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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení nákladů na vyproštění nákladního vozidla nad 18t hmotnosti po nehodě na dálnici speciálním vyprošťovacím vozidlem / Cost assessment for the disengage of truck over 18 tons of weight on the highway with the help of special vehicle

Šafránek, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the cost assessment of the rescue of vehicles over 18 tonnes of weight after a traffic accident on a motorway. It analyzes the factors which influence the cost of vehicle rescue and on their basis it sets out the methodology for calculating the unit price for one hour of work of emergency rescue vehicles.

Prosocial Rescue Behavior in Pet Dogs

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Domestic dogs have assisted humans for millennia. However, the extent to which these helpful behaviors are prosocially motivated remains unclear. To assess the propensity of pet dogs to spontaneously and actively rescue distressed humans, this study tested whether sixty pet dogs would release their seemingly trapped owners from a large box. To examine the causal mechanisms that shaped this behavior, the readiness of each dog to open the box was tested in three conditions: 1) the owner sat in the box and called for help (“Distress” test), 2) an experimenter placed high-value food rewards in the box (“Food” test), and 3) the owner sat in the box and calmly read aloud (“Reading” test). Dogs were as likely to release their distressed owner as to retrieve treats from inside the box, indicating that rescuing an owner may be a highly rewarding action for dogs. After accounting for ability, dogs released the owner more often when the owner called for help than when the owner read aloud calmly. In addition, opening latencies decreased with test number in the Distress test but not the Reading test. Thus, rescuing the owner could not be attributed solely to social facilitation, stimulus enhancement, or social contact-seeking behavior. Dogs displayed more stress behaviors in the Distress test than in the Reading test, and stress scores decreased with test number in the Reading test but not in the Distress test. This evidence of emotional contagion supports the hypothesis that rescuing the distressed owner was an empathetically-motivated prosocial behavior. Success in the Food task and previous (in-home) experience opening objects were both strong predictors of releasing the owner. Thus, prosocial behavior tests for dogs should control for physical ability and previous experience. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2019

Investigating funding board composition and turnaround potential of private firms in financial distress

Fairhurst, Keith January 2017 (has links)
Controlling shareholders of private firms may define "value of the firm" in terms of personal utility. They may thus prioritize their personal wealth over the firm. Furthermore, agency-based corporate governance may not apply to privately owned firms. This study looked at managers and owners of private firms as potentially risky decision makers. Financial distress was positioned as a boundary to agency theory-based corporate governance for private firms. Choices of shareholders in respect of board composition and the relationship between board composition and external sources of funding were investigated. Influence on turnaround potential, of management who are also shareholders, was also considered. Data from 104 business rescue plans were used for correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analyses. The mean return to secured creditors was 94 % and the mean return to unsecured creditors was 48 %. Unexpectedly a negative correlation between number of directors and free assets was determined. Yet, in the regression model for return to secured creditors, the significant variables were total directors and free assets. It is concluded that personal surety provided by directors may be detrimental to a private firm's free assets. For unsecured creditors, the significant variables were size; management shareholding, and return to secured creditors. The study was conducted between 2011 and 2016 using secondary data drawn from actual business rescue cases. In conclusion, the agency cost of debt construct was refined and an estimate for the agency cost of distressed debt, was presented. Research findings offer improved insight into agency theory for private firms with a foundation for improved corporate governance models. Theorists may use this research to extend understanding of the theory of the firm and corporate governance. Furthermore bankruptcy and turnaround theory may be enhanced by the findings of this research. Practitioners may use the findings to refine credit risk and pricing models. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Business Management / PhD / Unrestricted

The status of post-commencement finance for business rescue in South Africa

Du Preez, Wanya 16 February 2013 (has links)
With the onset of globalisation and markets being exposed to the effects of global recessions and economic downturns, the fundamental principles on which business operates have changed substantially. Some businesses have thrived in this new context, whilst others have struggled to remain competitive as is evident by the increasing trend of corporate failures and the considerable increase in liquidations. As a result the concept of corporate renewal and business rescue has become an integral element of the strategy of organisations, particularly those that are financially distressed.South Africa responded through the introduction of the new South African Companies Act 71 of 2008, which came into effect in May 2011 and contained a new chapter called Chapter 6: Business rescue and Compromise with Creditors. However one of the critical components of the success of the business rescue, which has been largely unsuccessful to date, involves securing turnaround finance (post-commencement finance) to restore the company‘s financial health.The aim of this study was to find substantive evidence that the presence of post-commencement finance in South African companies does not exist, as opposed to the findings of international research, as well as the exploration and confirmation of factors that result in the successful raising of post-commencement financing.To this end, qualitative research with an exploratory design was conducted. Eighteen leading South African business rescue experts were interviewed to uncover their unique insights regarding this dilemma. The rich data that was unearthed was analysed using content and narrative analysis against the propositions derived from the literature. The empirical findings confirmed that the current level of PCF in South Africa is non-existent due to various reasons. A host of critical success factors and reasons for disinterest were identified which formed the basis of a framework informing the best practice guidelines when raising PCF. Some of these include many of unintended consequences of the newness of the Act, business rescue processes being left too late, the poor financial state of the business that eventually files for rescue and the significant impact on the outcome by some of the key players (e.g. the fiannciers and business rescue practitioners). These guidelines will solve the dilemma under review by benchmarking them to international best practice.Several important areas for future research emerged, alongside the recommendations of insights gained outlined for the various stakeholders. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Plavecká gramotnost žen z hlediska sebezáchrany / The swimming literacy of women in term sof self rescue

Vokurková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Work name: The swimming literacy of women in term of self rescue Aim of work: To acquire and analyze data about the level of the swimming literacy and self rescue skills of women aged 18 - 72 years, whether they can handle and use them. Method: Literature search, creation of the questionnaire, implementation survey, data analysis and graphical presentation of results. Results: The analysis of the swimming literacy and self rescue skills of women. Key words: literacy, physical literacy, swimming literacy, self rescue, drowning

Fyzická, psychologická a technická příprava záchranáře / Physical, psychological and technical training members of the Fire and Rescue Service.

Žalud, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Title: Physical, psychological and technical preparation of the rescuer. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to describe the physical, psychological and technical preparation of the rescuer, including the presentation of training examples for the in development. Methods: The method was used to analyze professional literature, the internal regulations of the HZS CR, together with the laws and decrees of the Czech Republic, which deal with the chosen topic of the thesis. Results: The reset of this work is a description of individual disciplines of the admission procedure supplemented with examples of exercises suitable for the development of physical fitness, examples formitigation of psychic stress and description of the individual technical knowledge needed for service at the HZS CR. Keywords: integrated rescue system, fire fighters, qualification, training

Analýza testů fyzické způsobilosti složek IZS / Analysis of tests of physical fitness of IZS units

Kovář, Jáchym January 2020 (has links)
Title: Analysis of test on physical competence of Joint Rescue System's members. Objectives: The main purpose is to analyze tests of physical competence of Joint Rescue System's members. Methods: The method of analysis was used in the work. The method of analysis was applied in the analysis of individual tests of physical fitness for the described components of the Joint Rescue System. Results: We've found that the physical tests of the components of the Joint Rescue System differ in the number and difficulty of individual physical tests. Differences were also found in the division into groups according to gender, age and job classification. However, the same elements in the strength of physical tests were also proven. Keywords: analysis, Joint Rescue System, physical training, tests.

Konsten att samla upp släckvatten : En fallstudie av svensk släckvattenhantering / The art of collecting extinguishing water : A case study of Swedish extinguishing water management

Roos Lindell, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Släckvatten är den biprodukt som blir kvar efter att en brand är släckt och innehåller många olika föreningar som är skadliga för miljö och hälsa. Till exempel kan ett utsläpp av släckvattenslå ut en vattentäkt som tar många år och kostar många miljoner att återställa, om det ens går. Vissa av föroreningarna kan även stanna i organismer genom hela näringskedjan. Ett bättre handhavande av släckvatten skulle med andra ord kunna leda till stora ekonomiska och miljömässiga vinster. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur svensk släckvattenshantering kan utformas. Rapporten undersöker hur organisation, utbildning, rutiner, teknisk förmåga, förmågan att rena släckvattnet kan se ut runt en släckvattenresurs hos svenska räddningstjänster. Dessutom undersöker rapporten om det finns behov av stöttning från en annan aktör när det gäller släckvattenshanteringen. Rapporten berör endast hantering av släckvatten på skadeplatsen. Metoden som valdes för rapporten är fallstudie, där det ingick en litteraturstudie samt en intervjustudie. Tre organisationer valdes ut för intervjuerna: Södra Älvsborgs Räddningstjänstförbund, Eskilstuna Räddningstjänst, Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB). Resultatet visar att de två räddningstjänsternas släckvattenresurser liknar varandra i alla de områden som rapporten berör. Det framkom även att MSB påbörjat ett arbete för att utveckla släckvattenshanteringen med riktlinjer och vägledningar. De slutsatser som kan dras av resultatet är att organisationen runt en släckvattenresurs bland annat är att resursen inte ingår i någon larmplan utan larmas ut separat av RL. Resursen har placerats på en RIB- eller värnstation för att sprida kompetensen i organisationen samt så att resursen inte ska störa styrkeuppbyggnaden för andra stationer. Resursen har eget befäl och mellan 3–4 brandmän. Det finns samarbete mellan kommuner/förbund både ekonomiskt och operativt för de undersökta släckvattenresurserna. När det gäller utbildning för dem som arbetar med släckvattenresursen hålls årliga helgövningar plus ytterligare 3h utöver det hos Eskilstuna och hos SÄRF övas materialkännedom kontinuerligt. Befälen som arbetar med resursen har ingen påbyggnadsutbildning om vilka föroreningar som finns i vattnet utan ska kunna bedöma släckvattnets farlighet utifrån vad som har blivit släckt. Alla insatser utvärderas av personalen som varit på insatsen som sedan berättar för dem som inte varit med. Det är enligt respondenterna svårt att samla upp släckvatten då förutsättningarna kan se olika ut på olika insatser. Detta gör att det inte går att ha några förbestämda rutiner, checklistor eller lathundar. En taktik som dock finns är att leda vattnet mot en svacka eller dagvattenbrunn som förses med en pumpgrop för att sedan pumpa vattnet till en bassäng eller ett uppsamlingskar. Det finns rutiner för bränder på vattenskyddsområde som bygger på försiktighetsprincipen. De rutiner som finns för uppsamling inomhus är att brunnar i industrilokaler täpps till. Uppsamlingen påbörjas oftast efter att livräddande insats är klar och uppsamlandet sker mellan kall och varm skyddszon. Den tekniska förmågan för släckvattenhantering i basbilarna, där släckande styrka åker, är begränsad och förväntningen är att kunna samla upp genom att täta dagvattenbrunnar och lägga ut fylld grovslang som barriär. Fordonet som de undersökta släckvattenresurserna baseras på är en pick-up med släp. Släpet får max väga 750kg för att undvika krav på utökad körkortsbehörighet. Personalen bär larmställ, hjälm, stövlar med stålhätta, gummihandskar, skyddsglasögon och har även tillgång till tryckluftsapparat. Hanteringen av kontaminerad utrustning följer Skellefteåmodellen för friska brandmän. Utrustningen på resursen består främst av: brunnsmattor och brunnstätningar, självresande kar, dränkbara pumpar, spillbarriärer, vattendammsugare, pumpgrop och bärbara elverk. Uppsamlingsförmågan varierar mellan 10 – 26 m3 vilka gör att uthålligheten för uppsamlingen varierar mellan 20 minuter och 2,5 timmar beroende hur många av pumparna som används. Förmågan för rening är i dagsläget lika med noll och det beror mycket på att räddningstjänsterna inte har råd med reningsverk. Stöttning från MSB efterfrågas främst kring det otydliga juridiska ansvaret för släckvatten samt metodutveckling. Sedan efterfrågas stöttning rent operativt när det gäller rening och provtagning av släckvatten. Det kan antingen komma från MSB men kan också komma från samarbete mellan räddningstjänster/förbund eller med andra kommunala verksamheter så som miljö- och servicekontor eller VA. / Extinguishing water is the by-product remains after a fire has been extinguished. It contains many different compounds that could harm the environment and health. A spill of extinguishing water could e.g. destroy a water source that might take many years and costs many millions to restore, if even possible. Some of the pollutants can also stay in organisms throughout the food chain. In other words, better management of extinguishing water could lead to major economic and environmental benefits. The purpose of this report is to investigate how Swedish extinguishing water management can be designed. The report examines how organization, training, routines, technical ability, the ability to purify the fire water can be done around a fire water resource at Swedish rescue services. In addition, the report examines whether there is a need for support from another actor in terms of fire water management. The report only concerns the handling of extinguishing water at the accident site. The method chosen for the report is a case study, which included a literature study and an interview study. Three organizations were selected for the interviews: South Älvsborgs Rescue Services Association, Eskilstuna rescue service and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. The results show that the two examined extinguishing water resources are very similar in all the areas covered by the report. It also emerged that MSB has begun work to develop guidelines for extinguishing water management. The conclusions that can be drawn from the result are that the organization around an extinguishing water resource is, e.g., that the investigated resources are not included in any alarm plan but is alerted by RL. The resource has been placed at a RIB or part time station to spread the competence in the organization and so that the resource does not interfere with force building for other stations. The resource has its own commander and between 3-4 firefighters. For both investigated resources, there is cooperation between several fire departments both financially and operationally for the extinguishing water resource. When it comes to training for those who work with the fire water resource, annual weekend exercises are held plus an additional 3 hours per year. Knowledge of how to use the equipment is practiced continuously. The commanders who work with the resource have no additional training in what contaminants that could be expected to be present in the water but must be able to assess the danger of the extinguishing water based on what has been extinguished. All rescue efforts are evaluated by the staff who have been on the rescue, who then tell those who have not participated. According to the respondents, it is difficult to collect extinguishing water as the conditions vary a lot for different rescue efforts. This means that it is not possible to have any pre-determined routines, checklists or guides. One tactic that exists, however, is to direct the water towards a depression or stormwater well provided with collection vessel and then pump the water to a pool or a collection tank. There are routines for fires within water protection areas that are based on the precautionary principle. The routines that exist for indoors collection are that wells in industrial premises are being clogged. The collection usually starts after the life-saving operation has been completed and the collection takes place between a cold and a warm protection zone. The technical ability for extinguishing water management in the base cars is limited and the expectation is to be able to collect by sealing stormwater wells and laying out filled coarse hose as a barrier. The vehicle on which the fire water resource is based is a pick-up with a trailer. A trailer that may weigh a maximum of 750 kg as then no extended driving license is required. The staff wears alarm racks, helmets, boots with steel caps, rubber gloves, goggles, and also has access to a compressed air device and the handling of contaminated equipment follows the “Skellefteå model” for healthy fire fighters. The equipment on the resource mainly consists of well mats and well seals, self-erecting tubs, submersible pumps, spill barriers, water vacuum cleaners, pump pits and portable power plants. The collection capacity varies between 10 - 26 m3 which means that the endurance for the collection is between 20 minutes and 2.5 hours depending on how many of the pumps that are being used. Today, the capacity for treatment of the extinguishing water is equal to zero, largely since the rescue services cannot afford mobile treatment plants. Support from MSB is requested regarding the unclear legal responsibility of the extinguishing water, as well as for method development. Also operational support is asked for, in terms of treatment and sampling of the extinguishing water. Such support could either come from MSB but also from cooperation between rescue services or with other municipal activities such as environmental and service departments or water and wastewater departments.

MagIC as a FAIR Repository for America's Directional Archaeomagnetic Legacy Data

Jones, Shelby A., Blinman, Eric, Tauxe, Lisa, Cox, J. R., Lengyel, Stacey, Sternberg, Robert, Eighmy, Jeffrey, Wolfman, Daniel, DuBois, Robert 01 October 2021 (has links)
Beginning in 1964, an academic lineage of Robert DuBois and his students, Daniel Wolfman and Jeffrey Eighmy, developed dedicated United States-based archaeomagnetic research programs. Collectively, they analyzed over 5,377 archaeomagnetic sites, primarily from North America, dated to less than 2,000 years old. Yet despite their decades of effort, few journal publications resulted. Most of their published results are embedded in archeological reports, often without technical data, which limits the data's accessibility. Furthermore, when published, the results are generally averaged at the site level using statistical conventions different from today's standards, limiting the data's comparability and (re)usability. In 2015, we undertook a salvage archival study to digitize the surviving data and metadata from the scientists' individual estates and emeritus collections. We digitized measurement data from more than 51,000 specimens, reinterpreted them using modern conventions, and uploaded them to the FAIR-adhering magnetic data repository, earthref.org/MagIC. The reinterpreted site-level results from the three laboratories are mutually consistent, permitting the individual data sets to be combined and analyzed as single regional entities. Through incorporation into the MagIC repository, these legacy data are now accessible for incorporation into archaeomagnetic and global magnetic field modeling efforts, critical to understanding Earth's magnetic field variation through time. In the Four Corners region of the United States Southwest, this digitized archive advances the development of a new regional paleosecular variation curve used in archaeomagnetic dating. This project highlights both the value and complexities of managing legacy data; the many lessons learned to set a precedent for future paleomagnetic data recovery efforts.

Skogsbrandens spridning : - ett laborationsexperiment med vanligt förekommande skogliga vegetationstyper i södra Sverige / Forest fire spread : - a laboratory experiment with commonly occurring forest vegetation types in southern Sweden

Boräng, Benjamin, Arvidsson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Större och mer svårbekämpade bränder har de senaste åren svept fram på flera platser runtom i världen. Ett föränderligt klimat skapar långa torrperioder till följd av höga temperaturer och värmeböljor. Räddningstjänster i de drabbade länderna ställs ofta inför en monumental uppgift med att hantera svårsläckta bränder i många gånger extrema förhållanden. Utifrån detta är det av vikt att undersöka de bakomliggande orsakerna och faktorer som spelar in, innan, under och efter en skogsbrand för att ge en mer nyanserad bild av de utmaningar räddningstjänsten ställs inför.Syftet med detta examensarbete var vidare att undersöka antändning- och spridningsbenägenhet samt värmeutveckling i tre olika typer av vanligt förekommande undervegetation i skogarna i Götaland. Resultaten från studien visar att granmarksproverna har en mindre intensiv spridning i förhållande till tallmarksproverna. Spridningen sker däremot såväl över proverna som under ytan och skapar glödbrand. Vikten av eftersläckningsarbete tillsammans med värmekamera för att upptäcka glödbrand bör därför anses som mycket viktigt utifrån de resultat som framkommit.

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