Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3research career"" "subject:"1research career""
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Talent management inom universitetsvärlden : En case-studie om ReaL--Research and Leadership vid Umeå universitetSeidegård, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this case study is to examine how talent management is applied in a university environment and how development in leadership skills for the participants of a project affects their willingness to stay at the university. This study also highlights the purpose of using a strategy like talent management to keep key people in the organization to stay and also that theories about talent management needs to be complete with theories about loyalty and commitment. This is done through examining the project Real-- Research and Leadership that the University of Umeå provided for 21 researchers and the first round of the project took part between 2015 and 2016. The purpose of this project is to work as a supporting instance for the researcher’s research career in an long term goal to get the young prominent researchers to stay and keep working at the University. To do so, ReaL, as the project is commonly called, offered the researchers a course with the possibility to develop their leadership abilities that would help them in their future research career. But also to introduce them to interdisciplinary contacts in an attempt to broaden their research network and to give them an increased general knowledge sharing. The data gathering for this study was partly done through surveys that were handed out to the participants at the last day of the course and by interviews with selected participants from the course. The quantitative results of the study show that the participants showed a positive feeling against the impact on the participant’s willingness to stay at the University of Umeå and that the support for their research careers and an enhance in their ability in communication and conflict management was highly contributed towards their willingness to stay at the university. ReaL as a support tool for the participants was also a highly contributed factor for their willingness to stay. The Qualitative results on the other hand shows a more complex situation. Even thou that the project had a positive impact, other external factors paid more contribution to the researcher’s willingness to stay then what the quantitative results shows. These factors were the layout of the city of Umeå, their family situation and their partner’s works situation.
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Sveikatos mokslų trečios pakopos studijų absolventų mokslinės ir profesinės veiklos raidos įvertinimas / Evaluation of research and professional activities development of doctoral graduates in health sciencesJuralevičienė, Irena 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti medicinos ir visuomenės sveikatos mokslų doktorantūros absolventų profesinės ir mokslinės veiklos raidą.
1. Atlikti doktorantų mokslinio produktyvumo per 4 studijų metus ir po studijų analizę.
2. Išanalizuoti medicinos ir visuomenės sveikatos mokslų daktarų įsitraukimą į mokslinę, studijų ir praktinę veiklą.
3. Įvertinti absolventų požiūrį į doktorantūrą ir profesinės karjeros galimybes.
Tyrimo metodika: Kauno medicinos universiteto medicinos ir visuomenės sveikatos doktorantūros studijų 2004, 2005, 2006 metų absolventų mokslinės ir profesinės veiklos raida vertinta analizuojant absolventų mokslinių publikacijų ir darbinės veiklos duomenis. Absolventų požiūrio į doktorantūrą ir profesinės karjeros galimybes vertinimui atlikta respondentų anketinė apklausa. Anketos atsako dažnis 82,6 proc. Duomenys apdoroti ir analizuoti naudojant MS Excel ir statistinio duomenų analizės paketo SPSS 12.0 versija.
Rezultatai. Doktorantai savo mokslinių tyrimų rezultatus publikuoja visų lygių mokslo leidiniuose, paskelbdami vidutiniškai 4,84 mokslinius straipsnius (0,3 MII straipsnio). Didžioji dauguma (82,5 proc.) mokslo daktarų lieka dirbti Kauno medicinos universitete ir jam priklausančiose institucijose, trys ketvirtadaliai (72,6 proc.) absolventų dirba mokslinį ir pedagoginį darbą. Dauguma doktorantų, pasirinkdami doktorantūros studijas, tikisi geresnių darbo perspektyvų, norėdami dirbti mokslinį darbą ir tęsti studijas. Doktorantūros studijų metu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goal of the study – to evaluate the development of professional and research activities of doctoral graduates in medicine and public health.
4. To perform the analysis of scientific productivity of doctoral students during and after the period of studies.
5. To analyze the involvement of PhD graduates in medicine and public health into research, practical and teaching activities.
6. To evaluate the attitude of graduates towards doctoral studies and their perspectives of professional career.
Methods: The development of research and professional activity of doctoral graduates in 2004, 2005 and 2006 was evaluated analyzing data of their scientific publications and practical activities. The questionnaire was developed to evaluate the attitude of graduates towards their PhD studies and perspectives of professional career. Response rate was 82,6%. Data was analyzed using MS Excel and SPSS 12.0 software.
Results. Doctoral students publish results of their research in scientific journals of all levels, publishing 4,84 publications in average. Majority of graduates (82,5%) stay employed in Kaunas University of Medicine and related institutions, 72,6% of respondents are involved in research and teaching. Most of doctoral students expect better perspectives for work while having the willingness to do research and continue the studies. During the period of studies they usually acquire experience in scientific research and the degree of PhD provides them with self-confidence... [to full text]
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Leadership through the lens of research productivityDamonse, Beverley Ann 04 May 2012 (has links)
Academic leadership in higher education in the 21st century is very different and more multifaceted than it was just a decade ago. Thus, given the multilayered, dynamic nature of higher education leadership at individual, group and organisational levels, a more nuanced understanding of its role in driving excellent research performance remains paramount. Hence, this study explores the professional and personal nature of research leadership that enables and stimulates high quality research performance. The research explores the research career pathways of ten researchers from various disciplinary fields who had been rated by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and who were recommended by their education institutions as research leaders. The ten leaders were each interviewed about their research careers. Postgraduate students (47 in total) whom they had supervised were invited to answer an email questionnaire about their personal experiences of the leaders’ mentorship and leadership. In addition, information about the leaders and mentees was obtained from various documents such as curriculums vitae, research training records, institutional annual reports and web sites. The data collected and analysed in the study showed that the research career pathways of the research leaders were highly diverse and were affected in various ways by the historicalpolitical and social context of South Africa. However, across the career pathways, the research leaders had the following features in common: 1) the presence of strong research-centeredness throughout all career phases; 2) they lead by example of personal scholarship and intellectual leadership; 3) their research is locally relevant and globally competitive; and 4) their personal dynamics influence a confident and dynamic people-centred leadership approach. The most notable differences in research leadership across the sample could be traced to disciplinary contexts which ranged from distributed leadership across large teams and entrepreneurial networks to the more prevalent one-on-one mentor-mentee relationships. Leaders who were most influential in driving research performance were highly regarded scholars with extensive academic experience, had served a variety of leadership roles, confidently embraced the complexity of academic leadership and created stimulating research environments. The research also reveals a number of challenges that still remain for research leadership in addressing the human resource transformation requirements of the South African higher education research context. These include issues of 1) individualism and competition; 2) equity and excellence; 3) race and gender; and 4) research career exit and entry paths. The South African higher education system is characterised by pockets of scientific excellence in some disciplinary fields, as illustrated by the career trajectories of leaders in this study, but much work remains to be done in order to build a fully representative research-performing professoriate for South Africa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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Die Suffizienz der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens bei der Vorhersage von Verhaltensintentionen : eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Intention zur Karrierewahl von zukünftigen Diplom-ForstwirtInnen: eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Intention zur Karrierewahl von zukünftigen Diplom-ForstwirtInnenVogelgesang, Frank 26 February 2004 (has links)
Ursprünglich wurde die Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens (TPB) als suffizient bezeichnet, das heißt: 1.) Alleinige Determinanten der Einstellung, der subjektiven Norm und der wahrgenommenen Verhaltenskontrolle seien Überzeugungen und Bewertungen. 2.) Alleinige Determinanten der Intention seien die Einstellung, die subjektive Norm und die wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle. 3.) Alleinige Determinanten des Verhaltens seien die Intention und für den Fall, dass sie gut mit der tatsächlichen Verhaltenskontrolle übereinstimmt, die wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle. Das Kernziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war ein umfassender Test der Suffizienzannahme der TPB bezüglich der Vorhersage der Verhaltensintention, weil diese aufgrund einer Vielzahl von Untersuchungen, die unabhängige Effekte jeweils einzelner, zusätzlicher Prädiktoren erbracht hatten, zunehmend in die Kritik geraten war. Für einen umfassenden Test mussten alle wesentlichen in der Forschungsliteratur im Sinne potentiell zusätzlicher Intentionsprädiktoren diskutierten Konstrukte gemeinsam untersucht werden. Konkret waren dies die wahrgenommene moralische Verpflichtung, das antizipierte Bedauern, die soziale Identität, mehrere Selbstidentitäten und Erfahrung mit Aspekten des Zielverhaltens. Außerdem wurde das Konzept der wahrgenommenen Verhaltenskontrolle in Selbstwirksamkeit und wahrgenommene externe Hindernisse als interne und externe Aspekte von Verhaltenskontrolle ausdifferenziert. Eine Stichprobe deutscher Studierender der Forstwirtschaft (N = 149) wurde per Fragebogen hinsichtlich ihrer Karriereintention (für oder gegen die Aufnahme einer Tätigkeit in der sub-/tropischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit) untersucht. Bezüglich der Suffizienz der Intentionsvorhersage ergab sich: 1.) Alle bislang nur getrennt untersuchten zusätzlichen Intentionsprädiktoren konnten in konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen mit zwei eher weniger bedeutsamen Ausnahmen empirisch klar voneinander und von den klassischen Konstrukten der TPB unterschieden werden. Hinter ihnen verbirgt sich also nicht jeweils ein und derselbe Wirkfaktor. 2.) Bei simultaner Untersuchung aller Prädiktoren verbesserten die direkte Erfahrung mit Aspekten des Zielverhaltens und die persönliche Norm die Intentionsvorhersage signifikant. Der durch sie zusätzlich aufgeklärte Anteil an Kriteriumsvarianz fällt mit 3% jedoch gering aus. Die anderenorts prädiktionsstarken Identitätskonzepte leisteten keine weiteren Vorhersagebeiträge. Dies wird aus dreierlei Perspektive diskutiert: a) Publication Bias, b) Priming-Effekte durch die Befragung selbst und c) Kontextabhängigkeit der Vorhersagekraft der einzelnen Prädiktoren. 3.) Neben den oder anstelle der Haupteffekte der verschiedenen Konstrukte gab es bei der Vorhersage der Verhaltensintention keinerlei Interaktionseffekte der potentiell zusätzlichen Prädiktoren untereinander und mit den klassischen Prädiktoren der TPB. Bezüglich der exemplarisch mituntersuchten Suffizienz der Vorhersage der globalen Intentionsprädiktoren ergab sich: 4.) Im Widerspruch zu den Annahmen der TPB trugen Werthaltungen als theorie-externe Variablen direkt, also nicht durch Überzeugungen und Bewertungen vermittelt, zur Vorhersage der Einstellung zum Verhalten und der subjektiven Norm bei. Direkte Beiträge theorie-externer Variablen zur Vorhersage der Verhaltenskontrolle waren hingegen nicht zu konstatieren. / Initially the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was considered sufficient, that is: (1) The only determinants of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control be beliefs and evaluations. (2) The only determinants of intentions be attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. (3) The only determinants of behavior be intention and?if in accordance with objective behavioral control?perceived behavioral control. The main objective of the work presented here was a comprehensive test of the TPB's sufficiency assumption regarding the prediction of intention since it is this aspect that has come under growing critisism due to a large number of studies yielding independent effects of single additional predictors. A comprehensive test required all potentially additional predictors discussed in the literature to be included. Those were social identity, several self-identities, perceived moral obligation, anticipated regret, and experience with aspects of the target behavior. Furthermore perceived behavioral control was decomposed into self-efficacy and perceived external barriers as internal and external aspects of behavioral control. German forestry students (N = 149) were surveyed by means of questionnaires regarding their career intention to take up or not take up a development aid job in (sub-)tropical forestry. With respect to prediction of intention the following could be shown: (1) All so far only separately examined additional predictors of intention were empirically clearly distinguishable from one another and from the classical TPB predictors of intention by means of confirmatory factor analyses. Two exceptions were of just minor importance. (2) Simultaneous examination of all predictors produced a significant increase in explained variance in intention attributable to direct experience with aspects of the target behavior and to personal norm. The 3% increase in explained variance is to be assessed as small yet. The identity constructs, which had been strong predictors elsewhere, produced no contributions. This is discussed from three perspectives: a) publication bias, b) priming effects due to the survey itself, and c) context dependence of the respective constructs' prediction power. (3) There were no interaction effects between any two predictors of the classical and the additional set above or instead of any main effect. Investigation of the sufficiency of beliefs and evaluations as the only determinants of the global intention predictors' was exemplarily included in the study. (4) Contrary to TPB's assumptions, values as theory external variables contributed directly, i. e. not mediated by beliefs or evaluations, to the prediction of attitude and subjective norm but not so to the prediction of behavioral control.
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