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Atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugų struktūros Lietuvoje tobulinimas / The improvement of the inbound tourism services structure in LithuaniaŠedienė, Beata 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas. Atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugų struktūra Lietuvoje.
Problema. Vienas iš efektyviausių Lietuvos tarptautinio konkurencingumo didinimo būdų yra turizmo industrijos plėtotė. Lietuvos geopolitinė padėtis ir turizmo išteklių specifika sąlygoja palankias galimybes plėtoti atvykstamąjį turizmą šalyje, kurio vystymuisi didelis dėmesys skiriamas valstybiniu mastu: Lietuvos vyriausybė, rengdama bendrą Lietuvos vystymosi koncepciją, turizmą priskyrė prie prioritetinių ūkio plėtotės krypčių ir įsipareigojo sudaryti palankias sąlygas turizmo vystymuisi. Tačiau realus turizmo paslaugų plėtojimo skatinimas yra minimalus, o tai lemia dalinę turizmo sektoriaus stagnaciją.
Norint kuo geriau išnaudoti atvykstamojo turizmo organizavimo Lietuvoje teikiamas galimybes ekonominiam šalies vystymuisi, būtina tobulinti esamą atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugų struktūrą Lietuvoje, siekiant kuo efektyviau patenkinti užsienio turistų poreikius ir taip padidinti atvykstamojo turizmo Lietuvoje paslaugų paklausą.
Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti atvykstamojo turizmo Lietuvoje organizavimo principus ir paslaugų struktūrą bei numatyti atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugų struktūros Lietuvoje tobulinimo galimybes.
Tyrimo uždaviniai.
1. Išanalizuoti turizmo sampratą ir jo charakteristikas.
2. Išnagrinėti atvykstamojo turizmo ypatybes ir struktūrą teoriniu požiūriu.
3. Įvertinti atvykstamojo turizmo organizavimo Lietuvoje potencialą.
4. Išanalizuoti atvykstamojo turizmo paslaugų struktūrą ir jos vystymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research. The inbound tourism services structure in Lithuania.
Issue. The tourism industry development is one of the most effective ways of increasing Lithuania‘s international competitive ability. The geopolitical location and the particularity of tourism resources of Lithuania determine the favorable possibilities of the inbound tourism development in this country; moreover, it is given a great attention on a national scale. Preparing the general conception of Lithuania development the government of Lithuania ascribed the tourism to priority directions of the economy development and undertook to create the favorable conditions for tourism development. However, the encouragement of the real tourism services development is minimum, which decides the partial stagnation of the tourism sector.
It is necessary to improve the current inbound tourism services structure in Lithuania in order to use the given possibilities of the inbound tourism organization in Lithuania as soon as possible for the economical development of this country and to satisfy the needs of overseas tourists more effectively and thus to increase the services demand of the arrival tourism in Lithuania.
Purpose of research. Examination of the organization principles and suggestion of the improvement possibilities of the inbound tourism in Lithuania services structure.
Tasks of research.
1. Analyzing the tourism conception and its characteristics.
2. Exploring the inbound tourism peculiarities and the... [to full text]
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Marketing región de Lambayeque: mejorando el turismo receptivo / Lambayeque Region marketing: Improving Incoming TourismPingo Jara, Roger 10 April 2018 (has links)
Up to now, the marketing of the Lambayeque region as a tourist destination has been able to make important progress in the growth of domestic tourists flow. 40% of these tourists come from the capital, mostly they arrive in this region, mainly for business reasons. However, little progress is shown in relation to Incoming tourism, because from 100% of visitors who arrive to this touristic destination only 5% are of foreign origin.Furthermore, in 2011, from the total foreign tourists that visited the Moche Route - La Libertad region and Lambayeque region, 70% remained in the first one and only 30% visited both regions, completing the touristic circuit. The recommendations of the teachers of the Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Esan and Centrum Católica, who have been interviewed are compared with the businessmen’s opinions in the region, showing the importance of targeting the tourism marketing strategy. Thus, it seeks to create value in different niches of the source markets, to prioritize potential tourists from brotherly countries, to link emotionally the tourist with the city, to build brands for each touristic product, to invest in highly specialized tourism and to improve significantly the clusters organization of the tourism sector in the region.We conclude that, in the region of Lambayeque, isolated efforts have been made regarding the incoming marketing, but, according to the needs, tastes and preferences of the potential tourist, this does not fulfill the international standards. This is demonstrated by the results achieved up to now—in terms of the foreign visitors’ number—. To that extent, It emphasizes the importance of the design and the implementation of a marketing plan connected with market reality.It should profit from the national brand and develop regional and local brand based on the international touristic demand-supply relation to market niches. / A la fecha, el marketing de la región de Lambayeque como destino turístico ha logrado avanzar en el crecimiento del flujo de turistas nacionales. Estos, en un 40%, provienen de la capital y, en su mayoría, arriban a esta región, principalmente, por razones de negocio. Sin embargo, poco avance se muestra en cuanto al turismo receptivo, dado que del 100% de visitantes que llegan a este destino turístico solo el 5% es de origen extranjero. Además, del total de turistas extranjeros que, en el 2011, visitaron la ruta Moche —región de La Libertad y región de Lambayeque—, el 70% se quedó en la primera y solo el 30% visitó ambas regiones, completando el circuito turístico. Las recomendaciones de los profesores entrevistados de la Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Esan y Centrum Católica —que son comparadas con las opiniones de los empresarios de la región—, muestran la importancia de focalizar la estrategia de marketing turístico. De este modo, se busca generar valor en los diferentes nichos de los mercados emisores, priorizar los potenciales turistas de países hermanos, vincular emocionalmente al turista con la ciudad, desarrollar marcas para cada producto turístico, invertir en turismo altamente especializado y mejorar significativamente la organización de los clusters del sector turismo de la región. Se concluye que, en la región de Lambayeque, se han realizado esfuerzos aislados respecto al marketing receptivo, pero que, de acuerdo a las necesidades, gustos y preferencias del potencial turista, este no cumple con estándares internacionales. Ello se demuestra por los resultados logrados a la fecha —en cuanto al número de visitantes extranjeros—. En esa medida, destaca la importancia del diseño y de la implementación de un plan de marketing conectados con la realidad del mercado. Se debe ubicar bajo la cobertura de la marca país y desarrollar la marca regional y local basándose en la relación demanda-oferta turística internacional por nichos de mercado.
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IDENTIDADE E DIVULGAÇÃO TURÍSTICA DA UFSM: Criação de um kit de serviços receptivos / DENTITY AND DISCLOSURE OF TOURIST UFSM: Creating a kit receptiveBortolotto, Denise Garcia da Silva 30 March 2015 (has links)
This study is a reflection on the perspective of consolidating a cultural tourism identity for the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), located in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. This analysis has as object of study the receptive inserted tourism in the context of event tourism in the Federal University of Santa Maria. The proposal is to think of the Federal University of Santa Maria as attractive cultural tour of the city of Santa Maria. / Este estudo parte de uma reflexão acerca da perspectiva em consolidar uma identidade turística cultural para a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), localizada no município de Santa Maria, no Rio Grande do Sul. Esta análise apresenta como objeto de estudo o turismo receptivo inserido no contexto do turismo de eventos na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Através da construção de um Kit de serviços receptivos da UFSM , a proposta é pensarmos na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria como atrativo turístico cultural da cidade de Santa Maria. De forma que esses produtos sugeridos colaborem no sentido de divulgar e valorizar a Instituição.
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赴日本旅遊的影響因素—Panel Data的分析方法 / Determinants of inbound travel to Japan -- the Panel Data approach大滝麻莉, Otaki Mari Unknown Date (has links)
此報告採用Panel Data分析方法中的固定效應模式來評估觀光收入與觀光價格以及主要事件與相關政策對於國際觀光客的影響,研究對象以十一個亞洲國家到日本旅遊為例。此研究發現觀光需求易受到觀光客出發國家以及目的國家的旅遊價格影響。此研究發現需求的收入彈性係數為+3.041,需求的收價格彈性係數為-0.486,表示對國際觀光客而言,赴日旅遊是較昂貴的商品,觀光客的價格較不彈性。此外, 有關當局預估福島核災事件在2011年會減少觀光客人次至2,765,669,而2015年的外國觀光客免稅購物政策則導致國際觀光客入境人次2,115,519。此研究發現免簽證觀光的延長政策以及對日本的重大抗議對於國際觀光客入境日本並無顯著影響。 / International tourism has become a significant source of economic growth for many developed countries that have encountered slowdowns in domestic economic productivity. The Japanese government has begun, in recent years, to promote inbound tourism in an effort to stimulate its own stagnant economic growth. This paper discusses tourism trends and policies the government could implement to increase the number of tourists and become the “tourism-oriented country” it aspires to be.
This paper adopts a Panel Data Analysis with Fixed Effects model to estimate the impact of tourist income and tourism price as well as major events and policy on international tourist arrivals to Japan from 11 Asian countries. The paper finds that tourism demand is sensitive to both origin country income and destination country price. Income elasticity of demand is found to be +3.041 and price elasticity of demand to be -0.486 implying travel to Japan is considered a luxury good and that visitors are price inelastic. Further, the Fukushima nuclear disaster is estimated to have reduced international arrivals by 2,765,669 in its aftermath in 2011 and the implementation of tax-free shopping for foreign visitors led is estimated to have increased international arrivals by 2,115,519 in 2015. The paper finds the expansion of visa exempt travel and major protests against Japan to have no significant impact on international arrivals.
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Внедрение электронных виз: российский опыт : магистерская диссертация / Implementation of electronic visas: Russian experienceГабышева, А. Н., Gabysheva, A. N. January 2021 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе магистранта рассматривается новый для России способ визовой поддержки – электронная виза. Изучена история проведения эксперимента по применению электронной визы в ряде регионов страны, предпринята попытка спрогнозировать востребованность этого сервиса в постпандемийный период. / In the master’s thesis of a student a new for Russia method of visa support - e-visa is considered. The history of the experimental application of electronic visa in a number of regions of the country is studied, an attempt is made to predict the demand for this service in the post-pandemic period.
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"Modelo gravitacional do turismo: proposta teórica e estudo empírico dos fluxos turísticos no Brasil" / Tourism Gravity Model: a theoretical proposal and an empirical study of tourism flows in BrazilSantos, Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira 20 December 2004 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva compreender a dinâmica origem-destino dos fluxos turísticos a partir de seus fatores causais. Para explicar esse fenômeno, são propostas algumas adaptações dos princípios da gravitação social, constituindo o Modelo Gravitacional do Turismo (MGT). São, inicialmente, estudados os já existentes modelos teóricos e estatísticos que visam a explicar o turismo, além das pesquisas já desenvolvidas sobre a aplicação dos modelos gravitacionais ao turismo. Em seguida, as proposições do MGT são desenvolvidas por meio de discussões verbalizadas, da construção de um diagrama e de descrições matemáticas. Por fim, a validade do MGT é testada por um estudo estatístico empírico dos fluxos turísticos domésticos no Brasil. As conclusões do estudo apontam para a validade do modelo, indicando que a dinâmica origem-destino dos fluxos turísticos pode ser explicada com base na interação das forças repulsiva, atrativa e de atrito definidas pelo estudo. / This study intends to understand the origin-destination dynamics of the tourism flows, based on their causal factors. To explain this phenomenum, the paper proposes some adaptations of the social gravitation principles to the tourism activity, leading to the Tourism Gravitational Model (MGT). Initially, it studies the theoretical and statistical existing models that intend to explain the tourism activity, as well as researches on the application of gravity models to tourism. Then, the propositions of MGT are developed through verbalised argumentations, a diagram construct and a mathematical description. At last, the validity of MGT is tested through an empirical statistical study of domestic tourism flows in Brazil. The conclusions point to the validity of the proposed model, evidencing that the origin-destination dynamics of tourism flows can be explained from the interaction of the repulsive, attractive and friction forces defined by the study.
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Análise da participação das agências de turismo receptivo do Circuito das Frutas (SP) no fomento à formação de redes de cooperação / Analysis of inbound tourism agencies\' participation in the Fruit Circuit (SP) concerning the creation of cooperation networksValéria Andrade de Thomaz 22 October 2018 (has links)
O turismo tem sido reconhecido como um importante indutor de geração de renda e emprego, nesta atividade, a maioria dos empresários administram pequenas e médias empresas, portanto, a escolha de trabalhar em rede tem se mostrado eficiente quando isso acontece de forma organizada. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a participação das agências de turismo receptivo como agente fomentador de redes de cooperação no Circuito das Frutas, localizada no Estado de São Paulo. Tal Circuito é formado por 10 municípios: Atibaia, Indaiatuba, Itatiba, Itupeva, Jarinu, Jundiaí, Louveira, Morungaba, Valinhos e Vinhedo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória que investigou a relação entre diversos atores da cadeia produtiva do turismo, com apoio em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. O roteiro de entrevista foi elaborado com base em Hastenreiter Fo. (2005), que estabelece elementos que indicam características de organizações de suporte de rede (OSR), e as análises apoiaram-se em uma matriz, resultante da compilação do referencial teórico, que define categorias e variáveis essenciais para a caracterização de uma rede de cooperação eficiente. Os resultados apresentam que, no caso específico do Circuito das Frutas, as agências de turismo receptivo podem, de fato, fomentar uma rede de cooperação, desde que os objetivos de determinada rede estejam claros, o comprometimento e colaboração dos integrantes sejam fortalecidos e incentivados, as vantagens em participar sejam apresentadas e avaliadas continuamente, desde que haja planejamento e dedicação exclusiva de um gestor responsável em manter os associados interessados em discutir ações comuns e que possa orientar as atividades para os objetivos comuns da rede / Tourism has been recognized as a significant job and income fomenter, in this activity, most entrepreneurs manage small and medium-sized companies, thus, choosing to work as a net has been seen as efficient when it happens in an organized manner. This researchs aim was to analyze the participation of inbound tourism agencies as fomenting agents of the cooperation networks in the Fruit Circuit located in the State of São Paulo. This Circuit is comprised by 10 municipalities: Atibaia, Indaiatuba, Itatiba, Itupeva, Jarinu, Jundiaí, Louveira, Morungaba, Valinhos, and Vinhedo. It is an exploratory and descriptive research that investigated the relation among many actors in the tourism chain, based on document and bibliographical research. The interview script was developed based on Hastenreiter Fo (2005), who stablishes elements indicating characteristics of network support organizations (NSO), and the analysis were also based on a matrix that resulted from information in the theoretical references, which defines categories and variables that were considered essential for the characterization of an efficient cooperation network. The outcomes revealed that, in the specific case of the Fruit Circuit, tourism agencies can foment a cooperation network, given that this networks objectives be clear, the members commitment and collaboration be reinforced and encouraged, that the advantages of participating be constantly presented and assessed, and given that there is planning and exclusive commitment by a manager that takes responsibility in keeping associates interested, discussing common actions and guiding activities for the networks\'common objectives
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Análise da participação das agências de turismo receptivo do Circuito das Frutas (SP) no fomento à formação de redes de cooperação / Analysis of inbound tourism agencies\' participation in the Fruit Circuit (SP) concerning the creation of cooperation networksThomaz, Valéria Andrade de 22 October 2018 (has links)
O turismo tem sido reconhecido como um importante indutor de geração de renda e emprego, nesta atividade, a maioria dos empresários administram pequenas e médias empresas, portanto, a escolha de trabalhar em rede tem se mostrado eficiente quando isso acontece de forma organizada. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a participação das agências de turismo receptivo como agente fomentador de redes de cooperação no Circuito das Frutas, localizada no Estado de São Paulo. Tal Circuito é formado por 10 municípios: Atibaia, Indaiatuba, Itatiba, Itupeva, Jarinu, Jundiaí, Louveira, Morungaba, Valinhos e Vinhedo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória que investigou a relação entre diversos atores da cadeia produtiva do turismo, com apoio em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. O roteiro de entrevista foi elaborado com base em Hastenreiter Fo. (2005), que estabelece elementos que indicam características de organizações de suporte de rede (OSR), e as análises apoiaram-se em uma matriz, resultante da compilação do referencial teórico, que define categorias e variáveis essenciais para a caracterização de uma rede de cooperação eficiente. Os resultados apresentam que, no caso específico do Circuito das Frutas, as agências de turismo receptivo podem, de fato, fomentar uma rede de cooperação, desde que os objetivos de determinada rede estejam claros, o comprometimento e colaboração dos integrantes sejam fortalecidos e incentivados, as vantagens em participar sejam apresentadas e avaliadas continuamente, desde que haja planejamento e dedicação exclusiva de um gestor responsável em manter os associados interessados em discutir ações comuns e que possa orientar as atividades para os objetivos comuns da rede / Tourism has been recognized as a significant job and income fomenter, in this activity, most entrepreneurs manage small and medium-sized companies, thus, choosing to work as a net has been seen as efficient when it happens in an organized manner. This researchs aim was to analyze the participation of inbound tourism agencies as fomenting agents of the cooperation networks in the Fruit Circuit located in the State of São Paulo. This Circuit is comprised by 10 municipalities: Atibaia, Indaiatuba, Itatiba, Itupeva, Jarinu, Jundiaí, Louveira, Morungaba, Valinhos, and Vinhedo. It is an exploratory and descriptive research that investigated the relation among many actors in the tourism chain, based on document and bibliographical research. The interview script was developed based on Hastenreiter Fo (2005), who stablishes elements indicating characteristics of network support organizations (NSO), and the analysis were also based on a matrix that resulted from information in the theoretical references, which defines categories and variables that were considered essential for the characterization of an efficient cooperation network. The outcomes revealed that, in the specific case of the Fruit Circuit, tourism agencies can foment a cooperation network, given that this networks objectives be clear, the members commitment and collaboration be reinforced and encouraged, that the advantages of participating be constantly presented and assessed, and given that there is planning and exclusive commitment by a manager that takes responsibility in keeping associates interested, discussing common actions and guiding activities for the networks\'common objectives
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Atvykstamojo turizmo svarba lietuvos ekonomikai ir jo plėtros perspektyvos / The impact of inbound tourism on the national economy and it’s development perspectivesŽabaliūnas, Linas 25 May 2005 (has links)
Object of research – benefits of inbound tourism and their impact to the state economy. Subject of research – inbound tourism development analysis and estimation. Purpose of research – analyze concepts and definitions of inbound tourism and it’s impact to the state economy as well as for see development perspectives. Research tasks – describe tourism definitions and evaluate rural tourism in it; analyze impact of the inbound tourism on the national economy by defining it’s influence on economical growth and regional development, employment rate and net export; appraise rural tourism development possibilities and trends in odder to gain from inbound tourism advantages. At the end , will be provided the conclusions about the importance of inbound tourism and the impact it makes on national economy and recommendations, which can help to improve the quality or tourism product as well as rural tourism services in order to gain form inbound tourism benefits. Research methods – analysis of scientific literature, logical thought, representation pf graphic data, oral questioning, comparison of information methods.
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"Modelo gravitacional do turismo: proposta teórica e estudo empírico dos fluxos turísticos no Brasil" / Tourism Gravity Model: a theoretical proposal and an empirical study of tourism flows in BrazilGlauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos 20 December 2004 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva compreender a dinâmica origem-destino dos fluxos turísticos a partir de seus fatores causais. Para explicar esse fenômeno, são propostas algumas adaptações dos princípios da gravitação social, constituindo o Modelo Gravitacional do Turismo (MGT). São, inicialmente, estudados os já existentes modelos teóricos e estatísticos que visam a explicar o turismo, além das pesquisas já desenvolvidas sobre a aplicação dos modelos gravitacionais ao turismo. Em seguida, as proposições do MGT são desenvolvidas por meio de discussões verbalizadas, da construção de um diagrama e de descrições matemáticas. Por fim, a validade do MGT é testada por um estudo estatístico empírico dos fluxos turísticos domésticos no Brasil. As conclusões do estudo apontam para a validade do modelo, indicando que a dinâmica origem-destino dos fluxos turísticos pode ser explicada com base na interação das forças repulsiva, atrativa e de atrito definidas pelo estudo. / This study intends to understand the origin-destination dynamics of the tourism flows, based on their causal factors. To explain this phenomenum, the paper proposes some adaptations of the social gravitation principles to the tourism activity, leading to the Tourism Gravitational Model (MGT). Initially, it studies the theoretical and statistical existing models that intend to explain the tourism activity, as well as researches on the application of gravity models to tourism. Then, the propositions of MGT are developed through verbalised argumentations, a diagram construct and a mathematical description. At last, the validity of MGT is tested through an empirical statistical study of domestic tourism flows in Brazil. The conclusions point to the validity of the proposed model, evidencing that the origin-destination dynamics of tourism flows can be explained from the interaction of the repulsive, attractive and friction forces defined by the study.
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