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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bike racing sponsorships as a means to meet a corporation's marketing and promotional objectives

Peoples, Patty Sue 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Sim-to-Real Transfer for Autonomous Navigation

Müller, Matthias 05 1900 (has links)
This work investigates the problem of transfer from simulation to the real world in the context of autonomous navigation. To this end, we first present a photo-realistic training and evaluation simulator (Sim4CV)* which enables several applications across various fields of computer vision. Built on top of the Unreal Engine, the simulator features cars and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with a realistic physics simulation and diverse urban and suburban 3D environments. We demonstrate the versatility of the simulator with two case studies: autonomous UAV-based tracking of moving objects and autonomous driving using supervised learning. Using the insights gained from aerial object tracking, we find that current object trackers are either too slow or inaccurate for online tracking from an UAV. In addition, we find that in particular background clutter, fast motion and occlusion are preventing fast trackers such as correlation filter (CF) trackers to perform better. To address this issue we propose a novel and general framework that can be applied to CF trackers in order incorporate context. As a result the learned filter is more robust to drift due to the aforementioned tracking challenges. We show that our framework can improve several CF trackers by a large margin while maintaining a very high frame rate. For the application of autonomous driving, we train a driving policy that drives very well in simulation. However, while our simulator is photo-realistic there still exists a virtual-reality gap. We show how this gap can be reduced via modularity and abstraction in the driving policy. More specifically, we split the driving task into several modules namely perception, driving policy and control. This simplifies the transfer significantly and we show how a driving policy that was only trained in simulation can be transferred to a robotic vehicle in the physical world directly. Lastly, we investigate the application of UAV racing which has emerged as a modern sport recently. We propose a controller fusion network (CFN) which allows fusing multiple imperfect controllers; the result is a navigation policy that outperforms each one of them. Further, we embed this CFN into a modular network architecture similar to the one for driving, in order to decouple perception and control. We use our photo-realistic simulation environment to demonstrate how navigation policies can be transferred to different environment conditions by this network modularity.

Klikový mechanismus závodního motoru V8 / Crank Train of a V8 racing engine

Fried, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a crankshaft for a high power racing engine using modern technology. It covers all of the steps from a brief research, design, torsional vibration analysis to fatigue calculation using FEA and MBS models.

Optimalizace těhlice formule student pro výrobu SLM technologií / Optimization of axle carier for formula student for SLM fabrication

Vaverka, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of axle carrier for Formula Student. The axle carrier is topologically optimized and additively manufactured with Selective Laser Melting technology. Material for its production is aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg, which has worse mechanical properties than commonly used high-strength alloys. Therefore the aim was, by using topology optimization, to design a component, which would have comparable properties with milled component. The stress strain analysis was carried out by the finite element method and maximum deformation and safety coef-ficients were acquired. The prototype was made and its dimensions were controlled by optical digitization, which proved accuracy of manufacturing. The strength calcu-lations were verified by special testing device and photogrammetry measurement. The load during the tests was 20 % higher than in the analysis and no limit state was observed. This verified its safety and functionality.

Analýza napjatosti uložení předního kola vozidla / Vehicle Front Wheel Carrier Behaviour Analysis

Baxant, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Master’s thesis is focused on a design of front uprights for Dragon 8 racing car of TU Brno Racing Formula Student team. This thesis follows up the bachelor’s thesis called “Race Car Front Wheel Carrier Design”. Discussion about team’s recent upright and component designs is followed by a model creation with use of topology optimization. Final geometry is simulated in FEA software. Design of the upright is then compared to the previous designs and also to its substitute produced with milling machining process.

Nekonvenční chladicí systémy pro Formuli Student / Unconventional Cooling Systems for Formula Students

Ondrejka, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and manufacture of a heat exchanger with polymeric hollow fibers for a Formula Student vehicle. The work can be divided into three parts. The first part contains a review of heat transfer and heat exchangers, the second part deals with polymeric fiber heat exchangers design and manufacture of of polymeric hollow fibers heat exchanger with a heat exchanger for a Formula Student vehicle. The last part deals with the comparison of polymeric hollow fibers heat exchanger with the original aluminum heat exchanger and the evaluation of the measurement results.

Optimal Tyre Management for a Formula One Car

West, Wilhelm Joachim January 2020 (has links)
Motorsport has become a multidisciplinary sport in which skilled engineers and strategists play as big a part in the team’s success as the athlete driving the car. In Formula One it is common practice for teams to have dedicated resources on the track that are supported by a second team back at the home base who analyses telemetry data and performs simulations to refine the racing strategy. Optimal control calculations are typically used to optimise vehicle setup parameters (such as ride height and heave spring stiffness) and driver inputs (such as braking and steering) specific to each track. Traditionally this approach has been employed by minimising time over a single lap. Although this is useful in qualifying simulations, there is an unexplored element of optimising a vehicle’s "race pace". Drivers complete qualifying laps using minimal fuel with new tyres to get the best possible lap time but this performance cannot be sustained throughout the whole race. Drivers need to manage their tyres so that they do not wear prematurely and have a detrimental effect on their performance. This work places an emphasis on tyre modelling and in particular how optimal control can be used to optimise a tyre management strategy. A model has been presented that reduces grip as a function of tyre wear. This ensures that the qualifying pace cannot be sustained indefinitely. A thermodynamic model consisting of two states (surface and carcass temperature) is used to calculate tyre wear, which ultimately dictates how much grip can be provided by each tyre. The objective function for the optimal control problem is to minimise time over multiple laps and the absolute tyre wear (in mm tread) is constrained to a predefined limit. This ensures that the consequences of pushing the car to its limits are considered: overheating temperatures and accelerated wear will be detrimental to racing performance. The optimal control solver needs to manage the tyre temperatures carefully over a racing distance. It has been shown that lap times degrade more severely as the tyres reach the end of their life. At some point in the race this drop off in performance will render the car uncompetitive and strategists can use this model to evaluate the performance of different tyre compounds at each track and to strategically plan pit stops during a race. / Dissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng (Electronic Engineering) / Unrestricted

Analýza vlivu polohy karoserie závodního vozu na aerodynamické charakteristiky / Analysis of the influence of body position on the car's aerodynamic characteristics

Daniel, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with the aerodynamics of racing vehicle for various settings of clearance and tilt of body. First is described the theory of aerodynamics and flow. It was necessary to build the CAD model of racing car for analysis. Assembly of this model is the next chapter of the master’s thesis. This is followed by CFD analysis, where is displayed a simplified model of the vehicle. This part describes the overall process and setting in the CFD program. In conclusion, the results are summarized for each setting.

Virtuální svět / Virtual World

Kováč, Robert January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the issue of computer game creation and to develop a race game for people connected to the Virtual World using Unity 3D game engine. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the history of video games, platforms and to describing of development processes and development tools. The next part is about Unity 3D game engine, which was used for creating the game. The resulting application is described in the last part.

Övervakning av jordfuktighet med hjälp av mikrokontroller och sensorer på en travbana / Soil moisture monitoring with help of microcontrollers and sensors on a harness racing track

Blomqvist, Per, Andersson, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Tillgången till vatten kan ses som en självklarhet men 29\% av världens befolkning saknar tillgång till rent vatten. Vi alla måste ta ett ansvar för att minska vår förbrukning för att spara på den begränsade resurs som vatten faktiskt är. I denna rapport presenteras en lösning för att minska förbrukningen av vatten inom travsporten. Lösningen består av sensorer som mäter fuktigheten i jorden och en algoritm som räknar ut mängden vatten som behövs för att uppnå ett valt värde. För att utvärdera lösningen har en prototyp skapats. Prototypen har genomgått olika tester för att säkerhetställa att den uppfyller de krav och förväntningar som finns. Ett system som kan övervaka banan och få ett exakt värde på mängden vatten som behövs bidrar till en möjlighet att precisionsbevattna. Detta kan bidra till en reducering i vattenanvändningen. Förhoppningsvis så kommer travbanor att kunna dra nytta av denna rapport och hjälpa till med att bidra till en mer hållbar framtid där vi alla strävar efter att minska vår vattenförbrukning. / The access to water could be taken for granted, but 29 % of the world's population lacks access to clean water. We all need to take responsibility for reducing our consumption in order to save on the limited resource.to precision irrigateThis report presents a solution to reduce water consumption in trotting. The solution consists of sensors that measure the moisture level in the soil and an algorithm that calculates the amount of water needed to achieve a selected value. To evaluate the solution, a prototype has been created. The prototype has undergone various tests to ensure that it meets the requirements and expectations that exist. A system that can monitor the course and get an exact value for the amount of water needed contributes to an opportunity to precision irrigate.This could contribute to a reduction in water usage. Hopefully, trotting tracks will be able to benefit from this report and help contribute to a more sustainable future where we all strive to reduce our water consumption.

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