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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inferência de redes de regulação gênica utilizando o paradigma de crescimento de sementes / Inference of gene regulatory networks using the seed growing paradigm

Higa, Carlos Henrique Aguena 17 February 2012 (has links)
Um problema importante na área de Biologia Sistêmica é o de inferência de redes de regulação gênica. Os avanços científicos e tecnológicos nos permitem analisar a expressão gênica de milhares de genes simultaneamente. Por \"expressão gênica\'\', estamos nos referindo ao nível de mRNA dentro de uma célula. Devido a esta grande quantidade de dados, métodos matemáticos, estatísticos e computacionais têm sido desenvolvidos com o objetivo de elucidar os mecanismos de regulação gênica presentes nos organismos vivos. Para isso, modelos matemáticos de redes de regulação gênica têm sido propostos, assim como algoritmos para inferir estas redes. Neste trabalho, focamos nestes dois aspectos: modelagem e inferência. Com relação à modelagem, estudamos modelos existentes para o ciclo celular da levedura (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Após este estudo, propomos um modelo baseado em redes Booleanas probabilísticas sensíveis ao contexto, e em seguida, um aprimoramento deste modelo, utilizando cadeias de Markov não homogêneas. Mostramos os resultados, comparando os nossos modelos com os modelos estudados. Com relação à inferência, propomos um novo algoritmo utilizando o paradigma de crescimento de semente de genes. Neste contexto, uma semente é um pequeno subconjunto de genes de interesse. Nosso algoritmo é baseado em dois passos: passo de crescimento de semente e passo de amostragem. No primeiro passo, o algoritmo adiciona outros genes à esta semente, seguindo algum critério. No segundo, o algoritmo realiza uma amostragem de redes, definindo como saída um conjunto de redes potencialmente interessantes. Aplicamos o algoritmo em dados artificiais e dados biológicos de células HeLa, mostrando resultados satisfatórios. / A key problem in Systems Biology is the inference of gene regulatory networks. The scientific and technological advancement allow us to analyze the gene expression of thousands of genes, simultaneously. By \"gene expression\'\' we refer to the mRNA concentration level inside a cell. Due to this large amount of data, mathematical, statistical and computational methods have been developed in order to elucidate the gene regulatory mechanisms that take part of every living organism. To this end, mathematical models of gene regulatory networks have been proposed, along with algorithms to infer these networks. In this work, we focus in two aspects: modeling and inference. Regarding the modeling, we studied existing models for the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell cycle. After that, we proposed a model based on context sensitive probabilistic Boolean networks, and then, an improvement of this model, using nonhomogeneous Markov chain. We show the results, comparing our models against the studied models. Regarding the inference, we proposed a new algorithm using the seed growing paradigm. In this context, a seed is a small subset of genes. Our algorithm is based in two main steps: seed growing step and sampling step. In the first step, the algorithm adds genes into the seed, according to some criterion. In the second step, the algorithm performs a sampling process on the space of networks, defining as its output a set of potentially interesting networks. We applied the algorithm on artificial and biological HeLa cells data, showing satisfactory results.

Inferência de redes gênicas por agrupamento, busca exaustiva e análise de predição intrinsecamente multivariada. / Gene networks inference by clustering, exhaustive search and intrinsically multivariate prediction analysis.

Jacomini, Ricardo de Souza 09 June 2017 (has links)
A inferência de redes gênicas (GN) a partir de dados de expressão gênica temporal é um problema crucial e desafiador em Biologia Sistêmica. Os conjuntos de dados de expressão geralmente consistem em dezenas de amostras temporais e as redes consistem em milhares de genes, tornando inúmeros métodos de inferência inviáveis na prática. Para melhorar a escalabilidade dos métodos de inferência de GNs, esta tese propõe um arcabouço chamado GeNICE, baseado no modelo de redes gênicas probabilísticas. A principal novidade é a introdução de um procedimento de agrupamento de genes, com perfis de expressão relacionados, para fornecer uma solução aproximada com complexidade computacional reduzida. Os agrupamentos definidos são usados para reduzir a dimensionalidade permitindo uma busca exaustiva mais eficiente pelos melhores subconjuntos de genes preditores para cada gene alvo de acordo com funções critério multivariadas. GeNICE reduz consideravelmente o espaço de busca porque os candidatos a preditores ficam restritos a um gene representante por agrupamento. No final, uma análise multivariada é realizada para cada subconjunto preditor definido, visando recuperar subconjuntos mínimos para simplificar a rede gênica inferida. Em experimentos com conjuntos de dados sintéticos, GeNICE obteve uma redução substancial de tempo quando comparado a uma solução anterior sem a etapa de agrupamento, preservando a precisão da predição de expressão gênica mesmo quando o número de agrupamentos é pequeno (cerca de cinquenta) e o número de genes é grande (ordem de milhares). Para um conjunto de dados reais de microarrays de Plasmodium falciparum, a precisão da predição alcançada pelo GeNICE foi de aproximadamente 97% em média. As redes inferidas para os genes alvos da glicólise e do apicoplasto refletem propriedades topológicas de redes complexas do tipo \"mundo pequeno\" e \"livre de escala\", para os quais grande parte das conexões são estabelecidas entre os genes de um mesmo módulo e algumas poucas conexões fazem o papel de estabelecer uma ponte entre os módulos (redes mundo pequeno), e o grau de distribuição das conexões entre os genes segue uma lei de potência, na qual a maioria dos genes têm poucas conexões e poucos genes (hubs) apresentam um elevado número de conexões (redes livres de escala), como esperado. / Gene network (GN) inference from temporal gene expression data is a crucial and challenging problem in Systems Biology. Expression datasets usually consist of dozens of temporal samples, while networks consist of thousands of genes, thus rendering many inference methods unfeasible in practice. To improve the scalability of GN inference methods, this work proposes a framework called GeNICE, based on Probabilistic Gene Networks; the main novelty is the introduction of a clustering procedure to group genes with related expression profiles, to provide an approximate solution with reduced computational complexity. The defined clusters were used to perform an exhaustive search to retrieve the best predictor gene subsets for each target gene, according to multivariate criterion functions. GeNICE greatly reduces the search space because predictor candidates are restricted to one representative gene per cluster. Finally, a multivariate analysis is performed for each defined predictor subset to retrieve minimal subsets and to simplify the network. In experiments with in silico generated datasets, GeNICE achieved substantial computational time reduction when compared to an existing solution without the clustering step, while preserving the gene expression prediction accuracy even when the number of clusters is small (about fifty) relative to the number of genes (order of thousands). For a Plasmodium falciparum microarray dataset, the prediction accuracy achieved by GeNICE was roughly 97% on average. The inferred networks for the apicoplast and glycolytic target genes reflects the topological properties of \"small-world\"and \"scale-free\"complex network models in which a large part of the connections is established between genes of the same functional module (smallworld networks) and the degree distribution of the connections between genes tends to form a power law, in which most genes present few connections and few genes (hubs) present a large number of connections (scale-free networks), as expected.

Adaptation des céréales au déficit hydrique : recherche de gènes maîtres du développement racinaire par une approche de biologie des systèmes / Adaptation of cereals to water deprivation : looking for master regulatory genes of root development through a systems biology approach

Lavarenne, Jérémy 12 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette these, nous identifions le réseau de régulation de gènes (RRG) agissant en aval de CROWN ROOTLESS1 (CRL1) et impliqué dans la formation des racines coronaires (RC) chez le riz, en vue d’identifier des gènes candidats pour moduler l’architecture du système racinaire (ASR) du riz et du maïs. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré une série temporelle transcriptomique, et l’avons utilisée pour inférer le RRG en jeu durant 45 heures après l’induction de CRL1, un intervalle couvrant les étapes précoces de l’initiation des RC. Nous avons partiellement validé ce réseau en utilisant des bases de données de prédiction de sites de liaison de facteurs de transcription, ainsi que la littérature décrivant des interactions connues. A partir de ce réseau validé, nous avons identifié une cascade de régulation reliant des gènes impliqués dans l’initiation des RC à d’autres genes impliqués dans le patterning et la maintenance des primordia de RC, et testé cette cascade par des essais de transactivation en protoplastes. Les résultats obtenus ont globalement confirmé la cascade prédite, ce qui démontre l’utilité des approches de biologie des systèmes pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans le développement des RC. Un autre jeu de données transcriptomique a été obtenu par microdissection laser des primordia de RC à trois stades développementaux. L’analyse différentielle par rapport au tissu cortical adjacent révèle la regulation transcriptionnelle en jeu après l’initiation des RC et l’organisation des primordia. A partir d’une analyse croisée entre données de la série temporelle, données issues de microdissection, autres listes de gènes publiées en lien au développement racinaire chez le riz, analyse formelle du RRG et curation de la littérature, nous avons établi quatre classements en fonction de différentes stratégies de pondération, et identifié les gènes les plus importants du RRG. A partir de ce méta-classement, deux gènes candidats ont été identifies. Leur impact sur la formation des RC et l’ASR sera étudiée au travers de la génération de lignées de surexpression ou knock-out, chez le maïs et le riz. / In this thesis, we aimed at identifying the gene regulatory network (GRN) acting downstream of CRL1 and involved in the formation of crown root (CR) primordia in rice. We used this information to identify candidate genes to modulate root system architecture of rice and maize. To do so, we generated a time-series transcriptomic dataset that was used to infer the GRN at play during the 45 hour following CRL1 induction, covering early steps of CR primordia formation. This network was partially validated using a database describing predicted transcription factor (TF) target genes and literature on available regulatory interactions. From this, a regulatory cascade linking genes involved in CR initiation to genes involved in CR primordia patterning and maintenance was proposed and tested using transient protoplast transactivation assays. Obtained data mostly confirmed the predicted regulatory cascade demonstrating the usefulness of systems biology approaches to better understand the mechanisms involved in CR development. Another transcriptomic dataset obtained from laser capture microdissection of CR primordia at three later developmental stages analysed against adjacent stem cortex tissue, provided insight to the transcriptional regulation occurring after CR initiation and primordia organization. From cross-analysis between time series and microdissected primordia transcriptomic data set, other published gene lists related to root development in rice, formal GRN analysis and literature curation, we computed four rankings according to different scoring strategies to identify the most important genes in the GRN. From this meta-ranking, two candidate genes were identified. Their impact on CR formation and root system architecture will be further studied via the generation of over- or down-expressing lines in maize and rice.

Algoritmos genéticos em inferência de redes gênicas

Jiménez, Ray Dueñas January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. David Correa Martins Júnior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, 2014.

Alterações transcriptômicas no hipocampo de ratos submetidos a um modelo experimental de epilepsia com insulto precipitante febril / Transcriptome alterations in the hippocampus of rats subjected to experimental febrile seizures

Hátylas Felype Zaneti de Azevedo 02 March 2017 (has links)
Convulsões febris complexas durante a infância representam um fator de risco importante para o desenvolvimento da epilepsia. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre as alterações moleculares induzidas por crises febris que tornam o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica. Nesse contexto, modelos experimentais de convulsões induzidas por hipertermia (CH) permitem a análise temporal das alterações moleculares no cérebro após CH. Neste projeto, foram investigadas alterações temporais em redes de co-expressão gênica hipocampais durante o desenvolvimento de ratos Wistar submetidos a CH. Amostras de RNA foram obtidas da região CA3 ventral do hipocampo em quatro intervalos de tempo após as CH induzidas no décimo primeiro dia pós-natal (P11). Essas amostras foram utilizadas para a análise da expressão gênica global por meio de técnicas de microarranjos de DNA. Os pontos temporais foram selecionados para investigar as fases aguda (P12), latentes (P30 e P60) e crônica (P120) do modelo experimental. Os dados de expressão gênica foram analisados a partir da construção de redes de co-expressão gênica para investigar módulos de genes co-expressos, dado que esses módulos podem conter genes com funções semelhantes. A análise transcriptômica consistiu na construção de redes de co-expressão gênica, identificação de módulos, análises de correlação entre módulos e grupos experimentais, e avaliação de mudanças de conectividade entre módulos dos grupos experimentais e controles. Os módulos relevantes foram enriquecidos funcionalmente para identificar funções biológicas associadas às CH. Os resultados mostraram que as CH induzem alterações em vias de sinalização envolvidas em processos imunológicos e de desenvolvimento, tais como Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT e MAPK. Módulos associados à diferenciação neuronal e transmissão sináptica foram identificados em todos os intervalos temporais analisados. Estes resultados sugerem que alterações transcricionais desencadeadas por CH podem levar à neurogênese hipocampal, ao remodelamento tecidual e à inflamação crônica, tornando o cérebro susceptível à atividade epiléptica crônica / Complex febrile seizures during infancy constitute an important risk factor for epilepsy development. However, little is known about the alterations induced by febrile seizures that could turn the brain susceptible to epileptic activity. In this context, experimental models of hyperthermic seizures (HS) may allow the temporal analysis of brain molecular changes after HS. Here, we investigated temporal changes in hippocampal gene co-expression networks during the development of rats subjected to HS. Total RNA samples were obtained from the ventral hippocampal CA3 region at four time points after HS at postnatal day 11 (P11) and later used for gene expression profiling. The temporal endpoints were selected to investigate the acute (P12), latent (P30 and P60) and chronic (P120) stages of the HS model. A weighted gene co-expression network analysis was employed to investigate modules of co-expressed genes, as these modules may contain genes with similar biological functions. The transcriptome analysis pipeline consisted in building gene co-expression networks, identifying network modules and hubs, performing gene-trait correlations and examining module connectivity changes. Modules were functionally enriched to identify functions associated to HS. Our data showed that HS induce alterations in developmental and immune pathways, like Wnt, Hippo, Notch, JAK-STAT and MAPK. Interestingly, modules involved in cell adhesion, neuronal differentiation, axonogenesis and synaptic transmission were activated as early as one day after HS. These results suggest that HS trigger transcriptional alterations that may lead to persistent neurogenesis, tissue remodeling and chronic inflammation in the CA3 hippocampus, turning the brain prone to epileptic activity

Inferência de redes gênicas por agrupamento, busca exaustiva e análise de predição intrinsecamente multivariada. / Gene networks inference by clustering, exhaustive search and intrinsically multivariate prediction analysis.

Ricardo de Souza Jacomini 09 June 2017 (has links)
A inferência de redes gênicas (GN) a partir de dados de expressão gênica temporal é um problema crucial e desafiador em Biologia Sistêmica. Os conjuntos de dados de expressão geralmente consistem em dezenas de amostras temporais e as redes consistem em milhares de genes, tornando inúmeros métodos de inferência inviáveis na prática. Para melhorar a escalabilidade dos métodos de inferência de GNs, esta tese propõe um arcabouço chamado GeNICE, baseado no modelo de redes gênicas probabilísticas. A principal novidade é a introdução de um procedimento de agrupamento de genes, com perfis de expressão relacionados, para fornecer uma solução aproximada com complexidade computacional reduzida. Os agrupamentos definidos são usados para reduzir a dimensionalidade permitindo uma busca exaustiva mais eficiente pelos melhores subconjuntos de genes preditores para cada gene alvo de acordo com funções critério multivariadas. GeNICE reduz consideravelmente o espaço de busca porque os candidatos a preditores ficam restritos a um gene representante por agrupamento. No final, uma análise multivariada é realizada para cada subconjunto preditor definido, visando recuperar subconjuntos mínimos para simplificar a rede gênica inferida. Em experimentos com conjuntos de dados sintéticos, GeNICE obteve uma redução substancial de tempo quando comparado a uma solução anterior sem a etapa de agrupamento, preservando a precisão da predição de expressão gênica mesmo quando o número de agrupamentos é pequeno (cerca de cinquenta) e o número de genes é grande (ordem de milhares). Para um conjunto de dados reais de microarrays de Plasmodium falciparum, a precisão da predição alcançada pelo GeNICE foi de aproximadamente 97% em média. As redes inferidas para os genes alvos da glicólise e do apicoplasto refletem propriedades topológicas de redes complexas do tipo \"mundo pequeno\" e \"livre de escala\", para os quais grande parte das conexões são estabelecidas entre os genes de um mesmo módulo e algumas poucas conexões fazem o papel de estabelecer uma ponte entre os módulos (redes mundo pequeno), e o grau de distribuição das conexões entre os genes segue uma lei de potência, na qual a maioria dos genes têm poucas conexões e poucos genes (hubs) apresentam um elevado número de conexões (redes livres de escala), como esperado. / Gene network (GN) inference from temporal gene expression data is a crucial and challenging problem in Systems Biology. Expression datasets usually consist of dozens of temporal samples, while networks consist of thousands of genes, thus rendering many inference methods unfeasible in practice. To improve the scalability of GN inference methods, this work proposes a framework called GeNICE, based on Probabilistic Gene Networks; the main novelty is the introduction of a clustering procedure to group genes with related expression profiles, to provide an approximate solution with reduced computational complexity. The defined clusters were used to perform an exhaustive search to retrieve the best predictor gene subsets for each target gene, according to multivariate criterion functions. GeNICE greatly reduces the search space because predictor candidates are restricted to one representative gene per cluster. Finally, a multivariate analysis is performed for each defined predictor subset to retrieve minimal subsets and to simplify the network. In experiments with in silico generated datasets, GeNICE achieved substantial computational time reduction when compared to an existing solution without the clustering step, while preserving the gene expression prediction accuracy even when the number of clusters is small (about fifty) relative to the number of genes (order of thousands). For a Plasmodium falciparum microarray dataset, the prediction accuracy achieved by GeNICE was roughly 97% on average. The inferred networks for the apicoplast and glycolytic target genes reflects the topological properties of \"small-world\"and \"scale-free\"complex network models in which a large part of the connections is established between genes of the same functional module (smallworld networks) and the degree distribution of the connections between genes tends to form a power law, in which most genes present few connections and few genes (hubs) present a large number of connections (scale-free networks), as expected.

Estudos de redes de co-expressão gênica do córtex frontal e estriado (estudo post mortem) de indivíduos portadores de TOC e controles / Studies of gene co-expression networks of the frontal cortex and striatum (post mortem study) of individuals with OCD and controls

Bianca Cristina Garcia Lisboa 05 July 2018 (has links)
O transtorno obsessivo compulsivo (TOC) é um transtorno psiquiátrico, caracterizado pela presença de obsessões e / ou compulsões. Estudos de neuroimagem funcional indicam que o TOC é um distúrbio heterogêneo relacionado ao circuito talâmico cortico-estriatal (CSTC) e as áreas que compõem este circuito incluem o nucleus accumbens (NAC), putâmen (PT), núcleo caudado (CN), córtex orbitofrontal (OFC) e o córtex cingulado anterior (ACC). As principais características do CSTC são a inervação do córtex frontal em direção ao estriado e cada pequeno circuito possui características específicas: afetiva/límbica, cognitivo e associativo dorsal e cognitivo ventral e motor. Neste trabalho comparamos o transcriptoma de casos e controles das três áreas estriatais (CN, NAC e PT) separadamente de tecido cerebral post mortem e as redes de co-expressão do striatum e de dois circuitos envolvidos no transtorno. Os resultados mostraram que diferentes processos biológicos, bem como a desregulação da conectividade de rede, são específicos para cada região do estriado e estão de acordo com o modelo tripartido do estriado e contribuem de diferentes formas para a fisiopatologia do TOC. Especificamente, a regulação dos níveis de neurotransmissores, processo pré-sináptico envolvido na transmissão sináptica química foram compartilhados entre NAC e PT. A resposta celular ao estímulo químico, resposta ao estímulo externo, resposta à substância orgânica, regulação da plasticidade sináptica e modulação da transmissão sináptica foram compartilhadas entre CN e PT. A maioria dos genes que possuem variantes comuns e / ou raras previamente associadas ao TOC que são diferencialmente expressas ou que fazem parte de módulos de co-expressão menos preservados em nosso estudo também sugerem especificidade de cada região estriatal. Os módulos de co-expressão preservados e menos preservados nos circuitos afetivo e cognitivo ventral corroboram com as assinaturas transcricionais de cada área e de cada circuito no TOC e nos controles. Este é o primeiro trabalho com a proposta de avaliar a expressão gênica em áreas estriatais, analisadas individualmente, envolvidas com o TOC, bem como as redes de co-expressão do estriado e dos circuitos individualmente / Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder, characterized by the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions. Functional neuroimaging studies indicate that OCD is a heterogeneous disorder related the cortical-striatal thalamic circuitry (CSTC) and the areas that compose this circuitry include the nucleus accumbens (NAC), putamen (PT), caudate nucleus (CN), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and subgenual cingulate gyri (ACC). The main characteristics of CSTC is the innervation of the frontal cortex in direction of the striatum and each small circuitries have specific characteristics in the affective, dorsal cognitive and ventral cognitive motor. In this work we compared the cases and controls transcriptome of the three striatal areas (CN, NAC and PT) separately from post mortem brain tissue and the co-expression networks of the striatum and of two circuits involved in the disorder. Results showed that different biological process as well as networks connectivity deregulation were specific for each striatum region according to the striatum tripartite model and contribute in different ways to OCD pathophysiology. Specifically, regulation of neurotransmitter levels, presynaptic process involved in chemical synaptic transmission were shared between NAC and PT. Cellular response to chemical stimulus, response to external stimulus, response to organic substance, regulation of synaptic plasticity, and modulation of synaptic transmission were shared between CN and PT. Most genes harboring common and/or rare variants previously associated with OCD that are differentially expressed or part of a least preserved co-expression modules in our study also suggest striatum sub regions specificity. The co-expression modules preserved and least preserved in affective and ventral cognitive circuitry corroborate with transcriptional signatures of each area and each circuitry in OCD and controls. This is the first work with the proposal to evaluate the gene expression in striatum areas individually, involved with OCD as well evaluate the coexpression networks in striatum and each circuitry

Characterising the reprogramming dynamics between human pluripotent states

Collier, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) exist in multiple states of pluripotency, broadly categorised as naïve and primed states. These provide an important model to investigate the earliest stages of human embryonic development. Naïve cells can be obtained through primed-to-naïve reprogramming; however, there are no reliable methods to prospectively isolate unmodified naïve cells during this process. Moreover, the current isolation strategies are incompatible for enrichment of naïve hPSCs early during reprogramming. Consequently, we know very little about the temporal dynamics of transcriptional changes and remodelling of the epigenetic landscape that occurs during the reprogramming process. To address this knowledge gap, I sought to develop an isolation strategy capable of identifying nascent naïve hPSCs early during reprogramming. Comprehensive profiling of cell-surface markers by flow cytometry in naïve and primed hPSCs revealed pluripotent state-specific antibodies. By compiling the identified state-specific markers into a multiplexed antibody panel, I was able to distinguish naïve and primed hPSCs. Moreover, the antibody panel was able to track the dynamics of primed-to-naïve reprogramming, as the state-specific surface markers collectively reflect the change in pluripotent states. Through using the newly identified surface markers, I found that naïve cells are formed at a much earlier time point than previously realised, and could be subsequently isolated from a heterogeneous cell population early during reprogramming. This allowed me to perform the first molecular characterisation of nascent naïve hPSCs, which revealed distinct transcriptional changes associated with early and late stage naïve cell formation. Analysis of the DNA methylation landscape showed that nascent naïve cells are globally hypomethylated, whilst imprint methylation is largely preserved. Moreover, the loss of DNA methylation precedes X-chromosome reactivation, which occurs primarily during the late-stage of primed-to-naïve reprogramming, and is therefore a hallmark of mature naïve cells. Using the antibody panel at discrete time points throughout reprogramming has allowed an unprecedented insight into the early molecular events leading to naïve cell formation, and permits the direct comparison between different naïve reprogramming methods. Taken together, the identified state-specific surface markers provide a robust and straightforward method to unambiguously define human PSC states, and reveal for the first time the order of transcriptional and epigenetic changes associated with primed to naïve reprogramming.

Anomalies des programmes de réponse lymphocytaire après stimulation du récepteur à l’antigène dans la leucémie lymphoïde chronique / Abnormalities of lymphocyte response programs after antigen receptor stimulation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Schleiss, Cédric 21 December 2018 (has links)
Une cellule reçoit en permanence des signaux de son environnement. Cette stimulation induit une cascade de signalisation activant un programme génique et protéomique dynamique aboutissant à une réponse cellulaire adaptée. Dans la leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC), la stimulation du récepteur à l’antigène induit un programme et une réponse anormale à l’origine de la prolifération leucémique. Notre objectif est de caractériser ce programme cellulaire pathologique. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place un modèle de stimulation afin de reproduire ex vivo cette stimulation du récepteur à l’antigène de cellules primaires issues de patients porteurs de LLC et d’activer ce programme cellulaire. Nous avons alors analysé la dynamique transcriptionnelle et protéomique activée dans ces cellules afin de caractériser les anomalies de ce programme. Cette étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence la spécificité de ce programme prolifératif et de caractériser les gènes clés de ce programme tumoral. Ces gènes constituent de potentielles cibles thérapeutiques innovantes. / A cell constantly receives signals from its environment. This stimulation induces a signalling cascade activating a dynamic genic and proteomic program, leading to an adapted cellular response. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), an antigen receptor stimulation induces a program and an abnormal response behind leukemic proliferation. Our aim was to characterize the pathological cell program. To achieve this, we have implemented a stimulation model to reproduce ex vivo antigen receptor stimulation of primary cells from CLL patients and activate this cellular program. We then analyzed the transcriptional and proteomic dynamics activated in these cells in order to characterize the abnormalities of this program. This study allows us to highlight the specificity of this proliferative program and to identify key genes of tumor program. These genes constitute potential new therapeutic targets.

A complex systems approach to important biological problems.

Berryman, Matthew John January 2007 (has links)
Complex systems are those which exhibit one or more of the following inter-related behaviours: 1. Nonlinear behaviour: the component parts do not act in linear ways, that is the superposition of the actions of the parts is not the output of the system. 2. Emergent behaviour: the output of the system may be inexpressible in terms of the rules or equations of the component parts. 3. Self-organisation: order appears from the chaotic interactions of individuals and the rules they obey. 4. Layers of description: in which a rule may apply at some higher levels of description but not at lower layers. 5. Adaptation: in which the environment becomes encoded in the rules governing the structure and/or behaviour of the parts (in this case strictly agents) that undergo selection in which those that are by some measure better become more numerous than those that are not as “fit”. A single cell is a complex system: we cannot explain all of its behaviour as simply the sum of its parts. Similarly, DNA structures, social networks, cancers, the brain, and living beings are intricate complex systems. This thesis tackles all of these topics from a complex systems approach. I have skirted some of the philosophical issues of complex systems and mainly focussed on appropriate tools to analyse these systems, addressing important questions such as: • What is the best way to extract information from DNA? • How can we model and analyse mutations in DNA? • Can we determine the likely spread of both viruses and ideas in social networks? • How can we model the growth of cancer? • How can we model and analyse interactions between genes in such living systems as the fruit fly, cancers, and humans? • Can complex systems techniques give us some insight into the human brain? / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1290759 / Thesis (Ph.D.)-- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2007

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