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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Issues and challenges of consumer financing in Pakistan.

Hassan, Noor January 2011 (has links)
Consumerfinance serves as the source of financial stability and uplifts the economicand social status of the household. This research is based on qualitative studyand up to some extent on quantitative base too. The major objective of thisstudy is to gain insights of consumer financing in Pakistan from a consumerperspective. At the same time, the study investigates and analyzes the defined rulesand regulations for banks and for consumers during the time of obtaining theloans from banks and well as from other financial institutions. Interestingly,during the process of investigation, the study encounters a lot of constraintsand dissatisfaction perceived by tits customers. Hence the report seeks outthose issues and challenges that are hindering to meet customer demand forsound consumer finance. The report is duly influenced by the Central Bank(State Bank of Pakistan), which is responsible and obliged to secure theinterests of the consumers.

Balancing Developed and Developing State Interests under a Regulatory Framework for Foreign Direct Investment: The Potential of the GATS Model

Laiyemo, Tumininu 31 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the need for a multilateral regime for the regulation of foreign direct investment. The absence of such a regime has slowed the growth of foreign direct investment, as investment decisions are difficult to make because of the uncertainty of investment rules. Attempts to establish a multilateral framework for investment have failed due to disagreement between developed and developing countries on its scope. The major source of controversy has been the inclusion of the national treatment standard in the prospective agreement. This thesis analyses the position of both sides, and attempts to find a balance between the positive and negative effects of the multilateral framework for regulating foreign direct investment. It argues that an investment regime modelled after the General Agreement on Trade in Services could be beneficial, as it would provide security for investment, and flexibility for host countries to control the inflow of foreign investment.

A proteção jurídica dos dados clínicos de testes em medicamentos para humanos / The legal protection of clinical data from trials on medicinal products for human

Mauro Pacanowski 28 August 2013 (has links)
A discussão jurídica versa acerca da proteção ou não dos dados clínicos e informações não divulgadas Data Package, obtidos através de pesquisas clinicas, a partir do desenvolvimento de um novo medicamento. È importante realizar-se uma investigação prévia para descobrir se o novo medicamento a ser comercializado, possui efeitos benéficos ou adversos, que possam afetar os seres humanos, garantindo assim a eficácia e a segurança de sua utilização. O dossiê contendo os dados clínicos é submetido à Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária que, no uso de sua atribuição específica, e em função da avaliação do cumprimento de caráter jurídico-administrativo e técnico-científico relacionado com a eficácia, segurança e qualidade do medicamento conforme a Lei 6360/76 e o Decreto 79.094/77 determina o registro sanitário. A tese defendida pelas sociedades farmacêuticas de pesquisa é a de que seria vedado à ANVISA deferir registros de medicamentos genéricos e similares de mesmo princípio ativo, com base nas pesquisas clinicas realizada, enquanto vigente o período de exclusividade, com fundamento no artigo 5, inciso XXIX da Constituição Federal, artigos 39.1, 39.2, 39.3 do Acordo sobre Aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual Acordo TRIPS, artigo 195, XIV da Lei n 9.279/96 (Lei da Propriedade Industrial), artigo 421, 884, 885 e 886 do CC, artigo 37, caput, da CF e artigo 2, da Lei 9.784/99 e aplicação analógica da Lei 10.603/2002. A ANVISA ao permitir aos fabricantes dos medicamentos genéricos e similares a utilização do pacote de dados clínicos, fornecido pelo titular do medicamento de referencia, estaria promovendo a concorrência desleal e parasitária, ao permitir que as versões genéricas e similares, ingressem no mercado, sob custos de produção e comerciais substancialmente menores, do que os praticadas pelos medicamentos de referencia. Este argumento tem fulcro na norma do artigo 39.3 do Acordo TRIPS firmado entre os membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio OMC, em 1994, no qual o Brasil é signatário, e que se comprometeram a adotar providências no sentido de manter em sigilo e protegidos contra o uso comercial desleal os dados clínicos relativos à pesquisa clínica, necessários à aprovação da comercialização de produtos farmacêuticos. A divulgação, exploração ou a utilização dos dados clínicos, sem a autorização do respectivo titular, o qual demandou recursos materiais e humanos consideráveis e desde que estas informações tenham sido apresentadas a entidades governamentais como condição para aprovação da comercialização de um medicamento, devem ser protegidas. Os Estados membros da OMC e subscritores do acordo internacional devem assegurar que os concorrentes não tenham acesso às informações recebidas pelo ente estatal, que não as explorarem ou delas possam aferir indevidamente tanto direta quanto indiretamente de vantagens que as beneficiem do conhecimento técnico-cientifico, investimentos e esforços realizados pelo titular daquela pesquisa clínica. Dentro deste cenário, faz-se necessário que o Estado produza um marco regulatório capaz de prover uma segurança jurídica, que permita as sociedades farmacêuticas disponibilizar elevado investimento, viabilizando a realização de pesquisa clinica e introdução de novos medicamentos. / The legal discussion can be the protection or not of clinical data and undisclosed information "Data Package", obtained through clinical research, from the development of a new drug. It is important to carrying out a preliminary investigation to find out if the new drug to be marketed, has beneficial or adverse effects that may affect humans, thus ensuring the efficacy and safety of its use. The file containing the clinical data is submitted to the National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance the use of a specific assignment and depending on the assessment of compliance with juridical - administrative and technical-scientific relation to efficacy, safety and quality of the product as Law 6360/76 and Decree 79.094/77 determines the sanitary registration. The claim made by the pharmaceutical research companies is that it would be forbidden to ANVISA grant records to generic and similar drugs with the same active , based on clinical research conducted while force the exclusivity period , on the basis of Article 5 , XXIX of the Federal Constitution , articles 39.1 , 39.2 , 39.3 of the Agreement on aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - TRIPS Agreement , Article 195 , XIV Law 9.279/96 ( Industrial Property Law ) , Article 421 , 884 , 885 and 886 CC , Article 37 , caput, of the Federal Constitution and Article 2 of Law 9.784/99 and analogical application of Law 10.603/2002. ANVISA to allow manufacturers of generic drugs and the like using the package of clinical data , supplied by the holder of the reference drug, would be promoting unfair competition and parasite by allowing generic versions and the like, join in the market under cost production and trade substantially smaller than those committed by drug reference. This argument has the fulcrum in the standard of Article 39.3 of the TRIPS Agreement entered among the members of the World Trade Organization - WTO in 1994 , in which Brazil is a signatory, and pledged to take steps to keep confidential and protected unfair commercial use clinical data related to clinical research, necessary for approving the marketing of pharmaceutical products. Dissemination, exploitation or use of clinical data, without the consent of the holder, which demanded considerable material and human resources and since this information has been submitted to governmental entities as a condition of approving the marketing of a medicinal product shall be protected. The WTO members and subscribers of the international agreement should ensure that competitors do not have access to the information received by the state entity, which do not exploit them or may wrongly assess both direct and indirect benefits for the benefit of the technical-scientific knowledge, investment and efforts made by the owner of that clinical research. Within this scenario, it is necessary that the State produces a regulatory framework capable of providing legal certainty, which allows pharmaceutical companies to provide high investment, allowing it to perform clinical research and introduction of new medicines.

Mapping and legal approaches to bioprospecting networks in Brazil / Mapeamento e abordagens legais das redes de bioprospecÃÃo no Brasil

Lana Grasiela Alves Marques 10 January 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Este trabalho tem como propÃsito realizar o mapeamento das redes de bioprospecÃÃo no Brasil e as abordagens legais que envolvem o acesso aos recursos genÃticos para fins de bioprospecÃÃo. A BioprospecÃÃo se tornou uma das principais discussÃes nos Ãltimos anos desde que a ConvenÃÃo sobre Diversidade BiolÃgica (CDB) reconheceu a soberania de cada paÃs sobre os recursos genÃticos localizados em seu territÃrio. Ainda, o reconhecimento de cada paÃs signatÃrio da CDB na implementaÃÃo de polÃticas nacionais de biodiversidade. Para atender essas e outras exigÃncias, o Brasil estabeleceu aÃÃes voltadas à conservaÃÃo e ao uso sustentÃvel da biodiversidade por meio de programas e redes de pesquisa. Neste contexto, o trabalho identificou os avanÃos quanto à criaÃÃo e fortalecimento das redes de pesquisa em biodiversidade e os resultados obtidos por meio do desenvolvimento de produtos, em especial, a produÃÃo de biofÃrmacos. No entanto, a Medida ProvisÃria n 2.186-16/2001 considerada o marco regulatÃrio a respeito do acesso aos recursos genÃticos no Brasil estabeleceu normas que tem provocado entraves ao desenvolvimento das pesquisas bioprospectivas. Portanto, hà um senso comum da necessidade de um aprimoramento na Medida ProvisÃria n 2.186-16/2001 que, atualmente està em curso à elaboraÃÃo de um Projeto de Lei. Diante do exposto, espera-se que as redes e programas em bioprospecÃÃo possam transformar os recursos naturais em ganhos econÃmicos, alavancar o desenvolvimento cientÃfico e tecnolÃgico, e agregar valor aos bens e serviÃos provenientes desses recursos naturais. / This work has as its objective to map the bioprospection networks in Brazil, as well as the legal approaches involved in the access to genetic resources for bioprospection purposes. Bioprospection has become one of the main topics of discussion in recent years, since the Biological Diversity Convention (CBD in Portuguese) recognized the sovereignty of each country over genetic resources found within their territories. Moreover, the CDB recognized the right of each signatory country in the implementation of their own national biodiversity policies. In order to fulfil these and other demands, Brazil has established actions focused on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through research programmes and networks. In this context, this work has identified the progress regarding the creation and strengthening of research networks in biodiversity, as well as the results obtained through the development of products, especially bio-pharmaceuticals. However, the Provisional Policy No. 2.186-16/2001, considered to be the regulatory framework regarding the genetic resources in Brazil, has established norms that have caused obstructions to the development of bioprospective research. As a result, there is a common agreement about the need to improve the Provisional Policy No. 2.186-16/2001, which is presently in course through a Law Bill. In face of these facts, it is hoped that the networks and programmes in bioprospection can transform the natural resources in economic gain, leverage the scientific and technological development and add value to the goods and services derived from these natural resources.

Exploring Regulatory Framework Guiding Bank Employees' Career Advancement in Nigeria

Adegbite, Adenrele Jonathan 01 January 2019 (has links)
The current global labor market tends to be knowledge based and workers are consistently required to develop new competencies and adapt to changing environments. Bank employees in Nigeria do not have training that sustains future employment in other sectors, largely as a result of regulatory requirements that impede the development of soft skills and life-long learning opportunities. Little attention has been given to the lived experiences of these bank employees who are currently faced with the challenges posed by globalization and technology adoption. Guided by institutional analysis and development theory (IAD), this exploratory study examined the regulatory framework guiding bank employee career advancement in Nigeria. Qualitative data were collected from a total of 57 participants using semi-structured interviews administered on the three population samples drawn from the regulatory institutions, a pool of ex and current bank staff with a minimum of 8 years in the banking sector. Transcribed data were open coded, and then subjected to a thematic analysis procedure. The results offered a correlative effect and social cost of poor employee training to national development. The results indicated that competitive edge of Nigerian bank workers can be enhanced through acquisition of skills and training that will boost post-banking career transition opportunities. The positive social change implications of this study include recommendations to the three critical demographic blocks; the regulators, the banks and the bank employees. Recommendations of this study can improve the lives of many bank employees including those in other sectors, the economy, and the lives of those in the community.

The impact of legal process outsourcing in South Africa

Murtuza, Rushmina January 2020 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), the act of sending legal work to an offshore destination or onshore to another location within the same country by a law firm or legal department to a legal outsourcing company, has steadily grown to become a billion dollar industry, transforming the legal landscape from the traditional law firm set up and firmly entrenching itself as a valued accessory to any law firm vying for success. The integration of the LPO business model arguably offers lower labour costs, 24-hour service delivery and direct access to a pool of professional lawyers specialising in a multitude of disciplines

Top-down cost assessment and market regulatory conditions affecting BESS feasibility in the Spanish framework : Exploring the viability of utility-scale stand-alone Battery Energy Storage Systems in Spain

Abelló Sunyer, Pere January 2023 (has links)
This thesis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory landscape governing Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in Spain and offers insights into their operational optimization and economic viability. The study centers on a 40 MW BESS and explores three distinct case studies, each representing varying system durations (one, two, and four hours) and two different electricity price scenarios (2019 and 2022). A techno-economic analysis encompassing all scenarios concludes the investigation. The research findings reveal that BESS projects can be financially lucrative when operating under the 2022 scenario, particularly when participating in Spain's Wholesale and Secondary Regulation service (aFRR) markets. Notably, as the system duration increases, project profitability also rises, with Net Present Values (NPVs) amounting to 29.6 M€, 50.4 M€, and 80.6 M€ for one-hour, two-hour, and four-hour BESS durations, respectively. However, this trend is not consistent, as observed in the 2019 scenario, where the opposite holds true due to significantly lower prices in both Wholesale and Secondary Regulation service markets, resulting in negative NPVs that increase with longer BESS durations (specifically, -3.3 M€, -6.9 M€, and -17.7 M€ for one-hour, two-hour, and four-hour BESS durations, respectively). In terms of optimal dispatching strategy, the study identifies consistent patterns across all case studies and scenarios. The BESS prioritizes participation in the Secondary Regulation service due to its higher remuneration compared to arbitrage activities in the Wholesale market. Despite Spain's efforts to promote the adoption of BESS technologies, several barriers exist that could impede their deployment. Key challenges include the absence of Capacity Markets (CM), restrictions on BESS participation in technical constraints and black-start markets, and the lack of remunerated markets for Frequency Control Reserve (FCR) and voltage control. In summary, this study highlights the need for a more investor-friendly environment characterized by greater revenue stream certainty and streamlined administrative processes. / Denna avhandling ger en omfattande analys av den reglerande landskapskontexten som styr batterilagringssystem (BESS) i Spanien och ger insikter om deras drifts- och ekonomiska livskraft. Studien fokuserar på en 40 MW BESS och utforskar tre olika fallstudier, var och en representerar varierande systemtider (en, två och fyra timmar) och två olika elprisscenarier (2019 och 2022). En teknisk-ekonomisk analys som omfattar alla scenarier avslutar undersökningen. Forskningsresultaten visar att BESS-projekt kan vara ekonomiskt lönsamma när de verkar enligt 2022-scenariot, särskilt när de deltar i Spaniens grossist- och sekundärregleringstjänst (aFRR) marknader. Inte minst ökar lönsamheten i projektet när systemtiden förlängs, med nuvärdet (NPV) uppgår till 29,6 M€, 50,4 M€ och 80,6 M€ för BESS-varaktigheter på en timme, två timmar respektive fyra timmar. Denna trend är dock inte konsekvent, som observerats i 2019-scenariot, där motsatsen gäller på grund av betydligt lägre priser både på grossist- och sekundärregleringsmarknaderna, vilket resulterar i negativa NPV-värden som ökar med längre BESS-varaktigheter (specifikt -3,3 M€, -6,9 M€ och -17,7 M€ för BESS-varaktigheter på en timme, två timmar respektive fyra timmar). När det gäller optimal distributionsstrategi identifierar studien liknande mönster i alla fallstudier och scenarier. BESS prioriterar deltagande i sekundärregleringstjänsten på grund av dess högre ersättning jämfört med arbitrageaktiviteter på grossistmarknaden. Trots Spaniens ansträngningar att främja antagandet av BESS-teknologier finns det flera hinder som kan hämma deras utrullning. Viktiga utmaningar inkluderar frånvaron av kapacitetsmarknader (CM), begränsningar för BESS-deltagande i tekniska begränsningar och svartstartmarknader, samt avsaknaden av marknader med ersättning för frekvensreglering (FCR) och spänningsreglering. Sammanfattningsvis belyser denna studie behovet av en mer investerarvänlig miljö präglad av större säkerhet i intäktsströmmar och förenklade administrativa processer.

Greenwashing i fastighetsbranschen : Incitamenten för greenwashing och regelverkets påverkan på fenomenet / Greenwashing in the Real Estate Industry : Incentives for Greenwashing and the Impact of Regulations on the Phenomenon

Cvijetic, Ana, Kaouria, Fadi January 2024 (has links)
Greenwashing är ett komplext och oroande fenomen i fastighetsbranschen. Begreppet innebär att företag framställer sig som mer hållbara än de i själva verket är, vilket kan vilseleda konsumenter och investerare samt påverka konkurrensen på marknaden. Denna studie undersöker de bakomliggande orsakerna till att företag utövar greenwashing, drivkrafterna bakom det och hur regelverk kan påverka och minska förekomsten av greenwashing. Studien använder en kombination av litteraturstudier och kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer med olika aktörer i branschen. Intervjupersonerna utgörs av hållbarhetschefer på olika typer av bolag, revisorer, fondförvaltare och andra experter från branschens aktörer. Syftet med dessa intervjuer är att få en djupare förståelse för hur greenwashing uppfattas i branschen, samt hur det påverkar de olika aktörerna och vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att motverka det. Studien undersöker även relevanta vetenskapliga teorier som är tillämpbara, där institutionell teori, legitimitetsteori och signalteori används för att förklara de olika incitamenten som finns. Resultatet visar att greenwashing drivs av flera olika faktorer, bland annat önskan att förbättra företagets image och mer transparant tillgång till grön finansiering. Studien visar även på att det råder en brist på standardisering och tydliga definitioner av hållbarhet. Studien framhäver viktiga regelverk som EU:s taxonomi, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) och European Green Deal, vars syfte är att standardisera hållbarhetsrapportering och minska greenwashing. Det är tydligt att dessa regelverk bidrar till att minska greenwashing, men samtidigt kommer implementeringen att innebära utmaningar för företagen. Dessa utmaningar grundar sig i att företag behöver skifta resurser och tid för att tillämpa de satta kraven. Avslutningsvis förs diskussionen om hur greenwashing trenden kommer att utvecklas i framtiden samt vilka utmaningar som kan uppstå. Denna studie förväntas belysa vilka incitament företag har och hur regelverk kan bidra till att reducera greenwashing. Detta i syfte att hjälpa företag, investerare och allmänheten att ta mer medvetna beslut och på så sätt bidra till ett mer hållbart samhälle. / Greenwashing is a complex and concerning phenomenon in the real estate sector. It refers to companies portraying themselves as more sustainable than they are, which can mislead consumers and investors and affect the company's competitors. This study examines the underlying reasons why companies engage in greenwashing, the drivers behind it, and how regulations can influence and reduce the occurrence of greenwashing. The study uses a combination of literature reviews and qualitative methods, including interviews with various actors in the industry. The interviewees are sustainability managers of different types of companies, auditors, fund managers, and other experts from the industry. The purpose of these interviews is to gain a deeper understanding of how greenwashing is perceived in the industry, how it affects the various actors, and what measures can be taken to counteract it. The study also examines relevant scientific theories that are applicable, where institutional theory, legitimacy theory, and signaling theory are used to explain the different incentives that exist. The results show that greenwashing is driven by several factors, including the desire to improve the company's image and more transparent access to green financing. The study also shows that there is a lack of standardization and clear definitions of sustainability. The study highlights key regulatory frameworks such as the EU Taxonomy, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Green Deal, which aim to standardize sustainability reporting and reduce greenwashing. While it is clear that these regulations are helping to reduce greenwashing, their implementation will pose challenges for companies in the initial phase. These challenges are based on the fact that companies need to shift resources and time to apply the set requirements. Finally, it is discussed how the greenwashing trend will develop in the future and what challenges may arise. This study is expected to shed light on what incentives companies have and how regulations can help reduce greenwashing. The aim is to help companies, investors and the public to make more informed decisions and thus contribute to a more sustainable society.

Ordem econômica e energia : entre a teoria e a prática na geração de energia elétrica

Ecco, Juliano Martins January 2018 (has links)
Desde 2012, o sistema elétrico brasileiro tem passado por crise estrutural e regulatória que culminou no substancial aumento da tarifa. Em virtude dos baixos índices de pluviosidade e da adoção de medidas políticas não precedidas de efetivo planejamento, o sistema elétrico brasileiro, de predominância hidrelétrica, atua no seu limite. As usinas térmicas, que produzem energia cara e poluente, têm sido acionadas a fim de possibilitar a retomada das reservas hídricas, sem sucesso. Embora o marco regulatório vigente, baseado nas Leis n. 10.847 e 10.848/2004, tenha instituído mecanismos para a diversificação da matriz elétrica e para a participação da iniciativa privada em ambiente concorrencial, com a fragmentação dos segmentos do setor, a sua observação prática, treze anos depois, revela que os grandes ativos geradores de energia continuam entregues ao controle estatal e, com isso, submetidos a medidas políticas e regulatórias que afastam o investimento privado. Por meio de consulta à bibliografia especializada e às atuações da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) e do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), este trabalho analisa os efeitos que se sucederam desde a edição da Medida Provisória n. 579/2012, posteriormente convertida na Lei n. 12.783/2013, passando por demais atos normativos no mesmo período até a Consulta Pública n. 33, empreendida pelo MME com vistas ao aprimoramento do marco regulatório do setor, com foco no estudo da geração de energia elétrica, na atração da participação da iniciativa privada, na criação de mecanismos para o financiamento de novos empreendimentos e no desenvolvimento de mercado que possa remunerar a disponibilidade dos geradores e, com isso, garantir o suprimento de forma adequada e promover a diversificação da matriz hidrotérmica com a inclusão de novas fontes renováveis. / The brazilian electricity system has undergone a structural and regulatory crisis started at 2012, which caused a substantial tariff increase. Due to the low rainfall rates and the adoption of political policies that were not preceded by effective planning, the brazilian hydropower system operates currently at its limit. The thermal plants, which generate expensive and polluting energy, have been activated to enable the resumption of water reserves, but had no success until now. Although the current regulatory framework, built on Laws n. 10.847 and n. 10.848/2004, had instituted mechanisms for the diversification of the electricity matrix and to attract private investment in a competitive environment, which became possible by the unbundling of the sector, its practical observation, thirteen years later, reveals that the large power generators remain under state control and, therefore, submitted to political and regulatory policies that deviate private investment Through the study of the specialized bibliography and the actions provided by the National Electricity Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL), the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia – MME) and the Audit Court of the Union (Tribunal de Contas da União – TCU), this dissertation analyzes the effects that have taken place after the presidential Provisional Measure (Medida Provisória) n. 579/2012, later converted into Law n. 12.783/2013, and other normative acts in the same period until the Public Consultation n. 33 (Consulta Pública n. 33), undertaken by MME in order to improve the sector's regulatory framework, focusing on the study of electric power generation, attracting private initiative, creating mechanisms for financing new ventures and the development of a capacity market that would make possible to guarantee the adequate supply and support the diversification of the hydrothermal matrix with the inclusion of new renewable sources.

Regulatory Independence and the Development of the Telecommunications Sector in The English-Speaking Caribbean

Newman, Delreo A 01 January 2019 (has links)
Small developing states can use proper regulatory frameworks in policy and sector development to implement efficiency and consumer safeguards to the sector. However, sufficient research on the impact of telecommunications regulatory institutions on micro economies has not been conducted. Capture theory was used as the theoretical lens for this thesis. In doing so, a quantitative analysis was done using, cross-sectional pooled time series to determine how an independent telecommunications regulator impacted the telecommunications sector in the English-speaking Caribbean. All the data acquired for analysis were secondary yearly data collected from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) from 1993 to 2012. Specifically, this study examined how prices, investment, infrastructure, and competition in the telecoms sector are affected by the type of regulatory regime (independent or non independent ) for fixed line and mobile services. Results indicate that the type of regulatory regime has a statistically significant impact on fixed line services and price of the telecommunications sector (p < .0001). However, this regulation was absent in other areas such as cellular services, broadband usage, telecoms investment and competition. The potential for positive social change is tied to recommendations specific to developing countries to ensure their regulators have autonomy in making decisions regarding the volume, quality and costs of telecommunications services. Legislation must minimize any overlap in the roles of policy makers, legislators, administrators and regulators to ensure that the regulatory framework addresses the particulars conditions of the country in which it operates.

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