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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les effets politiques des spectacles médiatiques d’immigration : une analyse critique des discours de la presse écrite canadienne sur l’arrivée du MV Sun Sea

Blondin-Gravel, Raphaëlle 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur les effets politiques des discours médiatiques sur la gouvernance et la régulation des demandeurs d’asile au Canada. À travers une analyse critique des discours de la presse écrite canadienne au sujet de l’arrivée en août 2010 de 492 requérants du statut de réfugié à bord du bateau MV Sun Sea en Colombie-Britannique, l’auteure identifie les principales interprétations de cet évènement ainsi que leurs relations avec la mise en place subséquente de mesures visant à restreindre les possibilités d’accès non autorisés au Canada, notamment par la création d’une nouvelle catégorisation discriminatoire des demandeurs d’asile. L’analyse révèle l’articulation de ces discours autour de deux thématiques distinctes, mais interreliées. Tandis que les discours sécuritaires associent l’arrivée non autorisée des demandeurs d’asile à une menace à la sécurité de la nation, les discours humanitaires interprètent cet évènement comme une demande d’aide de la part d’un groupe de personnes menacées par leur propre pays. Ce mémoire propose une analyse multidimensionnelle de ces deux cadrages et de leurs effets politiques qui considère leurs dimensions discursives, contextuelles et affectives. L’analyse démontre comment ces deux discours en apparence conflictuels partagent en fait un même sous-texte racial qui fait de ce type de spectacle médiatique un dispositif clé de « gouvernementalité racialisée de l’immigration » (Bilge, 2012, 2013). / This master’s thesis addresses the political effects of media discourses on the governance and regulation of asylum seekers in Canada. Through a critical analysis of the Canadian press discourses around the arrival on august 2010 of 492 asylum seekers on the ship MV Sun Sea in British Columbia, the author identify the main interpretations of this event, along with their relations with the subsequent establishment of restrictive measures designed to prevent the possibilities of unauthorised arrivals to Canada, especially through the creation of a new discriminatory categorisation for asylum seekers. Analysis reveals the articulation of these discourses around two distinctive but interconnected themes. While security discourses associate the unauthorised arrival of the asylum seekers as a threat to national security, humanitarian discourses interpret this event as a request for help from a group of persons threatened by their own country. This thesis proposes a multidimensional analysis of these framings and of their political effects that considers their discursive, contextual and affective dimensions. The analysis reveals that these two apparently opposed discourses actually share the same racial subtext making this kind of media spectacle a key device of the “racialised governementality of immigration” (Bilge, 2012, 2013).

Ironic Acceptance – Present in Academia Discarded as Oriental: The Case of Iranian Female Graduate Student in Canadian Academia

Hojati, Zahra 30 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the experiences of first-generation, highly educated Iranian women who came to Canada to pursue further education in a ‘just’, ‘safe’, and ‘peaceful’ place. The research has revealed that these women who were fleeing from an ‘oppressive’ and ‘unjust’ Iranian regime face new challenges and different forms of oppression in Canada. This dissertation examines some of the challenges that these women face at their place of work and/or at graduate school. The research findings are based on narratives of eleven Iranian women who participated in in-depth interviews in the summer of 2008. These women, whose ages range from 26 to 55 and are of diverse marital status, all hold an academic degree from Iran. They were also all enrolled in different graduate schools and diverse disciplines in Ontario universities at the time of the interviews. The research findings indicate that their presence in Canada became more controversial after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade centers in New York. Historically, the social images imposed on Middle Eastern women derive from the Orientalism that arose following the colonization of the Middle East by Western imperialists. The perpetuation of such images after the 9/11 attack has created a harsh environment for the participants in this research. After 9/11 most immigrants from the Middle East were assumed to be Muslim and Arab, which many North Americans came to equate with being a terrorist. In order to analyze the participants’ voices and experiences, I have adopted a multi-critical theoretical perspective that includes Orientalism, anti-colonialism and integrative anti-racist feminist perspectives, so as to be equipped with the tools necessary to investigate and expose the roots of racism, oppression and discrimination of these marginalized voices. The findings of this research fall under six interrelated themes: adaptation, stereotyping, discrimination, being silenced, strategy of resistance, and belonging to Canadian society/ graduate school. One of the important results of this research is that, regardless of the suffering and pain that the participants feel in Canadian graduate school and society, they prefer to stay in Canada because of the socio-political climate in Iran.

Language, Power, and Race: A Comparative Approach to the Sociopolitics of English

Jaimungal, Cristina S. 26 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis highlights the sociopolitics of English as a dominant/colonial language by focusing on the linkage between language, power, and race. Grounded in critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism research methodology, this research examines the inextricable relationship between language, power, and race. With this in mind, this thesis argues that language, specifically English, is not a neutral tool of communication but a highly contentious issue that is deeply embedded in sociopolitical ideologies and practices. The contexts of Japan and Trinidad and Tobago are used to illustrate how colonialism continues to impact English language policy, practice, and perceptions. In sum, this research aims to bridge the gap between critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism studies in a way that (1) highlights the complexity of language politics, (2) explores ideological assumptions inherent in the discourse of the "native" language, and (3) underscores the overlooked ubiquity of race.

Language, Power, and Race: A Comparative Approach to the Sociopolitics of English

Jaimungal, Cristina S. 26 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis highlights the sociopolitics of English as a dominant/colonial language by focusing on the linkage between language, power, and race. Grounded in critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism research methodology, this research examines the inextricable relationship between language, power, and race. With this in mind, this thesis argues that language, specifically English, is not a neutral tool of communication but a highly contentious issue that is deeply embedded in sociopolitical ideologies and practices. The contexts of Japan and Trinidad and Tobago are used to illustrate how colonialism continues to impact English language policy, practice, and perceptions. In sum, this research aims to bridge the gap between critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism studies in a way that (1) highlights the complexity of language politics, (2) explores ideological assumptions inherent in the discourse of the "native" language, and (3) underscores the overlooked ubiquity of race.

Racialized Immigrant Women Responding to Intimate Partner Abuse

Lucknauth, Christeena 25 February 2014 (has links)
This exploratory study investigates how racialized immigrant women experience and respond to intimate partner abuse (IPA). The American and European models of intersectionality theory are used to highlight structural constraints and agentic responses as experienced and enacted by racialized immigrant women. Eight women described their experiences through semi-structured interviews, revealing an array of both defensive and pro-active types of strategies aimed at short- and long-term outcomes. Responses included aversion, negative reinforcement or coping strategies like prayer or self-coaching, and accordingly varied by the constraints under which the women lived as newcomers to Canada. Policy recommendations promote acknowledgement of women’s decision-making abilities and provide a model in which women can choose from a selection of options in how to respond, rather than strictly interventionist models. Study results can help to challenge stereotypes of abused women as passive victims, and empower the image of immigrant women as active knowers of their circumstances.

Ironic Acceptance – Present in Academia Discarded as Oriental: The Case of Iranian Female Graduate Student in Canadian Academia

Hojati, Zahra 30 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the experiences of first-generation, highly educated Iranian women who came to Canada to pursue further education in a ‘just’, ‘safe’, and ‘peaceful’ place. The research has revealed that these women who were fleeing from an ‘oppressive’ and ‘unjust’ Iranian regime face new challenges and different forms of oppression in Canada. This dissertation examines some of the challenges that these women face at their place of work and/or at graduate school. The research findings are based on narratives of eleven Iranian women who participated in in-depth interviews in the summer of 2008. These women, whose ages range from 26 to 55 and are of diverse marital status, all hold an academic degree from Iran. They were also all enrolled in different graduate schools and diverse disciplines in Ontario universities at the time of the interviews. The research findings indicate that their presence in Canada became more controversial after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade centers in New York. Historically, the social images imposed on Middle Eastern women derive from the Orientalism that arose following the colonization of the Middle East by Western imperialists. The perpetuation of such images after the 9/11 attack has created a harsh environment for the participants in this research. After 9/11 most immigrants from the Middle East were assumed to be Muslim and Arab, which many North Americans came to equate with being a terrorist. In order to analyze the participants’ voices and experiences, I have adopted a multi-critical theoretical perspective that includes Orientalism, anti-colonialism and integrative anti-racist feminist perspectives, so as to be equipped with the tools necessary to investigate and expose the roots of racism, oppression and discrimination of these marginalized voices. The findings of this research fall under six interrelated themes: adaptation, stereotyping, discrimination, being silenced, strategy of resistance, and belonging to Canadian society/ graduate school. One of the important results of this research is that, regardless of the suffering and pain that the participants feel in Canadian graduate school and society, they prefer to stay in Canada because of the socio-political climate in Iran.

Racialized Immigrant Women Responding to Intimate Partner Abuse

Lucknauth, Christeena January 2014 (has links)
This exploratory study investigates how racialized immigrant women experience and respond to intimate partner abuse (IPA). The American and European models of intersectionality theory are used to highlight structural constraints and agentic responses as experienced and enacted by racialized immigrant women. Eight women described their experiences through semi-structured interviews, revealing an array of both defensive and pro-active types of strategies aimed at short- and long-term outcomes. Responses included aversion, negative reinforcement or coping strategies like prayer or self-coaching, and accordingly varied by the constraints under which the women lived as newcomers to Canada. Policy recommendations promote acknowledgement of women’s decision-making abilities and provide a model in which women can choose from a selection of options in how to respond, rather than strictly interventionist models. Study results can help to challenge stereotypes of abused women as passive victims, and empower the image of immigrant women as active knowers of their circumstances.

Examining How Black Administrator Employment Decisions are Impacted by the Behaviors of Supervisors

Whitaker, Annie Wilson 01 May 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand how Black, public school administrator employment decisions are impacted by the behaviors of supervisors in Virginia. Commonalities among the lived experiences of Black, public school administrators were examined in order to identify specific behaviors which impact employment decisions. Transcendental phenomenological qualitative research design was utilized. Participants were identified through gatekeeper introductions and then narrowed through snow-ball sampling. Data was collected through open-ended face-to-face interviews with 12 Black, public school administrators in Virginia via a secure online platform. The data was analyzed in order to identify emergent themes which represent the lived experiences of Black, public school administrators in Virginia and how the behaviors of their supervisors impacted their employment decisions. The findings could be utilized to develop supervisory practices that will increase the hiring and retention of Black educators in Virginia.

Trajectoires socioprofessionnelles des immigrants africains subsahariens de Montréal accédant à des fonctions socioéconomiques valorisées

Mouafo, Fidèle 03 1900 (has links)
Les immigrants à Montréal (Québec, Canada) connaissent des difficultés d’insertion en emploi. Parmi eux, ceux originaires de l’Afrique subsaharienne constituent des «groupes racisés» et, à ce titre, sont susceptibles d’éprouver davantage de discriminations et de difficultés que les autres (Hadiri, 2008; Nikuze, 2011). Grâce à une sociologie des "trajectoires de réussites" et grâce à des questions mobilisant l'apport de plusieurs disciplines dans une perspective de résolution de problèmes pratiques, cette thèse a pour but de proposer de possibles solutions aux différents problèmes de ces immigrants montréalais. La recherche de terrain, basée sur des entretiens compréhensifs au sens où l’entend Kaufmann (1996, 2008), propose une sociologie qualitative des "trajectoires de réussites", soit des expériences socioprofessionnelles vécues comme « valorisantes » ou « valorisées. » L’échantillon a été formé d’immigrants africains vivant de telles expériences. À travers leurs différentes trajectoires, la recherche a reposé sur cet objectif appliqué premier : partir du questionnement central sur les facteurs de réussite, rechercher des solutions et des instruments d'intervention destinés à une meilleure intégration socioéconomique des nouveaux immigrants, ou même des anciens immigrants qui connaissent encore des difficultés d’insertion en emploi. Les résultats laissent entrevoir trois catégories de facteurs contributifs à la base de la «réussite socioprofessionnelle», tous rangés au titre de « valeurs », ou façons de voir le monde capables de contribuer à cette « réussite » en s’harmonisant mieux au contexte québécois : il s’agit de valeurs personnelles, d’apports socioculturels africains ou encore de ressources socioculturelles de type québécois. Si les valeurs personnelles relèvent des caractéristiques propres à chacun, les ressources socioculturelles africaines et québécoises résulteraient plutôt de traditions ou de mœurs inhérentes aux cultures des pays concernés. L’analyse et l’interprétation de ces facteurs propices à l’intégration socioprofessionnelle des immigrants ont révélé plusieurs pistes capables de faciliter l’insertion en emploi des immigrants et cette thèse en fait état. Il demeure certain, face à des résultats qui mettent en évidence surtout le facteur individuel, que la « réussite » et l’insertion « réussie » ou vécue comme telle demeurent aussi fonction des actes des autorités publiques : quelles que soient les valeurs et les dispositions individuelles des immigrants, ces facteurs positifs demeurent sans effets si lois et politiques du domaine de l’immigration font obstacle de quelque façon. / Immigrants in Montreal, Quebec, Canada are experiencing job integration difficulties. Some racialized groups are experiencing even more problems, and specifically those from sub-Saharan Africa are considerate as "racialized groups" which opens the door to greater discrimination and other difficulties (Hadiri 2008; Nikuze, 2011). Drawing from a sociology of "success trajectories" through questions and mobilizing the contribution of several disciplines with a view to solving practical problems, I seek to propose possible solutions to various problems of these immigrants. Field research, based on comprehensive interviews of Kaufmann (1996, 2008), offers a qualitative sociology of "trajectory of success" or socio-professional experiences as "rewarding " or " enhanced." The sample was composed of African immigrants living through such experiences. Through their different paths, the research was based on this primary objective: begin with the central question of the success factors; search for solutions and policy instruments for better socio-economic integration of new immigrants; or even less-recent immigrants’ still experiencing difficulties integrating into employment. The results suggest three categories of contributing factors to the base of the "social and professional success," all arranged under "values," or ways of seeing the world can contribute to this "success" in better harmonizing the Quebec context. This includes personal values, African sociocultural contributions, and Quebec sociocultural resources. If personal values are drawn from an individual’s specific characteristics, African and Quebec sociocultural resources would result from inherent traditions or customs of the cultures of the countries concerned. The analysis and interpretation of these factors conducive to the socio-professional integration of immigrants revealed several tracks that can facilitate employment integration of immigrants as this thesis reported. It remains certain in the face of results that highlight especially the individual factor, the "success" and inserting "successful" or experienced as such remain a function of the actions of public authorities: whatever the values and provisions of individual immigrants, these positive factors remain without effect if laws and policies in the field of immigration impede in any way.

Uncovering the Role of Community Health Worker/Lay Health Worker Programs in Addressing Health Equity for Immigrant and Refugee Women in Canada: An Instrumental and Embedded Qualitative Case Study

Torres Ospina, Sara 29 January 2013 (has links)
“Why do immigrants and refugees need community health workers/lay health workers (CHWs) if Canada already has a universal health care system?” Abundant evidence demonstrates that despite the universality of our health care system marginalized populations, including immigrants and refugees, experience barriers to accessing the health system. Evidence on the role of CHWs facilitating access is both lacking and urgently needed. This dissertation contributes to this evidence by providing a thick description and thorough analytical exploration of a CHW model, in Edmonton, Canada. Specifically, I examine the activities of the Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative (MCHB Co-op) and its Multicultural Health Brokers from 1992 to 2011 as well as the relationship they have with Alberta Health Services (AHS) Edmonton Zone Public Health. The research for this study is based on an instrumental and embedded qualitative case study design. The case is the MCHB Co-op, an independently-run multicultural health worker co-operative, which contracts with health and social services providers in Edmonton to offer linguistically- and culturally-appropriate services to marginalized immigrant and refugee women and their families. The two embedded mini-cases are two programs of the MCHB Co-op: Perinatal Outreach and Health for Two, which are the raison d’être for a sustained partnership between the MCHB Co-op and AHS. The phenomenon under study is the Multicultural Health Brokers’ practice. I triangulate multiple methods (research strategies and data sources), including 46 days of participant and direct observation, 44 in-depth interviews (with Multicultural Health Brokers, mentors, women using the programs, health professionals and outsiders who knew of the work of the MCHB Co-op and Multicultural Health Brokers), and document review and analysis of policy documents, yearly reports, training manuals, educational materials as well as quantitative analysis of the Health Brokers’ 3,442 client caseload database. In addition, data include my field notes of both descriptive and analytical reflections taken throughout the onsite research. I also triangulate various theoretical frameworks to explore how historically specific social structures, economic relationships, and ideological assumptions serve to create and reinforce the conditions that give rise to the need for CHWs, and the factors that aid or hinder their ability to facilitate marginalized populations’ access to health and social services. Findings reveal that Multicultural Health Brokers facilitate access to health and social services as well as foster community capacity building in order to address settlement, adaptation, and integration of immigrant and refugee women and their families into Canadian society. Findings also demonstrate that the Multicultural Health Broker model is an example of collaboration between community-based organizations and local systems in targeting health equity for marginalized populations; in particular, in perinatal health and violence against women. A major problem these workers face is they provide important services as part of Canada’s health human resources workforce, but their contributions are often not recognized as such. The triangulation of methods and theory provides empirical and theoretical understanding of the Multicultural Health Brokers’ contribution to immigrant and refugee women and their families’ feminist urban citizenship.

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