Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rahner"" "subject:"hahner""
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A noção de excessus em Tomás de Aquino (STh. q. 84, a. 7 ad 3) sobre a crítica de Cornelio Fabro a Karl RahnerSousa, Luis Carlos Silva de 30 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-30 / Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza / The aim of the thesis is to examine the notion of excessus in the Suma de Teologia (Ia, q. 84, a. 7 ad 3) by Thomas Aquinas, through Cornelius Fabro s critique of Karl Rahner. With the analysis of the notion of excessus we tackle the problem concerning the possibility knowing of God. The hypothesis we raised initially with Cornelio Fabro is that Rahner's interpretation of notion of excessus as anticipation (Vorgriff) does not preserve the transcendence of God. Karl Rahner's commitment to the anthropocentric change would distort the original meaning of excessus as an overtaking or transcendence, which comes from Dionysus, in the line of the "negative theology": the mediation of the transcendental subjectivity that would eventually immanentalize the esse of God in thought. It is not our intention to analyze, however, if Fabro s "principle of immanence" applies or not to Rahner, but only to certify that Rahner reinterprets Sto. Thomas. In fact, Fabro and Rahner part from different perspectives when they approach the text of Thomas Aquinas, the real "touchstone" of our investigation.We do not intend to examine whether Karl Rahner, in his own way (that is, with features including those that were not extracted from Thomas Aquinas text), in fact preserves the divine transcendence. From the historical point of view (which is ours), Fabro is right to stress that the notion of excessus in Thomas Aquinas comes from Dionysus, but it is wrong not to recognize the legitimate role that the negative judgement exerts on the nonquiddidative knowledge of God. We conclude with a critique of the critique of Fabro, because, in criticizing what he understands by pseudo-Thomism in Rahner, he eventually affects Thomas Aquinas himself / O objetivo da tese consiste em analisar a noção de excessus na Suma de Teologia (Ia,
q. 84, a. 7 ad 3) de Tomás de Aquino, através da crítica de Cornélio Fabro a Karl Rahner. O
problema de fundo se refere à possibilidade do conhecimento de Deus. Argumentamos que a
noção de excessus como ultrapassamento ou transcendência em Tomás de Aquino provém de
Dionísio, na linha da tradição da teologia negativa . A hipótese que levantamos, inicialmente
com Cornelio Fabro, é a de que o repensamento da noção de excessus como antecipação
(Vorgriff), tal como Rahner a interpreta, não preservaria a transcendência de Deus. O
compromisso de Karl Rahner com a reviravolta antropocêntrica deturparia o sentido original
de excessus como transcendência, porque a mediação da subjetividade transcendental acabaria
por imanentizar o esse de Deus no pensar. Não é nossa intenção analisar, porém, se o
princípio de imanência , proposto por Fabro, se aplica ou não a Rahner, mas apenas
constatar que Rahner reinterpreta Sto. Tomás. Na verdade, Fabro e Rahner partem de
perspectivas diferentes quando se aproximam do texto de Tomás de Aquino, a pedra de
toque da nossa investigação. Não pretendemos examinar se Karl Rahner, a seu modo (isto é,
com recursos inclusive não extraídos do texto de Tomás de Aquino), de fato preserva a
transcendência divina. Do ponto de vista histórico (que é o nosso), Fabro tem razão em
acentuar que a noção de excessus em Tomás de Aquino provém de Dionísio, mas está
equivocado por não reconhecer o papel legítimo que o juízo negativo exerce no conhecimento
não-quididativo de Deus. Concluímos com uma crítica à crítica de Fabro, porque, ao criticar o
que ele entende por pseudo-tomismo em Rahner, acaba por atingir o próprio Tomás de
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O ser humano em Karl Rahner : do transcendental ao pessoalTrevisol, Vilson 28 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Questa dissertazione si propone di effettuare uno studio antropologico in teologia alla
luce del pensiero di Karl Rahner. Appropriandosi del metodo trascendentale, questo autore ha
portato alla teologia fondamentale e alla Rivelazione cristiana un profondo incontro tra Dio e
l essere umano. Tuttavia, il suo punto di partenza non ? la Rivelazione in s?, ma la persona
umana come soggeto trascendentale libero e aperto all autocomunicazione di Dio, costruendo
cos? una teologia partendo dal essere umano. ? una svolta che non tradisce la Rivelazione
divina, al rovescio, la reafirma come uno dei fatti pi? presente nel quotidiano della persona, in
cui la manifesta come essere storico e finito, ma capace di aprirsi alla trascendenza divina.
Pertanto, lo scopo di questa dissertazione ? dimostrare questa dimensione metafisica
trascendentale dall essere umano, insieme alla sua dimensione storica e concreta nel mondo.
La metodologia ? bibliografica, in cui si utilizzer? come testo centrale H?rer des Wortes nella
traduzione spagnola (Oyente de la Palabra) assistito dal Corso fondamentale della fede e
Esp?ritu en el Mundo con l aiuto di scritti di altri autori. Approfondendo il pensiero di Rahner
in queste opere, si ha potudo arrivare all'essenza trascendentale della persona umana come
essere verso l'Assoluto. Dunque, l'essere umano ? un'ente concreto di esperienza e di vita
mondana, uno spirito finito, ma che possiede una struttura apri?rica infinita che supera questa
dimensione e che lo porta a una apertura a Dio. Si pu? concludere, quindi, che la Rivelazione
gratuita di Dio nella storia dell umanit? pu? essere assunta pienamente e sentita come Parola
divina per l essere umano perch?, pur essendo un essere concreto ed storico, possiede la
trascendentalit?. / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo fazer um estudo antropol?gico na teologia ? luz do pensamento de Karl Rahner. Apropriando-se do m?todo transcendental, este autor trouxe para a teologia fundamental e para a Revela??o crist? um profundo encontro entre Deus e o ser humano. Entretanto, seu ponto de partida n?o ? a Revela??o em si, mas a pessoa humana como sujeito transcendental livre e aberto ? autocomunica??o de Deus, construindo, assim, uma teologia partindo do ser humano. ? uma reviravolta que n?o trai a Revela??o divina, ao contr?rio a reafirma como um dos fatos mais presentes no cotidiano da pessoa, manifestando-a como ser hist?rico e finito, mas capaz de abrir-se ? transcend?ncia divina. Sendo assim, a finalidade da disserta??o ? demonstrar esta dimens?o metaf?sica transcendental do ser humano, junto com sua dimens?o hist?rica e concreta no mundo. A metodologia ? bibliogr?fica, tendo como texto guia a obra H?rer des Wortes, na tradu??o espanhola (Oyente de la Palabra), assessorada pelo Curso Fundamental da F? e Esp?ritu en el Mundo, ao lado de coment?rios de outros autores. Aprofundando o pensamento de Rahner nestas obras, chegou-se ? ess?ncia transcendental da pessoa humana como Ser direcionado ao Absoluto. Ou seja, o ser humano ? um ente concreto de experi?ncia e viv?ncia mundanas, um esp?rito finito, mas possuidor de uma estrutura apri?rica infinita que ultrapassa esta dimens?o, possibilitando-o ? abertura a Deus. Conclui-se, portanto, que a livre Revela??o de Deus, na hist?ria da humanidade, pode ser plenamente assumida e ouvida como Palavra divina pelo ser humano porque, mesmo sendo um ser concreto e hist?rico, possui a transcendentalidade.
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Jesús : Cristo universal. La unicidad y la universalidad de Jesucristo en la cristología contemporánea / Jésus : Christ universel. L'unicité et de l'universalité de Jésus-Christ dans la christologie contemporaineBobadilla Cruz, Marcos David 20 March 2006 (has links)
La présente dissertation se propose d'étudier la problématique de l'unicité et de l'universalité de Jésus-Christ dans la christologie contemporaine. Le choix de ce thème a été motivé par le fait que pendant ces dernières années la confrontation avec le pluralisme culturel et religieux a conduit la théologie chrétienne à réfléchir de manière nouvelle sur cette question. Elle porte sur le christianisme en tant qu'il a pour spécificité de rendre témoignage à un homme confessé comme le Fils unique de Dieu et le Sauveur de tous les hommes. Dans ce sens, la finalité de notre recherche est de montrer la signification et la portée de l'affirmation de Jésus-Christ comme unique Médiateur de notre salut, et ce dans le cadre de la théologie fondamentale et en particulier de la christologie. Bien que cette doctrine ait été toujours et soit encore une pierre d'achoppement pour ceux qui ne partagent pas notre foi, elle représente pour la tradition chrétienne plus qu'une croyance centrale, elle est vue comme le fondement même de la foi.
Pour montrer la pertinence du sujet traité, ainsi que les chemins à suivre afin de proposer de nouvelles perspectives pour la réflexion théologique, notre point de départ est l'analyse du phénomène de la multiplication des modèles interprétatifs concernant le rapport entre le christianisme et les autres religions. Les recherches menées par Peter Schineller, Joseph Gelot, Paul Knitter, Camil Ménard et Jacques Dupuis dans ce domaine, nous ont permis de nous familiariser avec le vocabulaire utilisé dans la discussion (exclusivisme, inclusivisme, pluralisme, etc.) et de percevoir les possibles relations entre les modèles proposés. Du point de vue de notre travail, ces analyses montrent d'une part que la question christologique se trouve au cœur du débat, et d'autre part que l'enjeu de celui-ci se situe dans la manière dont les théologiens cités comme représentants de chaque modèle, chacun à partir de ses propres présupposés, traitent la question de l'unicité et de l'universalité du Christ. C'est cette double constatation qui nous a amené à choisir d'étudier la pensée de cinq théologiens contemporains: Karl Barth, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Edward Schillebeeckx, Karl Rahner et John Hick.
La partie conclusive de la thèse expose les perspectives christologiques qui se dégagent de la recherche. Elle offre une esquisse élaborée avec la conviction que la christologie ne se limite pas à offrir un répertoire d'opinions sur le Christ, mais qu'elle est une réflexion dynamique et attentive aux défis qui lui sont adressés. Notre étude conduit, d'une part, à une prise de distance critique vis-à-vis des modèles ou catégories qui sont proposés aujourd'hui pour expliquer la pluralité d'opinions concernant l'unicité et l'universalité de Jésus-Christ. Ils ont certainement une pertinence pédagogique, ensemble ils constituent une sorte de carte géographique qui offre des points de repères dans un terrain devenu assez complexe. Néanmoins cette «nouvelle vulgate», selon l'expression de G. Comeau, qui a fortement marqué les esprits, perd de sa pertinence lorsqu'elle est considérée comme l'exposé d'une «évolution naturelle» dans le débat.
D'autre part, l'examen de la théologie des auteurs permet d'identifier les présupposés christologiques qui doivent être pris en compte pour traiter la question de l'unicité et de l'universalité du Christ. Premièrement, l'universel concret, parce que la christologie est appelée à réfléchir sur les polarités dialectiques qui caractérisent le mystère: l'Absolu et le fini, l'Universel et le concret, l'humanité et la divinité; deuxièmement le christocentrisme, qui permet une révalorisation de l'histoire du salut comme horizon théologique propre de la place du Christ dans le projet de Dieu; enfin la relation entre personne et mission de Jésus-Christ, qui témoigne du tournant sotériologique opéré dans la christologie contemporaine et qui met en évidence la manière dont l'homme participe à la vie divine. Nous avons identifié aussi deux éléments qui caractérisent le Christ comme unique et universel: l'affirmation de Jésus-Christ comme Médiateur de la volonté salvifique universel de Dieu, et l'incarnation par laquelle s'exprime l'identité personnelle de Jésus.
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Karl Rahner and the Option of Grace in Freedom: A critical examination of Rahner's understanding of both fundamental option and virtue ethics and the link between them in the light of their classical antecedents and contemporary developments in moral theology, moral philosophy and fundamental theologyWarner, James Jonathan, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
1 Aim of this Thesis. The aim of this thesis is to critically examine the understanding of the relationship between fundamental option and virtue ethics in the work of Karl Rahner. This is done in the light of: both the classical heritage of virtue ethics and its contemporary recovery in post modernity: both the pre-history of the fundamental option and the contemporary issues of post modernity surrounding it. The work of Karl Rahner has been chosen as the subject of this thesis because, first, as the pre-eminent post-conciliar Catholic theologian, he developed the leading theory of fundamental option based on fundamental freedom, and second, as a self confessed Thomist, he also included virtue theory within his theology. These two traditions in moral theology, of virtue theory and fundamental option theory, have not only developed in relative mutual isolation (the former largely confined to the English speaking world, the latter a product of continental moral theology) but they have also been seen in some quarters as irreconcilable. This thesis uses the example of Karl Rahner to provide a bridgehead between these two distanced ethical theories. The example of the reconciliation of these two traditions in the work of Karl Rahner will be pursued in the setting of postmodernity. This provides the opportunity to assess the continuing significance of the theology of Karl Rahner. 2 The Scope of the Thesis. The thesis begins by stating the problem under examination, that is, that there has been no sustained analysis of the link between virtue ethics and fundamental option in the work of Karl Rahner (or any other contemporary moral theologian). The setting for this thesis topic is briefly considered. First, the setting of postmodernity is examined and then second, the profound impact of the Second Vatican Council on contemporary moral theology is examined, in particular with regard to the development of the perspective of moral agency. In order to establish the link between virtue ethics and fundamental option, an understanding of these two approaches per se is developed, beginning with the precursors of fundamental option (in particular, the approach of Aquinas) and then the recovery of virtue and its classical antecedents, (in particular, Aristotle and Aquinas). Both these concerns have been influenced by the shift in moral theory from moral act to moral agency, with a concern for the moral dimension of the psychology and communitarian perspective of the human person. Attention is also given to the role of passions and the hexis/habitus controversy in virtue theory insofar as they impinge on the understanding of freedom in fundamental option. This general setting of the history of Christian ethics is then given a narrower focus with the work of Karl Rahner. Various aspects of his thought are examined, in particular his intellectual heritage, his transcendental anthropology, and his perspectives on moral theology. The focus is narrowed further to particular components of his theology, viz. his understanding of fundamental option, fundamental freedom, Ignatian mysticism, supernatural existential, virtue ethics, theology of grace and metaphysics of knowledge. The Rahnerian understanding of virtue ethics and fundamental option is considered further with regard to the issues raised in the contemporary debate on these subjects. His metaphysics of knowledge is also considered in relation to the contemporary concern of virtue epistemology and the rediscovery of metaphysics. The link between fundamental option and virtue ethics in the work of Karl Rahner is examined with reference to antecedents in Aquinas et alii and contemporary minimalist approaches. 3 Conclusions. Despite the fact that there is no systematic treatment of either fundamental option or virtue ethics in the Foundations of Christian Faith (Rahner's most systematic work) and further, that Rahner seemed unaware of the recovery of virtue ethics, it has been possible to establish in Rahner's work a link between fundamental option and virtue. The link is explicitly embedded in an an obscure way in diverse works but it is more importantly and implicitly preeminently dependent on the theological virtues. For example, faith is the exercise of a fundamental option for or against God, not a process of categorical choice or habit, but a state of fundamental freedom. What stands behind the exercise of faith, and the other theological virtues of hope and love are all the components of his transcendental anthropology, viz. fundamental freedom, supernatural existential, grace and metaphysic of knowledge. They all have as their terminus the virtue of faith, that is belief with absolute assent. Rahner also gives centrality to the virtues of hope and love. The three theological virtues are the three basic perfections of Christian existence which abide and last. They are interrelated, distinguishable yet possess a unity and condition one another. The theological virtues vis-a-vis the fundamental option are pre-eminent, have unity in diversity and are linked intimately with both the supernatural existential and fundamental option in grace and freedom. They are at the centre of Rahner's anthropology even if they are heavily camouflaged. They reflect Rahner's Thomist heritage, they lend themselves, via Rahner's metaphysic of knowledge, to a virtue epistemology, to a recovery of metaphysics and they contribute to a contemporary philosophical psychology in the setting of postmodernity and engagement with the leading concerns of postmodernism.
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Sünde - Freiheit - Endlichkeit christliche Sündentheologie im theologischen Diskurs der GegenwartKnop, Julia January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2005/06
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Anthropologie im Dialog das Menschenbild bei Carl Rogers und Karl Rahner im interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Psychologie und TheologieDeister, Bernhard January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Univ., Diss., 2006
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Verlust der Natur Studien zum theologischen Naturverhältnis bei Karl Rahner und Wolfhart PannenbergBoss, Günther January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Fribourg, Univ., Diss, 2005
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The development of the concept of the ecclesial nature of the sacraments from selected documents of Vatican II and through the writings of Karl Rahner, Edward J. Kilmartin and Louis-Marie ChauvetDoherty, Daniel J. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (S.T.L.)--Catholic University of America, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 164-170).
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Die evangelischen Räte : Strukturprinzip systematischer Theologie bei H.U. von Balthazar, K. Rahner, J.B. Metz und in der Theologie der Befreiung /Scheuer, Manfred, January 1990 (has links)
Diss.--Theologische Fakultät--Freiburg i. Br.--Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, 1989.
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The nature and grace controversy at the mid-century the contributions of Henri de Lubac and Karl Rahner /Hoang, Linh N. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, 1999. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 146-155).
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