Spelling suggestions: "subject:"haft"" "subject:"raft""
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An Experimental Study Into Bearing Of Rigid Piled Rafts Under Vertical LoadsTurkmen, Haydar Kursat 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the load bearing behavior of piled raft foundations is investigated performing laboratory and field tests. Piled raft foundation of a multi storey building was also instrumented and monitored in order to study the load sharing mechanism of piled raft foundations.
A small reinforced concrete piled raft of 2.3 m square supported by four mini piles at the corners was loaded and contribution of the raft support up to 41 % of the total load was observed. The soil was stiff fissured Ankara clay with no ground water.
A building founded on a piled raft foundation was instrumented and monitored using earth pressure cells beneath the raft during its construction period. The foundation soil was a deep graywacke highly weathered at the upper 10 m with no ground water. The proportion of load that was carried by the raft was 21 to 24 % of the total load near the edge and 44 to 56 % under the core.
In the laboratory tests, model aluminum piles with outerinner diameters of 2218 mm and a length of 200 mm were used. The raft was made of steel plate with plan dimensions of 176 mm x 176 mm and a thickness of 10 mm. The model piles were instrumented with strain gages to monitor pile loads. Model piled raft configurations with different number of piles were tested. The behavior of a single pile and the plain raft were also investigated. The soil in the model tests was half and half sand &ndash / kaolinite mixture.
It has been observed that when a piled raft is loaded gradually, piles take more load initially and after they reach their full capacity additional loads are carried by raft. The proportion of load that was carried by the raft decreases with the increasing number of piles and the load per pile is decreased. Center, edge and corner piles are not loaded equally under rafts. It has been found that rafts share foundation loads at such levels that should not be ignored.
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Synthese und Charakterisierung von sensitiven vernetzungsfähigen Blockcopolymeren mittels RAFTSeifert, Denis 17 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In vorangegangenen Arbeiten im eigenen Arbeitskreis wurden sensitive Hydrogelpartikel im mm- und μm-Bereich synthetisiert. Die Reaktion dieser Gele auf Änderung des einwirkenden Stimulus war jedoch nicht schnell genug für die gewünschten Anwendungen in Mikroventilen. Die verwendeten Polymere waren statistische Copolymere aus einem Chromophor (DMIAAm) und einem sensitiven Monomer (NIPAAm) und wiesen daher sehr breite Molmassenverteilungen auf. Mit Hilfe des Chromophores wurde es möglich, Hydrogele im Submikrometerbereich zu synthetisieren. Bei der Vernetzung dieser Polymere mit UVBestrahlung musste immer ein Tensid (SDS) zugesetzt werden, um die Bildung kleiner Aggregate zu unterstützen und gleichzeitig die Bildung großer zu unterdrücken. Ein solches Tensid kann die Anwendung dieser Hydrogele in bestimmten Bereichen, wie in der Medizin, verhindern. Es sollen daher tensidfrei Hydrogele synthetisiert werden. Für die Vernetzung sollte auf die photochemische Variante mit DMIAAm als Chromophor zurückgegriffen werden. Als Ausgangspolymere wären Di- bzw. Triblockcopolymere denkbar, die in wässriger Lösung zu einer Mizellbildung neigen. Aus den oben genannten Problemen ergab sich die folgende Zielstellung für die Arbeit. Es sollten sensitive Hydrogelpartikel erzeugt werden, die in der Lage sind, schnell auf eine Änderung der Temperatur zu reagieren. Eine kurze Reaktionszeit ist nur von Gelpartikeln mit kleinen Dimensionen im nm-Bereich zu erwarten. Weiterhin sollen diese Partikel mit einer Hülle umgeben werden, die für eine Stabilisierung sorgt und die Bildung größerer Aggregate unterbindet. Die Hülle muss so beschaffen sein, dass die Volumenänderung des sensitiven Blocks nicht beeinflusst wird. In dieser Dissertation wurde die kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisation von Acrylaten und Acrylamiden untersucht. Als Methode kam die Reversible-Addition-Fragmentation-chain-Transfer (RAFT) Polymerisation zum Einsatz. Die RAFT wurde gewählt, weil diese im Gegensatz zur ATRP metallionenfrei verläuft und die NMRP nicht für Acrylate geeignet ist. Bei den RAFT-Polymerisationen der verschiedenen Monomere wurden vier unterschiedliche Kettenüberträger verwendet (Schema 33) und folgende Ergebnisse erhalten. Als Lösungsmittel kam 1,4-Dioxan in den Polymerisationen zum Einsatz.
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Settlement Of Piled Rafts: A Critical Review Of The Case Histories And Calculation MethodsSaglam, Neslihan 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, settlement analysis of pile groups by hand calculation
methods were investigated. Settlement ratio, equivalent pier, and equivalent raft
methods were studied. Variations in some of the calculation methods were noted,
and some suggestions were given.
More than thirty piled raft foundation case histories whose foundation
and soil properties known have been found. The settlement of piled foundation in
each case was solved by these methods. Results obtained from the calculations
following different methods were presented for each case in the form of tables and
graphs. Measured and calculated values were compared by making use of graphs
and tables. Effect of type of piles was shown.
It was tried to find out that which method is suitable under different
conditions. In conclusion, suggestions for methods and calculation procedures
were given.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de glycopolymères à base d'oligoalginates en milieu aqueux / Synthesis and characterization of oligoalginate derived glycopolymers in aqueous solutionGhadban, Ali 20 January 2012 (has links)
La synthèse de glycomonomères à base d'oligoalginate (AlgiMERs) et leur polymérisations conventionnelles et RAFT en solution aqueuse ont été étudiés. Premièrement, l'oligoalginates de départ ont été transformés soit dans le glycosylamines correspondant ou en amino alditols (via une amination réductrice). A cette étape, l'optimisation des protocoles d'amination ont été identifiées par la réalisation d'une étude systématique sur un simple acide uronique (acide D-glucuronique). Deuxièmement, les sucres aminés ont été obtenus a réagi avec une électrophile portant un groupe vinyle polymérisable à céder AlgiMERs. Le glycomonomères résultant n'a pas homopolymérisé même en haute force ionique et pour temps de réaction longs, mais leur copolymérisations radicalaire conventionnelles avec N-(2-hydroxyéthyl)méthacrylamide (HEMAm) donne de glycopolymères avec de haute mass molaires (Mw ≈ 1.500.000 Da) contenant jusqu'à 50% en masse de oligoalginate. Une étude cinétique a confirmé que la consommation des deux monomères suivi une cinétique de premier ordre et que les AlgiMERs ont été intégrées tôt dans le processus de polymérisation. Basé sur ces résultats, l'enquête a été étendue à la copolymérisation radicalaire vivante en milieu aqueuse et glycopolymères gradient bien définies ont été obtenues (Mn = 12 000 Da - 90 000 Da; PDI ≤ 1,20). Enfin, j'ai pu prouver qu'un polymère synthétique portant des résidus d'oligo (1→4)-α-L-guluronan conduit des gels en présence d'ions Ca2+ et offre un hydrogel transparent et stable. / The synthesis of oligoalginate derived glycomonomers (AlgiMERs) and their conventional and Reversible Addition Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations in aqueous solution were investigated. Firstly, the starting oligoalginates were transformed either into the corresponding glycosylamines or into amino-alditols (via reductive amination). At this stage, optimized amination protocols were identified by carrying out a systematic study on a simpler uronic acid (D-glucuronic acid). Secondly, the obtained amino sugars were reacted with an electrophile bearing a polymerisable vinyl group to yield AlgiMERs. The resulting glycomonomers did not homopolymerize even in high ionic strength and for long reaction times, but their conventional free radical copolymerization with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylamide (HEMAm) led to high molecular weight glycopolymers (Mw ≈ 1.500.000 Da) containing up to 50 % by mass of oligoalginate. A kinetic study confirmed that the consumption of both monomers followed a first order kinetic and that oligoalginate-derived monomers were incorporated early on in the polymerization process. Based on these results, the investigation was extended to the living radical copolymerization in aqueous solution and well defined gradient glycopolymers were obtained (Mn = 12 000 Da – 90 000 Da; PDI ≤ 1.20). Finally, I could prove that a synthetic polymer carrying oligo(1→4)-α-L-guluronan residues gels in the presence of Ca2+ ions and affords a transparent and stable hydrogel.
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Síntese de macro-agentes de transferência de cadeia do tipo PEO-RAFT e sua utilização na polimerização em miniemulsão do estireno / Synthesis of macro-RAFT chain transfer agents and its use in the estirene miniemulsion polimerizationFabio Henrique Franco 26 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, dois macro-agentes de transferência de cadeia para polimerizações via RAFT, à base de poli(óxido de etileno), isto é, PEO-CPADB e PEO-CPP, foram sintetizados via duas rotas químicas e utilizados como estabilizantes coloidais e como agentes de controle de massa molecular na polimerização em miniemulsão do estireno. Látices de poliestireno (PS), estabilizados estericamente pelos segmentos de PEO, foram obtidos utilizando 2,2\'-azobis(isobutironitrila) como iniciador e hexadecano como co-estabilizador. O consumo de monômero foi determinado via análise gravimétrica. O tamanho de partícula e a distribuição de tamanhos de partículas (PSD) foram determinados por espalhamento de luz (LS). As massas moleculares e a distribuição de massas moleculares (nwMM) dos polímeros foram determinadas por cromatografia de exclusão de tamanho (SEC). Os resultados mostraram que o diâmetro das gotas e das partículas de polímero, assim como a estabilidade coloidal dos látices são fortemente dependentes do tipo e da quantidade de agente de transferência de cadeia utilizado nas polimerizações. Deslocamentos das curvas de distribuição de massas moleculares para massas moleculares maiores, em função da conversão, indicaram que a maioria das cadeias poliméricas apresentava características de cadeias vivas. Análises de GPC também mostraram que a polimerização foi bem controlada quando uma quantidade do macro-agente RAFT PEO-CPP, igual a 4,4 x 10-3 mol.L-1 foi utilizada, o que foi indicado pelo baixos índices de polidispersão obtidos (1,05-1,42). / In this work, two poly(ethylene oxide)-based macro-RAFT agents, ie, PEO-CPADB and PEO-CPP, were synthesized via two chemical routes and used as a stabilizer and a control agent in the miniemulsion polymerization of styrene. Polystyrene (PS) latexes sterically stabilized by the PEO segments were obtained using 2,2?-azobis(isobutyronitrile) as initiator and hexadecane as co-stabilizer. Monomer consumption was monitored by gravimetric analysis. The latex particle size and the particle size distribution (PSD) were measured by light scattering (LS). Molar masses and molar mass distributions (nwMM) of the polymers were determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results showed that the droplet/particle sizes and the latexes stability are strongly dependent on the type and on the amount of macro-RAFT agent used in the polymerizations. Shifts of the SEC chromatograms toward higher molar masses with conversion indicated that the majority of the polymer chains are living chains. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) analysis also showed that polymerization was well controlled when an amount of macro-RAFT PEO-RAFT agent equal to 4.4 x 10-3 mol. L-1 was used, since low polidispersity indices (1.05-1.42) was achieved.
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Efeito dos ácidos graxos sobre a via de sinalização da interleucina-2 em linfócitos humanos. / Regulation of IL-2 signaling by fatty acids in human lymphocytes.Renata Gorjão 19 May 2008 (has links)
Neste estudo investigamos os efeitos dos ácidos graxos sobre a função e sinalização intracelular de linfócitos humanos. Os ácidos oléico (OA) e linoléico (LA), em baixas concentrações, estimularam a proliferação celular induzida pela IL-2 através do aumento da fosforilação da proteína PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z que levou a um aumento da fosforilação de ERK 1/2. Já os ácidos palmítico (PA), esteárico (SA), DHA e EPA diminuíram a proliferação destas células e inibiram a fosforilação de JAK1 e 3, STAT5, ERK e Akt. Os resultados obtidos são sugestivos de que o efeito inibitório promovido por PA, SA, DHA e EPA sobre a proliferação de linfócitos ocorreu devido à diminuição da fosforilação de proteínas fundamentais para a proliferação celular. Por outro lado, OA e LA estimularam a proliferação de linfócitos aumentando a fosforilação de ERK 1/2 através da ativação de PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z, efeito dependente da PI3K. O efeito inibitório promovido pelo DHA está associado a uma alteração na quantidade de lipid rafts na membrana plasmática nos quais o receptor de IL-2 está localizado. / The effect of fatty acids (FA) on interleukin -2 (IL-2) signaling pathway in human lymphocytes was investigated. Docosahexaenoic (DHA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), palmitic (PA) and stearic (SA) acids decreased lymphocyte proliferation in concentrations above 50 <font face=\"symbol\">mM. However, oleic (OA) and linoleic (LA) acids increase lymphocyte proliferation at 25 <font face=\"symbol\">mM. PA, SA, DHA and EPA decreased JAK 1, JAK 3, STAT 5 and AKT phosphorylation induced by IL-2 but OA and LA did not cause any effect. OA and LA increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation whereas the other FA caused a marked decrease. PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z phosphorylation was decreased by OA and LA only. In conclusion, the inhibitory effect of PA, SA, DHA and EPA on lymphocyte proliferation observed in our previous study was due to a decrease in protein phosphorylation activated by IL-2. Probably, OA and LA stimulated lymphocyte proliferation by increasing ERK 1/2 phosphorylation throught PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z activation. The inhibition of JAK 1, JAK3, STAT 5, ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation caused by DHA is associated to a decrease in membrane lipid rafts contend.
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Obtenção de nanopartículas sensíveis a temperatura e pH a partir de copolímeros em bloco constituídos de poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) e poli(n-isopropilacrilamida-co-ácido acrílico) sintetizado via RAFT visando aplicação em enc / Preparation of thermo and pH responsive nanoparticles composed of block copolymers of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBHV) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAAmAA) synthesized via RAFT and its application in encapsulation and drug deliveryAdriano Marim de Oliveira 28 August 2008 (has links)
Recentemente, utilizando a técnica de auto-agregação (\"self-assembly\") foi possível visualizar a possibilidade de se obterem estruturas de tamanhos nanométricos de maneira rápida, em poucas etapas sintéticas e por meio de simples atrações físicas entre as macrocadeias, simulando as interações dos peptídeos nas proteínas. A principal característica desta técnica baseia-se na estrutura química dos polímeros sintéticos que permite o processo de autoagregação somente com interações físicas entre as macrocadeias (sem ligações covalentes). Por meio desta técnica é possível obter, com eficiência e rapidez, estruturas nanométricas que seriam de difícil obtenção por técnicas convencionais.O objetivo principal desta tese foi estudar uma rota química para a síntese de copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos e a preparação de nanopartículas sensíveis à variação de temperatura e pH, pelo método de auto-agregação. Para isso, copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos foram sintetizados utilizando como segmento hidrofóbico o Poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBHV) e como segmento hidrofílico foram utilizados a Poli(N-isopropilacrilamida) (PNIPAAm) e Poli(N-isopropilacrilamida-co-ácido acrílico) (PNIPAAmAA). Estes polímeros chamados \"inteligentes\" foram sintetizados pelo novo mecanismo de polimerização radicalar controlada, por transferência de cadeia, via fragmentação e adição reversíveis (RAFT). Essas nanopartículas termo-pH-sensíveis foram empregadas nos estudos de liberação controlada de um ativo modelo, o acetato de dexametasona, sob condições controladas de temperatura e pH. Com os resultados obtidos nesta tese foi possível identificar uma rota química de síntese de copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos sensíveis a temperatura e pH, utilizando-se de reações de acoplamento entre um polímero biodegradável, obtido de fontes renováveis, e polímeros \"inteligentes\". Foi possível demonstrar também, a viabilidade de utilização destes copolímeros anfifílicos na preparação de nanopartículas pela técnica de auto-agregação, o emprego deste sistema na encapsulação e a liberação controlada de um ativo modelo em função de variações de temperatura e pH. / Recently, the self-assembly technique provided an efficient and rapid pathway for obtaining nanometers structures in a nanometer scale using few steps of reactions and by means of simple physical attractions among macro chains, simulating the folding of peptide segments in proteins. The main characteristic of this technique is based on the chemical structure of the synthetic polymers which allow the self degradation process only with physical interactions between the macro chains (without covalent bonds). By the utilization of this technique is possible to obtain, easily and efficiently, nanometers structures, which would be difficult to be obtained by conventional techniques. The aim of this work was to study a chemical route for designing amphiphilic block copolymers and nanoparticles that exhibit thermo and pH responsive by means of self-assembly method. For this purpose, amphiphilic block copolymers were synthesized using as hydrophobic segment Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBHV) and as hydrophilic segments, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAAmAA). The hydrophilic polymers, called \"smart\" polymers were synthesized by a new mechanism of controlled radical polymerization, the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT). These nanoparticles sensitive to temperature and pH were utilized in a drug delivery system of a model drug, the Dexametasone acetate (DexAc) under controlled environment of temperature and pH. The results allowed identifying a chemical route for the synthesis of stimuli-responsive amphiphilic block copolymers by means of coupling reactions of a biodegradable polymer obtained from renewable resources with smart polymers. It was also possible to demonstrate the possibility of utilization of these amphiphilic copolymers in the preparation of nanoparticles by self-assembly technique as well as the utilization of this system in the encapsulation and in the drug delivery of a model drug with variation of temperature and pH.
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Synthesis and mechanical properties of elastomers made by sequential-IPNs / Synthèses et propriétés mécaniques d'élastomères produites par séquence-IPNSLimpanichpakdee, Thitima 14 November 2017 (has links)
Récemment, une nouvelle technique pour renforcer les élastomères acryliques non chargés a été développée. L'élastomère a été préparé par séquences de gonflement par du monomère acrylique et polymérisation radicalaire en faisant des réseaux interpénétrés. Le prétirement des chaines du premier réseau créent des liaisons sacrificielles qui améliorent de manière significative les propriétés mécaniques de l’élastomère sans modifier sa Tg. Il est donc intéressant d’étendre cette méthode à d’autres familles d’élastomères. Ainsi, dans cette étude, la stratégie des réseaux interpénétrés a été appliquée à deux matériaux intéressants. Premièrement, un élastomère silicone a été synthétisé en utilisant une polymérisation par polycondensation par réaction d'hydrosilylation qui est significativement différente de la polymérisation utilisée pour les réseaux acryliques. Les réseaux multiples ont été ensuite synthétisés en gonflant ce réseau avec des précurseurs de petite masse et un faible pourcentage de réticulant D4H. Ces réseaux multiples en silicone ont les propriétés d’un élastomère classique, avec une énergie de rupture améliorée d’environ 100%. Deuxièmement, des particules coeur-ecorce formés de copolymères dibloc amphiphiles de poly(acide acrylique)-b-poly(acrylate de n-butyle) ou PAA-b-PBA ont été synthétisés par auto-assemblage simultané par polymérisation RAFT et préparés sous la forme de films. Ensuite, les films ont été utilisés comme des charges polymères en poly (acrylate de butyle) en utilisant une technique de réseau interpénétrés multiples. Nous avons réussi pour la première fois à renforcer l'élastomère par des particules de latex. Grâce à cette stratégie d'interpénétration qui distribue des particules de latex de manière très homogène dans l’élastomère, les films interpénétrés montrent de bonnes caractéristiques mécaniques, une résistance à la fracture et une ténacité extrêmement élevées en utilisant moins de 1% de PAA vitreux et pas de réticulant ajouté dans la particule renforçante. / Recently, a new technique to reinforce unfilled acrylic elastomers has been established. The elastomer was prepared by sequential free radical polymerization and swelling of acrylic monomers making interpenetrated networks. By introducing sacrificial bonds, the elastomer had significantly enhanced mechanical properties without changing the Tg of the material. We extended this method to two different elastomeric system to probe its generality. First, a silicone elastomer was synthesized by using polycondensation polymerization via a hydrosilylation reaction which is significantly different from the free radical polymerization used for acrylic networks. The multiple networks were synthesized by sequential swelling and polymerization steps with low molecular weight preducrosrs and a small amount of D4H crosslinker. The resulting silicone multiple networks were fully elastic elastomer with a mechanical toughness improved by about 100%. Second, core-shell latexes made of amphiphilic diblock copolymers Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) or PAA-b-PBA were synthesized by RAFT polymerization induced self-assembly and prepared into thin films. Different types of core-shell latexes and crosslinked latexes were synthesized and characterized both in the aqueous state and in the dry film state. The films were then used as a polymeric filler to a poly(butyl acrylate) by using the interpenetrated network technique. We succeeded for the first time to reinforce elastomers by latex particles. Thanks to interpenetrated networks strategy which distributed homogenously latex particles though the entire material, the interpenetrated films show extremely enhanced mechanical characteristics, fracture energy and toughness by using less than 1 % of glassy PAA content and no crosslinker in the reinforcing particles.
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Surfactant-free synthesis of magnetic latex particles / Synthèse de particules de latex magnétiques en l'absence de tensioactifLi, Keran 30 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse décrit l'élaboration de latex hybrides oxyde de fer (OF)/polymère par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. Des nanoparticules d'OF cationiques ont été tout d'abord synthétisées par co-précipitation de sels de fer dans l'eau. Des latex hybrides magnétiques ont été ensuite obtenus par deux voies de polymérisation. La première consiste en la synthèse de particules de latex de morphologie 'carapace' par polymérisation en émulsion Pickering du styrène et du méthacrylate de méthyle (MMA). Un comonomère auxiliaire (acide (méth)acrylique ou acide 2-acrylamido-2-méthyl-1-propane sulfonique) a été utilisé pour favoriser l'adsorption des OF à la surface des particules de polymère produites. Les analyses par MET indiquent la présence d'OF à la surface des particules de polymère (structure carapace). L'analyse thermogravimétrique a permis de quantifier l'efficacité d'incorporation des OF, i.e. la fraction d'OF initialement introduits effectivement adsorbés à la surface des particules. L'efficacité d'incorporation augmente avec la quantité de comonomère auxiliaire, le pH et la concentration en OF et dépend de la nature du monomère hydrophobe. Dans la deuxième voie, les OF ont été encapsulés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT) en émulsion aqueuse. La stratégie utilisée repose sur l'utilisation de macroagents RAFT amphiphiles comportant des groupements acide carboxylique connus pour interagir avec la surface des OF. L'interaction entre les macroRAFTs et les OF a été étudiée à travers le tracé de l'isotherme d'adsorption. Des analyses SAXS et DLS indiquent la formation de clusters d'oxyde de fer. Ces derniers ont été ensuite engagés dans la polymérisation en émulsion du styrène ou d'un mélange de MMA et d'ABu (ratio massique : 90/10) pour former une écorce de polymère à leur surface. Les particules carapace et les OF encapsulés affichent un comportement superparamagnétique / This work describes the elaboration of polymer/iron oxide (IO) hybrid latexes through surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Cationic iron oxide nanoparticles stabilized by nitrate counterions were first synthesized by the co-precipitation of iron salts in water. Magnetic hybrid latexes were next obtained by two polymerization routes carried out in the presence of IO. The first route consists in the synthesis of polymer latexes armored with IO via Pickering emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) or styrene (St). An auxiliary comonomer (namely methacrylic acid, acrylic acid or 2-acrylamido-2-methy-1- propane sulfonic acid) was used to promote IO particle adhesion to the surface of the generated polymer particles. TEM showed the presence of IO at the surface of the polymer particles and the successful formation of IO-armored polymer particles. TGA was used to quantify the IO incorporation efficiency, which corresponds to the fraction of IO effectively located at the particle surface. The incorporation efficiency increased with increasing the amount of auxiliary comonomer, suspension pH and IO content or with increasing monomer hydrophobicity. In the second route, IO encapsulation was investigated via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated emulsion polymerization. The developed strategy relies on the use of water-soluble amphipathic macromolecular RAFT agents containing carboxylic acid groups, designed to interact with IO surface. The interaction between the macroRAFT agents and IO was investigated by the study of the adsorption isotherms. Both DLS and SAXS measurements indicated the formation of dense IO clusters. These clusters were then engaged in the emulsion polymerization of St or of MMA and nbutyl acrylate (90/10 wt/wt) to form a polymer shell at their surface. Both IO-armored latex particles and polymer-encapsulated clusters display a superparamagnetic behavior
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Synthesis of magnetic polymer nanoparticles using RAFT mediated miniemulsion polymerization in presence of amphiphilic ionic liquid as surfactantChakraborty, Sourav 24 March 2015 (has links)
Polymer magnetic composite (PMC) nanoparticles have gained a large attention due to their potential use in several biomedical applications from biomedical to engineering field. Among the different heterogeneous polymerization techniques that are generally used to prepare hybrid polymer particles, miniemulsion polymerization is proved to be an efficient one. The occurrence of preferential droplet nucleation in case of miniemulsion polymerization results in a 1:1 copy of monomer droplets to the polymer particles and such a mechanistic pathway offers a suitable environment for the preparation of hybrid polymer nanoparticles in the range between 50 to 500 nm.
The surfactant in miniemulsoin plays a significant role to stabilize the droplets/particles and also in the encapsulation of nanoparticles. In the present study, a new class of surfactant, called amphiphilic ionic liquid, has been employed in the field of miniemulsion. The amphiphilic ionic liquid has amazing ability to impart surface tunable characteristics to the polymer particles when present on the surface of the particles. Thus the aim of the present work is to synthesize polymer magnetic composite nanoparticles with good colloidal stability, high content of magnetic nanoparticles as well as the chance for further surface functionality. Such magnetic nanoparticles may find applications in various fields.
At first, the aim of the work was to establish a suitable recipe with ionic liquid as surfactant for the execution of miniemulsion polymerization. Monodisperse polystyrene nanoparticles were possible to be synthesized reproducibly. The established recipe was utilized to carry out the synthesis of PMC nanoparticles. Iron oxide (Fe3O4) was taken as magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) and it was hydrophobized with oleic acid to disperse in styrene. The concentration of feed MNP was varied to observe its influence on the characteristics of PMC nanoparticles. Stable dispersion of magnetic polystyrene particles was possible to be synthesized up to 8 wt% feed MNP. But feeding 12 wt% MNP resulted in the development of large amount of coagulum associated with instability in the dispersion. TGA investigation confirmed a significantly lower MNP content (8.2 wt%) of the composite compared to the feed amount. TEM investigation showed inhomogeneous distribution of MNP among polystyrene particles and agglomeration of MNP was observed on the surface of polystyrene particles.
Considering the inability of the single step miniemulsion polymerization for the preparation of high MNP content polymer particles, it was aimed to find a new strategy which can produce such material. Inspired from the affinity of carboxylic acid group towards the surface of MNP, it was aimed to synthesize carboxyl functionalized polystyrene which was expected to improve the interaction between polymer and magnetic nanoparticles. For this purpose, RAFT mediated miniemulsion polymerization was performed in presence of a carboxyl functionalized chain transfer agent (CTA). The colloidal stability was much better compared to the previous case of non-RAFT experiments. From a feed MNP of 8 wt%, a high final MNP content up to ~27 wt% could be achieved and all the dispersions were highly stable. The higher MNP content in the final composites compared to the feed ratio was a result of the low monomer conversion and could be adjusted by a proper tuning of AIBN to CTA mole ratio.
Another significant influence of the carboxyl functionalized CTA was observed on the morphology of the composite nanoparticles. The MNP were distributed homogeneously among the PS particles. Regarding the dispersion of MNP in the individual polystyrene particles, it was observed that higher amount of CTA resulted in a homogeneous dispersion of MNP whereas higher amount of initiator ended up producing asymmetric Janus like morphology.
Apart from that, due to the involvement of CTA in the polymerization, much lower molecular weight of the polystyrene chains was developed compared to the free radical process and the molecular weight distribution of PS in the composite nanoparticles became much narrower through the RAFT polymerization. Thus a relatively good control over the polymerization process was achieved through RAFT polymerization which was confirmed by a nearly linear increase of molecular weight (Mn) with time of polymerization and thus, monomer conversion.
In the recipe of miniemulsion, costabilizer plays an important role to retard monomer diffusion from smaller to larger droplets. Hexadecane, being the most frequently used costabilizer for miniemulsion, has been employed in this study so far. But its volatile nature restricts its utilization in several applications. For the replacement of hexadecane, a carboxyl functionalized polystyrene is employed as a costabilizer as well as a macro CTA in miniemulsoin polymerization of styrene. For this purpose, low molecular weight carboxyl bi-functionalized polystyrene (9000 g/mole) was synthesized by thermal bulk RAFT polymerization. The carboxylated polystyrene worked successfully as a costabilizer in miniemulsion and molecular weight investigation confirmed the integration of the carboxyl functionalized macro CTA into the developing polystyrene chain via RAFT polymerization. This strategy was employed successfully to synthesize stable dispersion of PMC nanoparticles with a reasonable content of MNP in the system. A homogeneous morphology was observed regarding the distribution of MNP among the polystyrene particles.
The strategy of using macro CTA as costabilizer can be utilized to synthesize various functional copolymers with control architecture without any added monomer and CTA in the system. Moreover, presence of functionality within the monomer droplets can be effective to encapsulate several nanomaterials using miniemulsion polymerization.
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