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Permeabilidade de membranas ao ânion radical superóxido (O2-): estabelecimento de um método analítico para (O2- e estudo preliminar de permeabilidade em vesículas de anfifílico sintético / The proposition of a method for superoxide radical anion analysis: preliminary permeability study in dioctadecyldomethylammonium chloride vesicleGomes, Ligia Ferreira 07 June 1989 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação / Abstract not available
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Permeabilidade de membranas ao ânion radical superóxido (O2-): estabelecimento de um método analítico para (O2- e estudo preliminar de permeabilidade em vesículas de anfifílico sintético / The proposition of a method for superoxide radical anion analysis: preliminary permeability study in dioctadecyldomethylammonium chloride vesicleLigia Ferreira Gomes 07 June 1989 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação / Abstract not available
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Pyometra is an infectious disease predominating in adult female dogs during diestrus. It is caused by an intra uterine bacterial infection leading from a mild to a severe bacteremia and toxemia. In hematological parameters a severe leukocytosis and anemia usually are presents. The objective of this study was to evaluate complete blood count, neutrophil oxidative metabolism by nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT) and lipid peroxidation using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay (TBARS). Twenty adult female dogs from 2 to 14 years old were used. All animals were allocated in two different groups. In group 1 E. coli pyometra diagnosed animals (n=12) and in group 2 only clinically healthy female dogs (n=8). There were significant lower values in red blood cell, packed cell volume and hemoglobin in group 1 animals than those in group 2 (control). A significant increase in total plasma protein and total leukocytes (segmented and band neutrophils and monocytes) occurred in group 1 when comparing to control. In NBT there was also an increase in group 1. But TBARS did not show a significant difference between groups. These results evidenced that adult female dogs with pyometra by E.coli show a normocyitic normocromic anemia and leukocytosis characterized by neutrophilia with a left shift. The NBT raise only indicate a neutrophil activity increased. / Piometra é uma doença que ocorre com maior freqüência em cadelas adultas durante o diestro. É causada por uma infecção bacteriana intra-uterina que resulta em bacteremia e toxemia discretas a intensas, determinando uma série de alterações sistêmicas. Os parâmatros hematológicos geralmente revelam acentuada leucocitose e anemia. Objetivando-se avaliar o hemograma, o metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos, pelo teste de redução do tetrazólio nitroazul (NBT) e a peroxidação lipídica por meio da mensuração da concentração dos produtos de reação com o ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), foram utilizados 20 cães fêmeas, adultas, com idade entre 2 e 14 anos. Os animais foram separados em dois grupos, o grupo 1 formado por 12 fêmeas com diagnóstico de piometra por Escherichia coli e o grupo 2 por 8 fêmeas clinicamente sadias. Os valores na contagem de eritrócitos, hematócrito e hemoglobina nas cadelas com piometra foram significativamente inferiores aos do grupo controle. A proteína plasmática total e leucócitos totais, segmentados, bastonetes e monócitos estavam significativamente mais elevados nas cadelas com piometra que no grupo controle. Para o NBT houve aumento no grupo com piometra em relação ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para o teste de TBARS. Os resultados mostraram que cadelas com piometra por E. coli apresentam anemia normocítica normocrômica e leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio a esquerda. O aumento no NBT indicou um incremento na atividade neutrofílica.
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A Critical Review of Multi-Phase Materials and Optimization Strategies for Additive Printing TechnologiesMcAllister, Walter Elliot 12 September 2013 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the critical review of Additive Printing (AP) or 3D-printing, and optimization strategies for the introduction of new materials. During the course of tenure, four classes of solids were investigated to determine the hurdles presented from each system. Specifically, the investigation developed techniques for optimization of ink production, green-film deposition, and laser sintering parameters surrounding the Optomec AJP system (AJP). In the assessment, statistical experimental design, analysis and material characterization techniques have been utilized. Final recommendations disseminate current best practices for new ink and material development, along with factor analysis of input variables for phase and material properties, along with insights for future research of these systems.
The first chapter provides a general introduction to the field of AP. The second chapter focuses specifically on Optomec aerosol-jet process (AJP) techniques, and expands the discussion to process parameters, information concerning the fabrication/characterization procedure followed for each system, and includes: a detailed description of the materials investigated. This is important because printing parameters, optimization, and approach may be divergent for optimization within each strain; and is meant as an aid to resolve some technical issues for future investigators. The third chapter is fully dedicated to the results concerning the fabrication and the characterization of amorphous boron powder to film. Chapter four discusses future research options, ideas and directions. Appendices are provided for any which wish to investigate the orthogonal arrays used, or the combinatorial effects resulting in the attributes of the material system final products. / Master of Science
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Kvalitetsprovning av låskulor till hydrauliska snabbkopplingar / Strength testing of locking balls for hydraulic quick couplingsLundgren, Daniel, Persson, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Ett företag som tillverkar hydrauliska snabbkopplingar har genom regelbundna kvalitetsprover upptäckt att vissa låskulor till snabbkopplingarnas låsmekanism plötsligt fått en bristande kvalité och spricker vid belastning. Låskulorna är gjorda av rostfritt stål och har en viktig funktion i låsmekanismen. Om de spricker vid användning kan det leda till konsekvenser med materiella skador eller personskador. Företaget vill förekomma eventuella kvalitetsproblem och måste därför säkerställa att låskulorna har rätt hållfasthet. Låskulorna köps in från en underleverantör och företaget vill därför utveckla en provmetod som provar låskulornas materialegenskaper när de levereras till fabriken. Arbetet i denna rapport syftar till att hjälpa företaget utveckla en sådan provmetod. Ett första steg är att undersöka orsaken till att låskulorna spricker. Materialanalyser utförs av ett materiallaboratorium för att fastställa vilka faktorer i materialet som orsakar brott i låskulorna. Analyserna visar att låskulorna sannolikt spricker på grund av en ökad sprödhet i materialet. Sprödheten beror på att martensiten i materialet är dåligt anlöpt samt en stor mängd karbider. Med orsaken till sprickorna fastställd undersöks befintliga metoder för materialprovning. En provmetod måste prova materialet i färdigtillverkade låskulor eftersom låskulornas tillverkningsprocess påverkar materialegenskaperna. Många av de standardiserade provmetoderna är dock svåra att tillämpa på låskulorna med anledning av låskulornas geometri och små dimensioner. En form av slagprov och pressprov utförs på låskulorna. Ett av syftena med proven är att undersöka om de är lämpliga att använda som provmetod. Genom proven framträder olika materialegenskaper för olika låskulor. Resultaten är dock inte jämförbara låskulorna emellan och proven anses inte vara lämpliga som provmetod. Även ett utmattningsprov utförs på låskulorna genom en upprepande belastning i en snabbkoppling. Detta prov är inte heller lämpligt att använda som provmetod då provet är mycket tidskrävande samt att det finns vissa osäkerheter kring provresultatet. I detta arbete undersöks även två nyligen framtagna provmetoder för kulor till kullager och möjligheten att tillämpa dessa provmetoder på låskulorna. I undersökningen jämförs de båda provmetoderna med avseende på utförande samt framtagning av provkropp. Även en spänningsanalys av en låskula belastad i en snabbkoppling utförs för att ta reda på i vilket område av låskulan de maximala spänningarna uppstår. Undersökningen ger att enbart en provmetod är intressant för fortsatt arbete. Den provmetod som föreslås i detta arbete kallas "the notched ball test" (NBT). Provmetoden innebär att en djup och smal skåra bearbetas i en låskula som sedan belastas med en tryckande kraft vinkelrätt mot skåran tills brott uppstår. Den maximala spänningen som verkar vid brottet beräknas med en enkel ekvation och används som mått för låskulans hållfasthet. Provmetoden är lämplig då den går att utföra med befintlig utrustning på företaget, den provar materialet i färdigtillverkade låskulor samt i samma område som de maximala spänningarna i en låskula belastad i en snabbkoppling uppstår. NBT nyttjar även dragspänningar vilket är fördelaktigt när sprödhet ska upptäckas i ett material. För att fastställa hur olika materialegenskaper samt geometrier för provkroppen påverkar provresultaten utförs en djupare analys av provmetoden. Analysen ger även vilka geometrier som bör användas vid utförandet av NBT samt värdet för den konstant som används vid beräkning av brottspänningen. Praktiska prov av NBT utförs inte i detta arbete men rapporten innefattar slutsatser om provmetoden och rekommendationer till företaget hur ett fortsatt arbete med NBT kan utföras. / A company that manufactures hydraulic quick-couplings has discovered through regular quality checks that the quality of some of the locking balls for the locking mechanism in the quick couplings suddenly has become insufficient and the locking balls rupture under load. The locking balls are made of stainless steel and if they rupture during usage the consequences can be material damage or even personal injury. The company wants to prevent any quality problems and must therefore ensure that the strength of the locking balls is sufficient. The locking balls are purchased from a subcontractor and the company would therefore like to develop a method for strength testing locking balls delivered to the factory. This thesis aims to help the company in developing such a method. A first step is to investigate the cause of the locking balls rupture. Material analyses are executed by a material laboratory in order to determine what features in the material that causes the ruptures. The analyses shows that rupture is probably caused by an increased brittleness in the material and the brittleness is a consequence of less tempered martensite and a high amount of carbides. With the cause of rupture determined, existing methods for testing material properties is studied. It is important that strength testing is carried out with test specimens prepared from the actual locking balls. Otherwise the influence of the locking balls manufacturing process on the material properties is not taking into account. Many of the standardized methods for testing material properties, however, are hard to apply to the locking balls due to the geometry and small dimensions of the locking balls. A kind of impact test and compression test is performed. One of the purposes with the tests is to investigate if they are adequate for strength testing the locking balls. The results of the tests, however, are not suitable for comparison. Also, a fatigue test of the locking balls is performed by a repetitive loading of a quick coupling. The fatigue test is, however, time consuming and there are uncertainties in the test results. None of these tests is considered suitable as a strength testing method. In this thesis, two recently developed methods for strength testing ceramic balls and the possibility to apply these methods on the locking balls is studied. The study includes an analysis of the stress distribution in a locking ball under load to determine in which region the highest stresses occur. The study provides that only one of the methods is suitable for the locking balls due to differences in preparing the test specimen and which region of the locking ball that is tested in each method. The strength testing method that is proposed in this thesis is called the notched ball test (NBT). In NBT a long and narrow notch is cut in a locking ball which is then loaded in compression perpendicular to the notch until rupture occurs. The maximum stress acting at the rupture is calculated and used to determine the strength of the locking ball. NBT is suitable because it can be performed with existing equipment at the company, the test specimen is prepared from actual locking balls and the test uses tensile stresses which is an advantage when brittleness is to be detected in a material. An analysis of NBT is performed to determine how material properties and different notch geometries is affecting the test results. The analysis also gives some recommendations for notch geometries that should be used when performing NBT as well as a constant that is used when calculating the maximum stress. Practical experiments of NBT are not carried out in this thesis. Instead, conclusions regarding NBT and recommendations for the company on how they should proceed with NBT are given.
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Influence of Electric Field on the Global and Local Structure in the Ferroelectric Ceramic Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 and its Solid Solutions with BaTiO3 and K1/2Bi1/2TiO3Badari Narayana, A R January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ferroelectric ceramics are very promising materials for a variety of piezoelectric applications such as high permittivity dielectrics, piezoelectric sensors, piezoelectric/electrostrictive transducers, actuators, electro-optic devices, etc. Among the commercially viable ferroelectric ceramics, the lead-zircon ate-titivate Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) based ceramics have dominated the market due to their superior piezoelectric and dielectric property along with other advantages like high electromechanical coupling, ease of processing and low cost. However, the toxicity of lead based materials, and its volatility at processing temperatures is a serious health and environmental concern. Several legislations against lead-based products have been passed all over the world in order to encourage identification of alternative lead-free materials for these applications. As a consequence, there has been a remarkable surge in efforts by researchers on identifying lead-free alternatives for piezoelectric applications. A larger emphasis has been placed on perovskite based ceramics since in addition to possessing excellent properties, their relatively simple structure facilitates understanding structure-property relationships which are important for developing novel high performance materials. Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) and its solid solutions are one of the leading classes of perovskite ceramics, which show promising ferroelectric, piezoelectric and dielectric property thereby having the potential to replace PZT based ferroelectrics. The parent compound NBT is ferroelectric with large ferroelectric polarization (~40 C/cm2), promising piezoelectric properties with 0.08% maximum strain and longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient (d33) ~ 80 pC/N.
Though NBT was discovered nearly six decades ago, a clear understanding of its structure remained elusive for a long time since different characterization techniques yielded contradicting reports on its structure and nature of phase transformation. However, rapid advances in characterization techniques in recent years have led to uncovering of new results, thereby shedding light on the true structure of NBT. X-ray and neutron diffraction studies in the past have shown that NBT exhibits rhombohedral (R3c) structure at room temperature, which
undergoes a gradual transformation into tetragonal (P4bm) structure at ~230oC. However, recent characterization of both single crystal and powder of NBT using high resolution x-ray diffraction showed that the room temperature structure is not purely rhombohedral and the structure can be better modeled with a monoclinic (Cc) structure. In contrast to x-ray and neutron diffraction,
electron diffraction studies have shown evidence for the presence of planar disorders, corresponding to in-phase octahedral tilts in the sample which cannot be accounted for by either R3c or Cc structure. In addition, EXAFS, x-ray and neutron total scattering studies, diffuse scattering studies, etc. have shown that the structural parameters obtained from bulk diffraction techniques are significantly different from the local structure of the material. Similar ambiguities have been observed even in NBT based solid solutions like BaTiO3, K1/2Bi1/2TiO3, etc. which show enhanced properties at the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB).
A major breakthrough in understanding the structural complexity involved in NBT based solid solutions was achieved when it was found that the structure of the MPB compositions were sensitive to electric field. This led to solving the mystery behind the appearance of cubic-like phase at some of the MPB compositions where the application of electric-field resulted in the transformation of the structure into a co-existence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases. Observation of an electric-field-induced structural transition at the MPB compositions was expected, because the MPB signifies instability in the system and even a minor external force can significantly influence the system. However, we have found that the structure of even pure NBT is significantly influenced by electric field and the framework of this thesis is based on this particularly important result. The intrinsic tendency of the electric field to affect the structure of NBT is a major factor which needs to be considered when studying similar phase transitions in the MPB compositions of NBT-substituted systems also. This was not taken into account by other research groups, and they assumed that the instability associated with the MPB was the only major factor involved in the electric-field induced transitions. A simple but highly effective strategy of grinding the electrically poled pellet into fine powder and then collecting x-ray diffraction patterns, facilitated elimination of preferred orientation in the sample. Thus, structural analysis by Rietveld refinement was possible even on the poled sample, which has not been carried out by any other groups on any ferroelectric ceramics so far. The initial part of the thesis deals with addressing the structural complexity of pure NBT, wherein the effect of electric field on the bulk structure as well as the local structure was studied in great detail. Later on, similar concepts are used to investigate BaTiO3 and K1/2Bi1/2TiO3 substituted NBT also.
The first chapter of the thesis provides a brief introduction to the field of ferroelectrics, perovskite structure and their phase transition. An exposure to concepts like relaxor ferroelectrics, morphotrophic phase boundary, octahedral tilting, etc. has been provided. Then, a
detailed overview of the existing literature related to the structure of NBT and its phase transition studies with temperature has been discussed. The details of the experimental procedures, characterization techniques used, and some theory behind these techniques have been provided in chapter 2.
The third chapter deals with the room temperature structural characterization of pure NBT using techniques like x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction and EXAFS analysis. The results of these structural characterizations are also complemented with first-principles calculation study of the ground state structure of NBT, dielectric and ferroelectric characterization, and ageing studies. While x-ray and neutron diffraction clearly established electric-field induced structural transition from a monoclinic (Cc) to rhombohedral (R3c) structural transition, first principles calculation showed that the monoclinic phase is not stable and hence cannot be the ground state structure of NBT. Also, the possibility of the monoclinic features appearing in the x-ray diffraction solely due to micro structural effects by nano-sized domains was discussed. Comparison of electron diffraction of poled and unpoled samples of NBT showed that the in-phase tilted regions were greatly suppressed in the poled samples. Even HRTEM images showed that the unpoled samples had a very high concentration of strain heterogeneity in them, which was absent in the poled samples. This gave a direct evidence of correlation between observation of monoclinic phase and the presence of in-phase tilted regions in the unpoled samples. It was proposed that the strain caused by these in-phase tilted disorders caused distortion in the original rhombohedral lattice thereby making the structure appear monoclinic. Application of electric field causes the in-phase octahedral tilt disorders to vanish, thereby even the monoclinic features observed in the XRD also disappear.
The fourth chapter discusses the consequences of poling on the high temperature phase transition behavior of NBT. We have used temperature dependent x-ray and neutron diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and EXAFS analysis whose results were correlated with the anomalies observed in temperature dependent dielectric and polarization studies. We found that the poled sample shows a sharp anomaly at the depolarization temperature (Td) in all the characterization techniques used, in contrast to a diffuse or negligible effect seen in the unpoled sample. The depolarization temperature was found to be associated with introduction of structural disorder in the sample in the form of in-phase octahedral tilts. This also gave rise to a normal to relaxor ferroelectric transition at Td, and this relaxor behavior persisted even after cooling the sample to
room temperature. An intermediate cubiclike phase was observed from x-ray diffraction at around 300C wherein the rhombohedral phase vanishes and the tetragonal phase begins to appear. Even single crystal study of NBT in the past showed sudden disappearance of the domains at 300C, even though they were visible at both above and below this temperature. This effect was called isotropization, and was postulated to arise due to extremely small domains which made the system isotropic. However, our neutron diffraction pattern showed that in-phase tilted superlattice reflections persisted at this temperature which meant that the structure was not truly cubic at this temperature. Further, a neutron diffraction study at higher temperatures showed that the in-phase tilted superlattice reflections persisted even above the cubic phase transition temperature, in corroboration with similar reports from high temperature electron diffraction.
Chapter five deals with the BaTiO3 substituted NBT system, which has gained tremendous interest in the last decade as a viable piezoelectric ceramic for commercial applications. Though a large number of groups have already carried out exhaustive studies on this system, most of the work concentrated mainly on the MPB compositions which showed enhanced piezoelectric properties. In this chapter, we highlight some important findings in the pre-MPB and post-MPB compositions. Using room-temperature and high temperature x-ray diffraction, we show that there exists a subtle compositional phase boundary at x = 0.03, which disappears upon poling the sample. While the monoclinic phase in pure NBT becomes cubiclike at this composition, the depolarization temperature (Td) also slightly increases up to this composition and then decreases upon further Ba substitution. Similar studies were also carried out with compositions containing slightly excess bismuth in them (0.1 mol %), whose purpose was to negate the effects of Bi-vaporization during sintering. It was found that while the compositional phase boundary remained essentially unchanged, there was a decrease in Td for all the compositions. It was also realized that the addition of excess bismuth improved the overall piezoelectric property of the system.
Studies on higher compositions of Ba in the post-MPB regions further revealed two additional compositional phase boundaries. A criticality in the coercive field and spontaneous tetragonal strain was observed at x = 0.2, which was found to be associated with crossover from a long-period modulated tetragonal phase (for x < 0.2) to a no modulated tetragonal phase (for x > 0.2). Near the BT rich end (x ~ 0.7), the system exhibits a crossover from normal to a
diffuse/relaxor ferroelectric transition with increasing Na1/2Bi1/2 substitution. The onset of relaxor state by Na1/2Bi1/2 substitution on the Ba-site, was shown to increase the spontaneous tetragonal strain in the system. This was because of the enhancement in the covalent character of the A-O bond by virtue of the Bi+3 6s2 lone pair effect, and it also led to a sudden increase in the tetragonal-to-cubic transition temperature. This was in contrast to other chemical modifications of BT reported in the past (like Zr, Sn, Sr, etc.) where the relaxor state is accompanied by a weakening of the ferroelectric distortion and a decrease in the critical temperature.
Finally, chapter six covers the effect of electric field induced phase transition in K1/2Bi1/2TiO3 substituted NBT. Visual observation showed that while the compositions (x < 0.2) behaved similar to pure NBT, wherein the structure became purely rhombohedral upon poling, the effect of electric field was negligible in the post-MPB compositions (x > 0.2). In addition, the peaks in the annealed samples were considerably overlapping which made identifying the structural transitions at the MPB compositions difficult using Rietveld analysis. However, comparison of the FWHM of the {200}pc peaks of compositions x < 0.2 showed that the FWHM began to increase suddenly for x > 0.15 indicating emergence of the tetragonal phase. Also, all the compositions showed an increase in the {200}pc peak FWHM by 0.03 after poling. The depolarization temperature showed only slight variation in the pre-MPB compositions, but showed a minimum at the MPB compositions. Temperature dependent dielectric studies further showed that for the post-MPB compositions, the system remains relaxor even after poling.
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Transitions de phases dans des oxydes complexes de structure pérovskite : cas du système (1-x)Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 - xCaTiO3 / Phases transitions in complexe oxides with perovskite structure : case system (1-x)Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 - xCaTiO3Roukos, Roy 16 July 2015 (has links)
Les solutions solides (1-x)Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 (NBT) – xCaTiO3 (CT) ont été étudiées par diffraction des rayons X, spectroscopie Raman, microscopie électronique à balayage, spectroscopie d’impédance et DSC. Ce sont des matériaux présentant la structure cristalline pérovskite. L’étude révèle la complexité mais aussi la richesse des phénomènes physiques dans cette famille de composés : les séquences des transitions de phases, l’influence du dopant Ca2+ sur les propriétés physico-chimiques du matériau, la relation étroite entre propriétés diélectriques et caractéristiques structurales. Des solutions solides (1-x)NBT – xCT, avec 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,00, ont été synthétisées par voie solide classique puis frittées selon une procédure spécifique dans un milieu confiné pour éviter toute perte de sodium et de bismuth. Les caractéristiques cristallines des solides obtenus imposent clairement de distinguer trois domaines suivant les valeurs de x. En effet, pour les valeurs croissantes de x et à la température ambiante, on observe un premier domaine (Région I, pour x ≤ 0,07) dans lequel le solide obtenu est une solution solide de structure cristalline, de groupe d’espace R3c, identique à celle de NBT pur. Pour les valeurs les plus élevées de x (Région II, pour x ≥ 0,15), le solide obtenu est une solution solide de structure cristalline, de groupe d’espace Pnma, identique à celle de CT pur. Enfin, entre ces deux domaines (Région III, 0,09 ≤ x ≤ 0,13), les solides obtenus sont biphasés, R3c + Pnma, en se limitant aux appellations des groupes d’espacé des phases formées. Dans la région I, lors du chauffage, la séquence des transitions de phases R3c → P4bm → Pm3m est mise en évidence; les températures des transitions se déplacent vers les plus basses températures quand la concentration en Ca2+ augmente. Les solides sont ferroélectriques à l’ambiante puis développent un caractère relaxeur, par coexistence de deux phases, avec l’augmentation de la température. Dans la région II, les solides révèlent un comportement relaxeur dès l’ambiante. Une transition de phase diffuse au sein de la phase orthorhombique Pnma est toutefois mise en évidence ; le solide passe d’un état relaxeur à un état paraélectrique tout en conservant, a priori, la même structure cristalline. Le phénomène de relaxation dans ces composés est expliqué par la formation de micros ou nanorégions polaires. La région III, quant à elle, est caractérisée par l’apparition d’une hystérésis thermique mise en évidence pour la première fois ; elle est expliquée par la relation entre la microstructure cristalline et les propriétés diélectriques. Enfin, l’ensemble de nos résultats a été regroupé dans un diagramme de phase original en composition et en température. / The solid solutions (1-x)Na0,5Bi0,5TiO3 (NBT) – xCaTiO3 (CT) were studied by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, impedance spectroscopy and DSC. These materials have a perovskite crystalline structure. This study reveals not only the complexity but also the richness of physical phenomena in these compounds: phases transitions sequences, the Ca2+ effect on the physical-chemistry properties and the relation between dielectric properties and crystalline structure. Thereby, (1-x)NBT – xCT solid solutions (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.00) were synthesized by chemical solid route, then they were sintered by a particular procedure in order to avoid sodium and bismuth volatilization. The solid crystalline characteristics obtained prove clearly the necessity to distinguish three fields as a function of x values. First of all, for increasing x at room temperature, there is a first region so called region I (x ≤ 0.07), wherein the crystalline structure of solid solutions obtained has a space group R3c identical to that of pure NBT. For the highest values of x, (Region II, x ≥ 0.15), the solid obtained has a space group Pnma, identical to that of pure CT. Finally, between these two regions, (0.09 ≤ x ≤ 0.13), the solid solutions obtained are biphasic, R3c + Pnma, limited to appellations of the space groups formed phases. In region I, upon heating, phase transition sequence R3c → R3c + Pnma → Pnma was determined; the corresponding transition temperatures move to low values with increasing Ca2+ concentration. These solids are ferroelectric at room temperature and then develop a relaxor character, by coexistence of two phases, with increasing temperature. In region II, these solids reveal a relaxor behavior at room temperature. However, a diffuse phase transition within the orthorhombic phase Pnma has been identified; the solid changes from relaxor to paraelectric while maintaining the same crystal structure. This phenomenon was explained by the formation of micro or nano-polar regions. Region III, demonstrated for the first time, is characterized by thermal hysteresis, and explained by the relation between crystalline microstructure and dielectric properties. Finally, all our results were assembled in an original phase diagram as a function of concentration of Ca2+ dopant and temperature.
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In-water neutron and gamma dose determination for a new Cf-252 brachytherapy sourceKelm, Robert S. 17 March 2009 (has links)
Recently, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) successfully encapsulated a new generation of medical grade Cf-252 sources having intensities and size comparable to that of the widely used high-dose-rate (HDR) Ir-192 brachytherapy sources. Advent of the new sources, therefore, marked a new era for Cf-252-based neutron brachytherapy (NBT). As part of source calibration and characterization process, a study has been conducted at Georgia Tech lately on determining the neutron and gamma dose rates in water surrounding the new Cf-252 source. A Lucite-walled water phantom was built for this study. The neutron and gamma dose rates were determined both by ion chamber measurements and by Monte Carlo code MCNP. The results show that the measured neutron absorbed dose rates were approximately 25% lower than that predicted by MCNP for all dose positions in water, suggesting that the Cf-252 content of the new source is actually 25% lower than the ORNL's estimate. The measured gamma absorbed dose rates in water, on the contrary, are higher than that predicted by MCNP. The differences between the measured and MCNP-predicted gamma doses are not uniform for all dose positions; they are most pronounced (~a factor of two) at the distance of 1 cm, and fall to approximately 30% at distances 2 cm and beyond. These results suggest that the spectrum of gamma rays emitted from the new Cf-252 source may contain significantly more low-energy gamma rays than the previously published spectrum used in MCNP.
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Där vi trivs kan vi växa : upplevelser av att ge och få naturbaserad terapiNobell, Margareta January 2016 (has links)
Naturbaserad terapi utprövas i Sverige för utmattningssyndrom och annan stressrelaterad ohälsa. Ett omfattande forskningsunderlag visar på naturens läkande effekter vad gäller stressreduktion och återhämtning. Det behövs dock mer forskning för att klargöra behandlingens effekter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka patienters och behandlares upplevelser av naturbaserad terapi i formen grön rehabilitering och trädgårdsterapi, för att få förståelse för vilka faktorer som upplevs vara verksamma i behandlingen, hur förändring upplevs ske och vad den innebär. Totalt har 12 kvinnor, sex behandlare och sex patienter, intervjuats. Materialet har analyserats induktivt tematiskt. Resultatet visra på trivsel, motivation och upplevt växande hos alla respondenter. Patienterna betonar miljö och bemötande; aktivitet, värme och upplevd kravlöshet. Naturvistelser samt gruppformatet med kreativa och fysiska övningar ger utmaningar, mer medveten närvaro i kroppen, samt symbolik som underlättar kommunikation. Sammantaget visar resultaten på förbättringar för flera patienter vad gäller både kroppsmedvetande och kommunikationsfärdigheter. De har också fått strategier som ger dem bättre möjligheter att hantera ångestrelaterade situationer i vardagen. För personalens del är arbetsmotivation utifrån förbättrad arbetssituation den mest framträdande faktorn.
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Development of the methods of broadband dielectric spectroscopy by investigating (1-x)(Na1/2 Bi1/2)TiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2 Ti1/2)O3 and other materials / Plačiajuostės dielektrinės spektroskopijos metodų tobulinimas, tiriant (1-x)(Na1/2 Bi1/2)TiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2 Ti1/2)O3 ir kitas medžiagasRudys, Saulius 01 October 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos galimybės patobulinti plačiajuostės dielektrinės spektroskopijos metodus naudojant skaitmeninius ir analitinius daugelio modų dielektrinės skvarbos skaičiavimo metodus, tiriami (1-x)(Na1/2 Bi1/2)TiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2 Ti1/2)O3 (NBT-LMT) keramikų grupės laidumo ypatumai. Nagrinėjama galimybė pritaikyti HFSS skaitmeninio modeliavimo programą dielektrinės spektroskopijos tikslams. Naudojant šią programinę įrangą, apskaičiuojama dielektrinė ir magnetinė skvarbos komplikuotiems mikrojuostelinės linijos ir dalinai užpildyto bangolaidžio matavimo grandinių atvejams. Pateikiami patobulinti kondensatoriaus koaksialinėje linijoje ir ribotų matmenų atviro galo koaksialinės linijos matematiniai modeliai. Šie modeliai patikrinami skaitmeniniu metodu. Naudojant daugiamodį kondensatoriaus modelį, atsižvelgus į magnetinio lauko pasiskirstymą koaksialinėje matavimo grandinėje, pasiūlomas būdas pamatuoti mažai bandinio magnetinei skvarbai, kai dielektrinė skvarba didelė (dešimtim ar šimtais kartų didesnė už magnetinę skvarbą). Atviro galo koaksialinei linijai siūloma keletas kalibravimo būdų, įrenginys bandiniui prispausti prie linijos. Bešvinė NBT-LMT keramika buvo tyrinėjama dielektrinės spektroskopijos metodais. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad NBT-LMT keramikų grupėje elektriniam laidumui galioja Maerio-Neldelio taisyklė. / Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos galimybės patobulinti plačiajuostės dielektrinės spektroskopijos metodus naudojant skaitmeninius ir analitinius daugelio modų dielektrinės skvarbos skaičiavimo metodus, tiriami (1-x)(Na1/2 Bi1/2)TiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2 Ti1/2)O3 (NBT-LMT) keramikų grupės laidumo ypatumai. Nagrinėjama galimybė pritaikyti HFSS skaitmeninio modeliavimo programą dielektrinės spektroskopijos tikslams. Naudojant šią programinę įrangą, apskaičiuojama dielektrinė ir magnetinė skvarbos komplikuotiems mikrojuostelinės linijos ir dalinai užpildyto bangolaidžio matavimo grandinių atvejams. Pateikiami patobulinti kondensatoriaus koaksialinėje linijoje ir ribotų matmenų atviro galo koaksialinės linijos matematiniai modeliai. Šie modeliai patikrinami skaitmeniniu metodu. Naudojant daugiamodį kondensatoriaus modelį, atsižvelgus į magnetinio lauko pasiskirstymą koaksialinėje matavimo grandinėje, pasiūlomas būdas pamatuoti mažai bandinio magnetinei skvarbai, kai dielektrinė skvarba didelė (dešimtim ar šimtais kartų didesnė už magnetinę skvarbą). Atviro galo koaksialinei linijai siūloma keletas kalibravimo būdų, įrenginys bandiniui prispausti prie linijos. Bešvinė NBT-LMT keramika buvo tyrinėjama dielektrinės spektroskopijos metodais. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad NBT-LMT keramikų grupėje elektriniam laidumui galioja Maerio-Neldelio taisyklė.
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