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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Inspection Plan and Procedure For Failure Mode Analysis and Risk Assesment

Maw, Ryan Bruce 01 May 2009 (has links)
A large component of the State of Utah's transportation network involves the use of MSE walls, which have proven useful in infrastructure for their reduced costs and footprint compared to other alternatives. As effective as MSE walls have been in responding to demands in transportation, they also have inherent challenges. For the majority of MSE walls the structure is limited in observation as structural components are buried as part of the soils mass. This inability to observe at can lead to the development of complex failure mechanisms, which can be difficult to assess and anticipate. As society becomes increasingly reliant on the transportation networks for goods, services, and security, properly understanding the potential failure mechanisms of MSE walls also increases in importance. This thesis discusses the development of an inspection procedure, data collection, geotechnical asset management database, and an evaluation of gathered information to be used in a reliability analysis of MSE walls for the State of Utah. The findings suggest areas of improvement in the design, specifications, maintenance, and further investigation of MSE walls.

Internal Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Walls Using Crimped Bars

Castellanos, Bernardo A. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Current design codes of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls allow the use lower lateral earth pressure coefficient (K value) for designing geosynthetics walls than those used to design steel walls. The reason of this is because geosynthetics walls are less rigid permitting the wall to deform enough to work under active pressures instead of at rest pressures as in steel walls. A new concept of crimped steel bars was recently introduced. This new type of bar was tested for tension and pullout behavior. Results on tests made on crimped bars show that putting those crimps in the steel bar will give us a better pullout behavior and a more flexible tensile behavior. This new type of steel bar will behave more like geosynthetics, allowing the wall to deform sufficiently to reach the necessary deflection to reach the active condition. The use of steel by current design codes is pushing MSE walls to be designed with more steel than needed. Measurements of the force in different walls showed that the steel is not being used even close to the maximum stress allowed by the code which is 50%. The proposed design methodology using crimped bars will help us save around 52% of steel volume compared to the actual design procedures. This means a huge improvement in the usage of steel versus actual designs. This improvement is obtained because of the efficient behavior of rounded bars under corrosion and because of the flexibility in the bars obtained with the crimps that will allow us to reach the active condition.

Numerical Analysis on Seismic Response of Cantilever Retaining Wall Systems and Fragility Analysis on Motion Response

Zamiran, Siavash 01 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this investigation, seismic response of retaining walls constructed with cohesive and cohesionless backfill materials was studied. Fully dynamic analysis based on finite difference method was used to evaluate the performance of retaining walls during the earthquake. The analysis response was verified by the experimental study conducted on a retaining wall system with cohesive backfill material in the literature. The effects of cohesion and free-field peak ground acceleration (PGA) on seismic earth thrust, the point of action of earth thrust, and maximum wall moment during the earthquake were compared with analytical and experimental solutions. The numerical results were compared with various analytical solutions. The motion characteristics of the retaining wall during the earthquake were also considered. The relative displacement of the walls with various backfill cohesions, under different ground motions, and free-field PGAs were investigated. Current analytical and empirical correlations developed based on Newmark sliding block method for estimating retaining wall movement during earthquakes were compared with the numerical approach. Consequently, fragility analyses were conducted to determine the probability of damage to the retaining walls. To evaluate the fragility of the studied models, specific failure criterion was chosen for retaining walls based on the suggested methods in practice. Using numerical approaches, the effects of soil-wall interaction and wall rigidity on the seismic response of retaining walls were also evaluated in earthquake conditions for both cohesive and cohesionless backfill materials. According to the findings, practical correlations were presented for conducting the seismic design of retaining walls.

Design Automation and Optimization of Retaining Walls : Environmental Impact and Investment Cost Optimization using Genetic Algorithm

Mulek, Arman January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explored the possibilities of incorporating automation and optimization inthe design process of cantilever retaining walls. The programming language Pythonhas been used to develop a program that given certain inputs performs the necessarydesign verifications according to Eurocodes and Swedish standards. The GeneticAlgorithm (GA) was chosen as optimization algorithm, where the objectives of theoptimization were defined as minimization of investment cost (IC) and environmentalimpact (EI).Optimized solutions from the program were compared with a previously designedretaining wall in a case study. Savings ranging between 15% and 30% could beobtained depending on the restrictions that were imposed on the optimization. Resultsalso indicate that the optimization algorithm tends to output retaining walls withhigher reinforcement content when optimizing for EI, leading to thinner structuralmembers in comparison to optimizations with respect to IC. A parametric analysis wasfurthermore performed to study the influence of varying heights and concrete classeson the optimized solutions.

Optimization of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls considering environmental impact and investment cost

Schmied, Christofer, Karlsson, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Today's civil engineering structures are most often designed through a trial anderror approach, which means that the designer tests a design solution andevaluates whether all requirements are met. If any of the requirements are notmet, changes are made to the design until a feasible solution is obtained. It is atime-consuming process where the  nal design is not always optimal concerningmaterial consumption. In this study, a program has been developed in MATLAB®for the design of reinforced concrete retaining walls and by using optimizationalgorithms, the design process has been made automated and time-ecient. Theuse of optimization algorithms also allows for  nding a solution that is not onlyfeasible but also optimal. The developed program utilizes two objective functions,minimizing environmental impact or investment cost based on materialconsumption. In addition, the design calculations are developed according toEurocode and additional national requirements of Swedish standards.This thesis presents the background to the study, fundamental optimization theoryand how the developed program is designed. A case study is also presented whereexisting retaining walls have been examined to evaluate what savings could havebeen made using optimization algorithms in the design process. Lastly, guidelinesare also presented for designers to facilitate the choice of cross-sectional dimensionsand reinforcement bar dimensions when designing retaining walls.The results obtained in the case study show that using optimization algorithms inthe design process can make signi cant savings (10-20%) on investment cost andenvironmental impact. Moreover, the results show that an optimized retaining wallconcerning environmental impact also leads to a substantial reduction ininvestment costs and vice versa.

A Numerical Study On The Dynamic Behaviour Of Gravity And Cantilever Retaining Walls With Granular Backfill

Yildiz, Ersan 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dynamic behaviour of gravity and cantilever retaining walls is investigated by finite element method, incorporating the nonlinear elasto-plastic material properties of soil and seperation of the wall and backfill. Two dimensional finite element models are developed employing the finite element software ANSYS. The wall is modelled to rest on a soil layer allowing translational and rotational movements of the wall. Soil-wall systems are subjected to harmonic and real earthquake motions with different magnitude and frequency characteristics at the base. The maximum lateral force and its application point durinG dynamic loading are determined for each case. It is observed that the frequency content of the base motion has a significant influence on the dynamic lateral soil pressures and the lateral forces considerably increase as the base motion frequency approaches the fundamental frequency of the soil layer. The maximum lateral thrusts calculated by finite element analyses are generally found to be greater than those suggested by Mononobe-Okabe method and experimental findings. Nevertheless, the locations of the application point obtained by finite element method are found to be in good agreement with the results of experimental studies.

Naudojamų hidrotechnikos statinių (lengvų) gelžbetonių atraminių sienučių betono stiprio kitimo įtaka laikomąjai galiai / Bearing Capacity Of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls on Operating Hydraulic Structures Under The Influence Of Changing Compression Strength

Andrusevičius, Justinas 08 August 2007 (has links)
Naudojamų hidrotechnikos statinių konstrukcijos veikiamos įvairių apkrovų ir neigiamo aplinkos poveikio nudėvimos, susiformuoja pažeidos. Ypač pavojingos pažeidos, mažinančios pagrindinių konstrukcijų laikančiąją galią. Netekus laikomosios galios kyla grėsmė statinio patikimumui ir ilgaamžiškumui. Remiantis užšalimų – atšilimų ciklų įtakos hidrotechnikos statinių konstrukcijų betonui tyrėjų darbais nustatėme, kad mokslinėje literatūroje lig šiol nepakankamai aptarta atraminių sienučių ilgaamžiškumo nustatymo metodika, pagrįsta pagrindinių betono fizikinių – mechaninių savybių kitimo veikiant užšalimų – atšilimų ciklams, vertinimu. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti hidrotechnikos statinių gelžbetoninių atraminių sienučių betono stiprio kitimo įtaką laikomąjai galiai. 2006–2007 metais tyrinėtos 6 naudojamų žemių užtvankų, esančių Marijampolės rajone, atraminės sienutės. Atliekant tyrimus nustatytos labiausiai pažeistos atraminių sienučių vietos, pažeidų tipas, plotas ir gylis bei nustatyta pagrindinė tiriamoji charakteristika – gniuždomojo betono stipris. Skaičiavimais įvertintas Antanavo hidromazgo atraminių sienučių laikomosios galios rezervas, sudaryta jo priklausomybė nuo gniuždomojo betono stiprio. Remiantis gniuždomojo betono stiprio fc ir vandens įgėrio Wm tyrimų rezultatais, žinant leidžiamą ar prognozuojamą betono stiprio sumažėjimą Δ fc dėl šalčio poveikio, apskaičiuotas betono atsparumo šalčiui rodiklis F50 % bei pagal jį nustatytas ilgaamžiškumo rodiklis – galutinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Hydraulic structures are under the impacts of various loads and aggressive environment during exploitation, they deteriorate and forms pittings. Pittings decreasing bearing capacity of main constructions are very dangerous. After loosing bearing capacity the danger arises for the reliability and durability of the hydraulic structure in general. Analysis of various researchers’ works about frost cycles influence to the concrete of HS showed, that so far in the scientific literature is not sufficiently discussed the method for retaining walls durability determination based on evaluation of change of main physical– mechanical properties of the concrete under the influence of frost cycles. The aim of the work is to evaluate the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete retaining walls under the influence of changing compression strength. The reinforced concrete retaining walls of hydraulic structures in Marijampole district were investigated in 2006–2007. The following characteristics of these retaining walls were determined when carrying out the investigations: main deteriorations and defects, average depth and area of pittings, the actual quantities of main physical-mechanical properties of concrete – compression strength. Remainder of bearing capacity was evaluated by determination of Antanavas retaining walls compression strength. Using the research results of concrete compression strength fc and water absorbability Wm and knowing allowed or forecasted loss of the concrete... [to full text]

Comportement des murs de soutènement en pierre sèche : une modélisation par approche discrète

Oetomo, James 23 September 2014 (has links)
Un mur de soutènement en pierre sèche (MSPS) est un ouvrage vernaculaire construit par empilement de blocs rocheux sans liant. Ce type de mur a fortement sculpté les campagnes françaises mais a aussi été utilisé par le passé dans des ouvrages de soutènement que ce soit routier ou ferroviaire. Pourtant, l’utilisation de cette technologie a disparu au cours du 20e siècle au profit de solutions industrialisées comme le béton armé. Face à ce patrimoine vieillissant, il est très difficile de proposer des protocoles de réparation alors que la réglementation associée à ces ouvrages est inexistante. Pour les mêmes raisons, alors que cette technologie répond parfaitement aux questions soulevées par le développement durable, elle est rarement envisagée ou retenue par les prescripteurs. La rupture des MSPSs neufs peut apparaître à cause de : (1) une poussée excessive du remblai soutenu par le mur, (2) un effort concentré excessif présent sur la surface du remblai et proche de la tête du mur. Ces deux causes induisent deux types de rupture très différents, respectivement : (1) rupture en déformation plane, (2) rupture par apparition d’un ventre. Trois expériences récentes à l’échelle 1 des MSPSs chargés par : (1) une poussée hydrostatique, (2) un remblai, (3) un remblai avec une force concentrée sur la surface de ce dernier, ont permis d’identifier certains phénomènes mis en jeu dans ces ruptures. Ce travail de thèse contribuera alors au développement de nouveaux outils scientifiques mais aussi à valider des outils existants pour dimensionner les MSPSs. Les expériences réalisées à l’échelle 1 serviront alors de cadre à ce travail pour valider les outils développés. Nous avons choisi d’utiliser une approche aux éléments discrets (MED) où chaque bloc de pierre du mur est modélisé individuellement, respectant ainsi la nature-Même de l’ouvrage réel. Dans un premier temps, une rupture de type déformation plane est modélisée par une approche discrète pure et une approche discrète-Continue. Les atouts et inconvénients de chacune des méthodes sont mis en avant. Une validation quantitative des modèles numériques est faite en comparant la hauteur critique de chargement avec les expériences à l’échelle 1. Ensuite, on étudie la sensibilité de plusieurs paramètres géométriques et mécaniques sur la hauteur critique de chargement, tout comme l’influence de la cohésion du remblai. Enfin, une première modélisation 3D de type qualitative sur la rupture des MSPS par un chargement concentré en surface du remblai est présentée. Les problèmes de modélisation sont soulevés et l’influence de la forme des blocs dans le processus de rupture est étudiée. / A dry-Stone retaining wall (DSRW) is a vernacular structure constructed by stacking the stone blocks without using any binder. In the past, this wall has been extensively used, shaping the French countryside area, built either for road or railroad retaining wall. However, the use of this technology has disappeared during 20th century, due to the emergence of more industrialized materials such as reinforced concrete. Confronted by these ageing heritage structures, it is very difficult to propose a proper reparation procedure since the building codes associated with this structure are nonexistent. For the same reason, though this technology perfectly answers the questions raised by the concept of sustainable development, in practice this structure is rarely considered or used by the engineering advisors. The failure of the newly built DSRWs can be attributed to the following reasons: (1) an excessive pressure of backfill retained by the wall, (2) a presence of an excessive concentrated load on the backfill surface, close to the top part of the wall. These two types of loading lead to two very different types of failure, respectively: (1) plane strain failure, (2) bulging failure. Three recent experimental campaigns of DSRWs loaded with: (1) hydrostatic pressure, (2) backfill, (3) backfill with a concentrated on its surface, provided a better understanding of phenomena involved in these failures. The work presented in this PhD thesis contributes to the development of new scientific tools capable to help design the DSRWs, as well as validating existing tools. The recent full-Scale experimental campaign will serve as a basis to the validation of the developed numerical tools. We have chosen to use a discrete element method (DEM) where each stone block of the wall is modeled individually, complying with the nature of real DSRW. In the first place, the plane strain failure is modeled by a purely discrete approach and a discrete-Continuum approach. The advantage and inconvenient of each method will be presented in advance. A quantitative validation of numerical models is provided by comparing the critical height of loading with results derived from the full-Scale experimental campaign. Thereafter, a 3D qualitative model of DSRWs loaded with a concentrated load on the backfill surface is presented. The modeling problem is noted and the influence of the block form in regards of the related failure mechanism is studied.

Založení čtyřpodlažní obytné budovy v území náchylném k sesouvání. / Foundation of Building in Landslide Area

Golka, Kamil January 2012 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the exploration the landslide, landslide stabilization, design foundation and construct buildings in Brno Bystrc. Attention will be given to slopes safety factor and especially to design four-floor building construction.

Life Cycle Assessment and Costing of Geosynthetics Versus Earthen Materials

Chulski, Katherine D. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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