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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Taiwan-Fujian¡¦s Regional Economic Cooperation

Chao, Ming-fang 31 August 2009 (has links)
Fujian is geographically close to Taiwan which makes both sides having geo-economic value. Furthermore, Fujian and Taiwan are sharing the same long history, culture, language and blood relationships that turn Fujian into one of the main investment areas of Taiwan enterprises. After "Three Direct Links" in mail, transport and trade across the Taiwan Straits, Fujian province is becoming one of the major locations of cross-straits direct flights, which facilitate cross-straits personnel exchanges. China has planned to develop Fujian by established ¡§Economic Area in the Western Coast of Taiwan Straits¡¨ which combines economic system with Zhejiang and Guangdong, trying to promote economic development between Fujian and Taiwan. In fact, the industry structures between Fujian and Taiwan are very complementary; therefore, the two places can integrate their resources and expand into the marketing through cooperation. What is the most important is, economic cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan should conform to international norms, by setting up a pilot measures and under the name of free trade-area or special cooperation agreements in order to guarantee the benefits of Taiwan.

Regionų plėtros galimybės Lietuvoje / Abilities of region development in lithuania

Balsytė, Rūta 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe yra analizuojama Lietuvos regionų esama ekonominė situacija bei pagrindinės priežastys, kurios lemia netolygią regionų plėtrą. Atlikta regionų teritorinių skirtumų analizė pagal egzistuojančius ūkio subjektus, tiesiogines užsienio bei materialines investicijas. Įvertinti Bendrojo vidaus produkto vienam gyventojui ir vienam užimtajam rodikliai, o taip pat atlikta regionų specializacijos bei lyginamojo pranašumo analizė. Patvirtinta tyrimo hipetezė, kad Lietuvos regionų ekonominių bei socialinių skirtumų augimą lemia kumuliatyvinis priežastingumo procesas, todėl siekiant įveikti šį procesą, reikalinga šalies parama, kuri skatintų ir finansuotų darbo jėgos mokymą bei investicijas į žmogiškąjį kapitalą. / This master’s final paper analyses available economic situation in Lithuania region and its main causes, that determine even development of regions. The paper presents a detailed analysis of differences in spatial economic activity described by territotial disparity of active economic subjects, investment in tangible fixed assets and foreign direct investment in regions. Estimation of the rate and speed of uneven growth is grounded on spatial disparity measurement of GDP per capita and GDP per worker. The hypothesis is formulated as follows- the source of increasing economical and social differences in Lithuanian regions is cumulative causation process- is confirmed. Political intervantion in promoting workplace training programs and accumulation of human capital stock is necessary to defeat this causation process.

Negativní faktory rozvoje regionu a jejich eliminace / Negative factors development region and their elimination

ŠVEHLOVÁ, Věra January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my thesis was suggestion of methods with comparison of negative factors having impact to researched region. Next I focused on arrangement to improve situation in chosen region in according to suggested methodology.

Baltijos valstybių regioninės politikos problemos: Europos Sąjungos kontekstas / Baltic states regional policy issues: the context of European Union

Narbutienė, Jūratė 12 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe norima atskleisti ES sanglaudos politikos vaidmenį kuriant Baltijos valstybių ir visos Europos Sąjungos gerovę. Remiantis naujais vertinimais, sanglaudos politika turi didelį poveikį – ji skatina darbo vietų kūrimą ir ekonominį augimą tose valstybėse narėse, kurioms labiausiai to reikia ir prisideda prie bendro Europos gyvenimo lygio kėlimo. Baltijos valstybės yra naujosios valstybės narės, todėl jose sanglaudos politika dar tik palaipsniui įgyvendinama. Baltijos valstybių regioninei politikai (kurių lygis buvo labai žemas), būdingas spartus augimas, tačiau dažniausiai sutelktas sostinės regione arba didžiuosiuose miestuose. Nuo 1995 m. pradėta Baltijos valstybių regioninės politika pasiekė nemažų laimėjimų, visų trijų Baltijos valstybių BVP išaugo kone dvigubai. Tačiau, net ir išlikus dabartinėms ekonominėms krizės sąlygomis tokiems spartiems augimo tempams, prireiks daugiau nei 15 metų, kol Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos BVP vienam gyventojui sudarys 75 proc. 27 ES šalių vidurkio. Sanglaudos politika daro poveikį ne tik Baltijos valstybių augimui, bet yra glaudžiai susijusi ir su kitomis Bendrijos politikos kryptimis: valstybės pagalbos, paramos inovacijoms ar informacinės visuomenės, aplinkosaugos. Baltijos valstybės įgyvendindamos sanglaudos politiką gerina ir modernizuoja viešąjį administravimą, mokosi gero valdymo ir skaidrumo, kurdamos bendrą Europos Sąjungos ir kiekvienos valstybės gerovę. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Europos Sąjungos sanglaudos politiką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The most important aim in this work is to unfold the role of EU cohesion policy by creating the welfare of the Baltic countries and all European Union. Appealing by new estimations, cohesion policy has a very big impact – it promotes work places establishment and economical development in those countries members, that need it most and further to rise the level of Europe life. Baltic countries are the new countrie‘s members, therefore in these countries cohesion policy is being implemented step by step. Fast development is for Baltic countries regional policy (which level is very low), but often it is focused in capital‘s region or in the biggest cities. Since 1995 started regional policy of Baltic countries achieved not small accomplishment, all of three Baltic countries GDP increased doubly. Therefore, even if such fast rate of increase remained by recent economical crisis conditions, it is needed more than 15 years, till GDP of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia for one citizen will amount 75 percent 27 EU countries‘ average. Cohesion policy makes an impact not only for Baltic countries development but is also closely in involved with other directions of Community policy: countrie‘s help, supports for innovations or informative society‘s environments control‘s. Baltic countries improve and modernize administration, learn about leadership and lucidity by creating communal European Union and welfare of every country. The aim of the work – to analise the... [to full text]

Komparace prostředků ze státního Programu obnovy venkova a Programu rozvoje kraje. / Comparison of resources utilization of the government Rural regeneration programme and District development programme.

KLUIBR, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
This diplom papes deals with Rural regeneration programme and District development programme. It´s objectiv is influence increasing of these tools of district politics in Jihočeský, Pardubický and Plzeňský kraj. Partial programme changes have been proposed based on analyses district state charakteristics, development programme and performed comparison of embedded resource.

大陸西部大開發政策對西部地區經濟成長之影響 / The impact of Mainland China’s western development policy on economic growth in the western region

鄭美珍, Cheng, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年鄧小平南巡,中國大陸在經濟上採取改革開放政策以後,開始一連串的經濟制度改革,由中央集權的計劃經濟逐漸走向市場經濟。使得中國大陸有充裕資金、技術長足進步、經濟快速成長、人民生活水準提高、生產總值和人均所得皆大幅提升。但就總體整個大陸因區域經濟結構與政策等因素影響,東部沿海地區發展快速,西部地區發展停滯落後,內部各區經濟發展仍存在極大差異。因此,自江澤民在1999年6月9日「中央扶貧開發會議」上首次提出了「西部大開發」戰略概念,中國大陸就陸續提出多項區域發展政策,期能撫平區域發展不均衡的差距。而西部大開發政策實施迄今將屆10年,經濟建設與發展成果豐碩,並將進入第2階段,西部大開發政策的實施方針是否真正提升西部地區經濟發展?且解決東西部區域經濟差距問題?此外,在2008年國際金融危機開始蔓延,外部市場需求萎縮情況下,西部地區生產總值同比增幅超越東部地區,但隨著中國大陸整體經濟成長,東、西部地區、城鄉差距仍然懸殊,西部地區要脫離落後狀態應該發展的方向究竟為何? 因此本文的研究目的在於以1997年至2009年西部地區各項有關經濟成長追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,分析影響大陸西部地區經濟成長的趨勢及決定因素為何,並以估計之結果檢視「西部大開發」政策是否為西部地區發展所需,並確實提升西部地區經濟成長。 根據實證結果顯示,影響西部地區經濟成長的決定性因素有七:就業、工資率、固定資產投資、利用外資投資總額、能源消費量、西部大開發的優惠政策及金融危機。其他的變數如貿易開放程度及時間趨勢等,皆未有顯著影響。 / Since Xiaoping Deng’s Southern tour in 1978, China has adopted economic reforms and open policy, there are series of economic reforms, changed from the central planning economy to the market economy gradually, which resulted in capital abundance, advance in technology, rapid growth of economy, living standard enhanced, both GDP and per capita income has increased significantly in mainland China. But overall due to the regional economic structure, the policy and some other factors, the rapid development of the Eastern coast and the lagging behind of the West, has created significant differenence in the economic development of each region. Therefore, since Zemin Jiang launched the "The West Development" strategy in the "Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Conference" on June 9, 1999, Mainland Chain has a number of regional development policies, to solve the unbalanced gap of regional development . The implementation of Western Dvelopment Policy has been over 10 years, there are fruitful result on economic construction and development, it is going to enter Phase 2. Has the approaches of Western development policy really enhanced the economic development in the West ? Has it solved the economic gap between the East and the West ? In addition, under the condition of the spreading of international economic crisis in 2008 and the shrinkage of external demand, the West's GDP growth is lower than the East. But following the economic growth of China overall, the gap between The East and the West, the City and the Country is still huge. What will be the development direction of the West to escape from the lagging ? Therefore, the purpose of this research will base on the relevant tracking data of 1997-2009 economic growth in the the West and the estimate of fixed-effect model, to analyze what are the the economic growth trends and decisive factors of the West ? And use the estimate results to check whether "The West development policy” is right for the development ? Has it actually enhanced the economic growth of the West ? According to experience, there are seven decisive factors to influence the economic growth of the West: Employment, Wage rate, Fix Asset Investment, Amount of Foreign Investment, Energy Consumption, The Beneficial Policies of West Development,and Economic Crisis. Other variables such as trade openness and time trends, also has significant impact.

Periferinių regionų struktūrinių pokyčių valdymas / Management of structural changes in peripheral areas

Tautvaišaitė, Šarūnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas - Lietuvos kaimiškosios savivaldybės. Tyrimo dalykas – kaimiškų savivaldybių socialinis - ekonominis vystymasis. Darbo tikslas – suformuoti periferinių regionų struktūrinių pokyčių valdymo principus. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti vietovių vystymosi specifiką ir periferiškumo problemas teoriniu aspektu. 2. Parengti periferiškumo vertinimo metodiką pritaikant ją praktiškai. 3. Ištirti Lietuvos struktūrinius pokyčius ir jų valdymo specifiką. 4. Parengti periferinių savivaldybių struktūrinių pokyčių valdymo modelį. Tyrimo metodai: lyginamosios analizės, loginės analizės ir sintezės, duomenų sisteminimo ir statistinių duomenų analizės, palyginamosios analizės, grafinio vaizdavimo ir modeliavimo metodai, taip pat kiekybinių rodiklių analizei taikomas koreliacijos metodas. Lietuvos savivaldybių pasiskirstymas pagal periferiškumo lygį pateiktas naudojant GIS kompiuterinę programą. / Research object - rural municipalities of Lithuania. Research subject - social – economical development of rural municipalities. Research aim - to compose the possibilities for peripheral areas structural changes management. Objectives: 1. To analyze specific of areas development and periphery in the theoretical aspects. 2. To compose methodic of peripherality evaluation and adapt it in practice. 3. To analyze specific of Lithuanian structural changes and their management. 4. To compose a structural changes management model of peripheral municipalities. Research methods: comparative, logical analysis and synthesis, analysis of both: data systematizing and statistical data, graphical depiction and modeling, correlation.

Mísní akční skupiny v Jižních Čechách - jejich vliv na rozvoj regionu / Local Action Groups in southern Bohemia and their influence on the regional development

SLÍPKOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is "Local Action Groups in southern Bohemia and their influence on the regional development". The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the influence of a chosen Local Action Group (LAG) in the given region of southern Bohemia and to appraise its input from LAG's insiders' points of view. The theoretical part explains basic terms related to Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Programme, LEADER method and functioning of a Local Action Group. The applied part is divided into two sections. The first one introduces LAGs in southern Bohemia and their evaluations, including financial contribution to the region. Moreover, detailed characterisation of LAG Třeboňsko was brought forth. The second section focuses on survey among insiders of LAG Třeboňsko and their opinion on its activities in the region. Controlled interviews with the representatives of the LAG were used as a main tool to find out attitude of the LAG's management as well as its members. The interviews were conducted with two groups first within the public sector represented by leaders of individual microregions and second within the private sector represented by the associated entrepreneurs. The function of the LAG was evaluated based on the survey results. Thanks to the interviews with LAG's insiders, it is possible to conclude that LAG Třeboňsko works on a good level and its members percept its influence in the region's development positively and as well-founded.

中國大陸西部地區吸引外來投資的決定因素 / The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in West China

黃霈芝 Unknown Date (has links)
1978年中國大陸在經濟上採取改革開放政策後,中國大陸克服資金不足、技術落後等問題,經濟快速成長、人民生活水準和人均生產總值皆大幅提升。但中國大陸內部卻面臨各地區經濟發展的程度有極大落差的困局。為此,中國大陸政府提出多項區域發展政策,期能撫平區域發展不均衡的差距,「西部大開發」即為其中之一,希望能藉此一舉改善西部目前發展上的弱勢。但是西部地區要脫離落後狀態朝向發展所需要之條件究竟為何?西部大開發政策所切入之角度是否正中西部所需?本文將由影響外商投資西部的決定性因素,來評估西部大開發政策之成效。透過1997至2005年外商對中國西部地區投資的追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,分析影響外商至西部進行投資的趨勢及決定性因素為何,並以估計之結果檢視「西部大開發」政策是否切中西部發展所需,確實改善西部投資環境。 根據實證結果顯示,吸引外商至西部進行投資的決定性因素有四,分別為相對工資率、基礎建設、礦產資源,以及外資開放程度。其他的變數如市場大小、勞動力素質、國營企業比重、中央移轉性支付比例以及優惠政策等,皆未有顯著影響。 關鍵詞:西部大開發、外來直接投資、固定效果模型、決定因素 分類號:B23、C33、F21、R58 / Since China has adopted the so-called “open door policy” in 1978, it has overcame its shortage of economic investment and lagged technology by accepting foreign direct investment(FDI) and the “east-tilted” policy. Two decades later, while China enjoys its high economic growth rate, it has to solve the dilemma of keeping economy growing or balancing the regional disparity. Hence the China government has proposed the “Western Region Development” policy to facilitate the slow-growing economy in west China. Since FDI has played an important role in China economical development, the purpose of this study is to investigate the foreign direct investment in West China, and the flowing issue is using the results to evaluate the efficiency of Western Region Development policy, to see if the policy meet the need of western regional development. This study has based upon the panel data for western region during the period of 1997-2005 and fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in West China. The result shows relative wage rate, infrastructure, mine resource, and openness to the rest of the world. Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in models and enable the study more rigorous, uses more methods to test the models and the result. Keywords: Western Region Development, Fixed-Effect Model, Foreign Direct Investment, Determinants JEL Classification: B23、C33、F21、R58

Princip místního rozměru v projektech zaměřených na sociální podnikání / Following the Local impact in projects focused on Social Enterprising

Plecháčková, Taťána January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis is focused on Following the Principle of Local impact in projects focused on Social Enterprising. First chapters bring theoretical concept of Social Economy and Social Enterprising subjects. Second part of the work contains project of research and analysis of information acquired from companies that participated in a research. The Local impact as a fundamental Principle of Social economy is described on the basis of respondent's answers concerning the communication and cooperation with stakeholders, using variety of local resources, satisfying local needs and participating in community planning.

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