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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A relevância do elemento subjetivo na fraude de execução / The relevance of the subjective element in the fraud of execution

Amadeo, Rodolfo da Costa Manso Real 21 May 2010 (has links)
Verificada a existência de diversos entendimentos conflitantes a respeito da relevância que a boa ou a má-fé desempenham para a configuração da fraude de execução e dos riscos decorrentes da indefinição quanto à matéria, propõe-se, nesta tese, a apresentação de nova hipótese interpretativa que, à luz da história e do regramento atual do instituto, identifique qual é e em que casos se faz relevante o elemento subjetivo na fraude de execução. Para atingir esse objetivo, parte-se da análise das hipóteses de fraude de execução previstas na legislação em vigor e do estabelecimento de algumas premissas conceituais necessárias ao desenvolvimento do trabalho. Também no início da tese, é exposto o entendimento atualmente dominante na doutrina e na jurisprudência em relação à matéria, apresentando-se críticas em relação ao mesmo, com base em pesquisa de casos concretos julgados pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Em seguida, são identificadas a feição e a relevância do elemento subjetivo tal como originalmente apresentadas na história do instituto, confrontando-as com as que lhe estabelece entendimento dominante e demonstrando a sua prevalência tanto à luz da legislação em vigor, quanto em relação à moderna concepção da responsabilidade patrimonial. A tese prossegue com a apresentação de sugestão de metodologia para análise dos casos de fraude de execução. Finalmente, conclui-se o trabalho com a verificação das propostas legislativas para a disciplina futura da fraude de execução, apresentando-se sugestão alternativa, baseada na análise dos problemas verificados e na solução oferecida pela hipótese apresentada nesta tese. / Once verified the existence of many conflicting positions about the relevance that the good or bad faith may have on the configuration of the fraude de execução (literally: fraud of execution) and the risks deriving from the lack of definition about this subject, we propose, on this thesis, to present a new interpretative hypothesis which, on the light of the history and recent ruling of the institute, identifies what is the subjective element in the fraude de execução and in which cases it becomes relevant. In order to achieve such aim, we start from the analysis of the hypothesis of fraude de execução foreseen in the current law and by establishing some conceptual premises that are necessary to the development of the work. Also, in the beginning of the thesis, we expose the prevailing position on the current jurisprudence and doctrine and criticize it based on the research of precedents of our Superior Court (Superior Tribunal de Justiça). Afterwards, we identify the features and relevance of the subjective element such as originally presented on the history of the institute, comparing them with those established by the dominant position and demonstrating its prevalence, even on the light of the effective rules, than in relation to the modern concept of patrimonial responsibility. The thesis continues with the suggestion of a methodology to analyze the cases of fraude de execução. Finally, the work is concluded with the study of the bills regarding the future ruling of the fraude de execução and an alternative suggestion is presented, based on the analysis of the problems verified and on the solution offered by the hypothesis presented on this thesis.

Informações contábeis governamentais e o mercado secundário de títulos públicos: um estudo sob a ótica da value relevance no Brasil / Governmental accounting information and the secondary market for government bonds: a study from the perspective of value relevance in Brazil.

Suzart, Janilson Antonio da Silva 03 December 2013 (has links)
A sociedade, em especial a mídia e os investidores, vem demonstrando certa preocupação com a qualidade das informações evidenciadas pelos entes públicos. Ao final do ano de 2012, algumas operações realizadas pelo governo federal brasileiro, com o objetivo de melhorar o superávit fiscal, não foram bem vistas por bancos e consultorias, que questionaram e ajustaram os números governamentais em seus relatórios. No caso brasileiro, a preocupação demonstrada pelo mercado é uma evidência de que esses agentes podem fazer uso das informações contábeis governamentais, além de se preocuparem com o processo gerador dessas informações. A literatura internacional destaca evidências sobre a capacidade preditiva das informações contábeis governamentais em relação aos mercados de títulos de dívida pública, em especial para os títulos dos governos subnacionais. Todavia, há poucas evidências na literatura acerca do papel das informações contábeis dos governos nacionais. A partir da observação dessa lacuna, a presente pesquisa buscou identificar com que intensidade as informações contábeis governamentais influenciam o apreçamento dos títulos públicos emitidos pelo governo federal brasileiro, negociados no mercado secundário. Nesta pesquisa, foram analisadas as negociações realizadas sem a participação direta do governo federal e registradas no Sistema Especial de Liquidação e de Custódia. Foram verificadas as capacidades preditiva e confirmatória das informações contábeis do governo federal brasileiro, no período compreendido entre 2003 a 2012, em bases mensais. Considerando a abordagem da value relevance, foram desenvolvidos modelos de preços e de retornos para as seguintes séries temporais: (i) LFT - Série Única; (ii) LTN - Série Única; (iii) NTN - Série B; (iv) NTN - Série C; e (v) NTN - Série F. Após a análise da presença de raízes unitárias nas séries de preços e / ou retornos, foram estimadas regressões utilizando o método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários, para as séries estacionárias, e os modelos ARIMAX e ARCH, para as séries não estacionárias. As análises realizadas evidenciaram que as informações contábeis do governo federal brasileiro possuem capacidade preditiva e / ou confirmatória no apreçamento dos títulos negociados no mercado secundário. Todavia, isso não significa que as informações contábeis governamentais são plena e diretamente utilizadas pelos investidores de títulos de dívida, mas que essas funcionam como proxies das informações analisadas pelos investidores no momento de negociar tais títulos, considerando esses investidores como agentes racionais limitados. Evidenciou-se ainda que, apesar da associação entre as informações contábeis governamentais e os valores do mercado secundário, características específicas dos títulos ou do emissor e fatores macroeconômicos exercem influência no apreçamento dos títulos. Apesar da consistência do modelo teórico utilizado, a principal limitação desta pesquisa se refere à não identificação do real modelo decisório dos investidores dos títulos brasileiros. / The society, especially media and investors, has shown some concern about the evidenced information quality by public entities. At 2012\'s end, aiming to improve the fiscal surplus, some operations carried out by the Brazilian federal government were not well seen by banks and consultancies, who questioned and adjusted the government numbers in theirs reports. In the Brazilian case, the concern shown by the market is evidence that these agents can make use of governmental accounting information in addition to worrying about the generating process such information. The international literature highlights evidence on the predictive ability of accounting information in relation to government markets bonds, particularly for securities of subnational governments. However, there is little evidence in the literature about the role of accounting information from national governments. From the observation of this gap, this research sought to identify to what extent accounting information influence the pricing of government bonds issued by the Brazilian federal government, which were traded on the secondary market. In this study, I analyzed the trades without the direct participation of the federal government and registered in the Sistema Especial de Liquidação e de Custódia. I studied the predictive and confirmatory capabilities of Brazilian federal government accounting information, in the period 2003-2012, on a monthly basis. Considering the value relevance approach, I developed prices and returns models for the following series: (i) LFT - Série Única; (ii) LTN - Série Única; (iii) NTN - Série B; (iv) NTN - Série C; and (v) NTN - Série F. After the analysis of the presence of unit roots in the series of prices and / or returns, regressions were estimated using the method of ordinary least squares, for stationary series, and ARIMAX and ARCH models, for non-stationary series. The analyzes showed that the accounting information of the Brazilian federal government have predictive and / or confirmatory capabilities in the pricing of secondary market bonds. However, this does not mean that government accounting information are fully and directly used by bond investors, but these act as proxies of analyzed information by investors at the time of trading such bonds, considering these investors as bounded rational agents. It was evident that although the association between accounting information government and secondary market values secondary market, specific characteristics of the bonds or issuer and macroeconomic factors influence the pricing of bonds. Despite the consistency of the used theoretical model, the main limitation of this research relates to the failure to identify the real decision model of investors of Brazilian securities.

Cortesia e marcadores discursivos: contrastes entre discursos orais chilenos e espanhóis e as percepções de brasileiros / Politeness and discourse markers: contrasts between the chilean and spanish oral discourses and perceptions of brazilians

Andrade, Adriana Marcelle de 04 August 2010 (has links)
Este estudo evidencia o modo como se organizam as estratégias de cortesia que se manifestam na ocorrência dos marcadores discursivos pues, ya e claro em intervenções orais de adolescentes de duas capitais, Madri e Santiago do Chile, presentes no Corpus de Lenguaje Adolescente (COLA). Considerando a diversidade sociocultural (Bravo, 2004) e que os marcadores discursivos sinalizam a direção em que se deve buscar a relevância dos enunciados (Escandell-Vidal, 1998), esta pesquisa também analisa se adolescentes brasileiros, estudantes de língua espanhola, da região de São Paulo, constroem uma interpretação adequada quanto à presença ou ausência da cortesia, ao entrar em contato com as conversações do material de análise. Como resultado, foram descritos os contrastes entre as amostras das variedades - a santiaguina e a madrilena - de língua espanhola quanto ao uso das partículas pues, ya e claro. Observou-se que essas diferenças se relacionam ao contexto de enunciação e ao processamento discursivo, semântico e pragmático desses marcadores, comprovando que a cortesia apresenta particularidades e possui um valor relativo de acordo com a interação verbal, os traços culturais e o tipo de relação social entre os interlocutores. Através da escuta de alguns diálogos extraídos do corpus e guiados por um questionário, a maioria dos estudantes brasileiros construiu interpretações equivocadas das formações discursivas. Verificou-se que estas construções de sentido concerniram ao desconhecimento da forma ou do uso dos marcadores, que impediu que estes orientassem o processo de interpretação, e à desconsideração das diferenças interculturais e dos modelos de cortesia em diferentes interações verbais. / This study shows how strategies of politeness occurring when discourse markers are used in oral interventions of teenagers from the two capital cities of Madrid and Santiago de Chile contained in the Corpus de Lenguaje Adolescente (COLA) are organized. Considering the socio-cultural diversity (Bravo, 2004) and discourse markers indicate in which direction we should look for the relevance of utterances (Escandell-Vidal, 1998), this research also analyzes if Brazilian teenagers, students of Spanish language in São Paulo region, have a proper interpretation regarding the presence or the absence of politeness when they are exposed to the conversations of the material analyzed. As a result, the differences between samples of Spanish language varieties from Santiago and from Madrid regarding the use of the particles pues, ya and claro were described. Such differences were seen to be related to the context of enunciation and the discursive, semantic, and pragmatic processing of the markers, which confirms that the politeness shows particularities and has a relative value according to the verbal interaction, cultural traits, and the type of social relationship between interlocutors. By hearing some of the dialogs extracted from the corpus and guided by a questionnaire, most Brazilian students had wrong interpretations of discursive formations. Such constructions of meaning were seen to be related to the lack of knowledge of the markers form or usage, which prevented the markers to guide the interpretation process, and the disregard of intercultural differences and models of politeness in various verbal interactions.

As opiniões, interesses e atitudes dos jovens brasileiros frente à ciência: uma avaliação em âmbito nacional / Opinions, interests and attitudes of young Brazilian in face of science: an evaluation in nationwide

Gouw, Ana Maria Santos 14 August 2013 (has links)
O desencanto dos estudantes pela ciência escolar e pela carreira científica tem provocado um movimento na área acadêmica em prol de se ouvir o que os alunos têm a dizer das suas aulas de ciências, de seus temas científicos de maior interesse e de sua posição frente a diversas questões relacionadas à ciência e à tecnologia. Um desses movimentos é o projeto The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE), sediado na Universidade de Oslo, Noruega, e implementado em mais de 40 países. No Brasil, o ROSE foi aplicado pela primeira vez em 2007, envolvendo 625 estudantes de dois municípios dos estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso. Diante das primeiras observações junto ao ROSE, verificou-se a necessidade de se conhecer quais são os interesses, atitudes e preferências dos jovens em relação à ciência e à tecnologia em âmbito nacional. Assim, a pesquisa aqui descrita teve como objetivo implementar o projeto ROSE no Brasil em uma amostra de representatividade nacional, consolidando o perfil dos jovens brasileiros em relação à ciência e tecnologia e, a partir desses dados, discutir de que forma conhecer a relevância que o conhecimento científico tem para os jovens pode influenciar no ensino de ciências que hoje é apresentado nas escolas. A pesquisa, de natureza essencialmente quantitativa, encontra- -se dentro do campo da avaliação educacional, e utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário fechado com 245 itens cujas respostas são expressas em uma escala de Likert de 4 pontos. O estudo amostral foi desenhado através de uma amostragem estratificada pelos 26 estados e o Distrito Federal com alocação proporcional, tendo como universo amostral a amostra do Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Estudantes (PISA) no Brasil no ano de 2009. Ao todo, 2365 estudantes participaram da pesquisa, oriundos de 84 escolas localizadas em todos os estados brasileiros. Os dados obtidos revelam que o brasileiro, de modo geral, possui grande interesse pelos temas científicos abordados na escola. Dentre esses, os que mais despertam seu interesse são os relacionados ao corpo humano. Em relação à posição dos jovens frente aos desafios ambientais, consideramos que os brasileiros apresentam atitudes preditoras de comportamento ambiental positivo. Por exemplo, nossos jovens possuem uma visão otimista quanto ao futuro, especialmente as meninas, e consideram fortemente que podemos encontrar soluções para os problemas ambientais. Em relação à ciência escolar, os jovens brasileiros consideram a disciplina interessante, apesar de não terem preferência por ela em relação a outras disciplinas. Há uma atitude positiva geral em relação à disciplina, tanto no que se refere à sua importância como à sua utilidade. Apesar de demonstrarem interesse pela ciência escolar, tanto meninas como meninos tem pouco interesse em ingressar na carreira científica.Verificamos também que os jovens brasileiros têm uma atitude geral otimista em relação à ciência e à tecnologia. Diante dos dados aqui obtidos, de maneira a legitimar as considerações manifestas por esses estudantes, cabe uma reflexão sobre as eventuais ações que podem ser tomadas a fim de que suas opiniões dialoguem com professores, currículos, livros didáticos e outros. / The disenchantment of students in science education and career in science has led to a movement in the academic field in favor of listening to what students have to say about their science classes, their scientific topics of greatest interest and its position against several issues related to science and technology. One of these movements is the project The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE), based at the University of Oslo, Norway, and implemented in more than 40 countries. In Brazil, ROSE was first applied in 2007, involving 625 students from two municipalities in the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso. From the first observations with the ROSE, there was the need to know what are the interests, preferences and attitudes of young people towards science and technology nationwide. Thus, the research described here aimed to implement the ROSE project in Brazil in a nationally representative sample, consolidating the profile of Brazilian youth in relation to science and technology and, from these data, discuss how the comprehension about the relevance of Scientific knowledge for young people can influence the teaching of science being presented nowadays in schools. The research, which is essentially quantitative, lies within the field of educational assessment and used as tool for data collection a closed questionnaire with 245 items whose answers are expressed in a Likert scale of 4 points. The study sample was drawn through a stratified sampling by 26 states and the Federal District with proportional allocation, having as sampling universe the sample of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Brazil in 2009. In all, 2365 students participated in the survey, coming from 84 schools located in all Brazilian states. The data reveal that the Brazilian, in general, has great interest in the scientific topics covered in school. Among these, the ones that arouse their interest are those related to the human body. Regarding the position of young people with environmental challenges, we consider that the Brazilians have predictive attitudes of positive environmental behavior. For example, our youngsters have an optimistic view about the future, especially girls, and feel strongly that we can find solutions to environmental problems. In relation to science school, the young Brazilians consider discipline interesting, although not having preference for it over other disciplines. There is a positive relation to the general subject, both with respect to its importance as to its usefulness. Although they showed interest in science education, both boys and girls have low interest in joining a scientific career. We also observed that young Brazilians have a generally optimistic attitude towards science and technology. From the data obtained here, in order to legitimize the obvious considerations from these students, it is worth reflecting on the possible actions that can be taken in order that their opinions dialogue with teachers, curricula, textbooks and other.

Evaluating User Feedback Systems

Menard, Jr., Kevin Joseph 04 May 2006 (has links)
The increasing reliance of people on computers for daily tasks has resulted in a vast number of digital documents. Search engines were once luxury tools for quickly scanning a set of documents but are now quickly becoming the only practical way to navigate through this sea of information. Traditionally, search engine results are based upon a mathematical formula of document relevance to a search phrase. Often, however, what a user deems to be relevant and what a search engine computes as relevant are not the same. User feedback regarding the utility of a search result can be collected in order to refine query results. Additionally, user feedback can be used to identify queries that lack high quality search results. A content author can then further develop existing content or create new content to improve those search results. The most straightforward way of collecting user feedback is to add a graphical user interface component to the search interface that asks the user how much he or she liked the search result. However, if the feedback mechanism requires the user to provide feedback before he or she can progress further with his or her search, the user may become annoyed and provide incorrect feedback values out of spite. Conversely, if the feedback mechanism does not require the user to provide feedback at all then the overall amount of collected feedback will be diminished as many users will not expend the effort required to give feedback. This research focused on the collection of explicit user feedback in both mandatory (a user must give feedback) and voluntary (a user may give feedback) scenarios. The collected data was used to train a set of decision tree classifiers that provided user satisfaction values as a function of implicit user behavior and a set of search terms. The results of our study indicate that a more accurate classifier can be built from explicit data collected in a voluntary scenario. Given a limited search domain, the classification accuracy can be further improved.

Rocchio, Ide, Okapi och BIM : En komparativ studie av fyra metoder för relevance feedback / Rocchio, Ide, Okapi and BIM : A comparative study of four methods for relevance feedback

Eriksen, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis compares four relevance feedback methods. The Rocchio and Ide dec-hi algorithms for the vector space model and the binary independence model and Okapi BM25 within the probabilistic framework. This is done in a custom-made Information Retrieval system utilizing a collection containing 131 896 LA-Times articles which is part of the TREC ad-hoc collection. The methods are compared on two grounds, using only the relevance information from the 20 highest ranked documents from an initial search and also by using all available relevance information. Although a significant effect of choice of method could be found on the first ground, post-hoc analysis could not determine any statistically significant differences between the methods where Rocchio, Ide dec-hi and Okapi BM25 performed equivalent. All methods except the binary independence model performed significantly better than using no relevance feedback. It was also revealed that although the binary independence model performed far worse on average than the other methods it did outperform them on nearly 20 % of the topics. Further analysis argued that this depends on the lack of query expansion in the binary independence model which is advantageous for some topics although has a negative effect on retrieval efficiency in general. On the second ground Okapi BM25 performed significantly better than the other methods with the binary independence model once again being the worst performer. It was argued that the other methods have problems scaling to large amounts of relevance information where Okapi BM25 has no such issues. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Architectures logicielles et mécanismes pour la gestion adaptative et consolidée de ressources numériques dans une application interactive scénarisée / Software architectures and mechanisms for adaptive and consolidated management of digital resources in a scenario-based interactive application

Sawadogo, Daouda 28 June 2016 (has links)
L’avènement des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) représente une véritable opportunité dans la diffusion des ressources numériques et des connaissances pour tous. De nombreux résultats ont déjà été obtenus dans le cadre de l’étude de plates-formes informatiques numériques. Elles visent essentiellement à faciliter la mise à disposition des contenus numériques, accompagner l’utilisateur en lui offrant des modalités d’interaction avec le système et dans un contexte de formation, valider les connaissances acquises. Le déploiement large et massif des systèmes d’information de gestion de contenus numériques constitue une première génération d’outils de gestion. Dans ce cadre, des travaux de thèse ont été réalisés au sein du laboratoire L3I dans l’objectif de permettre à ces environnements de gérer efficacement l’interactivité avec leurs utilisateurs et d’adapter leurs exécutions en fonction des profils et du contexte de leurs utilisateurs. Certains résultats de ces travaux ont été mis en œuvre sur la plate-forme POLARIS du laboratoire. Ce contexte a créé un climat qui favorise la production massive et hétérogène de documents numériques dont la gestion (la conception, l’organisation, la sélection et l’usage) pose de nouveaux problèmes. L’objectif général de la thèse consiste à proposer des solutions permettant aux utilisateurs des applications interactives, de gérer leurs documents numériques afin d’éviter qu’ils ne soient submergés par l’immense quantité de documents qu’ils produisent et utilisent quotidiennement. En effet, pour mieux gérer ces documents, nous les encapsulons dans des structures complexes que nous appelons « ressources numériques ». Cela nous permet de mettre en œuvre nos mécanismes d’adaptation : pré-sélectionner les ressources numériques les plus adaptées aux activités de l’utilisateur et adapter les ressources numériques sélectionnées en fonction des caractéristiques de l’utilisateur et de son activité. Les contributions des travaux réalisés dans cette thèse se décrivent sur quatre niveaux. Premièrement, nous proposons un modèle de représentation des données qui caractérisent un utilisateur dans un système de gestion de ressources numériques. Deuxièmement, nous proposons des algorithmes et des mécanismes pour permettre à un utilisateur de sélectionner les ressources numériques pertinentes lors de la réalisation d’une activité. Les mécanismes de sélection proposés permettent une gestion consolidée des ressources numériques, parce qu’ils tiennent compte de la cohérence entre les ressources de l’activité afin de permettre une meilleure utilisation et maintenir une exécution cohérente de son activité. Troisièmement, nous proposons un modèle de ressources numériques qui s’adapte en fonction des caractéristiques de l’utilisateur et de l’activité. Quatrièmement, nous proposons un modèle d’architecture logicielle pour la conception d’une application interactive à exécution adaptative centrée sur la gestion des ressources numériques. Pour expérimenter et valider nos propositions, nous avons développé un prototype logiciel d’une plate-forme pour la gestion personnalisée et collaborative de ressources numériques dédié aux chercheurs appelé PRISE (PeRsonal Interactive Research Smart Environment). / The emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) represents a real opportunity for spreading digital resources and knowledge for all. Many results have already been achieved through the study of digital computing environments. They primarily aim at facilitating the provision of digital content, supporting users by ensuring interaction means with the system, and validating the knowledge acquired. The broad and massive deployment of digital content management information systems has left its mark as first generation of digital document management tools. In this context, PhD thesis researches have been carried out in the laboratory L3i to enable these environments to manage interactivity with their users and adapt their performances to users’ profiles and usage contexts. Some results of these works have been implemented within the laboratory platform called POLARIS. This latter has created a climate that fosters the production of massive heterogeneous digital resources which their management (organization, selection, and use) raises new challenges. The main aim of the thesis is to propose solutions that enable users of interactive applications to manage their digital documents in such a way that they are not overwhelmed by the large amount of material they produce and use everyday. In other terms, to better manage these documents, we encapsulate them in complex structures named digital resources. That allows us to implement our adaptation mechanisms : to pre-select the most relevant digital resources to the user’s activities and adapt the selected digital resources to both user and activity characteristics.The contributions of our thesis can be described in four levels. First of all, we propose a data representation model that characterizes a user in a digital resources management system. Secondly, we propose algorithms and mechanisms to enable a user to select relevant digital resources when performing an activity. Selection mechanisms we proposed allow consolidated management of digital resources, since they take into account the consistency among the resources being used in a given activity to enable better use and maintain coherent execution of the activity. Thirdly, we propose a model for digital resources that adapts itself based on both user and activity characteristics. Finally, we propose a software architecture model for the design of an interactive application with adaptive execution centered on digital resource management. To experiment and validate our proposals, we developed a prototype of a platform for personalized and collaborative management of digital resources dedicated to researchers called PRISE (PeRsonal Interactive Research Smart Environment).

Reavaliação de ativos e correção monetária integral no Brasil: um estudo de < value relevance</ / Asset revaluation and price level accounting in Brazil: a value relevance study

Batistella, Flávio Donizete 11 May 2011 (has links)
Este estudo contribui para a literatura existente de value relevance relacionada ao papel do patrimônio líquido contábil e do resultado contábil por intermédio de dados brasileiros em um contexto de reavaliação de ativos e contabilidade em moeda constante. Além disso, são efetuadas discussões a partir de resultados empíricos sobre dois importantes assuntos relacionados à informação contábil: relevância e confiabilidade. É aplicada uma metodologia de value relevance, sendo que a variável dependente é o valor de mercado da empresa e as variáveis independentes são o patrimônio líquido e o resultado. A primeira hipótese é a de que a informação contábil pelo custo histórico é menos value relevant do que a informação contábil com práticas de reavaliação de ativos imobilizados. Para o período 1996-2007, as companhias tinham a opção de reavaliar alguns ativos tangíveis de longo prazo. A participação de avaliadores externos nos processos de reavaliações no Brasil provavelmente proporciona um grau de confiabilidade sem muita imperfeição. No entanto, evidências empíricas mostram que as informações contábeis de empresas que efetuaram reavaliações de ativos não são mais value relevant em relação às empresas que não efetuaram. Análises adicionais baseadas em uma especificação de value relevance incremental mostraram que, se os processos de reavaliação não tivessem ocorrido, então a value relevance seria praticamente a mesma para estas empresas. Em outras palavras, a reserva de reavaliação não foi value relevant, apesar de provavelmente ser confiável. Uma explicação possível para esse resultado é uma falta de relevância para as práticas de reavaliação de ativos observadas. A segunda hipótese é a de que a informação contábil pelo custo histórico é menos value relevant do que a informação contábil pela correção monetária integral. No Brasil, a correção monetária era regra até 1995. A partir de 1996, com a inflação atingindo menores patamares, o Governo Brasileiro proibiu práticas de atualização monetária para fins tributários e societários. Apesar disso, algumas empresas evidenciaram informações adicionais em moeda constante para o período 1996-2007. Evidências empíricas mostram que estas informações não são mais value relevant em comparação às informações sem correção monetária publicadas por estas mesmas empresas. Uma explicação possível para este resultado é a confiabilidade subjacente dos indicadores de inflação utilizados por estas companhias. No geral, as evidências empíricas mostram que a informação contábil pelo custo histórico não é menos value relevant. No entanto, é importante enfatizar que os resultados se relacionam com as práticas contábeis das empresas analisadas, e não com os modelos contábeis propriamente ditos. / This study contributes to extent value relevance literature relating to the role of book value and earnings through Brazilian accounting data in an asset revaluation and price level accounting context. Moreover, it brings empirical discussion on two very important issues related to accounting information: relevance and reliability. It is employed a value relevance methodology, with the dependent variable being the equity market value and the independent variables being book value of equity and earnings. The first hypothesis is that historical cost accounting is less value relevant than fixed asset revaluation accounting practices. For the period 1996-2007, companies had the option to revalue some long-lived tangible assets. External appraisals in Brazilian revaluation process likely bring a degree of reliability without too much imperfection. However, empirical evidence shows up that firms that experimented asset revaluations are not more value relevant regarding firms that did not. Further analysis based on an incremental value relevance specification shows that if the revaluation process had not occurred, then the value relevance would be quite the same for those firms. In other words, asset revaluation reserve was not value relevant, in spite of likely being reliable. One possible explanation for this result is the underlying firms\' asset revaluation practices lack of relevance. The second hypothesis is that historical cost accounting is less value relevant than price level accounting. In Brazil, price level accounting was the rule until 1995. From 1996, with inflation rates getting lower degrees, Brazilian Government prohibited price level for tax and financial accounting purposes. Even though, some companies disclosed additional information in price level for the period 1996-2007. Empirical evidence shows that this accounting information is not more value relevant in comparison to the information without price level publicized by the same companies. One possible explanation for this result is the underlying reliability of the inflation index used by the firms. Overall empirical evidence shows that historical cost accounting is not less value relevant. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that the results are related to the underlying firms\' accounting practices, not the accounting models themselves.

Analyse des besoins des conducteurs âgés et des adaptations mises en œuvre lors de la réalisation de manœuvres à basses vitesses / Analysis of older drivers’ needs and adaptations during low speed manoeuvres

Douissembekov, Evgueni 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les manoeuvres de stationnement représentent une difficulté pour les conducteurs âgés. De ce fait, elles font partie des situations de conduite les plus évitées chez les séniors. L'étude s'intéresse aux difficultés et aux besoins des conducteurs âgés lors des manoeuvres à basses vitesses. Premièrement, une enquête s'intéressant aux différents aspects de l'activité de stationnement sera réalisée auprès des conducteurs âgés du Rhône. Ensuite, la gestion de ressources cognitives chez le conducteur manoeuvrant sera étudiée dans une série d'expériences avec les différents types de manoeuvres de stationnement. Pour ce faire, des places de stationnement de configuration modifiable seront aménagées dans un parking, et les manoeuvres seront effectuées par les participants. L'étude s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la gestion de la ballance saillance-pertinence lors de l'exploration visuelle de l'environnement du parking. Les informations ainsi obtenues devraient contribuer à la conception des systèmes d'aide aux manoeuvres adaptés aux seniors. / One cannot imagine driving without parking manoeuvres since they mark the beginning and the end of each trip. However, physiological and cognitive decline with ageing can increase the difficulty of parking manoeuvring. Our study is organized in two stages. Firstly, a postal survey investigated the parking behaviour among seniors. It provided information about parking habits, needs and difficulties of older drivers. An approach based on Manchester Driving Behaviour Questionnaire lead us to classify four types of parking errors. We also identified factors contributing to the difficulty of parking manoeuvring.Secondly, we studied parking manoeuvring with experimental vehicle and in a driving simulator. In order to examine attentional processes during manoeuvres, we used the MAM model of attention. The salience and the relevance of elements present in the parking were modified. Parking performance was also examined in relation to drivers’ age and their attentional and visual abilities. The salience and the relevance of parking environments interacted with driver’s age and the extent of their total, peripheral and attentional field of view. Drivers with restricted total, peripheral field or attentional field of view can meet more difficulty during manoeuvres when they must share their attention in complex parking environment. A highly salient obstacle can be more easily detected by these drivers. In the presence of a pedestrian, the difficulty of manoeuvring can increase among drivers with restricted total, peripheral field or attentional field of view and decrease among drivers without such restriction. Further research should provide more information on strategies adopted by older drivers during manoeuvring.

As opiniões, interesses e atitudes dos jovens brasileiros frente à ciência: uma avaliação em âmbito nacional / Opinions, interests and attitudes of young Brazilian in face of science: an evaluation in nationwide

Ana Maria Santos Gouw 14 August 2013 (has links)
O desencanto dos estudantes pela ciência escolar e pela carreira científica tem provocado um movimento na área acadêmica em prol de se ouvir o que os alunos têm a dizer das suas aulas de ciências, de seus temas científicos de maior interesse e de sua posição frente a diversas questões relacionadas à ciência e à tecnologia. Um desses movimentos é o projeto The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE), sediado na Universidade de Oslo, Noruega, e implementado em mais de 40 países. No Brasil, o ROSE foi aplicado pela primeira vez em 2007, envolvendo 625 estudantes de dois municípios dos estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso. Diante das primeiras observações junto ao ROSE, verificou-se a necessidade de se conhecer quais são os interesses, atitudes e preferências dos jovens em relação à ciência e à tecnologia em âmbito nacional. Assim, a pesquisa aqui descrita teve como objetivo implementar o projeto ROSE no Brasil em uma amostra de representatividade nacional, consolidando o perfil dos jovens brasileiros em relação à ciência e tecnologia e, a partir desses dados, discutir de que forma conhecer a relevância que o conhecimento científico tem para os jovens pode influenciar no ensino de ciências que hoje é apresentado nas escolas. A pesquisa, de natureza essencialmente quantitativa, encontra- -se dentro do campo da avaliação educacional, e utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário fechado com 245 itens cujas respostas são expressas em uma escala de Likert de 4 pontos. O estudo amostral foi desenhado através de uma amostragem estratificada pelos 26 estados e o Distrito Federal com alocação proporcional, tendo como universo amostral a amostra do Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Estudantes (PISA) no Brasil no ano de 2009. Ao todo, 2365 estudantes participaram da pesquisa, oriundos de 84 escolas localizadas em todos os estados brasileiros. Os dados obtidos revelam que o brasileiro, de modo geral, possui grande interesse pelos temas científicos abordados na escola. Dentre esses, os que mais despertam seu interesse são os relacionados ao corpo humano. Em relação à posição dos jovens frente aos desafios ambientais, consideramos que os brasileiros apresentam atitudes preditoras de comportamento ambiental positivo. Por exemplo, nossos jovens possuem uma visão otimista quanto ao futuro, especialmente as meninas, e consideram fortemente que podemos encontrar soluções para os problemas ambientais. Em relação à ciência escolar, os jovens brasileiros consideram a disciplina interessante, apesar de não terem preferência por ela em relação a outras disciplinas. Há uma atitude positiva geral em relação à disciplina, tanto no que se refere à sua importância como à sua utilidade. Apesar de demonstrarem interesse pela ciência escolar, tanto meninas como meninos tem pouco interesse em ingressar na carreira científica.Verificamos também que os jovens brasileiros têm uma atitude geral otimista em relação à ciência e à tecnologia. Diante dos dados aqui obtidos, de maneira a legitimar as considerações manifestas por esses estudantes, cabe uma reflexão sobre as eventuais ações que podem ser tomadas a fim de que suas opiniões dialoguem com professores, currículos, livros didáticos e outros. / The disenchantment of students in science education and career in science has led to a movement in the academic field in favor of listening to what students have to say about their science classes, their scientific topics of greatest interest and its position against several issues related to science and technology. One of these movements is the project The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE), based at the University of Oslo, Norway, and implemented in more than 40 countries. In Brazil, ROSE was first applied in 2007, involving 625 students from two municipalities in the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso. From the first observations with the ROSE, there was the need to know what are the interests, preferences and attitudes of young people towards science and technology nationwide. Thus, the research described here aimed to implement the ROSE project in Brazil in a nationally representative sample, consolidating the profile of Brazilian youth in relation to science and technology and, from these data, discuss how the comprehension about the relevance of Scientific knowledge for young people can influence the teaching of science being presented nowadays in schools. The research, which is essentially quantitative, lies within the field of educational assessment and used as tool for data collection a closed questionnaire with 245 items whose answers are expressed in a Likert scale of 4 points. The study sample was drawn through a stratified sampling by 26 states and the Federal District with proportional allocation, having as sampling universe the sample of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Brazil in 2009. In all, 2365 students participated in the survey, coming from 84 schools located in all Brazilian states. The data reveal that the Brazilian, in general, has great interest in the scientific topics covered in school. Among these, the ones that arouse their interest are those related to the human body. Regarding the position of young people with environmental challenges, we consider that the Brazilians have predictive attitudes of positive environmental behavior. For example, our youngsters have an optimistic view about the future, especially girls, and feel strongly that we can find solutions to environmental problems. In relation to science school, the young Brazilians consider discipline interesting, although not having preference for it over other disciplines. There is a positive relation to the general subject, both with respect to its importance as to its usefulness. Although they showed interest in science education, both boys and girls have low interest in joining a scientific career. We also observed that young Brazilians have a generally optimistic attitude towards science and technology. From the data obtained here, in order to legitimize the obvious considerations from these students, it is worth reflecting on the possible actions that can be taken in order that their opinions dialogue with teachers, curricula, textbooks and other.

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