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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resting-state functional MRI in behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia

Rytty, R. (Riikka) 12 April 2016 (has links)
Abstract Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease leading to early-onset dementia with an estimated worldwide prevalence of 10 to 30 cases per 100000 individuals in the age group of 46 to 65 years. Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is the most common FTLD subtype. It is characterized by a progressive deterioration of behavior and personality as well as executive dysfunction. In Finland, almost 50 % of familial FTLD cases are attributable to the C9ORF72 mutation. bvFTD is associated with a characteristic pattern of brain atrophy detectable in structural MRI. However, these changes are typically not visible in the early stages of the disease. Resting-state functional MRI (RS-fMRI) is being increasingly used to evaluate changes in functional connectivity within neuronal networks in the brain but only a few RS-fMRI investigations of bvFTD patients have been published with inconsistent results. The object of this thesis was to investigate functional connectivity changes detected in the salience (SLN) and default mode networks (DMN) in bvFTD. Another aim was to clarify the role of other cognitive resting-state networks in this disease. A cohort of 26 bvFTD patients was studied, with 8 of these patients carrying the C9ORF72 expansion. Connectivity changes were detected in multiple clinically relevant cognitive networks. Decreased functional connectivity was observed in the SLN, which is associated with guiding of behavior. Increased activity was present in the DMN and the dorsal attention network (DAN). In C9ORF72 associated bvFTD, there was an abnormal linkage detected between the DMN and the thalamus. Currently, fMRI is generally used as a research tool and in a group setting. Different study methods have been used in the literature and also in the studies of this thesis, the analysis procedures differed to some extent. The variety of analysis methods may explain the heterogeneity in fMRI findings in bvFTD patients. There is a need for standardization of the fMRI methodology, larger study groups and also in the future the methodology should be improved so that single patient analysis would provide results to allow a confident diagnosis of this disease. / Tiivistelmä Otsa-ohimolohkorappeuma (Frontotemporal lobar degeneration, FTLD) on toiseksi yleisin etenevä dementiaan johtava sairaus, joka ilmaantuu usein jo työikäisenä. Otsalohkodementia on otsa-ohimolohkorappeuman yleisin alamuoto, jonka oireisto painottuu persoonan ja käyttäytymisen muutoksiin sekä toiminnan ohjauksen ongelmiin. Suomessa C9ORF72-toistojaksomutaatio selittää lähes 50 % perinnöllisistä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumista. Aivojen rakenteellisella magneettikuvauksella (MK) voidaan havaita rakenteellisia muutoksia, jotka ilmaantuvat kuitenkin vasta taudin edettyä vaikeampaan vaiheeseen. Aivojen lepotilan toiminnallinen magneettikuvaus (TMK) mahdollistaa aivojen hermoverkkojen toiminnan eli konnektiviteetin kartoituksen. Aiemmin TMK:a on tutkittu esim. Alzheimerin taudissa. Otsalohkodementiassa TMK:sta on julkaistu ainoastaan yksittäisiä tutkimuksia ja tulokset ovat olleet osin ristiriitaisia. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää valve-lepotilan hermoverkossa ja olennaisen tunnistavassa hermoverkossa tapahtuvia muutoksia otsalohkodementiaa sairastavilla potilailla. Toisena tavoitteena on ollut tutkia muissa kognitiivisissa hermoverkoissa tapahtuvia muutoksia. Otsalohkodementiaa sairastaville potilaille (n= 26) sekä ikä- ja sukupuolivakioiduille kontrolleille on tehty kliininen tutkimus ja rakenteellinen sekä toiminnallinen aivojen magneettikuvaus. Kahdeksalla potilaalla todettiin C9ORF72-toistojaksomutaatio. Useiden kognitiivisten hermoverkkojen toiminnassa havaittiin muutoksia, jotka korreloivat potilaiden kliinisiin oireisiin. Alentunutta konnektiviteettia todettiin olennaisen tunnistavassa hermoverkossa, joka osallistuu käyttäytymisen säätelyyn. Lisääntynyttä konnektiviteettia esiintyi valve-lepotilan hermoverkossa ja tarkkaavaisuus hermoverkossa. Potilailla, joilla on C9ORF72-mutaatio, havaittiin epänormaali yhteys valve-lepotilan hermoverkon ja talamuksen välillä. TMK:ta käytetään tällä hetkellä lähinnä tutkimustyökaluna. Analyysityökaluissa on ollut vaihtelevuutta eri julkaisuissa ja osin myös tämän väitöskirjan osatöissä. Julkaistut TMK-löydökset otsalohkodementiassa ovat osin ristiriitaisia ja se saattaa selittyä erilaisilla analyysimenetelmillä. Metodologiaa tulisi standardisoida ja lisäksi tarvitaan suurempia potilasryhmiä ja menetelmien kehittämistä, jotta TMK:n käyttö yksilötason kliinisessä diagnostiikassa olisi jatkossa mahdollista.

Dépression post-AVC : apport d’une double approche de neuroimagerie et enquête en vie quotidienne / Post-stroke depression : linking MRI to daily life experience

Lagadec, Saioa 25 June 2012 (has links)
Près de 30% des patients ayant survécus à un AVC, développent une dépression (DPAVC) dont le retentissement sur la qualité de vie peut être majeur. Sa physiopathologie est encore méconnue et les critères diagnostiques ne sont pas clairement définis. Notre objectif est d'identifier des facteurs précoces neuropsychologiques et de neuroimagerie prédictifs d'une dépression 3 mois après l’AVC.Cinquante-cinq patients présentant un premier AVC, sans antécédent neurologique ou psychiatrique ont été inclus. Dix jours après l’AVC, la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux a été évaluée d’une part, par les échelles standard d’Hamilton et d’autre part, en vie quotidienne durant 7 jours, par la méthode d’échantillonnage des expériences (ESM). Au même temps, un examen d’IRM multimodale a été réalisé (IRM fonctionnelle de repos, DTI et 3D T1) afin d'évaluer les modifications anatomo-fonctionnelles de l’organisation cérébrale. Trois mois après l’AVC, une mesure standard de la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux est à nouveau effectuée. A partir de ces données nous avons exploré la relation existant entre 1/ la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et les données IRM 2/ la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et les données ESM 3/ la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs mesurée par ESM et les modifications anatomo-fonctionnelles cérébrales. Nous avons mis en évidence une modification de la connectivité fonctionnelle entre les régions postérieures du réseau en "default mode", de la même façon que dans les dépressions majeure et vasculaire ; et entre le cortex temporal moyen et ce réseau. A la phase aigue de l’AVC, 2 profils symptomatologiques se distinguent : le premier est caractérisé par une grande fatigue et une forte anhédonie, le deuxième est définit par de la tristesse, une forte anxiété, des pensées négatives et une forte réactivité émotionnelle. Ce dernier est associé au risque de DPAVC à 3 mois. Enfin, nous avons montré que les modifications fonctionnelles du DMN prédictives de l’AVC étaient associées à la réactivité émotionnelle, alors que le volume de substance grise du cervelet était corrélé à la fréquence des pensées positives et négatives.En conclusion, la physiopathologie de la DPAVC présenterait des similitudes avec celle de la dépression majeure et de la dépression vasculaire, mais aussi des différences comme l’engagement du cortex temporal moyen au sein du réseau en « default mode ». De plus, cette étude suggère qu'à côté de l'implication de la lésion cérébro-vasculaire, des critères de vulnérabilité psychobiologiques antérieurs à l’AVC influenceraient la survenue d’une dépression. / 30% of stroke survivors will experience Post-Stroke Depression (PSD) that is associated to a poor quality of life. PSD is still under-diagnosed due to the absence of clear diagnostic criteria and its pathophysiology remains unknown. The aim of this study was to identify early imaging and psychiatric risk factors of depression 3 months after stroke. Patients with a first ischemic stroke, without any neurologic and psychiatric history were included. Daily-life symptoms were evaluated using ESM 10 days after stroke. Brain MRI acquisition was performed at 10 days after stroke including DWI, FLAIR/T2, resting state fMRI and anatomical sequences. We explored the association between 1/ the severity of depressive symptoms and MRI data 2/ the severity of depressive symptoms and ESM data 3/ the severity of depressive symptoms measured by ESM and MRI data.Results revealed a modification of the functional connectivity between posterior structures of the DMN (Default Mode Network) and between the middle temporal cortex and the DMN. In the acute phase, depressed patients presented either high fatigue and anhedonia or another profile including high anxiety, negative thoughts and emotional reactivity which is associated to the risk of depression 3 months after stroke. Moreover, we demonstrated that functional connectivity modifications within the DMN and the cerebellum grey matter were respectively associated to emotional reactivity and the frequency of positive and negative thoughts.In conclusion, modifications of the DMN were implicated in the physiopathology of PSD in the same way that major or vascular depression, with a specificity represented by the new contribution of the middle temporal cortex within the DMN. Furthermore, this study suggests that more than a stroke lesion, anterior psychobiological vulnerabilities of an individual patient could mediate PSD occurrence.

Approche multimodale du continuum de la maladie d'Alzheimer: investigation neuropsychologique, structurelle et fonctionnelle de la phase préclinique au stade démentiel.

Puttaert, Delphine 22 October 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse vise à tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), à ses différents stades, est responsable d’un dysfonctionnement synaptique. Ce dernier, conjointement avec d’autres processus pathologiques, pourrait mener à des modifications de l’excitabilité neuronale au sein de régions cérébrales spécifiques et, en conséquence, à des altérations de la connectivité fonctionnelle au sein des réseaux neuronaux auxquels contribuent ces régions cérébrales.Deux objectifs principaux ont été visés tout au long de ce projet. Le premier ambitionnait l’identification de nouveaux marqueurs électrophysiologiques du continuum de la MA. Le second aspirait à une meilleure compréhension de la relation entre les changements électrophysiologiques, les anomalies structurelles et métaboliques ainsi que les déficits cognitifs des patients souffrant d’une MA ou étant à risque de la développer. Afin de répondre à ces buts de recherche, une approche multimodale combinant l’exploration électrophysiologique via la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG), métabolique et structurelle via un appareil hybride associant la tomographie par émission de positons avec comme traceur le fluorodésoxyglucose (FDG) et l’imagerie par résonance magnétique structurelle (TEP-IRM), et enfin cognitive via un examen neuropsychologique a été mise en place pour tous les participants qu’ils soient dans le cadre d’un vieillissement normal ou pathologique.La première étude a investigué la manière dont le continuum de la MA altère la dynamique de l’activité cérébrale spontanée et comment cette dernière est reliée aux anomalies structurelles, métaboliques et cognitives associées à la MA. Les résultats ont principalement montré des altérations dans l’activation du réseau du mode par défaut chez les patients avec une MA constituant un corrélat électrophysiologique supplémentaire du dysfonctionnement synaptique de la MA.La deuxième étude a étudié la relation entre l'activité rythmique cérébrale en bande de fréquence alpha et les altérations en mémoire épisodique verbale en utilisant la tâche de rappel libre/rappel indicé-16 items. Nos résultats ont principalement mis en évidence un nouveau corrélat électrophysiologique du dysfonctionnement à court terme en mémoire épisodique qui peut accompagner le vieillissement pathologique.Enfin, notre dernière étude a visé à fournir une vue d'ensemble des changements électrophysiologiques associés au continuum de la MA. Nos résultats ont principalement montré une diminution globale de la connectivité fonctionnelle en bande de fréquence alpha chez les patients avec une MA soutenant la théorie selon laquelle l'hypoconnectivité apparait à un stade tardif de la démence. Ceci suggère la présence d'un syndrome de déconnexion sévère dans la MA.De manière générale, ce projet de recherche a permis l’identification de marqueurs électrophysiologiques supplémentaires de la MA ainsi qu’une meilleure compréhension du lien entre les modifications électrophysiologiques et le déficit cognitif, les anomalies structurelles ainsi qu’avec les changements métaboliques observés dans la MA. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Working Memory Performance in Older Adults: Potential Moderators

Bryant, Andrew M. 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Resting-state functional connectivity in the brain and its relation to language development in preschool children

Xiao, Yaqiong 01 December 2017 (has links)
Human infants have been shown to have an innate capacity to acquire their mother tongue. In recent decades, the advent of the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique has made it feasible to explore the neural basis underlying language acquisition and processing in children, even in newborn infants (for reviews, see Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008; Kuhl, 2010) . Spontaneous low-frequency (< 0.1 Hz) fluctuations (LFFs) in the resting brain have been shown to be physiologically meaningful in the seminal study (Biswal et al., 1995) . Compared to task-based fMRI, resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has some unique advantages in neuroimaging research, especially in obtaining data from pediatric and clinical populations. Moreover, it enables us to characterize the functional organization of the brain in a systematic manner in the absence of explicit tasks. Among brain systems, the language network has been well investigated by analyzing LFFs in the resting brain. This thesis attempts to investigate the functional connectivity within the language network in typically developing preschool children and the covariation of this connectivity with children’s language development by using the rs-fMRI technique. The first study (see Chapter 2.1; Xiao et al., 2016a) revealed connectivity differences in language-related regions between 5-year-olds and adults, and demonstrated distinct correlation patterns between functional connections within the language network and sentence comprehension performance in children. The results showed a left fronto-temporal connection for processing syntactically more complex sentences, suggesting that this connection is already in place at age 5 when it is needed for complex sentence comprehension, even though the whole functional network is still immature. In the second study (see Chapter 2.2; Xiao et al., 2016b), sentence comprehension performance and rs-fMRI data were obtained from a cohort of children at age 5 and a one-year follow-up. This study examined the changes in functional connectivity in the developing brain and their relation to the development of language abilities. The findings showed that the development of intrinsic functional connectivity in preschool children over the course of one year is clearly observable and individual differences in this development are related to the advancement in sentence comprehension ability with age. In summary, the present thesis provides new insights into the relationship between intrinsic functional connectivity in the brain and language processing, as well as between the changes in intrinsic functional connectivity and concurrent language development in preschool children. Moreover, it allows for a better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying language processing and the advancement of language abilities in the developing brain.

Investigation of Intrinsic Brain Networks in Localization-related Epilepsy: A Resting-State fMRI Study

Ogen, Shatgul 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Application of resting-state fMRI methods to acute ischemic stroke

Lv, Yating 26 September 2013 (has links)
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced (DSC) perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) are commonly employed in clinical practice and in research to give pathophysiological information for patients with acute ischemic stroke. DWI is thought to roughly reflect the severely damaged infarct core, while DSC-PWI reflects the area of hypoperfusion. The volumetric difference between DWI and DSC-PWI is termed the PWI/DWI-mismatch, and has been suggested as an MRI surrogate of the ischemic penumbra. However, due to the application of a contrast agent, which has potentially severe side-effects (e.g., nephrogenic systemic fibrosis), the DSC-PWI precludes repetitive examinations for monitoring purposes. New approaches are being sought to overcome this shortcoming. BOLD (blood oxygen-level dependent) signal can reflect the metabolism of blood oxygen in the brain and hemodynamics can be assessed with resting-state fMRI. The aim of this thesis was to use resting-state fMRI as a new approach to give similar information as DSC-PWI. This thesis comprises two studies: In the first study (see Chapter 2), two resting-state fMRI methods, local methods which compare low frequency amplitudes between two hemispheres and a k-means clustering approach, were applied to investigate the functional damage of patients with acute ischemic stroke both in the time domain and frequency domain. We found that the lesion areas had lower amplitudes than contralateral homotopic healthy tissues. We also differentiated the lesion areas from healthy tissues using a k-means clustering approach. In the second study (see Chapter 3), time-shift analysis (TSA), which assesses time delays of the spontaneous low frequency fluctuations of the resting-state BOLD signal, was applied to give similar pathophysiological information as DSC-PWI in the acute phase of stroke. We found that areas which showed a pronounced time delay to the respective mean time course were very similar to the hypoperfusion area. In summary, we suggest that the resting-state fMRI methods, especially the time-shift analysis (TSA), may provide comparable information to DSC-PWI and thus serve as a useful diagnostic tool for stroke MRI without the need for the application of a contrast agent.

Large-scale brain networks: what the resting brain can tell us about phenotypic differences and pharmacological interventions

Deza Araujo, Yacila Isabela 16 August 2019 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to demonstrate the relevance of resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) for the study of brain function. RSFC refers to the spontaneous brain activity structured in intrinsic connectivity networks. These networks mirror task-based activations and show significant variations across several behavioral domains and phenotypical traits. Furthermore, changes in these networks after, for instance, pharmacological manipulations, may disentangle the specific role of several neurotransmitters systems in normal and pathological functional connectivity. While various neuroimaging techniques enable the detection of intrinsic connectivity networks, data-driven methods, such as independent component analysis, provide a robust spatial representation of brain networks that are distinguishable from physiological signals and scanner noise. Within the above-mentioned framework, this thesis presents data from two studies designed to better understand 1) individual differences in decision making reflected in intrinsic network connectivity and 2) variations in intrinsic network connectivity following serotonergic manipulations. The first part is the general introduction where I present the theoretical background, the methodology used in both experiments and an overview of the current research related to the studies of this thesis. The second chapter presents the first study, which examined the relationship between a set of value-based decision-making parameters with large-scale intrinsic connectivity networks. Findings of this study revealed that individuals who prefer to gamble in order to avoid a sure loss, exhibit stronger connectivity between the default mode and left frontoparietal systems to their adjacent brain regions, especially to those involved in prospective thinking, affective decision making and visual processing. The third chapter presents the second experimental study, which examined changes in default mode network connectivity after two tryptophan interventions to increase and decrease brain serotonin synthesis, and a control condition. Results of this study showed decreased functional connectivity between the default mode network and emotion-related regions associated with higher serotonin brain levels. Finally, the fourth chapter includes a general discussion that integrates the significance of the findings from both studies. In this section, limitations and recommendations for future research are also considered before presenting the conclusion that highlights the contribution of this work for unraveling the continuous activity of the resting brain.:1.CONTENTS 1 LIST OF FIGURES 3 LIST OF TABLES 4 ABBREVIATIONS 5 ABSTRACT 7 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 9 1.1. Resting-state functional connectivity: the silent work of the resting brain 9 1.2. Intrinsic connectivity networks 12 1.3. Independent Component Analysis 17 1.4. Summary: research objectives and study hypotheses 20 STUDY I: Risk seeking for losses modulates the functional connectivity of the default 2.mode and left frontoparietal networks in young males 22 2.1. Abstract 23 2.2. Introduction 24 2.3. Materials and Methods 26 2.4. Results 33 2.5. Discussion 41 2.6. Notes 44 2.7. Supplemental Material Study I 45 3. STUDY II: Acute Tryptophan Loading Decreases Functional Connectivity between the Default Mode Network and Emotion-Related Brain Regions 49 3.1. Abstract 50 3.2. Introduction 51 3.3. Materials and Methods 53 3.4. Results 61 3.5. Discussion 67 3.6. Acknowledgments 71 3.7. Supplemental Material Study II 72 4. GENERAL DISCUSSION 78 4.1. Research objectives and summary of results 78 4.2. Risk seeking for losses is associated with changes in default mode and frontoparietal systems 79 4.3. Higher serotonin brain synthesis decreases DMN connectivity 80 4.4. Integration of findings 81 4.5. Limitations and future directions 83 4.6. General conclusion 85 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 86 Hintergrund 86 Fragestellung 86 Material und Methoden 87 Ergebnisse 88 Schlussfolgerungen 89 6. SUMMARY 90 Background 90 Research question 90 Material and Methods 91 Results 92 Conclusion 92 7.REFERENCES 93 8.ANNEX 113 8.1. Publikationsverzeichnis 113 8.3.Danksagung 115 8.4. Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens 116 8.5. Erklärung zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorgaben118 8.6. Erklärungen zur Publikation 119

Neural Correlates of Sleep-Related Consolidation of Memory for Cognitive Strategies and Problem-Solving Skills

Vandenberg, Nicholas 09 August 2023 (has links)
A leading theory for why we sleep focuses on memory consolidation - the process of stabilizing and strengthening newly acquired memories into long-term storage. Consolidation of memory for cognitive strategies and problem-solving skills is enhanced as compared to a period of daytime wakefulness. Importantly, sleep preferentially enhances memory for the cognitive strategy per se, over-and-above the motor skills that are used to execute the strategy. Although it has been known for some time that sleep benefits this type of memory, it is not known how this process unfolds during sleep, or how sleep transforms this memory trace in the brain. Sleep is classified into rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep. The role of REM sleep for consolidation of memory for problem-solving skills remains controversial. In addition, little attention has been paid to the possible distinct roles of phasic REM sleep (i.e., when bursts of eye movements occur) and tonic REM sleep (i.e., the presence of isolated eye movements and the absence of eye movement bursts). REM sleep might favour procedural memory consolidation for cognitive strategies and problem-solving skills, and the specific role of REM sleep in this process might be discernible only by differentiating between phasic and tonic REM states. In addition, fMRI studies have revealed that sleep-related consolidation of the memory trace for simple motor procedural skills is associated with strengthened activity of, and functional connectivity between, key memory-related brain areas (i.e., hippocampal, striatal, and neocortex). However, fMRI techniques have not yet been employed to investigate sleep-related consolidation of procedural memory for cognitive strategies and problem-solving skills. Participants (n=60) performed a procedural memory task involving a cognitive strategy while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) before and after a condition of Sleep, Nap, or Wake. Those in the Sleep and Nap condition underwent polysomnography (PSG) to further study the learning-related changes in sleep macrostructure and microstructure. This thesis not only shows that a period of sleep or a nap afford a greater benefit to memory consolidation of a procedural strategy than a period of wake, but more specifically: In Study 1, during sleep, phasic REM sleep theta power was directly associated with overnight improvement on the task, whereas tonic REM sleep sensorimotor rhythm power was greater following a night of learning compared to a non-learning control night. In Study 2, we show that distinct hippocampal, striatal, and cortical areas associated with strategy learning are preferentially enhanced. Study 3 reveals that the functional communication among these brain areas is greater following sleep compared to a daytime nap or day of wakefulness. Sleep-related changes in brain activation and functional connectivity were both correlated with improved performance from before to after a period of sleep. Overall, findings from this thesis support the benefit of sleep at the behavioural and systems level for consolidating procedural memory involving cognitive strategies used to solve problems. The findings suggest that the multifaceted nature of REM sleep must be examined separately by its phasic and tonic states, to identify the active role of REM sleep for consolidating memory. Further, the consolidation of the memory trace is reflected through activation of, and communication between hippocampal, striatal, and neocortical brain areas. In summary, this thesis shows that sleep actively consolidates memory for cognitive strategies and problem-solving skills.

Dynamic fMRI brain connectivity : A study of the brain’s large-scale network dynamics

Brantefors, Per January 2016 (has links)
Approximately 20% of the body’s energy consumption is ongoingly consumed by the brain, where the main part is due to the neural activity, which is only increased slightly when doing a demanding task. This ongoingly neural activity are studied with the so called resting-state fMRI, which mean that the neural activity in the brain is measured for participants with no specific task. These studies have been useful to understand the neural function and how the neural networks are constructed and cooperate. This have also been helpful in several clinical research, for example have differences been identified between bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Recent research has focused on temporal properties of the ongoing activity and it is well known that neural activity occurs in bursts. In this study, resting-state fMRI data and temporal graph theory is used to develop a point based method (PBM) to quantify these bursts at a nodal level. By doing this, the bursty pattern can be further investigated and the nodes showing the most bursty pattern (i.e hubs) can be identified. The method developed shows a robustness regarding several different aspects. In the method is two different variance threshold algorithms suggested. One local variance threshold (LVT) based on the individual variance of the edge time-series and one global variance threshold (GVT) based on the variance of all edges time-series, where the GVT shows the highest robustness. However, the choice of threshold needs to be adapted for the aims of the current study. Finally, this method ends up in a new measure to quantify this bursty pattern named bursty centrality. The derived temporal graph theoretical measure was correlated with traditional static graph properties used in resting state and showed a low but significant correlation. By applying this method on resting-state fMRI data for 32 young adults was it possible to identify regions of the brain that showed the most dynamic properties, these regions differed between the two thresholding algorithms

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