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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti využití fondů EU pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu v kraji Vysočina / The possibilities of utilisation of the funds of EU for tourism development in Vysočina region

Hajná, Blanka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with utilisation of EU funds regarding tourism development in Vysočina region. Theoretical part is concerned with tourism and its relation to regional development. Tourism issues and tourism development is seen from both Czech Republic and European Union point of view. Authorities which deals with tourism management at above mentioned levels are introduced here. Economic and social politics by which tourism support from EU funds is implemented are mentioned also. Practical part of the thesis deals with possibilities of utilisation of the funds for tourism development in Vysočina region. In addition to the basic characterization of the region and his tourism supply, with the help of analyses of particular calls and through all realized projects the thesis summarizes the possibilities of utilisation of the funds for tourism development in Vysočina region.

Tourism and Economic Development in China: The Three Levels of Analysis

Kan, Tang-chung 15 June 2007 (has links)
In this study, the relationship between the tourism policies and economic development in China was analyzed from the three levels: nation, region and province. The analysis included the evolution of tourism policies, the survey of tourism market, the strength of tourism resources and the unique features of tourism development. At national level, the changes before and after the three period were studied, including the founding of PRC in 1949, open-door economic reform policy in 1978, and entering WTO in 2001. Concerning the regional level, the eastern and western were analyzed. In the aspects of province, only those showing distinguished developmenmt were chosen for analysis, including Jiangsu in the eastern coastal region, and Yunnan in the western inland region. From the viewpoint of national policies and market mechanism, the direction concerning the development of regional tourism policies was discussed. Based on the theory of regional economic development, the differences in tourism development were investigated. In terms of the theory of industrial competition advantage, the advantage of tourism resources was examined. Finally, the correlation between tourism and economic development was analyzed. The unique features of tourism in China from the three levels were also explored, respectively.

Vliv revitalizace památek na společenský život v obci, na příkladu Dolních Počernic / Vliv revitalizace památek na společenský život v obci, na příkladu Dolních Počernic

Holáňová, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a description and characterization of the most important impacts and effects which are associated with the renewal of monument. The renewal has a huge impact on the monument itself. It is a way how to preserve the existence of monument for the future. When the monument is integrated again into a contemporary community, it brings new economic benefits which give the monument a new sense of being and give it the chance to be conserved and protected for next generations. This new economic role of the monument has to be considered only with the respect to its historical and artistic value. The existence of monument affects also its surroundings in many ways. Monument has an obvious impact on landscape, the view of horizon and also influences the quality of life of people living in the vicinity. Monument can enrich leisure time of local people or turists. It can be also the key factor for developing of tourism, incoming investments and prosperity of this locality. Monument could not be considered in isolation of its surroundings because it creates together a complex which influences the monument, and on the other hand, which is influenced by the monument.

Особенности маркетинговой коммуникации в сфере регионального экстремального туризма : магистерская диссертация / Features of marketing communication in the field of regional extreme tourism

Бондарев, Н. Д., Bondarev, N. D. January 2024 (has links)
В диссертации рассматривается маркетинговая коммуникация, возникающая между поставщиком туристического продукта и его потребителем, а также особенности организуемого компанией Acerola travel коммуникационного процесса, проявленные в текстах, созданных для реализации туристического продукта и задач, направленных на цедевого потребителя услуг компании. В работе изучаются особенности коммуникационных инструментов, используемых компанией Actrola travel для продвижения своих туристических услуг в интернет-пространстве. / The dissertation examines the marketing communication that arises between the supplier of a tourist product and its consumer, as well as the features of the communication process organized by Acerola travel, manifested in texts created for the implementation of a tourist product and tasks aimed at the primary consumer of the company's services. The paper examines the features of the communication tools used by Actrola travel to promote its travel services in the Internet.

Regional Tourism Organisations in New Zealand from 1980 to 2005: Process of Transition and Change

Zahra, Anne January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a historical case study tracing the establishment and evolution of Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) in New Zealand. It describes their role, structure and functions and the political processes that have influenced how they have operated and changed from 1980 to 2005. RTOs are examined in the context of government policies, local and national politics and tourism private and public sector relationships. RTOs were central to many of the key recommendations of the New Zealand Tourism Strategy 2010 (NZTS 2010) released in 2001. The NZTS 2010 attempted to address a range of tourism policy gaps created by a policy vacuum in the 1990s whereby the public and private tourism sectors focused mainly on international marketing. This strategy shaped government policy during this decade. The research findings show that although public and private sector institutional arrangements impacting on RTOs have changed, there remains, as in the past, no uniformity in their role, structure, functions and their future financial and political viability remains insecure. The NZTS 2010 raised destination management and its alignment with destination marketing as a major policy issue that needed to be addressed in the decade leading up to 2010 with RTOs having a pivotal role. A generic regional destination management model is presented. Structures and processes incorporated into this model include: a national destination management tourism policy; support for tourism by local government at the national level; a well defined destination management team; community collaboration; and tourism being integrated into the wider planning processes of local government. The model identified requisite building blocks to support regional destination management such as: the provision of staff and financial resources for regional tourism; the building of a high tourism profile in the community; the availability of statistics and research data at the regional level; local government planners acknowledging the impacts of tourism; and the existence of a legal mandate for tourism at the regional and/or local government level. When applying this model to the New Zealand context, it was found that a number of the structures and processes required for effective regional destination management were lacking, such as regional statistics and research data, staffing and financial resources for both RTOs and local government, the ability of council planners to understand and integrate tourism into the wider planning processes and a legislative mandate for tourism. The thesis concluded that a vacuum remains in the alignment of destination marketing and management. The historical and political processes of RTO change were also examined in the context of chaos and complexity theory. Chaos and complexity theory provided a complementary and different means to view change. This thesis also presented the opportunity to reflect upon the research process which led to the adoption of a multi-paradigmatic and bricoleur research methodology. Further reflexivity and reflection towards the end of the research process articulated ontological and epistemological philosophical investigations that underlay the multi-paradigmatic approach. A model is presented emphasising that a multi-paradigmatic research approach rests on ultimate reality (metaphysics) which informs the ontology. The model then highlights that ontology precedes and directs epistemology and that both inform the multi-paradigmatic research framework.

Hållbar turismutveckling ur ett regionalt perspektiv : En komparativ studie av fyra regionala turismorganisationer

Eklund, Moa January 2011 (has links)
Hållbar turism är ett högaktuellt ämne som berör alla involverade aktörer inom turism. Konceptet kan tillämpas på alla geografiska nivåer och det grundläggande syftet är att minimera turismens negativa effekter samt att maximera dess positiva effekter. Sedan ”Brundtlandrapporten” har begreppen hållbar utveckling och hållbar turism behandlats i en stor mängd litteratur samt varit föremål för många diskussioner och debatter. Trots detta är båda begreppen och många av dess definitioner komplexa, otydliga och svåra att operationalisera. Denna otydlighet är en bidragande faktor till att implementering av hållbar utveckling likväl som hållbar turism har varit långsam och långt ifrån framgångsrik. Det är viktigt att inte betrakta hållbar turism som en definierbar slutpunkt utan att arbetet bör ses som en process. Det är därför möjligt att göra insatser som syftar till en mer hållbar turismutveckling men det är omöjligt att exakt beskriva ett hållbart tillstånd. En av de främsta barriärerna för framåtskridande inom hållbar turism är det bristfälliga stödet från konsumenter. Många anser sig ha positiva attityder gentemot hållbar turism men endast ett fåtal omsätter dessa i praktiken. Det finns flera metoder för att påverka konsumenter att välja hållbara alternativ såsom uppförandekoder, miljömärkningar och marknadsföring. Utöver konsumenternas bristfälliga stöd finns även många andra barriärer för implementering av hållbar turism men det är viktigare att fokusera på och jobba utifrån goda exempel. Regionala turismorganisationer kan jobba utifrån en modell innehållande framgångsfaktorer för att uppnå en framgångsrik implementering av hållbar turism. Dessa faktorer innefattar bland annat samordning, medvetenhet, tydlighet och ekonomisk prioritet. För att sedan avgöra om de insatser som görs leder till att utvecklingen går i en hållbar riktning är mätning genom indikatorer ett användbart verktyg. Hållbar utveckling kan även kopplas till en diskussion om ansvar och etiska frågor, där vissa företag och organisationer börjar arbeta med hållbar turism endast för egen vinning medan andra även beaktar etiska aspekter. För att regionala turismorganisationer ska kunna avgöra på vilken nivå de ligger i sitt hållbarhetsarbete kan de använda sig av en hierarki bestående av fyra delar, alltifrån basnivå till avancerad nivå. Organisationerna kan i tillägg till detta även arbeta utifrån ett antal steg för att nå högre nivåer i sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Tillväxtverket och Innovasjon Norge arbetar med turism på nationell nivå i Sverige respektive Norge. Dessa samarbetar i sin tur med regionala turismorganisationer och företag. Region Dalarna, Swedish Lapland Tourism, Jämtland Härjedalen Turism och Fjord Norge AS är regionala turismorganisationer som ligger på olika nivåer i den tidigare nämnda hierarkin. Deras hållbarhetsarbete skiljer sig därmed åt vilket bland annat kan bero på när organisationerna bildades, deras organisationsform och vilka de huvudsakliga uppgifterna är i de olika organisationerna. I strävan mot en hållbar turismutveckling krävs insatser från aktörer på alla geografiska nivåer och det måste finnas ett målinriktat strategiskt samarbete mellan nivåerna. Alla aktörer har olika roller att spela i resan mot en hållbar turismutveckling och regionala turismorganisationer fungerar som en viktig länk mellan nationella aktörer och aktörer på destinations- och företagsnivå. / Sustainable tourism is a highly topical subject that concerns all actors involved in tourism. The concept can be applied to all geographical levels and its basic purpose is to minimize the negative impacts of tourism and to maximize its positive impacts. Since the report of the Brundtland Commission, the concepts of sustainable development and sustainable tourism have been treated in a large body of literature and the subject of many discussions and debates. Nevertheless, both concepts and many of its definitions are complex, unclear and difficult to operationalize. This ambiguity is a contributing factor to the fact that the implementation of sustainable development as well as sustainable tourism has been slow and far from successful. It is important not to consider sustainable tourism as a definable end point, efforts should instead be seen as a process. It is therefore possible to make efforts towards more sustainable tourism development but it’s impossible to accurately describe a sustainable condition. One of the main barriers to progress in sustainable tourism is the lack of support from consumers. Research has shown that many people have positive attitudes towards sustainable tourism but only a few sales of these in practice. There are several methods to influence consumers to choose sustainable alternatives such as codes of conducts, eco-labels and marketing. In addition to consumers' lack of support, there are many other barriers for the implementation of sustainable tourism but it is more important to focus on and work from good examples. Regional tourism organizations can work from key success factors in achieving a successful implementation of sustainable tourism. These factors include, among other things, coordination, awareness, clarity and economic priority. To then determine whether the efforts leading to the development is in a sustainable direction indicators are a useful tool. Sustainable development can be linked to a discussion of responsibility and ethical issues, where some companies and organizations are beginning to work on sustainable tourism only for their own benefit, while others also take into account ethical aspects. For regional tourism organizations will be able to determine at what level they are in their sustainability efforts, they can make use of a hierarchy of four elements, ranging from basic level to advanced level. Organizations can add to this work from a number of steps to reach higher levels in their sustainability efforts. Tillväxtverket and Innovasjon Norge are working with tourism at the national level in Sweden and Norway respectively. These organizations collaborate in turn with regional tourism organizations and companies. Region Dalarna, Swedish Lapland Tourism, Jämtland Härjedalen Turism and Fjord Norge AS are all regional tourism organizations and are at different levels in the previously mentioned hierarchy. Their efforts for sustainable tourism is therefore different to, inter alia, from when the organization was formed, their organizational form and the main tasks in the different organizations. The movement toward sustainable tourism development requires action from stakeholders at all geographical levels and there must be a targeted strategic cooperation between the levels. All parties have different tasks in the journey towards sustainable tourism development and regional tourism organizations serves as an important link between national operators and destination and enterprise level.

Regioninio turizmo situacija ir perspektyvos:Mažeikių rajono pavyzdžiu / Situation and Prospects of Regional Tourism in Standards of Mažeikiai District

Rynkevičienė, Irena 28 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojama Mažeikių rajono turizmo situacija bei plėtros perspektyvos Lietuvos regioninės politikos kontekste. Darbe apibūdinamos pagrindinės Mažeikių rajono turizmo sritys – gamtinė, kultūrinė ir sporto turizmo aplinka, infrastruktūra, jų reikšmė vietinio ir atvykstamojo turizmo plėtrai, analizuojami teisiniai turizmo dokumentai. Keliami darbo uždaviniai - charakterizuoti esamus rajono turistinius išteklius ir įvertinti stiprybes, silpnybes, galimybes bei galimas grėsmes, pateikiant kiekvienos turizmo srities SSGG (angl. SWOT) analizes. Siekiant ištirti Mažeikių rajono turizmo sektoriaus valdymo problemas, buvo apklausti penkių pagrindinių rajono turizmo institucijų ekspertai. Tyrimo metu siekta išsiaiškinti ekspertų nuomonę apie turizmo valdymo situaciją, turizmo institucijų veiklos funkcijas, tų funkcijų praktinį pritaikymą, bendradarbiavimo tarp institucijų ir verslo partnerių aspektus. Baigiamojoje dalyje pateiktos išvados ir įvairios problemų sprendimo galimybės, ekspertinio tyrimo metodu įvertintos plėtros perspektyvos vietiniam ir atvykstamajam turizmui skatinti ekonomikos atsigavimo laikotarpiui. / This master’s work analysis the situation of tourism and prospects of expansion in Mažeikiai district in the context of regional policy of Lithuania. Firstly, the leading fields of tourism of Mažeikiai district such as natural, cultural and sport tourism environment, infrastructure, their importance to the expansion of local and coming tourism have been definable in this work as well as legal tourism documents have been analyzed. Objectives: to define the present tourist resources of the district and evaluate the strength, the weakness, opportunities and possible threats providing analysis of every sphere of tourism (SWOT). Secondly, for the attainment of exploring the problems of the management of tourism division of Mažeikiai district the experts of five leading tourism institutions of the district have been interviewed. Furthermore, during the survey the experts’ view on the situation of management of tourism, the functions of work of tourism institutions, and putting them into practice, and the aspects in collaboration with the tourism institutions and business, has been aspired. Finally, the conclusion and various potentialities of solution to problems are provided in the final part and using the method of expert research the prospects of expansion for local and coming tourism to stimulate during economical recovery period have been assessed.

Влияние иностранных представительств в регионе на развитие въездного туризма: опыт деятельности Генерального консульства Франции в Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / The impact of foreign missions in the region on the development of inbound tourism: the role of the Consulate general of France in Sverdlovsk region

Бревнова, Ю. А., Brevnova, Y. A. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования является влияние иностранных представительств на въездной туризм в регионе. Предметом исследования является деятельность Генерального Консульства Франции в Екатеринбурге на территории Свердловской области в сфере туризма и развития въездного потока. Целью работы является исследование влияния Генерального Консульства Франции на формирование въездного туристского потока в Свердловскую область. / This work considers the role and the impact of the foreign mission in the region on tourism. The main idea is the role of the Consulate General of France in the formation of the inbound tourist flows in Sverdlovsk region. The questionnaires and events were analyzed that have affect in tourist flows from France. The main directions of cooperation between France and Sverdlovsk region were revealed.

Продвижение народного творчества и регионального туризма средствами арт-дизайна (на примере музея деревянного зодчества в селе Нижняя Синячиха) : магистерская диссертация / Promotion of folk art and regional tourism using art design (by example of the wooden architecture museum in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha)

Литвякова, А. М., Litvyakova, A. M. January 2024 (has links)
The dissertation work is devoted to the consideration of the potential of art design in the context of the promotion of folk art and regional tourism in Nizhny Sinyachikha. The study analyzes the role and importance of art design in preserving and promoting traditional Ural culture, attracting tourists and stimulating the economic development of the region. The work highlights various aspects of art design: folk craft, street art, art installations, and considers the involvement of the community in the process of holding a folk-art festival at the Museum of Wooden Architecture in Nizhny Sinyachikha. Special attention is paid to the analysis of practical methods of using art design to promote the museum's tourism potential and identify potential partners and interests. As a result of the study, recommendations are offered for the promotion and development of cultural values, considering the needs of tourists. / Диссертационная работа посвящена рассмотрению потенциала арт-дизайна в контексте продвижения народного творчества и регионального туризма в Нижней Синячихе. Исследование анализирует роль и значимость арт-дизайна в сохранении и продвижении традиционной уральской культуры, привлечении туристов и стимулировании экономического развития региона. В работе освящаются различные аспекты арт-дизайна: народное ремесло, уличное искусство, арт-инсталляции, а также рассматривается вовлечение сообщества в процесс проведения фестиваля народного творчества в музее деревянного зодчества в Нижней Синячихе. Особое внимание уделяется анализу практических методов использования арт-дизайна для продвижения туристического потенциала музея и выявлению потенциальных партнеров и интересов. В результате исследования предлагаются рекомендации для продвижения и развития культурных ценностей, учитывая потребности туристов.

Le renouveau touristique au pays du Mashrek dans la cadre du partenariat euro-méditerranéen / Mashrek tourist renewal in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Alhaji, Samer 04 May 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte de plus en plus concurrentiel, fortement influencé par les événements géopolitiques internationaux, et par l’évolution des goûts et des aspirations, le Mashrek occupe toujours une position touristique majeure aux niveaux régional et international. Ce projet facilite-t-il le dialogue entre les cultures? Il est bon de se pencher à nouveau sur le patrimoine commun du Bassin méditerranéen. Le 1er aspect important, c’est de redécouvrir ce patrimoine partagé afin que chacun puisse se réapproprier son propre patrimoine (un des objectifs de l’UPM « Union Pour la Méditerranée »). Il y a un grand lien entre le Mashrek et les besoins des Partenaires euro-méditerranéens dans le domaine touristique. Même si le tourisme, surtout dans contexte de coopération, permet aux gens de dialoguer et de surmonter la question des frontières, il ne faut pas occulter des blocages d’une autre nature. Cette question est très pertinente. Lors de la conception du projet, de manière à impliquer tous les acteurs et leurs besoins, c’est sans doute un avantage du programme, sur le plan de la conception du projet. Un renouveau touristique au Mashrek qui s’adapte continuellement à la réalité et introduit des modifications, ce qui permet de prendre en compte des études préalables afin de réorienter le projet en fonction des besoins, c’est une des clés de la réussite, dont la dimension régionale est une valeur ajoutée. L’aide de l’UE se révélera très précieuse à cet égard afin de huiler les synergies! Et les premiers signes concrets se manifestent: L’échange et l’ouverture d’esprit, c’est le fruit du commerce du tourisme. / In an increasingly competitive context, strongly influenced by the international geopolitical events, and the evolution of the tastes and the aspirations, Mashrek always occupies a major tourist position on the regional and international levels. Does this project facilitate the dialogue between the cultures? It is wise to lean again on the common inheritance of the Mediterranean basin. The 1st important aspect, it is to rediscover this shared inheritance so that each one can re-adapt his own inheritance (one of the objectives of the UFM “Union For the Mediterranean”). There is a great link between Mashrek and the needs of the Euro-Mediterranean Partners in the tourist field. Even if the tourism, especially in the context of co-operation, allows people to have a dialogue and to overcome the question of the borders, one should not occult obstacles of another nature. This question is very relevant! When designing this project, so as to imply all the actors and their needs, it is undoubtedly an advantage of the program, in the field of the design of the project. A tourist revival in Mashrek which adapts continuously to reality and introduces modifications, which makes possible to take into account preliminary studies in order to re-orient the project according to the needs, is one of the keys to success, whose regional dimension is an added value. The support of the EU will appear very invaluable in this respect in order to oiling synergies! And the first concrete signs appear: The exchange and the broadmindedness which are the commercial fruit of tourism.

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