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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudar e/ou trabalhar: ser aluno-trabalhador é possível?

Hickmann, Roseli Inês January 1992 (has links)
A presente dissertação relata as principais análises e conclusões referentes a uma pesquisa realizada numa escola pública de 1º grau - ensino regular noturno de 5ª a 8ª série, onde se priorizaram e se privilegiaram como sujeitos do estudo os alunos-trabalhadores. Através de depoimentos e entrevistas com alunos-trabalhadores do ensino noturno, foi possível captar e aproximar-se um pouco mais das representações que os mesmos tem do cotidiano escolar e do mundo do trabalho. O referido estudo, também preocupou-se em compreender o significado que a escola tem para estes alunos-trabalhadores que a freqüentam, e para àqueles que ela retornam, após experiências de desistência e exclusão, mergulhados nesse movimento de ora se estuda e ora se trabalha.Neste ir e vir do cotidiano escolar e do mundo do trabalho, é dado ênfase ao trabalho como elemento predominante no processo de exclusão destes alunos-trabalhadores da escola noturna, porém, salienta-se que a escola também contribui, na medida em que com suas práticas diárias, dentro e fora do espaço da sala de aula, ignora e desconhece o trabalhador que cada aluno é. Escola e trabalho configuram-se, pois, como experiências excludentes nas trajetórias de vida destes alunos-trabalhadores.

Estudar e/ou trabalhar: ser aluno-trabalhador é possível?

Hickmann, Roseli Inês January 1992 (has links)
A presente dissertação relata as principais análises e conclusões referentes a uma pesquisa realizada numa escola pública de 1º grau - ensino regular noturno de 5ª a 8ª série, onde se priorizaram e se privilegiaram como sujeitos do estudo os alunos-trabalhadores. Através de depoimentos e entrevistas com alunos-trabalhadores do ensino noturno, foi possível captar e aproximar-se um pouco mais das representações que os mesmos tem do cotidiano escolar e do mundo do trabalho. O referido estudo, também preocupou-se em compreender o significado que a escola tem para estes alunos-trabalhadores que a freqüentam, e para àqueles que ela retornam, após experiências de desistência e exclusão, mergulhados nesse movimento de ora se estuda e ora se trabalha.Neste ir e vir do cotidiano escolar e do mundo do trabalho, é dado ênfase ao trabalho como elemento predominante no processo de exclusão destes alunos-trabalhadores da escola noturna, porém, salienta-se que a escola também contribui, na medida em que com suas práticas diárias, dentro e fora do espaço da sala de aula, ignora e desconhece o trabalhador que cada aluno é. Escola e trabalho configuram-se, pois, como experiências excludentes nas trajetórias de vida destes alunos-trabalhadores.

Multivariate Regular Variation and its Applications

Mariko, Dioulde Habibatou January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we review the basic notions related to univariate regular variation and study some fundamental properties of regularly varying random variables. We then consider the notion of regular variation in the multivariate case. After collecting some results from multivariate regular variation for random vectors with values in $\mathbb{R}_{+}^{d}$, we discuss its properties and examine several examples of multivariate regularly varying random vectors such as independent and identically distributed random vectors, fully dependent random vectors and other models. We also present the elements of univariate and multivariate extreme value theory and emphasize the connection with multivariate regular variation. Some measures of extreme dependence such as the stable tail dependence function and the Pickands dependence function are presented. We end the study by conducting a data analysis using financial data. In the univariate case, graphical tools such as quantile-quantile plots, mean excess plots and Hill plots are used in order to determine the underlying distribution of the univariate data. In the multivariate case, non-parametric estimators of the stable tail dependence function and the Pickands dependence function are used to describe the dependence structure of the multivariate data.

Bowel preparation for colonoscopy: is diet restriction necessary?

Chang, Hung-Jou 02 August 2021 (has links)
Background: Bowel preparation is essential for quality colonoscopy. Although most bowel preparation regimens recommend dietary restriction for 24 to 48 hours before the procedure, the evidence for this is poor. Objectives: To establish whether dietary restriction during bowel preparation improves the quality of bowel preparation. Methods: A prospective single blind, randomised controlled pilot study. The dietary restriction (DR) group was instructed not to ingest high fibre foods for 48 hours prior to the use of a polyethylene glycol (PEG) bowel preparation. The non-dietary restriction (NDR) group was not given any dietary modification, but received instructions for the use of the PEG-based preparation solution. On the day of colonoscopy, the quality of the bowel effluent was assessed, and additional preparation given as necessary. The primary endpoint was quality of bowel cleansing using the Harefield Cleansing Scale during colonoscopy. The secondary endpoint was the need for additional bowel preparation and quantity of additional bowel preparation given prior to endoscopy. Data were analysed on an intention to treat basis. Results: Twenty-three participants were randomised to the intervention group and thirty-four to the control group. Patient demographics were similar in both groups. Dietary restriction did not influence the success rate of bowel preparation: 97% successful bowel preparation in the DR group, vs 91% successful bowel preparation in the NDR group (p=0.559). Additional bowel preparation requirement were similar in both groups: 35% in DR group vs 39% in NDR group (p=0.768). Mean amount of additional bowel preparation required was similar: 560 ml in the DR group vs 460 ml in the NDR group (p=0.633). Conclusion: The quality of bowel preparation was comparable in patients with and without dietary restrictions prior to colonoscopy. Non-restrictive diets prior to bowel preparation should be considered to increase compliance. The sample size of this pilot study prohibited definite statistical conclusions but demonstrated this to be a reasonable methodology for a larger study.

Slice regular functions (Gentili er al., 2022) : Quaternions

Fathian Pourkondori, Mitra January 2023 (has links)
This thesis constitutes a comprehensive study of the fundamental properties of an analytic function theory over quaternions, which is known as slice regularity, as introduced in Gentili et al. (Gentili et al., 2022). In 2006, an approach to analysis over quaternions was introduced by G. Gentili and D.C. Struppa. This approach gave rise to a new notion of regularity for quaternion-valued functions called slice regularity. Functions satisfying this regularity were termed slice-regularity functions. This new theory heavily relies on complex analysis and has found applications in geometry. The primary objective of this project is to present this new theory, encompassing polynomials and power series in slice regular functions with quaternionic coefficients. Various properties, such as slice regular products, extend to polynomials, and convergent power series in the form of slice regular functions are defined.Consequently, this thesis offers an overview of the latest developments in regularity theory and the fundamentals of quaternion-valued slice regularity functions. I assume the reader isfamiliar with the basics of complex analysis or has read my bachelor’s thesis (Fathian Pourkondori, 2022) in advance. Given that my master’s thesis builds upon the foundations laidin my bachelor’s thesis, I have refrained from rewriting certain chapters on quaternions and Fueter’s regularity theory. These chapters are prerequisites for understanding slice regularity, and I provide the link to the previous thesis (Fathian Pourkondori, 2022) for reference.

On Orbit Equivalent Permutation Groups

Yang, Keyan 17 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Topology and the Platonic Solids

Taylor, Brand R. 13 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Reconstructing Signaling Pathways Using Regular-Language Constrained Paths

Wagner, Mitchell James 18 September 2018 (has links)
Signaling pathways are widely studied in systems biology. Several databases catalog our knowledge of these pathways, including the proteins and interactions that comprise them. However, high-quality curation of this information is slow and painstaking. As a result, many interactions still lack annotation concerning the pathways they participate in. A natural question that arises is whether or not it is possible to automatically leverage existing annotations to identify new interactions for inclusion in a given pathway. Here, we present RegLinker, an algorithm that achieves this purpose by computing multiple short paths from pathway receptors to transcription factors (TFs) within a background interaction network. The key idea underlying RegLinker is the use of regular-language constraints to control the number of non-pathway edges present in the computed paths. We systematically evaluate RegLinker and alternative approaches against a comprehensive set of 15 signaling pathways and demonstrate that RegLinker exhibits superior recovery of withheld pathway proteins and interactions. These results show the promise of our approach for prioritizing candidates for experimental study and the broader potential of automated analysis to attenuate difficulties of traditional manual inquiry. / Master of Science / Cells in the human body are constantly receiving signals that inform their response to a variety of conditions. These signals serve as cues to a cell, allowing it to make informed decisions that impact cellular processes such as movement, growth, and death. Cells employ proteins and the interactions between them to achieve these capabilities. Signals manifest as molecules that interact with proteins bound to membrane of a cell. When this happens, a cascade of interactions between the proteins inside the cell will be set off. Ultimately, this cascade activate or inhibit the cell’s production of new proteins, constituting a response to the signal received. The proteins and interactions involved in such a cascade together form what is known as a signaling pathway. Experiments have uncovered the interactions that are present in many signaling pathways, and researchers have carefully cataloged this information in publicly available databases. However, high-quality curation is slow and painstaking, and many known interactions have not been annotated as belonging to any pathway. A natural question that arises is whether or not it is possible to leverage existing annotations to automatically determine which new interactions to include in a given pathway. In this thesis, we present an efficient algorithm, RegLinker, for this purpose. We evaluate this method and alternative approaches on a comprehensive set of 15 signaling pathways and demonstrate that RegLinker is better at recovering interactions withheld from these pathways. In particular, we show RegLinker’s superior ability to identify interactions that utilize proteins that were not previously considered part of a pathway. These results underscore the promise of our approach for prioritizing candidates for experimental study and the broader potential of automated analysis to attenuate difficulties of traditional manual inquiry.

A criança com deficiência visual na escola regular / The child with Visual Disability in a regular school

Gil, Flávia Ceccon Moreira 11 March 2009 (has links)
Não raro, situações difíceis de se lidar na Educação são presenciadas no cotidiano escolar, como a questão da inclusão de alunos com deficiência na escola regular, que, muitas vezes, não tem estrutura física adequada, nem pessoal qualificado para trabalhar com esses alunos e proporcionar-lhes o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem esperados. Por conhecer a importância que a visão tem no processo escolar e na vida sócio-cultural da criança, e por saber que a Deficiência Visual (DV) atinge boa parte da população brasileira, optou-se, nesta pesquisa, por estudar crianças com graves limitações visuais matriculadas em escolas regulares. Assim, objetiva-se verificar como a comunidade escolar percebe a criança com DV; como é a percepção da própria criança com DV em relação à sua participação na escola regular e quais os procedimentos adotados pelas escolas para trabalhar com alunos com essas características. Para tal, fez-se necessário o estudo de caso, utilizando-se, como instrumentos, a observação e a análise documental de três crianças uma menina e dois meninos entre 6 e 8 anos de idade, com baixa visão congênita, que frequentavam diferentes escolas regulares de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental do Município de Juiz de Fora, MG, além de uma entrevista semiestruturada com as crianças e suas comunidades escolares. O estudo pautou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, cujos resultados apontaram para uma escassez de conhecimento por parte dos profissionais que atuavam nas escolas observadas, tanto sobre a DV quanto a respeito dos casos específicos das crianças pesquisadas. Além disso, constatouse que a baixa visão não é vista por muitas pessoas como DV, sendo menos conhecida do que a cegueira, e, talvez, por isso, alguns indivíduos a consideram como sendo menos grave do que a ausência total de visão. Em relação à percepção das comunidades escolares no que tange a seus alunos com baixa visão, de um modo geral, as três crianças eram percebidas como alunos normais e iguais aos outros, apesar de ainda não estarem totalmente incluídos nas escolas. Os métodos e as adaptações disponibilizados nas aulas eram insuficientes para lhes permitirem atingir seu potencial cognitivo e motor, apesar de terem ocorrido desenvolvimentos e avanços. Para os próprios alunos observados, a baixa visão era um detalhe ou mais uma de suas várias características, o que permite que eles se percebam crianças como as outras que têm diferenças comuns a todos os indivíduos, não se sentindo diferentes ou discriminados em razão da DV. Com a realização e o término desta pesquisa, percebe-se que a teoria inclusiva ainda está distante da prática e do cotidiano escolar. Argumentos são apresentados na tentativa de encobrir as falhas, e as responsabilidades comumente são lançadas para outras pessoas. Entretanto, um sistema educacional será verdadeiramente produtivo se todas as suas partes se conscientizarem de suas funções, combinando suas responsabilidades e almejando, sempre, o melhor para os educandos. / Not rarely difficult situations to deal with concerning Education are seen in the school enviroment, like including disabled pupils in regular schools, which, normally, don\'t have suitable structures or qualified professionals to work with those ones and also to provide them with the expected development and teaching. Being aware of the importance of vision in the school process and in the children\'s social and cultural lives as well as the fact that Visual Disability (VD) is a reality for part of the Brazilian people, this research is aimed to study children with serious visual limitations registered in regular schools. Being so, the main aim is to verify how the school community see the children with VD, how disabled children see themselves and their participation in the regular school and what procedures are adopted by schools to cope with children with the characteristic mentioned beforehand. To make it possible it\'s necessary a case study having as tools the observation and documental analysis of three children - a girl and two boys between 6 and 8 years old with low congenit vision who attended different regular primary and elementary school in Juiz de Fora, MG, besides an interview semi-structured with children and their school communities. The study follows a qualitative approach whose results point to a lack of knowledge from professionals who worked in the schools researched, both about VD and the specific case of the three children observed. Besides that, it was noted that low vision is not taken as VD, being less known than blindness and may be, because of that, some people consider it less serious than total visual absence. In relation to the perception of school communities about children with low vision, in general, the three children were taken as normal pupils and exactly like the others, although they weren\'t totally included in the schools. The methods and adaptations avaiable in the classes weren\'t enough to permit them to reach their cognitive and motor potencial, however, there was development and improvement. For the observed children, low vision was one more detail or one of their many characteristics, what made them see themselves as the other children who have differences like everybody individually, not feeling different or discriminated for being visual disabled. During the process and ending this research, it was noticed that the inclusive theory is far from practice in the school routine. Points are made to try to cover fails as well as responsabilities are given to other people. However, an educational system will be truly productive if all the parts are conscious of their functions, matching responsabilities and hoping for the best for the pupils.

Polysimplices in Euclidean Spaces and the Enumeration of Domino Tilings of Rectangles

Michel, Jean-Luc 15 June 2011 (has links)
Nous étudions, dans la première partie de notre thèse, les polysimplexes d’un espace euclidien de dimension quelconque, c’est-à-dire les objets consistant en une juxtaposition de simplexes réguliers (de tétraèdres si la dimension est 3) accolés le long de leurs faces. Nous étudions principalement le groupe des symétries de ces polysimplexes. Nous présentons une façon de représenter un polysimplexe à l’aide d’un diagramme. Ceci fournit une classification complète des polysimplexes à similitude près. De plus, le groupe des symétries se déduit du groupe des automorphismes du diagramme. Il découle en particulier de notre étude qu’en dimension supérieure à 2, une telle structure ne possède jamais deux faces parallèles et ne contient jamais de circuit fermé de simplexes. Dans la seconde partie de notre thèse, nous abordons un problème classique de combinatoire : l’énumération des pavages d’un rectangle mxn à l’aide de dominos. Klarner et Pollack ont montré qu’en fixant m la suite obtenue vérifie une relation de récurrence linéaire à coefficients constants. Nous établissons une nouvelle méthode nous permettant d’obtenir la fonction génératrice correspondante et la calculons pour m <= 16, alors qu’elle n’était connue que pour m <= 10.

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