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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histologische Untersuchungen zum biologischen Verhalten verschiedener Modifikationen eines Calcium-Phosphat-Zementes im Femur und Muskel der Ratte / Histological examinations about the biological behaviour of different modifications of a calcium-phosphate-cement in the femur and in muscles of the wistar rat

Braxein, Kay-Alexander January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In der hier vorliegenden Studie wurden drei verschiedene Modifikationen des Calcium-Phosphat-Zementes BoneSource® sowie Vergleichssubstanzen hinsichtlich der Überprüfung ihrer Biodegradation und Biokompatibilität untersucht und verglichen. Die histomorphologische Auswertung und Beurteilung der verschiedenen Modifikationen des Calcium-Phosphat-Zementes BoneSource® bezüglich Biodegradation, Resorption und Biokompatibilität sowie die Beurteilung einer eventuellen Osteoneogenese waren damit Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. Der Calcium-Phosphat-Zement (CPZ) BoneSource® ohne Zusätze (Versuchsgruppe 1) zeigte dabei eine Osteokonduktivität im Knochen sowie im Muskel- bzw. Weichgewebe eine Biotoleranz. Eine Resorption oder Degradation war im Unterschied zu anderen Studien nicht nachweisbar. Der Calcium-Phosphat-Zement BoneSource® in einem Volumenmischungsverhältnis 1:1 mit dem osteoinduktiven Knochenkollagen (KK) Colloss® (Versuchsgruppe 2) verhielt sich in den Arealen mit BoneSource®-Anteilen (CPZ) wie in Versuchsgruppe 1 osteokonduktiv und bioinert im Knochen und wurde im Muskel- und Weichgewebe biotoleriert. Die Areale mit Colloss® (KK) im Materialgemisch zeigen ein osteoinduktives Potenzial und damit ein bioaktives Verhalten. Es ist hier eine Osteoneogenese zu verzeichnen. Trabekel neuentstandenen Knochens waren dabei sowohl in den Knochen- als auch in den Muskelpräparaten nachweisbar. Eine vollständige knöcherne Substitution der gesetzten Defekte war nicht zu verzeichnen. Der Calcium-Phosphat-Zement BoneSource® mit 1:1-Volumenverhältnismischung mit Alpha-Tricalciumphosphat (BioBase®; Versuchsgruppe 3) führte im Vergleich zur Versuchsgruppe 1 zu einer geringfügigen Verbesserung der osteokonduktiven Eigenschaften mit histologisch nachweisbarer geringfügiger oberflächlicher Degradation und partieller lokaler Resorption. Im Vergleich zur Versuchsgruppe 2 waren diese Resorptionserscheinungen jedoch deutlich weniger ausgeprägt. Bei der Versuchsgruppe 4 wurde als Kontrollgruppe das derzeit meistverwendete nichtresorbierbare polymere Implantatmaterial Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA; Palacos®) mitgeführt. In beiden Einsatzgebieten (Knochen und Muskel) waren die Implantate eingescheidet und wurden demzufolge biotoleriert. Bei den Knochenpräparaten liegt ein bioinertes Verhalten des Lagergewebes gegenüber PMMA vor. Bei der Versuchsgruppe 5 wurde als 2. Kontrollgruppe ein Leerdefekt präpariert, der mit Gelatine gefüllt wurde, welches bei bekannter Resorptionsfähigkeit innerhalb weniger Wochen postoperativ einen vollständigen Ersatz durch körpereigenen Knochen in den Knochenpräparaten bzw. einen Ersatz durch Narbengewebe in den Muskelpräparaten aufwies. Bei der Versuchsgruppe 6 (Kontrollgruppe) wurde eine nichtoperierte Kohorte Versuchstiere mitgeführt, um alters- und/oder diätbedingte Veränderungen abschätzen bzw. beurteilen zu können. Es fanden sich bei den Versuchstieren am Ende des Versuchszeitraumes lediglich physiologische altersbedingte Veränderungen. Die großen inneren Organe der Versuchstiere wurden histologisch untersucht, um eventuelle systemische Auswirkungen der o.g. Modifikationen des Calcium-Phosphat-Zementes BoneSource® beurteilen zu können. Dabei konnten keine pathologischen Veränderungen gefunden werden. Es liegen somit keine systemischen Auswirkungen der Implantatmaterialien vor. Im Laufe der Versuchszeit traten vereinzelt Tumore auf, die jedoch nicht den Implantatmaterialien geschuldet sind und einer spontanen Tumorgenese zugeordnet werden konnten. Spontane Todesfälle sind unabhängig von den Implantatmaterialien aufgetreten. Gemessen an der Zielsetzung sind die gefundenen Ergebnisse dieser Studie statistisch auswertbar, objektivierbar und für die Weiterentwicklung von Knochenersatzmaterialien relevant. Insbesondere wird auf die in dieser Studie nicht erfolgte Degradation von CPZ und Alpha-TCP und das osteoinduktive Potenzial des untersuchten Kollagens / In this study we examined and compared three different modifications of the calcium-phosphate-cement BoneSource and also further substances in the dimensions of biodegradation and biocompatibility. The histomorphologic interpretation and assessment of different modifications of the calcium-phosphate-cement BoneSource refer to biodegradation, resorption and biocompatibility and the assessment of a possible osteogenesis were the issues of this study. The results of this study are statistically evaluatible, objective and relevant to further development of bone substitute materials. Especially we point to the nondegradation of calcium-phosphate-cements and alpha-TCP and the osteoinductive potential of the examined collagen.

Alterações dimensionais mandibulares e sua relação com atividade muscular em pacientes portadores de próteses implantossuportadas / Mandibular dimensional changes and its relationship with muscular activity in pacients when implant-supported prosthesis are used

Mandelli, Tânia Mara de Tassis 07 November 2008 (has links)
Objetivos: este estudo se propôs avaliar a correlação entre atividade do músculo masseter e alteração óssea mandibular, posterior ao último implante, um ano após a reabilitação com próteses implantossuportadas, em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina já reparada. Material e Método: As alterações dimensionais ósseas foram medidas em radiografias panorâmicas digitalizadas realizadas antes e um ano após a reabilitação de dezessete pacientes. A eletromiografia dos músculos masseteres foi realizada durante a contração voluntária isométrica máxima (CVIM) por 5s, mastigação habitual de cenoura (MH), mastigação unilateral direita (MUD) e esquerda (MUE) de látex. Resultados: ocorreu aumento ósseo significativo na mandíbula de 1,98mm (p<0,001) para o tipo de prótese inferior overdenture implantossuportada. O lado direito é maior que o esquerdo em 0,9mm. Um significante aumento da amplitude para a MH (9V) e para a MUE (19V) foi observado, independente do tipo de prótese. Um aumento significante para a MUE (19V) foi observado para a prótese overdenture. Ocorreu um aumento estatisticamente significante para o ato mastigatório durante os três tipos de mastigação (MH=0,13s, MUD=0,06s, MUE=0,12s), independente do tipo de prótese. Para o ciclo mastigatório também foi observado aumento estatisticamente significante, independente do tipo de prótese durante a MH (0,12s) e MUE (0,11s). Conclusão: Ocorreu aposição óssea na região posterior da mandíbula para a prótese overdenture e apesar do aumento da atividade muscular, não foi encontrada correlação estatisticamente significante com a atividade muscular do masseter. / Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the correlation between masseter muscle activity and changes occurred in mandibular bone height, posterior to the last implant, one year after implant-supported prosthesis rehabilitation in repared cleft lip and palate patients. Materials and Methods: changes in mandibular bone height were measured in digitalized images of panoramic radiographies taken before and one year after oral rehabilitation of seventeen repared cleft lip and palate patients (Radiocef 2 Radiomemory). Parameters for electromyography of masseter muscle were: maximum voluntary isometric clench (MVC) for 5s, habitual chewing of carrots (HC) and unilateral right (URL) and left (ULL) chewing of latex. Results: a mean increase in mandibular bone height of 1,98mm (p<0,001) for the implant retained overdenture was observed. Bone apposition was higher in the right side. Significant increase in the amplitude was observed during HC (9V) and during ULL (19 V), regardless prosthesis type and side. A significant increase was observed during URL (19 V) for the implant retained overdenture. A significant statistical increase for the masticatory act was observed during the three types of mastication (HC=0,13s, URL=0,06s, ULL=0,12s), regardless prosthesis types. A significant statistical increase was observed for the masticatory cycle during HC (0,12s) and ULL (0,11s), regardless prosthesis type. Conclusion: Mandibular bone apposition in the posterior region to the last implant, in patients using implant retained overdentures and improvement in muscular activity in both types of prosthesis were observed, although no significant correlations were encountered between them.

Avaliação do efeito do flúor na osteoclastogênese in vitro / Fluoride affects in vitro osteoclastogenesis

Oliveira, Amanda Amaral Pereira de 01 April 2015 (has links)
O tecido ósseo possui alto grau de rigidez e resistência à pressão, característica relacionada às suas funções de proteção, sustentação e locomoção. Patologias como periodontite, artrite reumatóide e osteoporose decorrem do desequilíbrio da dinâmica óssea, que ocorre quando os osteoclastos estão em maior atividade em relação aos osteoblastos. O fluoreto (F-) é incorporado nos tecidos mineralizados após ingestão e a sua administração aumenta a formação óssea in vivo, de maneira dependente da dose e da linhagem dos animais. As linhagens A/J e 129P3/J possibilitam a análise dos fenômenos moleculares envolvidos na suscetibilidade e resistência de células ósseas aos efeitos do F- no osso. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a administração in vivo de F- na osteoclastogênese, através da análise da atividade da enzima fosfatase ácida resistente ao tartarato (TRAP), contagem de células TRAP- positivas e quantificação da atividade das metaloproteinases MMP-2 e -9. Para tal, células hematopoiéticas provenientes da medula óssea de camundongos das linhagens 129P3/J e A/J foram cultivadas com M-CSF e RANKL em associação ou não com F-, nas concentrações de 10- 9, 10-7, 10-5, 5x10-5, 5x10-5, 10-4 e 10-3 M. Os dados mostraram que a atividade da TRAP foi semelhante entre as células das duas linhagens de animais, independente do F-. Concomitante à diferenciação osteoclástica, o tratamento das células com F-, independente da concentração, aumentou significativamente a atividade da TRAP em células da linhagem A/J. O aumento da atividade de TRAP foi associada com o aumento do número de osteoclastos formados, na concentração de 10-3 M F-. Já em células dos animais 129P3/J, o F- não alterou a atividade da TRAP bem como a osteoclastogênese. A atividade de MMP-9 foi aumentada em relação à da MMP-2, porém ambas não foram moduladas pelo F-, independente da linhagem. Assim, concluiu-se que as células de ambas as linhagens não diferem com relação à diferenciação de osteoclastos, mas respondem diferentemente ao F-, sendo as células dos animais A/J e 129P3/J sensíveis e resistentes à osteoclastogênese induzida pelo F-, respectivamente. / The bone tissue has a high degree of rigidity and pressure resistance, characteristic related to its protection, support and locomotion functions. Diseases such as periodontitis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis arise from dynamic bone imbalance that occurs when osteoclasts present increased activity compared to osteoblasts. Fluoride (F-) is incorporated in mineralized tissues after ingestion and its administration increases in vivo bone formation in dose and strain-dependent manner. The strains A/J and 129P3/J make possible the analysis of molecular phenomena involved in susceptibility and resistance of bone cells to the effect of F- in bone. In this study, we evaluated the effect of F- on the in vitro osteoclastogenesis, by analyzing the fosfatase tartrate-resistant acid (TRAP) activity, TRAP positive cell counts and the activity of MMP-2 and -9 measurements in A/J and 129P3/J differentiated hematopoietic stem cells. Hematopoietic cells were differentiated with M-CSF and RANKL and treated or not with F- in the concentrations of 10-9, 10-7, 10-5, 5x10-5, 5x10-5, 10-4 and 10-3 M.The data show that TRAP activity, an osteoclast marker, was similar between cells from both strains of mice, regardless of F-. In addition, the treatment of A/J cells with F- significantly increased TRAP activity, in a dose-independent manner. This was accompained by the increased TRAP+-osteoclast counts, at 10-3 M F- dose. However, while the MMP-9 activity was aumented when compared to MMP-2, it was not altered by F-, regardless of the strain. Thus, we concluded that cells from both strains do not differ regarding the osteoclast differentiation potential, but they respond differently to F-, whereas A/J and 129P3/J cells are sensitive and resistant to F--induced osteoclastogenesis, respectively.

\"Estudo dos efeitos da irradiação com lasers de alta potência e materiais de uso endodôntico em reabsorções radiculares externas simuladas\" / Study of the effects of high power laser irradiation and materials for endodontic purpose on simulated external root resorptions

Raldi, Denise Pontes 24 January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou, por meio de cultivo celular e MEV, a capacidade de adesão de fibroblastos e as alterações estruturais ocorridas na superfície dentinária de reabsorções radiculares externas simuladas, após tratamento com hidróxido de cálcio, MTA e/ou radiação com laser de diodo de alta potência e laser Er:YAG. Após a hemisecção das raízes de 31 dentes unirradiculares, foram realizadas cavidades padronizadas no terço cervical de cada secção, obtendo-se 62 amostras que foram divididas em 9 grupos: grupo1 - irradiação com laser Er:YAG (42 mJ/pulso, 10 s, 10 Hz e 38 J/cm2 ); grupo 2 - irradiação com laser de diodo de alta potência (1 W, 10 s, 796 W/cm2); grupo 3 - preenchimento da cavidade com hidróxido de cálcio e irradiação com laser Er:YAG; grupo 4 - preenchimento da cavidade com hidróxido de cálcio e irradiação com laser de diodo; grupo 5 - preenchimento da cavidade com MTA e irradiação com laser de Er:YAG; grupo 6 - preenchimento da cavidade com MTA e irradiação com laser de diodo; grupo 7 - preenchimento da cavidade com hidróxido de cálcio; grupo 8 - preenchimento da cavidade com MTA e grupo 9 (controle) - nenhum tratamento. Após a esterilização dos espécimes foi realizado o subcultivo celular com fibroblastos gengivais da linhagem FMM1, o plaqueamento dos fragmentos (5 x 104 células por fragmento) e o preparo para análise em MEV. A contagem das células aderidas evidenciou que a adesão celular foi em ordem decrescente: G1 (Er:YAG) > G2 (diodo) > G9 (controle) > G8 (MTA) > G5 (MTA+Er:YAG) > G6 (MTA+diodo) > G4 (CaOH2+diodo) > G3 (CaOH2+Er:YAG) > G7(CaOH2). Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre a maioria dos grupos experimentais, exceto entre os grupos: G9 x G8; G8 x G5; G8 x G4; G5 x G6; G4 x G3; G3x G7. Na análise em MEV, observou-se nas amostras irradiadas com laser Er:YAG microrugosidades na superfície dentinária, ausência de smear layer e túbulos dentinários abertos. As irradiadas com laser de diodo apresentaram superfície dentinária mais lisa, maior quantidade de smear layer e os túbulos dentinários fechados. Não foram observadas zonas de carbonização nos grupos irradiados com laser. Nos grupos nos quais se associou a radiação laser com os materiais de uso endodôntico, foram observadas zonas de derretimento e fusão nas superfícies do hidróxido de cálcio e do MTA. Diante dos resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que: a irradiação com os lasers Er:YAG e de diodo, nos arâmetros utilizados neste experimento, provocaram alterações morfológicas nas superfícies dentinárias das reabsorções simuladas que favoreceram a adesão celular; o uso do MTA nas reabsorções radiculares simuladas permitiu a adesão celular, enquanto que o hidróxido de cálcio a inibiu e a associação dos materiais de uso endodôntico com os lasers Er:YAG e de diodo resultou em alterações morfológicas na superfície do MTA, assim como, na do hidróxido de cálcio, que interferiram, de forma discreta, na adesão celular. / The present study, utilizing cell culture and SEM, evaluated the adhesion of fibroblasts, and the structural changes on the dentinal surface of simulated external root resorptions, after treatment with calcium hydroxide, MTA and/or high power diode laser radiation and Er:YAG laser radiation. After splitting the roots of 31 single rooted teeth, standardized cavities were done on the coronal third of each section, resulting in 62 samples which were divided into 9 experimental groups: group 1 ? Er:YAG laser irradiation (42 mJ/pulse, 10 Hz, 10 s, 38 J/cm2); group 2 ? high power diode laser irradiation (1 W, 10 s, 796 W/cm2); group 3 ? cavity filling with calcium hydroxide and Er:YAG laser irradiation; group 4 ? cavity filling with calcium hydroxide and irradiation with diode laser; group 5 ? cavity filling with MTA and Er:YAG laser irradiation; group 6 - cavity filling with MTA and irradiation with diode laser; group 7 - cavity filling with calcium hydroxide; group 8 - cavity filling with MTA and group 9 (control) ? not treated. After the specimens were sterilized, a subculture was done with gingival fibroblasts from cell line FMM1. The fragments were plated (5 x 104 per fragment) and then prepared for SEM analyzis. The counting of adhered cells showed that the cells? adhesion was in decreasing order: G1 (Er:YAG) > G2 (diode) > G9 (control) > G8 (MTA) > G5 (MTA+Er:YAG) > G6 (MTA+diode) > G4 (CaOH2+diode) > G3 (CaOH2+Er:YAG) > G7(CaOH2). Significant statistical differences were observed among most of the experimental groups, except among the following groups: G9 x G8; G8 x G5; G8 x G4; G5 x G6; G4 x G3; G3 x G7. At the SEM analyzis of the samples irradiated with Er:YAG laser, roughness on the dentinal surface, no smear layer and open dentinal tubules were observed. The samples irradiated with diode laser exhibited a smooth surface, more smear layer and closed dentinal tubules. No carbonization zones were observed at the groups irradiated with both lasers. In the groups where laser irradiation was associated with endodontic materials, melting zones and fusion on the calcium hydroxide and MTA surfaces were observed. Based on the results it may be concluded that: irradiation with Er:YAG and diode lasers, in the parameters utilized in this experiment, caused morphologic changes on the dentinal surfaces of the simulated resorptions that favored cell adhesion; the MTA used on the simulated root resorptions allowed cell adhesion while calcium hydroxide inhibited it; and, the association of the endodontic materials to Er:YAG and diode lasers resulted in morphologic changes on the MTA and on the calcium hydroxide surface, which interfered subtly with the cell adhesion.

Avaliação do efeito de implantes subgengivais do polímero ELVAX com equistatina. Estudo microscópico em dentes de ratos extraídos e reimplantados / Evaluation of the effect of subgingival implants of polymer ELVAX with echistatin: microscopic study on rats\' extracted and reimplanted teeth

Pinheiro, Bethânia Camargo 30 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho investigou microscopicamente o efeito da equistatina sobre o processo reabsortivo de dentes incisivos superiores de ratos, extraídos e reimplantados. Foram utilizados 42 animais, divididos em grupos com e sem equistatina. Os tempos extra-alveolares dos dentes foram de 30 e 60 minutos e os períodos experimentais pós-cirúrgicos foram 15, 60 e 90 dias. Os espécimes obtidos foram processados e corados em H.E. para observar os processos biológicos presentes. Os eventos microscópicos foram avaliados por dois examinadores, de modo quantitativo histomorfométrico e descritivo, de acordo com o tipo de infiltrado e intensidade da reação inflamatória; com o tipo, extensão e localização de reabsorção dentária; e presença de anquilose alveolodentária. O nível de concordância entre examinadores, determinado pelo índice Kappa, revelou-se quase perfeito para todas as variáveis avaliadas. A comparação entre os grupos testes e controle para as variáveis apresentadas foi feita por meio do teste Mann-Whitney e mostrou não haver diferença estatística entre a administração de equistatina e tempo extra-alveolar em relação à intensidade inflamatória nas diferentes porções radiculares. Quanto ao tipo de reabsorção estabelecida, notou-se que a presença de reabsorção inflamatória foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) no grupo controle nos tempos de 30 e 60 minutos no período pós-cirúrgico de 15 dias. A anquilose alveolodentária também esteve significativamente mais presente no grupo tratado com equistatina com 30 minutos extra-alveolar e 15 dias de período experimental. Houve, ainda, mais anquilose alveolodentária no grupo controle de 60 minutos extra-alveolar, com o período experimental de 60 dias. No período experimental de 90 dias todos os espécimes avaliados apresentaram processos reabsortivos inflamatórios e ausência de anquilose alveolodentária. O teste Kruskall-Wallis avaliou as diferenças significantes entre grupos, em relação à intensidade inflamatória por terço radicular, tipo de reabsorção e anquilose alveolodentária. As comparações individuais foram realizadas com teste Dunn e mostrou diferenças significantes entre grupos teste em relação ao período experimental. As variáveis testadas também foram avaliadas pelo teste de correlação de Spearman, que demonstrou haver correlações positivas substanciais ou muito fortes entre as variáveis: intensidade inflamatória no 1/3 cervical e no 1/3 médio, intensidade inflamatória no 1/3 cervical e no 1/3 apical e intensidade inflamatória no 1/3 médio e no 1/3 apical. Destacou-se ainda a correlação negativa substancial entre tipo de reabsorção e a intensidade inflamatória do 1/3 médio radicular. O uso de implantes de ELVAX com equistatina demonstrou possuir um potencial terapêutico na prevenção de processos reabsortivos inflamatórios no modelo experimental de reimplante de incisivos superiores murinos. / This study aimed to microscopically investigate the effect on the dental resorptive process of subgingival implants of ELVAX polymer with peptide echistatin in reimplantation of upper incisors in rats. For this purpose, 42 animals were used and divided into groups with and without echistatin. Extra alveolar socket period was 30 and 60 minutes and post-surgical experimental periods were 15, 60 and 90 days. Specimens were processed and stained with H.E. to observe the biological processes in the area. The microscopic events were evaluated by two examiners. Quantitative histomorphometric and descriptive evaluation of the events were performed according to the presence, type and location of the inflammatory response, incidence of resorptions or dental ankylosis. The level of agreement between examiners determined by the Kappa index, proved to be almost perfect for all variables. The comparison between the experimental and control groups for the variables presented was performed using the Mann-Whitney test and showed no statistical difference between the administration of echistatin and extra alveolar socket period relative to the inflammatory intensity in different portions of the root. Regarding the type of resorption established, it was noted that the presence of inflammatory resorption was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the control group on days 30 and 60 minutes in the postoperative period of 15 days. Dental ankylosis was also significantly more prevalent in the group treated with echistatin in extra alveolar socket period of 30 minutes and 15-day trial period. There was even more dental ankylosis in control group with 60 minutes of extra alveolar socket, with the trial period of 60 days. In the trial period of 90 days all specimens studied featured inflammatory resorptives processes and absence of dental ankylosis. The Kruskal-Wallis test assessed significant differences between groups in relation to the intensity of inflammation by root third, resorption type of and dental. Individual comparisons were performed with Dunn test and showed significant differences between groups in relation to the test observation period. The variables tested were also evaluated by Spearman correlation test, which showed that there are substantial or very strong positive correlations among the variables: intensity of inflammation in the cervical third and the medium third, intensity of inflammation in the cervical 1/3 and apical 1/3 inflammatory intensity in the middle 1/3 and apical 1/3. It also highlighted the significant negative correlation between type and intensity of inflammatory resorption of middle 1/3 root. The use of subgingival ELVAX implants with echistatin shown to have therapeutic potential in preventing the inflammatory resorptive process in the experimental model of reimplantation of upper incisors in rats.

Tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 drive a RANK-independent pathway of osteoclast activation

Fissel, Brian Michael 08 April 2016 (has links)
The skeleton is a dynamic organ that undergoes a continual process known as bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is necessary to maintain structural integrity, heal micro-fractures caused by from daily wear and tear, and to store and release essential ions and minerals. Remodeling is a highly regulated process, with bone resorption precisely balanced by bone formation under homeostatic conditions. In the setting of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an inflammatory condition affecting joints, this balance is lost and bone around inflamed joints is eroded. These so-called "bone erosions" compromise joint function, causing disability. Osteoclasts, multinucleated cells of hematopoietic origin, are the only cells known to resorb bone. Osteoclasts are found at erosion sites in human joints, and data from mouse models of inflammatory arthritis suggest that osteoclasts are required for erosions to form in bone. The canonical pathway of osteoclast differentiation requires stimulation of myeloid precursors by the cytokine Receptor Activator of NF-Kappa B ligand (RANKL) through its receptor, RANK. In the inflamed joint, RANKL expression can be induced on mesenchymal lineage cells by inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha). Surprisingly, our lab observed bone erosions and osteoclast formation in a mouse model of RA in the absence of RANK. Thus we hypothesized that in addition to RANKL expression, the cytokine milieu in RA may directly stimulate osteoclast formation. It was recently reported that the inflammatory cytokines TNF alpha and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in combination stimulate osteoclast differentiation, independent of exogenous RANKL. We have reproduced these results and shown that these osteoclast-like cells form entirely independently of RANK signaling. However, TNF alpha/IL-6 induced osteoclast formation still requires the transcription factor Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFATc1), a master regulator of RANK-mediated osteoclast differentiation, as well as co-stimulatory signaling provided by the immunoreceptor tyrosine based activation motif (ITAM)-containing DNAX-activating protein (DAP12) molecules. We also showed that TNF alpha/IL-6 induced osteoclast formation requires activity of IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), as osteoclast formation can be inhibited through co-culture with an IL-6R blocking antibody (MR16-1). Finally, using an in vivo mouse model of RA in RANK-deficient mice, we tested whether blocking IL-6R with MR16-1 antibody protects against the formation of periarticular bone erosions. Our results suggest that a RANK-independent pathway of osteoclast formation contributes to inflammatory bone erosions. Targeting this pathway may improve outcomes for RA patients.

The role of wear particles in prosthesis loosening / Donald William Howie

Howie, Donald William January 1987 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 196-251 / ii, 251 leaves : ill ; 31 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, 1987

実験的歯の移動時における圧迫側歯槽骨に生じる背部骨吸収と血管分布 / Rear resorption at the pressure side incident in orthodontic tooth movement

日下部, 豊寿 25 March 1998 (has links)
歯科基礎医学会, 日下部 豊寿 = Toyohisa Kusakabe, 実験的歯の移動時における圧迫側歯槽骨に生じる背部骨吸収と血管分布 = Rear resorption at the pressure side incident in orthodontic tooth movement, 歯科基礎医学会雑誌, 39(6), DEC 1997, pp.623-640 / Hokkaido University (北海道大学) / 博士 / 歯学

The effects of plyometrics or resistance-training on markers of bone turnover and hormones in men

Rogers, Robert S., Hinton, Pamela S. January 2009 (has links)
The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file. Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on December 31, 2009). Thesis advisor: Dr. Pamela S. Hinton. Includes bibliographical references.

Investigation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms for the dual effect of strontium on bone

Peng, Songlin., 彭松林. January 2010 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Orthopaedics and Traumatology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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