Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recreational"" "subject:"ecreational""
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Molėtų rajono rekreacinių teritorijų perspektyvinis naudojimas / Perspective use of recreation territories of Molėtai regionKaliužnaja, Erika 25 June 2008 (has links)
Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas– išanalizuoti rekreacinę sistemą ir jos plėtros galimybes Molėtų rajone. Darbe vertinama rekreacijos ir turizmo svarba bei bendrieji jų vystymo ypatumai Lietuvoje. Pateikiama Molėtų rajono charakteristika, įvertinant socialinę, verslo ir ekonominę aplinką, susisiekimo ir inžinerinę infrastruktūrą. Apžvelgiami rajono gamtiniai bei kultūriniai rekreaciniai ištekliai, įvertinamos rekreacinės zonos, turistų srautai bei rekreacinės paslaugos. Baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas saugomų teritorijų valdymas Lietuvoje ir Italijoje, apžvelgiami saugomų teritorijų valdymo ypatumai abiejose šalyse ir pateikiamas jų palyginimas. Vertinant rekreacijos plėtros galimybes Molėtų rajone, pateikiama rekreacijos ir turizmo plėtros koncepcija, įvertinamos Molėtų rajono turizmo ir rekreacijos plėtros stipriosios ir silpnosios pusės, galimybės bei grėsmės. Remiantis literatūros analize, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro įvadas, 4 skyriai, pasiūlymai ir išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 83 p. teksto be priedų, 15 lentelių, 17 paveikslų, 32 literatūros šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / Analysis of recreational system and development opportunities in Molėtai region is the object of this final project. It is summed up the importance and common peculiarities of recreation and tourism in Lithuania. There is gived the common characterization of Molėtai region with analysis of social and economic environmet and communication infrastructure in this project. There is reviewed natural and cultural recreational resources, summed up recreational zones, tourists flow and recreational facilities. In this final project there is analized management of protected areas in Lithuania and Italy and reviewed management peculiarities of protected areas in both countries and made the comparison. Conception of rereation and tourism development is given and summed up advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats. According to the analysis of literature, there are presented suggestions and conclusions. The structure of final project: preface, 4 chapters, suggestions and conclusions, literature. The volume of the project: 83 pages of text, 15 tables, 17 pictures, 32 sources of literature. Additions are enclosed.
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Community utilization of Protestant public school facilities for recreational purposes in Metropolitan Montreal. / Community utilization of public school facilities.Benson, Ralph. January 1968 (has links)
No description available.
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Žemės rinkos specifika Šilutės rajone / Land market specific in Šilute districtSimonavičiūtė, Lina 16 June 2010 (has links)
Žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinka Lietuvoje nėra plėtojama taip seniai, kaip kitas nekilnojamasis turtas. Žemės rinka pradėjo sparčiau plėtotis reformos metu, kada žmonės susigrąžinę žemę natūra, pradėjo ja laisvai disponuoti. Žemės rinka parodo tam tikros vietos patrauklumą, todėl yra aktualu ištiri žemės rinką Šilutės rajone, atsižvelgiant į išskirtines šio regiono savybes, ir nustatyti šiam regionui būdingų veiksnių (saugomų teritorijų, rekreacinio vietovės potencialo, mažiau palankių ūkininkauti vietovių) poveikį žemės rinkai. Atliekant tyrimą buvo analizuojamos 6 mėnesių (2009.09.01-2010.03.01) siūlomų parduoti ir pirkti žemės sklypų kainos Šilutės rajone. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasinaudota 497 skelbimais, apie parduodamus ir perkamus sklypus Šilutės rajone, surinktais iš internetinių puslapių bei Šilutės rajono vietinės spaudos. Atlikus tyrimą buvo nustatyti veiksniai įtakojantys žemės rinką Šilutės rajone. Nustatyta, kad didžiausią įtaką rinkos aktyvumui turi sklypo vieta (rekreacinis potencialas). Taip pat nustatytos vidutinės žemės ūkio paskirties žemės kainos tirtuoju laikotarpiu atskirose vietovėse. Nustatyta kad vidutinė žemės ūkio paskirties žemės kaina Šilutės rajone yra 1940 litų už arą. / Land market is expanding not many years ago like as another realty in Lithuania. Land market is expending due to land reform. Land market shows some local attraction. The subject of purpose is to analyze land market in Silutė district, to analyze this region exclusive characteristic and affect (recreational potential, protected areas and for less utility areas) which can to influence land market. Was analyzed the land purchase and sale transactions (analyzed 497 advertisements) in Silutė area. Was used 497 advertisement from different newspaper and internet. Examined that the biggest influence to the market’s activity has place of the plot. Was examined the average price in Silute district. The average price of a land plot is 1940Lt by one are.
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Mokinių laisvalaikio organizavimo edukaciniai ir socialiniai aspektai / Educational and Social Aspects of the Pupil's Leisure organizationDulaitienė, Rasa 09 April 2009 (has links)
Rekreacija – sudėtingas procesas, kuriame tiesiogiai dalyvauja žmogus, siekiantis atgauti fizines jėgas, psichologinę pusiausvyrą, dvasinę emocinę būseną, siekiantis jausti pasitenkinimą, tam tikslui tinkamoje, pritaikytoje, sukurtoje ar specialiai pasirinktoje aplinkoje. Rekreacija – tai ir asmenybės ugdymas.
Rinkos pokyčiai, globalizacijos procesai sparčiai besivystančioje visuomenėje lemia, jog vaikui, jo interesų supratimui tenka vis mažiau dėmesio. Nors šeima yra esminis visuomenės elementas ir jai tenka pirminė atsakomybė už vaikų apsaugą, auklėjimą ir vystimąsi, tačiau šeima mūsų šalyje viena nepajėgi sukurti vaikui harmoningų socializacijos sąlygų.
Esant tokiai realybei, labai svarbus kitas vaiko socializacijos instituto – mokyklos vaidmuo.
Šiame darbe ir bus analizuojama, kokie yra III-IV-tų klasių mokinių rekreacinės veiklos poreikiai ir kaip jie tenkinami, kokie yra laisvalaikio organizavimo ypatumai.
Darbo uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti, kaip organizuojamas mokinių laisvalaikis III – IV – klasėse; nustatyti, kiek esamas laisvalaikio organizavimas tenkina III – IV – klasių moksleivius; aptarti, kokių laisvalaikio veiklų pageidautų mokiniai ir jų tėvai; išstudijuoti III – IV – klasių moksleivių, jų tėvų ir mokytojų patirtį, apibūdinant laisvalaikio organizavimo edukacinius ir socialinius aspektus.
Darbo hipotezė: šiuolaikinėje mokykloje per mažai rūpinamasi moksleivių laisvalaikio organizavimu, tai yra priemone, skatinančia spartesnį mokinių socializacijos procesą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recreation is a complex process in which a person takes part directly. A person seeks to regain his/her physical strength, psychological balance and state of mind also he/she seeks to feel a satisfaction in surroundings which is readjusted or specially chosen for the recreation purpose. Recreation is also the upbringing of personality. The disregard for child’s interests in a quickly developing society is conditioned by the alterations of market and processes of globalisation. Although, a family is an essential element of society and it gets primary responsibility for children protection, education and developing in our country the family is not able to create harmonious conditions of socialization for a child.
Consequently on this understanding, the role of school which is another institution of child socialization is very important.
The purpose of this work is to ascertain the peculiarities of organisation the recreation activities in III-IV forms. The tasks of work are following: to ascertain how is the recreation activity organised in III-IV forms; to estimate on what level the present organisation of recreation activity satisfies pupils from III-IV forms; to discuss what recreation activity do pupils and their parents want; to study the experience of pupils from III-IV forms, their parents and teachers and at the same time to define the peculiarities of organization the recreational activities.
There was given the following hypothesis: in a modern school there is... [to full text]
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Poilsinis ir pažintinis turizmas (kelionės) moksleivių laisvalaikio kontekste: sociologinė analizė (Trakų miesto mokyklų atvejis) / Recreational and educational tourism (travel) in the context of student leisure: sociological analysis (Trakai schools case)Gardžiulienė, Jolanta 12 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo tema: Poilsinis ir pažintinis turizmas (kelionės) moksleivių laisvalaikio kontekste: sociologinė analizė (Trakų miesto mokyklų atvejis).
Darbo aktualumas ir problema
Mes gyvename globaliame, mobiliame ir nuolat kintančiame pasaulyje. Labiausiai priimtina ir populiariausia žmonių mobilumo forma šiandien yra kelionės. Kelionė – tai judėjimas laiku ir erdve. Kelionėje bene svarbiausi yra susitikimai su kitu žmogumi, kita kultūra, kitokiu patyrimu. Kelionėse plėtojasi tokios asmenybės savybės kaip žingeidumas, savarankiškumas, noras įgyti aukštesnį išsilavinimą, pasiekti aukštesnį kultūros lygmenį. Jaunimo dalyvavimas kelionėse leidžia jiems susidaryti objektyvesnį pasaulio vaizdą, geriau suvokti praeitį ir dabartį, palyginti įvairių kraštų kraštovaizdį, žmonių gyvenseną, kalbą, kultūrą. Akademinis jaunimas vis dažniau „atsiliepia į vietovių erdvių signalus, kurie kviečia įsitraukti į socialumo plėtrą, socialinių santykių viešose vietose kūrimą“.
Pasirinkome turizmo temą, nes jaunimo poilsinės ir pažintinės kelionės Lietuvoje sociologiniu požiūriu yra beveik nenagrinėtos. Apskritai galima teigti, kad sociologijos darbų, nagrinėjančių keliautojų tapatumą, kelionių priežastis ir motyvus, Lietuvoje trūksta, tad šis darbas – tai bandymas šį poreikį patenkinti.
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kokią vietą poilsinis ir pažintinis turizmas užima moksleivių laisvalaikio struktūroje
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Ištirti teorines laisvalaikio apibrėžtis; atskleisti jaunimo laisvalaikio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work relevance and the problem
We are living in a global, mobile and constantly changing world. The most acceptable and popular people form of mobility today are traveling. Travel – it is a movement of time and space. In the journey the most import thing are meeting with another person, knowing another culture, a different experience. Travel develops in the personality characteristics as curiosity, independence, the desire to acquire higher education, to reach a higher culture level. Youth participation in the trips allow them to obtain a more objective picture of the world, to understand better about the past and present, to compare a different edges of landscape, people lifestyle, language and culture. Academic Youth increasingly „responding to the areas of spacial signals are invited to become involved in the development of sociality, social relations, the creation of public spaces.”
We have choosen tourism, because youth resort and sigthseeing tours in Lithuania from sociological point of view are not examinated. All over, we can suggest, that the sociology work dealing the identity of travelers, causes and reasons for travel in Lithuania is missing, so this work – an attempt to meet this need.
The aim of this work – examine the place and educational tourism has the structure of sudents leisure.
1. To explore the theoretical definition of leisure; disclosure of youth leisure features.
2. To examine the concept of tourism and nature; to discuss how youth... [to full text]
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Factors influencing the use of outdoor space by residents with dementia in long-term care facilitiesGrant, Charlotte Frances 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Attaching monetary values to environmental goods and services : an application of the travel cost method at Midmar.January 2004 (has links)
Midmar is built on the Umgeni River, KwaZulu-Natal and is 1060m above sea level. The river starts as a small stream in Loteni and has a total catchment area of 906 square kilometres and an annual rainfall of 1016 mm. Midmar provides a multitude of benefits classified as either onsite use benefits or non-use benefits. This dissertation focuses on environmental economics and is concerned with assigning a monetary value to a given environmental good, namely, recreation at Midmar. This entails estimation of the demand curve for recreation at Midmar, and using this curve, establishing the consumer surplus attached to Midmar. The Individual Travel Cost method is used to investigate the nature of recreational demand at Midmar and essentially, measures the economic value of recreation use here. In addition, an examination as to whether consumers enjoy any consumer surplus associated with recreational demand is undertaken. The survey undertaken concludes that recreational visitors to Midmar enjoy a consumer surplus of approximately R71 per visit. Total consumer surplus for Midmar during 1999 was estimated to be R4.9 million. This suggests that the actual price paid by visitors to Midmar understates the true value attached to such a visit and hence, park management needs to be aware of this. Finally, this dissertation emphasizes the importance and potential use of research such as this which could assist and guide future planning and decision making in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Comm.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.
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African and Indians in game reserves : a study of African and Indian views on the recreational use of game reserves.Ramlagan, Shandir. January 2003 (has links)
Throughout the world, tourism is booming and South Africa, like many developing countries, has a phenomenal resource base for tourism that includes unspoilt wilderness areas, varied and impressive scenery, accessible wildlife, good weather conditions, cultural diversity, as well as an increasingly developed infrastructure. South Africa though is mainly seen and experienced by international tourists and a small number of privileged locals and therefore, South Africa's full potential in local tourism has not been realised. In 2000, the World Bank financed a quantitative research project on Nature Tourism and Conservation in South Africa to assess the domestic tourism market. This study found that there might be a latent unrealised demand for nature tourism among the African and Indian population. It was this broader finding that prompted this study. Information for this study was gathered through household surveys and a two-week on-site survey in a game reserve. Three sets of participants were chosen to participate in this qualitative study. These were African youth (age 18 to 26 years), African adults (>30 years old) with children and finally Indian couples (aged < 30 years). Participants were also chosen based on their current income level or potential incomes once they leave university. In this case, only the middle to upper income group was targeted. All three groups participated in pre field focus groups and a select group were taken to the HluhluwelUmflozi Game Reserve for three days where additional focus groups were held. The methodology also encompassed a literature review, telephonic interviews and field observations. Information gathered during this study was used to understand the reasoning behind the vacation trends of middle to upper income Africans and Indians and to develop a marketing strategy to be used to attract other Africans and Indians to the game reserves of South Africa. The study found that there is a latent unrealised demand for nature tourism among the middle to upper income Africans and Indians. The vacation trends among Africans and Indians are also very similar in that those with families prefer to vacation in large groups cons isting of both friends and families. It was also found that their past vacation destinations included mainly built up, urban areas and that both the African and Indian participants had great misconceptions regarding game reserves. These misconceptions formed part of the reasons for them not vacationing at game reserves. With regards to an advertising strategy, the study found that current advertising strategies are not working. Participants were encouraged to come up with advertising strategies that would entice other middle to upper income African and Indian families to vacation at game reserves. The participants recommended the use of television, cinema, radio , and newspaper advertisements; as well as the use of brochures and competitions to encourage vis itation. Included in their detailed view of how each strategy should play out, they recommended that when developing advertisements and brochures, it is imperative that African and Indian models are used in the adverts. The current advertising only makes use of white models and this discourages potential African and Indian tourists. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
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Who is catching what? A survey of recreational fishing effort and success ontaiāpure and mātaitai management areasKallqvist, Emma January 2009 (has links)
Marine recreational fishing is a highly developed activity and has an increasingly global following. In New Zealand, over 30 % of the population participate in recreational fishing and the annual harvest of some species is larger than the commercial catch. It is therefore vital for resource management to include data on recreational take. Since marine recreational fishing and charter boat fisheries in New Zealand are managed outside the Quota Management System (QMS), Area Management Tools (AMT) such as taiapure (local fishery), mataitai (reserves) rahui (temporary closures) can be used to ensure sustainability of certain coastal areas affected by fishing and other activity. The Akaroa Harbour Taiapure was established in 2006 and is currently the only taiapure in Canterbury. The main objective with this study was to characterise the recreational fishery in the Akaroa Harbour Taiapure in order to provide management solutions for this area. Three surveys were set up whereby two were specifically designed to record the recreational take landed on the four most frequently used slipways in Akaroa Harbour. A third survey was to gauge local resident‟s perception on recreational fisheries over time. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used and appropriate statistical analysis applied. Over 451 intercept interviews were conducted on slipways on Banks Peninsula and 138 trip records were returned. Main findings include significant differences in target and landed species, also a shift in areas mostly fished since the previous survey in 1997 by the Ministry of Fisheries. The most frequently landed fish in this study included blue cod, flounder, rock lobster and perch. The perception survey revealed a strong community bond to recreational fishing and a need for increased local input in the management of the Akaroa Harbour Taiapure. The three surveys are recommended to be continued over time in order to create a data base on recreational fishing and also to document local and indigenous knowledge on marine conservation.
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DEMAND AND SUPPLY MODEL FOR THE U.S. SKI/WAKEBOARD BOAT MARKETOstermeier, Richard L. 01 January 2006 (has links)
A simultaneous demand and supply model for the U.S. ski/wakeboard boat market is estimated by three-stage least squares and iterated three-stage least squares methods using publicly available data. The model is used to test if, and to what extent, certain factors impact the annual quantity of new ski/wakeboard boats demanded and supplied. Statistical analysis suggests that the model does a good job of explaining the annual quantity of new ski/wakeboard boats demanded and supplied. The findings are most immediately beneficial to manufacturers and dealers. Dealers can use the results to better forecast demand which in turn will lead to more efficient production planning for manufacturers.
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