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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impulse to orthodoxy: why illiberal democracies treat religious pluralism as a threat

Levy, David 13 November 2018 (has links)
Since the late 1990s, governments across the post-Soviet space have redefined freedom of conscience as freedom from "non-traditional" religious groups — part of a broader effort to recast pluralism as a threat to national sovereignty. This dissertation focuses on the Central Asian states of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, which have restricted such groups as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Ahmadi Muslim community, and the Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong. It analyzes why illiberal regimes restrict marginal and apolitical religious groups, which are often more docile than the population at large. Furthermore, it addresses why policies that infringe on civil liberties nevertheless enjoy popular support. These questions take on greater significance in the midst of the current global retreat from democratic values. Yet they cannot be answered by the prevailing instrumentalist perspective in political theory, which assumes that rational citizens should seek to maximize individual liberties. Popular support for authoritarian figures has prompted scholars to propose non-instrumental motivations, such as national and religious identity. Rather than treat “identity“ as non-instrumental, I propose a relational model of identity politics, wherein pluralism and essentialism represent opposing strategies in a competitive political field. Drawing from Bourdieu's work on public politics, I argue that essentialist claims to authority (e.g. ethnic nationalism, religious populism) appeal to strata with relatively low capacity for autonomous political mobilization. Illiberal regimes propagate essentialist claims on behalf of such strata, and repress even benign forms of pluralism as part of this essentialist social contract. I investigate these hypotheses by examining recent discourses on religious tradition in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. I employ a dataset of 5,000 public documents (legislation, court rulings, etc.), which I analyze using qualitative coding. In addition, I draw on interviews with government officials and religious leaders collected during fieldwork between 2012 and 2014, and on data from the World Values Survey. I find that the political and religious establishments of both states are erecting new orthodoxies that consecrate the will of their political bases as essential to national self-determination. Thus, illiberal democracies maintain popular support by redistributing authority (symbolic capital, per Bourdieu) to core constituencies at the expense of peripheral constituencies.

The Rise of Religious Parties in Israel and Turkey: A Comparative Study

Sarfati, Yusuf 09 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Protestant Nuns as Depictions of Piety in Lutheran Funeral Sermons

Dillinger, Kathryn 01 December 2011 (has links)
Protestant nuns, Stiftsdamen, fulfilled a unique role in early modern Lutheran society. This papers focuses on the implied social roles and expected virtues of Protestant nuns [Stiftsdamen] in the works of male Lutheran pastors who supported Protestant theological positions that promoted marriage as the proper place for women, and yet who also praised unmarried female monastics in funeral sermons [Leichenpredigten]. Lutheran pastors wrote funeral sermons for both Stiftsdamen and married women, funeral sermons display similarities or differences between what virtues, characteristics, and displays of piety for women. A comparison will also be made between funeral sermons for Stiftsdamen and those written for Catholic nuns by Catholic clergy. Convent necrologies, written by Catholic abbesses will also be used to compare what virtues were expected of female religious. Also included is an examination of nuns’ writings about theology, their doctrinal reasons for remaining Catholic, leaving the cloister, and adapting their convent life to fit Lutheran teachings. Damenstiften preserved access for women to positions of authority and self empowerment. These women were, however, different from earlier female religious communities and from Catholic nuns living in other Lutheran areas. Protestant Stiftsdamen had more contact with outside society than cloistered Catholic nuns due to the desire of Lutherans to incorporate these women into their communities. An analysis of the perception of Stiftsdamen by Lutheran pastors and the nuns' consciousness of their own position, duties, and piety is the cornerstone of this new research on gender and religion in early modern Germany. The perpetuation of Protestant convents into the seventeenth century is only briefly documented by historians who focus instead on the religious experience of women in Germany during and directly following the Reformation. Catholic examples of female piety will contribute to the understanding of female religious and their role in society at large. In conclusion, this research displays how Stiftsdamen were praised for the same virtues as early modern married Protestant women and Catholic nuns in funeral sermons, but were not specifically praised as female religious by male Lutheran pastors.


BENZONI, RICCARDO 08 June 2017 (has links)
Aspetto sinora poco conosciuto della politica religiosa promossa da Bonaparte, strettamente legato alle esigenze dettate dalla ricerca di consenso, l’introduzione del culto di San Napoleone costituisce un esempio significativo del tentativo compiuto dal regime francese di circondare la figura e il potere del sovrano di un alone sacralizzante. Il presente lavoro, condotto sulla base di un’abbondante ricerca d’archivio e attraverso l’analisi di molto materiale documentario sinora inedito, si propone di indagare in profondità la genesi e lo sviluppo di tale culto, ponendo l’accento sulle motivazioni che furono alla base della sua introduzione in età consolare, sulle strategie che furono adottate dal governo napoleonico ai fini della sua diffusione, nonché sulle reazioni che si verificarono presso gli ambienti della Curia romana a seguito dell’istituzione della festività religiosa ad esso legata. / The religious policy promoted by Bonaparte is a little known topic at the moment. Closely linked to the needs to find consensus, the introduction of the cult of St. Napoleon is a significant example of the attempt made by the French government to surround the figure and the ruler’s a sanctifying aura. This study, based on an extensive archival research and through a deep analysis of many unpublished documents, aims to investigate in depth the genesis and development of this cult, with an emphasis on the motivations that were at the base of its introduction in consular age, on strategies that were adopted by the Napoleonic government for its spread, as well as on the reactions that occurred in the the Roman Curia following imposition of religious festivities connected to it.

EDUCAÇÃO E A ASSEMBLEIA DE DEUS NO BRASIL: COMPARAÇÕES, RESULTADOS, TENDENCIAS / Education and the Assembly of God in Brazil. Comparisons, results, and trends

Souza, Helton Galvão 13 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Helton.pdf: 1225883 bytes, checksum: b45e6a0698038a8d795517664d88a457 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-13 / The theological teaching in the Assemblies of God began in the midst of the division of groups, who defended the formal education and who disagreed with the application of this scientific teaching modality. In 2011 the Assembly of God did 100 years of existence, and in the 2000s there was an increased demand for courses in Theology, as a mandatory and necessary tool for development within the institution of the believer as a minister of the Gospel. The Assembly of God had received the interest of researchers, who presented works about the institution, but not about the education in that Institution. This work search to offers a preliminary contribution to the institution and to a better understanding of that Christian denomination in the Brazilian society. / O ensino teológico nas assembleias de Deus começou em meio à divisão de grupos, dos que defendiam o ensino formal e os do que não concordavam com a aplicação desta modalidade de ensino. No ano de 2011 a Assembleia de Deus fez 100 anos de existência, e na década de 2000 houve uma procura acentuada em cursos de teologia, por ser uma ferramenta necessária e obrigatória para o desenvolvimento do fiel dentro da instituição como ministro do evangelho, o que traduzindo seria o mesmo que a promoção dentro de uma empresa, subindo na hierarquia. A Assembleia de Deus despertou o interesse de pesquisadores, havendo muitos trabalhos desenvolvidos sobre a instituição. Mas falta acúmulo sobre como tem se dado a educação nas Assembleias de Deus. Um dos métodos de pesquisa foi o da pesquisa bibliográfica e as referências utilizadas na pesquisa são bem conhecidas no meio acadêmico como: Max Weber, Peter Berger, Paul Freston, Antônio Gouveia de Mendonça, entre outros. O levantamento desses trabalhos, relacionados à educação e a Assembleia de Deus no Brasil, possibilita comparações, oferecendo resultados e divisando tendências. Este trabalho apresenta, assim, uma breve história da Assembleia de Deus, fundação, implantação e desenvolvimento, propondo por onde realmente começou essa instituição eclesiástica e principalmente a classe social que teve maior participação em sua gênese na história brasileira. Após o levantamento histórico, destacamos a análise das pesquisas que correspondem às exigências desse trabalho. Procura-se, assim, encontrar subsídios para uma contribuição à Instituição, compreendendo os diferentes aspectos da educação na Assembleia de Deus, como também para uma melhor compreensão dessa instituição religiosa no contexto da sociedade brasileira.

Aristocratie et communautés religieuses aux marges septentrionales du royaume de France (fin IXe - début XIIe siècles) : le cas du diocèse de Noyon / Aristocracy and religious communities in Northern margins of kingdom of France (end of the 9th beginning of the 12th centuries). : the case of the diocese of Noyon

Chaffenet, Paul 16 June 2017 (has links)
À l'échelle du nord du royaume de France et plus spécialement de la Picardie médiévale, l'histoire du diocèse de Noyon, appréhendée du point de vue des rapports entre l'aristocratie et les communautés religieuses de la fin du IXe au début du XIIe siècles, révèle une relative exception documentaire : en Vermandois comme en Noyonnais, une certaine profusion de sources (essentiellement diplomatiques) permet une compréhension affinée de la place des abbayes et des chapitres dans les manifestations des politiques religieuses séculières. Les mêmes sources imposent d'accorder une attention particulière, mais non exclusive, aux politiques comtales et épiscopales en la matière. Or, pour l'ensemble de la période choisie, ces dernières ont été trop souvent perçues comme des blocs structurés et linéaires. Il convient de dépasser ces impressions d'homogénéité et d'immobilisme en montrant la diversité et l'évolution des influences réciproques unissant d'une part les communautés religieuses, d'autre part les comtes de Vermandois et les évêques de Noyon. Alors que les églises du diocèse étudié ont été considérées comme des lieux phares d'expression de la fidélité de l'aristocratie de second rang à l'égard des hauts pouvoirs princiers, il nous faut également questionner les comportements religieux de l'ensemble des puissants (spécialement châtelains) afin de montrer en quoi ils témoignent d'attitudes individualisées et contribuent à dessiner les contours des pouvoirs locaux. En d'autres termes, les rapports entre les aristocrates et les communautés religieuses, étudiés à la fois dans leur aspect matériel et spirituel, s'inscrivent-ils dans des sociétés politiques polarisées par le prince, que ce dernier soit évêque de Noyon, comte de Vermandois ou encore châtelain ? / In the north of the kingdom of France and more particularly in mediaeval Picardy, the history of the diocese of Noyon, apprehended from the point of view of the relations between aristocracy and religious communities from the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 12th centuries, reveals a relative documentary exception : in Vermandois as in Noyonnais, a certain profusion of sources (essentially diplomatic) allows a refined understanding of the place of the abbeys and chapters in manifestations of secular religious policies. The same sources require special but not exclusive attention to the policies of the counts and of the bishops in this area. However, for the whole period chosen, the latter were too often perceived as structured and linear blocks. It is necessary to overcome these impressions of homogeneity and immobility by showing the diversity and evolution of the reciprocal influences uniting on the one hand the religious communities, on the other hand the counts of Vermandois and the bishops of Noyon. While the churches of the studied diocese have been regarded as key places of expression of the fidelity of the second-rate aristocracy towards the high princely powers, we must also question the religious behavior of all the powerful (especially castellan) in order to show how they demonstrate individualized attitudes and contribute to drawing the contours of local authorities. In other words, the relations between aristocrats and religious communities, studied both in their material and spiritual aspects, are part of political societies polarized by the prince, whether the latter is bishop of Noyon, count of Vermandois or even castellan ?

Vers les accords de Taëf (1989) et la fin de la guerre civile au Liban : discours des dirigeants religieux-politiques libanais / Towards the Taif Agreement (1989) and the end of the Civil War in Lebanon : the discourse of Lebanese religious-political leaders

Layoun, Jennifer 31 October 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse de doctorat consiste à étudier les évolutions dans les discours des leaders politiques et religieux au Liban exprimés publiquement mais aussi en cercle restreint durant la quinzaine d’années du conflit qui débute en 1975 et ne termine qu’en 1989 avec les accords de Taëf. Le travail porte sur une présentation et une analyse des projets politiques proposés pour le Liban par plusieurs personnalités provenant de différents partis politiques dans le pays durant la période étudiée. L’originalité de l’approche est de regrouper deux partis politiques qui s’opposent fortement, mais qui adoptent une idéologie établie sur des fondements communs. A partir de supports écrits, radiophoniques et télévisuels ainsi qu’avec l’aide d’entretiens que nous avions réalisés au cours de nos recherches au Liban et en France, nous étudions les projets politiques élaborés au Liban entre 1975-1989. Nos analyses dévoilent une évolution dans l’approche de la part d’acteurs confessionnels et politiques libanais d’influence quant à leur vision de l’avenir de la configuration politique de leur pays tout en se situant, d’une manière ou d’une autre, par rapport au Pacte national de 1943 ainsi que du rôle qu’ils envisagent pour eux-mêmes. / The objective of this PhD dissertation is to study the evolution in the different discourse of political and religious leaders in Lebanon expressed in public as well as within closed circles during the fifteen years of conflict which began in 1975 and finished in 1989 with the Taif Agreement. This dissertation centers on a presentation and an analysis of the political projects proposed for Lebanon by several leading personalities coming from different political parties in the country during the period studied here. The originality of the approach is to group together two political parties which strongly oppose one another but which adopt an ideology based on shared criteria. Based on written documents as well as radio and televised programs and press conferences in addition to interviews which we have conducted in Lebanon and in France, we studied the political projects which were developed in Lebanon during 1975-1989. Our analyses reveal an evolution in the approach on the part of Lebanese religious and political persons of influence vis-à-vis their vision for the future regarding the political configuration of their country, all the while with respect to their strategic positioning in relation to the National Pact of 1943 as well as the role which they envision for themselves.

Aristocratie et communautés religieuses aux marges septentrionales du royaume de France (fin IXe-début XIIe siècles). Le cas du diocèse de Noyon

Chaffenet, Paul 16 June 2017 (has links)
À l'échelle du nord du royaume de France et plus spécialement de la Picardie médiévale, l'histoire du diocèse de Noyon, appréhendée du point de vue des rapports entre l'aristocratie et les communautés religieuses de la fin du IXe au début du XIIe siècles, révèle une relative exception documentaire :en Vermandois comme en Noyonnais, une certaine profusion de sources (essentiellement diplomatiques) permet une compréhension affinée de la place des abbayes et des chapitres dans la manifestation des politiques religieuses séculières. Les mêmes sources imposent d'accorder une attention particulière, mais non exclusive, aux politiques comtales et épiscopales en la matière. Or, pour l'ensemble de la période choisie, ces dernières ont été trop souvent perçues comme des blocs structurés et linéaires. Il convient de dépasser ces impressions d'homogénéité et d'immobilisme en montrant la diversité et l'évolution des influences réciproques unissant d'une part les communautés religieuses, d'autre part les comtes de Vermandois et les évêques de Noyon. Alors que les églises du diocèse étudié ont été considérées comme des lieux phares d'expression de la fidélité de l'aristocratie de second rang à l'égard des hauts pouvoirs princiers, il nous faut également questionner les comportements religieux de l'ensemble des puissants (spécialement châtelains) afin de montrer en quoi ils témoignent d'attitudes individualisées et contribuent à dessiner les contours des pouvoirs locaux. En d'autres termes, les rapports entre les aristocrates et les communautés religieuses, étudiés à la fois dans leur aspect matériel et spirituel, s'inscrivent-ils dans des sociétés politiques polarisées par le prince, que ce dernier soit évêque de Noyon, comte de Vermandois ou encore châtelain ? / In the north of the kingdom of France and more particularly in mediaeval Picardy, the history of the diocese of Noyon, apprehended from the point of view of the relations between aristocracy and religious communities from the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 12th centuries, reveals a relative documentary exception :in Vermandois as in Noyonnais, a certain profusion of sources (essentially diplomatic) allows a refined understanding of the place of the abbeys and chapters in the manifestation of secular religious policies. The same sources require special but not exclusive attention to the comital and episcopal policies in this area. However, for the whole period chosen, the latter were too often perceived as structured and linear blocks. It is necessary to overcome these impressions of homogeneity and immobility by showing the diversity and evolution of the reciprocal influences uniting on the one hand the religious communities, on the other hand the counts of Vermandois and the bishops of Noyon. While the churches of the studied diocese have been regarded as key places of expression of the fidelity of the second-rate aristocracy towards the high princely powers, we must also question the religious behavior of all the powerful (especially castellan) in order to show how they demonstrate individualized attitudes and contribute to drawing the contours of local authorities. In other words, the relations between aristocrats and religious communities, studied both in their material and spiritual aspects, are part of political societies polarized by the prince, whether the latter is bishop of Noyon, count of Vermandois or even castellan ? / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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