implementation of chosen operating systems and designed controllers. Last chapter deals with evaluation of features and qualities of the chosen real-time operating systems for implementation of embedded control system.
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Návrh ovládacího zařízení pro vibrografické měření / Design of the control device for vibrographic measurementWeiss, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with designing of the control device for vibrographic measurement. The device is primary used in cooperation with MERCURY Real Time Tracking System. The main task of the device is time-controlled triggering of camera system. In the first step, the summary of basic information about technical diagnostic and vibrodiagnostic is reported. The second part describes vibrodiagnostic measurements with MERCURY system. The third part describes a hardware design of the device and functional blocks and its parameters. Next part provides a simple algorithm of the device operation and a communication protocol. Last part contains measured data of the realized device and vibrographic measurement with laboratory sample.
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Pathology of west nile virus lineages 1 and 2 in mice and horsesWilliams, J.H. (June Heather) January 2014 (has links)
West Nile virus (WNV) is a widespread emerging zoonotic neurotropic flavivirus cycling naturally between mosquitos and birds. WNV causes disease in 20% of infections in the most susceptible incidental hosts which are horses and humans. Up to 40% of affected horses and 1- to approximately 50% of affected humans develop neurological signs and/or flaccid paralysis, in some cases fatal or severely debilitating, due to variable encephalitis, meningitis and poliomyelitis. Two predominant genetic lineages exist, 1 and 2, with neurovirulent lineage 1 strains recorded in the northern and western hemispheres, the milder lineage 1 Kunjin strain in Australia, and the lineage 2 strain endemic to southern Africa and Madagascar and considered, until recently, to have mainly mildly pathogenic strains. Since 2002 investigations into South African lineage 2 WNV strains showed that they resulted in severe neurological disease in horses and humans. From 2004 lineage 2 strains were recorded for the first time in southern Europe as a cause of neurological signs and death in birds, and increasingly, in horses and humans. In 2011 the
mild lineage 1 Kunjin strain mutated to an equine neurovirulent strain in New South Wales, Australia, and in 2010 the first South African case of lineage 1 WNV was reported from the western Cape in a mare which showed severe neurological signs, abortion and death.
Laboratory strains of mice are extremely susceptible to WNV and have been mostly used in experimental studies since the 1937 discovery of the virus in Uganda. In the early 2000s studies in mice showed that field strains of lineage 1 and 2 WNV ranged from mildly pathogenic to highly neurovirulent, however, the associated pathology of the lineage 2 infections was not studied. In the current study, the macroscopic and microscopic pathology of a South African human-neurovirulent field strain of lineage 2 WNV (SPU93/01) and the neurovirulent lineage 1 (NY99/385) strain were investigated and compared in mice used as controls in 2 WNV vaccine studies. The clinical signs, CNS and extra-CNS pathology were indistinguishable between the lineages and some lesions were comparable to those previously reported. Lineage 1 WNV equine pathology has been well described but that of lineage 2 only briefly previously described. The pathology in 6 naturally-occurring fatal lineage 2 WNV-infected horses with severe neurological signs, was investigated and compared with that of the single South African lineage 1 WNV field infection. Diagnoses were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR. Similarities and some slight differences in lesions were found in both mouse and horse studies when compared with lineage 1 pathology cases and with previous reports, and the neurovirulence of the lineage 2 field strains was confirmed. WNV immunohistochemistry (IHC) of all mouse tissues allowed speculation as to pathogenesis of intestinal lesions, but in equine CNS lesions was mostly negative. Ultrastructure of IHC positive cells showed rare WNV particles. In the horse cases rabies, equine herpes virus, and other arboviral co-infections were excluded and similarities and implications of gross lesions of African horsesickness to those often seen in WNV infections were discussed. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Medical Virology / unrestricted
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