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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do ventrículo direito nos pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar / Right ventricle evaluation in pulmonary hypertension

Hoette, Susana 20 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A fração de ejeção do ventrículo direito (FEVD) é um importante fator prognóstico em pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar (HP), porém a sua medida é complicada e demorada devido à complexidade anatômica do ventrículo direito (VD). O TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) é um bom índice da FEVD, mas ele avalia apenas o componente longitudinal da contração ventricular direita. A RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) parece ser um melhor índice da FEVD por incluir os componentes longitudinal e transversal da contração ventricular direita. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance da RVFAC de acordo com a gravidade do acometimento hemodinâmico em dois grupos distintos de pacientes portadores de HP pré-capilar: hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) e tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo (TEPCH). Métodos: 62 pacientes realizaram cateterismo cardíaco direito e ressonância magnética cardíaca em ±72h. As áreas sistóica e diastólica finais do ventrículo direito (ASFVD, ADFVD), a área diastólica final do ventrículo esquerdo (ADFVE) e o TAPSE foram medidos nas imagens de quatro cavidades. A RVFAC (ADFVD-ASFVD/ADFVD) e a relação entre as áreas diastólica finais ventriculares (ADFVD/ADFVE) foram calculadas. Os diâmetros entre as paredes livre e septal (dL-S) e antero-posterior (dA-P) do ventículo esquerdo (VE) foram medidos nas imagens em eixo curto e o índice de excentricidade do VE (IE) foi calculado (=dA-P/dL-S). A FEVD foi calculada a partir de imagens consecutivas de 6mm no eixo curto. . Resultados: A população tinha 58 anos em média, a maioria era do sexo feminino e estava em classe funcional III, 23 tinham HAP e 39 TEPCH. A FEVD apresentou correlações fracas com as medidas hemodinâmicas de sobrecarga e de função do VD. A RVFAC apresentou melhor correlação (R2=0,65, p < 0,001) do que o TAPSE (R2=0,35, p<0,001) com a FEVD e melhor capacidade para estimar FEVD<35% do que o TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0,73 e RVFAC: AUC 0,93, p=0,0065). Dividimos a população pela mediana da resistência vascular pulmonar (RVP) e observamos que no grupo com maior gravidade hemodinâmica essa diferença se acentuou: no grupo com RVP<8,5UW (RVFAC: R2=0,66, p<0,001 e TAPSE: R2=0,30, e p=0,002) e no grupo com RVP>8,5UW (RVFAC: R2=0,51, p<0,001 e TAPSE: R2=0,14, e p=0,041). O grupo com RVP>8,5UW apresentou maior ADFVD/ADFVE e maior IE. As correlações da RVFAC e TAPSE com FEVD foram semelhantes entre os grupos HAP e TEPCH. Conclusão: A RVFAC se correlacionou melhor com a FEVD do que o TAPSE tanto no grupo com menor como no grupo com maior gravidade hemodinâmica. No grupo com maior gravidade as correlações da RVFAC com a FEVD foram ainda mais significativas, não havendo diferenças na performance da RVFAC entre os pacientes com HAP e TEPCH. A RVFAC foi um melhor índice da FEVD talvez por incluir o movimento transversal da contração ventricular / Introduction: The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (=RVEDARVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship were calculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dF-S) and the diameter between the LV anterior and posterior walls (dA-P) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (=dA-P/dF-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines. Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had PAH and 39 CTEPH. The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was more strongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p<0.001) than TAPSE (R2=0.35, p<0.001). RVEF<35% was better predicted by RVFAC than TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0.73 and RVFAC: AUC 0.93, p=0.0065). We divided the population by the median of the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and we observed that in the group with worse hemodynamic severity this difference increased: in the group with PVR<8,5WU (RVFAC: R2=0.66, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.30, p=0.002) and in the group with PVR>8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.14, p=0.041). The group with PVR>8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH. Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity RVFAC perfomed even better, there was no difference in the performance of RVFAC in PAH or CTEPH. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function

Corrélation entre les donnés de l`imagerie par résonance magnetique (IRM) cardiaque et le cathétérisme droit dans l`hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) / Avaliação do ventrículo direito nos pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar / Right ventricle evaluation in pulmonary hypertension

Hoette, Susana 20 August 2012 (has links)
La fraction d'éjection du ventricule droit (FEVD) est un marqueur de survie en cas d'hypertension pulmonaire (PH), mais sa mesure est compliquée et fastidieuse. Le TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) est un bon indice de la FEVD mais il ne mesure que la composante longitudinale de la contraction ventriculaire droite. La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) semble être un meilleur indice de FEVD car il prend en compte le sens longitudinal et transversal des éléments de la contraction du ventricule droit. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer la performance RVFAC fonction de la sévérité hémodynamique chez les deux groupes de patients atteints de PH:l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HAP) et l'hypertension pulmonaire thromboembolique chronique (CTEPH).Methodes: Soixante-deux patients atteints d'HTAP et CTEPH ont bénéficié d’un cathétérisme cardiaque droit et d’une IRM cardiaque dans un délai de 72 heures. Les surfaces ventriculaires droite et gauche a la fin de la diastole (RVEDA, LVEDA), la surface du ventricule droit a la fin da la systole (RVESA) et TAPSE ont été mesurés dans la vue quatre cavités. Le RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA-RVESA/RVEDA) et le rapport RVEDA/LVEDA ont été calculés. Le diamètre entre la paroi libre et le septum (DF-S) et le diamètre entre les parois antérieure et postérieures du ventricule gauche (DA-P) ont été mesurés et l'indice d’excentricité LV (IE) a été calculé (= DA-P / DF-S). Le RVEF a été calculée à l'aide de coupes jointives de 6 mm en petit axe du ventricule droit.Résultats: La population avait un âge moyen de 58 ans avec une majorité des femmes, la plupart des patients étaient en classe fonctionnelle III, 23 avaient des HAP) et 39 des CTEPH. La RVEF était faiblement corrélée aux variables hémodynamiques de la post-charge et de la fonction VD. Le RVFAC était plus fortement corrélée à FEVD (R2 = 0,65, p <0,001) que TAPSE (R2 = 0,35, p <0,001). Une FEVD <35% était mieux prédite par un RVFAC bas que par une diminution de TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0,73 et RVFAC: AUC 0,93, p = 0,0065). Nous avons divisé la population par la médiane de la résistance artérielle pulmonaire (RAP) et nous avons observé que dans le groupe avec la pire sévérité hémodynamique, cette différence a augmenté: dans le groupe avec PVR < 8,5 UW (RVFAC: R2 = 0,66, p <0,001 et TAPSE: R2 = 0,30, p =0,002) et dans le groupe avec PVR > 8,5 UW (RVFAC: R2 = 0,51, p <0,001 et TAPSE: R2 = 0,14, p = 0,041). Le groupe avec PVR> 8,5 WU avait un rapport RVEDA/LVEDA augmenté et une augmentation de l`indice excentricité. Les relations RVEF-RVFAC n’étaient pas différentes entre les groupes de HAP et CETPH.Conclusion: La fraction de variation surfacique du ventricule droit RVFAC fournit un reflet simple et fiable de la FEVD peut-être parce que contrairement à TAPSE qui ne prend en compte que le raccourcissement longitudinal, RFVAC prend également en compte la composante transversale de la fonction ventriculaire droite. / The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolicpulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (RVFAC=RVEDA–RVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship werecalculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dL-S) and the diameter between the anterior and posterior walls (dAP) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (EI=dAP/dL-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines.Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 39 had chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was morestrongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p<0.001) than TAPSE (R2=0.35, p<0.001). RVEF<35% was better predicted by RVFAC than TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0.73 and RVFAC: AUC 0.93, p=0.0065). We divided the population by the median of the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and we observed that in the group with worse hemodynamic severity this difference increased: inthe group with PVR<8,5WU (RVFAC: R2=0.66, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.30, p=0.002) and in the group with PVR>8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.14, p=0.041). The group with PVR>8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH.Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity, with no difference in the performance in theHAP or CTEPH groups. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function.

Avaliação do ventrículo direito nos pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar / Right ventricle evaluation in pulmonary hypertension

Susana Hoette 20 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A fração de ejeção do ventrículo direito (FEVD) é um importante fator prognóstico em pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar (HP), porém a sua medida é complicada e demorada devido à complexidade anatômica do ventrículo direito (VD). O TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) é um bom índice da FEVD, mas ele avalia apenas o componente longitudinal da contração ventricular direita. A RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) parece ser um melhor índice da FEVD por incluir os componentes longitudinal e transversal da contração ventricular direita. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance da RVFAC de acordo com a gravidade do acometimento hemodinâmico em dois grupos distintos de pacientes portadores de HP pré-capilar: hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) e tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo (TEPCH). Métodos: 62 pacientes realizaram cateterismo cardíaco direito e ressonância magnética cardíaca em ±72h. As áreas sistóica e diastólica finais do ventrículo direito (ASFVD, ADFVD), a área diastólica final do ventrículo esquerdo (ADFVE) e o TAPSE foram medidos nas imagens de quatro cavidades. A RVFAC (ADFVD-ASFVD/ADFVD) e a relação entre as áreas diastólica finais ventriculares (ADFVD/ADFVE) foram calculadas. Os diâmetros entre as paredes livre e septal (dL-S) e antero-posterior (dA-P) do ventículo esquerdo (VE) foram medidos nas imagens em eixo curto e o índice de excentricidade do VE (IE) foi calculado (=dA-P/dL-S). A FEVD foi calculada a partir de imagens consecutivas de 6mm no eixo curto. . Resultados: A população tinha 58 anos em média, a maioria era do sexo feminino e estava em classe funcional III, 23 tinham HAP e 39 TEPCH. A FEVD apresentou correlações fracas com as medidas hemodinâmicas de sobrecarga e de função do VD. A RVFAC apresentou melhor correlação (R2=0,65, p < 0,001) do que o TAPSE (R2=0,35, p<0,001) com a FEVD e melhor capacidade para estimar FEVD<35% do que o TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0,73 e RVFAC: AUC 0,93, p=0,0065). Dividimos a população pela mediana da resistência vascular pulmonar (RVP) e observamos que no grupo com maior gravidade hemodinâmica essa diferença se acentuou: no grupo com RVP<8,5UW (RVFAC: R2=0,66, p<0,001 e TAPSE: R2=0,30, e p=0,002) e no grupo com RVP>8,5UW (RVFAC: R2=0,51, p<0,001 e TAPSE: R2=0,14, e p=0,041). O grupo com RVP>8,5UW apresentou maior ADFVD/ADFVE e maior IE. As correlações da RVFAC e TAPSE com FEVD foram semelhantes entre os grupos HAP e TEPCH. Conclusão: A RVFAC se correlacionou melhor com a FEVD do que o TAPSE tanto no grupo com menor como no grupo com maior gravidade hemodinâmica. No grupo com maior gravidade as correlações da RVFAC com a FEVD foram ainda mais significativas, não havendo diferenças na performance da RVFAC entre os pacientes com HAP e TEPCH. A RVFAC foi um melhor índice da FEVD talvez por incluir o movimento transversal da contração ventricular / Introduction: The right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is a surrogate marker in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but its measurement is complicated and time consuming. The TAPSE (Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion) is a good index of RVEF, though it measures only the longitudinal component of right ventricular contraction. The RVFAC (Right Ventricular Fractional Area Change) seems to be a better index of RVEF because it takes into account the longitudinal and the transversal components of right ventricular contraction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the RVFAC performance according to hemodynamic severity in two groups of patients with PH: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Methos: Sixty-two patients with PAH and CTEPH underwent right heart catheterization and cardiac MR in a 72-hour delay. The right and left ventricle end diastolic areas (RVEDA, LVEDA), the right ventricle end systolic area (RVESA) and TAPSE were measured in the four chamber view. The RVFAC (=RVEDARVESA/RVEDA) and the RVEDA/LVEDA relationship were calculated. The diameter between the left ventricle (LV) free wall and the septum (dF-S) and the diameter between the LV anterior and posterior walls (dA-P) were measured and the LV eccentricity index (EI) was calculated (=dA-P/dF-S). The RVEF was calculated by using 6 mm RV short axis cines. Results: The population had mean age of 58 years with female majority, most of the patients were in functional class III, 23 had PAH and 39 CTEPH. The RVEF was weakly correlated to the hemodynamic variables of RV afterload and function. The RVFAC was more strongly correlated to RVEF (R2=0.65, p<0.001) than TAPSE (R2=0.35, p<0.001). RVEF<35% was better predicted by RVFAC than TAPSE (TAPSE: AUC 0.73 and RVFAC: AUC 0.93, p=0.0065). We divided the population by the median of the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and we observed that in the group with worse hemodynamic severity this difference increased: in the group with PVR<8,5WU (RVFAC: R2=0.66, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.30, p=0.002) and in the group with PVR>8,5 WU (RVFAC: R2=0.51, p<0.001 and TAPSE: R2=0.14, p=0.041). The group with PVR>8,5WU had an increased RVEDA/LVEDA and an increased EI. There was no differences in the RVEF relationships between the groups of PAH and CETPH. Conclusion: The RVFAC was better correlated to RVEF than TAPSE in the groups with less severe and more severe hemodynamics. In patients with increased hemodynamic severity RVFAC perfomed even better, there was no difference in the performance of RVFAC in PAH or CTEPH. RVFAC was a better index of RVEF possibly because it takes into account the transversal component of right ventricular function

Mechanisms of Right-ventricular Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Chronic Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension

Gosal, Kiranjot 22 November 2013 (has links)
Chronic neonatal pulmonary hypertension (PHT) frequently presents with rightventricular (RV) dysfunction. In neonatal rats exposed to chronic hypoxia, RV dysfunction is reversed by sustained rescue treatment with a Rho-kinase (ROCK) inhibitor – the caveat being systemic hypotension. We therefore examined the reversing effects of pulmonary-selective ROCK inhibition. Rat pups were exposed to air or hypoxia from birth for 21 days and received sustained rescue treatment with aerosolized Fasudil (81 mg/ml t.i.d for 15 min) or i.p. Y27632 (15 mg/kg b.i.d) from days 14-21. Inhaled Fasudil normalized pulmonary vascular resistance, and reversed pulmonary vascular remodeling but did not improve RV systolic function. Systemic, but not pulmonary-selective, ROCK inhibition attenuated increased RV ROCK activity. Our findings indicate that RV dysfunction in chronic hypoxic PHT is not merely a result of increased afterload, but rather may be due to increased activity of ROCK in the right ventricle.

Mechanisms of Right-ventricular Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Chronic Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension

Gosal, Kiranjot 22 November 2013 (has links)
Chronic neonatal pulmonary hypertension (PHT) frequently presents with rightventricular (RV) dysfunction. In neonatal rats exposed to chronic hypoxia, RV dysfunction is reversed by sustained rescue treatment with a Rho-kinase (ROCK) inhibitor – the caveat being systemic hypotension. We therefore examined the reversing effects of pulmonary-selective ROCK inhibition. Rat pups were exposed to air or hypoxia from birth for 21 days and received sustained rescue treatment with aerosolized Fasudil (81 mg/ml t.i.d for 15 min) or i.p. Y27632 (15 mg/kg b.i.d) from days 14-21. Inhaled Fasudil normalized pulmonary vascular resistance, and reversed pulmonary vascular remodeling but did not improve RV systolic function. Systemic, but not pulmonary-selective, ROCK inhibition attenuated increased RV ROCK activity. Our findings indicate that RV dysfunction in chronic hypoxic PHT is not merely a result of increased afterload, but rather may be due to increased activity of ROCK in the right ventricle.

Die Prävalenz, die Korrelate und der Einfluss der rechtsventrikulären Dysfunktion auf die kardiale Mortalität bei nicht-ischämischer Kardiomyopathie

Püschner, Andreas Siegfried 08 October 2020 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die gegenwärtigen Richtlinien zur Herzinsuffizienzbehandlung schenken der Beurteilung des rechten Ventrikels nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit, da nur begrenzte Daten zu Determinanten der rechtsventrikulären Funktion und den Mechanismen, die zu seiner Insuffizienz führen bzw. der Beziehung zu den Ergebnissen zur Verfügung stehen. Fragestellung: Es war die Aufgabe der Studie, die Prävalenz der rechtsventrikulären Dysfunktion (RVD) zu bestimmen, klinische und hämodynamische Korrelate zu identifizieren und die Beziehung zu kardialer Mortalität bei Herzinsuffizienz mit reduzierter linksventrikulärer Ejektionsfraktion (LVEF) hervorgerufen durch die nicht-ischämische Kardiomyopathie (NICM) einzuschätzen. Methoden: In dieser prospektiv angelegten Studie wurden 423 Patienten mit kardiovaskulärer Magnetresonanztomographie (CMR) untersucht. Zudem wurde bei 100 Patienten zeitnah zur CMR-Untersuchung eine Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung durchgeführt. Die kardiale Mortalität wurde als Studienendpunkt definiert. Ergebnisse: Während einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 6,2 Jahren (IQR: 2,9 bis 7,6) starben 101 (24 %) der Patienten aufgrund eines kardialen Versagens. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die rechtsventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion (RVEF) ein starker Prädiktor für kardiale Mortalität nach Anpassung an Alter, NYHA-Klasse, systolischen Blutdruck, Herzfrequenz, Natrium und Kreatininserumspiegel, Myokardnarbe und linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion (LVEF) ist. Patienten, die im Quintil mit der niedrigsten RVEF waren, hatten ein fast fünffach so hohes kardiales Mortalitätsrisiko im Vergleich zum höchsten Quintil (Hazard Ratio [95%-Konfidenzintervall (CI)]: 4,68 [2,43-9,02]; p<0,0001). Die RVEF hatte eine positive Korrelation zur LVEF (r=0,60; p=<0,0001), und eine umgekehrte Korrelation zum rechten Vorhofdruck (r=−0,32; p=0,001), mittleren pulmonalarteriellen Druck (r=−0,34, p=0,0005), transpulmonalen Gradienten (r=−0,28; p=0,006), aber keine mit dem pulmonalarteriellen Verschlussdruck (r=−0,15; p=0,13). In der multivariablen logistischen Regressionsanalyse des CMR und der klinischen und hämodynamischen Daten waren die LVEF (Odds Ratio [95%-CI]: 0,85 [0,78-0,92], p<0,0001), der transpulmonale Gradient (Odds Ratio [95%-CI]: 1,20 [1,09-1,32], p=0,0003) und der systolische Blutdruck (Odds Ratio [95%-CI]: 0,97 [0,94-0,99], p=0,02) die stärksten Prädiktoren für die RVD. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Untersuchung der RVEF mit CMR liefert wichtige prognostische Informationen unabhängig von etablierten Risikofaktoren bei Herzinsuffizienzpatienten. RVD steht in einer starken Verbindung mit beiden Kenngrößen der intrinsischen myokardialen Kontraktilität und der erhöhten Nachlast durch eine pulmonalvaskuläre Dysfunktion.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Einführung in die Problemstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit 1.2 Nicht-ischämische Kardiomyopathie 1.3 Die Bedeutung des rechten Ventrikels für die Entwicklung der Herzinsuffizienz 1.4 Magnetresonanztomographie als Untersuchungsmethode 1.4.1 Einführung in die CMR 1.4.2 Allgemeine Grundlagen der MRT 1.4.3 True Fast Imaging with Steady-State Precession (TrueFISP) 1.4.4 Turbo Fast Low-Angle Shot (Turbo-FLASH) 1.5 Rechtsherzkatheter als Standarduntersuchung 1.6 Ziele der Studie 2 Patienten und Methoden 2.1 Patientenpopulation 2.2 Untersuchungsprotokoll MRT 2.2.1 Untersuchungstechnik 2.2.2 Bildanalyse 2.3 Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung 2.4 Verlaufsuntersuchung 2.5 Statistische Analyse 3. Ergebnisse 3.1 Basischarakteristika 3.2 Ergebnisse der Nachfolgeuntersuchung 3.3 Zusammenhang zwischen rechtsventrikulärer Dysfunktion und kardialer Mortalität 3.4 Prädiktoren der kardialen Mortalität 3.5 Bestimmungsfaktoren der rechtsventrikulären Dysfunktion 4 Diskussion 4.1 Ergebnisdiskussion 4.2 Grenzen der Studie 4.3 Schlussfolgerungen der Diskussion 4.4 Perspektiven 4.4.1 Kompetenz bei der Patientenbehandlung und Fähigkeiten der Prozedur 4.4.2 Ausblick für die zukünftige Behandlung 5 Zusammenfassung 6 Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärungen Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Regeln Danksagung / Background: Current heart failure (HF) management guidelines place little emphasis on right ventricular (RV) assessment, due to limited available data on determinants of RV function and mechanisms leading to its failure, and relation to outcomes. Objective: To determine the prevalence of RV dysfunction (RVD), identify clinical and hemodynamic correlates, and assess the relation to cardiac mortality in HF with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) from non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM). Methods: This study prospectively examined 423 patients with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Right-heart catheterization was performed in 100 patients. The prespecified study endpoint was cardiac mortality. Results: During a median follow-up time of 6.2 years (IQR: 2.9 to 7.6) 101 (24%) patients died of cardiac causes. RVEF was a strong independent predictor of cardiac mortality after adjustment for age, HF functional class, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, serum sodium and creatinine levels, myocardial scar, and LVEF. Patients with the lowest quintile of RVEF had a near five-fold higher cardiac mortality risk compared to the highest quintile (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval (CI)]: 4.68 [2.43-9.02], p<0.0001). RVEF was positively correlated with LVEF (r=0.60, p=<0.0001), and inversely correlated with right atrial pressure (r=−0.32, p=0.001), mean pulmonary artery pressure (r=−0.34, p=0.0005), transpulmonary gradient, (r=−0.28, p=0.006) but not with pulmonary wedge pressure (r=−0.15, p=0.13). In multivariable logistic regression analysis of CMR, clinical, and hemodynamic data, LVEF, transpulmonary gradient, and systolic blood pressure were the strongest predictors of RVD (odds ratio [95% CI]: 0.85 [0.78-0.92], p<0.0001; 1.20 [1.09-1.32], p=0.0003; 0.97 [0.94-0.99], p=0.02, respectively). Conclusion: CMR assessment of RVEF provides important prognostic information independent of established risk factors in HF patients. RVD is strongly associated with both indices of intrinsic myocardial contractility and increased afterload from pulmonary vascular dysfunction.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Einführung in die Problemstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit 1.2 Nicht-ischämische Kardiomyopathie 1.3 Die Bedeutung des rechten Ventrikels für die Entwicklung der Herzinsuffizienz 1.4 Magnetresonanztomographie als Untersuchungsmethode 1.4.1 Einführung in die CMR 1.4.2 Allgemeine Grundlagen der MRT 1.4.3 True Fast Imaging with Steady-State Precession (TrueFISP) 1.4.4 Turbo Fast Low-Angle Shot (Turbo-FLASH) 1.5 Rechtsherzkatheter als Standarduntersuchung 1.6 Ziele der Studie 2 Patienten und Methoden 2.1 Patientenpopulation 2.2 Untersuchungsprotokoll MRT 2.2.1 Untersuchungstechnik 2.2.2 Bildanalyse 2.3 Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung 2.4 Verlaufsuntersuchung 2.5 Statistische Analyse 3. Ergebnisse 3.1 Basischarakteristika 3.2 Ergebnisse der Nachfolgeuntersuchung 3.3 Zusammenhang zwischen rechtsventrikulärer Dysfunktion und kardialer Mortalität 3.4 Prädiktoren der kardialen Mortalität 3.5 Bestimmungsfaktoren der rechtsventrikulären Dysfunktion 4 Diskussion 4.1 Ergebnisdiskussion 4.2 Grenzen der Studie 4.3 Schlussfolgerungen der Diskussion 4.4 Perspektiven 4.4.1 Kompetenz bei der Patientenbehandlung und Fähigkeiten der Prozedur 4.4.2 Ausblick für die zukünftige Behandlung 5 Zusammenfassung 6 Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Eidesstattliche Erklärungen Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Regeln Danksagung

Prognostic Stratification in Patients with Left Heart Disease : A Machine Learning Approach / Prognostisk stratifiering hos patienter med vänstersidig hjärtsvikt : En maskininlärningsmetod

Saleh, Mariam January 2024 (has links)
Left heart disease often results in left heart failure and right ventricular dysfunction which is challenging to diagnose with traditional diagnostic approaches. To address this a novel empirical 4-point right ventricular dysfunction score was created at Sahlgrenska University Hospital to overcome the limitations of single variables for diagnosing right ventricular dysfunction. In this study, we used machine learning, more specifically XGBoost coupled with interactive machine learning to develop four different models for predicting death or receiving a left ventricular assist device in patients with left heart disease (n=486). Features were selected from the dataset using recursive feature elimination with the default number of features. The initial model with 29 features, called the baseline model served as the foundation of the three additional models, each adjusted based on feedback from a clinician. The first step of feedback included removing features due to high correlation, creating a modified model with 12 features, the second step was to use 12 well-known characteristics of left and right ventricular dysfunction creating an empirical model, and adjusting the prediction threshold from 50% to 60%. The third step was to reduce the number of features to 5 based on empirical grounds. The models were compared to the right ventricular dysfunction score using the metrics area under the curve, f1 score, positive likelihood ratio, and negative likelihood ratio. The predictive efficacy of the machine learning models was superior compared to the right ventricular dysfunction score. The results also indicated that the models did neither improve nor deteriorate when reducing the number of features. However, insufficient accuracy indicates that none of the machine learning models are clinically viable. These results show the potential of machine learning in enhancing prognostic stratification in patients with left heart disease although further refinement is necessary for clinical use. / Vänstersidig hjärtsjukdom resulterar ofta i vänstersidig hjärtsvikt och högerkammarsvikt vilket är utmanade att diagnostisera med traditionella diagnostiska metoder. För att komma undan med begränsningen med enskilda variabler för att diagnostisera högerkammarsvikt skapades ett 4 poängs högerkammarsvikt score vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. I denna studie användes en XGBoost-algoritm kombinerat med interaktiv maskininlärning för att utveckla fyra olika prediktions modeller för att förutsäga dödlighet eller risken att få en mekanisk hjärtpump för vänster kammare hos patienter med vänster hjärtsvikt (n=486). Variabler valdes från datamängden med hjälp av rekursiv funktionseliminering med ett standardantal variabler. Den initiala modellen med 29 variabler kallades baslinjemodellen och fungerade som grunden för de tre ytterligare modellerna som justerades baserat på klinikerns feedback. Det först steget inkluderade att ta bort variabler med inbördes hög korrelation och vi skapade en modifierad modell med 12 variabler. I det andra steget i den empiriska modellen använde vi 12 kända egenskaperna vid vänsterkammar- och högerkammarsvikt och för båda justerades tröskelvärdet för prediktion från 50% till 60%. I ett tredje steg skapade vi en förenklad modell med 5 variabler ut ifrån klinisk grund. Modellerna jämfördes med höger hjärtsvikts 4 poängskalan med hjälp av mätvariablerna area under kurvan, f1-poäng, positivt sannolikhets ratio och negativt sannolikhets ratio. Detta avslöjade att maskininlärnings modellerna hade bättre prediktiv förmåga än 4-poängs högerkammarsvikt score. Dessutom visade resultatet att modellerna inte försämrades eller förbättrades när variabler valdes bort eller när nya modeller skapades på klinisk grund. Dock hade maskininlärnings modellerna otillräcklig noggrannhet för klinisk användning.

Avaliação da musculatura estriada de membros inferiores na limitação funcional ao exercício em pacientes com hipertensão arterial pulmonar / Assessment of skeletal muscle of lower limb in functional exercise limitation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

Breda, Ana Paula 25 April 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) é uma doença progressiva extremamente grave, que evolui com insuficiência cardíaca direita e morte. Apesar do avanço do tratamento farmacológico, o prognóstico permanece reservado com taxa de sobrevida de 86%, 70% e 55% em 1, 3 e 5 anos, respectivamente. A dispnéia progressiva e a intolerância ao exercício são as principais manifestações clínicas e refletem a falência do ventrículo direito. O músculo esquelético periférico parece ser também um dos principais determinantes desta limitação funcional, visto que a redução da oferta de oxigênio e alterações na extração/utilização do oxigênio pelo músculo são diretamente relacionados com a tolerância ao exercício. Existem dois mecanismos potencialmente envolvidos na regulação da oferta de oxigênio, e portanto, na capacidade de exercício: mecanismos centrais (função do coração, pulmão e sistema nervoso autônomo) e mecanismos periféricos (associado ao fluxo sanguíneo periférico e a função do músculo esquelético). Os pacientes com HAP geralmente apresentam baixo débito cardíaco e estado adrenérgico exacerbado. A combinação destas alterações pode resultar em alterações estruturais e funcionais da musculatura estriada periférica. Porém, não existem informações sólidas que nos esclareçam se o acometimento muscular é preditor independente da limitação da capacidade de exercício. Objetivos: (1) Caracterizar o papel da musculatura periférica na limitação funcional em pacientes com HAP. (2) Avaliar o papel do sistema muscular periférico como um fator independente para a limitação ao exercício em HAP. Materiais e métodos: Dezesseis pacientes com HAP foram prospectivamente comparados com 10 indivíduos controle em termos de dados demográficos, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e limitação ao exercício, avaliada pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos, teste cardiopulmonar, dinamometria isocinética e medições de pressão respiratória máxima. Pacientes com HAP também foram submetidos à biópsia do quadríceps, a fim de avaliar as mudanças estruturais. Resultados: Os pacientes com HAP apresentaram pior qualidade de vida (componente físico p<0,001), menor percentagem de massa magra (p=0,044), menor força muscular respiratória (p<0,001), menor resistência e força dos extensores de coxa (p=0,017 e p=0,012, respectivamente) e maior limitação funcional demonstrada pela distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (p<0,001) e pelo teste de exercício cardiopulmonar (p<0,001 para VO2/kg), em comparação ao grupo controle. Estes achados de redução de força e função muscular estão em acordo com os achados de redução da percentagem de fibras do Tipo I à biópsia muscular. O consumo de oxigênio, apresentou correlação com a função da musculatura respiratória e da musculatura extensora de coxa (resistência e força), e com a proporção de fibras oxidativas (Tipo I). O débito cardíaco também apresentou correlação com o VO2. o modelo de análise bivariada demonstrou que a função muscular é preditora independente do VO2 pico, mesmo com a correção para o perfil hemodinâmico. Conclusão: (1) Pacientes com HAP apresentam alteração estrutural e funcional da musculatura estriada periférica, e (2) estas alterações determinam limitação da capacidade global de exercício de forma independente do padrão hemodinâmico característico da HAP / Introduction: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a relentlessly progressive disease that leads to right heart failure and death. Despite advances in pharmacological treatment, prognosis is still poor with survival rates of 86%, 70% and 55% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively. Progressive dyspnea and exercise intolerance are the main clinical manifestations and reflect the impairment of right ventricular function. Peripheral skeletal muscle also seems to be a major determinant of functional limitation, as the reduction of oxygen supply and changes in extraction and utilization of oxygen by the muscle are directly associated to exercise tolerance. There are two potential mechanisms involved in the regulation of oxygen supply and therefore in exercise capacity: central (as a function of heart, lung and autonomic nervous system function) and peripheral (associated to peripheral blood flow and skeletal muscle function). Patients with PAH usually present low cardiac output and exacerbated adrenergic state. The combination of these features might result in changes of peripheral skeletal muscle and structure. However, there is no robust information that clearly clarifies whether the muscle involvement is an independent factor for exercise limitation. Objectives: (1) Characterize the role of the peripheral muscles in functional limitation in patients with PAH. (2) Address the role of the peripheral muscle system as an independent factor in exercise limitation in PAH. Materials and methods: Sixteen PAH patients were prospectively compared to 10 control individuals in terms of demographic data, health related quality of life and exercise limitation, assessed by six-minute walk test, cardiopulmonary test, isokinetic dynamometry and maximum respiratory pressure measurements. PAH patients also were submitted to vastus lateralis biopsy in order to assess structural changes. Results: PAH patients presented poorer quality of life (p <0.001), lower percentage of fat free mass (p = 0.044), lower respiratory muscle strength (p <0.001), lower resistance and strength of the extensor of the thigh (p = 0.017 and 0.012, respectively) and greater functional limitation demonstrated by the six-minute walk distance (p <0.001) and at the cardiopulmonary exercise test (p <0.001 for VO2max/kg), as compared to the control group. These findings of reduced muscle strength and function are in agreement with the findings of reduced percentage of Type I fibers at the muscle biopsy. The oxygen consumption correlated to the function of respiratory muscles and of extensor muscles of the thigh (endurance and strength) as well as to the proportion of oxidative fibers (Type I). The cardiac output also correlated with VO2. A bivariate model demonstrated that muscle function is an independent predictor of maximum oxygen consumption, even correcting for the hemodynamic profile. Conclusion: (1) PAH patients present functional and structural changes in peripheral skeletal muscles, and (2) these changes determine overall exercise capacity limitation, independently of the hemodynamic pattern

Avaliação da musculatura estriada de membros inferiores na limitação funcional ao exercício em pacientes com hipertensão arterial pulmonar / Assessment of skeletal muscle of lower limb in functional exercise limitation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

Ana Paula Breda 25 April 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) é uma doença progressiva extremamente grave, que evolui com insuficiência cardíaca direita e morte. Apesar do avanço do tratamento farmacológico, o prognóstico permanece reservado com taxa de sobrevida de 86%, 70% e 55% em 1, 3 e 5 anos, respectivamente. A dispnéia progressiva e a intolerância ao exercício são as principais manifestações clínicas e refletem a falência do ventrículo direito. O músculo esquelético periférico parece ser também um dos principais determinantes desta limitação funcional, visto que a redução da oferta de oxigênio e alterações na extração/utilização do oxigênio pelo músculo são diretamente relacionados com a tolerância ao exercício. Existem dois mecanismos potencialmente envolvidos na regulação da oferta de oxigênio, e portanto, na capacidade de exercício: mecanismos centrais (função do coração, pulmão e sistema nervoso autônomo) e mecanismos periféricos (associado ao fluxo sanguíneo periférico e a função do músculo esquelético). Os pacientes com HAP geralmente apresentam baixo débito cardíaco e estado adrenérgico exacerbado. A combinação destas alterações pode resultar em alterações estruturais e funcionais da musculatura estriada periférica. Porém, não existem informações sólidas que nos esclareçam se o acometimento muscular é preditor independente da limitação da capacidade de exercício. Objetivos: (1) Caracterizar o papel da musculatura periférica na limitação funcional em pacientes com HAP. (2) Avaliar o papel do sistema muscular periférico como um fator independente para a limitação ao exercício em HAP. Materiais e métodos: Dezesseis pacientes com HAP foram prospectivamente comparados com 10 indivíduos controle em termos de dados demográficos, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e limitação ao exercício, avaliada pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos, teste cardiopulmonar, dinamometria isocinética e medições de pressão respiratória máxima. Pacientes com HAP também foram submetidos à biópsia do quadríceps, a fim de avaliar as mudanças estruturais. Resultados: Os pacientes com HAP apresentaram pior qualidade de vida (componente físico p<0,001), menor percentagem de massa magra (p=0,044), menor força muscular respiratória (p<0,001), menor resistência e força dos extensores de coxa (p=0,017 e p=0,012, respectivamente) e maior limitação funcional demonstrada pela distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (p<0,001) e pelo teste de exercício cardiopulmonar (p<0,001 para VO2/kg), em comparação ao grupo controle. Estes achados de redução de força e função muscular estão em acordo com os achados de redução da percentagem de fibras do Tipo I à biópsia muscular. O consumo de oxigênio, apresentou correlação com a função da musculatura respiratória e da musculatura extensora de coxa (resistência e força), e com a proporção de fibras oxidativas (Tipo I). O débito cardíaco também apresentou correlação com o VO2. o modelo de análise bivariada demonstrou que a função muscular é preditora independente do VO2 pico, mesmo com a correção para o perfil hemodinâmico. Conclusão: (1) Pacientes com HAP apresentam alteração estrutural e funcional da musculatura estriada periférica, e (2) estas alterações determinam limitação da capacidade global de exercício de forma independente do padrão hemodinâmico característico da HAP / Introduction: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a relentlessly progressive disease that leads to right heart failure and death. Despite advances in pharmacological treatment, prognosis is still poor with survival rates of 86%, 70% and 55% at 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively. Progressive dyspnea and exercise intolerance are the main clinical manifestations and reflect the impairment of right ventricular function. Peripheral skeletal muscle also seems to be a major determinant of functional limitation, as the reduction of oxygen supply and changes in extraction and utilization of oxygen by the muscle are directly associated to exercise tolerance. There are two potential mechanisms involved in the regulation of oxygen supply and therefore in exercise capacity: central (as a function of heart, lung and autonomic nervous system function) and peripheral (associated to peripheral blood flow and skeletal muscle function). Patients with PAH usually present low cardiac output and exacerbated adrenergic state. The combination of these features might result in changes of peripheral skeletal muscle and structure. However, there is no robust information that clearly clarifies whether the muscle involvement is an independent factor for exercise limitation. Objectives: (1) Characterize the role of the peripheral muscles in functional limitation in patients with PAH. (2) Address the role of the peripheral muscle system as an independent factor in exercise limitation in PAH. Materials and methods: Sixteen PAH patients were prospectively compared to 10 control individuals in terms of demographic data, health related quality of life and exercise limitation, assessed by six-minute walk test, cardiopulmonary test, isokinetic dynamometry and maximum respiratory pressure measurements. PAH patients also were submitted to vastus lateralis biopsy in order to assess structural changes. Results: PAH patients presented poorer quality of life (p <0.001), lower percentage of fat free mass (p = 0.044), lower respiratory muscle strength (p <0.001), lower resistance and strength of the extensor of the thigh (p = 0.017 and 0.012, respectively) and greater functional limitation demonstrated by the six-minute walk distance (p <0.001) and at the cardiopulmonary exercise test (p <0.001 for VO2max/kg), as compared to the control group. These findings of reduced muscle strength and function are in agreement with the findings of reduced percentage of Type I fibers at the muscle biopsy. The oxygen consumption correlated to the function of respiratory muscles and of extensor muscles of the thigh (endurance and strength) as well as to the proportion of oxidative fibers (Type I). The cardiac output also correlated with VO2. A bivariate model demonstrated that muscle function is an independent predictor of maximum oxygen consumption, even correcting for the hemodynamic profile. Conclusion: (1) PAH patients present functional and structural changes in peripheral skeletal muscles, and (2) these changes determine overall exercise capacity limitation, independently of the hemodynamic pattern

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