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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantitative high resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy/Spectroscopie infrarouge quantitative à haute résolution par transformée de Fourier

Vander Auwera, Jean A. D. 27 May 2004 (has links)
Our work falls within the field of high resolution spectroscopy of gas phase molecules in the far-, mid- and near-infrared ranges. Its guiding line are absorption spectral intensities, dealt with experimentally and theoretically. In particular, we developed in our laboratory the field of intensities measurements of vibration-rotation lines using Fourier transform spectrometers, with a precision of about 0.5 % and an accuracy of 2-4 % for chemically stable species. We study chemically stable (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) and unstable (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3) compounds. We also measure infrared absorption cross section spectra for CFC replacements. Some of our measured intensities, of direct interest for the study of planetary atmospheres, are now incorporated in international spectroscopic databases. Others are used to develop global theoretical models of molecules, in relationship with intra-molecular dynamics./Nos travaux de recherches relèvent de la spectroscopie à haute résolution de molécules en phase gazeuse dans les domaines de l’infrarouge lointain, moyen et proche. Ils ont pour ligne directrice les intensités spectrales d’absorption, abordées expérimentalement et théoriquement. Nous avons en particulier développé dans notre laboratoire le domaine de la mesure d’intensités d’absorption de raies de vibration-rotation à l’aide de spectromètres à transformée de Fourier. Nous réalisons ces mesures avec une précision d’environ 0.5 % et une exactitude d'environ 2-4 % pour les espèces chimiquement stables. Nous étudions des composés chimiquement stables (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) et instables (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3). Nous mesurons également des spectres de sections efficaces d’absorption infrarouge pour des substituts des chlorofluorocarbures (CFC). Certaines de nos mesures d’intensité, d’intérêt direct pour l’étude d’atmosphères planétaires, sont aujourd’hui incorporées dans les bases de données spectroscopiques internationales. D’autres sont utilisées pour développer des modèles théoriques globaux de molécules, en liaison avec la dynamique intramoléculaire.

Information Management for Cutting Tools : Information Models and Ontologies

Nyqvist, Olof January 2008 (has links)
There is an increasing demand for the exchange of important product and manufacturing information in a computer interpretable way. Large manufacturing companies are dependent on having access to the necessary information electronically. If they do not get information about their manufacturing resources from their vendors, they will buy their resources elsewhere, or they will have to create the information themselves. In the end, the cost of the manufactured products will increase to accommodate the cost increase from having to create, integrate, and maintain this information. In order to solve this problem, the use of international standards for product data is required. One area where such a standard is required is the area of cutting tools. This thesis describes the requirements for an international standard for the representation and exchange of cutting tool information and the resulting information model together with necessary reference data. The representation of cutting tool information using an international standard requires a generally applicable information model which is used together with a reference data library. The reference data provides the explicit, unambiguous concepts necessary for successful information exchange. ISO 13399, the international standard that is the result of this research project, uses P-Lib (ISO 13584) to define its reference data. To successfully use P-Lib in this way, requires some basic assumptions to be made, since P-Lib is originally developed for component catalogs. As a result of the chosen representation technique, the standard is capable of accommodating current and future developments of cutting tools, e.g. multi function tools. / QC 20100901

Fonologi hos svenska förskolebarn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år : Referensdata till kortversionen av ett fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial / Phonology of Swedish Preschool Children aged 4–5 years : Reference Data for the Short Version of a Phonological Assessment Material

Netin, Rebecka, Pehrson, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka fonologisk förmåga samt samla referensdata till kortversionen av det fonologiska bedömningsmaterialet Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS) för svenska barn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år. Totalt medverkade 70 barn, 43 flickor och 27 pojkar (medelålder 54 månader). Barnen rekryterades på förskolor i områden som låg nära det socioekonomiska medelvärdet för riket. I studien bedömdes vilka fonem och konsonantförbindelser som fanns etablerade hos barnen. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) och Percentage Words Correct (PWC) beräknades och förekomst av strukturavvikelser analyserades. Barnen delades upp i två halvårsgrupper (4;0–4;6 och 4;6–5;0). Vid jämförelse mellan de två grupperna visades att de fonem och konsonantförbindelser som etablerats var mycket lika. Det fanns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan halvårsgrupperna gällande PPC och PWC, där den äldre halvårsgruppen hade en större andel korrekta fonem (p=0,02) samt ord (p=0,02). Den yngre halvårsgruppen hade en större förekomst av interdentalisering (s→θ) (p=0,03) och palatalisering av /s/ (s→ɕ) (p=0,003). Skillnaden mellan halvårsgrupperna var statistiskt signifikant. Materialet kan användas av svenska logopeder för bedömning av barns fonologi. / The study objective was to investigate phonological ability in children aged 4–5 years and to assemble reference data for the short version of the Swedish phonological assessment material, Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS). In total, 70 children participated in the study, 43 girls and 27 boys (average age 54 months). The children were recruited at preschools in areas that were socioeconomically close to the national average. An assessment was made of the children’s phonology using the short version of the new phonological material. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) and Percentage Words Correct (PWC) were calculated and word structure deviations were analyzed. The children were divided into two half-year groups (4;0–4;6 and 4;6–5;0). When comparing the results of the two age groups similarities regarding acquired phonemes and consonant clusters were found. Significant differences in PPC (p=0,02) and PWC (p=0,02) were found between the two half-year groups where the older group had a higher proportion of correct phonemes (94,2 %) and words (76,1 %). Interdentalization (s→θ) (p =0,03), and palatalization of /s/ (s→ɕ) (p =0,003) were more present in the younger age group and there was a significant difference between the two half-year groups. This material can be used by Speech-Language Pathologists in Sweden for phonological screening.

"Vilka bilar är lika stora?" : insamling av referensdata för språkförståelse med hjälp av bedömningsmaterialet Sofialådan

Hognesius, Birgitta, Dahlin, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna studie har insamling av referensdata över språkförståelse hos treåringar med typisk språkutveckling genomförts. Till detta har bedömningsmaterialet Sofialådan (Westerlund & Öfverholm-Engström, 1995) använts. Sofialådan bygger som flera andra språkförståelsematerial på den s.k. act-outmetoden där man låter barnet agera med föremål efter en given instruktion. Med hjälp av föremålen i Sofialådan bedöms barnets förmåga att identifiera grundfärger och storleksbegrepp, kategorisera, flytta föremålenligt olika prepositionsanvisningar samt att följa flerledade instruktioner. Studien omfattar 95 barn i åldrarna 3;0-3;11 från kommunala förskolor i Uppsala kommun. Det finns ett samband mellan resultat och ålder så till vida att de äldre barnen får högre resultat på de flesta deluppgifter. En signifikant könsskillnad föreligger. På de flesta deluppgifter har en högre andel flickor än pojkar full poäng. Initialt genomfördes vissa ändringar, gällande bl.a. poängsättning och specifika instruktioner, för att förenkla utövandet. En manual har utformats inom ramen för detta arbete. Den innehåller tydliga instruktioner för utövande, en mall för resultatanalys, en förbättrad svarsblankett samt erhållen referensdata.</p> / <p>In this study, a collection of reference data over language comprehension in three-yearolds with typical language development has been implemented. A Swedish material for assessment of language comprehension called Sofialådan (Westerlund & Öfverholm-Engström, 1995) was used. Sofialådan is, like several other language materials, built on the act out method using objects which the child is expected to place in a certain way. By using the objects of Sofialådan the child’s ability to identify basic colors and size concepts, to categorize, to move objects in accordance with directions of prepositions and to comply more complex instructions is evaluated. The study covers 95 children aged 3:0-3:11 from municipal day nurseries in the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden. There is a link between performance and age in the sense that the older children perform higher on most sub-tasks. A significant gender difference exists. In most sub-tasks a higher proportion of girls than boys have full score. To simplify the procedure some changes in specific instructions and task-score were made. A manual containing clear instructions for implementation and the obtained reference data has been designed within the framework of this study.</p>

"Vilka bilar är lika stora?" : insamling av referensdata för språkförståelse med hjälp av bedömningsmaterialet Sofialådan

Hognesius, Birgitta, Dahlin, Emma January 2009 (has links)
I denna studie har insamling av referensdata över språkförståelse hos treåringar med typisk språkutveckling genomförts. Till detta har bedömningsmaterialet Sofialådan (Westerlund &amp; Öfverholm-Engström, 1995) använts. Sofialådan bygger som flera andra språkförståelsematerial på den s.k. act-outmetoden där man låter barnet agera med föremål efter en given instruktion. Med hjälp av föremålen i Sofialådan bedöms barnets förmåga att identifiera grundfärger och storleksbegrepp, kategorisera, flytta föremålenligt olika prepositionsanvisningar samt att följa flerledade instruktioner. Studien omfattar 95 barn i åldrarna 3;0-3;11 från kommunala förskolor i Uppsala kommun. Det finns ett samband mellan resultat och ålder så till vida att de äldre barnen får högre resultat på de flesta deluppgifter. En signifikant könsskillnad föreligger. På de flesta deluppgifter har en högre andel flickor än pojkar full poäng. Initialt genomfördes vissa ändringar, gällande bl.a. poängsättning och specifika instruktioner, för att förenkla utövandet. En manual har utformats inom ramen för detta arbete. Den innehåller tydliga instruktioner för utövande, en mall för resultatanalys, en förbättrad svarsblankett samt erhållen referensdata. / In this study, a collection of reference data over language comprehension in three-yearolds with typical language development has been implemented. A Swedish material for assessment of language comprehension called Sofialådan (Westerlund &amp; Öfverholm-Engström, 1995) was used. Sofialådan is, like several other language materials, built on the act out method using objects which the child is expected to place in a certain way. By using the objects of Sofialådan the child’s ability to identify basic colors and size concepts, to categorize, to move objects in accordance with directions of prepositions and to comply more complex instructions is evaluated. The study covers 95 children aged 3:0-3:11 from municipal day nurseries in the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden. There is a link between performance and age in the sense that the older children perform higher on most sub-tasks. A significant gender difference exists. In most sub-tasks a higher proportion of girls than boys have full score. To simplify the procedure some changes in specific instructions and task-score were made. A manual containing clear instructions for implementation and the obtained reference data has been designed within the framework of this study.

A Survey of Methods for Visualizing Spatio-temporal Data

Persson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Olika typer av data genereras kontinuerligt varje sekund och för att kunna analysera denna data måste den transformeras till någon typ av visuell representation. En vanlig typ av data är spatio-temporal data, vilket är data som existerar i både rymd och tid. Hur denna typ av data kan visualiseras har undersökts under en lång period och området är fortfarande relevant idag. Ett antal metoder har undersökts i detta arbete och en genomgående litteraturstudie har genomförts. En applikation som implementerar ett antal av dessa undersökta metoder för att visualisera klimatdata har även skapats. / Different kinds of data is generated continuously every second and in order to be ableto analyze this data it has to be transformed into some kind of visual representation. Onecommon type of data is spatio-temporal data, which is data that exists in both space andtime. How to visualize this kind of data have been researched for a long time and is still avery relevant subject to expand on today. A number of approaches have been explored inthis work. An extensive literature study has also been performed and can be read in thisreport. The study has been divided into different classifications of spatio-temporal dataand the visual representations are structured by these classes.Another contribution of this thesis is a climate data application to visualize spatiotemporaldata sets of temperatures collected for several countries in the world. This applicationimplements several of the visual representations presented in the survey includedin this thesis. This resulted in a four display application, each showing a different aspect ofthe chosen data sets that consisted of climate data. The result shows how effective multiplelinked views are in order to understand different characteristics of the data.

Quantitative high resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy / Spectroscopie infrarouge quantitative à haute résolution par transformée de Fourier

Vander Auwera, Jean 27 May 2004 (has links)
Our work falls within the field of high resolution spectroscopy of gas phase molecules in the far-, mid- and near-infrared ranges. Its guiding line are absorption spectral intensities, dealt with experimentally and theoretically. In particular, we developed in our laboratory the field of intensities measurements of vibration-rotation lines using Fourier transform spectrometers, with a precision of about 0.5 % and an accuracy of 2-4 % for chemically stable species. We study chemically stable (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) and unstable (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3) compounds. We also measure infrared absorption cross section spectra for CFC replacements. Some of our measured intensities, of direct interest for the study of planetary atmospheres, are now incorporated in international spectroscopic databases. Others are used to develop global theoretical models of molecules, in relationship with intra-molecular dynamics./Nos travaux de recherches relèvent de la spectroscopie à haute résolution de molécules en phase gazeuse dans les domaines de l’infrarouge lointain, moyen et proche. Ils ont pour ligne directrice les intensités spectrales d’absorption, abordées expérimentalement et théoriquement. Nous avons en particulier développé dans notre laboratoire le domaine de la mesure d’intensités d’absorption de raies de vibration-rotation à l’aide de spectromètres à transformée de Fourier. Nous réalisons ces mesures avec une précision d’environ 0.5 % et une exactitude d'environ 2-4 % pour les espèces chimiquement stables. Nous étudions des composés chimiquement stables (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) et instables (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3). Nous mesurons également des spectres de sections efficaces d’absorption infrarouge pour des substituts des chlorofluorocarbures (CFC). Certaines de nos mesures d’intensité, d’intérêt direct pour l’étude d’atmosphères planétaires, sont aujourd’hui incorporées dans les bases de données spectroscopiques internationales. D’autres sont utilisées pour développer des modèles théoriques globaux de molécules, en liaison avec la dynamique intramoléculaire. / Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur, Orientation sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Performance analysis of a large-scale ground source heat pump system

Naicker, Selvaraj Soosaiappa January 2015 (has links)
The UK government’s Carbon Plan-2011 aims for 80% carbon emission reduction by 2050, and the 2009 UK National Renewable Energy Action Plan has set a target of delivering 15% of total energy demand by renewable energy sources by 2020. Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems can play a critical role in reaching these goals within the building sector. Achieving such benefits relies on proper design, integration, installation, commissioning, and operation of these systems. This work seeks to provide evidence to improve the practices in design, installation and operations of large GSHP systems. This evidence has been based on collection and analysis of data from an operational large-scale GSHP system providing heating and cooling to a university building. The data set is of significance in that it is collected from a large-scale system incorporating fifty-six borehole heat exchangers and four heat pumps. The data has been collected at high frequency since the start of operation and for a period of three years. The borehole heat exchanger data is intended to form a reference data set for use by other workers in model validation studies. The ground thermal properties at the site have been estimated using a novel combination of numerical model and parameter estimation methods. The utility of the reference data set has been demonstrated through application in a validation study of a numerical borehole heat exchanger model. The system heat balances and power consumption data have firstly been analysed to derive a range of performance metrics such as Seasonal Performance Factors. Analysis has been carried out at the system and individual heat pump level. Annual performance has been found satisfactory overall. A series of analyses have been carried out to investigate the roles of circulating pump energy, control system operation and dynamic behaviour. Monitoring data from one of the heat pumps has also been analysed in further detail to make comparisons with manufacturer’s steady-state performance data and with consideration to variations in fluid properties. Some modest degradation from stated performance has been identified. The most significant operational factors accounting for degradation of overall system performance have been excessive pump energy demands and short cycling behaviour. Some faults in operation of the system during the monitoring period have also been identified. A series of recommendations are made as to ways to improve the design and operation of large-scale GSHP systems based on this evidence. These recommendations are chiefly concerned with better design for part-load operation, reduction in pump energy demands and more robust control systems.

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