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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of reconstruction algorithms (iterative versus filtered backprojection) on the diagnosis of single pulmonary nodules using Thallium-201 and Technetium-99m MIBI SPECT

Ambayi, Rudo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Copy not signed by author. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study involved 33 patients, 19 men and 14 women. The age range was wide (20-90 years) and median age was 57 years. These patients had a single pulmonary nodule (SPN) defined radiologically as a well defined, round or oval intrapulmonary lung lesion not associated with atelectasis or adenopathy on chest radiography or computed tomography. Patients were investigated with Tc-99m MIBI and TI-201 (25 patients) and with Tc-99m MIBI alone (8 patients). Single photon emission computed tomography images were reconstructed using both iterative reconstruction (Ordered Subsets - Expectation Maximisation: aSEM) and filtered backprojection (FBP), on the Hermes system. Transverse, coronal and sagittal slices were displayed on the screen using a grey scale. The aSEM and FBP images for each study were co-registered semi-automatically using the multimodality programme on the Hermes. The best slice for the lesion was chosen according to the best view used to locate the SPN on chest radiograph. Regions of interest (Ral) were drawn manually outside the outer margin of the detected lesion, first on the aSEM image. This was automatically mirrored on the co-registered FBP image. For most patients, the background was automatically mirrored horizontally on the contralateral side, again, first on the OSEM then automatically on the FBP image. Automatic vertical mirroring or manual horizontal mirroring was used when background was found to be in a visually 'hot' area like the heart or vertebrae. The average counts and standard deviation of the Ral and background were generated automatically. Semi-quantitative image analysis was done by calculating the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and tumour-to-background (TIB) ratio using the following formulae: SNR = Mean counts ROI(lesion) - Mean counts background Standard deviation background TIB rati.o = -M---e-a-n-'--c-o--u-n-'t-s- ROI(lesion) Mean counts background Detection was found to be the same for the two reconstruction algorithms, that is, every lesion detected by using OSEM could also be detected by using FBP. However lesion detection did differ between Tl-201 and Tc-99m-MIBI. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for different thresholds of SNR and TIB ratios. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves were drawn to represent the different sensitivities and specificities at each threshold. Tuberculosis (TB) was not included in this analysis as uptake of Tl-20l was found to be significantly high and comparable to that of malignant nodules. However the effect of OSEM and FBP on the 'positive' TB nodules was assessed separately. By calculating the area under the ROC curves, TI-201 using OSEM was shown to be more accurate at differentiating malignant nodules from benign ones than FBP. Although this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.1 0), there was a clear tendency. The two reconstruction algorithms were found to be almost equally accurate, when using Tc-99m-MIBI, the difference between them being considerably insignificant. In conclusion, it was shown that there is a tendency that OSEM outperforms FBP for studies using Tl-201 but not for Tc-99m-MIBI. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie sluit 33 pasiënte in, 19 mans en 14 vroue. Die ouderdomme wissel tussen 20 en 90 jaar met 'n gemiddelde ouderdom van 57 jaar. Elkeen van die pasiënte het 'n enkel longnodule (SPN) op borskas X-straal en/of rekenaar tomografie getoon, wat radiologies gedefinieer word as 'n goed omskrewe, ronde of ovaal intrapulmonale longletsel wat nie met atelektase of adenopatie geassosieer is nie. Pasiënte is met Tc-99m MIDI en TI-201 (25 pasiënte) of slegs met Tc-99m MIBI (8 pasiënte) ondersoek. Enkelfoton emissie rekenaar tomografiese (EFERT) beelde is met beide iteratiewe rekonstruksie (Ordered Subsets - Expectation Maximisation: OSEM) en gefilterde terugprojeksie (FBP) met die Hermes sisteem gerekonstrueer. Transvers, koronale en sagittale snitte is in grysskaal op die sisteem vertoon. Die OSEM en FBP beelde vir elke studie is semi-outomaties gekoregistreer met behulp van die multimodaliteitsprogram op die Hermes. Die optimale snit vir elke letsel is gekies volgens die beste aansig op die borskas X-straalom die SPN te lokaliseer. Gebiede van belang (ROl) is met die hand buite-om die buitenste rand van die letsel getrek op die OSEM beeld en daarna outomaties in die ooreenstemmende area op die gekoregistreerde FPB beeld geplaas. Vir die meeste pasiënte is die agtergrond outomaties as horisontale spieëlbeeld op die kontralaterale kant geplaas, eers op die OSEM en dan outomaties op die FBP beeld. 'n Outomatiese vertikale spieëlbeeld of manuele horisontale verskuiwing van die agtergrondsarea is gedoen indien die agtergrond oorvleuel het met 'n 'warm' area soos die hart of werwels. Die gemiddelde tellings en standaardafwyking van die ROl en agtergrond is outomaties gegenereer. Semi-kwantitatiewe beeldanalise is gedoen deur berekening van die sein-tot-agtergrond verhouding (signal-to-noise ratio - SNR) en tumor-tot-agtergrond (TIB) verhouding met behulp van die volgende formules: SNR = gemiddelde tellings ROI(letsel) - gemiddelde tellings agtergrond Standaard afwyking van agtergrond TIB rati.o = -g=em--id-d-e-l-d-e--te=ll-in-g-s__R:_O-I(-le-t-s'e-l) gemiddelde tellings agtergrond Opsporing is soortgelyk bevind vir die twee rekonstruksie algoritmes, dit wil sê elke letselopgespoor met behulp van OSEM kon ook met FBP opgespoor word. Letselwaameming het egter verskil tussen TI-201 en Tc-99m-MIBI. Sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit is vir verskillende drempels van SNR en TIB verhoudings bereken. 'Receiver operating characteristics' (ROC) kurwes is getrek om die verskillende sensitiwiteite en spesifisiteite by elke drempel te verteenwoordig. Tuberkulose (TB) is nie in hierdie analise ingesluit nie aangesien opname van Tl-201 beduidend hoog en vergelykbaar met die van maligne nodules was. Die effek van OSEM en FBP op die 'positiewe' TB nodules is egter apart beoordeel. Deur berekening van die area onder die ROC kurwes, is getoon dat OSEM van Tl-201 tomografiese data meer akkuraat as FBP was om maligne van benigne nodules te onderskei. Alhoewel hierdie verskil nie statisties betekenisvol was nie (p=0.10), is daar wel 'n duidelike neiging gevind. Die twee rekonstruksie algoritmes was byna ewe akkuraat wanneer Tc-99m-MIBI gebruik is, met duidelik geen betekenisvolle verskil tussen die algoritmes nie. Gevo lgtrekking In hierdie studie is dit getoon dat daar 'n neiging is dat OSEM beter vaar as FBP vir studies met tallium-201 maar nie vir Tc-99m-MIBI nie.

Zinco para arroz e soja: doses, aproveitamento pelas culturas, fitodisponibilidade e formas desse elemento no solo / Zinc for rice and soybean: rates, crop recovery, bioavailability and element fractions in the soil

Leite, Camila Marcon de Carvalho 14 January 2015 (has links)
A deficiência de Zn no solo causa efeitos indesejáveis na produção agrícola, pois a baixa disponibilidade deste micronutriente para as plantas promove a diminuição da atividade enzimática, além da deficiência deste elemento na alimentação, que pode levar ao estado de subnutrição. Tendo em vista a problemática do Zn no sistema solo-planta e suas variações nos compartimentos do solo, é importante a avaliação de sua fitodisponibilidade e as frações do solo que este elemento está associado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitodisponibilidade e a compartimentalização de Zn no solo, para as culturas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) e soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) e avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e exportação deste nutriente pela cultura. Utilizou-se como plantas teste as culturas de arroz e soja para avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e translocação deste nutriente até os grãos. Para tanto, uma amostra de um Latossolo Vermelho, textura argilosa da região de Piracicaba (SP) foi utilizada e ZnCl2 (marcado com 65Zn) como fonte. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em DIC, com cinco doses de Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 e 8 mg kg-1 de solo), com quatro repetições. O experimento foi conduzido até a formação de grãos e foi realizada determinação de Zn por Espectrômetria de Absorção Atômica após digestão nitroperclórica e contagem do 65Zn nas partes da planta: parte aérea (PA) e panícula (P), para arroz e PA, vagem (V) e grão (G), para soja. Calculou-se a quantidade de Zn proveniente da fonte (Znpf) nas partes das plantas e o aproveitamento do Zn da fonte pelas culturas (Ap). Nas amostras de solo foram realizadas extrações por DTPA (ZnDTPA) e Mehlich-1 (ZnM1) em duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), antes da semeadura e florescimento, respectivamente. O fracionamento de Zn foi realizado em amostras de t2 nas frações: trocável (ZnTroc); ligado a carbonatos (ZnCarb); a matéria orgânica (ZnMO); a óxidos (ZnOxi) e residual (Znres). Adicionalmente, foi realizada análise do teor pseudo-total de Zn (ZnPST). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste-F a 95 % de probabilidade, ajuste das variáveis em função das doses por regressões e teste de média e análises de correlações entre as principais variáveis respostas. O Zn acumulado total na planta se ajustou à regressão linear em função do aumento das doses, entretanto ao analisar as partes separadamente, só houve diferença entre as doses para a variável PA em ambas as culturas. O Znpf total nas plantas apresentou incremento com a adição das doses crescentes de Zn ao solo, entretanto, eu aproveitamento foi baixo, 12 e 8,75 % para arroz e soja, respectivamente. As doses de ZnCl2 adicionadas ao solo, aumentaram a concentração de Zn presente nas frações ZnTroc > ZnMO > ZnCarb, em ordem decrescente. O Zn total acumulado nas plantas de arroz e soja apresentam correlações crescentes para os extratores DTPA e M1 nas duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), em função das doses avaliadas. O Zn extraído pelo DTPA ou M1, apresentaram correlação significativa com o Zn extraído nas frações, na ordem decrescente, ZnTroc > ZnCarb > ZnMO / Zn deficiency in soil causes undesirable effects on agricultural production because the low availability of this micronutrient for plants promotes the decrease in enzymatic activity besides the deficiency of this element in food, which can lead to a state of malnutrition. Considering the problem of Zn in soil-plant system and its variations in soil compartments, it is important to evaluate its bioavailability and forms in soil which this element is associated. The objective of this study was to evaluate Zn bioavailability and compartmentalization in the soil, to the rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) crops and evaluate the effect of Zn levels on nutrition and exportation of this nutrient by the crops. As test plant rice and soybeans were used to evaluate the effect of Zn rates on nutrition and the nutrient translocation to the grains. For this purpose, a sample of an Oxisol (FAO), an clay texture from Piracicaba (SP) region, was used and ZnCl2 (labelled with 65Zn) as a source. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in CRD, with five rates of Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg kg-1 soil), with four repetition. The experiment was conducted until the formation of grains and Zn analyzis were performed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometery after nitricperchloric digestion and 65Zn counting of parts: shoot (PA) and panicle (P) for rice and PA, beans pods (Pd) and grains (G) for soybeans. The amount of Zn derived from the source (Znpf) was calculated in the plant parts and the recovery of the Zn by the crops (Ap). In the soil samples, extractions were performed by DTPA (ZnDTPA) and Mehlich-1 (ZnM1) methods in two sub samples (t1 and t2) prior to seeding and flowering, respectively. The Zn fractionation was performed on samples of t2 in the fractions: exchangeable (ZnTroc); linked to carbonates (ZnCarb); to organic matter (ZnMO); to oxides (ZnOxi) and residual (Znres). Additionally, analysis of the pseudo-total content of Zn (ZnPST) was performed. Data obtained was subjected to analysis of variance by the F-test at 95% probability, adjusting the variables depending on the rates for regression and average test and analysis of correlations between the main variables. The total cumulative Zn in the plant set to the linear regression in terms of increasing rates, however when analyzing the parts separately, just the PA showed differences between doses, for both crops. The total Znpf increased with the increasing rates, however its recoveries were low, approximately 12% for rice and 8.75 % for soybean. The ZnCl2 rates in soil increased the Zn concentration in the fractions: ZnTroc > ZnMO > ZnCarb, in descending order. The total cumulative Zn in the rice and soybean plants are growing correlations for extractors DTPA and M1 for two sub samples (t1 and t2), depending on the rates evaluated. The Zn extracted by DTPA or M1 were significantly correlated with Zn extracted in fractions in descending order: ZnTroc > ZnCarb > ZnMO

In-water neutron and gamma dose determination for a new Cf-252 brachytherapy source

Kelm, Robert S. 17 March 2009 (has links)
Recently, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) successfully encapsulated a new generation of medical grade Cf-252 sources having intensities and size comparable to that of the widely used high-dose-rate (HDR) Ir-192 brachytherapy sources. Advent of the new sources, therefore, marked a new era for Cf-252-based neutron brachytherapy (NBT). As part of source calibration and characterization process, a study has been conducted at Georgia Tech lately on determining the neutron and gamma dose rates in water surrounding the new Cf-252 source. A Lucite-walled water phantom was built for this study. The neutron and gamma dose rates were determined both by ion chamber measurements and by Monte Carlo code MCNP. The results show that the measured neutron absorbed dose rates were approximately 25% lower than that predicted by MCNP for all dose positions in water, suggesting that the Cf-252 content of the new source is actually 25% lower than the ORNL's estimate. The measured gamma absorbed dose rates in water, on the contrary, are higher than that predicted by MCNP. The differences between the measured and MCNP-predicted gamma doses are not uniform for all dose positions; they are most pronounced (~a factor of two) at the distance of 1 cm, and fall to approximately 30% at distances 2 cm and beyond. These results suggest that the spectrum of gamma rays emitted from the new Cf-252 source may contain significantly more low-energy gamma rays than the previously published spectrum used in MCNP.

Estudos de tecnicas de concentracao da atividade de sup(99m)Tc eluido de geradores de sup(99)Mo/sup(99m)Tc tipo gel / Studies of techniques for the post-elution concentration of 99mTc obtained from gel type 99Mo/99mTc generators

SUZUKI, KATIA N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:06/54851-8

Determinação multielementar de elementos traços em radiofármacos produzidos na Diretoria de Radiofarmácia por espectrometria de emissão por plasma / Multielemental determination of trace elements in radiopharmaceuticals produced at the Radiopharmacy Center using ICP-OES technique

TAVARES, ANGELICA T. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Correlação da cintilografia de mama com a classificação imunoistoquímica dos tumores mamários / Correlation of scintimammography with immunohistochemical classification of breast tumors

Henriques, Luciana Gurgel da Trindade Meira [UNESP] 21 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUCIANA GURGEL DA TRINDADE MEIRA HENRIQUES (gustavoluciana@globo.com) on 2016-11-18T17:11:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANA GURGEL TRINDADE HENRIQUES.pdf: 1198247 bytes, checksum: 3ce5ab865cdb5ea1c6e1973bf14b8d1a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-11-23T19:59:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 henriques_lgtm_dr_bot.pdf: 1198247 bytes, checksum: 3ce5ab865cdb5ea1c6e1973bf14b8d1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-23T19:59:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 henriques_lgtm_dr_bot.pdf: 1198247 bytes, checksum: 3ce5ab865cdb5ea1c6e1973bf14b8d1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-21 / Introdução: o carcinoma de mama é uma das principais causas de morte no mundo e seu diagnóstico e tratamento precoces tem importante impacto na evolução clínica. A classificação imunoistoquímica (IHQ) determina o prognóstico do carcinoma e qual a melhor forma terapêutica a ser instituída. Autores sugerem que a cintilografia mamária poderia auxiliar a IHQ nessas definições de prognóstico. Casuística e Métodos: este estudo incluiu pacientes portadoras de carcinoma invasivo da mama que tiveram seu diagnóstico no período de 2011 a 2013 no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. Em todos os casos foram feitos exames imunoistoquímicos, determinando o índice proliferativo (IP) e a classificação. Associação entre ambos e os achados da cintilografia mamária foram analisadas. Resultados: dos 310 pacientes com carcinoma invasivo de mama diagnosticados no período, 243 tiveram sua classificação e IP definidos pela IHQ. Cintilografia normal está associada a baixo IP e a classificações responsivas à hormonioterapia. As pacientes com cintilografia alterada tiveram mais chance de ter IP maior ou igual a 14%, com alta acurácia, alto valor preditivo positivo e alta sensibilidade, e estão significativamente associadas a formas irresponsivas ao tratamento hormonal. Alterações mais intensas associam-se com formas de pior prognóstico. Conclusão: cintilografia mamária alterada em pacientes com diagnóstico histológico de carcinoma invasivo de mama indicam um pior prognóstico, bem como a normalidade indica a existência de classificação tumoral com melhor resposta à quimioterapia hormonal. Esses achados não permitem que a cintilografia de mama substitua a realização do painel prognóstico imunoistoquímico no tratamento dessa doença, mas sim possa orientar o prognóstico e responsividade a droga. Palavras chaves: carcinoma invasivo de mama; imuno-histoquímica; cintilografia mamária; radioisotopo; medicina nuclear. / Introduction: Breast carcinoma is one of the leading causes of deaths in the world and its early diagnosis and treatment have an important impact in the clinic evolution. The Immunohistochemical (IHC) profile determines the prognosis of the carcinoma and which is the best therapy to be established. Authors suggest that scintimammography could help immunohistochemistry (IHC) in these prognosis definitions. Methods: This study included patients with invasive breast carcinoma who were diagnosed in the period of 2011- 2013 at the Hospital das Clinicas of the Medical School of Botucatu. In all of the cases, IHC exams were performed, determining the proliferative index (PI) and the classification. The association between both results and the scintimammography (SMG) findings were analyzed. Results: of the 310 patients with invasive breast carcinoma diagnosed in the period, 243 had their classification and PI defined by the IHC. Normal SMG is associated to low PI and to hormonal therapy responsive classifications. The patients with altered SMG have had more chances of having a PI greater or equal to 14%, with high accuracy, high positive predictive valor and high sensibility, and are significantly associated to hormonal therapy irresponsive forms. More intense alterations are associated with forms of poor prognosis. Conclusion: altered SMG in patients with histological diagnosis of invasive breast carcinoma indicate a worse prognosis, as well as normaly indicates the existence of tumor classification with better response to hormonal chemotherapy. These findings do not allow the replacement of the immunohistochemistry prognosis profile for the scintimammography in the treatment of this disease, but can guide the prognosis and responsiveness to drug. Key Words: invasive breast carcinoma; immunohistochemistry; scintimammography; radioisotope; nuclear medicine.

Estudos de tecnicas de concentracao da atividade de sup(99m)Tc eluido de geradores de sup(99)Mo/sup(99m)Tc tipo gel / Studies of techniques for the post-elution concentration of 99mTc obtained from gel type 99Mo/99mTc generators

SUZUKI, KATIA N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Uma média de 80 % dos radiofármacos usados nas clínicas são marcados com 99mTc por suas propriedades físicas adequadas e fácil obtenção através de geradores de 99Mo/99mTc. A Diretoria de Radiofarmácia (DIRF) do IPEN-CNEN/SP desenvolveu um gerador cromatográfico tipo gel de MoZr com 99Mo produzido pela da reação 98Mo(n,)99Mo que ocorre no reator Nuclear IEA-R1 do IPEN-CNEN/SP. O gel é composto de molibdato de zircônio com volume de eluição de 12 mL com uma atividade de 11100 MBq (300 mCi) produzindo uma concentração radioativa de 925 MBq (25 mCi)/mL. O gerador de fissão produz uma concentração radioativa maior, de 1850 MBq (50 mCi)/mL. Pretende-se com esse trabalho desenvolver um gerador 99 Mo/99mTc tipo gel com a qual se possa eluir 99mTc obtendo-se uma concentração radioativa adequada para atender a demanda de mercado sem perder a qualidade. Foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de sistemas de concentração o único e o em série. O sistema mais adequado para o gerador de 99Mo/99mTc do tipo gel de MoZr estéril e automatizado à vácuo foi o sistema de concentração em série utilizando o cartucho Dionex 2,5 cc/QMA. O gerador de gel é eluído com 10 mL de solução de NaCl 0,1 % sendo o pertecnetato retido no cartucho aniônico QMA e eluído com 4 mL de solução de NaCl de 0,9 %. O processo dura no máximo 30 minutos. A eficiência de eluição do sistema de concentração foi de 90 %. No início de 2009 aconteceu uma crise mundial do abastecimento de 99Mo fazendo com que surgisse a necessidade do desenvolvimento de tecnologias alternativas para a produção de geradores de 99Mo/99mTc utilizando 99Mo produzido por fissão ou o desenvolvimento de um método adequado para estender a vida útil deste gerador. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que é possível utilizar o mesmo sistema de concentração desenvolvido para o gerador de gel, o que levará a um fator de concentração de 3 para o 99mTc eluído. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:06/54851-8

Determinação multielementar de elementos traços em radiofármacos produzidos na Diretoria de Radiofarmácia por espectrometria de emissão por plasma / Multielemental determination of trace elements in radiopharmaceuticals produced at the Radiopharmacy Center using ICP-OES technique

TAVARES, ANGELICA T. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Os radiofármacos são preparações farmacêuticas, que contém radionuclídeo, utilizados em medicina nuclear. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar as concentrações de elementos químicos, principalmente metais, em amostras de radiofármacos ALBUMINA-TEC, DEX 70-TEC, DEX 500-TEC, DISIDATEC, DMSA-TEC, EC-TEC, DTPA-TEC, FITATO-TEC, GHA-TEC, MDP-TEC, MIBI-TEC, PIRO-TEC, FDG-Flúor-18, GERADOR IPEN-TEC, IODO-131 SOLUÇÃO. As análises foram realizadas em equipamento Vista MPX simultâneo ICP-OES (Agilent, Australia). A validação do método foi realizado segundo os critérios descritos na RDC n° 899: Guia para validação de métodos analíticos e bioanalíticos de 29 de maio de 2003. De acordo com a Farmacopeia Americana (USP), as impurezas elementares com potencial toxicidade devem ser quantificados. Uma proposta de revisão USP 35 introduz a técnica de espectrometria de emissão atômica para a análise de elementos. Os resultados de validação das análises no ICP-OES indicam a necesidade de controle da limpeza e manutenção do equipamento, alterações do sample uptake delay e avaliação da robustez com as linhas do Mg. As curvas analíticas e faixas de concentracões analisadas foram lineares com r > 0,99. Os resultados de DPR foram abaixo de 5%. Todos os resultados dos parâmetros avaliados estão de acordo com os estabelecidos pela ANVISA. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Zinco para arroz e soja: doses, aproveitamento pelas culturas, fitodisponibilidade e formas desse elemento no solo / Zinc for rice and soybean: rates, crop recovery, bioavailability and element fractions in the soil

Camila Marcon de Carvalho Leite 14 January 2015 (has links)
A deficiência de Zn no solo causa efeitos indesejáveis na produção agrícola, pois a baixa disponibilidade deste micronutriente para as plantas promove a diminuição da atividade enzimática, além da deficiência deste elemento na alimentação, que pode levar ao estado de subnutrição. Tendo em vista a problemática do Zn no sistema solo-planta e suas variações nos compartimentos do solo, é importante a avaliação de sua fitodisponibilidade e as frações do solo que este elemento está associado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitodisponibilidade e a compartimentalização de Zn no solo, para as culturas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) e soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) e avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e exportação deste nutriente pela cultura. Utilizou-se como plantas teste as culturas de arroz e soja para avaliar o efeito das doses de Zn sobre a nutrição e translocação deste nutriente até os grãos. Para tanto, uma amostra de um Latossolo Vermelho, textura argilosa da região de Piracicaba (SP) foi utilizada e ZnCl2 (marcado com 65Zn) como fonte. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em DIC, com cinco doses de Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 e 8 mg kg-1 de solo), com quatro repetições. O experimento foi conduzido até a formação de grãos e foi realizada determinação de Zn por Espectrômetria de Absorção Atômica após digestão nitroperclórica e contagem do 65Zn nas partes da planta: parte aérea (PA) e panícula (P), para arroz e PA, vagem (V) e grão (G), para soja. Calculou-se a quantidade de Zn proveniente da fonte (Znpf) nas partes das plantas e o aproveitamento do Zn da fonte pelas culturas (Ap). Nas amostras de solo foram realizadas extrações por DTPA (ZnDTPA) e Mehlich-1 (ZnM1) em duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), antes da semeadura e florescimento, respectivamente. O fracionamento de Zn foi realizado em amostras de t2 nas frações: trocável (ZnTroc); ligado a carbonatos (ZnCarb); a matéria orgânica (ZnMO); a óxidos (ZnOxi) e residual (Znres). Adicionalmente, foi realizada análise do teor pseudo-total de Zn (ZnPST). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste-F a 95 % de probabilidade, ajuste das variáveis em função das doses por regressões e teste de média e análises de correlações entre as principais variáveis respostas. O Zn acumulado total na planta se ajustou à regressão linear em função do aumento das doses, entretanto ao analisar as partes separadamente, só houve diferença entre as doses para a variável PA em ambas as culturas. O Znpf total nas plantas apresentou incremento com a adição das doses crescentes de Zn ao solo, entretanto, eu aproveitamento foi baixo, 12 e 8,75 % para arroz e soja, respectivamente. As doses de ZnCl2 adicionadas ao solo, aumentaram a concentração de Zn presente nas frações ZnTroc > ZnMO > ZnCarb, em ordem decrescente. O Zn total acumulado nas plantas de arroz e soja apresentam correlações crescentes para os extratores DTPA e M1 nas duas subamostragens (t1 e t2), em função das doses avaliadas. O Zn extraído pelo DTPA ou M1, apresentaram correlação significativa com o Zn extraído nas frações, na ordem decrescente, ZnTroc > ZnCarb > ZnMO / Zn deficiency in soil causes undesirable effects on agricultural production because the low availability of this micronutrient for plants promotes the decrease in enzymatic activity besides the deficiency of this element in food, which can lead to a state of malnutrition. Considering the problem of Zn in soil-plant system and its variations in soil compartments, it is important to evaluate its bioavailability and forms in soil which this element is associated. The objective of this study was to evaluate Zn bioavailability and compartmentalization in the soil, to the rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) crops and evaluate the effect of Zn levels on nutrition and exportation of this nutrient by the crops. As test plant rice and soybeans were used to evaluate the effect of Zn rates on nutrition and the nutrient translocation to the grains. For this purpose, a sample of an Oxisol (FAO), an clay texture from Piracicaba (SP) region, was used and ZnCl2 (labelled with 65Zn) as a source. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in CRD, with five rates of Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg kg-1 soil), with four repetition. The experiment was conducted until the formation of grains and Zn analyzis were performed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometery after nitricperchloric digestion and 65Zn counting of parts: shoot (PA) and panicle (P) for rice and PA, beans pods (Pd) and grains (G) for soybeans. The amount of Zn derived from the source (Znpf) was calculated in the plant parts and the recovery of the Zn by the crops (Ap). In the soil samples, extractions were performed by DTPA (ZnDTPA) and Mehlich-1 (ZnM1) methods in two sub samples (t1 and t2) prior to seeding and flowering, respectively. The Zn fractionation was performed on samples of t2 in the fractions: exchangeable (ZnTroc); linked to carbonates (ZnCarb); to organic matter (ZnMO); to oxides (ZnOxi) and residual (Znres). Additionally, analysis of the pseudo-total content of Zn (ZnPST) was performed. Data obtained was subjected to analysis of variance by the F-test at 95% probability, adjusting the variables depending on the rates for regression and average test and analysis of correlations between the main variables. The total cumulative Zn in the plant set to the linear regression in terms of increasing rates, however when analyzing the parts separately, just the PA showed differences between doses, for both crops. The total Znpf increased with the increasing rates, however its recoveries were low, approximately 12% for rice and 8.75 % for soybean. The ZnCl2 rates in soil increased the Zn concentration in the fractions: ZnTroc > ZnMO > ZnCarb, in descending order. The total cumulative Zn in the rice and soybean plants are growing correlations for extractors DTPA and M1 for two sub samples (t1 and t2), depending on the rates evaluated. The Zn extracted by DTPA or M1 were significantly correlated with Zn extracted in fractions in descending order: ZnTroc > ZnCarb > ZnMO

Making high-value, long-lived isotopes to balance a sustainable radiotracer production facility

Engle, J. W., Barnhart, T. E., Valdovinos, H. F., Graves, S., Ellison, P. A., Nickles, R. J. January 2015 (has links)
Introduction The embrace of PET by medical clinicians has been reluctant (ΔT ≈ 20 yr) primarily due to the scale of the infrastructure that is needed. The capital cost of a cyclotron (≈ 106 USD) is now dwarfed by the demand for compliance to recent regulatory standards. This is a recurring expense, not only imposing an order-of-magnitude increase in staffing and operating costs, but damping the enthusiasm of researchers recalling the brisk pace of research in earlier days. Now an academic site, with little interest or opportunity to scale up production for wider distribution, is burdened by the new regulatory terrain of good manufacturing practice (GMP), mandated for translational studies that will reach only a few subjects. With our production resources held within a basic science department, the Medical Physics cyclotron facility at the University of Wisconsin has sought a sustainable pathway. We now anchor the operating budget by providing high-value, long-lived radionuclides to off-site users, to buffer the fluctuations of local demand for conventional PET synthons. Material and Methods: The tools of the trade The radioisotopes discussed here belong to the 3-d and 4-d sub shell, but are now moving into the rare-earths, with applications ranging from - targeted molecular imaging agents, - internal radionuclide therapy using to Auger electron-emitters, - to basic physics experiments using 163Ho (t1/2 ≈ 4500 yr) to determine the mass of the neutrino. Rather than focusing on the dozens of radionuclides produced, a number of tools deserve mention, as they support a variety of targets, reactions and products. These will be listed in order (A-G) from cyclotron to extraction to analysis. A. Two cyclotrons are used, a legacy RDS 112 (#1; 1985) and a GE PETtrace (2009). Neutron and gamma detectors are monitored during the long irradia-tions, signaling any subtle changes in the running conditions. (1). The PET-trace is fitted with a quick-change variable degrader target (2), as well as a beam-line with a 5-port (0 o, ±15 o, ±30 o) vertical switching magnet (3). The downward directed beam ports provide support for solid targets (e.g. Ga, S, Se, Te) that melt at low temperature. The irradiation of gas targets employs a generalized manifold to handle inert gases such as 36Ar for the production of 34mCl, as well as natural Kr and Xe for making Rb and Cs isotopes to act as fission product surrogates. These products are captured on a stainless steel target chamber liner, and rinsed off with warm water. The alkali metals are convenient tracers to study the ion exchange trapping process, pivotal in future 99Mo production from solution reactors (4). B. The preparation of malleable solid targets employs a 10-ton hydraulic bench press, and a jeweler’s mill to roll out foils from pellets, pressed between Nb foils to avoid contamination. C. Binary alloys are smelted in a programmable 1600o tube furnace under argon flow (eg. NiGa4). Alternatively, an induction furnace now permits highly localized heating of the binary metal charge, while allowing mechanical agitation during the smelting process. D. Electroplating onto gold discs is used for various enriched target material or the alloys above where quantitative recovery is essential, or where heat transfer from high beam current is demanding. E. The separation chemistry, prior to che-lation to targeted molecular imaging agents, is performed in LabView-driven, home-built “black boxes” resident in mini-cells (Radiation Shielding Inc.). F. Analysis of the targets after irradiation makes use of HPGe spectroscopy for gammas and characteristic X-rays of decay (e.g. rare earths). The elemental constitution of target alloys is deter-mined prior to irradiation by X-ray fluorescence analysis, excited by 109Cd and 241Am sources. G. Finally, broad-band elemental analysis at the ppb level now makes use of a microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer (Agilent 4200), to be de-scribed elsewhere in this meeting. Results and Conclusions The tools above (A-G) are employed in the pro-duction of the expanded list of radionuclides offered by our cyclotron group to both local and off-site colleagues. The list below is ordered in terms of decreasing use, from regular production for national distribution (64Cu, 89Zr), to weekly inhouse use (44Sc, 66,68Ga, 68,69,71Ge, 72As, 61Cu, 86Y), to infrequent production for multi-site collaborations (163Ho, 95mTc, 206Bi): Radionuclide Target Employs 64Cu 64Ni/Au A, D, G 89Zr natY A, E, G 44Sc natCa A, B, E, F, G 66, 68Ga Zn/Ag A, B, D, E, F, G 68, 69, 71Ge Ga, GaO2 A, B, C, E,F 72As GeO2 A, B, E, F 52Mn natCr A, E, F, G 76, 81mBr SeO A, E, F 34mCl, Rb, Cs noble gas A, E, F 95mTc,163Ho Mo, Dy A, E, F TABLE 1. Target materials and processes. The production of long-lived radionuclides lends itself to crowd-sourcing, with distributed irradia-tion at virtually any site with a suitable accelera-tor and a relaxed beam schedule. A number of unique challenges do arise that don’t appear in the usual production of conventional cyclotron products such as 11C or 18F. Contamination by stable metals, inadvertently introduced by target pressing or beam-induced sputtering from degraders, can cause serious interference downstream limiting effective specific activity. Long-lived manganese isotopes are ubiquitous. And some very high value products are simply not within the reach of small cyclotrons, such as 52Fe and 67Cu, being too far off the line of beta stability. In conclusion, the research leading to a doctoral degree necessarily must focus on the physics and chemistry of novel radionuclides and tracers. On the other hand, clinical and translational research needs established imaging agents, with little room for innovation within the regulatory constraints. Our experience at Wisconsin has led us to a balancing act, with our routine production of clinical doses countered with our research program to provide high-value radionu-clides for our collaborative work with our basic science colleagues.

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