Spelling suggestions: "subject:"riskreduction"" "subject:"bioreduction""
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Propuesta de rediseño de puesto de camarógrafos para reducir a inseguridad ocupacional mediante técnicas ergonómicas y seguridad basada en el comportamiento en una empresa de radio y televisión / Workstation redesign model with ergonomic techniques and behavior-based safety to reduce occupational insecuritySagastizábal Vergara, Alvaro Rodrigo, Segura Zúñiga, Guillermo Manuel Nickolas 18 December 2020 (has links)
El sector de servicios comunitarios sociales y privados donde se encuentra la industria de radio y televisión, se registró que las causas principales de los accidentes del 2018 fueron los falsos movimientos y esfuerzos físicos (23.47%). Estudios realizados al entorno en mención se enfocan en la implementación, mas no en la continuación a través del tiempo interactuando con las condiciones y actos subestándar. Por tal motivo, el presente trabajo de investigación está orientado a una propuesta de rediseño del puesto de trabajo de camarógrafos, validándose mediante un piloto e indicadores. El modelo consta de seis fases: análisis de carga laboral, de ergonómica actual, rediseño del puesto, análisis ergonómico del puesto modificado, inducciones de seguridad y comparación de indicadores, usando herramientas de ingeniería para el diagnóstico como RULA, REBA, antropometría, seguridad basada en comportamiento y la metodología de los 7 pasos. Se tomo como muestra representativa la cantidad de 60 camarógrafos donde se logró reducir un nivel de riesgo ergonómico medio-alto, a bajo, la tasa de accidentes a un 46.7%, el índice de gravedad en un 31.21% y el de seguridad en un 50%. Además, se logró reducir un 55.40% de los costos por accidente, y un 45% la cantidad de actos subestándares. / ABSTRACT
The sector of social and private community services where the radio and television industry are located, it was registered that the main causes of accidents in 2018 were false movements and physical efforts (23.47%). Studies carried out in the environment in question focus on implementation, but not on continuation through time interacting with substandard conditions and acts. For this reason, this research work is aimed at a proposal to redesign the job of cameramen, validating it through a pilot and indicators. The model consists of six phases: workload analysis, current ergonomics, job redesign, ergonomic analysis of the modified job, safety inductions and comparison of indicators, using engineering tools for diagnosis such as RULA, REBA, anthropometry, security based in behavior and the 7-step methodology. The number of 60 cameramen was taken as a representative sample, where it was possible to reduce a level of ergonomic risk from medium-high to low, the accident rate at 46.7%, the severity index at 31.21% and the safety rate at 50 %. In addition, it was possible to reduce 55.40% of the costs per accident, and 45% the number of substandard acts. / Trabajo de investigación
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Exploring urban resilience to disasters : the role of planning in the long-term community rebuilding of Kalamata after the 1986 earthquakeGaris, Myrto Kalliopi 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Metro Manila, Philippines : Case Study of the 2020 Typhoons: Quinta, Rolly and Ulysses / Hantering och minskning av katastrofer i Manila, Filippinerna : Fallstudie av tyfonerna 2020: Quinta, Rolly och UlyssesGranström, Sara Ellinor January 2022 (has links)
The Philippines is considered one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate disasters due to a combination of its geospatial, political, economic, and social attributes. The nation gets hit with an average of 20 annual tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons, and through the process of climate change, these events are only growing in both frequency and magnitude. In the coastal capital city of Metro Manila, climate change coupled with rapid and unplanned urbanization has led to increased vulnerabilities of populations, infrastructures, and increased inequalities. This thesis aims to assess the current disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) frameworks present within the nation and National Capital Region (NCR), through a case study approach of the 2020 typhoons: Quinta, Rolly, and Ulysses. It presents findings through four thematic pillars of disaster prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and early- recovery, and recovery and rehabilitation. It uses the perspectives of three key informants from the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), as well as additional diversified perspectives. Findings suggest that DRRM has evolved since the implementation of the Republic Act No 10121 (RA 10121), or the Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act of 2010, however, can still be improved to tackle root causes of vulnerabilities. I use Roberts and Pelling’s (2020) transformation as liberation model as a theoretical framework to generate recommendations to policymakers that can help address vulnerabilities to typhoons. These recommendations include increasing participation and inclusivity within policy and decision making, creating a formal mechanism to measure vulnerabilities and inform future DRRM policies, and finally to reframe climate change and disaster risks as a socio-ecological issue rather than just an environmental one. / Filippinerna anses vara ett av de mest sårbara länderna i världen för klimatkatastrofer på grund av en kombination av dess geospatiala, politiska, ekonomiska och sociala egenskaper. Nationen drabbas av i genomsnitt 20 årliga tropiska cykloner, även kända som tyfoner, och genom klimatförändringsprocessen växer dessa händelser bara i både frekvens och omfattning. I kusthuvudstaden Metro Manila har klimatförändringar i kombination med snabb och oplanerad urbanisering lett till ökad sårbarhet hos befolkningar, infrastrukturer och ökade ojämlikheter. Denna avhandling syftar till att bedöma de nuvarande ramverken för katastrofriskminskning och -hantering (DRRM) som finns i landet och i National Capital Region (NCR), i fallet med tyfonerna 2020: Quinta, Rolly och Ulysses. Avhandlingen illustrerar resultaten genom fyra tematiska pelare: förebyggande och begränsning av katastrofer, beredskap, insatser och tidig återhämtning samt återhämtning och rehabilitering. Detta görs utifrån tre nyckelinformanters perspektiv, från Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF) och Asian Development Bank (ADB). Resultaten tyder på att nuvarande DRRM-policyer vidmakthåller orättvisa mönster i nationen och det borde tillämpas en förändring som befrielsemodell, baserad på Roberts och Pelling (2020), för att främja en mer rättvis och hållbar hantering av tyfoner i landet. Därför rekommenderas det att DRRM-policyer ökar deltagande och inkludering inom policy- och beslutsfattande, skapa en formell mekanism för att mäta sårbarheter och informera framtida DRRM-policyer, och slutligen att omformulera klimatförändringar och katastrofrisker som socioekologiska frågor snarare än bara miljömässiga sådana.
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Kapacitetsökningsförmåga och katastrofomställning inom intensivvården under COVID-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ uppsats med tillämpad PAR-modellanalys / The medical surge capacity and capability of the Swedish ICU: s under Covid-19: A qualitative thesis with applied PAR model analysisÖgren, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska intensivvården drabbades 2020 av en svår kris när coronapandemin mångdubblade antalet svårt sjuka patienter i en redan hårt belastad verksamhet. För att hantera krisen behövde sjukvården ställa om till katastrofsjukvård. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en fördjupad bild av intensivvårdens kapacitetsökningsförmåga, katastrofomställning och anpassning under Covid -19. Ett intervjuresultat togs fram genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och med hjälp av PAR-modellen härleddes förutsättningarna för den katastrofomställning som genomfördes. Arbetet är en av de första studierna som undersöker coronapandemins effekter på intensivvården med en tydlig riskvetenskaplig metodik. Intervjuresultatet tolkades med hjälp av en kontextanpassad och tillämpad PAR-modell ochvisade att trots en oförberedd sjukvård och dåliga grundförutsättningar lyckas den undersökta verksamheten absorbera chocken och genomföra en katastrofomställning. Den anpassade sig till den grad att patienterna kunde få en kvalitativ vård tack vare stora uppoffringar och umbäranden från vårdpersonalen. / The Swedish intensive care was hit by a severe crisis when the corona pandemic 2020 multiplied the number of seriously ill patients in an already strained health care system. In order to cope with the crisis the healthcare system needed to undergo a surge and adapt to disaster medicine operations. The purpose of this essay was to give an in-depth picture of intensive care's medical surge capacity, transition to disaster medicine and adaptation during Covid -19 through semi-structured interviews. Using the PAR-model I derived the conditions for the disaster transition that was carried out. The work is one of the first studies with a clear risk science methodology that examines the effects of the corona pandemic on the intensive care. The result from the interviews was interpreted with the PARmodel that was adapted to the studies context and showed that despite an underprepared healthcare system and poor basic conditions, the investigated operations manage to absorb the shock and implement a transition to disaster medicine and adapt to the extent that patients could receive qualitative care thanks to great sacrifices and hardship of the healthcare staff.
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”Har du sex som du mår bra av?” : En narrativ analys om barnmorskors erfarenhet av att identifiera sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet hos ungdomar genom bedömningsverktyget SEXIT / ”Do you have sex that makes you feel good?” : A narrative analysis of midwives' experience of identifying sexual ill health and exposure to violence in young people, through the assessment tool SEXITWennberg, Anna, Nordström, Hlin January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet är vanligt bland ungdomar och kan få allvarliga hälso-och beteendemässiga konsekvenser för unga kvinnor och män. Ungdomsmottagningarnas centrala mål är att främja sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorskors roll innebär bland annat att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuellt riskbeteende och våldsutsatthet. Motiv: Utmaningen i barnmorskors dialog med ungdomar är att få dem att dela med sig av negativa erfarenheter vilket sällan sker spontant. Därav utvecklades bedömningsverktyget SEXIT för att underlätta kommunikationen mellan barnmorskor och ungdomar. Studier i norra Sverige saknas angående barnmorskors upplevelse av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att narrativt undersöka hur barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagning upptäcker och bemöter risk- eller våldsutsatta ungdomar innan, under och efter implementering av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med sex barnmorskor. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Riessman’s sätt att bilda en narrativ metaberättelse där intervjuerna kodades och tematiserades. Genusperspektiv användes som inspiration. Resultat: Analysprocessen resulterade i fem narrativa teman som presenterades i en bestämd tidsordning. Första temat, Förtroendeingivande barnmorskor med ambition att fånga upp våldsutsatthet där frågor om våld tappas bort, handlade om hur de fångade upp våld och risktagande innan SEXIT. Tema två, SEXIT en ögonöppnare i teorin men svårare att implementera i praktiken, avser hur barnmorskorna upplevde kursen, resterande tre teman, SEXIT - innebär både motstånd och möjligheter, Tiden - en grundläggande förutsättning för att upptäcka våldsutsatthet och risktagande bland ungdomar, att rutinmässigt utfråga unga kan avslöja sexuell ohälsa, innehöll narrativ som handlade om motstånd, möjligheter, utmaningar som kunde bidra till att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuell ohälsa. Konklusion: Innan SEXIT intog barnmorskorna delvis en undvikande roll gällande riskbeteenden och erfarenhet av våld. Efter SEXIT intog barnmorskorna en mer aktiv roll med direkta frågor baserat på det ifyllda SEXIT-underlaget. SEXIT kan vara ett användbart verktyg, men narrativen tyder på ett visst motstånd mot användning vid dropp-in. / Abstract Background: Sexual risk taking and violence are common among adolescents and can have serious health and behavioral consequences for them. The youth clinics' central goal is to promote sexual and reproductive health. The role of midwives includes, among other things, detecting adolescence with sexual risk behavior and exposure to violence. Motive: The challenge in midwives' dialogue with adolescence to make them share negative experiences, which rarely happens spontaneously. From this, the SEXIT assessment tool was developed to facilitate communication between midwives and adolescents. Studies in northern Sweden are lacking regarding experience of the assessment tool SEXIT. Aim: The aim was to narratively investigate how midwives at youth clinics discover and meet with at-risk or violent adolescence before, during and after implementation of the SEXIT assessment tool. Methods: A qualitative interview study was conducted with six midwives. The interviews were analysed according to Riessman's method of forming a narrative meta-narrative where the interviews were coded and thematized. Gender perspective was used as inspiration. Result: The analysis identified five narrative themes presented chronologically. The first theme, "Confidence-inspiring Midwives," focused on midwives detecting violence issues before SEXIT. Theme two, "SEXIT: Theory verses Practice," explored the challenges of implementing SEXIT in real-life situations. The remaining three themes, "SEXIT: Resisting and Embracing," "Time: Essential for Detecting Violence among Adolescence," and "Routine Questioning Reveals Sexual Health Issues in Adolescence," discussed narratives on resistance, opportunities, and challenges in uncovering sexual health concerns in adolescents. Conclusion: Before SEXIT, the midwives partly assumed an avoidant role regarding risk behaviours and experience of violence. After SEXIT, the midwives took a more active role with direct questions based on the SEXIT assessment tool. It can be a useful tool, but the narrative signifies resistance to use SEXIT during drop-in.
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No description available.
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The Surgical and Management Decision-Making Process of <i>BRCA1</i> and <i>BRCA2</i> Mutation CarriersPuski, Athena Joy Bowen 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Informationsasymmetri och målöverensstämmelse vid implementering av ekonomistyrning : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie på Boliden Mineral ABHjelm, Fredrik, Persson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Inom ekonomistyrning utgår ekonomer oftast från att målöverensstämmelse existerar och att de anställda arbetar utifrån de uppställda målen med perfekt information. Men informationsasymmetri finns överallt och kan leda till ökade kostnader, att fel uppstår och försenade leveranser. Detta är särskilt intressant inom gruvindustrin eftersom den karakteriseras av komplexitet vilket ökar svårigheter med att förmedla styrningen. Frågan blir; under vilka förutsättningar uppstår informationsasymmetri inom styrning och målöverensstämmelse samt hur kan asymmetrin reduceras inom gruvindustrin? Syftet med examensarbetet blir därmed att öka förståelse och analysera hur informationsasymmetri påverkar ekonomistyrning och målöverensstämmelse inom gruvindustrin samt hur asymmetrin kan reduceras. Arbetet utgår ifrån principal-agent teorin som grundas på antaganden om informationsasymmetri och egen nyttomaximering. Utifrån den målkonflikten grundas hypoteserna om de begrepp som ökar och reducerar målöverensstämmelse genom ökad och minskad informationsasymmetri. De olika teoretisk begreppen som undersöktes var missanpassad information, opportunism, återkoppling, internutbildning och tid. Examensarbetet utfördes genom att använda oss av Cavaye (1996) modell för flerstudieansats (eng. Multifaceted research approach) där vi har först gjort Studie 1 som grundas på kvalitativa intervjuer för att få mer information om företaget och industrin. Sedan i Studie 2 testas begreppen genom en kvantitativ enkät som skickades ut till personer inom företaget utifrån ett strategisk urval. Resultatet från undersökningen var att hypoteserna bekräftades och att agenterna anser att målen är viktiga och internutbildning var de starkaste faktorerna för att reducera informationsasymmetri och öka målöverensstämmelse. / In management control systems economist usually assume perfect information and goal congruence from the top to the bottom of the organization. But information asymmetry is everywhere and often leads to increased costs, missed deadlines and other mistakes. This is particularly interesting in the mining industry as it’s characterized by complexity which increases the difficulty of communicating the control system throughout the organization. The research question then becomes; under which circumstances does information asymmetry occur in control systems and goal congruence and how can the asymmetry be reduced in the mining industry? The purpose of the study is therefore to increase the understanding and analyze how information asymmetry impact control systems and goal congruence in the mining industry and how the asymmetry can be reduced. The study is based on the principal-agent theory is based on the assumptions of information asymmetry and self-interest between the two parties. Based on that goal conflict our hypothesis of the variables that increase and reduce goal congruence through increased and decreased information asymmetry is formed. The investigated variables were miss adapted information, opportunism, feedback, workplace education and time. The study was conducted by using Cavaye (1996) model for multifaceted research approach by starting off with Study 1, which was based on qualitative interviews to get more information about the company and the mining industry. Study 2 later tested the variables impact by conducting a quantitative study though the use of a survey that was sent to people of interest within the company though a strategic selection. The result of the study was that the hypotheses were confirmed and that workplace education training and valuing the importance of the goals where the most important variables to reduce information asymmetry and increase goal congruence.
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Health economic evaluation of alternatives to current surveillance in colorectal adenoma at risk of colorectal cancerMcFerran, Ethna January 2018 (has links)
The thesis provides a comprehensive overview of key issues affecting practice, policy and patients, in current efforts for colorectal cancer (CRC) disease control. The global burden of CRC is expected to increase by 60% to more than 2.2 million new cases and 1.1 million deaths by 2030. CRC incidence and mortality rates vary up to 10-fold worldwide, which is thought to reflect variation in lifestyles, especially diet. Better primary prevention, and more effective early detection, in screening and surveillance, are needed to reduce the number of patients with CRC in future1. The risk factors for CRC development include genetic, behavioural, environmental and socio-economic factors. Changes to surveillance, which offer non-invasive testing and provide primary prevention interventions represent promising opportunities to improve outcomes and personalise care in those at risk of CRC. By systematic review of the literature, I highlight the gaps in comparative effectiveness analyses of post-polypectomy surveillance. Using micro-simulation methods I assess the role of non-invasive, faecal immunochemical testing in surveillance programmes, to optimise post-polypectomy surveillance programmes, and in an accompanying sub-study, I explore the value of adding an adjunct diet and lifestyle intervention. The acceptability of such revisions is exposed to patient preference evaluation by discrete choice experiment methods. These preferences are accompanied by evidence generated from the prospective evaluation of the health literacy, numeracy, sedentary behaviour levels, body mass index (BMI) and information provision about cancer risk factors, to highlight the potential opportunities for personalisation and optimisation of surveillance. Additional analysis examines the optimisation of a screening programme facing colonoscopy constraints, highlighting the attendant potential to reduce costs and save lives within current capacity.
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Applying the "safe place, safe person, safe systems" framework to improve OHS management: a new integrated approachMakin, Anne-Marie, Safety Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
A new model was developed to enhance the understanding of the full context of work associated hazards, to explore the connection between OHS performance and a systematic approach to safety, and to simplify approaches to OHS management. This Safe Place, Safe Person, Safe Systems model was derived from the literature and used as the basis for the development of a framework, consisting of 60 elements which was transformed into an assessment tool. This assessment tool was trialled with a pilot study on a medium sized manufacturing plant in the plastics industry, and the tool and Preliminary Report peer reviewed by an expert panel using the Nominal Group Technique. After refinements were made to the assessment tool it was applied to eight case studies that were drawn from advertisements. This qualitative study consisted of two parts: firstly the assessment using the Safe Place, Safe Person, Safe Systems framework; and secondly a controlled self assessment exercise to target improvements to three of the elements over a period of four months. The study illustrated that the Safe Place, Safe Person, Safe Systems framework could be successfully applied in a range of industries to promote OHS improvements and to provide a systematic, planned approach to fulfilling OHS responsibilities. The application of this framework highlighted that: there is a need for further education on the correct application of the risk assessment process and the responsibilities owed to contractors; techniques such as dynamic risk assessments are more suitable where the place of work is variable and hazards are unpredictable; more focus is needed on the appropriate management of hazardous substances with long term health consequences; and that the level of formality invoked for treating hazards does not necessarily equate to improved risk reduction outcomes. The Safe Place, Safe Person, Safe Systems framework was found to be applicable to small, medium and large organisations provided the assessment was scoped to a small division of relatively homogeneous activity to ensure a more representative hazard profile. This approach has provided a way forward to simplify OHS management and also offers practical direction for implementing a targeted OHS improvement program.
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