Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reuse"" "subject:"keuse""
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Reúso de água em indústria metalúrgica rolamenteira - estudo de caso da SKF do Brasil Ltda. / Reuse of water in bearing industry - case study of SKF of Brazil Ltda.Maron Júnior, Romário 25 April 2006 (has links)
Com a globalização do mercado, muitas empresas procuraram se modernizar objetivando tornarem-se mais competitivas, com o crescimento industrial os recursos naturais apresentam-se mais escassos levando ao desenvolvimento de leis ambientais cada vez mais rígidas. Os custos envolvidos com o uso dos recursos naturais, têm levado as indústrias a buscarem alternativas a curto e médio prazos para minimizarem estes custos, procurando reduzir os seus impactos ambientais. A busca para um menor consumo de água através de técnicas de reúso e reciclagem nos processos industriais passam a fazer parte do planejamento estratégico de várias empresas, inclusive das rolamenteiras. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de reúso da água da atividade de tamboreamento de rolos cônicos com espessura entre 5 a 8 mm e altura de 6 a 8 mm, sendo uma atividade de suma importância para garantir um padrão de qualidade satisfatório, de forma que as atividades subsequentes sejam efetuadas sem anomalias técnicas, conduzindo à obtenção de um produto final de qualidade. Por não requerer uma água com padrões elevados de qualidade, neste trabalho foi demonstrado o potencial de reúso de efluentes na atividade de tamboreamento, viabilizando-se sobre maneira o objeto deste estudo, onde é possível avaliar os aspectos físicos e químicos antes e após o tratamento da água para futura implantação contínua. / With the globalization of the market, many companies had looked for to be modernized for becoming more competitive. With the industrial growth, natural resources scarcity, and environmental pollution result in the development of more stringent laws. The costs associated with the use of the natural resources are taking the industries to search alternatives of short and long terms to minimize these costs looking for the reduction of its environmental impacts. The searching for reduced water consumption through techniques of reuse and recycling in its processes start to be integrated in the strategic planning of some companies including the bearing industry. The present work has been developed with the objective of evaluating the potential of water reuse in the activity of tumbling conical coils with thickness in the range of 5 to 8 mm, and height of 6 to 8 mm, being an activity of utmost importance to guarantee a satisfactory quality standard, in order that the subsequent activities are effected without anomalies, leading to the attainment of an end product of quality. By not requiring water with high standards of quality, in this work the potential of effluent reuse was demonstrated in the activity of tumbling, making possible to achieve the objective of this study, where it was possible to evaluate water physical and chemical aspects before and after the treatment for future implantation in continue way.
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Advances in the use of aerobic sequencing batch reactors for biological wastewater treatmentRasheed, Adamu Abubakar January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this research was to contribute to the optimisation of aerobic wastewater treatment processes in sequencing batch reactors, by investigating the performance of the process with real and model wastewaters in order to achieve the highest possible reduction of influent COD with the minimum reactor volume and oxygen consumption. Six industrial wastewaters from the food and drink companies were treated in lab-scale aerobic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) inoculated with soil and monitored for COD and total suspended solids (TSS) removal. The results showed high COD removal efficiencies for all the wastewaters, in the range of 64-95 %. Extended aeration tests were carried out on the reactor effluents and the results indicated that the residual soluble COD was not further biodegradable. This indicates that the soluble BOD removal in the reactors was virtually 100 %. The biodegradation efficiency was investigated over two values of the solids retention time (SRT) and the performance of the reactors was essentially unaffected by the SRT (in the range of 7-18 days considered in this study). This means that very good COD removal can be achieved at relatively lower SRT, with potential savings in capital and operating costs. The removal of TSS for the wastewaters was not satisfactory, largely due to the low food to microorganism (F/M) ratios (0.13-0.29 kg COD/kg biomass.day) in the reactors. Three batch tests at different initial substrate to biomass (So/Xo) ratios were carried out on each of the two industrial wastewaters for kinetic characterisation of the wastewaters. Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) was measured during the tests and the OUR profiles were used for the estimation of the kinetic parameters using a mathematical model consisting of substrate hydrolysis, biomass growth and endogenous metabolism. The results showed large variations with regards to the values of the parameters for each wastewater due to day-to-day variability in the biomass's response to substrate utilisation. For the two industrial wastewaters, the hydrolysis rate constant (kh) and half saturation constant for slowly biodegradable substrate (KX) were found to be in the range of 2.21-14.8 kg COD/kg biomass.day and 0.006-0.45 kg COD/kg biomass respectively. The maximum growth rate (μmax) and the half saturation rate constant for readily biodegradable substrates (KS) ranged between 1.21-7.3 day-1 and 0.004-0.89 kg COD/m3 respectively. The biomass growth yield (YX/S) and the endogenous metabolism coefficient (b) were found to be 0.3-0.57 kg biomass/kg COD and 0.001-0.41 day -1 respectively. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) and SRT were optimised in order to minimise the SBR volume and maximise the organic loading rate (OLR) of the SBR process. Two model wastewaters, glucose and ethanol, were used in the study. An experiment of eleven different SBR runs (HRT in the range of 0.25-4 days and SRT of 1-65.3 days) was carried on the glucose wastewater. Nine different SBR runs were carried out on ethanol wastewater (HRT in the range of 0.5-4 days and SRT of 1-73.6 days). The minimum HRT and SRT values for the successful operation for glucose wastewater treatment were 0.25 days and 3.1 days respectively while the minimum HRT and SRT for ethanol were 0.5 days and 4.9 days respectively. The highest corresponding OLR values from the minimum HRT and SRT which gave satisfactory process performance were 4.28 g COD/l.day and 4.14 g COD/l.day for glucose and ethanol wastewaters respectively, which are among the highest OLRs reported in the literature for aerobic conventional dispersed-growth processes. The calculated oxygen consumption and biomass production were found to depend on the SRT as well as the OLR, where in general, oxygen consumption increased while biomass production decreased at higher OLR. Batch tests were also carried out on the two model wastewaters for kinetic characterisation. The kinetic parameters for glucose wastewater were: 1.07-4.79 day -1 for μmax, 0.24-0.45 kg COD/m3 for KS, 0.04-0.1 day-1 and 0.47-0.6 kg biomass/kg COD for b and YX/S respectively. For ethanol wastewater, the kinetic parameters were: 0.99-2.3 day -1 for μmax, 0.001-0.04 kg COD/m3 for KS, 0.05-0.2 day-1 and 0.38-0.51 kg biomass/kg COD for b and YX/S respectively. A new mathematical model and procedure to calculate the periodic steady state of the SBR using a kinetic model of the biological process and values of the kinetic parameters was developed. This new procedure allows the direct calculation of the steady state profiles of biomass and substrate in the SBR without calculating the dynamics of the system from start up to steady state. The numerical accuracy of the procedure was discussed and the model was applied to show the effect of the operating parameters (SRT, HRT, length of the phases and number of cycles) on the steady state performance in terms of biomass and substrate concentrations. It was also shown how the model can be used for various applications like: optimisation of operating parameters for a minimum reactor volume; simulation of the competition between filamentous and floc-forming bacteria for bulking control; and calculation of the minimum volumetric mass-transfer coefficient required to maintain a desired oxygen concentration. In the end, the periodic steady state of the SBR was simulated for the industrial and model wastewaters at various values of the operating conditions (e.g. HRT, SRT, number of cycles) using the developed SBR model with values of kinetic parameters obtained from the various batch tests. The predicted model performance in terms of effluent quality and biomass concentration was compared with experimental results achieved during the treatment of the wastewaters. The simulation gave very good prediction of the extent of substrate removal for all the wastewaters. However, the prediction was not very accurate for biomass concentration. The study indicated that a good model prediction in terms of biomass production is strongly dependent on the values of the kinetic parameters especially b and YX/S.
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Reuso de água na lavagem de veículos. / Water reuse for carwash.Eduardo Bronzatti Morelli 07 June 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta, em primeiro lugar, um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a conceituação de reuso de água em todas as suas modalidades. A seguir, uma análise da situação atual desta prática na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, apresentando estudos em andamento na Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo Sabesp e os aspectos relativos à elaboração de legislação específica sobre o assunto no país. Dando ênfase à reutilização das águas para lavagem de veículos, apresenta o que já existe nesta área no Brasil. Descreve alguns sistemas de tratamento que propiciam a recirculação do efluente proveniente da lavagem de veículos, citando suas etapas, processos utilizados, vantagens e desvantagens. São apresentados dados técnicos relativos à implantação, funcionamento e manutenção de sistemas de reuso, observados em visitas técnicas a uma empresa de transporte de passageiros e a alguns postos de lavagem de automóveis, localizados na cidade de São Paulo. Por fim recomendam-se dois tipos de sistemas para recirculação de água proveniente da lavagem de veículos. Um desenvolvido com recursos próprios, baseado em processos de floculação e sedimentação e outro adquirido de empresa especializada que utiliza o processo de flotação. Chegando-se a conclusão de ser possível a reciclagem e o reúso de águas em empresas deste ramo de atividade, ou similares, conforme a necessidade de aplicação, reduzindo-se de 70 a 80% os custos com a água de lavagem dos veículos, adequando processos e contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente. / The present work presents, in the first place, a bibliographical survey on the conceptualization of "water reuse" in all its modalities. To follow, an analysis of the current situation of this practice in the São Paulo´s Metropolitan Region, presenting studies in progress in the Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo - Sabesp and the relative aspects in the Legislation on the subject in the country. It describes some of the treatment systems that make possible the recirculation of the effluent deriving from car wash, citing its stages, used processes, advantages and disadvantages. There are some technical information about the implamentation, functioning and maintenance of systems of reuse, observed in technical inspections to a company of transport of passengers and to some ranks of car wash stations, located in the city of Sao Paulo. In conclusion, there is the possibility of recycling and reusing the waters in companies in this line of activity, or similar, as the necessity of application, reducing costs (70 80%), adjusting processes and contributing to the preservation of the environment. Finally, two types of systems are recommended for water recirculation deriving from car wash.
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Tecnologias de reúso aplicadas ao abastecimento de água potável e industrial da Baixada Santista / Reuse technologies applied to the drinking water and industrial supply of Baixada SantistaCarlos Lopes dos Santos 22 December 1992 (has links)
Nesta tese, é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica de reuso potável indireto e reuso industrial. Examina-se na prática dois estudos de caso, um de reuso industrial e um de reuso potável com aplicação para a Baixada Santista. O de reuso industrial refere-se ao projeto de fornecidmento de água oriunda da represa Billings, que com pequeno tratamento é oferecida às indústrias de Cubatão para fins não nobres como por exemplo, refrigeração, aquecimento a vapor, rega de jardins, abatimento de material particulado. etc. Quanto ao de reuso potável a apresentação se faz através de experimentos de laboratórios, examinando-se trihalometanos (THM) e o poder desinfetante de alguns produtos químicos após passagem da água por carvão ativado granular e outros tratamentos, e suas consequências na rede de abastecimento de água. Concluiu-se que o melhor ponto de instalação da captação para o abastecimento de água industrial fica entre os canais de fuga da usina Henry Borden, em Cubatão, por seu melhor desempenho econômico e pela possibilidade de atendimento no futuro a outras indústrias. Ainda, se comprovou a eficiência do carvão ativado granular na remoção dos precursores de THM e o baixo poder desinfetante da cloramina. / There is in this thesis, a small literature revision about the matter, mainly about indirect potable reuse and industrial reuse. In the practical part they are examined in two cases, industrial reuse and potable reuse, both for the Santos Basin. In the Industrial Reuse, there is a project to distribute industrial water to Cubatão industries, using water from Billings after a small treatment. This water is to be used in refrigeration of steel or to boil water to obtain steam or put in solid material to avoid air pollution, etc. In Potable Reuse, there are many laboratory experiences about THM and desinfection by many chemical products and their consequences in distribuition of water. In conclusion, the best place for ínstalation of the collection of water is located between the Henry Borden Power Plant Channels, in Cubatão, for it\'s superior economic performance and for the possibility to support other industries in the future. It has already confirmed the efficiency of the granular activated carbon to remove THM precursors and its inability to desinfect ammonia chlorine.
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Cultivo de pimentão em sistema hidropônico com água de reúso em diferentes níveis de reposição de água no substrato /Carvalho, Renata da Silva Cuba de, 1983. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Roberto Gabriel Almeida Filho / Resumo: O interesse em aplicar águas residuárias na agricultura tem sido crescente, pelo fato de representarem uma fonte alternativa de água e nutrientes para as culturas. Além disso, há a necessidade de buscar sistemas de produção que proporcionem o uso mais eficiente da água. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o intuito de cultivar o pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) e determinar o seu desenvolvimento vegetativo, fisiológico, estado nutricional e produção, em sistema hidropônico utilizando substrato fibra da casca de coco e água de reúso para preparar a solução nutritiva, além de realizar a reposição dessa solução nutritiva no substrato em diferentes percentuais da evapotranspiração da cultura (100, 75 e 50%), medida através de lisímetros de lençol freático constantes. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de polietileno, com volume de 15 litros, preenchidos com fibra de coco de granulometria fina, com distribuição da solução nutritiva através de um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. O delineamento experimental envolveu dois fatores, tipos de água (potável e reúso) e lâminas de reposição de solução nutritiva no substrato (100, 75 e 50% da evapotranspiração da cultura), distribuídos inteiramente ao acaso com dez repetições, totalizando 60 parcelas. O manejo da irrigação foi feito a partir de medições diretas da evapotranspiração da cultura em três lisímetros de lençol freático constante. Avaliou-se a altura e o diâmetro da base caulinar das plantas a cada 30 dias, ao l... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The interest in utilizing wastewater in agriculture has increased because it represents an alternative source of water and nutrients for crops. Furthermore, there is a need to seek production systems that can provide the most efficient usage of water. In this context, the object of the present research is to cultivate bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) and determine its vegetative, physiological, nutritional status and production development in a hydroponic system using as a substrate coconut shell fiber and recycled water to prepare the nutrient solution, as well as replenishing such nutrient solution in the substrate in different percentages of crop evapotranspiration (100, 75 and 50%), measured by constant water table lysimeters. The plants were cultivated in 15 liter polyethylene pots, filled with coconut fiber resulted from granulometry of fine aggregates with distribution of the nutrient solution through a drip irrigation system. The experimental design involved two factors, water types (potable and recycled) and nutrient solution replacement leaf blades into the substrate (100, 75 and 50% of crop evapotranspiration), randomly distributed with ten replications, totaling 60 plots. Irrigation management was based on direct measurements of the crop evapotranspiration in three lysimeters of constant water table. The height and diameter of the plants stem base were evaluated every 30 days, during the experimental period. On the 115th day after transplantation, the physiologic... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Reúso de água: proposta principiológica para desenvolvimento de disciplina legal no Brasil / Reuse of water: proposal for development principled legal discipline in BrazilFink, Daniel Roberto 06 February 2003 (has links)
A água é um bem essencial à vida. Por meio de sua utilização, a humanidade ao longo dos séculos vem desenvolvendo suas atividades econômicas, sociais e culturais. Mais recentemente a água se torna importante também para manutenção de ecossistemas e da vida, independentemente de estar ligada ao homem. Contudo, a água vem sofrendo duros golpes em sua qualidade e quantidade. O crescimento populacional desorganizado, provocando demandas crescentes por água potável e a poluição hídrica, são fatores que têm contribuído para sua escassez e piora de sua qualidade. A racionalização da utilização dos recursos naturais, passou a ser uma componente aguda na gestão ambiental e, em especial, dos recursos hídricos. Práticas ligadas à reutilização de recursos, como reciclagem de resíduos e reúso de água, cada vez mais ganham a pauta ambiental. O reúso de água se apresenta, assim, como alternativa para minorar a quantidade de água captada e minimizar o descarte de esgotos e efluentes. O reúso pode ocorrer nos vários usos múltiplos de recursos hídricos: abastecimento público, lazer, geração de energia, navegação, afastamento de esgotos, recarga de lençol freático, atividades esportivas, usos urbanos, agricultura e processos industriais. Há riscos na utilização de água de reúso. Há necessidade de regramentos para balizar esses usos e evitar efeitos negativos, em especial à saúde pública. O Direito positivo, por meio do exercício da competência legislativa do Estado, tem contribuição a dar no estabelecimento de regras condicionadoras do reúso. Essas regras devem, antes, estar baseadas em princípios capazes de orientar todo um conjunto de normas, gerais ou específicas, que venham num futuro regular o tema de reúso de água. presente trabalho pretende apontar alguns desses princípios. / Water is an essential asset. The human kind, using it during the last centuries, has been developing many economical, social and cultural activities. Nowadays, water has also become important for the maintenance of life and the ecosystems. 7 Connected or not to mankind. Water is undergoing severe damage, though. The unorganized population growth creates a crescent need for drinking water. On the other hand, the hidrical pollution caused by this uncontrolled growth has also contributed for the lack of amount and quality of the water. The rationalization of the usage of the natural resources has become an important component regarding environmental administration, specially the rationalization of hydrae resources. Practices such as the reutilization, recycling and the reuse of water are being more and more considered. The reuse of water itself is the alternative to reduce the amount of captured water and to minimize the dumping of sewer. The reuse may occur through many different hydria resources public supply, leisure, energy generation, navigation, shoving off the sewer, reloading the ground water, sports activities, urban usage, agricultural and industrial processes. There are some risks in working with the reuse of water, though. There is a need to create rules to establish this use and to avoid the negative effects it may cause, especially regarding the public health. The law, under the competence of the legislative state has to contribute to establish rules to regulate the reuse of water. These rules shall, above all, be based on principles which are capable to guide the whole set of principles, either specific or general, that might regulate the theme of water reuse in the near future. This is the purpose of this work.
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Patterns of Learning Object Reuse in the Connexions RepositoryDuncan, S. M. 01 May 2009 (has links)
Doctoral Dissertation abstract: Since the term learning object was first published, there has been either an explicit or implicit expectation of reuse. There has also been a lot of speculation about why learning objects are, or are not, reused. This study quantitatively examined the actual amount and type of learning object use, to include reuse, modification, and translation, within a single open educational resource repositoryâConnexions. The results indicate that about a quarter of used objects are subsequently reused, modified, or translated. While these results are repository specific, they represent an important first step in providing an empirical evaluation of the frequency and some reasons for reuse, as well as establishing metrics and terminology for future studies.
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Vers une approche orientée aspect d'ingénierie des besoins dans les organisations multi-entreprises / Towards an aspect-oriented requirements engineering approach in organizations multi-enterprisesAmroune, Mohammed 24 October 2014 (has links)
Le système d’information coopératif (SIC) est un élément central dans le domaine de la coopération interentreprises. Son développement nécessite une attention particulière afin de prendre en considération tous les problèmes émergeants, surtout celui des préoccupations transversales qui posent des difficultés pour la compréhension, la maintenance, l’évolution, et la réutilisation des systèmes développés. Dans les approches usuelles de développement, la construction de ce genre de système part de zéro et nécessite de tout reconstruire à chaque fois. Nos travaux de recherche dans cette thèse examinent comment une approche orientée aspect appliquée de la phase de recueil des exigences à la phase de conception peut être proposée comme un outil permettant de développer des SICs à partir de systèmes d’information (SIs) préalablement existants produits à l’occasion de développements antérieurs. L’utilisation du paradigme Aspect dans cette approche tente de réutiliser des artéfacts des SIs existants afin de développer le futur SIC supportant la coopération interentreprises. / It is often difficult for a single Information System (IS) to accomplish complex requirements. One solution is to combine many different ISs and make them collaborate to realize this task. Information systems composition is an active ongoing area of research in the field of information systems. The result of IS composition produces one type of a so called Cooperative Information System (CIS). Its development requires a particular attention to process all emerging problems, especially the crosscutting concerns that pose difficulties to understand, maintain and reuse such cooperative systems. Moreover, the aspect paradigm is presented as a promising avenue for reusability. Thus, we argue that it is interesting to propose an aspect approach to build a new system in order to accomplish complex tasks based on the reuse of system’s artefacts previously developed. According to our best of knowledge few works have tackled this question. In this thesis, we present an aspect-oriented approach called AspeCiS, applied from the requirements engineering phase until the design phase, in order to develop a CIS from existing ISs by using their artifacts such as requirements, architectures and design. Therefore, this approach is opposed to conventional development ones in which the construction of a new system starts from nothing and needs reinventing everything every time.
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LIGHT IN COMMUNITY: a study in the adaptive reuse of sacred spaceBarras, Abigail 01 January 2019 (has links)
MOTIVATION American life is increasingly fragmented, leading to a sense of restlessness and disconnection. Much of that fragmentation can be traced to our pattern of architectural and sociological development, namely, the rise of the automobile suburbs in the 1950s and 60s and the abandonment of densely populated, human- scaled environments like that of the small town or city center (Oldenberg, 1999).
PROBLEM Large numbers of architecturally significant buildings have fallen into disrepair over the years following the “white flight” of the 1960s and 70s, during which significant segments of investment dollars left city centers and followed to the suburbs (Kunstler, 1994). Specifically, older church buildings have fallen victim to a dilemma of sociological change. Many of the congregations that inhabit historic church buildings do not have the vitality, vision, and sometimes funds to maintain their buildings. While there are many newer congregations that do have the vision and vitality to maintain an older building, they often do not have the funds to do so. As a result, an increasing number of community treasures, buildings built at a dense urban and human scale, are being lost to neglect and misuse.
METHODS In order to gain a clearer and more specific understanding of the issues involved in revitalizing and maintaining historic sacred spaces for the benefit of their communities, a course of study was undertaken which included readings of books and articles on urban revitalization such as “The Past and Future City” by Stephanie Meeks, those on third place like Ray Oldenberg’s classic, “The Great Good Place”, and some on the integration of the arts in community centers and shared space. Case studies of successful adaptive reuse projects of church and synagogue buildings, such as Maison de la Littérature in Quebec City and those undertaken by Partners for Sacred Places in Philadelphia, were investigated. Interviews were conducted with leaders from both older and newer urban congregations, and with directors of local community centers and for-profit businesses.
RESULTS According to studies completed by The National Trust, historic buildings help a city to maintain its urban vitality, and maintaining stock of old buildings must be an important component of any serious conversation about sustainability in the built environment (Meeks, 2016). At the same time, many historic and architecturally significant buildings which were constructed at a time when church attendance was a larger part of the American cultural experience are falling into disrepair because the congregations that inhabit them are often unable to generate the energy, vitality, and funding that is necessary to maintain them.
REFLECTIONS/CONCLUSIONS This project will explore the development of a community center for education and the performing arts in an historic church building. The program will include a small cafe, rentable studio space, a library/ reading room, a performance venue, and event space. Research will support development of a third place model, successful adaptive reuse of sacred space, and will explore options for cost-effective renovation of an historic space.
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Regaining control of false findings in feature selection, classification, and prediction on neuroimaging and genomics dataJanuary 2018 (has links)
acase@tulane.edu / The technological advances of past decades have led to the accumulation of large amounts of genomic and neuroimaging data, enabling novel strategies in precision medicine. These largely rely on machine learning algorithms and modern statistical methods for big biological datasets, which are data-driven rather than hypothesis-driven. These methods often lack guarantees on the validity of the research findings. Because it can be a matter of life and death, when computational methods are deployed in clinical practice in medicine, establishing guarantees on the validity of the results is essential for the advancement of precision medicine. This thesis proposes several novel sparse regression and sparse canonical correlation analysis techniques, which by design include guarantees on the false discovery rate in variable selection. Variable selection on biomedical data is essential for many areas of healthcare, including precision medicine, population stratification, drug development, and predictive modeling of disease phenotypes. Predictive machine learning models can directly affect the patient when used to aid diagnosis, and therefore they need to be thoroughly evaluated before deployment. We present a novel approach to validly reuse the test data for performance evaluation of predictive models. The proposed methods are validated in the application on large genomic and neuroimaging datasets, where they confirm results from previous studies and also lead to new biological insights. In addition, this work puts a focus on making the proposed methods widely available to the scientific community though the release of free and open-source scientific software. / 1 / Alexej Gossmann
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