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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zkušenosti klientely komerční sféry fitness center s látkami dopingového charakteru / Experiences of gym members with Performance Enhancing Drugs

Macho, Juraj January 2016 (has links)
Title: Experiences of gym members with Performance Enhancing Drugs. Objectives: The aim of the diploma work is to explore the prevalence of doping in two particular fitness centres, to specify the most used doping substances, frequency and form of using, way of acquiring and to define reasons leading gym members to using these substances. No less important goal of the work is to find out the most reported benefits resulting from using doping as well as the most reported negative side effects. Methods: The main method used in the research is a questionnaire survey that is divided into three sections. The goal of the survey is to assess aspects of using performance enhancement drugs amongst gym members. Results: We found that 8% of the respondents reported positive experience with anabolic steroids as well as 5,3% of the respondents with diuretics and 3,7% of the respondents reported that they have used growth hormones. The most common substances are nandrolone and stanozolole (53,3%) followed by oxandrolone and testosterone (46,7%). Except these doping substances respondents mentioned methandienone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, clenbuterol, dianabol and boldenone. Keywords: doping, anabolic steroids, attitudes, recreational athletes, performance enhancing drugs

Toward a Discourse on Recreational Colonialism: Critically Engaging the Haunted Spaces of Outdoor Recreation on the Colorado Plateau

Boggs, Kyle Gregory, Boggs, Kyle Gregory January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates the ways in which place-based belongings are constituted through outdoor recreation. By applying material-discursive theories of rhetoric to spaces of outdoor recreation on the Colorado Plateau such as the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort, rock climbing landscapes in the Navajo Nation, adventure mountain biking practices that trace a 19th century stagecoach route, and ultra running trails at Monument Valley on the Navajo Nation and on ancient trails that connect Hopi Villages, and elsewhere, I examine the affective relationships between those activities, landscapes, and cultures. Drawing on spatial and environmental rhetoric and critical theories of race, gender, and sexuality, I analyze affective investments in white settler colonialism to argue that such spaces are more than recreational. The framework I have developed to better explain such spaces, Recreational Colonialism, positions outdoor recreation as the new language of colonialism. Recreational Colonialism is both a discourse and a performance that-in many ways explored in this dissertation-connect outdoor recreational discourses to a trifecta of oppressions through which white settler colonialism depends: white supremacy, capitalism, and heteropatriarchy.

From the jungle : Iban performance practice, migration and identity : a practice-based PhD based on four-years of research, culminating in this thesis and a performance piece, 'From the jungle', May 2012

Masing, Anna Sulan January 2013 (has links)
This document provides an elaboration of the critical, contextual and methodological rationale for a practice‐based PhD research project undertaken at London Metropolitan University 2009-2013. This four‐year project was an exploration in identity, space and location. It looks at the transitions, journeys and stories of migrant women. Specifically this exploration has been developed through the language of the cultural practices of Iban women. The Iban are an indigenous group of people from Borneo, predominantly living within the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Significantly the Iban practices have migrated from the jungle, to urban areas, and globally, and inevitably the identity of these practices has developed as the locations have changed, much like the women performing them. My father is Iban and my mother white New Zealander, and I grew up in both Sarawak and New Zealand before coming to live in the UK in my 20s. My performance training has been within a Western context, both in New Zealand and the UK. This project has been a personal exploration, which has wider consequences in developing performance practice and understanding the discourses of home, belonging, migration and identity. This has led to questions around migrating Iban performance and cultural practices to a western contemporary context. These questions have been investigated through the cultural practices of the Iban pantun (chapter three), the Iban ngajat (chapter two), Iban weaving (chapter four) and the use of space in the Iban longhouse (chapter one). This project was an interdisciplinary investigation; in each chapter I pull together performance theory from western practitioners and post‐colonial feminist literature with the Iban performance practice. This project has asked the question: "Can Iban cultural and performance practices be ‘migrated’ to a contemporary western performance context in order to explore experiences of women’s migration?" My research question was central to the practice‐based research I conducted, the methodologies developed through practice as research, and are central to all the work covered in this thesis. Within this context the practice is submitted as an outcome alongside this written narrative. Additional details can be found on the website: www.fromthejungle.co.uk.

Propuesta de un modelo de negocio basado en la necesidad de seguridad y diversión para los hijos caninos creando un Club Spa – Mi hijo Canino / Spa Club “My dog son”

Vargas Vásquez, Víctor Francisco 29 April 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en demostrar que un negocio como un Club Spa para nuestras mascotas, específicamente perros, los cuales llamaremos hijos caninos para el presente trabajo, cubre una necesidad insatisfecha en el mercado actual y que además existen tendencias crecientes tanto en el mercado de mascotas como en el mercado de la tecnología, uso del celular, que hace aún más sentido en la creación de este Club Spa para hijos caninos. Este Club Spa está enfocado exclusivamente para caninos y logra diferenciarse de cualquier otro negocio similar teniendo claro su posicionamiento, el cual es diversión y seguridad para los hijos caninos. La idea es poder tener un local donde pueda brindarse diferentes tipos de servicios, desde los más usuales como: corte, baño y atención de veterinarios así como otros servicios diferentes que son un lugar de esparcimientos con juegos recreacionales y pequeñas piscinas pero además que si el dueño lo desea, pueda ofrecer servicios de adiestramiento, relajación y emparejamiento para sus hijos caninos. Todo esto apoyado de una App que se desarrollará, donde el dueño podrá ver en línea lo que su hijo canino está haciendo en el Club Spa pero además podrá adicionar algún servicio que no haya sido incluido en un inicio o algún tipo de comida extra que desee para su hijo canino y además podrá interactuar con nuestra marca, incluso pudiendo contactar con otros usuarios en caso quiera emparejar a su hijo canino. El análisis económico y evaluación financiera hecha para el presente trabajo de investigación nos muestran resultados interesantes, como un VAN positivo de S/. 1.7 millones de soles, una TIR de 87% además de un período de recuperación (año 2), lo cual nos muestra que es un proyecto viable y rentable que aprovecha la tendencia creciente del mercado por el cuidado y preocupación de su hijo canino. / The present research try to demonstrate that a business model like a Club Spa for dogs have identified an unmet need in the current market. There are also growing trends in both, dog market and the technology market, which makes even more sense in the develop of this Spa Club for dog son. This Club Spa focused exclusively for dogs, manages to differentiate itself from any other similar business with clear positioning, which is fun and safety for dog son. The idea is to have a place where different types of services can be offered, from the most usual ones such as: cutting, bathing and veterinary care as well as other different services that are a recreational place with recreational games and small swimming pools but also we can offer training, relaxation and matching services for their dog. All this supported by an App that we will develop where the owner can see online what his son is doing in the Club Spa, but he will also be able to add a service that has not been included in a start or any type of extra food that he wants for his dog son and also can interact with our brand, even being able to contact other users in case you want to match your dog son. The financial evaluation made in this research show intereseting results, such as a positive NPV (Net present Value) of S/. 1.7 millions and IRR (internal rate of return) of 87% and the recovery period is almost 2 years. This research, also shows us that it is a viable and profitable Project that takes advantage of the growing trend of the market due to the care and concern of their canine son. / Trabajo de investigación

"Modelagem espacial para atividades de visitação pública em áreas naturais". / GIS environmental modelling for recreational activities in protected areas

Siles, Maria Francisca Roncero 23 October 2003 (has links)
As atividades recreativas em áreas naturais são apresentadas como uma ferramenta capaz de conciliar desenvolvimento e conservação. Entretanto, a falta de um planejamento que leve em consideração os fatores relacionados com sua sustentabilidade pode ocasionar graves impactos tanto ecológicos como econômicos e sociais. No Brasil, onde as discussões sobre o assunto são muito recentes, existe falta de informações sistematizadas sobre as verdadeiras repercussões do uso recreativo e sobre a recuperação dos ambientes. Além da própria complexidade do assunto, existe uma outra dificuldade em razão da bibliografia específica, dispersa e nem sempre de fácil acesso. No presente trabalho é feita, no primeiro capítulo, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre: a natureza dos impactos; os fatores relacionados a sua ocorrência e à capacidade de carga do ambiente; os métodos de avaliação de impacto mais usados; e a experiência brasileira. Esta revisão forneceu a base teórica necessária para a elaboração do estudo de caso, visando discutir a sustentabilidade ecológica das atividades recreativas. No segundo capítulo foi realizado um estudo na antiga Fazenda Santa Carlota (SP),área de elevado potencial turístico. Para tanto, elaborou-se um zoneamento ecológico, em ambiente de SIG, sintetizando as fragilidades e as oportunidades. Para o Mapa de Fragilidades foram utilizadas as informações abióticas (pedologia,declividade, geomorfologia e clima) e bióticas (vegetação e fauna) relacionadas com a capacidade de carga para recreação (CCR) do ambiente. Para o Mapa de Oportunidades, foi feito um levantamento preliminar dos atrativos potenciais para a área de estudo. O resultado é o Mapa de Zoneamento Ecológico que classifica a fazenda em cinco zonas: três zonas propostas para o desenvolvimento de atividades recreativas, com níveis diferentes de fragilidade e potencialidade; uma de uso especial, onde está o patrimônio histórico; e uma zona de recuperação. Foi estimada a CCR, adaptando o método de Cifuentes (1992), para cada uma das três zonas destinadas para o uso. Os valores obtidos representam os limites máximos de uso que devem ser permitidos de forma a evitar a degradação dos recursos naturais. Estes valores não são absolutos e incorporam conhecimento científico e juízos de valor. A utilização do SIG mostrou-se adequada para o objetivo de zoneamento ecológico para fins recreativos. O método de CCR mostrou-se flexível e rápido. Porém, a CCR foi superestimada devido aos fatores importantes não incorporados por falta de dados específicos e à escala de trabalho. / Recreational activities in wildland areas are being considered a way to achieve development and protect the environment. However, without a planning program that considers the factors related to their sustainability, they can cause serious ecological, economic and social impacts. In Brazil, in spite of the recent concerns about recreational problems, there is a lack of systematic information about actual consequences of the recreational use and environmental restoration. It is very difficult to deal with the recreational sustainability, due to its complexity and to a dispersed and inaccessible specific bibliography. The first chapter of this work is a bibliography revision on: the nature of the impacts; the factors related to their occurrence and the environmental carrying capacity; the most useful methods of impact evaluation; and the Brazilian experiences. This revision supplied the theoretical base necessary for the elaboration of a study case that intended to discuss the ecological sustainability of recreational activities. The second chapter is a study about Fazenda Santa Carlota (SP), an area with a high touristic potential. A GIS was used to elaborate an ecological zoning, synthecizing fragilities and opportunities. Abiotic (pedology, slope, geomorfology and climate) and biotics informations (vegetation and wildlife) related with the recreational carrying capacity (RCC) have been used to elaborate the Map of Fragilities. For the Map of Opportunities, a preliminary survey of the attractive potentials for the study area was made. The result is the Map of Ecological Zoning that classifies the area in five zones: three zones that permit for the development of recreational activities, with different levels of fragility and potentiality; one zone of special use, where there is a historic site; and a restoration zone. The RCC was estimate, for each of the three recreational zones, using the Cifuentes method (1992). The values obtained represent the limits of acceptable change that could be allowed to prevent the degradation of the natural resources. These values are not absolute and involve scientific and judgmental considerations. The use of GIS revealed to be adequate for the objective of ecological zoning for recreationals objectives. The RCC method revealed to be flexible and fast. However, due to important factors not considered because of lack of specific data and due to the working scale, it overestimates the RCC.

Adiktologické programy v prostředí zábavy - současný stav, potřeby a bariéry dalšího rozvoje / Drug services in recreational setting - current situation, needs and barriers of further development

Jičinská, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Despite the fact that the prevalence of drug use in nightlife setngs is signifcantly higher than in the general populaton (EMCDDA, 2015), addictology services in these felds are not a priority in the Czech Republic - nor are they a conceptual and stable aspect of addicton care. The status of these programs is therefore usually fuctuatng and currently not well mapped. The aims of this research were: to describe the current situaton of addictology services within nightlife setngs in the Czech Republic; obtain basic data on the programs that currently operate in this context; describe provided interventons and their scope of reach; and provide an elementary overview of the nature of services and their limits or barriers of the further development. As a method of data collecton, a questonnaire was used among programs operatng in and around entertainment, as well as low-threshold programs in the Czech Republic. The study was conducted using the Computer-Assisted-Web-Interview (CAWI) method. The results show that there are 16 programs currently operatng within nightlife setngs. Most of them are primarily low-threshold harm reducton services for actve drug users. Actvites in this area are offered only sporadically and not prioritzed, which results in limited effectveness and obstacles to further...

Lugares de brincar na infância urbana : análise do ambiente e do comportamento infantil em áreas de lazer de edifícios residenciais multifamiliares em Porto Alegre-RS

Abreu, Camila Mayra Heck Maia de January 2016 (has links)
Neste estudo busca-se a compreensão de como projetar os lugares do brincar por meio da análise da relação entre o ambiente e o comportamento infantil em áreas de lazer de edifícios residenciais multifamiliares, que funcionam como a nova “rua” para o lazer das crianças, pois esta já foi um lugar do brincar. Hoje, com o crescimento das cidades, as pessoas diminuíram a sua apropriação do espaço público no cotidiano devido ao aumento da violência, à insegurança e à grande circulação de carros. Consequentemente, os pais não permitem que seus filhos brinquem na rua, ou seja, fora dos limites residenciais. Em decorrência deste contexto urbano e do aumento da área construída na cidade, aumentando o custo do solo urbano, que as casas vêm sendo substituídas por edificações verticais que, supostamente, oferecem maior segurança, muitas delas com área muito pequena nos apartamentos. À criança, como possibilidade de brincadeira livre e socialização, restam os espaços de lazer dos edifícios, que, habitualmente, funcionam como argumento de venda, parte de um processo de “placemarketing”. Os projetos atuais para o lazer infantil nos edifícios por vezes são compostos por elementos chamativos, lúdicos, muitas cores, e até um certo rebuscamento no sentido de enfeitar excessivamente, características que encantam e vendem, porque transmitem a sensação visual de um lugar aprazível para as crianças. Contudo, muitos estudiosos abordam outras características físicas positivas em espaços para este público. Esse estudo investigou esta questão, no intuito de compreender como os projetos de áreas de lazer de edifícios, e de lugares do brincar de modo geral, devem ser elaborados para atender as necessidades inerentes ao desenvolvimento da criança. Foi feito um estudo de caso nas áreas de lazer de um edifício e de em um condomínio vertical em Porto Alegre-RS, cada um de uma construtora e com características físicas diferentes. Foram observados os locais mais utilizados pelas crianças e os tipos de interação entre elas, o que evidenciou que há relação entre o ambiente e em como as crianças interagem entre si. / This study seeks to understand how to design the places of play through the analysis of the relationship between the environment and the behavior of children in recreational areas of multifamily residential buildings that act as the new "street" for children’s leisure, because this has been the place of playing children. Nowadays, with the growth of cities, people reduced their daily appropriation of public space due to increased violence, insecurity and widespread circulation of cars. Consequently, parents do not allow their children plays in the street, so outside the residential limits. Because of this urban context and the increase of the built area in the city, increasing the urban land cost, that the houses are being replaced by vertical buildings that supposedly offer greater security, many of these with a very small area in the apartments. To the child, as the possibility of free play and socialization, left leisure spaces of buildings, which generally work as a selling point, part of a process of "placemarketing". Current projects for children's play in buildings are sometimes composed of flashy elements, entertainment, many colors, characteristics that enchant and sell, because they transmit the visual sensation of a pleasant place for children. However, many scholars of child development approach other positive physical characteristics in spaces for this audience. This study investigated this issue in order to understand how buildings recreation areas projects must be designed to satisfy the necessities of child development, through the analysis of recreational area of a building and a vertical condominium in Porto Alegre-RS, each one of the buildings were built of different construction company and have different physical characteristics. The places were observed most frequently used by children and types of interaction between them, which showed that there is a relationship between the environment and how children interact with each other.

"La glisse réinventée". La construction d'un territoire de sports et de loisirs : l'Oisans des années 1960 à nos jours / "Board and wintersports reinvented". Construction of a sports and leisure territory, Oisans from 1960 up until today

Fournier, Dorothée 12 March 2018 (has links)
La définition de l’Oisans ne renvoie pas seulement à un ensemble cohérent de hauteurs mais plutôt à une symbolique autour de la montagne. L’avènement de l’alpinisme au XIXe siècle offre à ce territoire sa renommée. Processus engagé depuis le début du XXe siècle, la diffusion d’une culture de masse, transforme en profondeur les usages et la structuration économique et sociale de cette terre de pastoralisme. Elle s’accentue à partir des années 1960, faisant des pratiques de loisirs sportifs une ressource majeure de l’Oisans. Les retombées économiques des sports d’hiver incitent en parallèle l’État à mettre en œuvre une politique d’aménagement rationnel pilotée par le Plan neige. En Oisans, l’attractivité de nouveaux sites contribue à inverser les rapports de force entre les « hauts lieux » et les vallées. L’intérêt pour l’alpinisme s’étiole au profit du ski. Celui-ci, avec l’accroissement du temps libre, devient une nouvelle norme sociale et culturelle, un levier d’innovation, certes, mais qui se déploie ni de manière uniforme, ni homogène. Derrière un discours convenu, véhiculé par les agents de la transformation, se laissent entrevoir des conflits, des coopérations et des négociations à propos de la gestion des terrains de jeu. Un contexte de crise permanente s’installe, il freine bientôt les velléités de développement. La conception du progrès est contrariée dans les années 1970 par l’expression d’un courant annonciateur de nouvelles transformations. Dans le même temps, des voix s’élèvent contre l’urbanisation de la montagne, illustrant les controverses portées par ces mutations. À l’aube des années 1980 « l’esprit de la glisse » dont le snowboard, le VTT ou encore le vol libre sont des emblèmes, apporte un nouveau souffle à l’Oisans. Les représentations posées sur ces pratiques influencent les différents acteurs. Ainsi leurs contributions remodèlent l’Oisans de manière asymétrique en fonction d’une dynamique d’innovation inégalement répartie sur le territoire. / The definition of Oisans does not only refer to a coherent system of heights, but to symbolism around the mountains. The arrival of mountaineering in the 19th century is what made this area famous. The spread of a mass culture began in the beginning of the 20th century and transformed deeply the uses and the economic and social structuration of this land where pastoralism prevails. This intensifies in the 1960s, when recreational sports practices became a major resource in the Oisans economy. The economic fallout of winter sports thus encouraged the State to implement a policy of rational planning managed by the Plan neige (the snow plan). In Oisans, the attractiveness of new sites contributes to reversing the ratio of power between ski resorts at high altitudes and enclosed valleys. The interest for mountaineering withers in favor of skiing. With the increase of spare time, skiing becomes a new social and cultural norm, an innovation lever which does not spread out in a similar or homogeneous way. Indeed, behind the conventional speech conveyed by the agents of the transformation, one can find conflicts, cooperation and negotiations about the administration of the playing fields. A context of permanent crisis takes hold and stops the slight hope for development. In the 1970s, the conception of progress is thwarted by the expression of a trend annunciating new transformations. Simultaneously, some concerns are expressed against the urbanization of the mountains, which illustrates the controversies carried by these mutations. In the beginning of the 1980s, the spirit of winter and board sports, including snowboarding, mountain biking or hang-gliding, bring a breath of fresh air to Oisans. The representations based on these uses influence the different actors. Thereby, their contributions remodel the Oisans area in an asymmetric way, according to an innovation dynamic, which is unevenly shared within the area.

Udržateľný rozvoj vo vybraných druhoch cestovného ruchu Andalúzie / Sustainable development in selected types of tourism in Andalusia

Osvaldová, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with sustainable tourism in the largest region of Spain - Andalusia. The subjects of the investigation are two selected types of tourism -- recreational tourism and golf tourism. Tourism is a key and strategic element of Andalusian economy, which, however, due to exhaustion of the traditional model started from the 80th years to stagnate and highlighted the need to protect the environment. The extensive nature of tourism has caused the depletion of scarce resources in destinations, problems with urbanization in tourist destinations, seasonal fluctuations and negative impacts on the environment. The thesis is thus concerned with how to implement tools for sustainable tourism in the region. It includes analysis of documents from this area, specifically Plan for protection of the environment of Andalusia until 2017, Agenda 21 for Andalusia and the General plan for sustainable tourism in Andalusia 2008 - 2011. In the part of thesis with the suggestions are reviewed documents for the sustainability of beaches that are a condition for the development of recreational tourism and also the golf courses that quality plays an important role in the development of golf tourism in the region. Andalusian coast is a key area for the application of the principles of sustainable development and one solution is to diversify the tourist offer in the rural, sport, cultural and congress tourism. The seasonal nature of recreational tourism can be mitigated through the development and promotion of golf tourism. The analysis showed that for recreational tourism, there is a need for amendments in legislation on national and regional level, the local authorities must develop activities in order to make the beaches accessible for all segments of tourism, because their actual aspect and equipment does not respond the aspect outlined in the strategies and action plans. Golf tourism is a priority area for development and a segment of tourism with a strategic and high potential. On the other hand construction of golf course brings change of the landscape, damage of natural and cultural heritage, biodiversity loss and constant pressure on resources - particularly water and soil pollution by excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. But most of these negative effects can be minimized or completely eliminated with good planning, locating, constructing and managing a golf course. The important tools for sustainability are, as for recreational tourism just like for golf tourism, certificates of quality.

A new travel demand model for outdoor recreation trips

Jiao, Xihe January 2018 (has links)
Travel to outdoor recreational spaces belongs to a general class of research questions for understanding destination and travel mode choices. In travel demand modelling, discrete choice models (DCMs) have been applied to understand and predict a wide range of choices, such as how people choose among alternative destinations for jobs, homes, shopping, personal services etc. Surprisingly, DCMs have rarely been used to understand and model travel to outdoor recreational spaces. In the current literature for modelling travel to outdoor recreational spaces, the established models are Negative Binomial Regression (NBR) models, such as what was used in the UK NEA studies. However, these NBR models were developed to assess the effects of travel to outdoor recreational spaces at a national level, and they are not intended for assessing choices of individual sites. One reason for this is, as identified by previous studies, is that compared with the DCMs, the NBR models have certain limits on estimating people's choice behaviours. There is, therefore, no existing model that can represent and predict how people choose to travel to outdoor recreational spaces. Given the importance of outdoor recreational activities to urban land use planning and public health, this is a clear gap in the field. The aim of this study is to develop a new travel demand model capable of representing and predicting travel to individual outdoor recreational sites. This is achieved by answering four main research questions: First, how to build the new model for outdoor recreational travel? Secondly, is the estimation accurate enough? Thirdly, to what extent can the new model be transferred to destinations outside the case study area? And, finally, how can city planners and designers use this new method? The new model draws upon ideas from random utility theory that underlies the conventional travel demand models to represent trip generation, trip distribution and mode choice. This research follows the standard modelling procedure: data collection and preliminary analysis, model calibration, model validation and model application. The data are collated from a wide range of sources that, importantly for model transferability, cover all areas in England. The new model has been calibrated for a case study area which spanned 14 selected districts in the North-West region. Validation of the new model is based on estimating the numbers of trips to two outdoor recreational sites (Wigg Island and Wigan Flashes) and to nine English National Parks where data on visitor trips exist. In the final stage of the research, the new model is applied to estimate the changes that would arise from planning and design interventions in existing (Wigg Island and Moore Nature Reserve) and proposed (Arpley Country Park) sites. At the end of this process, it is possible to show that the new model can predict the number of trips to individual destinations and that the model can be transferred to other outdoor recreation sites. Furthermore, the new model presented here is capable of predicting the changes in the volume and catchment of visits to an existing green space after land use planning or urban ecological interventions. This is a completely new theoretical model that is focused on understanding and quantifying the travel choices to outdoor recreation sites, which can inform decision makers by forecasting changes in outdoor recreational travel demand, according to different planning scenarios.

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