Spelling suggestions: "subject:"revisions"" "subject:"devisions""
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Speech revisions in monolingual English and Spanish-English bilingual childrenTaliancich, Casey Lynn 03 September 2015 (has links)
This study explores the manifestation patterns of speech revisions in monolingual English and Spanish-English bilingual children. All speakers exhibit speech revisions to some degree and some researchers have indicated that they may manifest due to linguistic uncertainty (Bedore et al., 2006; Loban, 1976). In the current study, speech revisions were documented in the context of two narrative conditions manipulated to elicit revisions. In one context, a high uncertainty condition, the narrative picture sequence depicted a vague or unclear ending to a story, therefore increasing the speaker’s linguistic uncertainty. In the second condition, the low uncertainty condition, the narrative picture sequence had a logical ending reducing linguistic uncertainty. These tasks were designed to elicit speech revisions in children ranging in age from 3;5 to 5;11. Participants included 33 Spanish-English bilingual Kindergarten-age children, 32 language-matched monolingual English-speaking pre-K children, and 37 age-matched monolingual English- speaking children. All children exhibited typical language abilities based on a language screening measure. The first research question was whether there was a difference in the rate of speech revisions in English between the narratives with high and low uncertainty across the 3 groups of children. The second question pertained to whether the rate of speech revisions in their narrative samples was influenced by task (high vs low uncertainty condition) when language productivity as measured by lexical diversity (NDW), mean length of utterance (MLU) and grammaticality. Results indicated that all of the children across the three groups exhibited fewer speech revisions in the low uncertainty condition than in the high uncertainty condition. There were no differences observed by group for frequency of revisions across task condition. Further, NDW accounted for a significant amount of the variance in frequency of revisions across all three groups. Again, there were no group differences observed in frequency of speech revisions when measures of language productivity were controlled. These results indicate that in an experimental condition, bilinguals were no more susceptible to exhibit revisions than their monolingual peers. Implications for these results and further considerations regarding revisions and the speech production process for monolinguals and bilinguals are discussed. / text
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A Critical Study of the Substantive Textual Variants in the Three Versions of Henry James's "The Wings of the Dove" Together with a Complete Record of Substantive VariantsVincec, Sister Mary Stephanie 10 1900 (has links)
No abstract provided. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / Scope and contents: The first part of the thesis is an orientation to the novel itself, since the entire work must be taken as the only meaningful context for a consideration of the substantive variants. The second part consists of an examination of the selected revisions in the light of the full context and of James's theory of revision. The third part is a record of substantive variants. The appendices contain a report on computer collation of a section of the text and two extended notes on specific substantive variants.
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Information efficiency changes following FTSE 100 index revisionsDaya, Wael, Mazouz, Khelifa, Freeman, Mark C. January 2012 (has links)
No / This study examines the impact of FTSE 100 index revisions on the informational efficiency of the underlying stocks. Our study spans the 1986–2009 period. We estimate the speed of price adjustment and price inefficiency from the partial adjustment with noise model of Amihud and Mendelson (1987). We report a significant improvement (no change) in the informational efficiency of the stocks added to (deleted from) the FTSE 100 index. The asymmetric effect of additions and deletions on informational efficiency can be attributed, at least partly, to certain aspects of liquidity and other fundamental characteristics, which improve following additions but do not diminish after deletions. Cross-sectional analysis also indicates that stocks with low pre-addition market quality benefit more from joining the index.
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Konsultation vs. Oberoendet : En studie om revisionsbyråers tjänster ur intressenternas perspektivChristensen, Robin, Feldt, Hugo January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Revisorsyrket utvecklas ständigt. Från att tidigare ha ansetts vara en räknande ensamvarg sittandes på sitt kontor är nu revisorn en fullfjädrad konsult med kommunikation som sin vardagliga huvudsyssla. Allteftersom revisorns arbetsuppgifter byts ut från att till största del bestå av revision till att bestå mer och mer av konsulttjänster, kan revisorns ställning som en oberoende granskare av företags räkenskaper ifrågasättas. Syftet med uppsatsen är att först utforska vilka konsulttjänster, eller Non-Audit Services (NAS), som erbjuds av en revisionsbyrå. Sedan tar studien reda på vad olika intressentgrupper tycker om att revisionsbyråer bistår sina revisionskunder med NAS. Avslutningsvis undersöks intressentgruppernas uppfattning om biståendet av NAS påverkan på oberoendet. Studien byggs upp av agentteorin och intressentteorin, där revisorn ses som en oberoende granskare som ska säkerställa att företagsledningen agerar optimalt för företagets ägare och intressenter. För att få reda på vilka tjänster som NAS innefattar görs först en pilotstudie med intervjuer av fyra revisorer med varierande erfarenhet. Sedan görs en enkätundersökning där frågorna tas fram utifrån informationen från pilotstudien. De intressenter som enkäten skickas ut till är Bankanställda, Investerare/Aktieägare, Revisor/Revisorsassistent/Redovisningskonsult, Skatteverket, Studenter och Andra företag. Resultatet av studien visar att samtliga intressentgrupper ställer sig positiva till att revisionsbyråer bistår sina revisionskunder med NAS, där gruppen Revisor var mest positiva och Studenter och Investerare/Aktieägare minst positiva. Vidare anser samtliga intressentgrupper att biståendet av NAS endast påverkar oberoendet i liten utsträckning, där Revisor anser att det påverkar minst och Investerare/Aktieägare anser att det påverkar mest. Slutsatserna är att intressenterna ser NAS som något positivt och att dess påverkan på oberoendet är lägre än dess positiva sida för företagare.
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Obligatorisk revisorrotation : Skulle börsbolagen påverkas?Olofsson, Erik, Johansson, Therese January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bara under de senaste åren har en rad ekonomiska skandaler skett på grund av manipulation i bokföringen. Manipulation som i de fall som vi tar upp Enron, Woldcom samt Skandia inte hade varit möjliga att genomföra utan hjälp av revisorer. Enron skandalen som var den första av de tre nämna har bidragit till införandet av Sarbanes-Oxely Act. En lag som bland annat kräver revisorrotation, det vill säga en revisor får inte sitta och skriva under revisionsberättelsen på samma firma mer än 5 år innan det ska ske ett byte. Även EU har efter skandalerna bidragit med en liknande rekommendation som innebär att en rotation bland revisorerna förespråkas vart 7:e år. Utifrån denna rekommendation har uppsatsens problemformulering skapats som lyder:</p><p>”Skulle införande av en lag gällande obligatorisk revisorrotation ha någon inverkan på bolag som är noterade på Svenska Large Cap?”</p><p>Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att svara på ovanstående problemformulering samt att besvara delsyftet som innebär att se om det finns någon skillnad mellan revisorrotationen mellan de olika branscherna.</p><p>Teorin har vi delats in i tre olika delar för att underlätta läsandet. Huvudrubrikerna är Revision, Earnings management samt Revisorrotation. De två första teoridelarna är med för att ge läsaren en bättre förståelse om ämnet. Ur den sista teoridelen, revisorrotation utgår empirin och analysen från.</p><p>Rapporten har utförts med en deduktiv kvantitativ ansats. Där ett stratifierat slumpmässigt urval av företagen i de olika branscherna på Svenska Large Cap genomfördes med syfte att få ett representativt urval. Datainsamlingen bestod i att ta ut de revisorer som skriver under revisionsberättelsen från respektive bolags årsredovisning. Undersökningsperioden var på 10 år och sträckte mellan åren 1997-2006.</p><p>Empirin har sedan sammanställts i stapeldiagram där var och en av branscherna till en början har analyserats individuellt. I slutet av empirin har det sedan gjorts en sammanfattande jämförelse mellan de olika branscherna samt en sammanställning av Svenska Large Cap.</p><p>Slutligen resulterade studien i ett konstaterande att införandet av en obligatorisk revisorrotation skulle ha en inverkan på de bolagen som är noterade på Svenska Large Cap.</p>
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Obligatorisk revisorrotation : Skulle börsbolagen påverkas?Olofsson, Erik, Johansson, Therese January 2007 (has links)
Bara under de senaste åren har en rad ekonomiska skandaler skett på grund av manipulation i bokföringen. Manipulation som i de fall som vi tar upp Enron, Woldcom samt Skandia inte hade varit möjliga att genomföra utan hjälp av revisorer. Enron skandalen som var den första av de tre nämna har bidragit till införandet av Sarbanes-Oxely Act. En lag som bland annat kräver revisorrotation, det vill säga en revisor får inte sitta och skriva under revisionsberättelsen på samma firma mer än 5 år innan det ska ske ett byte. Även EU har efter skandalerna bidragit med en liknande rekommendation som innebär att en rotation bland revisorerna förespråkas vart 7:e år. Utifrån denna rekommendation har uppsatsens problemformulering skapats som lyder: ”Skulle införande av en lag gällande obligatorisk revisorrotation ha någon inverkan på bolag som är noterade på Svenska Large Cap?” Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att svara på ovanstående problemformulering samt att besvara delsyftet som innebär att se om det finns någon skillnad mellan revisorrotationen mellan de olika branscherna. Teorin har vi delats in i tre olika delar för att underlätta läsandet. Huvudrubrikerna är Revision, Earnings management samt Revisorrotation. De två första teoridelarna är med för att ge läsaren en bättre förståelse om ämnet. Ur den sista teoridelen, revisorrotation utgår empirin och analysen från. Rapporten har utförts med en deduktiv kvantitativ ansats. Där ett stratifierat slumpmässigt urval av företagen i de olika branscherna på Svenska Large Cap genomfördes med syfte att få ett representativt urval. Datainsamlingen bestod i att ta ut de revisorer som skriver under revisionsberättelsen från respektive bolags årsredovisning. Undersökningsperioden var på 10 år och sträckte mellan åren 1997-2006. Empirin har sedan sammanställts i stapeldiagram där var och en av branscherna till en början har analyserats individuellt. I slutet av empirin har det sedan gjorts en sammanfattande jämförelse mellan de olika branscherna samt en sammanställning av Svenska Large Cap. Slutligen resulterade studien i ett konstaterande att införandet av en obligatorisk revisorrotation skulle ha en inverkan på de bolagen som är noterade på Svenska Large Cap.
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Eucharist and Anthropology: Seeking Convergence on Eucharistic Sacrifice Between Catholics and MethodistsSours, Stephen January 2011 (has links)
<p>Eucharistic sacrifice is both a doctrine of the church and a sacramental practice. Doctrinally, it explains in what manner the sacrament is a sacrifice, or at least its sacrificial dimension; liturgically, it refers to the offering that is made in the church's celebration of the eucharist, that is, who and what is offered and by whom. Since the Reformation, Catholics and Protestants have been divided over of eucharistic sacrifice, and for most of its history after the death of the Wesleys, Methodism somewhat uncritically followed in the Protestant tradition. Now, after four decades of productive ecumenical dialogue, Catholics and Methodists seek to discern the points of convergence and divergence between them on this controversial doctrine. In short, where do Catholics and Methodists agree and disagree on eucharistic sacrifice? This dissertation is a work of systematic theology that draws from the insights of several related fields: liturgical theology, historical theology, sacramental theology, ecclesiology, and ecumenism. An investigation into what Catholics and Methodists have shared with each other to date in ecumenical dialogue serves to elucidate the state of affairs between the two churches. The traditioning voices of Thomas Aquinas and John Wesley provide instances of detailed teaching on eucharistic sacrifice. Aquinas' theology has continued to inform Catholic teaching, while Wesley's was largely forgotten in nineteenth century Methodism. His theology of eucharistic sacrifice anticipates significantly the convergence that the liturgical and ecumenical movements have achieved on this topic through their attention to the theology of the early church, yet only a handful of contemporary Methodist theologians have explored Wesley's theology of eucharistic sacrifice in detail, and fewer still from an ecumenical perspective. In recent decades, Catholic and Methodist churches have circulated official teaching on eucharistic sacrifice and made significant revisions to their eucharistic liturgies. An analysis of these texts demonstrates how each church currently articulates its doctrine of eucharistic sacrifice and celebrates it sacramentally. The analysis also allows for an assessment of the current degree of convergence between the two churches on eucharistic sacrifice. The conclusion is that, first, Methodism has begun to recover a strong doctrine of eucharistic sacrifice, and greater attention to its Wesleyan heritage can only strengthen it further. Second, the two churches share more on eucharistic sacrifice than is frequently appreciated; indeed, Methodism should recognize in Catholicism a doctrine and a liturgy with which it can fully agree. Third, eucharistic sacrifice necessitates a clearly-formulated ecclesiology, which is a topic in the dialogues where Catholics can continue to prompt Methodists for deeper reflection. Convergence on eucharistic sacrifice, if recognized by both churches, would constitute a significant step forward on the path to full communion between them.</p> / Dissertation
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Are Preliminary Estimates Rational? : A Study of the Arbitration Process in the Swedish Quarterly National AccountsAndersson, Gustaf January 2018 (has links)
This study examines whether preliminary estimates of real growth of GDP and the major user side components in the Swedish quarterly national accounts are unbiased forecasts of revised estimates, and whether available information from the process of reconciling GDP from the production and user side is used efficiently to minimise revisions. Regression analysis is performed to find that preliminary GDP growth estimates are rational forecasts of revised estimates. The results are mixed for the user side components. Preliminary estimates of growth of investments and exports are rational forecasts whereas revisions of growth of government spending could be minimised by more efficiently using information about preliminary estimate values. Moreover, information about the statistical discrepancy between the GDP growth estimates from the production and user side could be used to minimise revisions of growth of consumer spending and imports, but these conclusions are sensitive to the period of volatile economic development 2008-2010.
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The market impact on shares entering or leaving JSE indicesMiller, Craig Elie 21 July 2012 (has links)
This study attempts to measure the effects on the share price of companies entering and exiting four FTSE/JSE indices; the J200, J210, J213 and J260. While results showed only weak statistical significance, systematic patterns were observed during the event window. Share prices of companies entering and exiting value weighted indices responded consistently with the investor awareness hypothesis. Share prices of companies entering and exiting indices weighted by fundamental factors responded consistently with the information hypothesis. The cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) were permanent and did not reverse within the first 200 days after the index change for all indices. Abnormal returns were calculated by using the market model and a one factor CAPM model. The market model was a superior benchmark in this study. This study found that the CAARs for index changes became positive only after the date of the index change. This implies that either the effect of passive index funds on the JSE is not significant, or that passive funds are allowed to incur tracking errors in order to trade strategically to secure the best price for a reconstituted portfolio. This conclusion is supported by the fact that there was no observable change in the index premium over time. The findings of this study may indicate market inefficiency, which means that arbitrage opportunities may exist around index changes. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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New evidence on the price and liquidity effect of the FTSE100 index revisions.Mazouz, Khelifa, Saadouni, B. January 2007 (has links)
No / We study the price and liquidity effects following the FTSE 100 index revisions. We employ the standard GARCH(1,1) model to allow the residual variance of the single index model (SIM) to vary systematically over time and use a Kalman filter approach to model SIM coefficients as a random walk process. We show that the observed price effect depends on the abnormal return estimation methods. Specifically, the OLS-based abnormal returns indicate that the price effect associated with the index revision is temporary, whereas both SIM with random coefficients and GARCH(1,1) model suggest that both additions and deletions experience permanent price change. Added (removed) stocks exhibit permanent (temporary) change in trading volume and bid-ask spread. The analysis of the spread components suggests that the permanent change associated with additions is a result of non-information-related liquidity. We interpret the permanent price effect of additions and deletions combined with the permanent (temporary) shift in liquidity of added (removed) stocks as evidence in favour of the imperfect substitution hypothesis with some non-information-related liquidity effects in the case of additions.
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