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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freiheit zum Verzicht: Exegetisch-Missiologische Untersuchung zur Missionarischen Ethik in Afrika nach 1. Korinther 9,1-27 / Freedom for renunciation: an exegetic missiological study on missionary ethic in Africa based on 1 Corinthians 9:1-27

Meier, Alfred 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in German and English / Basing the following on the premise that one-seded balance of power in mission work impedes fellowship and partnership (chapter 2), it is the intention of this treatise to investigate, with the help of the method of text pragmatics and incorporating the Malian context (chapter 1), what findings from 1 Corinthians 9 are helpful towards dealing with the problem (chapters 3-4). Paul describes the problem of financial support in detail, yet actually it serves to lead to the real aim of the text, i.e. Paul, while in Corinth, lived exemplarily by renouncing, on his own free will, his apostolic rights, thus demonstrating a model of how the "strong" and the "weak" could treat each other in good partnership. Paul lived his apostolic freedom being bound to Christ and in responsibility for people. This mentality of incarnational lifestyle (chapter 5) enables us to put the missionary's behaviour and the partnership problem between Western mission agency and African church in their proper place both, christlogically, and ecclesiologically (chapter 6). When applying this to practice in missionary life (chapter 7), it becomes evident ... - what consequences renunciation on his own free will has on the missionary's status and social and communicative behaviour (chapter 7.2 and 7.3); - how "power, control and one-sidedness" may be reduced where partners in missionary work cooperate. When putting this in concrete terms we have to ask, how missionaries can contribute to strengthen their partner in the host country by renouncing their right to a say, within the structures on the national level (chapter 7.4). Additionally, possibilities of the African partner having more say in administering finances and in where the missionaries are to serve, are shown. On the international level, suitable management structures are to make clear that the West is ready to renounce one-sided control, and to invite African partners to share responsibilities on the highest level. Finally, it becomes clear that more interchurch partnership certainly reduces the hegemony of the mission agency, but, in the end, may stimulate the missionary effort (chapter 7.5). Annotations on financial support of missionary work ends this treatise. / Ausgehend von der Prämisse, dass einseitige Machtverhältnisse in der Missionsarbeit Gemeinschaft und Partnerschaft negativ beeinträchtigen (Kap. 2) verfolgt die vorliegende Studie das Ziel, mit Hilfe der textpragmatischen Methodik und unter Einbeziehung des malischen Kontextes (Kap. 1) zu untersuchen, welche Einsichten aus 1 Kor. 9 hilfreich sind, um dieser Problematik zu begegnen (Kap. 3-4). Obwohl Paulus das Problem der materiellen Unterstützung ausführlich darstellt, dient es letztlich nur als Hinführung zum eigentlichen Skopus des Textes. Dieser besteht darin, dass Paulus in Korinth freiheitlichen Verzicht auf Inanspruchnahme apostolischer Rechte exemplarisch gelebt hat und so ein Modell aufzeigt, wie "Starke" und "Schwache" partnerschaftlich miteinander umgehen können. Paulus lebt apostolische Freiheit als Bindung an Christus und in Verantwortung für Menschen. Diese Mentalität des inkarnatorischen Lebensstil (Kap. 5) ermöglicht es, das Verhalten des Missionars heute und die Partnerschaftsproblematik zwischen westlicher Missionsgesellschaft und afrikanischer Kirche sowohl christologisch als auch ekklesiologisch einzuordnen (Kap. 6). Bei der missionspraktischen Anwendung (Kap. 7) wird deutlich, ... - wie sich freiheitlicher Verzicht auf den Status und das soziale und kommunikative Verhalten des Missionars auswirkt (Kap. 7.2 und 7.3). - wie "Macht, Kontrolle und Einseitigkeiten" in der Kooperation der am missionarischen Handeln beteiligten Partnern reduziert werden können. Die Konkretionen beziehen sich auf die Frage, wie Missionare im Gastland durch freiwilligen Verzicht auf Mitspracherechte in den Strukturen auf nationaler Ebene zur Stärkung des Partners beitragen können (Kap. 7.4). Des Weiteren werden die Möglichkeiten verstärkter Mitsprache afrikanischer Partner bei der Verwaltung von Finanzen und dem Einsatzort der Missionare aufgezeigt. Auf internationaler Ebenen sollen adäquate Leitungsstrukturen die Bereitschaft des Westens zum Verzicht auf einseitige Kontrolle verdeutlichen und afrikanische Partner zur Mitverantwortung auf höchster Ebene einladen. Schliesslich wird deutlich, dass verstärkte zwischenkirchliche Partnerschaften zwar die Vormachtstellung der Missionsgesellschaft reduziert, aber letztlich die Missionsarbeit befruchten kann (Kap. 7.5). Anmerkungen zur finanziellen Unterstützung missionarischer Arbeit beschliessen die Abhandlung. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Dade of deugde? Implikasies vir Suid-Afrikaanse kerke van 'n modern-postmoderne debat oor die moraliteit

Koopman, Nico Norman January 2000 (has links)
Doctor Theologiae / South Africa

Can We Be Forgiven?: On "Impossible" and "Communal" Forgiveness in Contemporary Philosophy and Theology

Lupo, Joshua Scott 22 April 2010 (has links)
This essay traces two trends in current philosophical and theological debates concerning forgiveness. One, advocated by Vladimir Jankélévitch and Jacques Derrida, I label “impossible” forgiveness. The second, advanced by John Milbank and L. Gregory Jones, I label “communal” forgiveness. I explore and critically examine each of these positions in the first two sections of the thesis. In the last section of the thesis I examine a recent conversation amongst religious ethicists against the background of the theoretical conversations described in the first half of the essay. Bringing the theoretical conversation together with the religious ethicists’ conversation, I argue that whether or not we embrace forgiveness depends in large part in what tradition, religious or secular, we place ourselves.


[pt] Teologia moral contemporânea: Status questionis, ética e hermenêutica em 1Jo 2,15-17 propõe uma reflexão acerca das questões morais que assolam a humanidade, de Sócrates aos seres humanos contemporâneos. Faz um estudo filosófico do campo que alguns nomeiam de ética e outros, de moral para propor uma reflexão acerca da teologia moral e/ou da ética religiosa. Essa dissertação inicia pelo estado da questão, para perceber o fundamento filosófico presente em toda teologia moral. Realiza uma síntese da ética filosófica, destacando seus horizontes e as principais correntes éticas contemporâneas. Apresenta uma fundamentação histórica da teologia moral, do horizonte tridentino ao contexto pós-Vaticano II, procurando demonstrar que ela sempre esteve a reboque dos acontecimentos, e não diante deles, acenando por qual caminho o cristão pode e deve enveredar-se. Na sequência, faz uma tentativa de refletir acerca do possível substrato bíblico da teologia moral, expondo os pontos essenciais do documento da Pontifícia Comissão Bíblica, denominado Bíblia e Moral. Por fim, traça rotas de investigação para a compreensão da moral nos livros bíblicos, detendo-se nas Cartas Católicas – aspectos principais da primeira Epístola de João – e realiza uma análise particular da ética na hermenêutica de 1Jo 2,15-17, a fim de poder demonstrar que o papel da teologia moral católica na contemporaneidade é o de humanizar o ser humano, reafirmando que não há outro modelo a ser seguido a não ser Jesus Cristo. / [en] Contemporary moral theology: Status questionis, ethics and hermeneutics in 1Jo 2,15-17 addresses the moral issues that plague humanity, from Socrates to contemporary human beings. It performs a philosophical study of the field named by some as ethics or as moral by others, in order to propose a reflection on moral theology and / or religious ethics. This dissertation begins with the state of the investigation, highlighting the philosophical foundation of all moral theology. A synthesis of the philosophical ethics follows, highlighting its horizons and the main contemporary ethical currents. It then engages on a historical view of the foundation of moral theology, from the Tridentine horizon to the post-Vatican II context, demonstrating that moral theology has always been in the wake of the events, and not before them, indicating the direction Christians can and should take. At this point, a study on the possible biblical substratum of moral theology is offered, exposing the essential points of the Pontifical Biblical Commission s Bible and Moral document. Finally, it identifies investigation trends for the understanding of morality in the biblical books, dwelling on the Catholic Letters, major elements John s first Letter. In particular, it accomplishes a specific analysis of the ethics in the hermeneutics of 1 John 2: 15-17 in order to be able to demonstrate that the role of Catholic moral theology today is to humanize the human being, reasserting that no other model is to be followed except for Jesus Christ.

Theologies Speak of Justice : A Study of Islamic and Christian Social Ethics

Callewaert, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how religious ethics, while retaining its identity, can contribute to political debate and to the understanding of justice. The inquiry addresses these issues by focusing on theological perspectives which challenge the solutions offered to these questions by the liberal paradigm. Three kinds of challenges are studied, each of which is represented by one thinker from the Islamic tradition and one from the Christian tradition, in order to enable a comparative perspective on the contributions of religious traditions. The thinkers studied are: 1) modified liberalism, represented by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im and Duncan B. Forrester; 2) liberationism, represented by Ali Shariati and Gustavo Gutierrez; and 3) radical traditionalism, as developed by Tariq Ramadan and John Milbank. The study is organized around three main questions. First, how can innovative interpretations of religious tradition be plausibly justified? Second, what role should religious arguments and reasons play in the political sphere? Third, what can religious ethics and theological thought contribute to the understanding of social justice? The questions are engaged by means of a critical and reconstructive engagement with the six thinkers. The suggested solutions are assessed in terms of the criteria of authenticity, communicability, and potential for transformation. It is argued that a religious ethic can rely on a tradition without accepting conservative understandings of that tradition. Furthermore, it is argued that the coherence of religious ethics can be made available for public discourse but that the hospitability of the public forum to such contributions needs to be realized through a deepened democratic culture and a critique of power structures which condition perceptions of rationality. While religious ethics do not articulate complete alternative understandings of justice, they articulate contributions by relating justice to human sociality and to transcendence.

“Desire” Viewed through Ethical Optics: A Comparative Study of Dai Zhen and Levinas

Lan, Fei 06 December 2012 (has links)
This research project investigates Confucian thinker Dai Zhen (1724-1777) and Jewish thinker Emmanuel Levinas’s (1906-1995) philosophical discourses on desire from a comparative perspective. First, I look at Dai Zhen and Levinas individually each in their own philosophical contexts, while framing my readings with parallel structure that pivots on a hermeneutic strategy to examine their ideas of desire within the larger prospect of the human relation with transcendence. Then, my inquiry leads to a critical analysis of several interesting issues yielded in my interpretive readings of the two thinkers as regards transcendence and immanence and the self-other relationship. Methodologically, my study combines careful textual analysis, philosophical reflection, and historical sensitivity. We might want to say that there is in fact no correlative of the Levinasian desire in Dai Zhen’s philosophy. Dai Zhen’s notion of desire perhaps comes closer to Levinas’s concept of need. However, the disparity of their conceptual formulations does not keep us from discerning their shared ethical concern for the other, the weak, marginalized, and underprivileged group of society, which provides me the very ground for a dialogical comparison between the two thinkers. Henceforth, my writing is hinged on a comprehension of their conception of desire as an articulation of human striving for what is lying beyond themselves, as a redefinition of the being or essence of humankind in relation to the transcendent which in both philosophers’ ethical thinking is translated into a sympathetic understanding of and care for the other, particularly the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the young, the weak and the like. Through the comparative study of the two thinkers’ ideas of desire, I want to argue that “desire,” which is most readily directed to human egoism and instinctive propensity in both Confucian and Western philosophical traditions, can be at once the very driving force to open us to the other beyond ourselves and an actual moral creativity to produce ethical being out of material existence.

“Desire” Viewed through Ethical Optics: A Comparative Study of Dai Zhen and Levinas

Lan, Fei 06 December 2012 (has links)
This research project investigates Confucian thinker Dai Zhen (1724-1777) and Jewish thinker Emmanuel Levinas’s (1906-1995) philosophical discourses on desire from a comparative perspective. First, I look at Dai Zhen and Levinas individually each in their own philosophical contexts, while framing my readings with parallel structure that pivots on a hermeneutic strategy to examine their ideas of desire within the larger prospect of the human relation with transcendence. Then, my inquiry leads to a critical analysis of several interesting issues yielded in my interpretive readings of the two thinkers as regards transcendence and immanence and the self-other relationship. Methodologically, my study combines careful textual analysis, philosophical reflection, and historical sensitivity. We might want to say that there is in fact no correlative of the Levinasian desire in Dai Zhen’s philosophy. Dai Zhen’s notion of desire perhaps comes closer to Levinas’s concept of need. However, the disparity of their conceptual formulations does not keep us from discerning their shared ethical concern for the other, the weak, marginalized, and underprivileged group of society, which provides me the very ground for a dialogical comparison between the two thinkers. Henceforth, my writing is hinged on a comprehension of their conception of desire as an articulation of human striving for what is lying beyond themselves, as a redefinition of the being or essence of humankind in relation to the transcendent which in both philosophers’ ethical thinking is translated into a sympathetic understanding of and care for the other, particularly the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the young, the weak and the like. Through the comparative study of the two thinkers’ ideas of desire, I want to argue that “desire,” which is most readily directed to human egoism and instinctive propensity in both Confucian and Western philosophical traditions, can be at once the very driving force to open us to the other beyond ourselves and an actual moral creativity to produce ethical being out of material existence.

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