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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corpos de funções algébricas sobre corpos finitos / Algebraic Function Fields over finite fields

Alex Freitas de Campos 22 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho é essencialmente sobre pontos racionais em curvas algébricas sobre corpos finitos ou, equivalentemente, lugares racionais em corpos de funções algébricas em uma variável sobre corpos finitos. O objetivo é a demonstração da existência de constantes aq e bq ∈ R> 0 tais que se g ≥ aq. N + bq, então existe uma curva sobre Fq de gênero g com N pontos racionais. / This work is essentially about rational points on algebraic curves over finite fields or, equivalently, rational places on algebraic function fields of one variable over finite fields. The aim is the proof of the existence of constants aq and bq ∈ R> 0 such that if g ≥ aq ∈ aq . N+bq then there exists a curve over Fq of genus g with N rational points.

The distribution of rational points on some projective varieties

Dehnert, Fabian 04 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Geometric and analytic methods for quadratic Chabauty

Hashimoto, Sachi 28 October 2022 (has links)
Let X be an Atkin-Lehner quotient of the modular curve X_0(N) whose Jacobian J_f is a simple quotient of J_0(N)^{new} over Q. We give analytic methods for determining the rational points of X using quadratic Chabauty by explicitly computing two p-adic Gross--Zagier formulas for the newform f of level N and weight 2 associated with J_f when f has analytic rank 1. Combining results of Gross-Zagier and Waldspurger, one knows that for certain imaginary quadratic fields K, there exists a Heegner divisor in J_0(N)(K) whose image is finite index in J_f(Q) under the action of Hecke. We give an algorithm to compute the special value of the anticyclotomic p-adic L-function of f constructed by Bertolini, Darmon, and Prasanna, assuming some hypotheses on the prime p and on K. This value is proportional to the logarithm of the Heegner divisor on J_f with respect to the differential form f dq/q. We also compute the p-adic height of the Heegner divisor on J_f using a p-adic Gross-Zagier formula of Perrin-Riou. Additionally, we give algorithms for the geometric quadratic Chabauty method of Edixhoven and Lido. Our algorithms describe how to translate their algebro-geometric method into calculations involving Coleman-Gross heights, logarithms, and divisor arithmetic. We achieve this by leveraging a map from the Poincaré biextension to the trivial biextension.

Systems of forms in many variables

Myerson, Simon L. Rydin January 2016 (has links)
We consider systems of polynomial equations and inequalities to be solved in integers. By applying the circle method, when the number of variables is large and the system is geometrically well-behaved we give an asymptotic estimate for the number of solutions of bounded size. In the case of R homogeneous equations having the same degree d, a classic theorem of Birch provides such an estimate provided the number of variables is R(R+1)(d-1)2<sup>d-1</sup>+R or greater and the system is nonsingular. In many cases this conclusion has been improved, but except in the case of diagonal equations the number of variables needed has always grown quadratically in R. We give a result requiring only d2<sup>d</sup>R+R variables, obtaining linear growth in R. When d = 2 or 3 we require only that the system be nonsingular; when d&LT;4 we require that the coefficients of the equations belong to a certain explicit Zariski open set. These conditions are satisfied for typical systems of equations, and can in principle be checked algorithmically for any particular system. We also give an asymptotic estimate for the number of solutions to R polynomial inequalities of degree d with real coefficients, in the same number of variables and satisfying the same geometric conditions as in our work on equations. Previously one needed the number of variables to grow super-exponentially in the degree d in order to show that a nontrivial solution exists.

Drinfeld Modular Curves With Many Rational Points Over Finite Fields

Cam, Vural 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In our study Fq denotes the finite field with q elements. It is interesting to construct curves of given genus over Fq with many Fq -rational points. Drinfeld modular curves can be used to construct that kind of curves over Fq . In this study we will use reductions of the Drinfeld modular curves X_{0} (n) to obtain curves over finite fields with many rational points. The main idea is to divide the Drinfeld modular curves by an Atkin-Lehner involution which has many fixed points to obtain a quotient with a better #{rational points} /genus ratio. If we divide the Drinfeld modular curve X_{0} (n) by an involution W, then the number of rational points of the quotient curve WX_{0} (n) is not less than half of the original number. On the other hand, if this involution has many fixed points, then by the Hurwitz-Genus formula the genus of the curve WX_{0} (n) is much less than half of the g (X_{0}(n)).

Points algébriques de hauteur bornée / Algebraic points of bounded height

Le Rudulier, Cécile 31 October 2014 (has links)
L'étude de la répartition des points rationnels ou algébriques d'une variété algébrique selon leur hauteur est un problème classique de géométrie diophantienne. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéresserons au cardinal asymptotique de l'ensemble des points algébriques de degré fixé et de hauteur bornée d'une variété lisse de Fano définie sur un corps de nombres, lorsque la borne sur la hauteur tend vers l'infini. En particulier nous montrerons que cette question peut-être reliée à la conjecture de Batyrev-Manin-Peyre, c'est-à-dire le cas des points rationnels, sur un schéma de Hilbert ponctuel. Nous en déduisons ainsi la distribution des points algébriques de degré fixé d'une courbe rationnelle. Lorsque la variété de départ est une surface lisse de Fano, notre étude montre que les schémas de Hilbert associés fournissent, sous certaines conditions, de nouveaux contre-exemples à la conjecture de Batyrev-Manin-Peyre. Néanmoins, pour deux surfaces que nous étudions en détail, les schémas de Hilbert associés vérifient une version légèrement affaiblie de la conjecture de Batyrev-Manin-Peyre. / The study of the distribution of rational or algebraic points of an algebraic variety according to their height is a classic problem in Diophantine geometry. In this thesis, we will be interested in the asymptotic cardinality of the set of algebraic points of fixed degree and bounded height of a smooth Fano variety defined over a number field, when the bound on the height tends to infinity. In particular, we show that this can be connected to the Batyrev-Manin-Peyre conjecture, i.e. the case of rational points, on some ponctual Hilbert scheme. We thus deduce the distribution of algebraic points of fixed degree on a rational curve. When the variety is a smooth Fano surface, our study shows that the associated Hilbert schemes provide, under certain conditions, new counterexamples to the Batyrev-Manin-Peyre conjecture. However, in two cases detailed in this thesis, the associated Hilbert schemes satisfie a slightly weaker version of the Batyrev-Manin-Peyre conjecture.

Three topics in algebraic curves over finite fields / Três tópicos em curvas algébricas sobre corpos finitos

Coutinho, Mariana de Almeida Nery 14 March 2019 (has links)
In the present work is presented a brief data collection about the history of prime numbers and how this subject is shown in the new scenario brought by BNCC (Common Curricular National Base) . It was proved the Fundamental Arithmetic Theorem and it was presented two important ways to calculate that are the Congruence and the Fermet Theorem. It is given a teaching method and a differentiated material to be used in class. / Neste trabalho é apresentado um breve levantamento da história dos números primos e de que maneira o assunto acerca desses números aparecem no novo cenário trazido pela BNCC. Provamos o Teorema Fundamental da Aritmética e apresentamos duas ferramentas importantes de cálculo, que são as Congruências e o Pequeno Teorema de Fermat. Apresentamos ainda uma proposta didática e um material diferenciado para ser utilizado em sala de aula.

Contributions à l'étude cohomologique des points rationnels sur les variétés algébriques / Contributions to the cohomological study of rational points on algebraic varieties

Smeets, Arne 22 September 2014 (has links)
Le thème principal de cette thèse est l’interaction entre le “comportement” des points rationnels sur certaines classes de variétés définies sur des corps globaux et locaux, et la cohomologie de ces variétés.Dans la partie I, on étudie l’obstruction de Brauer-Manin à la validité des principes locaux-globaux (comme le principe de Hasse et l’approximation faible) qui vient du groupe de Brauer d’une variété. Dans certains cas, pour des fibrations en torseurs sous un tore constant défini sur un corps de nombres, on démontre que l’obstruction de Brauer-Manin est suffisante pour expliquer le défaut des principes locaux-globaux. On donne également des nouveaux examples de variétés pour lesquelles l’obstruction de Brauer-Manin et ses raffinements ne suffisent pas pour expliquer le défaut du principe de Hasse.Dans la partie II, on étudie la relation entre le volume rationnel d’une variété lisse, projective sur un corps strictement local, et la trace de l’opérateur de monodromie modérée sur la cohomologie étale de la variété. Ceci est motivé par un travail de Nicaise-Sebag sur une formule de traces pour l’invariant de Serre motivique, inspiré par la formule de Grothendieck-Lefschetz pour les variétés sur les corps fini. On utilise ici le formalisme de la géométrie logarithmique. / The main theme of this thesis is the interplay between the “behaviour” of the rational points on certain classes of algebraic varieties defined over global and local fields, andthe cohomology of these varieties. Part I studies the Brauer-Manin obstruction to the validity of local-global principles (such as the Hasse principle and weak approximation) coming from the Brauer groupof a variety. In some cases, for certain families of torsors under a constant torusdefined over a number field, we prove that the Brauer-Manin obstruction is sufficientto explain the failure of these local-global principles. We also give new examples of varieties for which the Brauer-Manin obstruction and its refinements are insufficientto explain the failure of the Hasse principle.In Part II, we investigate the relationship between the rational volume of a smooth, projective variety defined over a strictly local field, and the trace of the tame monodromy operator on the étale cohomology of this variety. The motivation is work of Nicaise–Sebag on a trace formula for the motivic Serre invariant, inspired by the Grothendieck–Lefschetz trace formula for varieties over finite fields. We study this relationship using the framework of logarithmic geometry.

Kreivės virš skaičių kūnų ir jų sveikųjų skaičių žiedų / Curves over number fields and their rings of integers

Zinevičius, Albertas 29 October 2013 (has links)
Disertaciją sudaro darbai, autoriaus atlikti 2006-2013 metais. Šiuos darbus jungianti tema yra algebrinių kreivių, apibrėžtų virš racionaliųjų skaičių, šeimos, einančios per taškus, kurių koordinatės priklauso duotam skaičių kūnui ar jo sveikųjų skaičių žiedui. Pirmoje disertacijos dalyje yra gaunama vidutinio mažo aukščio racionaliųjų taškų kiekio ant fiksuoto žanro hiperelipsinių kreivių asimptotika. Antroje dalyje šis rezultatas išplečiamas, apibūdinant vidutinį homogeninių daugianarių reikšmių taškuose, kurių koordinatės yra mažo aukščio tarpusavyje pirminiai skaičiai, sutampančių su duoto vieno kintamojo daugianario reikšmėmis sveikuosiuose taškuose, skaičių. Trečioje dalyje sukonstruojamos nedidelės kreivių, apibrėžtų virš racionaliųjų skaičių ir išvengiančių taškų, kurių koordinatės priklauso duotam skaičių kūnui, šeimos. Ketvirtoje dalyje nagrinėjamos kongruenčių skaičių kreivės. Įrodoma, kad bent pusė pirminių skaičių p, kurie lieka inertiški cikliniame skaičių kūne K, atitinka kreives 16p^2 = x^4 - y^2, neturinčias netrivialių taškų su koordinatėmis to kūno sveikųjų skaičių žiede. Paskutinėje dalyje iliustruojamas Gauso sveikųjų skaičių skaidymosi daugikliais vienatinumo taikymas įrodant, kad konkreti hiperelipsinė kreivė neturi taškų su sveikosiomis koordinatėmis. / In this document, the author collected his work that ranges through the years 2006-2013. The common theme that occurs in its five separate parts is that of families of algebraic curves defined over the rational numbers with points over a number field or over its ring of integers. In the first part, average number of rational points of small height on hyperelliptic curves of fixed genus is described. In the second part, this result is extended to describing how often, on average, values of homogeneous polynomials at pairs of small coprime integers are values of a given univariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Further, small families of curves that are defined over the rational numbers and do not have points over a given number field are constructed. In the subsequent part, congruent number curves are investigated. It is shown that, given a cyclic number field K, at least half of the prime numbers p that remain inert in K correspond to curves 16p^2 = x^4 - y^2 that do not have nontrivial points over the ring of integers of K. In the last part, a short exposition to a classical technique of showing that a particular curve does not have integral points is given.

Curves over number fields and their rings of integers / Kreivės virš skaičių kūnų ir jų sveikųjų skaičių žiedų

Zinevičius, Albertas 29 October 2013 (has links)
In this document, the author collected his work that ranges through the years 2006 - 2013. The common theme that occurs in its five parts is that of families of algebraic curves defined over the rational numbers with points over a number field or over its ring of integers. In the first part, average number of rational points of small height on hyperelliptic curves of fixed genus is described. In the second part, this result is extended to describing how often, on average, values of homogeneous polynomials at pairs of small coprime integers are values of a given univariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Further, small families of curves that are defined over the rational numbers and do not have points over a given number field are constructed. In the subsequent part, congruent number curves are investigated. It is shown that, given a cyclic number field K, at least half of the prime numbers p that remain inert in K correspond to curves 16p^2 = x^4 - y^2 that do not have nontrivial points over the ring of integers of K. In the last part, a short exposition to a classical technique of showing that a particular curve does not have integral points is given. / Disertaciją sudaro darbai, autoriaus atlikti 2006-2013 metais. Šiuos darbus jungianti tema yra algebrinių kreivių, apibrėžtų virš racionaliųjų skaičių, šeimos, einančios per taškus, kurių koordinatės priklauso duotam skaičių kūnui ar jo sveikųjų skaičių žiedui. Pirmoje disertacijos dalyje yra gaunama vidutinio mažo aukščio racionaliųjų taškų kiekio ant fiksuoto žanro hiperelipsinių kreivių asimptotika. Antroje dalyje šis rezultatas išplečiamas, apibūdinant vidutinį homogeninių daugianarių reikšmių taškuose, kurių koordinatės yra mažo aukščio tarpusavyje pirminiai skaičiai, sutampančių su duoto vieno kintamojo daugianario reikšmėmis sveikuosiuose taškuose, skaičių. Trečioje dalyje sukonstruojamos nedidelės kreivių, apibrėžtų virš racionaliųjų skaičių ir išvengiančių taškų, kurių koordinatės priklauso duotam skaičių kūnui, šeimos. Ketvirtoje dalyje nagrinėjamos kongruenčių skaičių kreivės. Įrodoma, kad bent pusė pirminių skaičių p, kurie lieka inertiški cikliniame skaičių kūne K, atitinka kreives 16p^2 = x^4 - y^2, neturinčias netrivialių taškų su koordinatėmis to kūno sveikųjų skaičių žiede. Paskutinėje dalyje iliustruojamas Gauso sveikųjų skaičių skaidymosi daugikliais vienatinumo taikymas įrodant, kad konkreti hiperelipsinė kreivė neturi taškų su sveikosiomis koordinatėmis.

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