Spelling suggestions: "subject:"light to be informed"" "subject:"might to be informed""
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La recherche d'un équilibre entre le droit à l'information de la parentèle et le droit au secret du patient au gré de l'évolution de la médecine génétique / Progress of genetic medicine : the search of a balance between the right of information for family members and medical confidentialityMoulin, Cécile 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’attrait récent des autorités françaises pour le développement de la médecine génétique a attiré notre attention. Si aujourd’hui elle tend à gagner une place centrale dans l’offre de santé française, notamment, par l’adoption du projet « France génomique 2025 », elle engendre des questions éthiques et juridiques complexes. L’intérêt pour la parentèle de connaître le risque génétique du patient afin de bénéficier d’une prise en charge précoce du risque héréditaire familial a soulevé de larges débats. Pour cause, la préservation de la santé de ces tiers à la relation médicale entre de manière inévitable en conflit avec le droit fondamental au secret médical des patients. La France a été un des premiers pays à tenter de répondre à ce problème en apparence insoluble. Par deux lois de bioéthiques de 2004 et 2011, le législateur a créé un régime visant à apporter un équilibre entre ces deux questions. Alors que les parlementaires vont bientôt se réunir afin de réviser une nouvelle fois les lois de bioéthique, nous souhaitons dresser un état des lieux de la conciliation actuelle entre les intérêts des patients et de leurs consanguins. L’objectif de cette analyse sera d’identifier les difficultés rencontrées par les parlementaires nationaux et de proposer des solutions afin de faire avancer le droit français dans sa quête de création d’un juste équilibre entre les droits des patients et des apparentés. Cette étude conjointe des droits français et étrangers nous conduira à proposer la création d’un nouvel outil d’équilibre au service de la santé publique : le dossier médical familial / The recent attraction of the French authorities for the development of the genetic medicine drew our attention. The establishment of the project "France genomic 2025” tends to place the genetic medicine in the center of the medical services. However, it engenders complex ethical and legal questions. The interest of the relatives to be informed in case of a serious risk for their health have raised wide debates. The protection of the health of these third parties in the patient—physician relationship enters in conflict with the patient’s right of confidentiality. French authorities were among the first to try to create a balance between those two interests. The objective of this analysis will be to identify the difficulties met by the parliament and to propose solutions to advance the French law in its research of creation of a just balance between the rights of the patients and the allies. This joint study of the French and foreign rights will lead us to propose the creation of a new tool of balance in the service of the public health
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O dever de informar do fornecedor e a eficácia jurídica da informação nas relações de consumo: precisões conceituaisKretzmann, Renata Pozzi January 2018 (has links)
O dever de informar é multifacetado: é ao mesmo tempo direito e dever e permeia todo o sistema protetivo do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, irradiando seus efeitos desde a fase pré-contratual da relação de consumo. Trata-se de dever que encontra fundamento na boa-fé, baseando-se na necessidade de tutela das legítimas expectativas do consumidor. O presente estudo objetiva a análise das características e correlações do dever de informar do fornecedor nas relações de consumo e as consequências de sua violação, como a não obrigatoriedade do conteúdo contratual desconhecido, o cumprimento forçado da oferta e a responsabilidade por vício e defeito de informação. / The duty to inform is multifaceted: it is at the same time right and duty and pervades the entire protective system of the Consumer Protection Code, radiating its effects since the pre-negotiation phase of the consumption relation. It arises from the good faith principle, the contractual trust and it is based on the need to safeguard the legitimate expectations of the consumer. The present study aims to address the characteristics and correlations of the supplier's duty to inform in consumer relations and the consequences of its violation, such as the non-compulsory contractual unknown content, the forced fulfillment of the offer and the liability for damages caused by lack or defect of information.
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O dever de informar do fornecedor e a eficácia jurídica da informação nas relações de consumo: precisões conceituaisKretzmann, Renata Pozzi January 2018 (has links)
O dever de informar é multifacetado: é ao mesmo tempo direito e dever e permeia todo o sistema protetivo do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, irradiando seus efeitos desde a fase pré-contratual da relação de consumo. Trata-se de dever que encontra fundamento na boa-fé, baseando-se na necessidade de tutela das legítimas expectativas do consumidor. O presente estudo objetiva a análise das características e correlações do dever de informar do fornecedor nas relações de consumo e as consequências de sua violação, como a não obrigatoriedade do conteúdo contratual desconhecido, o cumprimento forçado da oferta e a responsabilidade por vício e defeito de informação. / The duty to inform is multifaceted: it is at the same time right and duty and pervades the entire protective system of the Consumer Protection Code, radiating its effects since the pre-negotiation phase of the consumption relation. It arises from the good faith principle, the contractual trust and it is based on the need to safeguard the legitimate expectations of the consumer. The present study aims to address the characteristics and correlations of the supplier's duty to inform in consumer relations and the consequences of its violation, such as the non-compulsory contractual unknown content, the forced fulfillment of the offer and the liability for damages caused by lack or defect of information.
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O dever de informar do fornecedor e a eficácia jurídica da informação nas relações de consumo: precisões conceituaisKretzmann, Renata Pozzi January 2018 (has links)
O dever de informar é multifacetado: é ao mesmo tempo direito e dever e permeia todo o sistema protetivo do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, irradiando seus efeitos desde a fase pré-contratual da relação de consumo. Trata-se de dever que encontra fundamento na boa-fé, baseando-se na necessidade de tutela das legítimas expectativas do consumidor. O presente estudo objetiva a análise das características e correlações do dever de informar do fornecedor nas relações de consumo e as consequências de sua violação, como a não obrigatoriedade do conteúdo contratual desconhecido, o cumprimento forçado da oferta e a responsabilidade por vício e defeito de informação. / The duty to inform is multifaceted: it is at the same time right and duty and pervades the entire protective system of the Consumer Protection Code, radiating its effects since the pre-negotiation phase of the consumption relation. It arises from the good faith principle, the contractual trust and it is based on the need to safeguard the legitimate expectations of the consumer. The present study aims to address the characteristics and correlations of the supplier's duty to inform in consumer relations and the consequences of its violation, such as the non-compulsory contractual unknown content, the forced fulfillment of the offer and the liability for damages caused by lack or defect of information.
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O direito ? informa??o jornal?stica: garantias constitucionais ao direito de ser informado no sistema brasileiro.G?is, Veruska Sayonara de 24 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-24 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / The freedom of social communication referred to those freedoms exercised under of the media. The journalism is professional activity responsible for factual information, real, pluralistic and of the public interest, directed diffusely to social orientation. The right of the information, characterized as diffuse right or of fruition by uncertain and numerous holders, is
subdivided in the right of the inform, inform yourself and right to be informed. The journalists, as occupants of a enlarged spectrum concerning of right of the inform, have responsibility for the information they disseminate, devoir that puts on the basis of the constitutional right to be informed. This duty is divided with journalistic companies, when them realized. In the research, examined the existence of constitutional guarantees the right to be informed. To answer the question, realized research to support bibliographical and documentary. The guaranty is a empirical preoccupation coated with legality, since lends itself effect concretize a right. Traced so a panel of guarantees of institutional imprint, substantive and procedural. Treating of the institutional guarantees the right to information, it would refer to true institutions (as the free press) and may begin subjective rights. In the case of substantial guarantees, we would have access to information, the confidentiality of the
fonts and the incensurable feature of journalistic information. A guarantee peculiar would be constitution of bodies responsible for monitoring the quality of the vehicles of communication. Trace it also a panel strict of procedural safeguards, such as public civil action, the security s warrant, and the rights of petition and answer. / A liberdade de comunica??o social refere-se ?quelas liberdades exercidas no ?mbito dos meios de comunica??o social. O jornalismo ? a atividade profissional respons?vel pela informa??o factual, verdadeira, plural e de interesse p?blico, direcionada difusamente ? orienta??o social. O direito de informa??o, caracterizado como direito difuso ou de gozo por titulares indeterminados e numerosos, subdivide-se em direito de informar, direito de se informar e direito de ser informado. Os jornalistas, como titulares de um espectro alargado quanto ao direito de informar, t?m responsabilidade quanto ? informa??o que divulgam, dever esse que se coloca na base do direito constitucional de ser informado. Tal dever ? partilhado com as empresas jornal?sticas, quando nelas realizado. Na pesquisa, analisou-se a exist?ncia de garantias constitucionais ao direito de ser informado. Para responder ? quest?o, realizou-se pesquisa com apoio bibliogr?fico e documental. A garantia ? uma preocupa??o emp?rica revestida de juridicidade, j? que se presta a efetivar ou concretizar um direito. Tra?ou-se, dessa maneira, um painel de garantias de cunho institucional, substancial e processual. Tratando-se de garantias institucionais ao direito de informa??o, referir-se-ia a verdadeiras institui??es (como a imprensa livre), podendo da? resultar direitos subjetivos. No caso das garantias substanciais, ter?amos o acesso ? informa??o, o sigilo da fonte e a incensurabilidade da informa??o jornal?stica. Uma garantia peculiar seria a de constitui??o de ?rg?os respons?veis pela fiscaliza??o qualitativa dos ve?culos de comunica??o. Tra?ou-se ainda um rol estrito de garantias processuais, como a a??o civil p?blica, o mandado de seguran?a, e os direitos de peti??o e de resposta.
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GDPR:s effekter på användares skydd avpersonliga data på internetHöber, Christoffer, Marklund, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Personliga data samlas in när vi besöker internetsidor och tillgång till personliga data har snabbt fåttavgörande betydelse för alltfler företags värdeskapande. Därför har metodutveckling för tillgång tillpersonliga data blivit en central del i företags konkurrenskraft. Det medför emellertid stora och riskerför individers personliga integritet. För att motverka sådana risker infördes 2018 den europeiskadataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). Vår analys visar att GDPR ger ett stort tolkningsutrymme för hurföretag informerar om datainsamling via cookie-notifikationer. Utformningen varierar därför kraftigtoch designas ofta för att styra användare mot att acceptera datainsamling. Vår analys visar att eneffekt av GDPR är att antalet cookie-notifikationer ökat avsevärt och att individers medvetenhet omoch oro inför hur personliga data samlas in och används har ökat efter GDPR:s införande. Däremotpekar våra resultat på att GDPR inte haft några betydande effekter på användares beteende när detgäller att aktivt skydda sina personliga data. De viktigaste skälen till att GDPR inte haft några effekterpå användarnas beteende för att skydda sina personliga data är att det är alltför tidskrävande och svårt.Vår analys visar därför att det så kallade “informerade samtycket” till insamling av personliga datainte effektivt uppnås trots GDPR:s införande. Vår slutsats för fortsatt forskning är att det är angelägetmed fördjupad forskning kring obalanser mellan individer, företag och reglerande myndigheterkopplat till hur personliga data samlas in, sammanställs och används. / The collection of personal data has become a crucial part of companies value creation. Because ofthat, the development of methods to get access to power over the personal data has become a centralpart in the competitiveness between companies. This has resulted in risks and concerns concerningindividual privacy. To counteract these risks, the European Union introduced the General dataProtection Regulation (GDPR). Our analysis shows that one effect of the GDPR is an increased usageof cookie-notifications when informing users of data collection. Our analysis also shows that theregulation has room for interpretation for how the companies inform the user about data collectionpractices. That has resulted in varied design methods in cookie-notifications that often steer userstowards an acceptance of collection of personal data. Because of the increased usage of cookienotificationsusers awareness and privacy concerns has drastically increased. However, our findingsshow that the regulation hasn’t had an effect on user behavior, specifically connected to protectingtheir personal data online. The main reasons for this are that it takes a lot of effort and time tocomprehend how that is done practically. Therefore, our analysis shows that “informed consent” isnot effectively achieved in the current methods, despite it being required in the regulation. Ourconclusion is therefore that future research should focus on the imbalance between individuals,companies and regulatory instances when addressing the problems with collection and usage of personal data.
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Nezletilý v civilním procesu / The minor in civil procedureSladká Hyklová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Minor in the Civil Procedure JUDr. Jana Sladká Hyklová Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the minor in civil procedure. This topic has not been yet properly compiled in Czech legal literature although the issues of participation of minors within civil proceedings are still actual and their importance is increasing. The basic legal source covering the chosen topic is Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, which had to be amended more than 120 times. Procedural law in family law matters, which form substantial part of the content of this thesis topic, is firmly connected with substantive law. Substantive legislation is nowadays represented by Civil Code and Family Law, which are supposed to be replaced on 1 January 2014 with new code of civil law, Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.). This is the reason why the thesis pays attention to the existing legislation as well as to novelties brought by the new code. Where needed, an analysis of new legislation in terms of proper procedural protection of the rights of minors is provided. New legislation of civil law brings the question of preparation of appropriate procedural code. On spring 2012 the draft of law of non contentious procedure which includes main principles and outline of this brand new procedural regulation was published. Where...
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La chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation face à l’article 6 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : étude juridictionnelle comparée (France-Grèce) / The criminal division of the Court of Cassation and the article 6 of the European convention of human rights : a comparative jurisdictional study (France-Greece)Kardimis, Théofanis 27 January 2017 (has links)
La première partie de l’étude est consacrée à l’invocation, intra et extra muros, du droit à un procès équitable. Sont analysés ainsi, dans un premier temps, l’applicabilité directe de l’article 6 et la subsidiarité de la Convention par rapport au droit national et de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme par rapport aux juridictions nationales. Le droit à un procès équitable étant un droit jurisprudentiel, l’étude se focalise, dans un second temps, sur l’invocabilité des arrêts de la Cour Européenne et plus précisément sur l’invocabilité directe de l’arrêt qui constate une violation du droit à un procès équitable dans une affaire mettant en cause l’Etat et l’invocabilité de l’interprétation conforme à l’arrêt qui interprète l’article 6 dans une affaire mettant en cause un Etat tiers. L’introduction dans l’ordre juridique français et hellénique de la possibilité de réexamen de la décision pénale définitive rendue en violation de la Convention a fait naitre un nouveau droit d’accès à la Cour de cassation lequel trouve son terrain de prédilection aux violations de l’article 6 et constitue peut-être le pas le plus important pour le respect du droit à un procès équitable après l’acceptation (par la France et la Grèce) du droit de recours individuel. Quant au faible fondement de l’autorité de la chose interprétée par la Cour Européenne, qui est d’ailleurs un concept d’origine communautaire, cela explique pourquoi un dialogue indirect entre la Cour Européenne et la Cour de cassation est possible sans pour autant changer en rien l’invocabilité de l’interprétation conforme et le fait que l’existence d’un précédent oblige la Cour de cassation à motiver l’interprétation divergente qu’elle a adoptée.La seconde partie de l’étude, qui est plus volumineuse, est consacrée aux garanties de bonne administration de la justice (article 6§1), à la présomption d’innocence (article 6§2), aux droits qui trouvent leur fondement conventionnel dans l’article 6§1 mais leur fondement logique dans la présomption d’innocence et aux droits de la défense (article 6§3). Sont ainsi analysés le droit à un tribunal indépendant, impartial et établi par la loi, le délai raisonnable, le principe de l’égalité des armes, le droit à une procédure contradictoire, le droit de la défense d’avoir la parole en dernier, la publicité de l’audience et du prononcé des jugements et arrêts, l’obligation de motivation des décisions, la présomption d’innocence, dans sa dimension procédurale et personnelle, le « droit au mensonge », le droit de l’accusé de se taire et de ne pas contribuer à son auto-incrimination, son droit d’être informé de la nature et de la cause de l’accusation et de la requalification envisagée des faits, son droit au temps et aux facilités nécessaires à la préparation de la défense, y compris notamment la confidentialité de ses communications avec son avocat et le droit d’accès au dossier, son droit de comparaître en personne au procès, le droit de la défense avec ou sans l’assistance d’un avocat, le droit de l’accusé d’être représenté en son absence par son avocat, le droit à l’assistance gratuite d’un avocat lorsque la situation économique de l’accusé ne permet pas le recours à l’assistance d’un avocat mais les intérêts de la justice l’exigent, le droit d’interroger ou faire interroger les témoins à charge et d’obtenir la convocation et l’interrogation des témoins à décharge dans les mêmes conditions que les témoins à charge et le droit à l’interprétation et à la traduction des pièces essentielles du dossier. L’analyse est basée sur la jurisprudence strasbourgeoise et centrée sur la position qu’adoptent la Cour de cassation française et l’Aréopage. / The first party of the study is dedicated to the invocation of the right to a fair trial intra and extra muros and, on this basis, it focuses on the direct applicability of Article 6 and the subsidiarity of the Convention and of the European Court of Human Rights. Because of the fact that the right to a fair trial is a ‘‘judge-made law’’, the study also focuses on the invocability of the judgments of the European Court and more precisely on the direct invocability of the European Court’s judgment finding that there has been a violation of the Convention and on the request for an interpretation in accordance with the European Court’s decisions. The possibility of reviewing the criminal judgment made in violation of the Convention has generated a new right of access to the Court of cassation which particularly concerns the violations of the right to a fair trial and is probably the most important step for the respect of the right to a fair trial after enabling the right of individual petition. As for the weak conventional basis of the authority of res interpretata (“autorité de la chose interprétée”), this fact explains why an indirect dialogue between the ECHR and the Court of cassation is possible but doesn’t affect the applicant’s right to request an interpretation in accordance with the Court’s decisions and the duty of the Court of cassation to explain why it has decided to depart from the (non-binding) precedent.The second party of the study is bigger than the first one and is dedicated to the guarantees of the proper administration of justice (Article 6§1), the presumption of innocence (Article 6§2), the rights which find their conventional basis on the Article 6§1 but their logical explanation to the presumption of innocence and the rights of defence (Article 6§3). More precisely, the second party of the study is analyzing the right to an independent and impartial tribunal established by law, the right to a hearing within a reasonable time, the principle of equality of arms, the right to adversarial proceedings, the right of the defence to the last word, the right to a public hearing and a public pronouncement of the judgement, the judge’s duty to state the reasons for his decision, the presumption of innocence, in both its procedural and personal dimensions, the accused’s right to lie, his right to remain silent, his right against self-incrimination, his right to be informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation and the potential re-characterisation of the facts, his right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of the defence, including in particular the access to the case-file and the free and confidential communication with his lawyer, his right to appear in person at the trial, his right to defend either in person or through legal assistance, his right to be represented by his counsel, his right to free legal aid if he hasn’t sufficient means to pay for legal assistance but the interests of justice so require, his right to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him and his right to the free assistance of an interpreter and to the translation of the key documents. The analysis is based on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and focuses on the position taken by the French and the Greek Court of Cassation (Areopagus) on each one of the above mentioned rights.
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