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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Louis Le Vau et les nouvelles ambitions de l’architecture française (1634-1654) / Louis Le Vau and the New Ambitions of French Architecture (1634-1654)

Cojannot, Alexandre 10 December 2011 (has links)
Par le rôle qu’il a joué dans l’architecture privée en Île-de-France et dans l’architecture royale française, Louis Le Vau (1612-1670) est une figure difficilement contournable du siècle de Louis XIV et de nombreux travaux ont déjà abordé l’étude de sa vie et de son œuvre. Aucune entreprise monographique n’a toutefois été menée à bien à son sujet et des pans entiers de son activité demeurent aujourd’hui encore obscurs. La présente thèse constitue le premier volet d’une étude totale, dans laquelle les fruits de l’érudition et de l’analyse historique et artistique sont répartis suivant une trame chronologique resserrée. Elle couvre les vingt premières années de l’activité de Le Vau, depuis sa première œuvre connue, l’hôtel Bautru en 1634, jusqu’au début de son emploi à titre permanent au service du roi, en 1654. À travers l’étude successive de ses débuts professionnels jusqu’en 1639 (partie I), de son activité sur l’île Saint-Louis (partie II) et des progrès de sa carrière à la ville et à la cour (partie III), le propos est d’éclairer non seulement le portrait du jeune architecte, mais aussi le tableau des ambitions artistiques, sociales et politiques qui animent l’architecture française au milieu du XVIIe siècle. / Louis Le Vau (1612-1670) is one of the most famous artists of Seventeenth-Century France. His reputation is due both to his various town houses in Paris (hôtel Lambert for instance) and in Ile-de-France, and to his part of Premier Architecte of the king Louis XIV, especially on the building sites of the Louvre and Versailles. An amount of publications have dealt with his life and with his architectural works. Still, many major aspects of his career remain rather obscure. This PhD aims at considering Louis Le Vau as a whole, at unifying erudition and critical analysis within a close chronological frame. The twenty first years of Le Vau’s career are here considered, begining with his first work known today, the hôtel Bautru in 1634, and ending with Le Vau starting his permanent service of the king in 1654. Through the study of his youth and of his professional beginnings till 1639 (Part I), through the analysis of his builder’s activity on the Ile Saint-Louis (part II) and lastly, of his conquest of the whole town of Paris and of the Court society, the focus of this PhD is not only on the architectural identity of the young Le Vau, but on the links one can establish between his works and the artistical, social and political ambitions in France in the middle of the seventeenth century.

L'idéologie et les pratiques monarchiques des rois grecs en Bactriane et en Inde / Greek kings ideology and practices in Bactria and India

Chassanite, Christophe 10 April 2015 (has links)
Des rois grecs ont régné sur l'Asie centrale et l'ouest de l'Inde antique du IIIème siècle av. J.C. jusqu'au début de l'ère chrétienne. Ils laissent une image belliqueuse, car le fondement de leur pouvoir fut d'abord militaire. Des indices permettent d'envisager qu'à l'instar des autres souverains hellénistiques ils diffusèrent leurs portraits, mirent en place un culte royal, associèrent parfois leur fils au pouvoir, vécurent entourés d'une cour royale itinérante. Leur gestion économique fut suffisamment efficace pour que la région ne souffrît pas des guerres fréquentes ; les voies de communication furent préservées, le commerce et l'irrigation se développèrent, le système fiscal et administratif semble comparable en efficacité à celui des Perses ou des Séleucides. L'originalité de ces souverains réside dans leur adaptation aux milieux linguistiques et religieux : s'ils défendirent la langue et la culture grecque, pour des raisons identitaires et politiques, ils usèrent parfois du bilinguisme dans les monnaies et y firent graver des dieux compatibles avec les croyances ou les habitudes picturales locales. On peut envisager qu'au tournant de l'ère chrétienne les Grecs aient été lentement absorbés dans le monde asiatique. / Greek kings' domination in Central Asia and Western Antique India was effective from the IIIth Century BC till the beginning of Christian Era. The Greek kings of Central Asia image appears warlike, because their power was at the beginning and mainly a military one. We may suppose that, according to the example of the other Hellenistic sovereigns, these kings spread their sculptured portraits, organized a royal cult, and sometimes ruled with their son ; a royal itinerant court escorted them. The economic management of Greek Central Asia was so effective that the area prospered in spite of wars : the roads were protected, trade and irrigation developed, their fiscal and administrative system is similar to the Persian or Seleucid efficiency. These kings were remarkable because they adapted to the linguistic and religious environments : they defended the Greek language and culture, for political reasons and to preserve their identity ; the coins they engraved were sometimes bilingual, and we identify on it the image of Gods who are compatible with local faiths or pictorial habits. We may suppose that, circa Christian era, after defeat or disappearance of their kings, Greeks were slowly absorbed into the Asian world.

Poskytování ERP v "Cloudu" / ERP IN CLOUD

Michel, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the problematics of providing ERP in Cloud. The main objectives of this thesis lie in either identification of the situation in the ERP market, provision of an outline of particular deployment models, evaluation of strong and weak parts of ERP in cloud in contractor's and customer's point of view and in charting of potential risks and chances for the area. Obtained theoretical findings are utilized in the practical part of the thesis. Its significant portion is dedicated to proposition of methodology for the selection of right ERP model supply. This is then used for the particular choice of Oracle JD Edwards implementation. To achieve these objectives author realizes an analysis of electronic and printed resources as well as consultations with experts and also uses his own practical experiencies from Algotech Corporation. The main contribution of this thesis is in the creation of comprehensive sum of problematics and in the formation of methodology for the right type of deployment selection. This is all considering the further application and verification on the example. Thesis is divided into five theme parts -- ERP, Cloud, ERP in Cloud, methodology and practical setting of the presented methodology.

Poskytování ICT služeb v cloudu / Providing ICT services in the cloud

Neumann, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the ubiquitous cloud computing trend and particularly Software as a Service. The main goal is to specify all pros and cons of this concept for its customers and also cloud providers. The global perspective is then specified to Software as a Service and deployment of SaaS ERP products. The next goal is to define an appropriate method to analyze a company's needs prior to switching to the cloud. Furthermore, recommendations as to whether the cloud is better than an on-premise version should result from the previous analysis. Another aim is to form a process for successful switch to the cloud and ensure all important aspects of using cloud services are covered. Theoretical findings and recommendations are used in a practical example of SaaS ERP deployment. To reach all goals, a theoretical analysis of all available monograph and electronic sources, covering cloud computing and consultations with experts from the company; Algotech BSC, were used. The main added value is in the dual point of view on the topic, from customer's and provider's viewpoints with a more detailed focus on ERP. The author suggests the right procedure for switching to the cloud, guidance with calculating ROI, TCO and preparing all necessary contracts and agreements.

Zlepšení postupů firmy při realizaci zakázek / Company work flow improvement at contract realization

Stejskal, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with proposal of action improvements in company A-WebSys Ltd. while realizing their contracts. The thesis purpose is to minimize risks by future projects, enhance the effectiveness of realization and maintaining of current projects, minimize the employee fluctuation and enhance the overall stability of company. In accordance to this we have supported the thesis with theoretical knowledge and also have realized the analysis of current situation of the company and its environment. Shortcomings and problems identified are then solved by suggested changes each individually contributing to the situation improvement. Practical feasibility of proposed solution and profitability of expended costs is in conclusion proved by the economic assessment.

Strategie vstupu produktu "A" na Český a Slovenský trh / Strategy for Launching Product "A" in the Czech and Slovak Marketplaces

Kolek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Cílem této práce je vypracovat strategii vstupu produktu "A" farmaceutické společnosti "F" na český a slovenský trh. V této práci je tato strategie analyzována a hodnocena pomocí metody NPV (Net Present Value) a dalších metod. Na základě tohoto hodnocení je strategie vybrána. První kapitola zahrnuje teoretická východiska jednotlivých metod použitých pro účely této práce. Je zde zejména osvětlena metoda NPV a metody vhodné pro analýzu relevantních trhů, společnosti "F" produktu "A". Ve druhé kapitole je provedena analýza trhu České a Slovenské republiky a také analýza společnosti "F" a produktu "A". Tyto analýzy zahrnují jak vnitřní tak vnější potenciál společnosti i produktu. V závěrečné kapitole je vypracována navrhovaná strategie vstupu pro produkt 'A', jež je poté ekonomicky hodnoceny pomocí modelu NPV a dalších modelů.

Bezkontaktní měření tepové frekvence z obličeje / Face-detection based touchless measurement of heart rate

Chmelíková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of contactless and noninvasive methods for estimation of heart rate. Contactless measurement is based on capturing person faces by video camera and from sequences of pictures are estimated values of the heart rate. The theoretical part describes heart rate and methods that are being used to estimate heart rate from color changes in the face. It also contains testing of tracking algorithms. Practical part deals with user interface of program for contactless measurement of heart rate and its software solution. Thesis also contains statistical evaluation of program functionality.

An ROI-analysis of Activation in FG2, Amygdala lb and dlPFC : How are they Functionally Organized in a Face Working Memory task

Mira, Jonathan, Österman, Kalle January 2020 (has links)
Working memory (WM) for facial identity and WM for facial expressions of emotions is important in everyday functioning and seems to have different neurobiological correlates. We investigated the level of neural activation in three regions of interest (ROI): the fusiform face area (FFA), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), and amygdala; and how they are related to behavioral performance during an n-back task involving face stimuli with a complex background figure within an fMRI-paradigm. Participants performed three different 2-back tasks, one for facial expressions of emotions (EMO), one for the facial identity (ID), and one for a background figure presented behind the face (FIG). We hypothesized that the FFA would activate more in ID, the amygdala would activate more during EMO, and that the dlPFC would activate in all n-back tasks. An ROI analysis was done to extract mean activation values from the participants (N = 32) in the fusiform gyrus area 2 (FG2), the laterobasal amygdala (amygdala lb), and dlPFC in the different tasks. A one way repeated measures ANOVA revealed a similar activation in FG2 and amygdala lb in both ID and EMO. During the FIG task higher activation in FG2 was shown in comparison with ID and EMO, and lower activation in amygdala lb was shown in comparison to ID. dlPFC was activated in all tasks. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between amygdala lb activation and reaction time in the FIG task, where an abstract figure was kept in WM and facial information was to be ignored. These results indicate that the activation in FG2 and amygdala lb might not differ between WM for facial identity and WM for facial expressions of emotions, which is unexpected in comparison to perception studies where a difference in these nodes has been reported for processing these two different types of information. This might suggest that the role of these neural nodes differ depending on WM load and task irrelevant features.

Semantic segmentation using convolutional neural networks to facilitate motion tracking of feet : For real-time analysis of perioperative microcirculation images in patients with critical limb thretening ischemia

Öberg, Andreas, Hulterström, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) toperform semantic segmentation of feet during endovascular surgery in patientswith Critical Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI). It is currently being investigatedwhether objective assessment of perfusion can aid surgeons during endovascularsurgery. By segmenting feet, it is possible to perform automatic analysis of perfusion data which could give information about the impact of the surgery in specificRegions of Interest (ROIs). The CNN was developed in Python with a U-net architecture which has shownto be state of the art when it comes to medical image segmentation. An imageset containing approximately 78 000 images of feet and their ground truth segmentation was manually created from 11 videos taken during surgery, and onevideo taken on three healthy test subjects. All videos were captured with a MultiExposure Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (MELSCI) camera developed by Hultman et al. [1]. The best performing CNN was an ensemble model consisting of10 sub-models, each trained with different sets of training data. An ROI tracking algorithm was developed based on the Unet output, by takingadvantage of the simplicity of edge detection in binary images. The algorithmconverts images into point clouds and calculates a transformation between twopoint clouds with the use of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. The resultis a system that perform automatic tracking of manually selected ROIs whichenables continuous measurement of perfusion in the ROIs during endovascularsurgery.


Ström, Jessica, Backhans, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Volvo Construction Equipment (CE) are facing the challenge of vibrations in their wheel loaders that generate disruptive noise and impact the driver's experience. These vibrations have been linked to the contact surface between the crown wheel and pinion gear in the vehicles drive-axles. In response, this thesis was created to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, which can identify outliers in a dataset containing images of the contact surfaces between the crown wheel and pinion gear. However, the dataset exhibits variations in image sharpness, exposure and centering of the crown wheel, which hinders its suitability for machine vision tasks. The varying quality of the images poses the challenge of accurately extracting relevant features required to analyze the images through machine learning algorithms. This research aims to address these challenges by investigating two research questions. (1) what method can be employed to extract the Region of Interest (ROI) in images of crown wheels? And (2) which method is suitable for detection of outliers within the ROI? To find answers to these questions, a literature study was conducted leading up to the implementation of two architectures: You Only Look Once (YOLO) v5 Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB) and a Hybrid Autoencoder (BAE). Visual evaluation of the results showed promising outcomes particularly for the extraction of ROIs, where the relevant areas were accurately identified despite the large variations in image quality. The BAE successfully identified outliers that deviated from the majority, however, the results of the model were influenced by the differences in image quality, rather than the geometrical shape of the contact patterns. These findings suggest that using the same feature extraction method on a higher-quality dataset or employing a more robust segmentation method, could increase the likelihood of identifying the contact patterns responsible for the vibrations.

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