Spelling suggestions: "subject:"achenium"" "subject:"arrhenium""
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Propriedades fotoquímicas de alguns complexos de ferro(II) e rênio(I) / Photochemistry properties of some iron(II) and rhenium(I) complexesKarina Passalacqua Morelli Frin 06 June 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as propriedades fotoquímica e/ou fotofísica de alguns compostos de coordenação de rênio(l) e ferro(I I). A irradiação dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-L)]+, NN= 4,7-difenil-1,10- fenantrolina (ph2phen) ou 5-cloro-1,10-fenantrolina (Clphen) e L = 1,2-bis(4-piridil)etileno (bpe) ou 4-estirilpiridina (stpy), em acetonitrila ou em filme de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) resulta em variações espectrais condizentes com a fotoisomerização trans-cis do ligante coordenado. A determinação dos rendimentos quânticos para a fotorreação pela variação espectral resultou em valores aparentes, uma vez que o reagente e o fotoproduto absorvem na mesma região. Para a determinação do rendimento quântico real, Φreal, utilizou-se a técnica de 1H RMN, na qual os sinais do fotoproduto e do reagente são observados em regiões distintas com diferentes constantes de acoplamento. Os valores de Φreal obtidos para fac-[Re(CO)3h(NN)(trans-bpe)]+ (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,43 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,44 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,43 ± 0,02; Clphen: Φ313= 0,56 ± 0,03; Φ365= 0,55 ± 0,04; Φ404= 0,57 ± 0,06) são independentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação, indicando a existência de um único canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-bpe. Por outro lado, para fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-stpy)]+, os valores de Φreal sob irradiação a 404 nm são menores que os determinados para os demais comprimentos de onda de irradiação (ph2phen: Φ313= 0,60 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,64 ± 0,09; Φ404= 0,42 ± 0,03; Clphen: Φ313= 0,52 ± 0,05; Φ365= 0,58 ± 0,02; Φ404= 0,41 ± 0,06), indicando que, a energias maiores, em que o Iigante absorve significativamente, deve existir a contribuição de outro canal para a população do estado excitado 3ILtrans-stpy. A eficiência do fotoprocesso foi avaliada por meio da substituição dos ligantes NN e/ou L, e a diferença nos valores de Φreal entre os complexos deve estar relacionada principalmente com as distintas eficiências de cruzamento intersistemas. o fotoprocesso altera as propriedades fotofísicas desses complexos. Os isômeros trans apresentam fraca ou nenhuma emissão a 298 K, enquanto os fotoprodutos, fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(cis-L)]+, apresentam intensa luminescência dominada pelo estado excitado 3MLCTRe→NN, que é sensivel à rigidez do meio. A reatividade fotoquímica dos pentacianoferratos(II) [Fe(CN)5 (NN)]3-, NN= 2aminobenzilamina (aba), 2-aminobenzamida (ab), 2-(dimetilaminometil)-3-hidroxipiridina (dmampy), 2-aminometilpiridina (ampy), 2-aminoetilpiridina (aepy) ou 2-(2metilaminoetil) piridina (maepy), também foi investigada. A irradiação desses complexos resulta na fotossubstituição do CN-, a qual só pode ser detectada quando o ligante possui um segundo grupo coordenante nas proximidades da esfera de coordenação. Os rendimentos quânticos da fotossubstituição são dependentes do comprimento de onda de irradiação (Φ313= 0,13 ± 0,01; Φ334= 0,091 ± 0,001; Φ365= 0,056 ± 0,002; Φ404= 0,022 ± 0,002; Φ436= 0,015 ± 0,001, por exemplo, para NN = aba) e indicam a existência de canais distintos pelos quais a fotorreação ocorre ou as diferentes eficiências de cruzamento intersistema para a população do estado excitado reativo. A eficiência do fotoprocesso também depende do Iigante utilizado (λirr= 365 nm: Φaba= 0,056, Φab= 0,14, Φampy= 0,046, Φaepy= 0,066, Φmaepy= 0,069 e Φdmampy= 0,12). Na série das diaminas, o rendimento quântico é maior para [Fe(CN)5(ab)]3-, que possui dois sítios para ocorrer o fechamento do anel. Na série das aminopiridinas, observa-se a influência do comprimento da cadeia na eficiência do fechamento do anel. A presença de metilas ligadas ao nitrogênio alifático deve ter pouca ou nenhuma influência na eficiência do fotoprocesso. / The photochemical and/or photophysical properties of some coordination compounds of rhenium(l) and iron(II) were investigated. Photolyses of the fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-L)+ complexes, NN = 4,7-diphenyl-1, 10- phenanthroline (ph2phen) or 5-chloro-1,10-phenanthroline (Clphen), and L = 1,2-bis(4pyridyl) ethylene (bpe) or 4-styrylpyridine (stpy) in acetonitrile or in poly(methylmethacrilate) (PMMA) films led to spectral changes due to the trans-cis photoisomerization process of the coordinated ligand. Determination of quantum yields for the photoreaction from absorption spectral changes resulted in apparent values once the reactant and the photoproduct absorb in the same region. For the true quantum yields determination, Φtrue, the 1H NMR spectroscopy was employed since the signals of the photoproduct and the reactant are observed in distinct regions with different coupling constants. The Φtrue determined for fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-bpe)+ (ph2phen: Φ313= 0.43 ± 0.03; Φ365= 0.44 ± 0.02; Φ404= 0.43 ± 0.02; Clphen: Φ313= 0.56 ± 0.03; Φ365= 0.55 ± 0.04; Ɣ= 0.57 ± 0.06) are independent on the irradiation wavelength indicating only one pathway for the 3ILtrans-bpe excited state population. On the other hand, for fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(trans-stpy)+ the Φtrue under 404 nm irradiation are lower than those determined for the others irradiation wavelengths (ph2phen: Φ313= 0.58 ± 0.04; Φ365= 0.64 ± 0.09; Φ404 =0.42 ± 0.04; Clphen: Φ313= 0.54 ± 0.02; Φ365= 0.58 ± 0.03; Φ404= 0.42 ± 0.06) which indicate that at higher energies, where the ligand absorbs significantly, there is another pathway that contributes to the 3ILtrans-stpy excited state population. The photoprocess efficiency was evaluated by changing the NN and/or L Iigands, and the differences between the Φtrue can be rationalized mainly in terms of distinct intersystem crossing efficiencies.The photoprocess changes the photophysical properties of these complexes. While the trans isomers exhibit week or no emission at 298 K, the photoproducts, fac-[Re(CO)3(NN)(cis-L)]+, exhibit intense emission driven by 3MLCTRe→NN excited state, which is sensitive to the medium rigidity. The photochemical reactivity of pentacyanoferrate(II) complexes [Fe(CN)5(NN)]3-, NN = 2-aminobenzilamine (aba), 2-aminobenzamide (ab), 2-(dimethylaminomethyl)-3hydroxypyridine (dmampy), 2-amonomethylpyridine (ampy), 2-aminoethylpyridine (aepy), or 2-(2-methylaminoethyl)pyridine (maepy), were also investigated. Irradiation of these complexes results in the CN- photosubstitution which is detected only when the ligand has an additional coordinating group available near the coordination sphere. The photosubstitution quantum yields are dependent on the irradiation wavelength (Φ313= 0.13 ± 0.01; Φ334= 0.091 ± 0.001; Φ365= 0.056 ± 0.002; Φ404= 0.022 ± 0.002; Φ436= 0.015 ± 0.001 for NN = aba), indicating the existence of distinct pathways in which the photoreaction takes place or the distinct population of the reactive excited state due to different intersystem crossing efficiencies. The efficiency of the photoprocess is also dependent on the Iigand (λIrr= 365 nm: Φaba= 0.056, Φab= 0.14, Φampy= 0.046, Φaepy= 0.066, Φmaepy= 0.069 e Φdmampy= 0.12). For the diamines complexes, the higher quantum yield is observed for [Fe(CN)5(ab)]3-, which exhibit two sites to occur the ring closure. For the aminopiridines, it is óbserved the importance of the chain length on the closure ring efficiency. And that the presence of methyl groups attached to the nitrogen has week or no influence on the photoprocess efficiency.
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Chemical speciation of RhIII complexes in acidic, halide-rich media by means of 103Rh NMR spectroscopy : the importance of speciation in the selective separation and recovery of rhodiumGeswindt, Theodor Earl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, the recovery of RhIII from both synthetically prepared and authentic
industrial PGM-containing solutions was systematically investigated via organic precipitation
methods using several commercially available, N-containing organic receptors including
(amongst others) diethylenetriamine (Deta), triethylenetetramine (Teta),
tetraethylenepentamine (Tepa) and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (Tren). These organic receptors
act as precipitating agents in the presence of an appropriate protonating agent (HCl) by
lowering the solubility of the PGM chlorido-anions through an ion-pairing mechanism. The
recovery of RhIII from synthetically prepared PGM (RhIII and PtIV) containing solutions using
these precipitants was excellent, while poor Rh recovery from authentic industrial process
solutions was achieved. The poor Rh recovery from these process solutions was ascribed to
the species distribution of the [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n complexes. In order to validate the
proposition that RhIII speciation effects are responsible for the poor Rh recovery observed
during the precipitation studies, attempt were made to describe the species distribution of the
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) by means of high-resolution 103Rh NMR spectroscopy.
A detailed high-resolution 103Rh NMR spectroscopic study of the series of
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) complexes was conducted. During this study, all six RhIII aqua
chlorido-complexes have unambiguously been characterized by means of high-resolution
103Rh NMR spectroscopy, proving the powerful analytical capability of this technique.
Characterization of these complexes is based on the detailed analysis of the 35Cl/37Cl isotope
effects which is observed in the 19.11 MHz 103Rh NMR resonances of the [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n
(n=3-6) complexes in aqueous HCl solutions at 292 K. These resonances show that the “finestructure”
of each of the 103Rh resonances may be understood in terms of its unique
isotopologue, and in certain cases, the isotopomer distribution of each complex, which
manifests as a result of its statistically expected 35Cl/37Cl isotopologue and isotopomer
distributions. As a result, the 103Rh NMR resonance structure serves as a unique “NMRfingerprint”,
which allows for the unambiguous assignment of [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6)
complexes, without the reliance on accurate δ(103Rh) chemical shifts.
Furthermore, this study reports the first direct species distribution diagram for the
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) series of complexes (in aqueous HCl solutions at 292 K) as a function of the “free” (unbound) chloride concentration, constructed from 103Rh NMR
measurements. The need for a revised speciation diagram of [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6)
complexes is clearly reflected by the vast differences observed in the literature reported
species distribution diagrams, which makes it difficult to decide which set of experimental
conditions (if any) is required for the quantitative and “selective” recovery of RhIII from
aqueous HCl solutions containing associated PGMs (Pt, Pd, Ir, Ru) as well as other transition
metals. The documented species distribution diagrams for RhIII have been generally
constructed via data from indirect (kinetic and spectrophotometric) measurements using
dilute RhIII solutions at relatively high HCl concentrations, which implies that the RhIII:Clmole
ratio is higher than what may be expected in authentic process solutions – an important
aspect to consider when optimizing RhIII recovery methods. In addition, RhIII kinetic
investigations reported in this study shows that ionic strength and temperature effects are
important factors that dramatically influences the rate of RhIII ligand exchange (i.e. RhIII
aquation reactions) which, in turn, have contributing effects on the species distribution of
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n complexes. Notable differences exist between the speciation diagram
reported in this study and those documented in literature, especially at a “free” chloride
concentration of 1.0 M. At this “free” chloride concentration, the [RhCl5(H2O)]2- complex
anion was found to have an abundance of 34%, while literature reports an abundance of 80%.
In order to ascertain its practical relevance, the proposed 103Rh NMR speciation
method was extended, for the first time, to authentic industrial Rh feed solutions (Anglo
Platinum PLC). Each of the 103Rh resonances was unambiguously assigned, and each species
quantified. Moreover, the RhIII species distribution of the industrial Rh feed solution was
accurately predicted by the “direct” speciation diagram constructed form 103Rh NMR
After careful optimization of the Heraeus industrial feed solutions (optimal chloride
concentration followed by thermal treatment for enhancing RhIII chloride anation reactions),
the recovery of Rh via precipitation was repeated. In this instance, Rh recovery improved
dramatically, with up to 95% of Rh removed from solution. This improvement is ascribed
primarily to the increased “free” (unbound) chloride concentration. The presence of
associated PGMs as well as other transition metals would lower the effective “free” chloride
concentration, since these metals would act as “chloride binders”. By adjusting the total
chloride concentration, RhIII chloride anation reactions is enhanced which leads to the [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=5,6) complex anions being the dominant species in solution, therefore
leading to improved Rh recovery. Moreover, it was shown that, under carefully controlled
conditions, “selective” recovery of Rh is achieved using tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (Tren).
Considering the fact that Rh is the last precious metal recovered in all PGM refineries, this
can possibly provide a cost-effective route for the “upfront” (early stage) recovery of Rh from
industrial PGM feed solutions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die herwinning van RhIII uit laboratorium voorbereide sowel as
ware industriële PGM-bevattende oplossings sistematies ondersoek deur middel van
organiese neerslag metodes, deur gebruik te maak van verskeie kommersieël beskikbare, Nbevattende
organiese reseptore insluitende dietileentriamien (Deta), tri-etileentetramien
(Teta), tetra-etileenpentamien (Tepa) en tris(2-aminoetiel)amien (Tren). Hierdie organiese
reseptore tree op as neerslag-agente in die teenwoordigheid van 'n geskikte protoneringsagent
(in hierdie geval HCl) deur 'n verlaging van die oplosbaarheid van die PGM chloriedanione
deur middel van 'n ioon parings meganisme. Die herwinning van RhIII vanuit
laboratorium voorbereide PGM (RhIII en PtIV) oplossing met behulp van hierdie organiese
neerslag-agente was uitstekend, terwyl Rh herwinning vanuit ware industriële oplossings
swak was. Die onvolledige Rh herwinning uit hierdie industriële oplossings word toegeskryf
aan die spesie-verspreiding van die [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n komplekse. Ten einde die effek van
RhIII spesie-verspreiding op die herwinning van Rh te bestudeer, is gepoog om die spesieverspreiding
van [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) komplekse, deur middel van hoë resolusie 103Rh
KMR spektroskopie, te beskryf.
'n Gedetailleerde hoë resolusie 103Rh KMR spektroskopiese studie van die reeks van
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) komplekse was uitgevoer. Tydens hierdie studie was al ses RhIII
aqua chlorido-komplekse ondubbelsinnig gekarakteriseer deur middel van hoë resolusie 103Rh
KMR spektroskopie, wat bewys lewer van die kragtige analitiese vermoë van hierdie tegniek.
Karakterisering van hierdie komplekse is gebaseer op die gedetailleerde analise van die
35Cl/37Cl isotoop effekte wat waargeneem word in die 19.11 MHz 103Rh KMR resonansies
van die [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) komplekse in HCl oplossings by 292 K. Hierdie
resonansies toon dat die "fyn struktuur" van elk van die 103Rh resonansies verstaan kan word
in terme van die unieke isotopoloog, en in sekere gevalle, die isotopomeer verspreiding van
elke kompleks, wat manifesteer as 'n gevolg van die die statisties verwagte 35Cl/37Cl
isotopoloog en isotopomeer verspreiding. Die 103Rh KMR resonansie-struktuur kan sodoende
dien as 'n unieke "KMR-vingerafdruk", wat voorsiening maak vir die ondubbelsinnige
karakterisering van [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) komplekse, sonder om vertroue op akkurate
δ(103Rh) chemiese verskuiwings te plaas. Hierdie studie rapporteer verder die eerste direkte spesie-verspreiding-diagram vir die
[RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) reeks komplekse (in HCl oplossings by 292 K) as 'n funksie van
die "vrye"(ongebonde) chloried-konsentrasie, verkry van 103Rh KMR metings. Die behoefte
vir 'n aangepasde spesiasie-diagram vir die [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n=3-6) komplekse word
duidelik weerspieël deur die groot verskille waargeneem in die literatuur gerapporteerde
verspreidings diagramme, wat dit moeilik maak om te besluit watter stel eksperimentele
toestande (indien enige) benodig word vir die kwantitatiewe en “selektiewe” herwinning van
RhIII in HCl oplossings in die teenwoordigheid van gepaardgaande PGM (Pt, Pd, Ir, Ru)
sowel as ander oorgangsmetale. Die gedokumenteerde spesie-verspreiding-diagramme vir
RhIII is oor die algemeen verkry via data vanaf indirekte (kinetiese en spektrofotometriese
metings) deur gebruik te maak van verdunde RhIII oplossings in relatiewe hoë HCl
konsentrasies, wat impliseer dat die RhIII:Cl mol verhouding hoër is as wat verwag kan word
in ware industriële proses oplossings - 'n belangrike aspek om te oorweeg gedurende die
optimalisering van RhIII herwinning-metodes. Verder, die RhIII kinetiese ondersoeke
gerapporteer in hierdie studie toon dat ioniese sterkte sowel as temperatuur effekte belangrike
faktore is wat die tempo van RhIII ligand uitruiling (d.w.s. RhIII “aquation” reaksies), wat ‘n
betekenisvolle invloed hê op die spesie-verspreiding van [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n komplekse.
Aansienlike verskille bestaan tussen die spesiasie-diagram gerapporteer in hierdie studie en
dit gedokumenteer in die literatuur, veral by 'n "vrye" chloried-konsentrasie van 1.0 M. By
hierdie "vrye" chloried-konsentrasie was die [RhCl5(H2O)]2- komplekse anioon gevind om in
34% teenwoordig te wees (hierdie studie), terwyl die publiseerde verslae 80% rapporteer.
Ten einde die praktiese toepaslikheid van die voorgestelde 103Rh KMR spesiasiemetode
te bepaal, was (vir die eerste keer) ware industriële Rh oplossings (Anglo Platinum
PLC) gebruik. Elk van die 103Rh resonansies was ondubbelsinnig gekarakteriseer, en elke Rh
spesie teenwoordig gekwantifiseer. Daarbenewens is die RhIII spesie-verspreiding van die
industriële Rh oplossing deur die "direkte" spesiasie-diagram saamgestel vanuit 103Rh KMR
metings akkuraat voorspel. Die berekende RhIII spesie-verspreiding van die industriële Rh
oplossings was akkuraat voorspel deur die voorgestelde “direkte” spesiasie-diagram soos
saamgestel vanuit die 103Rh KMR metings.
Na deeglike optimalisering van Heraeus industriële oplossings (optimale chloriedkonsentrasie
gevolg deur termiese behandeling vir effektiewe RhIII chloried anasie reaksies),
is die herwinning van Rh via neerslag metodes herhaal. In hierdie geval, het die Rh herwinning dramaties verbeter, met tot 95% van die Rh uit oplossing verwyder. Hierdie
verbetering is hoofsaaklik toegeskryf aan die verhoogde "vry" (ongebonde) chloriedkonsentrasie.
Die teenwoordigheid van geassosieerde PGM's sowel as ander oorgangsmetale
sal die effektiewe "vrye" chloried-konsentrasie verlaag, aangesien hierdie metale sou optree
as "chloried-binders". Deur die aanpassing van die totale chloried-konsentrasie, word RhIII
chloried anasie reaksies verbeter, wat daartoe lei dat [RhCln(H2O)6-n]3-n (n = 5,6) komplekse
anione die dominante spesies in oplossing word, en dus lei tot verbeterde Rh herwinning.
Daarbenewens word verder aangetoon dat, onder noukeurig gekontroleerde voorwaardes,
"selektiewe" herwinning van Rh bereik word deur gebruik te maak van
tris(2-aminoetiel)amien (Tren). Met inagneming van die feit dat Rh die laaste edelmetaal is
wat verhaal word in alle PGM-raffinaderye, kan dit 'n koste-effektiewe roete word vir die
"vooraf" (vroeë-stadium) herwinning van Rh vanuit industriële PGM bevattende oplossings.
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Rhenium disulfide and rhenium-doped MoS2 thin films from single source precursorsAl-Dulaimi, Naktal January 2018 (has links)
The doping of rhenium into molybdenum disulfide was achieved by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (AACVD) from single source precursors. Rhenium can be studied as a model for immobilization of radioactive technetium-99 (99Tc) in MoS2. The metals Mo(IV), Re(IV), and Tc(IV) have similar ionic radii 0.65, 0.63 and 0.65 Å respectively, and their Shannon-Prewitt crystal radii 0.79, 0.77 and 0.79 Å Hence demonstrating the potential storage of nuclear waste in geologic like formations in of groundwater may be possible. The interaction between the nuclear waste forms and groundwater, which could lead to release and transport low concentrations or vapour of radionuclides to the near field, as a result, decomposition of engineered barriers. The molecular precursors [Mo(S2CNEt2)4], [Re3(μ-SiPr)3(SiPr)6], [Re(S2CC6H5)(S3CC6H5)2], and [Re2(μ-S)2(S2CNEt2)4] have been used to deposit Re-doped MoS2 thin films. Mo-doped ReS2 alloyed, polycrystalline thin films were synthesised using [Re(S2CC6H5)(S3CC6H5)2], [Mo(S2CNEt2)4] via AACVD, adding with a low concentration of Mo source for the first time . We reported as well a new way for production of ultrathin ReS2 nanosheets by coupling bottom up processing AACVD with top-down LPE. This is important in synthetic pathways for the production of rare transition dichalcogenide, also, our processing methodology is potentially scalable and thus could be a way to commercial exploitation. Characterisation of produced materials performed by pXRD, SEM, TEM, STEM, EDX, ICP and Raman spectroscopy.
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Comparação da marcação de diversos fosfonatos: MDP, EDTMP e clodronato com sup(188)Re / Comparison of labeling various phosphonates: MDP, EDTMP and clodronate with sup(188)ReBARBEZAN, ANGELICA B. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Comparação da marcação de diversos fosfonatos: MDP, EDTMP e clodronato com sup(188)Re / Comparison of labeling various phosphonates: MDP, EDTMP and clodronate with sup(188)ReBARBEZAN, ANGELICA B. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A grande aplicação dos radiofármacos está em medicina nuclear diagnóstica representando 95% dos procedimentos realizados, porém, nos últimos anos, tem crescido consideravelmente a sua aplicação em procedimentos terapêuticos. Os radionuclídeos que emitem particulas ionizantes (α, β e elétrons Auger) são indicados para tratamento de tumores. Tumores malignos são responsáveis por aproximadamente 12% dos óbitos e representam a terceira causa de mortalidade no Brasil. O 188Re é um dos mais atrativos radioisótopos para uma variedade de aplicações terapêuticas em medicina nuclear, oncologia e intervenções cardiológicas, é totalmente favorável e conveniente pelo fato de que ele é livre de carregador e pode ser obtido de forma econômica na forma de um gerador de 188W/188Re, além de possuir uma meia-vida fisica de 16,9 horas e 100% de emissão de radiação β-. A partir da década de 2000 vêm sendo realizadas diversas investigações envolvendo marcações de moléculas com 188Re. Os tumores metastáticos são a forma mais comum de malignidade esquelética. Em casos metastáticos os principais objetivos do tratamento são a prevenção de fraturas patológicas e promover a sobrevida com o máximo de preservação de função permitindo que o paciente mantenha o máximo possível de mobilidade e controle da dor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a comparação das marcações de diversos fosfonatos (Metileno disfofonato de Sódio MDP, Ácido Etilenodiaminotetrametilenofosfônico EDTMP, e do diclorometilenobifosfonato de sódio - Clodronato) com 188Re para terapia de metastáses ósseas. Fosfonatos são inibidores da reabsorção óssea osteoclástica e são efetivos neste tratamento. As marcações do MDP, EDTMP e Clodronato com 188Re foram otimizadas utilizando como agente redutor o cloreto estanoso (SnCl2 2H2O) e como agente estabilizante o ácido ascórbico. As variáveis estudadas foram massa do ligante, massa do SnCl2.2H2O, massa do ácido ascórbico, tempo, pH e temperatura da reação. Os resultados mostraram que se obteve um excelente rendimento de marcação de 98% para o 188Re-MDP, de 83% para o 188Re-EDTMP e 85% para o 188Re-Clodronato. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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A Simple Method for Evaluating Wear in Different Grades of Tooling Applied to Friction Stir Spot WeldingKennard, Kirtis Frankland 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this study tools consisting of a 5mm cylindrical pin and a 12mm shoulder held by a simple tool holder were used to compare the wear of 11 tooling materials. The objective was to determine if using these tools in a spot welding configuration to simulate friction stir welding could differentiate the potential performance of tooling materials. All tools were made of varying percentages of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), tungsten (W) and rhenium (Re). The materials are referred to herein as GV1, GV2, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9.The tools were run to 205 welds if they did not fracture first. The grades averaged the following quantities of welds before fracture failure GV-1:0; GV-2:200; G1:82; G2:204; G3:205; G4:205; G5:96; G7:102.73; G8:21.2; G9:38.5. Of the tools that ran the full 205 welds without chipping, the average calculated volume loss, which was the best indication of wear, was as follows G2:1.83%; G3:2.53%; G4:2.41%; G5:1.93%; and G7:2.30%.The study showed that G2 had the least wear and G6 had the most wear, of those tools that completed all 205 spot welds. Fracture was the failure mode of all grades with over 70% CBN content. It was found that small CBN grain size was not correlated to better wear performance, as has been seen in a prior study.
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Hydrogénation de l'acide succinique en phase aqueuse pour l'obtention sélective de 1,4-butanediol / Selective aqueous phase hydrogenation of succinic acid to 1,4-butanediolLy, Bao Khanh 16 April 2013 (has links)
Le but du projet est d’hydrogéner l’acide succinique en phase aqueuse à 160°C, sous 150 bar d’hydrogène pour obtenir sélectivement le 1,4-butanediol (BDO) en utilisant des catalyseurs x%Re-2%Pd/TiO2. Les catalyseurs monométalliques au palladium permettent d’obtenir sélectivement le produit intermédiaire : la γ-butyrolactone et très peu de BDO est obtenu. Leur activité catalytique est fonction de la dispersion de la phase métallique. L’addition de rhénium aux catalyseurs monométalliques au palladium permet de poursuivre la réaction jusqu’à l’obtention du BDO. Nous avons d’abord essayé deux méthodes d’addition ex situ de rhénium : réduction catalytique (RC) et imprégnation successive (IS). La meilleure sélectivité en BDO obtenue jusqu’à maintenant est de 90% en présence du solide 3,4%Re-2%Pd/TiO2 préparé par IS. Quelle que soit la méthode de dépôt (RC ou IS), le rhénium dans ces solides bimétalliques est réoxydé et lixivié dans la phase aqueuse sous l’atmosphère non réductrice. Malgré la lixiviation et le redépôt du rhénium sous hydrogène, le comportement des catalyseurs bimétalliques Re-Pd/TiO2 préparés ces deux méthodes reste différent. Le dépôt in situ de Re conduit à des catalyseurs bimétalliques prometteurs : SBDO = 73% avec 2% de rhénium déposé / The aim of our research project is the hydrogenation of the succinic acid in aqueous phase at 160°C, under 150 bar hydrogen to obtain selectively 1,4-butanediol (BDO) by using x%Re- 2%Pd/TiO2 catalyst. Palladium monometallic catalysts allow us to obtain selectively the intermediate product γ-butyrolactone and very little BDO. Their catalytic activity depends on the dispersion of the metallic phase. The reaction can be extended until obtaining BDO by adding the rhenium to palladium based monometallic catalysts. Firstly, we have tried two ex situ methods to add the rhenium: catalytic reduction (CR) and successive impregnation (SI). The best selectivity to BDO is 90% with the presence of 3,4%Re-2%Pd/TiO2 prepared by IS method. Moreover, for both deposition methods, the rhenium in the bimetallic catalysts is reoxidized with air and then leached into the aqueous phase. Despite leaching and redeposition of rhenium under hydrogen pressure, the behavior of bimetallic catalysts prepared by the two methods (CR and SI) is different. In situ deposition of the rhenium leads to promising bimetallic catalysts: SBDO = 73% with 2% of rhenium
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Synthesis of Terminal Transition Metal Pnictide Complexes by Activation of Small MoleculesAbbenseth, Josh 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Reações fotoinduzidas em alguns complexos de rênio e desenvolvimento de dispositivos moleculares / Photoinduced reactions in some complexes of rhenium and development of molecular devicesItokazu, Melina Kayoko 16 December 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado o estudo do comportamento fotoquímico e fotofísico de complexos mononucleares de rênio do tipo fac-[Re(CO)3(N N)(L)]+(N N = 1,10-fenantrolina, phen, dipirido[3,2-a:2,3-c]fenazina, dppz, L= trans-1,2bis(4-piridil)etileno, trans-bpe, trans-4-estirilpiridina. trans-stpy) e dos complexos binucleares [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+, [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN5]2- e [(phen)(CO)3Re(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+. O enfoque principal deste trabalho é a investigação das propriedades fotoquímicas dos complexos fac-[ Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-stpy)]+ fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(trans-bpe)+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+. Observou-se que os compostos em solução de acetonitrila, sob irradiação a 313, 334 ou 365 nm, apresentam variação espectral com definição de pontos isosbésticos, resultante do processo de fotoisomerização trans→cis do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno. Os rendimentos quânticos, Φ, da reação de fotoisomerização foram calculados com base no decaimento espectral das bandas de absorção das transições eletrônicas. Os valores médios determinados para a fotoisomeriação dos complexos em solução de CH3CN variam de 0,15 - 0,39 sob excitação a 313 nm e de 0,12 - 0,33 sob excitação a 365 nm. As reações de fotoisomerização foram monitoradas também por medidas de emissão e por RMN de 1H. Observou-se um aumento da intensidade de luminescência com o tempo de irradiação dos complexos, consistente com o estado emissivo 3MLCT dπ[(Re)→π*(α-diimina). Após irradiação, as reações de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram monitoradas por RMN de 1H. Os sinais de prótons do isômero trans tiveram um decréscimo gradual, enquanto que a intensidade dos sinais referentes aos prótons da espécie cis aumentaram. Os rendimentos quânticos para o processo de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram calculados através da integração das áreas dos sinais de prótons. Os valores obtidos foram maiores, pelo menos o dobro, que aqueles valores obtidos via espectroscopia UV-Vis. O comportamento fotoquímico dos complexos incorporados em polimetacrilato de metila, PMMA, foi também investigado. A fotólise cios complexos em filmes de PMMA conduz à variação espectral, de absorção e emissão, similar àquela observada em solução de acetonitrila, atribuícla ao processo de fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado. Este estudo mostra que a fotoisomerização do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno pode ser promovida também em meio rígido. Essa característica. típica de um dispositivo molecular, pode ser convenientemente explorada no desenvolvimento de fotossensores. As medidas de TRIR mostram que o estado excitado de menor energia para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)+ é o 3ππ*. Para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+ a ordem dos estados excitados aparecem invertidas com o 3MLCT <3ππ*, evidenciado pela emissão do complexo cis à temperatura ambiente. Nas espécies binucleares, [(phen) Re(CO)3(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN)5]2-, a fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado trans-bpe, característica da subunidade fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, é inibida pela competição de transferência de energia intramolecular. Em meio rígido, em PMMA ou em EPA a 77 K, os máximos de emissão dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-stpy)r e [(CO)3(phen)Re(cis-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+ sofrem um deslocamento hipsocrômico com o aumento da rigidez do meio. As mudanças nas propriedades emissivas, em termos de energia e tempo de vida do estado excitado, são discutidas baseadas no efeito rigidocrômico luminescente. O trabalho mostra uma forma interessante de fotos sensibilizar um substrato orgâmco usando o fato de que a coordenação estende a absorção do ligante a uma região de comprimento de onda maior e promove a fotoisomerização assistida por complexos metálicos em energias menores. / In this work the photochemical and photophysical behavior of rhenium complexes fac-[Re(CO3( N N )(L\')]+N N = 1,10 phenanthroline, phen; dipirido[3,2-a:2\',3\'-c]phenazine, dppz; L\'= trans-1,2bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, trans-bpe; trans-4-styrylpyridine, trans-stpy) and binuclear complexes [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+, [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN)5]2+ and [(phen)(CO)3Re(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+ were investigated. The main focus of the work is the investigation of photochemical behavior of fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-stpy)+, fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(trans-bpe)]+ and [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+ in acetonitrile solution. Photolyses of rhenium completes at 313. 334 or 365 nm led to spectral changes with clear and well defined isosbestic points. These spectral changes are due to the trans → cis isomerization process of the coordinated pyridyl-ethenyl ligand. Quantum yields, Φ, for isomerization processes were calculated based on the absorption spectral changes. The average values for the isomerization reactions of the complexes in CH3CN solution are 0.15 - 0.39 at 313 nm excitation and 0.12 - 0.33 at 365 nm excitation. The photoisomerization reactions were also followed by emission and 1H NMR measurements. An increasing luminescence was observed after complexes irradiation which is consistent with an emitting 3MLCT state, dπ(Re)→π*(α.-diimine). Upon irradiation, the photoisomerization reactions for complexes were monitored by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The proton signals of the trans isomer were found to decrease gradually while the cis isomer signals gradually built up in intensity. Quantum yields for the isomerization process were calculated by integratian of the proton signals. The values abtained in this way were higher, twice at least, than those obtained by UV-Vis electronic spectroscopy. The photochemical behavior of the complexes incorporated in poly(methyl methacrilate), PMMA, was also investigated. Photolyses of the complexes in PMMA films lead to UV-Visible and emission changes similar to those observed in solution, due to the trans → cis isomerization of the coordinated ligand. Therefore the photoisomerization is occurring even in rigid media. This feature, typical for molecular devices, can be conveniently exploited, such as for photosensors. TRIR measurements showed that the lowest lying excited state is a bpe-based 3ππ* for the fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+ complex. For fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+ the ordering of low-lying states appears to be reversed with 3MLCT < 3ππ*, evidenced by emission of the cis complex at room temperature. In the binuclear species. [(phen)Re(CO)3(trans-bpe )Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+ and [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN)5]2-, the trans → cis photoisomerization of the coordinated trans-bpe ligand. characteristic of the Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)+ subunit, is inhibited by competitive intramolecular energy transfer. In a rigid medium, such as PMMA or EPA at 77 K, the emission maxima of fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-stpy)+ and [(CO)3(phen)Re(cis-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+ complexes exhibit hypsochromic shifts as the medium rigidity increases. Changes in emission properties (energy and lifetime of excited states) are discussed based on the luminescent rigidochromic effect. This work presents an interesting approach to photosensitization of an organic substrate by using the red-shifted absorption of the complex to achieve the photoassisted isomerization by irradiation in the low energy region.
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Síntese e propriedades fotofísicas de compostos polipiridínicos de rênio(I) visando aplicação em OLEDGonçalves, Márcia Regina January 2014 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Karina Passalacqua Morelli Frin / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia/Química, 2014. / Este trabalho trata das propriedades dos compostos polipiridinicos fosforescentes fac-[ReCl(CO)3(NN)], fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(NN)]+, em que NN = 4,7-difenil-1,10-fenantrolina (ph2phen) ou 4,7-dicloro-1,10-fenantrolina (Cl2phen) e py = piridina. Os compostos foram sintetizados, purificados, caracterizados por meio da ressonancia magnetica nuclear de protons, 1H NMR, espectroscopias UV-visivel e na regiao do infravermelho e as propriedades eletroquimicas e fotofisicas foram investigadas. As frequencias de estiramento das carbonilas dos compostos fac-[ReCl(CO)3(ph2phen)] (2020, 1912, 1878 cm-1), fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(ph2phen)]+ (2029, 1905 cm-1), fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] (2022, 1883 cm-1) e fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ (2030, 1913 cm-1) estao em acordo com a geometria facial dos complexos de renio(I) e os deslocamentos nas posicoes dos picos para frequencias mais altas sustentam o maior efeito retirador de eletrons do ligante coordenado Cl2phen quando comparado ao ph2phen.
Nos espectros eletronicos na regiao do UV-visivel dos compostos fac-[ReCl(CO)3(NN)] foram observadas duas regioes principais: uma de mais alta energia, atribuida a ILNN, e uma de menor energia, atribuida a MLCTRe¨NN. Para os compostos fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(NN)]+, atribui-se ainda uma regiao ILpy e MLCTRe¨py. Os compostos apresentam emissao em solucao e em meio polimerico, que e atribuida ao estado excitado de transferencia de carga do metal para o ligante polipiridinico (3MLCTRe¨NN), NN = ph2phen ou Cl2phen, de menor energia. A energia do estado excitado de transferencia de carga (MLCT) dos compostos podem ser modificadas em funcao do ligante axial, do substituinte da fenantrolina e do meio. A energia do maximo de emissao e deslocada para a regiao de mais baixa energia com grupos retiradores de eletrons na fenantrolina, fac-[ReCl(CO)3(ph2phen)] (¿Émax = 615 nm), fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] (¿Émax = 640) nm, fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(ph2phen)]+( ¿Émax = 570 nm), fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ (¿Émax = 590 nm) quando comparada a fenantrolina nao substituida, fac-[ReCl(CO)3(phen)] (¿Émax = 600 nm) e fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(phen)]+ (¿Émax = 550 nm) .
Nos experimentos de tempos de vida de emissao para os compostos fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] e fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ foram encontrados os valores, 1,46 ¿Ês e 1,43 ¿Ês, que sao consistentes com estados emissores que apresentam carater triplete. Para o fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] foi encontrado um segundo tempo de vida de emissao, 30 ns, que pode ser atribuido a um segundo estado emissor de carater singlete. O composto fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] apresentou processos de oxidacao, Re(I)¨(II), a Epa = +1,77 V (vs NHE), e reducao, (Cl2phen)¨(Cl2phen*-), a Epc = -1,1 V (vs NHE), em CH2Cl2, e os niveis de energia do highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) e do lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) calculados iguais a . 6,2 V e - 2,9 V, respectivamente, e comparados aos do PVK.As características eletroquímicas e de emissão, tais como comprimentos de onda, rendimentos quânticos e tempos de vida de emissão do fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)], indicam uma potencial aplicação em dispositivos OLEDs. / This work deals with fundamental properties of the phosphorescent polypyridyl complexes fac-[ReCl(CO)3(NN)], fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(NN)]+, NN = 4,7-diphenil-1,10-phenanthroline (ph2phen) or Cl2phen = 4,7-dichloro-1,10-phenanthroline (Cl2phen) and py = pyridine. The compounds were synthesized, purified and characterized by 1H NMR, UV-vis and IR spectroscopies and both photophysical and electrochemical behaviors have been investigated.
The CO stretching frequencies of fac-[ReCl(CO)3(ph2phen)] (2020, 1912, 1878 cm-1), fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(ph2phen)]+ (2029, 1905 cm-1), fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] (2022, 1883 cm-1) and fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ (2030, 1913 cm-1) compounds were in accordance with facial geometry of the rhenium complexes and the shifts in peak position to higher frequencies support a better electron-withdrawing character of the coordinated Cl2phen ligand when compared to the ph2phen analog compound. The electronic absorption spectra of the compounds fac-[ReCl(CO)3(NN)] exhibit two main absorption bands: the higher energy band, which was assigned to ILNN, and the lower energy band, assigned to MLCTRe¨NN. The fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(NN)]+ complexes exhibited also a region assigned to an ILpy and MLCTRe¨py transitions.
Complexes showed emission in both solution and rigid media, arising from the lowest lying metal to ligand charge transfer (3MLCT) excited state. The energy of the metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) excited state of the complexes changed as NN and axial ligand and medium is varied. The energy of the emission maximum was red shift when electron withdrawing substituents were attached at phenanthroline, fac-[ReCl(CO)3(ph2phen)] (¿Émax = 615 nm), fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] (¿Émax = 640) nm, fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(ph2phen)]+( ¿Émax = 570 nm), fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ (¿Émax = 590 nm) compared to that phenantroline not replaced, fac-[ReCl(CO)3(phen)] (¿Émax = 600 nm) and fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(phen)]+ (¿Émax = 550 nm).
The emission lifetimes measurements of fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] and fac-[Re(py)(CO)3(Cl2phen)]+ were obtained, 1,46 ¿Ês and 1,43 ¿Ês, and were consistent with a triplet character emitting state. For the fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)], was found a second lifetime, 30 ns, that suggest a second emitting excited state which has singlet character.
The compound fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)] showed oxidation, Re(I)¨(II), Epa = +1,78 V (vs NHE), and reduction, (Cl2phen) ¨ (Cl2phen*-), Epc = - 1,1 V (vs NHE), processes, in CH2Cl2, and the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels of the compound were calculated . 6.2 V and . 2.9 V, respectively, and compared to PVK. The electrochemical and emission characteristics such as wavelength, quantum yields and lifetimes fac-[ReCl(CO)3(Cl2phen)], indicate a potential application in OLEDs devices.
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